Inflammatory Biomarkers and Psychological Variables To Assess Quality of Life in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease A Cross-Sectional Study
Inflammatory Biomarkers and Psychological Variables To Assess Quality of Life in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease A Cross-Sectional Study
Inflammatory Biomarkers and Psychological Variables To Assess Quality of Life in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease A Cross-Sectional Study
Research Article
CONTACT José Miguel Soria López [email protected] Department of Biomedical Sciences, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera – Campus Elche,
Plaza Reyes católicos, 19, 03204, Elche, Alicante, Spain.
© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
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Beyond the physiological manifestations of diges- preceding 12 months and should not have undergone
tive ulcers, mounting evidence underscores the pro- alterations in their medication regimen or modifica-
found impact of IBD on mental health, with a tions to their standard treatment within the previous
substantial proportion of patients experiencing comor- 3 months. Exclusions from the study comprised individ-
bid conditions such as anxiety and depression [8–11]. uals who lacked proficiency in the Spanish language,
Notably, poor mental health has been consistently those with diagnosed psychiatric disorders, individuals
linked to disease severity among IBD patients [12–16]. who had recently experienced significant emotional
For instance, recent research highlights the mediat- distress, or individuals who were pregnant at the time
ing role of psychological distress in exacerbating of recruitment. It’s important to note that all study
Crohn’s disease activity in response to stressful life participants gave written informed consent, signifying
events [11]. In this context, one plausible psychological their willingness to participate in the research before
construct influencing symptom severity is somatiza- its start.
tion, defined as distress stemming from somatic symp-
toms [17].
Data collection (outcome measures)
Given this context, our study aims to uncover con-
nections between the QoL of individuals with IBD and The concentration of faecal calprotectin (FC) was
biomarker profiles, including CRP, FC, and cortisol, as determined through fluorescent enzyme immunoassay
well as psychological variables like anxiety and depres- analysis, with a measurement range spanning from 0
sion. In addition, the innovative use of hair cortisol to 100 mg/g of dry weight. This analysis was con-
analysis here seeks to offer valuable insights into the ducted using a UniCap 100 analyser. Simultaneously,
feasibility of this measure and the intricate interplay of levels of plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) and cortisol
biological and psychosocial factors in IBD. were assessed using hair samples collected during the
patients’ most recent hospital consultations. For CRP
quantification, an immunoturbidimetric assay was per-
Methods formed utilizing a Cobas 8000 analyser (module c701).
Design This method relies on the formation of insoluble
immune complexes proportional to the CRP concentra-
This cross-sectional study obtained approval (Identification tion, with changes in turbidity quantified spectropho-
code: MINDFULNESS-EII2016) from the Human Ethics tometrically in milligrams per millilitre. Cortisol levels
Committee of Sagunto Hospital, in compliance with the were determined following the manufacturer’s instruc-
ethical principles delineated in the Declaration of Helsinki. tions (DRG Instruments GmbH, Germany) using a
The data were collected as part of a previous random- high-sensitivity cortisol enzyme-linked immunosorbent
ized controlled trial [2] and were used for secondary assay kit designed for saliva and hair samples (ELISA,
analysis. Salivary Cortisol ELISA DRG, DRG Instruments GmbH;
Ref.: SLV 2930. Lot.: 63K047). This assay exhibited a
sensitivity of 0.024 ng/ml and a detection range span-
ning from 0 to 30 ng/ml.
Eligible participants in this study were individuals aged To mitigate potential biases arising from different
between 18 and 55 years, diagnosed with either kit lots, all sample analyses were conducted simultane-
Crohn’s disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC) in accor- ously at the study’s conclusion [19]. Hair samples were
dance with the diagnostic criteria established by the obtained from the posterior vertex area of each
European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization (ECCO). patient, meticulously cleaned with 2.5 ml of isopropa-
Additionally, these participants were required to be in nol through agitation (1,800 rpm for 2.5 min) to elimi-
clinical remission for a period of three months prior to nate contaminants and external steroids without
enrolment, as previously documented [1,2,18]. affecting internal steroid levels. After drying for 36 h at
Furthermore, the following inclusion criteria were room temperature, the samples were cut into frag-
applied: participants were expected to be free from ments measuring less than 2 mm with scissors.
cognitive impairment, UC patients were required to Subsequently, 120–150 mg of each sample was placed
have a partial Mayo Score of 2 points or less with no into microtubes, and 1.5 ml of methanol was added,
individual item scores exceeding 1 point, while CD followed by an 18-h incubation at 30 °C with stirring
patients were expected to exhibit a Harvey-Bradshaw (100 rpm, Mixer block®). After centrifugation of the
score of less than 5 points. Moreover, participants vials at 7,000 g for 2 min, 750 μl of the liquid phase was
must have remained free from disease flare-ups for the recovered and incubated in fresh microtubes at 38 °C
Annals of Medicine 3
until complete desiccation. The obtained residue was computed bivariate correlations for all study partici-
then reconstituted in 0.2 ml of 0.05 M phosphate- pants using the Pearson correlation coefficient. To
buffered saline. avoid increasing type I error by repeating the statisti-
To measure the patient QoL we used the cal tests for each of the dependent variables, a
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire 32 Bonferroni adjustment was applied to the significance
(IBDQ-32); which contains 32 items distributed into 4 level. Thus, the alpha level for the 5 comparisons was
dimensions (bowel and systemic symptoms, emotional 0.05/5, that is, p = 0.01. The strength of the Pearson
condition and social function). The responses to each correlation was interpreted in accordance with recom-
item are expressed on a 7-point scale, where 7 corre- mendations by Hopkins et al. where correlations in the
sponds to the best perception of health-related QoL range of 0.0–0.1 were considered trivial, 0.1–0.3
and 1 to the worst. In this study, the global score was denoted small, 0.3–0.5 signified moderate, 0.5–0.7 rep-
used for all 32 items. The IBDQ-32 has also been vali- resented large, 0.7–0.9 indicated very large, and 0.9–1
dated in Spanish and showed adequate psychometric approximated an almost perfect correlation [22].
properties [20]. In addition, the levels of anxiety and Furthermore, stepwise linear regression analyses were
depression in the patients were evaluated using the executed to develop a model aimed at identifying
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), a tool independent factors contributing to IBDQ-32 scores.
encompassing a total of 14 questions. Within this Prior to variable selection, we scrutinized the correla-
questionnaire, 7 questions pertain to the assessment tion coefficients between the independent variables
of anxiety symptoms (referred to as HADS-A), while and QoL, selecting only those with statistically signifi-
the remaining 7 questions gauge symptoms of depres- cant correlations for further analysis. All statistical anal-
sion (referred to as HADS-D). Each individual item in yses were carried out using SPSS software (version
the scale is assigned a score within the range of 0 to 27.0 for Windows, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).
3, resulting in a possible score range of 0 to 21 points
for each subscale.
Moreover, this scale has also been validated in Results
Spanish for which it showed adequate psychometric
A comprehensive screening process involved a total of
properties [21]. In addition, it had an internal consis-
93 patients for this study. Of these, 19 individuals were
tency (Cronbach alpha) of 0.90 for the full scale, with
excluded; four patients declined participation, and 15
the depression subscale and anxiety subscale reaching
did not meet the specified inclusion criteria. An over-
0.84 and 0.85, respectively. Completion of theIBDQ-32
view of the demographic and clinical characteristics of
and HADS assessments was managed by a nurse who
the study population is presented in Table 1. The mean
delivered the questionnaires to the patients to be
age of the included participants was 45 years (SD =
immediately filled in.
11), with a predominance of female participants (80%).
All data are available in Zenodo.
Regarding the distribution of IBD subtypes among the
participants, it was evenly distributed, with each sub-
Data analysis type comprising 50% of the cohort. The mean dura-
tion of disease was 10.8 years (SD = 8.4), indicating a
No studies have investigated the correlation between
substantial period of illness management among the
hair cortisol levels and quality of life in patients with
participants. Notably, all participants were in clinical
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The following
assumption was made to test the hypothesis that hair
cortisol levels are related to quality of life: higher lev-
Table 1. Characteristics of the study population with ulcer-
els of cortisol in hair are associated with worse quality
ative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
of life. We conducted an exploratory power analysis
Age (y) 45.0 (11.0)
using the G*Power (v3.1.9.2, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Sex (men/women) 15/59
Düsseldorf, Germany) software and determined that 67 CD/UC (%) 50/50
Disease duration (y) 10.8 (8.4)
participants would yield 80% statistical power at a 5% Faecal calprotectin (μg/g) 212 (342)
significance level for a small to moderate effect size Cortisol in hair (μg/mL) 1.9 (3.0)
C-reactive protein (mg/dL) 2.0 (2.7)
(r = 0.3). Compliance with the assumption of normality IBDQ-32 10.5 (4.6)
was checked for each dependent variable using HADS Anxiety 10.6 (4.6)
HADS Depression 6.2 (4.3)
Shapiro–Wilks tests. To establish the independent asso-
Abbreviations: CD = Crohn’s disease; UC = ulcerative colitis; IBDQ = Inflammatory
ciation between IBDQ-32 and the other outcome mea- Bowel Disease Questionnaire; HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.
sures (FC, CRP, hair cortisol, HADS-A, and HADS-D), we Data are presented as means with SD.
remission at the time of enrollment, ensuring a homo- progression. Indeed, several investigations have demon-
geneous baseline for the study. strated strong correlations between gastrointestinal dis-
Interestingly, the IBDQ-32 did not significantly cor- ease remission and reduced levels of specific biomarkers
relate with any of the biomarkers (fecal calprotectin [23,24]. Furthermore, associations between certain gas-
[FC], C-reactive protein [CRP], or hair cortisol), as trointestinal assessments and QoL parameters linked to
shown in Table 2. However, the IBDQ-32 demonstrated disease severity have been documented. Notably, faecal
a large and statistically significant negative correlation calprotectin, a biomarker previously associated with
with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Anxiety intestinal inflammation and dysbiosis, has shown cor-
(HADS-A) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale- relations with increased digestive symptoms and dimin-
Depression (HADS-D) scores. The associations between ished QoL scores [25]. Nevertheless, consistent with our
IBDQ-32 and the independent variables are systemati- findings, the relationship between fluctuations in bio-
cally summarized in Table 2. Furthermore, stepwise lin- marker concentrations during the course of gastrointes-
ear regression analyses were conducted to explore the tinal disease and the QoL index may sometimes be
predictors of IBDQ-32 scores, as detailed in Table 3. insignificant [26,27]. This could be attributed, in part, to
Notably, our analysis revealed that HADS-A was a sig- the comprehensive nature of the QoL index, which is
nificant and independent predictor for the IBDQ-32 influenced by various parameters, with certain factors
outcome (Adjusted R2 = 0.41, β = −0.65, p < 0.001). such as the perception of anxiety disorders or depres-
Model 1, which included HADS-A as the sole predictor, sion carrying significant weight [28]. In this regard,
explained 41.3% of the variation in the IBDQ-32 scores. alongside physical symptoms, IBD presents substantial
Subsequently, Model 2 was constructed by adding psychosocial challenges, with rates of depression as
HADS-D alongside HADS-A, resulting in an increased high as 25.3% and anxiety as high as 32.1%, escalating
explanatory power, with 45.6% of the variation in to 38.9% and 57.6%, respectively, during active disease
IBDQ-32 scores being accounted for. states [29]. Moreover, recent meta-analyses have indi-
cated that depression and anxiety predict poorer clini-
cal outcomes in IBD, including disease flares,
Discussion hospitalization, therapy escalation, and surgery [30].
This study endeavors to elucidate the intricate inter- Therefore, addressing mental health concerns should be
play between C-reactive protein (CRP), fecal calprotec- prioritized in IBD treatment and taken into account in
tin (FC), hair cortisol levels, and psychological variables order to stablish the severity of the disorder [31].
such as anxiety and depression in relation to the qual- Consistent with these findings, our study revealed
ity of life (QoL) among patients diagnosed with inflam- that scores on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression
matory bowel disease (IBD). To our knowledge, this Scale (HADS-D and HADS-A) accounted for 45.6% of the
investigation represents the inaugural effort to estab- variance in IBDQ-32 scores. Thus, parameters such as
lish correlations between concentrations of inflamma- HADS-A or HADS-D are pivotal in assessing QoL and,
tion biomarkers and QoL in this context. consequently, integral to QoL index scores [32–35].
Contrary to our initial hypotheses, the correlations Indeed, therapies aimed at ameliorating anxiety or
between concentrations of inflammation biomarkers depression processes in these patients, evaluated using
and QoL were found to be weak and non-significant. HADS-A and HADS-D, improved QoL perceptions and
However, as anticipated, levels of anxiety and depres- mean QoL index scores [36]. Moreover, a meta-analysis
sion exhibited a robust and significant negative correla-
tion with QoL. Previous studies have underscored the
utility of biological markers in tracking disease Table 3. Multiple stepwise linear regression analyses with the
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire-32 as the depen-
dent variable.
Table 2. Correlation coefficients for the Inflammatory Bowel IBDQ-32
Disease Questionnaire-32 and independent variables. Standardised
Cortisol in Independent Adjusted R2 Beta Beta
Variables FC CRP hair HADS-A HADS-D variables R2 R2 change coefficient significance
IBDQ-32 0.219 −0.103 0.102 −0.651* −0.611* Model 1 0.42 0.41 0.42
FC 0.073 0.032 −0.278 −0.108 HADS-A −0.65 < 0.001
CRP −0.010 0.014 0.120 Model 2 0.47 0.45 0.05
Cortisol in hair −0.229 −0.194 HADS-A −0.43 0.002
HADS-A 0.684* HADS-D −0.31 0.025
Abbreviations: CRP = C-reactive protein; FC = faecal calprotectin ; HADS = Abbreviations: HADS-A = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Anxiety;
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and IBDQ = Inflammatory Bowel HADS-D = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Depression and IBDQ-32 =
Disease Questionnaire, *p < 0.01. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire-32.
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