5.1-01 SOP For Personnel Managment
5.1-01 SOP For Personnel Managment
5.1-01 SOP For Personnel Managment
Reviewer approval
C. Amendment
Rev. Page Description of Amendment Amendment Effective Name &
of approval
1. Purpose
This procedure describes managing of personnel from the time they join APHIDBL up to
the time of retirement.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all laboratory staffs in APHIDB Laboratory.
3. Responsibilities
The Laboratory Director and Quality manager share the responsible of ensuring effective
implementation and maintenance of this procedure.
4. Definitions
Personnel Management: An administrative function to provide the personnel needed
and to manage the general employee-employee relationship.
5. Abbreviations:
ALS All Laboratory Section
APHIDBL Amhara Public Health Institute Dessie Branch Laboratory
EQA External Quality Assessment
ISO International Standard for Organization
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
6. Activity Description
6.1. Recruitment and Hiring
APHIDBL uses the government of Ethiopia procedures for the recruitment of
laboratory personnel.
All personnel are recruited through the APHIDBL human resource management
and are forwarded to the laboratory.
All personnel are recruited on the basis of their qualification as a medical
laboratory technologist/technician and MSc/PHD
All personnel are registered with professional licencing body if applicable.
6.2. Job Descriptions
Upon reporting for work, the laboratory director prepares the Job description for
the personnel, which will detail the responsibility of the position.
Job descriptions also contain the qualifications required for each position.
The respective member of staff is given the job description to sign
A copy of the signed job description is kept in the personnel file.
6.3. Orientation
All new members of staff are oriented to the laboratory by laboratory director or
Quality manager. Students and other temporary staff not staying more than three
months do not undergo a full scope of the orientation but will required to sign
confidentiality and visitor form.
Orientation of new staff covers the following:
Introduction to each of the sections of the laboratory,
the terms and conditions of employment,
staff facilities i.e. washrooms, tea rooms, changing rooms,
health and safety requirements (including fire and emergency), and
occupational health services
Orientation for the new member of staff is conducted during the first month of
reporting to work.
The laboratory director orients staff and completes the orientation checklist.
The laboratory director introduces new staff to the rest of the staff, gives
orientation on ethics, terms and conditions of work.
The Quality manager orients staff to the quality management system.
The laboratory director /quality manager orients staff to the respective sections,
equipment and the technical procedures in use.
Safety officer orients staff to the safety requirements.
New member of staff acknowledges on the orientation checklist as proof of having
completed the orientation
The Quality manager develops a training plan which gives details of various
topics to be presented.
Training sessions are conducted twice a year.
All members of staff are required to undergo training on the following topics:
All members of staff undergo competency assessment at least once years for the
activities they perform.
Competence assessment is done after training.
Competence assessment is done using a combination of the following means:
b. Testing of Known Samples: Trainee is given samples with known results like
EQA samples /quality control samples or previously analyzed samples.
Trainee is expected to produce expected results in order to be deemed
c. Theory test: Trainee will be given some theory questions to assess their
understanding of the procedure. Pass mark for theory test will be indicated on
the question paper.
Trainee will be competent upon fulfilling all the three criteria above, thereafter the
laboratory director gives authority to perform work independently.
7. Supporting Documents
8. Reference
9. Declaration
I, the undersigned laboratory personnel, certify that I am conducting every steps of the procedures
incorporated in this SOP after a prior reading.
Name Signature and Date
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