2008 Spring Magazine
2008 Spring Magazine
2008 Spring Magazine
The high stakes of faculty
pg. 26
Grads in D.C.; Vilsack’s
take on running for
president; excerpt from
Lytton’s on Holding
Bishops Accountable;
reflections from the State
Bar president; mother and
son in school together.
E. Stewart Jones Jr., Esq. ’66 New York, N.Y.
Troy, N.Y.
Eugene M. Sneeringer Jr., Esq. ’79
Albany, N.Y.
Mary Ann McGinn, Esq. ’83 Victoria M. Stanton, Esq. ’87
Albany, N.Y. Glenmont, N.Y.
Robert B. Stiles, Esq. ’76
SECRETARY Rochester, N.Y.
Robert C. Miller, Esq. ’68
Clifton Park, N.Y. Dale M. Thuillez, Esq. ’72
Albany, N.Y.
TREASURER Johnna G. Torsone, Esq. ’75
Hon. Erik E. Joh, ’70 Pitney Bowes Inc., Stamford, Conn.
Boynton Beach, Fla.
Hon. Randolph F. Treece ’76
MEMBERS Albany, N.Y.
Stephen C. Ainlay, Ph.D. Allen J. Vickey, Esq. ’05
Schenectady, N.Y. New York, N.Y.
William A. Brewer III, Esq. ’77 Donna E. Wardlaw, Esq. ’77
Dallas, Texas Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Hon. Anthony V. Cardona ’70 Stephen P. Younger, Esq. ’82
Albany, N.Y. New York, N.Y.
Barbara D. Cottrell, Esq. ’84
Albany, N.Y.
Thomas F. Guernsey
Benjamin D. Gold, Esq. ’06 President and Dean,
New York, N.Y. Albany, N.Y.
J.K. Hage III, Esq. ’78
Hon. Richard J. Bartlett
Susan M. Halpern, Esq. ’83 Glens Falls, N.Y.
Denton, Texas
Charlotte S. Buchanan, Esq. ’80
Harold Hanson, Esq. ’66 Glenmont, N.Y.
Bonita Springs, Fla.
Harry J. D’Agostino, Esq. ’55
James E. Kelly, Esq. ’83 Colonie, N.Y.
Garden City, N.Y.
Donald D. DeAngelis Esq. ’60
Peter C. Kopff, Esq. ’75 Albany, N.Y.
New York, N.Y.
Robert V. Gianniny, Esq. ’53
Betty Lugo, Esq. ’84 Rochester, N.Y.
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Jonathan P. Harvey, Esq. ’66
Hon. Bernard J. Malone Jr. ’72 Albany, N.Y.
Albany, N.Y.
Stephen M. Kiernan, Esq. ’62
Jacqueline Mecchella-Bushwack, Esq. ’07 Voorheesville, N.Y.
New York, N.Y.
Matthew H. Mataraso, Esq. ’58
Thomas J. Mullin, Esq. ’76 Albany, N.Y.
Rochester, N.Y.
Hon. Thomas J. McAvoy ’64
William F. Pendergast, Esq. ’72 Binghamton, N.Y.
Washington, D.C.
Frank H. Penski, Esq. ’74
James T. Potter, Esq. ’80 New York, N.Y.
Albany, N.Y.
Peter M. Pryor, Esq. ’54
Rory J. Radding, Esq. ’75 Albany, N.Y.
New York, N.Y.
William E. Redmond, Esq. ’55
Richard A. Reed, Esq. ’81 Albany, N.Y.
Albany, N.Y.
Edgar A. Sandman, Esq. ’46
Harry Robinson, Esq. ’65 Naples, Fla.
Cohoes, N.Y.
David S. Williams, Esq. ’42
Hon. John L. Sampson ’91 Slingerlands, N.Y.
Albany, N.Y.
John J. Yanas, Esq. ’53
Thomas M. Santoro, Esq. ’72 Albany, N.Y.
Miami, Fla.
2 In Brief
13 Student Life
18 Alumni at Work
31 Faculty Work
33 Faculty Notes
38 Alumni News In an article in the Fall ’07 issue titled “Prof. Bowmar
Retires After Three Decades,” we incorrectly stated how
43 Class Notes long Prof. Bowmar was a faculty member at Albany Law
School. Prof. Bowmar taught at the school for 40 years.
55 In Memoriam
In an article in the same issue, titled “Law in the Family:
Today’s Students Following Parent’s Path,” we mistakenly
omitted from the list Kathleen “Casey” Copps ’09, who
has two parents who graduated from Albany Law School:
Carl D. Copps ’80 and Anne Reynolds Copps ’81.
Thoughtful and Savvy, Vilsack ’75 Answers Any and Every Question Asked
death decisions in hospital
situations, but a committed gay
couple for 25 years has none of
those rights? We ought to have a
civil system to support the value
Earlier that day it was
announced that former vice
president Al Gore had won the
Nobel Peace Prize. Asked by a
“How can someone student whether Gore should
run for president, Vilsack, who
be married to at the time was national co-chair
Britney Spears for Sen. Clinton’s presidential
campaign, offered an unrehearsed
for 54 hours and response that called for Gore to
have all the rights follow his “passion” as an environ-
mental advocate. By the time the
attached to it, Vilsack speaking to students on campus. That night he received the second television interviewer
asked him the same question
like inheritance Distinguished Alumni Award.
later that day, Vilsack’s message
and life and death Like any good presidential candi- and no greater pressure than had swelled to a confident,
date, two-term Iowa governor being in a courtroom in front perfectly crafted reply.
decisions… but Tom Vilsack ’75 can talk fluently of a jury,” Vilsack said toward At the time of his visit,
a committed about pretty much any domestic the middle of the session. Vilsack was heading a national
or international issue, often Asked about intellectual task force of 30 people to
gay couple for attached to personal stories that property, the ’75 grad offered an examine the science, economics
25 years has none hit the core of the matter.
A room filled with students
amusing tale about his trip to
China to promote a protected
and politics of global warming.
Vilsack has long been outspoken
of those rights?” last October 2007 leveled pointed process for producing Iowan’s on energy and security issues,
questions at the man who months soy bean. as governor and presidential
before dropped out of the On gay marriage, Vilsack candidate, and has called for
presidential race. But his chops said he needed to “dodge” the replacing the Department of
were still sharp for questions on question because his law firm, Energy with a Department of
Iran, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Dorsey & Whitney, was repre- Energy Security.
Israel, ethanol, immigration, senting six gay couples. But in Vilsack was on campus to
who owns Jerusalem, and other the end he couldn’t resist. “We receive the Albany Law
hot topics of the day. need to look at ourselves…what Distinguished Alumni Award,
After an hour of questions, is the value we’re trying to which he accepted that evening
Vilsack seemed not only promote here? I think it’s the at the Barrister Ball. The annual
undaunted, but to be just warm- notion of commitment…. How event is held to honor the
ing up. You got the feeling that can someone be married to School’s largest donors. –DS
the students had only scratched Britney Spears for 54 hours and
the Vilsack surface. have all the rights attached to it,
“But there’s no greater feeling, like inheritance and life and
Albany Law Bloggers Draw Project Helping Municipalities
Thousands of Visitors Weekly Consolidate and Share Services
Faculty and staff have been actively Best Practices for Legal Municipalities might like to share a series of
maintaining several legal blogs Education: Mary Lynch, the more mundane services regional
covering a wide range of topics. Clinical Professor of Law and among themselves but are often workshops
Co-Director of the Albany Law stymied by a myriad of local, held last fall
Law of the Land: Patricia E.
Clinic & Justice Center, serves state and federal rules that can all across
Salkin, Associate Dean and
as editor for http://bestpractices- deter their efforts. Sharing New York
Director of the Government Law
legaled.albanylawblogs.org, a municipal water, for example, bringing
Center, writes daily on current
source for information on current comes with great financial, engi- technical
laws, policies and decisions that Paul Moore
reforms, and an online place to neering, health and safety issues. assistance
affect the use of land, highlight-
exchange ideas on legal education. The Government Law Center to over 1,000 local officials.
ing new court decisions, state
staff, led by project director Paul The site—located at
and federal laws and policies, Same-Sex Unions in the
Moore and a team of students, www.assembly.state.ny.us—
and actions at the local govern- Conflict of Laws: Professor
have been working on several includes areas such as animal
ment level that guide and/or Stephen Clark’s blog,
fronts under a contract with the control, consolidation of local
impact land use and community www.samesexconflicts.com,
Department of State to help governments, cooperative
development. The blog, focuses on the interjurisdictional
municipalities undertake shared agreements between local
http://lawoftheland.albanylaw.edu, recognition of same-sex marriages,
service projects. The most governments, and solid waste
generates more than 2,000 visits civil unions and domestic
visible accomplishments are: a management, to name a few.
per week. partnerships.
compilation of two dozen case The project is part of the
Community Benefits Agree- studies of shared service state’s technical assistance
ments: Government Law Center initiatives available at the provided under the Shared
Staff Attorney Amy Lavine Department of State’s web site Municipal Services Incentive
writes about development projects (www.dos.state.ny.us); a series of (SMSI) Grant[s] Program,
and strategies to link good jobs, “legal frameworks” for various which also provides grants to
affordable housing, social justice local government functions done local governments to promote
and livable neighborhoods on in collaboration with the Legisla- sharing services.
http://communitybenefits.blogs tive Commission on State-Local
pot.com. Relations and available on
the State’s Assembly’s web site
This blog receives around 2,000
(www.assembly.state.ny.us); and
visits a week.
Clinic Students Win Insurance
Appeal for Life-Prolonging Drug
By Nicole Soucy
“A well regulated Militia,
being necessary to the
security of a free State….”
Gun Conference Stirs Passions of Both Sides,
Hitting Issues beyond a Legal Solution
“We regulate almost everything asked. “No other country has Tushnet, William Nelson
that can harm people: jobs, this feeling…. If the public Cromwell Professor of Law,
drugs, cars, even stop signs,” could emulate what the school Harvard Law School.
said Professor Paul Finkelman, did here: reasonable dialogue Stephen Teret, Director of
opening his two-day gun confer- about the issue.” the Center for Law and the
ence with a challenge for hearty Sanford Levinson called the Public’s Health, Johns Hopkins
discussion. “It seems the most second amendment “a drunken Bloomberg School of Public
dangerous things we have get uncle at a family reunion: he is Health, looked at gun violence
Constitutional protection…. entitled to be there.” He praised as an epidemiology issue; Matt
We’re all interested in a better and Harvard Law’s Mark Tushnet, Bennett, Vice President for
safe society, but how you get there who also spoke at the program, Public Affairs, Third Way, took
depends on who you talk to.” for noting that the Constitution a public policy approach, his
Finkelman’s statement was will not solve the problem in this remarks entitled “Misfire: How
followed by two days of debate country. The issue, said Levinson, the Debate Over Gun Rights
culminating with the former was about “who controls the Ignores Reality.”
Detroit mayor Dennis W. Archer means of violence.” Levinson, the Richard Jay Feldman, a former
addressing the issue of enforce- W. St. John Garwood and W. legislative director for the NRA,
ment by likening it to cigarettes. St. John Garwood Jr. Centennial presented “Ricochet: Confessions
“You can’t put a cop on every Chair in Law for University of of a Gun Lobbyist” and released
corner, and if you did, the Texas at Austin School of Law, his new book of the same title at
shooting goes on behind closed delivered the Edward C. Sobota the event.
doors in the home…. Look at ’79 Memorial Lecture as part of The conference was cospon-
smoking today. It’s completely the conference. sored by the Government Law
different today because people Albany Law’s Finkelman, the Center, the Albany Government
showed they cared. But with so President William McKinley Law Review, and The Ohio State
much going on in our lives, you Distinguished Professor of Law University. –DS
don’t react to gun control issues and Public Policy and Senior
until it hits a loved one.” Fellow in the Government Law
Archer, who served two four- Center, directed the October
year terms as mayor and now is conference that also included
chairman of the Detroit-based law speakers like: Carl T. Bogus,
firm Dickinson Wright, delivered Professor of Law, Roger Williams From top to bottom: Conference
the Edwin Crawford Memorial University Law School; Leslie F. director Prof. Paul Finkleman;
Lecture as part of the 2nd Goldstein, Judge Hugh M. Morris Dean Thomas Guernsey and Prof.
Amendment conference titled Professor, University of Delaware; Kathe Klare listened to the morn-
“Fire Arms, the Militia and Safe David Konig, Professor of ing speakers; Sanford Levinson
Cities: Merging History, Constitu- History and Law at Washington delivered the Sobota Lecture; and
tional Law and Public Policy.” University in St. Louis; Timothy former Detroit mayor Dennis
“Why can’t we have reasonable D. Lytton, Professor of Law, Archer spoke on guns in the city
dialogue in this country?” Archer Albany Law School; and Mark for the Crawford Lecture.
INBRIEF Mae D’Agostino (below, left) and
Melissa Mourges (below, right)
both received the 2008 Kate
Stoneman Award, an annual
Keynote speaker Arlinda Locklear award that started 14 years ago
likened the prejudice faced by celebrating women’s achievements
women to the struggles faced by in law. Far right, Mimi Netter ’72,
KATE STONEMAN American Indians. who hosted the event.
Pam Perry ’08 knew she was learned many of my legal skills exclaimed Phil. “She set out to estate planning, and real estate.
saving her textbooks for a reason. through my job experience, accomplish something she always But after spending several years
She was convinced that one day and now I wanted to apply wanted to do.” carefully balancing school, work
her older son, Phil ’10, would them as a lawyer.” After receiving his Bachelor’s and raising a family, I’m ready
go to law school. She was right. After her divorce, Pam enrolled at Boston College, Phil took a to take a vacation.”
Not only did Phil decide to in Empire State College to year off from school. Inspired Phil, however, has bigger
attend law school, he enrolled earn her undergraduate degree. by his mom, Phil decided to plans for the two. “You never
into the same school as his She not only kept her paralegal follow in her footsteps and go to know, in a few years we might
mother—making Albany Law job while attending school, Albany Law School. He began start our own law practice.”
School history. she raised Phil and her other son classes last fall.
Pam, 41, a third-year law 3 year-old Matthew. During the past year, the two
student, and Phil, 23, a first-year “It was a real struggle to have studied together, shared
student, are Albany Law School’s balance school, a full-time job textbooks, and regularly ate
first mother and son to attend and a family,” said Pam. “But I lunch together—a lunch often
the school at the same time, never lost sight of my goal to go made by mom. They don’t
although over 1,600 students to law school.” commute together: Pam lives in
have been related in some way, In the spring of 2005, she Stillwater, N.Y., and Phil lives
from in-laws to spouses.
Pam, a single mother, says
applied to Albany Law. On a
Friday in mid-August, she received
with his wife in Glens Falls.
As Phil prepares for his second
Inspired by his
she always wanted to go to law word that she was accepted. year at Albany Law, Pam is busy mom, Phil decided
school. She had been working Orientation was on Monday. gearing up for graduation and
in law offices as a paralegal since “I quit my job after the more importantly, the bar exam.
to follow in her
she was 18, after she married acceptance call and enrolled,” As for Pam’s future plans, footsteps and
and had Phil. said Pam. she’s not entirely sure what she’s
“I wanted to make my dream “When she told me she was going to do beyond graduation.
go to Albany Law
a reality,” explained Pam. “I had accepted, I was so proud of her,” “I’m interested in family law, School.
“We have little time to hang around as a group,” says Cooney, center, of his roommate Schlesinger, right, and two
other students who rent upstairs. His girlfriend and law student Ugelow, left, will visit occasionally, particularly if
Cooney’s making dinner.
Vaneria, left, and Rossi enjoy a few moments before getting back to the books.
Slaughter and then his alma mater us were running out, some were convenient,” she says, “but I’m
Hobart College after graduating. coming in. So we spent a few looking forward to living in an
Schlesinger, a Pittsford, N.Y., minutes together commiserating apartment or house off campus.”
native, and Cooney met through about life in law school.” So what are the problems?
a winding thread that included a Early in the year they had a “His music,” Cooney quickly
best friend, a colleague’s mother’s party together for their law school points out, laughing, adding that
acquaintance, and one other class, where they all chipped in Schlesinger, a philosophy and
twice-removed relation. From to buy a used grill. But that music major at Oberlin College
there they met and spent a day might be the extent of their and an accomplished clarinetist,
in Albany together looking at fraternizing, which, some likes to practice in his free time.
nearly 10 places before landing agreed, can often make the best Rossi laments that Schlesinger
on their current apartment. kind of roommate. has free time. “I come home for
Despite the sharing of their Cooney’s girl friend Lisa dinner, maybe take a nap, and
homes, including the rent, heat Ugelow ’10 occasionally visits. then go to the library until it
and other related bills, the four She lives on the “College Suites” closes. Then I look for a classroom
of them rarely hang around as a located next to the Law School to study for a few more hours.”
group. “Everyone has different campus, where she and three Vaneria nods to affirm Rossi’s
habits,” said Cooney. “The other other women share a suite of four schedule, and adds, “Joe’s the
night we all ended up in this rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen roommate everyone would want.”
kitchen at about 11:45. Some of and a common living area. “It’s –DS
Videotaping of the
11:00 a.m.
Madigan getting sworn in as
NYSBA president by Hon.
Thomas McAvoy ’64 last June in
Cooperstown, N.Y.
women’s team practicing or in a huge advocate of balancing work as well as effective training or flex time, work at home option,
game and I want to jump out of and life. The structure of large coaching in client development. part time/non-equity partner track,
my Jeep and join the scrum. law firms make that balance It takes different kinds of a Women’s Marketing Group,
But I am 54, so I think not. very hard. lawyers to create a healthy law wellness programs etc. It is a
I have many fond memories An inhospitable climate in firm culture—“minders, binders, superb model of what is possible.
of Albany Law’s gym, which large law firms continues, grinders and finders.” Each
served as an essential part of our especially for women lawyers of contribute to the whole. My Advice to
stress management program. color, which the ABA documents firm is unusual in that we have Young Female Lawyers
Surely we’re the only law school in a report called the “Visible a bonus pool for significant Be courageous in making choices
in the country with a gym in Invisibility.” community and bar association about your career and personal
the middle of it. I played on the We give lip service to running service. It’s not huge, but it life. Don’t be reluctant to
women’s intercollegiate team my law firms like a real business. sends a powerful message about change direction as your needs
first year, but didn’t find it very But what business would tolerate what we value as a firm. All and interests, as well as that of
competitive, so I switched to men’s the rate of associate turnover in of us, from the top down, are your family, evolve over time.
intramurals, joining the team most big city firms? And what community leaders. Twelve of Make work/life balance a priority.
“Five Easy Pieces.” Professors business model would ignore the us are former county bar It’s not about the money. It’s
Watkins (“the Watt”) and Welsh needs of 50% of their professional presidents, five of us former not about the money. Toot your
were frequent spectators. workforce, ie. women? NYSBA Section chairs, and the own horn, as no one else will
For women of my generation, “If lawyers brought the same firm is now supporting me at do it for you. Get out there and
there were four predictors of imagination and creativity to my full-time volunteer job as network. Don’t be shy about
professional success for women: this problem that they bring to NYSBA president. self-marketing. And don’t be
1) Strong relationship with your the problems of their clients, All this doesn’t happen by swayed by those who suggest (as
father or a male mentor; 2) Girl this problem could be solved,” accident. It’s about communicat- others did to me) that you can’t
Scouts; 3) Same sex high school suggested the former Pace Law ing and modeling that core firm be a part-time lawyer. Trust your
or college; and 4) Athletics. Dean Stephen Friedman. value. We believe it makes us gut. Seek mentors in all areas
I was fortunate to have all four. A law firm culture that honors better lawyers and better human of your life. Become a mentor
professionalism and quality of beings. We have the largest when the opportunity arises.
Troubling trends today life, as well as profits, requires a percentage of women partners Finally, take care of yourself.
Growth in minimum billable top-down commitment. Firms and associates in our region, and And then, as is our time-honored
hours continues to increase, also need to commit to formal, have had progressive work/life tradition as lawyers, take care
especially in large New York City accountable mentoring programs policies, some of which go back of those who cannot take care
law firms. I have always been a for associates and women partners, over 25 years, such as part time, of themselves.
Return to hotel.
judges; discussion re: Lopez Torres; Museum with SDO. to home of SDO for tea at the Paradise Valley
SDO’s time with the Queen of England and conversation about Country Club and then
during the Jamestown Anniversary our respective athletic dinner.
program; book signing by SDO for my exploits.
bar leader friends and NYSBA key staff.
Playing Albany’s Local Sport
By Paul Grondahl
on a National Field
It has been said that Albany possesses just one major league sport: politics.
But five Albany Law School alumni who work in the United States Congress would
beg to differ with that homegrown view of politics in the state capital. Their career
paths have carried them to Washington, D.C., and, they would argue, they’re playing
in the true major league of politics in America.
They took the road less traveled and it led them from legislative internships in the
state capital while students at Albany Law and eventually—after a few detours to
pursue other opportunities, typically—to interesting and challenging legal careers in
the nation’s capital. For them, the journey from Albany to Washington has allowed
them to observe presidential politics up close, to fend off partisan Congressional
maneuvering, to participate in high-stakes geopolitical negotiations, to travel to
foreign lands and, above all, to lay claim to a front-row seat of history in the making.
Here are their stories.
“Qaddafi was ing and marketing materials.
“The FTC was interesting
eccentric and work and I improved my research
and legal skills, but I always
passionate when wanted to make a contribution
it came to his in terms of public policy,”
Mereu said. In 2003, he was
discussion of the promoted to staff director of
history of relations the Subcommittee on Europe of
wanted his country to move expertise he never expected to use. the Foreign Affairs Committee.
between the forward economically and not “I was involved in implementing “I’ve been in the majority and
U.S. and Libya.” remain shunned and isolated from the 9/11 Commission’s recom- the minority and you have to
the international community,” mendations and adding provisions be creative and build alliances
Richard Mereu ’90 had some- Mereu recalled. to the Medicare Modernization across party lines if you want to
thing of an out-of-body experience That meeting was a precursor Act of 2003. Both required a be effective on Capitol Hill,”
as he sat in a tent in Tripoli across to Qaddafi renouncing his huge amount of research, coali- he added.
from Libyan leader Colonel nuclear, biological and chemical tion building and effort to get Mereu has been involved in
Muammar Qaddafi during a weapons and dismantling his legislation passed in the House critical foreign relations and
landmark meeting with a U.S. stockpile of weapons of mass and Senate,” he said. “It’s exciting domestic policy negotiations
Congressional delegation. “It was destruction. “It was a thrilling and satisfying to see the fruits of over the years, but one of his
intense and incredible. I’ll never historical moment and one of your labor when it becomes law.” most memorable moments was
forget it,” Mereu recalled of the the greatest achievements I’ve Mereu, who lives in Arlington, sitting in the House Chamber
2004 trip to Tivoli. “Qaddafi been involved in during my time Va., with his wife and two chil- of the U.S. Capitol for President
was eccentric and passionate working on Capitol Hill,” said dren, credits an internship in the George W. Bush’s State of the
when it came to his discussion Mereu, who has spent 12 years on state Legislature he completed Union address in 2002. “This
of the history of relations Gallegly’s staff and has handled while at Albany Law on putting was a few months after 9/11 and
between the U.S. and Libya.” legal matters related to the him on the path to Washington. he talked about the Axis of Evil
Mereu is chief counsel to U.S. Congressman’s work on health “It was an opportunity I wouldn’t and I remember thinking as I
Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.) care, immigration and foreign have gotten at any other law was listening that this was a
and a staff director on a sub- policy. In the past four years, school,” said Mereu, who worked historic speech that would have
committee of the House Foreign Mereu’s work on the Foreign for Assemblyman Joe Pillitere, a important foreign policy impli-
Affairs Committee. Mereu was Affairs Committee has taken Democrat from Niagara Falls. cations,” he said.
aboard the first U.S. military him to more than two-dozen Mereu aimed to work in the Mereu has been summoned
plane to land in the Libyan countries in the past three years. nation’s capital and Albany Law to the West Wing of the White
capital since the United States He’s currently engaged with helped him land a summer job House for briefings and said
and Libya broke off diplomatic European countries working to after his second year at the it’s nothing like the TV show
relations in 1980. Congress sent defuse growing tensions in the Federal Trade Commission in that starred Martin Sheen. “It’s
the delegation to Tripoli after Balkans and to resolve political D.C. That led to a full-time actually very sedate and there
the 9/11 attacks. differences in Northern Ireland. position after law school with are very few offices in the West
Mereu sat rapt in the tent as Mereu has the highest possible the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Wing,” he said. “Working in
Qaddafi spoke. “He was willing security clearance and is privy Protection. His work involved Congress has been an incredibly
to consider diplomatic relations to top-secret counterterrorism forcing companies of high-profile enriching, satisfying career
with the United States because initiatives as part of his job, products making unsubstantiated and I’m doing things I never
Libya was very poor and he which requires facets of legal claims to modify their advertis- imagined I’d do.”
“The difference between how we write
bills today and 30 years ago is that we
aim for precision and readability so that
an average person can understand it.”
financial matters that we have landed a job clerking in the money year after year. Yet with all
to research thoroughly and then District of Columbia Court of these pressures, they’re motivated
be able to convey quickly and in Appeals that turned into a full- to do the right thing.”
a way the member of Congress time job as a staff attorney for For now, Sassaman prefers
can understand without a lot the court. “Several Albany Law the path of working in a non-
of legal jargon,” Sassaman said. alumni were very encouraging partisan office that dispenses
“It requires strong analytical and and helped me network once advice in equal measure to
communication skills.” I got to D.C.,” Sassaman said. Democrats and Republicans.
Soon after he began work on “There’s a real excitement to “I like the role of advisor and
Capitol Hill, Sassaman assisted working in Washington and being all things to all people,”
in one of the highest profile being around high-profile he said. “I never expected to stay
John Sassaman ’92 didn’t set cases in recent history to face political figures.” in this job as long as I have, but
out to become the in-house the House Ethics Committee— Sassaman later worked for every week we get another ethics
ethicist for the Senate, but which has the authority to the U.S. Court of Appeals’ issue we’ve never had to address
that’s his new position after investigate members—the federal circuit and as special before. It keeps things lively.”
spending the past seven years in expulsion of Congressman Jim counsel for the D.C. Attorney
a similar post in the House of Traficant, a flamboyant and General’s Office before joining
Representatives. He began his maverick Ohio lawmaker. the House Ethics Committee in “I give oral advice
job as senior counsel of the Traficant lost his House seat 2001. He got in on the ground
Senate Select Committee on after being convicted in a floor, literally, with a street-level in person and if
Ethics in February. He won’t be
wearing a black-and-white
2002 federal corruption and
racketeering trial on charges of
office in the West Terrace of the
Capitol that overlooks the Mall.
they choose not
striped shirt and carrying a taking bribes, filing false tax But the stately setting belies the to follow it, they
whistle, although the position returns, racketeering, and forcing hurly-burly of a job in which a
requires him to function as a his aides to perform chores member of Congress typically
run the risk of
referee of sorts when thorny at his farm in Ohio and on his calls Sassaman into the office ethical and political
ethics issues arise, typically houseboat in Washington. for a brief, intense face-to-face
involving gifts and travel provided “It was a real interesting experi- discussion on what does or does
problems down
to senators and whether outside ence. Members aren’t expelled not constitute ethical conduct. the road….”
business transactions are appro- very often,” Sassaman said. Occasionally, things can get
priate for an elected lawmaker. Sassaman set his sights on tricky when dispensing advice.
“It’s an exciting place to work Washington, D.C., after work- “I’ve had a Congressman
and it’s the sort of interesting, ing as a paralegal for a few blow his stack when I recom-
non-traditional legal career I years at a Georgetown law firm mend a no when they expected
wanted,” said Sassaman, who before going to Albany Law. He a yes answer,” he said. “I give
lives in Bethesda, Md., with was inspired by a Constitutional oral advice in person and if they
his wife Krista Harte Sassaman, Law class taught by Dean choose not to follow it, they run
who works in fundraising and Martin Belsky and challenged the risk of ethical and political
P.R. for non-profit organizations, by his responsibilities as editor- problems down the road. These
and their 5-year-old daughter in-chief of the Science and are good people with a difficult
Mirren. Technology Journal at Albany life traveling back and forth
The job requires Sassaman Law. He had a clerkship in the from Washington to their home
to be a quick study. “Members N.Y. State Supreme Court district ever week, with a lot of
present us with complex during his second year and later pressure to raise campaign
“My first day and Senator Daniel Patrick
Moynihan, who offered him a
environmental, judiciary, tax
and Indian affairs legislation.
in Washington paid position. As Moynihan’s “It was fortunate that I took a
regional staff assistant, he federal Indian law class at
was the day the frequently drove the senior Albany Law with Professor
Monica Lewinsky senator from the airport in Robert Batson. He’s an expert
Albany to his home in Pindars in that area and a great resource
scandal broke…. Corners, Delaware County. “He who still helps me out with
It was a tough was a deep vault of knowledge his expertise if I get stuck on
about politics and history and an Indian land claim issue,”
time to be a I learned a lot talking with him Wilcox said.
Congressional on those drives,” Wilcox said. Wilcox has to develop
Wilcox also undertook a expertise quickly in numerous
intern.” legislative internship in the areas as Congressman Arcuri’s
N.Y. State Senate and worked legislative Counsel. Work
on campaigns in California and weeks of 80–100 hours are not
Michigan—all before he started unheard-of when important,
law school. At Albany Law, he complex legislation affecting
was a senior editor of the Law Arcuri’s district is up for a vote
Review and completed summer in the House. “We might have
internships with the Saratoga the economic stimulus package
County D.A.’s office in Albany coming to the floor at the same
and Saratoga counties and with time that we’re reviewing several
the U.S. Attorney’s Office of proposals for large water and
the Northern District. He also highway projects and representa-
worked part-time during his tives from two Indian tribes are
Christopher Wilcox ’06 set second year with the N.Y. State visiting to discuss land claims,”
his sights on working in Attorney General’s Criminal Wilcox said. “It can seem like a
Washington, D.C., long before Prosecution Division in Albany. monumental task and frustrating
he entered Albany Law. In his A year ago, Wilcox landed at times, but it’s exciting work
sophomore year at St. Lawrence a job in the Washington office when it all comes together and
University, he spent his spring of freshman U.S. Rep. Michael we get a good law passed.”
semester in a Capitol Hill Arcuri, who represents New
internship under the auspices York’s 24th District. Now, as
of American University. “My legislative Counsel to Rep. Arcuri,
first day in Washington was he oversees the Congressman’s
the day the Monica Lewinsky responsibilities on the
scandal broke,” he recalled. Transportation Infrastructure
“It was a tough time to be a Committee, which considers
Congressional intern.” national transportation and
Still, the experience didn’t economic development policy
deter him and Wilcox completed and requests for local highway,
additional internships with flood control and water project
U.S. Rep. Sherwood Boehlert funding. Wilcox also tracks
Working for the senior senator from involved in major legislation,
including the implementation
Iowa, Stephen Schaefer has been of eight international trade
agreements, the extension of
involved in major legislation, including permanent normal trade rela-
the implementation of eight interna- tions to Ukraine and Vietnam,
the imposition of economic
tional trade agreements, the extension sanctions with respect to Burma,
of permanent normal trade relations to and legislation to conform
domestic laws to U.S. obligations
Ukraine and Vietnam, the imposition as a member of the World Trade
of economic sanctions with respect to Organization. He also served as
the Senator’s chief negotiator in
Burma, and [more]… the development of the SAFE
Port Act of 2006, as well as
Stephen Schaefer ’93 did not privileged to have this opportunity legislation to implement the
graduate from Albany Law with to work for a senator I greatly recommendations of the 9/11
a goal of working on Capitol admire in a job that employs my Commission in 2007.
Hill. Now, he finds himself legal training every day.” Schaefer serves as Senator
assigned to one of the most Schaefer’s background in Grassley’s chief trade lawyer and
heavily scrutinized committees economics, coupled with an provides technical advice and
in Congress. He is chief interna- internship at the U.S. Court of policy recommendations based
tional trade counsel on the International Trade in New York on his understanding of issues
Republican staff of the Senate while at Albany Law, launched from both a legal and economics
Committee on Finance, which, him in the field. That led to a perspective.
in addition to oversight of the two-year judicial clerkship at the “The senator is very accessible
nation’s customs laws and inter- CIT after graduation. Schaefer when I need him, but he’s also
national trade affairs, is charged later took a position as an very busy,” Schaefer said. “Trade
with writing tax legislation and associate attorney at White & is perhaps his favorite aspect of
overseeing Social Security, Case in Washington, handling the Finance Committee’s broad
Medicare and other entitlement customs and international trade portfolio. He’s a strong believer
programs. Schaefer joined the cases. He left for a complete in both the economic and
staff of Senator Chuck Grassley change of pace and taught various geopolitical benefits of expanded
of Iowa as international trade classes in international law at international trade. He has very
counsel in 2003 and was several universities in Bulgaria clear policy objectives, and that
promoted to chief a year ago. for the Civic Education Project makes it easy to serve him as
“I’ve always put my best into for two years. He returned to a client. He also emphasizes
each job I’ve had, and good things the States and took a job with bipartisanship, as does his
have flowed from that,” said the U.S. International Trade counterpart on the committee,
Schaefer, who was executive editor Commission. He used a year’s Senator Baucus. And that close
for production on the Law Review sabbatical in that job to earn an working relationship extends
at Albany Law and has a master’s MBA in France. to their staffs, which has made
degree in economics from Working for the senior senator this an even more rewarding
New York University. “I feel so from Iowa, Schaefer has been experience.”
Moving the School from Good to Great
Law schools are judged by the quality and reputation of its faculty. The faculty’s
ability to publish scholarly work drives the perception of the school at every
level: their scholarship influences peers; peer surveys determine a bevy of
national rankings; rankings influence the quality of students a school attracts.
Judges, lawyers, undergraduate publishing. This has been his edge the traditional strength of
pre-law advisors and lawmakers consistent message for several the school—New York practice—
also form their perceptions based years now. To drive home his calling it the institution’s
on information initially fed from point, the Dean likes to list a “historical base…. That remains
the visibility of a school’s faculty. few flagship achievements over strong and we will keep it
Law professors create their the past six years in the areas strong.” He called attention
own value in the legal education of student services, facilities, to seven full time professors
market by their capacity to and the fiscal order of the devoted to New York law, a
produce innovative and useful school. Now, he says, we need number probably twice that of
scholarship, and not, unfortu- to strengthen the faculty. This any other law school in New
nately, by their performance in includes supporting current York state. “To survive, to
the classroom. faculty to enable more scholar- thrive and become great, we
“Preparing students to be ship, and attracting outside star have to be that and more.” Prof. Sheldon Halpern
good lawyers needs to be our faculty to join the school.
highest priority,” insists Thomas “Things are much different Pursuing Critical Mass The Financial Cost
F. Guernsey, Albany Law’s than they were 20 years ago,” Faculty who actively engage in of an Endowed Chair
President and Dean. “That will Guernsey explains. “Not only scholarship promote the school Endowed chairs are powerful
always be our priority. To do has the pool of prospective through published materials, tools to attract top faculty.
that right in a competitive arena, New York students shrunk speaking engagements, confer-
we need to continuously improve significantly, but we’re competing ences, bar events, and the media. • An endowment of
the quality and reputation of with schools across the country These professors gain the $5 million, at a conserva-
the school. A great reputation for even the local applicant. The institution credibility outside tive 5% interest rate,
attracts great professors, which college grad from Clifton Park the academic world, reaching generates approximately
attracts great law students.” no longer comes here automati- law firms and leaders who shape $250,000 annually. This
To Guernsey, improving the cally. This is why we need to be the legal and public agenda. covers the salary and
school requires increasing the seen as a national law school.” Over the past three years, benefits for a nationally
quality and quantity of faculty Guernsey is quick to acknowl- Albany Law School has pulled renowned law professor,
off somewhat of a coup, landing funding for a summer
three high-profile professors with researcher (a student), travel
national reputations in their and research support.
respective fields. • A $3 million endowment
Sheldon Halpern arrived first would earn $150,000 a
in the fall of 2005. The Hon. year. When a senior faculty
Harold R. Tyler Jr. Chair in member retires, that salary
Law & Technology graduated can cover any shortfall each
first in his class from Cornell Law
year with the endowed
School, served as general counsel professorship.
for Viacom International, and
• A $2 million endowment
most recently as the C. William
would not generate enough
A. O’Neill Professor of Law and
income to pay for a faculty
Judicial Administration at The
member of a national
Ohio State University. Last
stature, but it can be used
semester, he was a visiting fellow
to reward and retain an
By David Singer at the European University
existing faculty member.
Institute (EUI) in Florence,
Tenured Veteran Explains His Persistent Drive
for Scholarship
“When you write an article, it’s a form of teaching,” said Stephen
E. Gottlieb, the newly named Jay and Ruth Caplan Distinguished
Professor. “It expands your audience.”
Gottlieb, who earned tenure nearly three decades ago for his
writings, can’t help himself. “My wife has told me more than once
that when I retire, I probably will live the same way I do now.”
The same includes a steady stream of law review articles punc-
tuated by an occasional hefty book tackling a specific angle on
constitutional law or the Supreme Court. Amid all this Gottlieb
has written a body of work at the consumer level for the oped
pages, public radio and other general media outlets.
“A lot of the writing I do is for my class,” Gottlieb said. “I remem-
ber teaching civil procedure years ago, a new area of teaching for
me at the time. I was trying to teach jurisdiction but I felt there was From left, Professors Gottlieb, Lytton and Salkin, talking with a student,
an incoherence in the doctrine. What am I going to tell students?”
Rather than teach around these legal knots, Gottlieb selects a
few to untangle through scholarship. While his early work was Italy, where, while carrying commandments monument case
concerned with election law, his attention shifted to the Supreme his Albany Law course load, he and, as one of the top sports
Court some 20 years ago. delivered lectures to the legal law experts, was a chief expert
“People need to know about Constitutional law, and what the community in Europe and witness in the lawsuit over the
Supreme Court is doing. It’s important. We write because we Israel on fair use, trademarks ownership of Barry Bonds’
want to get across what we think people should understand. and other IP related issues. 73rd home run ball.
That’s not much different than teaching.” Shortly following Halpern The most recent high-profile
came Paul Finkelman, faculty addition is Anthony Farley,
School Support
President William McKinley the James Campbell Matthews
“Years ago there was conflict between support for teaching and Distinguished Professor of Law Distinguished Professor of
scholarship. Now it’s become clear that they go hand in hand. and Public Policy and Senior Jurisprudence. Farley, a member
The Dean has communicated a strong and consistent message Fellow, Government Law Center. of the Boston College Law
that faculty scholarship matters—and he’s doing a lot to support Finkelman is a prolific writer School faculty for 16 years, where
it,” said Gottlieb. who’s frequently invited to an excellence in teaching award
“Receiving an endowed position feels very good; the three new speak; this semester he delivered bears his name, specializes in
endowed chairs show that Dean Guernsey is serious about reward- an endowed lecture at Harvard constitutional law, criminal
ing scholarship activity,” said Gottlieb. University on the African slave procedure and legal theory. He
Gottlieb also mentioned the three new annual faculty awards— trade, among more than a dozen was the 11th holder of the
for scholarship, teaching and service—one which Gottlieb other speeches. As one of the Haywood Burns Chair in Civil
received two years ago, demonstrated Guernsey’s commitment to most cited legal historians in the Rights at CUNY School of Law.
supporting faculty. nation (with 600 citations),
“It’s always good to get a pat on the back, particularly from Professor Finkelman appears in Elevating Current Faculty
colleagues, who warmly congratulated me,” Gottlieb said. “It’s top media outlets weekly to Supporting current faculty—
important to tell each other that we value each other’s work.” remark on subjects like civil whether it’s to help the younger,
In the meantime, Gottlieb is hard at work on an article on the rights, steroid use in baseball, promising faculty or to reward
“Roberts Court,” and six years deep into a book which he’s tenta- and constitutional law. accomplished, veteran profes-
tively calling “The Fragility of Democracy.” Cited by the U.S. Supreme sors—needs to be part of any
Despite the uncertainty of writing before seeking a publisher, Court and numerous lower law school plan. While recruit-
Gottlieb remains undaunted. “All these years on a book is a risk,” courts, he was the chief expert ing is half the battle, the other
he acknowledged. “But it needs to be written.” –DS witness in the Alabama Ten half is often retaining your most
earned their recent distinctions through consistent, influential scholarship. Prof. Anthony Paul Farley
productive—subsequently your Patricia E. Salkin, Associate School Recruits Farley for New Endowed Chair
most visible —faculty. Recently, Dean and Director of the Anthony Paul Farley, a specialist in constitutional law, criminal
the Law School elevated three Government Law Center, has procedure and legal theory, has been named the James Campbell
high-achieving professors to fill been named the Raymond and Matthews Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence. Farley was a
new endowed chairs. Ella Smith Distinguished visiting professor of law at the law school last year. Previously, he
Stephen E. Gottlieb, the Ruth Professor of Law. Salkin is a was an associate professor of law at Boston College Law School,
and Jay Caplan Distinguished nationally recognized expert on where he was a faculty member for 16 years.
Professor of Law, has been land use law and zoning, writes The Boston College Black Law Students Association honored
with the school since 1979 and a popular blog called Law of the him as the first recipient of The Anthony Paul Farley Excellence
continues to successfully publish Land, and has recent publications in Teaching Award, an annual teaching award bearing his name.
scholarly works, at average of that include New York Zoning Farley’s work in legal theory and constitutional law has
one a year, plus books. Law & Practice, Land Use in a appeared in chapter form in After the Storm: Black Intellectuals
Timothy D. Lytton, the Nutshell, and Trends in Land Use Explore the Meaning of Hurricane Katrina, Cultural Analysis,
Albert and Angela Farone Law from A to Z: Adult Uses to Cultural Studies & the Law, Crossroads, Directions & a New
Distinguished Professor of Law, Zoning. She presents frequently Critical Race Theory, Black Men on Race, Gender & Sexuality, and
joined the faculty in 2000 as a at statewide and national land Urgent Times: Policing and Rights in Inner-City Communities. His
promising star scholar and has use programs. work has also appeared in numerous academic journals, including
exceeded most expectations. the Yale Journal of Law and Humanities, the NYU Review of Law
A Yale Law School graduate, The Power of an
Endowed Chair and Social Change, the Cardozo Law Review, Law and Literature,
Lytton published this year a and the Michigan Journal of Race & Law.
Harvard University Press book The competition for top faculty Farley received a B.A. from the University of Virginia and a
called Holding Bishops Accountable: has never been more intense. J.D. from Harvard Law School.
How Lawsuits Helped the Recruiting and retaining them The James Campbell Matthews Distinguished Professor of
Catholic Church Confront Clergy remains the largest trick for any Jurisprudence is named after the school’s first African-American
Sexual Abuse (see page 32). law school at every level. alumnus, who was also the first black judge in New York State.
He was the editor of the 2005 “We’ve achieved many of our Matthews attended Albany Academy, then clerked in a local
University of Michigan Press goals with the school,” said attorney’s office, entered the law school in 1868 and graduated two
book Suing the Gun Industry: Guernsey. “Now it’s time to raise years later. Along with being the first black law school graduate
A Battle at the Crossroads for the profile of our faculty.” He in New York, Matthews sued the Albany schools successfully,
Gun Control and Mass Torts. believes three exceptional scholars forcing the city to desegregate its public schools.
Faculty Scholarship and Law School Rankings
Students applying to law schools typically go right to the U.S News
and World Report rankings as their first source. The magazine’s law
school ranking system has stayed fairly consistent, the reputation
of faculty counting more than any other element in a law school.
A full 40% of the rank is based on a survey of every school’s
dean and three faculty members. Last year 74% of those people at
the 184 accredited law schools voted. The survey is also sent to a
random group of lawyers and judges. Last year 29% of that group
Other criteria considered include: selectivity (average LSAT
scores and undergrad GPA of entering students and proportion of
applicants accepted), which is 25% of the score; placement success
(employment rates after graduation and the bar passage rate) for
20% of the rank; and faculty resources (average expenditure per
student for instruction, library and services, as well as student-
faculty ratio) for 15%.
A few other ranking systems exist, though they do not attract
the same attention as U.S. News:
As one of the added to the current faculty
would substantially raise the • Brian Leiter’s Law School Rankings: Lieter ranks schools
most cited legal school’s reputation to the next exclusively on the quality of faculty. Categories include: Most
level, where, he said, it should Cited Law Professors by Specialty, 2000–2007; Top 35 Law
historians in rightfully be today. Faculties Based on Scholarly Impact; Scholarly Reputation;
the nation (with “We are so close to wearing Faculty Quality in Specialty Areas. Lieter is an endowed professor
the ‘great’ monikor,” Guernsey at the University of Texas School of Law.
600 citations), once told a group of alumni in • The Princeton Review: This publication surveys law students
Professor Hartford. “We need to finish while at law school. “None of these lists purports to rank the
what we have started.” schools in terms of overall quality; but by using the lists…you
Finkelman appears To recruit star-quality faculty will be able to identify the attributes of a law school that are
in top media from other schools requires the important to you,” states the Web site.
• The Deadwood Report: The latest to join the law school
offer of an endowed professor-
outlets weekly to ship, the strongest recruitment ranking game is led by a George Mason University Law School
remark on subjects tool a school can use. To do this professor who plans to measure faculty members only, based on
their scholarship achievements, course load, and public service.
means additional funding.
like civil rights, “The beauty of an endowment
So while it can be argued that prospective law students might not
steroid use in allows a school to recruit new
faculty, or reward and retain exist-
care about faculty publishing and other measurements of scholar-
baseball, and ing faculty, without increasing
ship, the student does care about the school’s national rank. In the
end, a school’s reputation relies on its faculty scholarship.
constitutional law. tuition, while increasing the size of
our faculty,” describes Guernsey.
“It took several years to reach
this point,” Guernsey says. “Now
we’re poised to make a leap, and
the only way to do that is by
raising the money to endow chairs,
and then recruit the best faculty
we can. We owe it to the students,
we owe it to the alumni.”
My central thesis—that clergy recently, in the Enron scandal, and feminist activists.
sexual abuse litigation has policy responses to corporate Concurrent with the Gauthe
enhanced policymaking—rests misconduct were heavily influ- case, a series of high profile
on three causal claims. First, I enced by criminal prosecutions. prosecutions for ritual child
argue that litigation led the In each case, institutions other sexual abuse in daycare centers
news media to report clergy than the tort system framed swept the nation from California
sexual abuse and to frame it as issues in terms of institutional to Florida to Massachusetts.
an issue of institutional failure. failure, placed them on institu- The late 1980s saw a series of
Second, I suggest that litigation tional policy agendas, and popular televangelists taken
and the news media coverage it uncovered new information. down by sexual and financial
generated placed this issue on In the case of the clergy sexual scandals. Government and
public and institutional agendas abuse scandal, however, it appears corporate corruption have been
and put pressure on policymakers unlikely that either church or recurring popular concerns
to address it. Third, I contend government officials would have throughout American history,
that litigation generated previ- implemented policy reforms in and the post-Watergate 1980s
ously undisclosed information the absence of tort litigation. were no exception. These cultural
about clergy sexual abuse that A steadfast desire among church factors made the frame of
informed policy responses to it. officials to prevent public institutional responsibility for
Thus, the “impact” of private disclosure of the problem and to clergy sexual abuse culturally
lawsuits on policymaking con- protect offenders from prosecu- resonant and, therefore, highly
sists of framing issues in terms tion, combined with deference persuasive. Media coverage
of institutional responsibility, to the Church on the part of enhanced the frame’s persuasive-
achieving agenda access, and law enforcement and legislators, ness by giving it prominence
generating new information. facilitated decades of child sexual and repeating it frequently.
I do not mean to suggest that abuse by priests. All this, as we Second, activists pursued
litigation is always necessary to have seen, began to change with policy reforms outside the
these aspects of policymaking or the Gauthe litigation in 1984. context of litigation. Advocacy
This is not to say that clergy organizations such as SNAP and
sexual abuse litigation was by Voice of the Faithful mobilized
In the case of the clergy sexual abuse itself sufficient to bring about members to publicize and lobby
scandal, it appears unlikely that either church and government policy for their reform agendas. Church
responses. A number of factors insiders—some with close ties
church or government officials would contributed to the efficacy of to the church hierarchy, such as
have implemented policy reforms in the litigation in framing issues, former USCCB general counsel
achieving agenda access, and Mark Chopko, and others viewed
absence of tort litigation. generating information. as dissidents, such as canon
First, popular culture in the lawyer Thomas Doyle—worked
that litigation always advances mid-1980s was highly receptive actively to develop detailed
them. Under different conditions, to the litigation’s story about reforms and seek their adoption.
other institutions perform these child sexual abuse, clerical Third, church and govern-
functions. In the Watergate misconduct, and institutional ment policymakers initially
scandal, for example, policymak- responsibility. Public awareness failed to address the problem
ing was shaped by a bold press, of child sexual abuse was fueled proactively despite their knowl-
an aggressive special prosecutor, throughout the 1970s and edge of it. This institutional
and an outraged Congress. More 1980s by child-welfare advocates failure constituted the legal basis
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
to tort litigation dating back to Publications of Drafting New York Wills for
the 1950s holding corporate publication in 2009. Prof. Bloom
entities liable for employee Professor Pam Armstrong will be the lead author of the
misconduct and product defects.) edited The Redbook: A Manual work, which will expand to
Similarly, in terms of agenda on Legal Style by Bryan Garner three volumes.
setting, litigation helped to (West Group, 2nd ed., 2006).
for lawsuits against the Church Professor Melissa Breger
mobilize elites—victims, lawyers,
and a political opportunity that Professor Rose Mary Bailly’s coauthored a two-volume treatise
and advocates—who, in turn,
allowed plaintiffs’ lawyers to article, “Guardianship—Stopping entitled New York Law of
pursued further litigation as part
drive the policymaking process. Financial Exploitation in its Domestic Violence (Thomson-
of their strategy to achieve reform.
To be sure, as the scandal Tracks,” was published in West, 2nd ed., 2007) (with
Finally, feedback effects
progressed, church leaders did Capital Commons Quarterly Judge Lee Elkins and Jane
also occurred with regard to
develop new policies, law (December 2007). She also Fosbinder). She also wrote
information generation.
enforcement officials became coauthored Financial Exploitation “A Comparative State Analysis:
Litigation uncovered new infor-
more aggressive, and legislatures of the Elderly (Civic Research Introducing the Construct of
mation through discovery and
passed reforms. But at the outset Institute, 2007) (coauthor the Jury into Family Violence
by encouraging church and
of the litigation in 1984, there E. Elizabeth Loewy, A.D.A.). Proceedings,” Chapter 37,
government investigations that
was a policy vacuum waiting to pp. 306-312, in Family Law:
produced information subse- Professor Emeritus Robert
be filled. Balancing Interests and Pursuing
quently used by plaintiffs in later Barker coauthored Civil Litigation
The causal relationships that Priorities (Lynn D. Wardle &
lawsuits to support their claims. in New York (LexisNexis 5th ed.,
I have asserted between litiga- Camille S. Williams, eds.)
By making causal claims, I 2007) (with Oscar G. Chase).
tion, on the one hand, and news (Wm. S. Hein & Co., 2007).
do not mean to suggest a straight- The textbook is currently being
coverage, policy agendas, and forward chain of causation Professor Stephen Clark’s
used at 17 law schools including
information, on the other hand, between litigation and policy editorial, “United ENDA’s
several outside of New York.
are not unidirectional. For outcomes. Rather, we should view flawed reasoning: Activists,
example, there was feedback Professor Ira Bloom’s 50 page politicians overstate viability of
litigation as one causal factor—
between litigation and news article, “Powers of Appointment inclusion and falsely defame
within a complex interplay of
coverage. Litigation generated Under the Restatement (Third) incrementalism,” was published
causal factors and feedback
and shaped news coverage which of Property,” was published by in the Washington Blade on
effects —that prompted and
in turn fueled more litigation the Ohio Northern Law Review November 22. He also launched
shaped policy responses to clergy
by emboldening more victims as part of its symposium issue a Web site and blog about the
sexual abuse.
to file lawsuits. News coverage on trusts and estates. His article, interjurisdictional recognition of
also made plaintiffs’ frames “Unifying the Rules for Wills same-sex marriages, civil unions,
more culturally resonant among and Revocable Trusts in the and domestic partnerships—
Reprinted by permission of the
judges and potential jurors in Federal Estate Tax Apportionment www.samesexconflicts.com.
publisher from Holding Bishops
subsequent cases. Moreover, news Arena: Suggestions for Reform,”
Accountable: How Lawsuits
coverage of ritual child sexual has been accepted for publica- Professor Beverly Cohen’s
Helped the Catholic Church
abuse and corporate scandals tion by the Miami Law Review. article, “Disentangling EMTALA
Confront Clergy Sexual Abuse,
prior to clergy sexual abuse Professor Bloom’s revised 160 from Medical Malpractice:
by Timothy D. Lytton,
litigation accounted for much page chapter on GST taxation Revising EMTALA’s Screening
pp. 191-192, Cambridge, Mass.:
of the persuasive power of the was published in Klipstein and Standard to Differentiate Between
Harvard University Press,
plaintiffs’ frames in the first Bloom, Drafting New York Wills. Ordinary Negligence and
Copyright © 2008 by the President
place. (Of course, the theme of He is also currently working on Discriminatory Denials of Care,”
and Fellows of Harvard College.
corporate wrongdoing was itself the preparation of the 4th edition is being edited for publication in
culturally familiar, in part, due the Tulane Law Review.
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
Professor Patrick Connors Survey of American Law (2007). Professor Sheldon Halpern Professor Alicia Ouellette’s
authored two articles in his Prof. Finkelman also wrote the wrote the 2007/2008 cumula- article, “Growth Attenuation,
regular New York Practice column introduction to Franklyn tive supplement to his casebook, Parents’ Choices, and the Rights
in the New York Law Journal: Johnson’s book, The Development Copyright Law: Protection of of Disabled Children,” will be
“Cases Appear to Depart from of State Legislation Concerning Original Expression (Carolina published in The Houston
Court of Appeals’ ‘Andrea’,” the Free Negro (The Lawbook Academic Press, 2002). Journal of Health Law and Policy
September 17; and “The Desert Exchange, Ltd., 2007). (forthcoming 2008); “Moral
Professor Lenese C. Herbert
Island Disciplinary Rule,” Reasoning in Judicial Decisions
Professor James Thuo Gathii published the casebook entitled
January 23. He also authored on Same-Sex Marriage” will be
is currently in Kenya working on Constitutional Criminal
the lead article in the New York published in Philosophy and Sex
a book to be published by the Procedure (with A. Taslitz and
Law Journal’s special section (4th ed., forthcoming 2008);
Oxford University Press, explor- M. Paris; 3rd ed. Foundation
“Court of Appeals: Year in and “Lawrence v. Texas” will be
ing international commercial law Press, 2007). Her article,
Review,” which was published published in Milestone Documents
and its relationship to economic “Othello Error: Facial Profiling,
on September 10. He published in American History (Finkelman,
development in the Third World, Privacy, and the Suppression of
several sections of McKinney’s et al., eds., forthcoming 2008).
specifically sub-Saharan Africa. Dissent,” was published in the
Supplementary Practice Her article, “Now and Always
During his time there, Professor Ohio State Journal of Criminal
Commentaries in: 1) CPLR Our Chief: The Honorable
Gathii wrote the following Law (Symposium Edition:
Article 31, Disclosure, 2) The Judith S. Kaye,” was published
commentaries in Business Daily Racial Blindsight and Criminal
New York Lawyers’ Code of in the spring 2007 issue of the
Africa: “How Kenya can deal Justice, 2007). In February, she
Professional Responsibility, and Albany Law Review.
with displacements,” January was a guest on “Equal Time,” a
3) the Surrogate’s Court
30; “The forgotten lesson of the news/talk show on WLUR-FM, Professor David Pratt published
Procedure Act.
Akiwumi Report,” January 23; a Washington and Lee University the following articles: “Guidance
Professor Paul Finkelman “Use unrest to diagnose what ails student-operated radio station. on Sections 403(b) and 409A”
published Landmark Decisions of Kenya,” January 16; “A 3-point She discussed her contribution in the ABA Section of Taxation
the United States Supreme Court, mediation plan to help Kibaki to the forthcoming book Race News Quarterly, vol. 27, no. 1,
2nd ed. (Congressional Quarterly and Raila reclaim our democracy,” to Injustice: Lessons Learned from fall 2007; “Focus On… Invest-
Press, 2008) (With Melvin I. January 4; “Should failing the Duke University Lacrosse ment Advice Under the Pension
Urofsky); and Documents of companies be rescued?,” January Players’ Rape Case (Michael L. Protection Act of 2006” in the
American Constitutional and 3; “Demerits of the EU trade Seigel, ed.), an interdisciplinary Journal of Pension Benefits
Legal History, 3rd ed. (2 vols.) agreements,” December 19; study of the 2006 rape allegations (2007); “Focus On… Default
(Oxford University Press, 2008) “Red herrings hang over sovereign against Duke University lacrosse Investments and Section 404(c)”
(Co-edited with Melvin I. bond,” December 12; “Competi- players. in the Journal of Pension Benefits
Urofsky). He edited Congress tion analysis crucial in mergers,” (2007); “Focus On… The
Professor Mary Lynch
and the Emergence of Sectionalism: December 3; and “Developing Pension Protection Act and the
launched a blog entitled “Best
From the Missouri Compromise countries are afraid of ‘rigged PBGC” in the Journal of Pension
Practices for Legal Education”
to the Age of Jackson (Perspective commerce’ not ‘free trade,’” Benefits (2007); “Focus On...
at the American Association of
History of Congress) (Ohio November 16. These articles are Employee Benefit Reform
Law Schools annual conference
University Press, 2008) (Co-edited available at www.albanylaw.edu. Proposals” in the Journal of
in January. You can view it at:
with Donald R. Kennon). His Pension Benefits (2007);
Professor Stephen Gottlieb’s http://bestpracticeslegaled.alban
article, “”Foreign Law and “Health Care Reform: Can It
article,“What Federalism & ylawblogs.org.
American Constitutional Inter- Happen?,”40 John Marshall Law
Why? Science Versus Doctrine,”
pretation: A Long and Venerable Review (2007);
was published in Pepperdine
Tradition,” was published in
Law Review (2007).
the New York University Annual
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
“The Past, Present and Future Salkin’s article, “Blogging on Professor Patrick Connors Professor Alicia Ouellette was
of Retiree Health Benefits,” Land Use Law: Another Legal was appointed to the Office of appointed professor of bioethics
3 Suffolk University Journal of Research Tool in the Internet” Court Administration Advisory at the Mt. Sinai School of
Health and Biomedical Law 103 was published in the March Committee on Civil Practice Medicine/Union Graduate
(2007); “The Minimum Distribu- 2008 issue of the Zoning and in January. College Program in Bioethics.
tion Rules” in the New York Planning Law Report. She was also named a co-editor
Professor Paul Finkelman
University Review of Employee of The Cambridge Dictionary of
Professor Laurie Shanks’ article, was named the ninth most
Benefits and Executive Compen- Bioethics, a multi-year project to
“Whose Story Is It, Anyway?— cited legal historian according
sation (Matthew Bender, 2007); be published by the Cambridge
Guiding Students to Client- to “Brian Leiter’s Law School
and “The New Medicare Part D University Press (with Laurence B.
Centered Interviewing through Rankings.” The study, which
Prescription Drug Benefit,” McCullough and Robert Baker).
Storytelling,” will be published measures the scholarly impact
17 Albany Law Journal of Science
in the spring 2008 issue of the of faculty work, was based on Associate Dean Patricia Salkin
& Technology 337 (2007).
Clinical Law Review. citations from 2000-2007. was elected secretary of the
Associate Dean Patricia Salkin State and Local Government
Professor Evelyn Tenenbaum Professor Sheldon Halpern was
was selected by the American Law Section of the American
and Brian Reese ’09 coauthored appointed a visiting fellow at the
Planning Association as one of Association of Law Schools.
the article “Memory-Altering European University Institute in
four leading land use law profes- She also received the Capital
Drugs: Shifting the Paradigm of Florence, Italy, where he gives
sors to draft a letter to the next District Women’s Bar Association
Informed Consent,” which was seminars and talks for the legal
president of the United States Distinguished Member Award
published in the September community and for doctoral
about establishing an appropriate in recognition of her significant
issue of the American Journal of students in the University’s
sustainable development agenda. service to the community. She
Bioethics. research program.
Her letter, titled, “The Legacy of was also acknowledged for her
the 44th President of the United Professor Lenese C. Herbert service as a mentor to young
States–2020 Vision,” appears Awards and completed a visiting professorship people and newly admitted
in the January 2008 issue of Achievements at Washington and Lee University attorneys; and her advocacy for
Planning and Environmental School of Law (2007–2008). the advancement of women in
Law. Dean Salkin also published Professor Pam Armstrong was society and in the legal profession.
named an editor of The Bencher, Professor Michael Hutter was
the seventh edition of Land Use elected a member of the Fellows
and Community Development: a bi-monthly publication of the
Cases and Materials, a casebook American Inns of Court. of the American Bar Foundation. Presentations
The Fellows are an honorary
used by professors across the Professor Ira Bloom attended Professor Ira Bloom discussed
organization of attorneys, judges,
country. Her treatise, New York the fall executive committee his revocable trust research at
and law professors whose profes-
Zoning Law & Practice, was meetings of Trusts and Estates the American Association of Law
sional, public and private careers
expanded from three to four Law Section in his capacity as Schools Section on Donative
have demonstrated outstanding
volumes. Her article, “Community secretary of the section, which is Transfers meeting in New York
dedication to the welfare of their
Benefit Agreements: Opportu- NYSBA’s second largest section. City. He was also invited to
communities and to the highest
nities and Traps for Developers, In 2008, Prof. Bloom will be speak on revocable trusts at a
principles of the legal profession.
Municipalities, and Community chair-elect and in 2009 chair of UCLA symposium on trusts
Organizations,” appeared the section. Professor Mary Lynch was and estates law to commemorate
as the lead commentary in the elected to be a member of the the late Jess Dukeminier.
Planning and Environmental American Association of Law
Professor Patrick Connors
Law (November 2007). Schools Clinical Section Executive
presented an update on develop-
Committee at the organization’s
ments in professional responsibility
annual conference in January.
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
for the justices and law clerks Professor Finkelman also “Educational Choice: Emerging Professor Michael Hutter was
of the Appellate Division, Third presented the following: Legal and Policy Issues,” on invited to speak at the American
Department on September 28. “Affirmative Action for the October 23. His paper will Bar Association—Family Law
He also moderated an ethics Master Class: Slavery and the appear in a future issue of the Section Conference in Memphis
program for the New York State Creation of the American Brigham Young Law Review. in fall 2007. The conference
Bar Association’s (NYSBA’s) Constitution” at the University He also presented at the 92nd addressed emerging issues in
Public Utility Lawyers Program of Toledo College of Law on Association for the Study of the admissibility and discovery
on October 26. He presented January 10; “Congress and the African American Life and of electronic evidence. He also
updates on New York practice Slave Trade: A Long and Winding History’s annual convention in spoke about the issues of
and professional responsibility Road” at Yale University on Charlotte, N.C., on October 6. admissibility regarding medical
to the NYSBA Trial Lawyers December 14; “Suppressing the On October 2 he presented a proof at a conference entitled
Section at their annual summer African Slave Trade: The Limits paper on the closing of the “Medicine for Judges,” sponsored
meeting in July. On August 14 of Legislation, 1794–1865” at African slave trade at Lewis and by the New York Judicial
he conducted a telephone seminar Pennsylvania State University’s Clark University Law School in Institute in White Plains, N.Y.
on professional responsibility Civil War Era Workshop on Portland, Ore.
Professor Mary Lynch presented
and legal malpractice for the November 16; “Slavery, the
Professor Peter Halewood “The Impact of Best Practices
NYSBA and he presented the Courts, and the Underground
presented a paper, “Torture, and Carnegie on Clinical
annual program on ethics and Railroad” at the Indiana State
Terror, and the Body in Law,” at Programs: Evaluating Ourselves
legal malpractice at Albany Law Library on November 15; “Was
the annual joint meeting of the Internally & Evaluating Our
School’s CLE in Saratoga Springs Dred Scott Correctly Decided?”
Law and Society Association and Place in Legal Education,” with
on August 17. at Seattle University School of
Research Committee on Sociology Quinnipiac Law School Professor
Law on October 9 and at Arizona
Professor Paul Finkelman of Law at Humboldt University Carrie Kaas at the Upstate
State University on October 25;
was the keynote speaker at the in Berlin, Germany, on July 25. New York Regional Clinical
and “Who Was Dred Scott
“Evil, Law and the State: Issues Conference held at Syracuse
and Why Do We Care? (And Professor Sheldon Halpern
in State Power and Violence” University on December 7.
What Was He Doing at Fort presented a seminar on intellec-
conference in Salzburg, Austria,
Snelling?)” to Faegre & Benson’s tual property issues for the Professor Timothy Lytton
in March. In February he was
Diversity Committee at the law Intellectual Property Institute presented a chapter from his
featured on the PBS television
firm’s offices in Denver and and Queen Mary College in upcoming book, Holding Bishops
series, “African American Lives 2.”
Minneapolis on September 5–6. London on January 4. Halpern Accountable: How Lawsuits
On January 29 he delivered the
Professor Finkelman also pre- spoke at John Marshall Law Helped the Catholic Church
Annual Richardson Lecture at
sented “Was Dred Scott Correctly School’s conference entitled Confront Clergy Sexual Abuse
Beloit College in Beloit, Wis. The
Decided?” at William Mitchell “Information Convergence: At (Harvard U. Press, 2008), at the
topic was “The Closing of the
College of Law on September 6 the Boundaries of Access” on University of Oregon School of
African Slave Trade, 1808–2008.”
and also during Rhodes November 9. He was invited to Law on February 4. The chapter
He spoke about affirmative
College’s Constitution Day speak on copyright matters at a was entitled “Framing Clergy
action during Minister’s Week
Celebration on September 27. seminar for Israeli judges to be Sexual Abuse as a Problem of
2008 at the Phillips Theological
Professor Finkelman was a held in Jerusalem in connection Institutional Failure.” On
Seminary in Tulsa on January 22.
commentator at the American with Israel’s new copyright February 2, he presented a paper,
In November he gave a CLE
Society for Legal History’s statute. He was also invited to “Using Tort Litigation to
at the Indiana Supreme Court
Annual Meeting in Tempe, talk about trademark issues in Enhance Regulatory Policy-
on the history of slavery and
Ariz. on October 27. He was a Saloniki, Greece. making: Lessons from Gun
Indiana courts.
panelist at Brigham Young Industry and Clergy Sexual Abuse
University’s conference, Lawsuits and their Implications
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
for Climate Change Litigation,” Annual Tax Conference in Las Schools. The paper was coau- 2008 meeting of the American
at an environmental law sympo- Vegas in November; “403(b) Plan thored by Government Law Bar Association’s State & Local
sium at the University of Texas Regulations” at the American Center Staff Attorney Amy Government Law Section in
Law School. Professor Lytton Society of Pension Professionals Lavine ’07. On November 9, Charleston, S.C.
was also interviewed on Chicago and Actuaries Annual Conference Dean Salkin presented the paper
Professor David Siegel and
Public Radio’s “City Show” in Washington, D.C., in “The Kelo Effect in New York,
Professor Patrick Connors
about gun control legislation on October; “Individual Retirement New Jersey and Pennsylvania:
presented “New York Practice
September 20 and by the Boston Accounts” at the NYU Annual Assessing the Impact of Kelo in
Updates” at the annual Appellate
Globe about his research on clergy Tax Institute in New York the Tri-State Region” during the
Judges Seminar held on
sexual abuse on January 29. (October) and in San Francisco Land & Power: The Impact of
November 18 in Saratoga Springs
(November); “Employee Eminent Domain in Urban
Professor Alicia Ouellette and at the New York State
Benefits Update” at the Albany Communities Symposium. The
presented “Restraining Parental Judicial Institute’s Conference
Chapter of New York Employee event was sponsored by the
Choice to Size and Shape held on November 27.
Benefits Conference” in Policy Research Institute for the
Children” at The Hastings Center
September; “Employee Benefits Region of the Woodrow Wilson
on December 10. In October,
Update” at the Albany Chapter School of Public & International
she presented “The Sale of
of International Society of Affairs at Princeton University.
Human Oocytes for Therapeutic
Certified Employee Benefits She also presented a paper,
Research” at the American
Specialists in September; “Land Use Law and Healthy
Society of Bioethics and the
“Federal Health Legislation, Children: Opportunities for
Humanities Annual Conference
International Foundation of States to Assume a Leadership
in Washington, D.C. On
Employee Benefit Plans” at the Role in Promoting and
September 28, she presented
Healthcare Management Incentivizing Local Options,”
“Bioethics and Law, Hospital
Conference in Williamsburg, at the First Annual Conference
Ethics Committees Swap Shop”
Va., sponsored by the Inter- on Law, Ethics & the Life
at the Mt. Sinai Medical College–
national Foundation of Employee Sciences at the Louis D.
Union Graduate College
Benefit Plans; and “Pension Brandeis School of Law of the
conference at Union College.
Update” at the Adirondack University of Louisville on
Professor David Pratt made Actuaries Club in June. October 26. Also in October,
the following presentations: Dean Salkin presented a course
Associate Dean Patricia Salkin
“Retirement Plan Distributions” for Union College’s Adult
presented the paper “Municipal
at the American Association of Lifelong Learning Program on
Regulation of Formula Retail:
Law Schools Section on the Religious Land Use and
Creating and Protecting
Employee Benefits in January; Institutionalized Persons Act.
Communities” at the Case
“Employee Benefits Update,” at
Western Reserve Law Review Associate Dean Patricia Salkin
Moore Stephens North America
Symposium on January 25. On participated in March in a
Annual Tax Conference, in
January 3, Dean Salkin presented national audio and web-based
Scottsdale, Ariz., in November;
the paper “The Genesis of CLE program for the Inter-
“Coordinating Retirement Plan
RLUIPA and Federalism: national Municipal Lawyers
Assets with the Estate” at the
Evaluating the Creation of a Association (IMLA) on the
New York State Bar Association
Federal Statutory Right and its Relgious Land Use and
in Albany in December;
Impact on Local Government” Institutionalized Persons Act.
“Employee Benefits Update” at
at the Annual Meeting of the She also presented a paper on
the CP America International
American Association of Law ethics in land use at the Spring
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
From left, Jessica Wilcox ’97, Justin Miller ’97, Marie Roccapriore Shanahan ’97 and Noelle The Class of 1957 and their spouses and friends
Carmen Vasquez ’97 and Marie Roccapriore Kinsch ’96 reconnect during the alumni picnic gathered for the 50th Reunion photo during
Shanahan ’97 enjoy the dinner celebration in under the tent prior to the annual alumni vs. Reunion Weekend activities.
the Law School’s East Foyer as they reminisce student rugby game.
about their days at Albany Law.
The 2007 Alumni Awards and Trustees’ Gold Medal award were presented
during the Barrister Ball held at Albany Country Club on Friday,
September 26. The recipients from left, include: Keiki M. Cabanos ’97,
Outstanding Young Alumni Award; Honorable Thomas J. Vilsack ’75,
Distinguished Alumni Award; Honorable Richard J. Bartlett, Trustees’
Gold Medal Award; and Larry P. Schiffer ’79, Donald D. DeAngelis The Class of 2002 and guests celebrated their 5th Reunion on the
Excellence in Alumni Service Award. Hudson River on the Captain JP Cruise line on October 20, 2007.
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
From left, Maureen Brady ’84, John A. Michalek ’76 and Catherine
Carey ’87.
From left, Jennifer Hughes ’95, Jessica Giroux ’04, Michael Donohue
’05, Mark Szymanski and Prof. Deborah Mann.
From left, Michele Baptiste ’00, Joshua Vinciguerra ’99, Mark Lemire
’01 and Keiki Cabanos ’97.
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
From left, John Halloran ’84, Gregory Getz ’80, Evelyn Petrone ’80, From left, Dionne Cuevas-Abreu ’98 and Carolyn Przybylo ’05.
Martha Sokol McCarty ’80 and David Gladstone ’80.
From left, Clorisa Cook ’04, Addisa Richards ’04, Joseph Nyland ’05 and From left, Fei-Lu Qian ’03, Heena Shaikh ’04 and Nancy Kim ’05.
Nicholas Tuffarelli ’05.
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
Honorable Carrol S. Walsh has Judge Frederic Rodgers began Roger Cusick has joined the Paul DerOhannesian II has
been named to the Johnstown his sixth term as judge in faculty of Union College in published the 3rd Edition of
High School Hall of Fame. Colorado’s First Judicial District, Schenectady, N.Y. He will be Sexual Assault Trials (LexisNexis
He served as the Fulton County in Golden, Colo. teaching political science. Publishing).
Court judge and surrogate
Judge Norman I. Siegel has Astrid C. Glynn has been named Andrew S. Fusco has been
until 1977 and as a Supreme
been named as a trustee to the the first female N.Y. State appointed City of Auburn
Court justice in the Fourth
St. Elizabeth Medical Center Transportation Commissioner. corporate counsel and Cayuga
Judicial District until his retire-
board, in Utica, N.Y. She started her legal career as a County Bar Association president.
ment in 1990.
maritime lawyer.
1970 Nadine Pellegrini is working on
Johnna G. her master’s degree in animals and
Supreme Court Justice Frank B.
Peter Pryor and his wife, Barbara, Torsone has public policy. Upon completion,
Williams won re-election in
were honored with the Dr. been named she will return to her job as
the (11 county) Fourth Judicial
James M. Bell Humanitarian to the Board an assistant U.S. attorney in
District in New York.
Award from Parsons Child and of Directors Boston, Mass.
Family Center in Albany, N.Y. 1972 of The
Donald A. Williams has
They were cited for more than Westport
Justice Bernard J. Malone Jr. retired as Ulster County’s chief
40 years “enhancing the quality (Conn.) Country Playhouse.
has been appointed to the prosecutor, a position he has
of life for others.”
Appellate Division, Third Depart- 1976 held since 1999.
1958 ment by former Governor Eliot
Bond, 1979
Spitzer. He had been appointed
Lt. Col. William Holzapfel Schoeneck &
to the Manhattan-based First James N. Baldwin, Questar III
received the 2007 Distinguished King recently
Department by Governor Pataki BOCES district superintendent,
Citizen Award by the Greater welcomed
in 2005. was elected to a four year term on
Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce their new
the Association of Educational
in recognition of his diligent 1973 partner, John
Services Agencies Executive
work as the city attorney of the R. Aldrich,
The Honorable David Demarest Council. This is a professional
city of Elizabeth, N.J. to the firm’s Albany office and
of Canton was re-elected to organization serving 553 educa-
Estate and Financial Planning
1964 serve the Fourth Judicial District tion service agencies across the
for another term. country.
Thomas Dolin has become the Hon. W. Dennis Duggan was
New Scotland Town Supervisor. Helen Volk has authored and Charles F. Crimi, Jr. has closed
elected to his second three-year
He served as Town Justice for published revised editions of his private practice to become a
term on the Board of Trustees of
14 years, was the town attorney her three most popular books: judge for the Rochester, N.Y.,
the National Council of Juvenile
for Westerlo and worked for De-Clutter, De-Stress Your Life, City Court.
and Family Court Judges.
almost 40 years in private practice The Organized Garage Sale and Margaret Mary Cangilos-Ruiz
as a commercial lending lawyer. Filing, 101. Her website is 1977
has been appointed Bankruptcy
1965 Sharon Landers is currently Judge for the U.S. Court of
1974 Assistant City Manager of the Appeals for the Second Circuit in
Judge Walter Gage retired from Syracuse, N.Y. She was formerly
Orange County City of Irvine,
the Geneva, N.Y., city court Stewart P. Glenn established a
Calif. Since June 2007 she has head of the bankruptcy depart-
bench on Dec. 31, 2007, after new firm, Glenn & Breheney
also been the CEO of the ment at Whiteman Osterman &
16 years of public service. He PLLC, in August 2006 in
Orange County Great Park. Hanna in Albany, N.Y.
will also be handing over most of Newburgh, N.Y.
his cases from his private practice
to his law partner.
She was an Albany City Court Michael Norris has joined Sentry insurance claims, personal injury, Lawyers in America for his
and acting Albany County Group in Rochester, N.Y., premises liability, contracts, real accomplishments in the field of
Family Court judge before as general counsel. He will be property issues and Article 78 intellectual property law. He is
becoming an Albany County responsible for managing all proceedings. a partner in the McDermott
Supreme Court justice in 2002. legal affairs of the company. Will and Emery law firm in
Washington, D.C.
1982 Andrea M. Quercia is the
Gardiner “Tad” Barone has
vice president and general Kevin M. Lang has joined the
Matthew D. been made a partner in the
counsel at ITT Corporation in Albany office of the international
Babcock, Middletown, N.Y., law firm
Rochester, N.Y. law firm Greenberg Traurig
Chief Blustein, Shapiro, Rich & Barone.
LLP. He will be of counsel in
Operating 1984 His experience covers civil trial
the Energy and Natural
Officer, St. and appellate cases, land use,
James Resources Group.
Elizabeth development and planning.
Orband, a
Medical 1992
Binghamton Jeffrey McMorris has been
Center, recently became a Fellow
attorney with named as attorney of counsel at Colleen Babb was appointed
of the American College of
Hinman, the Stanclift Law Firm P.C. in the executive assistant district
Healthcare Executives (ACHE),
Howard & firm’s Glens Falls, N.Y., office. attorney in Brooklyn, N.Y. She
the nation’s leading professional
Kattell, LLP, is responsible for the School of
society for healthcare leaders. 1988
has been elected chair of the Advocacy Bureau, which includes
Stephen T. Helmer was Business Law Section of the Andrea Cilli co-chaired the crimes in schools and juvenile
appointed managing partner at New York State Bar Association. Capital Region and Central crimes outside of school.
Mackenzie Hughes law firm in New York Bankruptcy Bar
Elizabeth A. Roosa has joined Matthew Blank and his wife,
Syracuse, N.Y. Associations 12th Annual
the firm of Roosa & Roosa in Cori, recently opened their new
Bankruptcy Conference in
Richard A. Kaplan has been Beacon, N.Y. store, Mine! Mine! Mine!, in the
named one of the “Illinois Super village of Florida, N.Y.
Lawyers” for 2008 as conducted Jan R. McConnaughey joined
James G.
by Law and Politics magazine. Gloria Herron Arthur has the Corporate, Business &
Cavoli has
He is an intellectual property joined the New York State Bar Regulatory Legal Staff of
been named
attorney with Brinks Hofer Association and will serve as the Eastman Kodak Company as
a partner in
Gilson & Lione in Chicago, Ill. director of Pro Bono Affairs. Chief Counsel, Consumer
Digital Imaging Group and Vice
1983 Andrew Pelletier is still Tweed,
President, Legal Department,
practicing law but has just Hadley &
Martin Finn has written effective Jan. 2, 2008.
published his third children’s McCloy LLP’s Litigation Group,
chapters for the newly published
book, “The Toy Farmer” with Nicholas Mesiti and David P. in New York City. His practice
“Mergers and Acquisitions Cases
Dutton’s Children’s Books. Miranda were named “New encompasses a full range of
and Problems” with Prof. Wendy
York Super Lawyers” by Law & complex litigation, including
Davis and Amy L. Dickson ’07. 1986
Politics and the publishers of civil and criminal enforcement of
Stephen Hicks has been Thomas Clements of Hudson Valley magazine. They are the securities laws, and interna-
appointed senior vice president Queensbury has been named both with the firm of Heslin, tional commercial arbitration.
and chief legal counsel at president of the Warren County Rothenberg, Farley & Mesiti,
Laura Egner has won the Brigid
MTM Technologies, Inc. in Bar Association for 2007–2008. P.C., in Albany.
Nolan Memorial Award for
Stamford, Conn.
Denise M. Fitzpatrick has 1991 Pro Bono Service to Victims in
joined the law firm of Sholes & Domestic Violence as presented
Brian Ferguson was named
Miller. Her practice focuses on by The Legal Project of the
in the 2008 edition of The Best
medical and legal malpractice, Capital District Women’s Bar
Scott R. Lucas ’85 won a in favor of younger, white & Lockwood, then the largest
$12.5 million discrimination engineers. The alleged retaliation law firm in Connecticut,
verdict nearly two years ago in included a poor evaluation, where he rotated through all
federal District Court in increased scrutiny and criticism, departments and decided
Connecticut against General and relegation to menial tasks litigation was the area in which
Electric Co., representing former on a project he invented. The he wanted to work.
GE employee Hemant K. Mody, case was of such note that it “It seemed to me the litigators
a Ph.D. and chief engineer. The became the subject of a Business were the cowboys of the profes-
large legal victory reminded Week magazine cover story. sion,” he said, “and I thought
Lucas just how far he had come “Regardless of the money, that would be a great place to
since entering Albany Law and I get a good feeling taking on end up.”
deciding to pursue a legal career these cases and protecting a And so he has ended up as a
after earning a bachelor of person against a big company litigator, where he’s had a great
science in management at Scott Lucas ’85 deal of success, despite flunking
with its large resources and top
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. attorneys,” said Lucas, who has his first law school quiz.
“I had Frank Anderson for relocation industry who was handled a lot of cases involving
Criminal Law and I’d heard he demoted and terminated despite age and sex discrimination.
was a very tough grader. He assurances by her supervisor after “These cases involve a tremen-
gave me an ‘F’ on my very first her husband, formerly a Cendant dous amount of preparation,
quiz,” Lucas recalled with a employee, went to work for a the files are large and you have
laugh. “In engineering school, relocation competitor. behemoth summary judgment
there was always a right and
wrong answer, but in the law
“It was a big case and a unique
trial for Danbury, Conn., which
motions you have to defeat to As a lawyer in a
get to trial.”
there never is. Instead of doesn’t have many million-dollar As a lawyer in a small firm small firm going
analyzing the questions on that
first quiz, I wrote short responses
verdicts,” said Lucas, whose
seven-figure verdicts earned
going up against a conglomerate up against a
with resources as deep as GE’s,
that I thought were the right him membership in The Million Lucas has to work doubly hard conglomerate with
answers. It was a real wakeup call.” Dollar Advocates Forum, a
Fortunately, Lucas recovered group of trial lawyers who have
to level the legal playing field.
“The corporate lawyers try to
resources as deep
nicely after failing his first quiz won verdicts, awards and settle- paper you to death,” he said. as GE’s, Lucas has
in law school and he went on ments in excess of $1 million. The federal judges are often
to become managing editor of Lucas and his wife, Jane Cavalier, receptive to defense arguments,
to work doubly
the Law Review, an experience who has her own brand consulting as employment cases have, in hard to level the
he credits with honing his legal company, have three children certain areas, overwhelmed their
analytical skills. and live in Weston, Conn. dockets. Trials in general are a
legal playing field.
Lucas is a founding partner His 2006 victory against disappearing event, Lucas
of Martin, Lucas & Chioffi, a GE is currently on appeal after noted: “We often hear about
Stamford, Conn., firm with a judge reduced the verdict the disappearing jury trial these
10 lawyers. He heads its litigation amount to $8.3 million. Lucas days as a result of mandatory
practice. He won a $1.3 million successfully argued that Mody, mediation and the simple fact
jury verdict against Cendant of Indian descent, was unlawfully that 95 percent of cases usually
Mobility Services Corp. in fired and otherwise retaliated settle before trial.”
Connecticut State Supreme against after he complained he Lucas credits his career choice
Court in 2003 on behalf of his and others of Asian descent were to an internship he landed while
client, a top producer in the routinely passed for promotions at Albany Law with Cummings
when she helped helps to have a legal background person returned to their family, gather the evidence they need,”
for this job,” Medrano said. unharmed. The worst days were Medrano said.
quickly crack She teams with special agents those in which the criminals Medrano feels that being a
kidnapping cases with accounting backgrounds killed their victims, such as a lawyer helps her each day in
on bank fraud cases. Her job ring of Russian mobsters who her work as a special agent. “A
and was able to includes writing seizure warrants murdered repeatedly before law perfect example is writing an
see the kidnapped so that a judge will allow the enforcement solved the case. affidavit for a search warrant to
government to seize cars, houses One of Medrano’s more get into a house,” she said. “I
person returned and other assets purchased bizarre cases, at least for a lawyer, like to write and have the legal
to their family, through criminal enterprises. involved a plaintiff ’s attorney in background, so I can write an
“There’s so much variety to a price-fixing case who began affidavit quickly. But that’s a
unharmed. this work,” she said. “I was in stalking the defendant’s winning very daunting task for somebody
the violent crimes unit for five attorney and made threatening without legal training. I think
years and worked on cases phone calls, sent harassing e-mails being a lawyer helps me zero in
involving kidnapping, murder and showed up at the lawyer’s on certain facets of a case, helps
for hire and extortion. The office, threatening murder. me avoid legal pitfalls and allows
hours were long and you got used “This was after some school me to solve cases more quickly.”
to being called out to a crime shootings and people became very Medrano has never fired her
scene in the middle of the night.” concerned about the threats…. gun in the line of duty, although
After completing her rigorous We arrested him within a week,” she does keep current on training
training at the FBI Academy in she recalled. The attorney was for firearms and defensive tactics.
Quantico, Va., Medrano worked convicted and went to prison. When she goes to a crime scene,
out of the Chicago office before Another interesting assignment she wears the FBI “raid jacket,”
transferring to L.A. because her for Medrano was with the public like on TV.
husband, also an FBI special corruption squad. “Some of those “It’s been an interesting and
agent with an accounting back- cases are ongoing and will be challenging job and I like what I
ground, was assigned there. coming to trial soon,” she said. do,” she said, without voicing
During her years investigating “You learn a lot about being a any regrets about choosing to
violent crimes in L.A., the best special agent on the job, because go to work for the FBI instead
days were when she helped quickly there’s no right way to solve a of waiting for an offer from a
crack kidnapping cases and case. Everyone develops a personal D.A.’s office.
was able to see the kidnapped style and how they decide to
Karl E. Manne has been 1994 Ann Sharpe has taken a Kenneth D.
appointed as the Town of position with Cioffi, Slezak & Suzan has
Kimberly Y. Jones has been
Herkimer town justice. He Wildgrube, PC in Niskayuna, been elected
elected to the Boston Bar
maintains a general practice, N.Y. to partner-
Association’s Council. She is
which includes presentation of ship at
Counsel at Foley Hoag LLP 1996
clients in civil and criminal Hodgson
and focuses her practice on rep-
litigation, business and corpo- John M. Russ LLP.
resentation of corporate clients
rate matters, bankruptcies and Bagyi, a He is a member of the firm’s
and employers in labor and
real estate closings. partner in Intellectual Property & Tech-
employment law and litigation.
Bond, nology Law, International/
Johnnette Traill has been
Christine Sabino Kiesel was Schoeneck & Cross-Border, and E-Commerce
awarded the Thomas E. Dewey
selected as the Accent on King, PLLC Practice Groups.
Medal for Queens County as
Excellence winner for 2006. She was listed in
the best prosecutor of the year John Um has joined the law
is the Statewide Child Welfare The Best Lawyers in America
by the New York City Bar. firm of Loeb & Loeb LLP in
Court Improvement Project 2008. This is the second consec-
N.Y. He will practice in all
1993 manager, based in Utica, N.Y. utive year Bagyi has been listed
aspects of advertising and
in the Management Labor and
Timothy M. Fitzgerald was David Luci has been appointed marketing law with a particular
Employment Law Category, and
featured in the Rochester Business general counsel and vice presi- emphasis in on-line media.
he remains the youngest lawyer
Journal as the leader of the dent, corporate development
in New York State to receive this Molly Wilkinson has been
commercial real estate practice for MacroChem. He will also
honor. named chief of staff of the U.S.
group at Harris Beach PLLC. be corporate secretary with
Small Business Administration.
responsibilities encompassing all Gregory D. Byrne was named
Christopher C. Gerard joined She will lead the agency’s efforts
the company’s legal matters. partner with Pricewaterhouse-
Anderson Kill & Olick, P.C. to improve procurement oppor-
Coopers. He lives in New York,
in New York, N.Y., as a share- Kristen Martin has been tunities for small business.
N.Y., with his wife Lauren
holder in the Trusts and Estates appointed an officer of the Utica
Taylor Byrne ’98. 1997
practice. National Insurance Group,
as assistant vice president, and Jennifer J. Corcoran has joined Christine H. Guido has joined
Cheryl Hogan has received
named compliance officer. the Balzar & Leary Firm in the law firm of Rusk, Wadlin,
the Stanley A. Rosen Memorial
Albany, N.Y. Heppner and Martuscello in
Award for Pro Bono Service to 1995
Kingston, N.Y., as a senior
Victims of Domestic Violence as Peter A. Lauricella has been
Mark Grosky is owner and associate.
presented by The Legal Project elevated to partner at the firm
principal of Grosky Law Firm in
of the Capital District Women’s of Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Justin S.
Clifton Park, N.Y. he specializes
Bar Association. Edelman & Dicker LLP, in Miller has
in trusts and estates and elder law.
Albany, N.Y. been elected
Christopher Potash, a partner
Megyn Kelly is co-anchor of a member of
at Harter Secrest & Emery LLP, Thomas Lavery has been
Fox News Channel’s “America’s the law firm
has been recognized as a leader promoted to senior associate at
Newsroom.” of Harris
in the “Forty Under 40” Pattison Sampson Ginsberg &
Michelle Fasciana Rider has Beach and
program in the Rochester (N.Y.) Griffin PC. His practice areas
been named partner in the firm practices in their Rochester, N.Y.,
Business Journal. include contracts, commercial
Rider, Weiner & Frankel, PC office. He is part of the Public
and civil litigation, and adminis-
in New Windsor, N.Y. Also a Finance & Economic Develop-
trative law.
certified public accountant, she ment Practice Group, the Energy
Industry Team, and Municipali-
has been associated with the
ties and Quasi-Governmental
firm for more than three years.
Agencies Team.
just in the Wall $670 million, K+S AG in the the American Airlines desk in
purchase of a Latin American London starts to know you by
Street Journal salt producer for $488 million, name,” said Herman. Some
and Barron’s, and has advised private equity deals have required him to fly
firms ranging from Warburg to Europe every week, from
but also in local Pincus to KKR on transactions Wednesday to Friday, for up to
tabloids like the in the U.S. and in Europe, eight weeks at a time. And 10
including Permira’s and KKR’s days in Dubai last December
N.Y. Post.” 2.1 billion Euros leveraged will take its toll, though it is
Lauren Taylor Byrne was Stephanie Bethlehem Town Justice Ryan Crystal Doolity has joined the
named managing director with DiLallo Donovan has joined the law firm of Maynard, O’Connor,
Alvarez & Marsal in December Bitter firm of fellow Albany Law Smith & Catalinoto, LLP in
2007. She lives in New York, became a alumni Greg Harris ’79 and Albany, N.Y.
N.Y., with her husband, principal at Michael Conway ’95. The new
Jonathan Schopf has joined
Gregory D. Byrne ’96. the law firm firm will be called Harris,
the firm of Pattison Sampson
of Bartlett, Conway and Donovan, PLLC.
North Greenbush Town Justice Ginsberg & Griffin P.C. in Troy,
Pontiff, Stewart & Rhodes, PC
Andrew G. Ceresia has been Maureen E. N.Y., as an associate focusing on
in Glens Falls, N.Y.
elected President of the Maney has civil and criminal litigation and
Rensselaer County Bar Associa- Shannon D. Frazier has accepted been made a real estate law.
tion. In addition to his Town a position at O’Connor, partner in
judicial duties, he has also O’Connor, Bresee & First PC the law firm
served as an Acting City Court in Albany, N.Y. of Hancock Noelle M.
Judge in Rensselaer, Hudson & Estabrook, Pecora has
Catherine Hedgeman, of
and Albany City Courts. LLP in Syracuse, N.Y. joined the
Generation Next, has been
Melissa M. appointed by former First Lady 2002
law firm of
Zambri has Silda Wall Spitzer to the newly
David C. Bruffett, Jr. has joined McCabe &
been elected created Young Leaders Congress.
the Sugarman Law Firm, in Mack as an
to the part-
Paul A. Syracuse, N.Y., as an associate. associate attorney in the firm’s
nership at
Konstanty trusts and estate department.
Hiscock & 2003
has been
Barclay LLP Brian D. Pilatzke was named
promoted to Carin M. Cardinale has
in Albany, N.Y. acting public defender in St.
membership joined the firm of Towne,
Lawrence County, N.Y.
1999 in the firm Bartkowski & DiFio Kean, PC
Steptoe & in Albany, N.Y. Cheryl E. Sarjeant has joined
Alice M. Breding has accepted
Johnson. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna
a position at the Piedmont Law Peng Jiang is with Latham &
LLP. She will work in the firm’s
Firm in Latham, N.Y. David Levy has received the Watkins’ Hong Kong office.
commercial real estate group.
Kurt Clobridge Memorial He and his wife, Li Tang ’03,
Karen Folster Lesperance, a
Award for Pro Bono Service as are expecting their first child in Gregory Teresi has been
lawyer with the Poughkeepsie
presented by The Legal Project September. appointed to the position of
law firm McCabe & Mack, has
of the Capital District Women’s corporate counsel for the city
been appointed to the board Kiley D. Scott has been named
Bar Association. of Cohoes, N.Y.
of The Alzheimer’s Association’s partner at the firm of Tully
Hudson Valley, Rockland, John R. Vero has joined Union Rinckey PLLC in Albany, N.Y. Thais M. Triehy joined Hiscock
Westchester chapter. College’s Board of Trustees as & Barclay in Albany, N.Y., as an
Lovely Warren has been
the new president of the Alumni associate attorney.
Jennifer Ploetz Williams has elected a City Councilwoman
Council. He is also a member of
joined the law firm of for the Northeast District of 2006
Albany Law’s National Alumni
Mackenzie Hughes LLP in Rochester, N.Y.
Association Board of Directors. Maxine Barasch is president
Syracuse, N.Y.
Kara Wilson has been appointed and founder of the Capital
assistant district attorney, Alliance of Young Professionals,
Oneida County, N.Y. a networking vehicle for young
Michelle E. Broadbent has Andrew E. Schrafel graduated Alison Bates has a fellowship at 1936
joined Kowalczyk, Tolles & from Tsinghua University the Empire Justice Center in
Thomas T. Heney died on
Deery, LLP in Utica, N.Y., as an School of Law, in Beijing, with Rochester, N.Y.
Aug. 31, 2007, in Scarsdale,
associate attorney. a Master of Laws degree in
Jacqueline Mecchella N.Y., from complications of
Chinese Law.
Ryan T. Emery, a business and Bushwack has joined Rivkin Alzheimer’s disease. During
trust attorney at Mackenzie Jon Thayer has joined the law Radler as a first year associate in law school he worked as a
Hughes, was recently admitted firm of Block, Colucci, the firm’s Health Services report and radio commenta-
to the Florida Bar Association. Spellman & Peller LLP in Lake Practice Group. tor. He practiced law at
Placid, N.Y. Staley & Tobin in Albany
Matthew G. Favro has joined Marisa Ann Filupeit is
and then at Blake, Voorhees
the law firm of Gary L. Favro ’76 2007 employed as an attorney for the
& Stewart in New York, N.Y.
in Plattsburgh, N.Y. New York City Administration
Melissa Ashline-Heil has been He joined the National
of Children’s Services.
Julie M. Frances has joined the named City Planner for the City Sugar Refinery Company as
law office of David A. Harper, of Cohoes, N.Y. Ronney Lynne Rosenberg, the General Counsel in 1944
in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Director of Legal Compliance at and worked there until his
the New York Mercantile retirement in 1971. He is sur-
Victoria Hasseler Collins has Barringer
Exchange, Inc. in New York, vived by
been admitted as a new attorney has joined
N.Y., was named Compliance four sons, two daughters, six
to the New York State and the firm of
Counsel. grandchildren and 10 great-
Vermont bars. She is employed McGlinchey
as an associate attorney with the grandchildren.
law firm of Weber, Perra & PLLC in 1937
Munzing in Brattleboro, Vt. Albany, N.Y., as an associate in
John Joseph Biscone, of
the business law section.
Ravena, N.Y., died Jan. 2,
2008, at his residence. He
MARRIAGES AND BIRTHS served in the U.S. Navy dur-
ing World War II and was
1991 1998 2002
very active in local war veter-
an organizations. Mr. Biscone
Kathryn (Kate) Tabner Lisa M. Penpraze announces Patrick K. Jordan and Laura was assistant county attorney
announces the birth of her son the birth of her son Bryce on M. Jordan ’03 announce the for Albany County for 32
Walker James Boardman on Dec. 6, 2007. birth of their son Finn Kelly years, town attorney for the
April 16, 2007. He is the grand- born on Jan. 5, 2008. town of Coeymans for over
son of John W. Tabner ’51. 30 years and village attorney
Nia Alexandra (vonHockman) for the village
Chase and Christopher R. Chase Eric R. Gee and Amelia of Ravena for over 40 years.
Johnnette Traill ’92 announces were married on Dec. 1, 2007. Catalina were married on He also maintained a private
the birth of her first child August 4, 2007, in Valatie, N.Y. law practice over the years.
Mikayla. Mr. Biscone is born the first
Karen E. (McGrory) Mease of 10 children. He is sur-
and Kevin L. Mease were Jacqueline Mecchella vived by four children, 14
Jason J. Legg announces the married on Sept. 16, 2007, in Bushwack married Michael grandchildren, 12 great-
birth of Alyse Catherine, born Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Bushwack on Sept. 8, 2007 in grandchildren, one brother
on Dec. 3, 2007. Rockland County, N.Y. and one sister. His wife
Jayme L. (Majek) Torelli passed away in 1991.
married Christopher J. Torelli
on March 17, 2007.
{ S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 }
June 3
Government Law Center
30th Anniversary Luncheon
The State Room, Albany, N.Y.
August 17
Day at the Races
Saratoga Race Course
Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
September 26–28
Reunion Weekend
Albany, N.Y.
Nonprofit Organization
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