Relay Coordination

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Koordinasi Arus Lebih Pada Jaringan Radial

Dr. Ir. Redy Mardiana Laboratorium Teknik Tegangan dan Arus Tinggi Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung

Radial System

R1 provides primary protection to line 1 R2 provides primary protection to line 2 & remote backup for line 1 Farthest relay from the source is set first Relays located on source side of the line
Trip direction towards the line The radial system is inherently directional
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Inverse Characteristic

Time-Current Characteristic of overcurrent relay

PSM = Pickup Setting Multiplier (know also as Plug Setting Multiplier)
Primary current (fault current) Primary seting current (pickup) I = F I PU


Pickup can be changed using Tap IPU=ITAP

Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Adjustable Setting of Inverse Relay

Time Dial Setting (TDS) also known as Time Multiplier Setting (TMS)
To set relay operating time

Pickup Current which relate to Pickup Setting Multiplier (PSM) (also known as Plug Multiplier Setting)
To set pickup current for relay to operate

Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Time Multiplier Setting (TMS)

TDS = T Tm

T = the required time of operation Tm= the time obtained from the relay characteristic curve at TDS = 1.0 Example: If the time obtained from relay characteristic curve (TDS=1.0) is 4.0 , while the required time to operate the relay is 0.4s , then TDS is set to 0.4/4.0 = 0,1.

Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Pickup Setting Multiplier (PSM)

PSM = = Primary Current (Fault Current) I F = Primary setting current (pickup) I PU Primary Current (Fault Current) Relay current setting CT Ratio

Example: If fault current IF is 3000A and primary pickup current is 200A, then PSM = 3000/200=15. If the installed CT has a ratio of 400/5 then the relay current setting is 200 x 5/400 = 2.5A. (or the relay tap = 2.5A)


3000 3000 = = 15 200 2.5 (400 / 5)

* Pickup current sometimes refers to relay current setting if it is seen from secondary side of CT
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

To determine Pickup and Time Dial setting of Time Overcurrent R1

Determine minimum fault current (IF-MIN) and full load current (IFL) Determine primary pickup IPU IFL< IPU< IF-MIN Determine relay current setting (= IPU/CTR) Relay current setting also known as pickup current at secondary side TDS is set at the lowest value (e.g. 0.5) No coordination is necessary for R1

I F MIN 1.3 I 2 ; I = 3 I3 2


3 I 3 = 0.33I 3 1.3 2 2

Handbook recommendation, the effect of arc resistance has been considered

Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

To determine Pickup and Time Dial setting of Time Overcurrent R1

Coordination for all currents is done at maximum multiple of pickup. It is achieved at IF-MAX Calculate IPU Calculate IF-MAX Calculate PSM Set TDS at 0.5 (the lowest) Determine time from curves (=tOP-R1)
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To determine Pickup and Time Dial setting of Time Overcurrent R2

tOP-R2 ' tOP-R1 + tCTI
tCTI is the coordinating time interval (known as time margin) tB1 is the CB time to operate tOT is the over-travel time tSF is safety factor

1. Choose tCTI and calculate tOP-R2 2. Calculate IPU 3. Calculate IF-MAX (at closest to R1) 4. Calculate PSM 5. Determine TDS time from curves

Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Coordinating Time Interval (CTI)

The CTI Consists of:
1. CB fault-interruption or fault-clearing time, typically 28 cycles (0.0330.133 sec). 2. Relay overtravel time: The energy stored in the electromechanical induction disk or solid-state circuitry will continue operation after the initiating energy is removed. Typically, this is not more than 0.030.06 sec for electromechanical units; less, but not zero, for solid-state units. 3. Safety factor (safety margin) for errors or difference s in equipmentoperating time, fault current magnitudes , CT ratios, and so on. The CTI values frequently used in relay coordination range between 0.2 and 0.5 sec, depending on the degree of confidence or the conservatism of the protection engineer0.3 sec, is the frequently used CTI value.
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Selection of Time Characteristic

Inverse used when IF is dependent on generation not fault location Very Inverse used when IF is dependent on fault location used when IF independent of normal changes in generating capacity Extremely Inverse used when IF is dependent on fault location used when IF independent of normal changes in generating capacity Ease coordinates with fuses and reclosers
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Relay Characteristics Equations

Inverse Time
T= 0.14 TDS PSM 0.02 1

Very Inverse Time


13.6 TDS PSM 1

Extremely Inverse Time


80 TDS 2 PSM 1
3 TDS log10 ( PSM )

IDMT (Inverse Definite Minimum Time)

T = Relay operating time; TDS = Time Dial Setting; PSM= Pickup setting Multiplier
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Persamaan Karakteristik Rele

Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Persamaan Karakteristik Rele

Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Combination Inverse and Instantaneous

Upstream relay has longer tOP than downstream relay Very undesirable for the fault closes to the source, IF will be very large but the relay operating time is longer. This will damages the equipment (the source) Combine inverse and instantaneous overcurrent relay to reduce fault clearing time
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Reduction of Operating Times With Instantaneous Overcurrent Relays

The most significant reduction in operating time is on line section 4 Instantaneous relay provides primary protection mainly for close-in faults
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Instantaneous Overcurrent Relays (IOC)

F1 is the closest to R1

Use to reduce fault clearing times Provide no backup protection IOC relay must NEVER operate for faults beyond line section end Setting Pickup for IOC:

I PU = k I 3


(at F1)

1.25 k 1.5

Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB


Pengaman Hubung Singkat Relai dialiri oleh Arus Fasa, Tetapi Juga Dialiri oleh Arus Beban, maka Iset > Ibeban
Cara 1

Cara 2

Jika terjadi gangguan ke tanah dimana Igangguan < Ibeban, maka relay tak beroperasi
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB


Pengaman Hubung Singkat 1 Fasa Ketanah Arus gangguan (1 fasa ketanah) < (arus beban max.), karena : - Gangguan lewat tahanan gangguan - Pentanahan Netral Lewat Impedansi Oleh sebab itu relai gangguan tanah tidak dipasang di arus fasa tetapi mengambil arus residu dari arus ke tiga fasa.
Cara 1

Cara 2

*Setting pickup ground fault relay jauh lebih rendah dari overcurrent.
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Residual Earth Fault Relays

There are two types:
Residual Current Relay (also known as zero sequence current relay) Residual Voltage Relay (also known as zero sequence voltage relay)

Residual current and voltage only exists when a fault current flows to earth, Need to coordinate with similar relays downstream.
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Residual Earth Fault Relays

Residual Current Relay
Commonly used for :
Solidly grounding system Low resistance grounding system.

Current flowing on relay is quite high due to solidly or low resistance groundings. Rarely used for high resistance grounding system. Fault current is higher compared to ungrounded or high resistance grounding systems.

Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Residual earth fault (EF) connection:

a) b) c) Single ground relay Combine ground and 3 phase relays Combine ground and 2 phase relays

Configuration (c) consists of two phases since these will detect any interphase fault; the connections to the earth-fault relay are unaffected by this consideration. The typical settings for earth-fault relays are 30%-40% of the full-load current or minimum earth-fault current on the part Dr.Ir. of the system being protected. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

Residual Earth Fault Relays

Residual Voltage Relay
Commonly used for ungrounded neutral system and sometimes high resistance grounding system. Voltage provides the best indication of ground fault because the current is low due to ungrounded neutral syatem. The circuit uses a wyebroken-delta potential transformer with an overvoltage relay connected across the opening in the delta.
Dr.Ir. Redy Mardiana - STEI ITB

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