1ST Term
1ST Term
1ST Term
Take a rain check. To refuse an When her friend Dejar algo para otro
invitation, or say that invited her out to momento.
you would like to lunch on Sunday,
accept it, but at a she asked if she
different time. could take a rain
check because she
was busy.
Add insult to injury. Hurt somebody's He told me I was too Para colmo… / por
feelings who is old for the job, but si fuera poco…
already in a bad then to add insult to
situation because of injury, he refused to
what you said pay my expenses!
Break your back. To work extremely She broke her back Dejarse la piel.
hard in order to get to get the report
something. finished on time.
Acid test. Proof that shows the They've always Prueba decisiva.
value of someone or been friends, but the
something. acid test came when
they had to share an
Through thick and You keep on with We have been En las buenas y en
thin. somebody for the together through las malas.
good things/times thick and thin, so we
and the bad ones. will not leave each
other now.
Rooted to the spot. Unable to move. She was rooted to Estar clavado en el
the spot with fear/ sitio.