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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

Occupational Health and Safety of Workers in

Pharmaceutical Industries
Shivani Khanna, Geeta Kumari, Hemant Bhanawat, K. M. Pandey

 work embrace making a secure and healthy work atmosphere.

Abstract: Workers are the most significant resources for an As per the definition of the World Health Organization
association as they contribute the most towards the (WHO), “occupational health deals with all aspects of health
accomplishment of an association which relies upon the basic and safety at the workplace and places a powerful stress on
abilities of its human capital that pays to the occupational safety
and health of employees in the work environment. The present primary hindrance of risks”. Health has been explicated as "a
study is led with the objective to highlight occupational safety and condition of complete physical, mental and social prosperity
health actions for the employees and their satisfaction level and isn't merely the non-existence of un-wellness or
accompanied occupational health and safety services provided by infirmity". The research study identified health risks and
the chosen pharmaceutical organizations. It additionally outlined awareness of work-related health risks for
highlighted the awareness and training program undertaken by
the organizations. The analysis of the current study has been done
pharmaceutical workers. This included evaluating health risks
by suitable mathematical and statistical tools consisting of for workers, assessing health risks for workers and possible
percentage analysis, mean (average), standard deviation, and control to prevent and mitigate the impact of hazards on
correlation and regression analysis depending upon the objectives workers' health and well-being. General health risks within
of the study. The outcomes demonstrated that the representatives the pharmaceutical business embrace exposure to dirt and
of both organizations are genuinely happy with the continuous
noise, repetitive motion disorders, methanol exposure, and
training program on risk of health and safety of workers. With
regard to health and safety at work, the chosen pharmaceutical ultraviolet illumination exposure.
companies offer their employees with numerous facilities. A. Objective of the Study
Likewise, the fulfillment level of the employees by means of these
measures is high, which is a decent picture of a balanced The main aim of this study is to have a comparative study of
relationship between the management and the employees. employee satisfaction level with respect to the occupational
health and safety measures in pharmaceutical industries.
Keywords : Pharmaceutical organizations, Human Capital,
Hazards, Occupational Health and Safety, workplace. II. LITERATURE REVIEW

I. INTRODUCTION A literature search is a fundamental section of the complete

research procedure and makes an important contribution to
Health and safety at work are one among the foremost vital nearly every operational step. Cooper and Phillips (2004)
aspects of human concern. It aims to adapt the operating analyzed the importance of knowledge and understanding of
atmosphere to employees for the upliftment and prolongation the link and contact between work and health in the exercise
of the very best level of mental, physical and social wellbeing of health and safety at work. The working environment and
of employees. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) or working conditions can have a positive or negative impact on
Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) are two localities the safety and health of employees. Workers' health can also
involved with the security, health, and well-being of affect their routine and performance, depending on
individuals involved in work. Safety and health programs at environmental factors and the nature of industrial
organization and policies. Poor health affected workers'
productivity and productivity. Haldiya et al. (2005) have
shown that it is important to have good safety precautions for
salt production, as salt production involves several stages and
Manuscript published on November 30, 2019. the entire process is work-oriented. The masks must be of
* Correspondence Author higher quality and handy handling, the filter need to be
Shivani Khanna*, Department of Management, Eternal University,
expanded and forestall the terrible scent of plastic and fabric,
Himachal Pradesh-173101, India. Email:[email protected]
Geeta Kumari, Department of Management, Eternal University,
the glasses ought to be of desirable exceptional at low cost.
Himachal Pradesh-173101, India. Email: [email protected] Workers should be aware of the results on their physical and
Hemant Bhanawat, Department of Commerce, Eternal University, mental health when working in the salt industry, so that they
Himachal Pradesh-173101,India.Email:[email protected] can follow the protection measures to accurately guard
K. M. Pandey, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National themselves from hazardous diseases. Karkoszka and
Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam-788010, India.
Email:[email protected] Szewieczek (2007) concluded that the implementation of the
occupational safety coverage primarily based on the
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and assessment of the OSH danger leads to an enhancement of the
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the analyzed procedures via the prevention measures and for that
CC-BY-NC-ND license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
reason to a discount of the
OSH risk to an suited level.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D6819118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D6819.118419 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Occupational Health and Safety of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries

The draftsman concluded that all measures taken in the Corona Ltd. in Solan town, Himachal Pradesh and its vicinity.
corporation ought to be systematized to ensure secure and The sampling design can be described as the selection of a
hygienic working conditions for employees and to facilitate part from a combination or a whole from which a judgment of
this thru the introduction of the OSH administration system. the whole is made. The sampling method for this study was
The simple device of the gadget is a expert threat evaluation convenient sampling which comprises of population segment
that consists of the recognition and classification of threats, that are selected for sampling based on easy access or that are
the definition of occupational hazard and the assessment of its comfortably available. The sample size is explained as the
acceptance. Yusof (2008) concluded in his find out about that number of factors that must be selected from the universe to
manufacturing contributes to the country's financial increase shape a sample. The sample size is selected as 30 employees
and gives a number of employment opportunities. New from each company as needed that means total sample size is
technologies and newer machines are also being installed in 60 employees.
offices the place occupational security and health must be Data for the research purposes are collected from various
ensured in order to stop similarly accidents at work. Wigmore sources. The study is performed with primary and secondary
(2009) found that the exceptional way to stay away from the data. Primary data is the new source from which researchers
problems is to eliminate dangerous substances and use collect data directly by using several methods like a
available substitutions (choice of protected or least toxic close-ended questionnaire, observations and personal
substances). The pharmaceutical business is exclusive in that interviewing, etc. Secondary data is the source that contains
its employees deal with hazards that may have biological data collected and collected for other purposes, such as:
impact. Large scale pharmaceutical agencies have equipped census reports, annual reports and company accounts etc.
numerous safety and fitness applications that focus on both Secondary data for this study has been gathered by previous
private and corporate responsibility. They also extend a surveys, books, periodicals, articles, research and web sites.
categorization module, called a tamper strip, to categorize the Then the data collected from various sources was arranged
chemical and biological hazards in their facility. Katsuro et al. and tabulated as per the requirements of the study. The
(2010) examined the effect of health and safety at work on examination of the present study was conducted using
labor productivity in Zimbabwe in the industrial food industry appropriate statistical and mathematical tools, including
and concluded that a lack of expertise on OSH practices percent, mean, correlation, standard deviation, and regression
causes such problems. It is therefore recommended that analysis, depending on the objectives of the study. The data of
factories in the food industry improve their safety at work the present study were processed with the latest statistical
through coaching programs and use today's devices. Leilanie software, i.e. With SPSS version 20 academic version.
(2011) analyzed the fitness and safety of girl workers in
production line in the Philippines and stated that a true IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
indicator of the monetary and social inclusion of female need
As per the accessing of employee job satisfaction level, with
to be available and available to workers. Paid employment
respect to the occupational health and safety measures, it was
gives women a structure of autonomy. Necessary techniques
given on the basis of mean values of the respondents response
and packages should consequently be formulated or tailored
of various employee satisfaction dimensions, namely
in the place of work in order to promote the rights and
occupational health and safety policy, periodic medical check
well-being of girls workers. Makori et al. (2012) conducted a
up, state operating procedure or specific safety instruction,
find out about on the have an effect on of OSH applications on
training program conducted for occupational, training
the overall performance of manufacturing groups in Kenya
program for occupational health and safety measure,
and mentioned that corporate governance should include
participation in decision making,, first-aid and ambulance
policies and constructions to enhance OSH. Organizations set
services, occupational health and safety management and
up lively fitness and security committees, which should be
system recording and analyzing the health and safety
mandated to put in force their recommendations. Mavis et al.
performance statistics.
(2015) examines OSH and working conditions management
in the safety-certified and non-certified car industry and notes A. A Comparative analysis of employee satisfaction level
the importance of regulating and controlling health-risk between Alchemist Ltd. and Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd.)
exposure in order to promote protection and health in the Table 1 showed the mean standard deviation difference
workplace. This is vital because the jobs in the United States analysis among both the companies pertaining to the different
are uncovered to the phenomena of globalization via the statements (variables) on occupational health and safety
initiation of new technologies, work organizations, work measures. The findings revealed that the comparatively
procedures and substances. Kaynak et al. (2016) examined highest mean value for majority of the statements is obtained
occupational protection practices in 5 elements, d. H. Health by Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd. i.e. The occupational health
and Safety Regulations, Accident Prevention, Safety and safety management that is proceeding in the company
Procedures and Risk Management, First Aid Assistance and (M=3.500) and (SD=0.200), the system that records and
Training, and Organizational Safety Assistance. analyze the health and safety performance statistics(
M=3.333) and (SD=0.922).
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Figure 1 shows the mean values of satisfaction level of
The methodology begins with the study design having the employees with respect to documented occupational health
main objective to determine the satisfaction of employees of and safety policy of Alchemist Ltd. and Corona Remedies
selected pharmaceutical companies with occupational safety Pvt. Ltd.
measures. The study area of the present study was conducted
at two selected pharmaceutical companies Alchemist Ltd. and
Published By:
Retrieval Number: D6819118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D6819.118419 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org 312 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

The results reveal that the higher mean value i.e. 2.767 lies in However, the employees of Alchemist Ltd. are comparatively
Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd. which means employees of are less satisfied with the documented occupational health and
comparatively more satisfied with the documented policy of safety policy because the mean value of Alchemist Ltd. is
occupational health and safety. 2.367.

Table 4.1 Comparative analysis of employee satisfaction level between Alchemist Ltd. and Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd.)
Alchemist Ltd. Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
Sample size N=30 Sample size=30
Sl. No. Variables of Employee satisfaction dimension
Mean (M) Standard Mean(M) Standard
Deviation(SD) Deviation(SD)
1 The documented occupational health and safety policy. 2.367 1.066 2.767 0.774
2 Periodic medical checkup. 2.400 0.932 2.767 1.040
3 The safe operating procedures or company-specific safety 2.667 0.758 2.967 0.764
instructions for operation.
4 Training program conducted at company for health and 2.900 0.803 2.800 0.714
safety measures related to occupation.
5 Involvement of workers in decision-making on health and 3.100 0.923 3.133 0.776
safety issues at work.
6 The ambulance and first- aid services provided at the 3.100 0.995 3.133 0.776
7 Health and safety management in the workplace. 3.133 0.973 3.500 0.820
8 A system that records and analyzes performance data for 3.267 1.112 3.333 0.922
health and safety.
Source: Field Survey, 2019 results

Figure 1 The documented occupational health and safety Figure 3 Safe operating procedures
Figure 3 illustrates the safe operating procedures or
company-specific safety instructions for operation. The
comparative higher mean value i.e. 2.967 lies in Corona
Remedies Pvt. Ltd which shows that employees of that very
company are more satisfied with safe operating procedures.
However, comparatively lower mean value i.e. 2.667 lies in
Alchemist ltd.

Figure 2 Periodic Medical Checkups

From figure 2 the mean values of periodic medical checkups
of employees can be observed. The results showed that the
employees of corona ltd. are more satisfied with the periodic
medical checkups as comparatively higher mean value i.e.
2.767 lies in Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd. Figure 4 Training Program
Whereas, the mean value of Alchemist Ltd. is 2.400 which is
comparatively low.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D6819118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D6819.118419 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Occupational Health and Safety of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries

Figure 4 observed the data related to the training program

conducted at company for health and safety measures related
to occupation. The results showed that the higher mean value
i.e. 2.9 lies in Alchemist Ltd. which signals that the employees
of Alchemist Ltd. are more satisfied with the training program
as compare to the responses of Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd
where mean value is 2.8.

Figure 7 Health and safety management system

Figure 7 illustrates the health and safety management in the
workplace. The results showed that the higher mean value i.e.
3.5 lies in Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd. which shows that the
employees of that company are comparatively more satisfied
with the health and safety management system.
Whereas, the mean value of Alchemist Ltd. is 3.133 which is
comparatively low.

Figure 5 Employees’ involvement in decision making

Figure 5 illustrates the involvement of workers in
decision-making on health and safety issues at work. The
results are almost same of both the companies there is a slight
difference in the mean values i.e. 3.1 for Alchemist Ltd. and
3.133 for Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd. which shows the
employees of both the companies are equally satisfied with
their involvement in decision making.

Figure 8 Performance data for health and safety

Figure 8 revealed the mean values related to the system that
records and analyzes performance data for health and safety.
There is very slight difference between the mean values of
both the companies i.e. 3.267 for Alchemist Ltd. and 3.333
for Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd. which means the employees of
both the companies are equally satisfied with the system that
records and analyzes performance data for health and safety.
It can be noticed that Alchemist has emerged highest on the
statements, the system that records and analyze the health and
safety performance statistics (M=3.333) and (SD=1.112), the
occupational health and safety management that is proceeding
Figure 6 Ambulance and first-aid services in the company (M=3.133) and (SD=0.973).
Irrespective of the companies the results also pointed out that
Figure 6 showed the ambulance and first- aid services all the employees are least satisfied with the written
provided at the workplace. The results are almost same of occupational health and safety policy i.e. for Alchemist
both the companies there is a slight difference in the mean (M=2.3667) & (SD=1.06620) and Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
values i.e. 3.1 for Alchemist Ltd. and 3.133 for Corona (M=2.7667) & (SD=1.04000).
Remedies Pvt. Ltd. which shows the employees of both the Results show that employees are pleased with periodical
companies are equally satisfied with ambulance and first-aid health and safety inspections in the job place, while some of
services. them reject such practices.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D6819118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D6819.118419 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org 314 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

Therefore, it may be said that senior managers regularly concluded, therefore, that elected officials act as health and
monitor employees to determine the health status of their safety inspectors.
current employees. The results show that a relatively large All employees agree that their company has not been found
number of workers have agreed to use a standard checklist for responsible for workplace safety mistakes. It can be deduced
health and safety inspections to conduct OSH inspections, that the management adheres to various principles regarding
while there are few workers who do not have this equipment health, safety and health.
in the workplace. It can be deduce that the organization has Regardless of the companies, the result also shows that most
taken the right steps to manage the standard checklist in the of the employees are dissatisfied with the rules set out for
organization. health and safety in the workplace. High values were obtained
All the workers agreed that companies provide a facility in for several observations from Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
which every worker has the right to report hazards at their
workplace. It can therefore be concluded that senior REFERENCES
management would also like to take the initiative to report to 1. Cooper, M. D. and Phillips, R. A. (2004). Exploratory analysis of the
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V. CONCLUSION 9. Mavis, I., Rahman, A. A. and Tamrin, S. B. H. M. (2015). Occupational
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10. Kaynak, R., Toklu, A. T., Elci, M. and Toklu, I. T. (2016). Effects of
job place, and the senior managers regularly monitor
occupational health and safety practices on organizational commitment,
employees to determine the health status of their current work alienation and job performance: Using the PLS-SEM approach.
employees. The finding also revealed that a relatively large International Journal of Business and Management, 11(5), 146-166.
number of workers have agreed to use a standard checklist for
health and safety inspections to conduct OSH inspections, AUTHORS PROFILE
while there are few workers who do not have this equipment
Shivani Khanna is pursuing MBA in Human
in the workplace. It can be deduce that the organization has Resource Management from Department of
taken the right steps to manage the standard checklist in the Management, Eternal University, Baru Sahib,
organization. All the workers agreed that companies provide a Himachal Pradesh . Currently, She has submitted
facility in which every worker has the right to report hazards MBA thesis and awaiting for viva-voice. She did
Bachlor degree in Business Administration (BBA)
at their workplace. It can therefore be concluded that senior from University College of Business Studies, Shimla,
management would also like to take the initiative to report to Himachal Pradesh, India.
senior management if it feels insecure or vulnerable in one
area. The results showed that a relatively large no. of workers
felt that there was a health and safety committees in the Geeta Kumari is working as Assistant Professor, in
Management Department at Eternal University, Baru
companies. It can therefore be concluded that the assessment Sahib , Himachal Pradesh, She has submitted Ph.D
and emphasis on worker safety and health appear to be orderly thesis in the area of Human Resource Management
and systematic. A large number of workers accepted that they from Jharkhand Rai University. She did M.Phil in
were included in decisions related to health and safety at Management in the year 2010 from Chaudhary Devi
Lal University, Sirsa Haryana, India.
work. Only a few employees have rejected such employee
participation. Therefore, it can be concluded that employee
participation is good in the companies. Most of the workers
agree that health and safety representatives are elected, and
employees are more satisfied with this aspect. It can be
Published By:
Retrieval Number: D6819118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D6819.118419 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Occupational Health and Safety of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries

She did Master in Business Administration (MBA) in Human Resource

Management in the year 2007 from Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar,
India. She also did M.Sc in Chemistry from Department of Chemistry,
Assam University, Silchar, Assam. She is having teaching experience of
more than six years. She has more than 30 publications in International and
National Journals and Conferences.

Dr. Hemant Bhanawat has completed his PhD in

Commerce in 2017 from Pacific Academy of Higher
Education and Research (PAHER) University,
Udaipur, India. Prior to this he has done his Masters in
Commerce with specializing in Accountancy and
Statistics from Mohan Lal Sukhadia, University ,
Udaipur in 2012 and he has also done Master degree
in General Commerce from Janardan Rai Nagar
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth ( Deemed to be University) , Udaipur in 2018. He has
also completed Master in Business Administration from Sikkim Manipal
University ( Distance Education)in 2012. The research and teaching
interests have been fostered by 4 years of post-graduate teaching He has
published more than 25 research papers in International Journals and
Conference. Currently, He is working as Assistant Professor in Finance and
Accounting at Birla School of Commerce, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.

Prof .K .M. Pandey did Ph.D in 1994 from

Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kanpur,
India in 1994. Currently he is working as Professor of
Mechanical Engineering at National Institute of
Technology, Silchar, Assam in India since May 2006.
He obtained B. Tech in Mechanical engineering from
BHUIT Varanasi in 1980 and M. Tech in Heat Power
engineering in 1987 from the same Institute. He has
authored more than 115 research papers in Scopus indexed Journals and
Conferences. He has also authored 6 books and 9 book chapters. Currently
he is working in the area of CFD analysis of combustion phenomena in
Scramjet Engines and CFD analysis of heat transfer in nuclear reactors. He
has also served as seconded faculty consultant at CPSC, Manila, Philippines
in 2002. He has served NIT Silchar as Dean Faculty welfare and Dean
Research in the year 2011 and 2012. He has served as Head of Department
for two terms of 3 years. He is taken as member of BOG, NIT Silchar twice
. He is fellow of Institution of Engineers India and member of ASME. He is
life member of Welding Society of India and life member of Fluid Mechanics
and Fluid Power Society of India.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D6819118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D6819.118419 and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org 316 © Copyright: All rights reserved.

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