IVIM UB Cancer
IVIM UB Cancer
IVIM UB Cancer
Background: Nonmuscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC, Stage T1 or lower) is treated with transurethral resection
(TUR), while muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC, Stage T2 or more) requires neoadjuvant chemotherapy before radi-
cal cystectomy. Hence, preoperative differentiation is vital.
Purpose: To investigate whether intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) can differentiate
NMIBC from MIBC and to assess whether there were correlations between IVIM parameters and the Ki-67 labeling index (LI).
Study Type: Retrospective.
Subjects: Thirty-six patients diagnosed with bladder cancer confirmed by histopathological findings.
Field Strength/Sequence: 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) DWI with eight b-values ranging from 0 to 1000 s/mm2.
Assessment: Molecular diffusion coefficient (D), perfusion-related diffusion coefficient (D*), perfusion fraction (f), and
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were calculated by biexponential and monoexponential models fits, respectively.
Statistical Tests: Comparisons were made between the MIBC and NMIBC group, and differences were analyzed by
comparing the areas under the receiver-operating characteristic curves (AUCs). The correlations between these parame-
ters and Ki-67 LI were assessed by Spearman’s rank correlation analysis.
Results: The ADC and D value were significantly lower in patients with MIBC compared to those with NMIBC (P <
0.01). No significant (P > 0.05) differences were observed in D* and f. The AUC of D value (0.894) was significantly (P <
0.05) larger than the ADC value (0.786), with sensitivities and specificities of 95% and 87.5% (D) and 80% and 68.7%
(ADC), respectively. In addition, the D and ADC values were significantly correlated with Ki-67 LI (r 5 –0.785, r 5 –0.643,
respectively; both P < 0.01).
Data Conclusion: The D value obtained from IVIM exhibited better performance than conventional DWI for distinguish-
ing NMIBC from MIBC and may serve as a potential imaging biomarker for bladder cancer invasion.
Level of Evidence: 1
Technical Efficacy: Stage 3
J. MAGN. RESON. IMAGING 2017;00:000–000.
*Address reprint requests to: J.X., Department of Radiology, Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P.R. China.
E-mail: [email protected]
From the Department of Radiology, Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P.R. China
MRI protocol
MRI sequences
T1-weighted SE T2-weighted SE DWI
Plane Axial Axial, sagittal Axial
Fat saturation No Yes No
Time to repeat (msec) 534 4000 6000
Time to echo 8 110 70
Thickness (mm) 3 3 3
FOV (cm) 30 22 20
Matrix (mm3mm) 300 3 226 276 3 239 80 3 142
Intersection gap (mm) 1 1 0.3
Number of excitations 2 2 2
Other 8 (b values 0, 50, 100, 150,
200, 500, 800, 1000 s/mm2)
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; FOV, field of view; SE, spin echo.
contours of tumors in DWI can indicate stage T1 or lower and brain tumors.9–13 IVIM-DWI with multiple b-values
as a thin, flat, C-shape; stage T2 as a smooth tumor margin; can provide three parameters through biexponential analysis:
stage T3 as an irregular margin extension into the perivesical the pure diffusion coefficient (D), perfusion-related incoher-
fat; and stage T4 as extension into adjacent organs.4 As ent microcirculation (D*), and the microvascular volume
stage T1 vs. T2 clinically differentiates NMIBC and MIBC, fraction (f ). Compared to conditional DWI, IVIM-DWI
the differentiation of stage T1 and T2 by DWI could play a can reflect both perfusion and true diffusion-related effect in
significant role in clinical treatment procedures. The unique tumors, thus more accurately characterizing the actual status
appearance of “the inch worm sign” always indicates T1 or of diffusion in tumors without a contrast agent.
lower, and the stalk of the tumor consists of a submucosa Currently, IVIM magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is
with edema and fibrosis.4 In addition, smooth tumor mar- rarely used as a tool to stage bladder cancer. Therefore, this
gins without extension into the perivesical space indicates study was designed to investigate whether the parameters of
T2.4 However, the muscle layer is usually thin on DW IVIM can differentiate NMIBC from MIBC.
images, and the contrast difference between the tumor mar-
gin and the bladder muscle layer is not great enough to pre- Materials and Methods
cisely distinguish invasive (T2) from superficial (T1) Study Population
tumors.4 Dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging (DCEI) can The protocols of this study were approved by the Institutional
demonstrate that intact submucosal linear enhancement Review Board, and informed consent was obtained from all
(SLE) adjacent to a tumor indicates stage T1 or a lower patients. Between April 2016 and April 2017, 52 patients sus-
stage. However, approximately 60% of dynamic contrast- pected of bladder cancer underwent MRI with a protocol including
enhanced studies showed that the submucosa and tumor T1WI (weighted imaging), T2WI, and DWI using eight b-values
have similar signal intensity, making it difficult to recognize (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 500, 800, and 1000s/mm2) before transure-
submucosal linear enhancement.5 In addition, perivesical thral resection (TUR). Patients who underwent TUR after imaging
enhancement can be a reactive or acute inflammatory of pathologically confirmed bladder cancer were enrolled in this
change rather than tumor invasion.6 These phenomena may study. Tumor specimens were sufficient for immunohistochemical
cause false positivity and overestimation of the tumor stage. staining. Patients (n 5 4) with no histological evidence of bladder
cancer and patients (n 5 12) with pathologically confirmed benign
The overall staging accuracy using DCEI has been reported
lesions were excluded.
to be 52–85%.5,7,8 Therefore, further improvements to
diagnostic methods may be desirable for preoperative staging MRI Protocols
of tumors. All patients underwent pelvic MRI with DWI examination on a
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) DWI is an 3.0T MR scanner (Ingenia; Philips Healthcare, Best, the Nether-
advanced imaging technique that has been explored in vari- lands) with a Torso coil (see protocol in Table 1). Patients were
ous tumor types, including breast, liver, prostate, pancreas, asked to fast for 4–6 hours before examination and were instructed
TABLE 2. Comparisons Between the NMIBC Group and the MIBC Group
not to urinate for at least 1 hour before the examination in order not conform to a normal distribution). Receiver operator character-
to moderately distend the bladder. istic (ROC) curves were drawn to compare the areas of these
parameters. The correlation between these parameters and the Ki-
Image Analysis 67 LI was assessed by Spearman’s rank correlation analysis. The
All digital images were transferred to the in-house software devel- intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to evaluate the
oped in IDL 6.3 (ITT Visual Information Solutions, Boulder, interobserver agreement of all metrics.14 An ICC greater than 0.75
CO) for further analysis. All regions of interest (ROIs) were drawn represented good agreement.15 P < 0.05 was considered statisti-
by two radiologists (X.-X.C. and L.-M.W with 2 and 5 years of cally significant.
experience in pelvic MRI, respectively) who were blind to the path-
ologic outcomes. The interreader agreement in the calculation of
these metrics was also evaluated. For each case, the ROI for IVIM
fitting was placed over the entire largest lesion while avoiding Results
necrosis. The ROI was transferred to the biexponential model to Thirty-six patients (30 male, 6 female; mean age 65 6 12
obtain the values of D, f, and D*. At the same time, the ROI was years) underwent MRI followed by TUR biopsy. Sixteen
transferred to the monoexponential model to obtain ADC values. patients diagnosed with NMIBC underwent TUR, and 20
patients diagnosed with MIBC received two cycles of
Thirty-six bladder cancer specimens obtained from TUR were
cisplatin-based chemotherapy before radical cystectomy. The
immunohistochemically stained for evaluation of the Ki-67 labeling interobserver agreement was good for the calculation of all
index (LI). By counting the cells in each area of the tumor, the these metrics (ICC range, 0.874–0.989).
percentage of positive nuclear Ki-67 expression was evaluated. The ADC and D value were significantly lower in
patients with MIBC ([1.209 6 0.222] 3 1023 mm2/s and
Statistical Evaluation [0.956 6 0.237] 3 1023 mm2/s, respectively) compared to
Statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS 20.0 (Chicago, IL).
those suffering NMIBC ([1.587 6 0.442] 3 1023 mm2/s
Mean 6 standard deviation, median and interquartile range (IQR)
and [1.557 6 0.385] 3 1023 mm2/s, respectively) (P <
were used to express continuous variables and discrete variables,
respectively. Normality of the distribution was tested using the Kol-
0.01). No significant differences were observed in D* and f
mogorov–Smirnov test. Independent-samples t-tests were used to parameters (both P > 0.05) (Table 2; Fig. 1).
compare differences between the MIBC group and the NMIBC The area under the ROC curves of the D value
group in the case of a normal distribution. Nonparametric Mann– (0.894) was significantly (P < 0.05) larger than that of the
Whitney U-tests were used when appropriate (when parameters did ADC value (0.786). The sensitivities were 95% and 80%
FIGURE 1: Box-and-whisker plots of ADC values (a) and D values (b) between the NMIBC group and the MIBC group.
Month 2017 3
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
TABLE 3. Results of the Receiver Operating Characteristic Analyses for Discriminating NMIBC From MIBC
and the specificities were 87.5% and 68.7% for the D and that is much more compact, and thus, the ADC and D val-
ADC value, respectively (Table 3; Fig. 2). ues in MIBC patients were significantly lower than in
The D value and Ki-67 LI were negatively correlated NMIBC patients. The D* value is affected by average blood
(r 5 –0.785, P < 0.01), and the ADC value and Ki-67 LI velocity and capillary segment length.22 The signal intensity
were negatively correlated (r 5 –0.643, P < 0.01) (Table 4; ratio of blood capillaries and tumor tissues determines the f
Figs. 3–5). There were no significant correlations among value.23 However, there were no significant differences in
D*, f value, and Ki-67 LI (both P > 0.05). D* nor the f values between the MIBC and NMIBC
groups, which indicated that extracellular components such
Discussion as blood flow velocity, vascular perfusion, or capillary vol-
Previous studies7,16–21 have shown that ADCs can be used ume contribute little to the aggressiveness of bladder
to stage bladder cancer. ADCs are lower in higher T-stage tumors. In the current study, the D* values in the MIBC
bladder cancer. Kobayashi19 evaluated three T-stage groups group were not significantly lower than the D* values in the
(Ta, T1, and T2 or higher) and found that ADC values NMIBC group. Similarly, previous studies of liver or breast
were significantly lower for higher T stages than for lower T have reported that D* values in malignant lesions were
stages (T2 vs. T1 vs. Ta). However, the ADC value is lower than or indistinguishable from those of benign
affected not only by tissue cellularity density but also by lesions.24–28 The repeatability estimates found for D* in this
blood flow perfusion and membrane permeability. Since the work were relatively good, with an ICC greater than 0.75
D value could represent the true molecular diffusion and for D* using the biexponential model, while D* had previ-
distract the affection of microvascular perfusion, it may ously been found to be less stable, with wide variability in
more accurately reflect the inner construction and invasive tumors.24 IVIM parameters are dependent on magnetic field
information of tumors. strength to a small extent and the relatively low signal-to-
In this study, we found that the ADC and D values noise ratio (SNR) may compromise the precision of the cal-
were significantly lower in patients with MIBC compared to culated IVIM parameters.29 In the current study, we per-
those with NMIBC. These results indicate that higher T- formed this examination at 3.0T MRI, and the SNR was
stages corresponded to greater restriction of water molecular relatively high. In addition, the measurement bias between
two observers may be reduced compared to other organs
diffusion. Tumor cell-active growth results in cell density
because DWI provides high contrast between bladder cancer
and background tissue. Moreover, since D* is considered to
represent blood flow velocity, the wide variability of D* val-
ues may result from varying tumor vascularity among differ-
ent tumor types.28 In the present study, the f value did not
differ significantly between the MIBC and NMIBC groups,
which was similar to other findings.25,30 f was sensitive to
the maximal b value employed and their potential sampling
from non-Gaussian effects.24 A previous study found that
the f value was significantly increased in tumors with maxi-
mal b value below 750 s/mm2 in prostate cancers and
FIGURE 3: Scatterplots showing significant negative correlations between the ADC value (a), the D value (b) and Ki-67 LI.
decreased or indistinguishable from normal tissues with The ADC value obtained from the monoexponential model
higher maximal b value.30 In addition, f could be influenced assumed a Gaussian distribution was influenced not only by
by a T2 contribution.22,31 tissue cellularity but also by microcirculation of the blood
In this study, we found that the D value was superior in the capillary network, so as not to reflect the true water
to the ADC value for discriminating NMIBC from MIBC.
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