2nd Year CS-F.B A+B (27-04-15) Full Book

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Paper: C.

S Test: Full book Class: 2nd Year Dated: 27–04–15

Time: 3:30 Hour Roll # …………. Name: ---------------------- T.M: 100

Q # 1: Choose the correct answer. (1×17=17)
(i). How many database objects are available in Microsoft Access’s Database window
(a) 4 (b) 7 (c) 3 (d) none of these
(ii). Which of the following is not included in the definition of an entity
(a) place (b) object (c) concept (d) action
(iii). In 3rd normal form which type of dependency is removed -------------
(a) functional dependency (b) partial functional dependency
(c) transitive dependency (d) 3NF does not deal with dependency
(iv). A special symbol used in Queries to search data is called ---------------
(a) ternary operator (b) wild card (c) match case (d) escpae sequence
(v). Different attributes in two different tables having same name is referred to as ---------
(a) synonym (b) acronym (c) homonym (d) mutually exclusive
(vi). An entity related to itself in an ERD model refers to which relationship type -------------
(a) one to one (b) one to many (c) many to many (d) none of these
(vii). In Hybrid data distribution which kind of fragments are stored at only one site
(a) critical fragments (b) non critical fragments (c) only large fragments (d) both a & b
(viii). Function definition can be written
(a) before main () function (b) after main () function (c) within main () function (d) both a & b
(ix). The name of the actual and format parameters
(a) may or may not be same (b) must be same (c) must be different (d) all of these
(x). Which of the following is true about a function call?
(a) stops the execution of the program (b) transfer control to called function
(c) transfers control to calling function (d) transfers control to main function
(xi). Trace the output? Int a = 10; switch(a){ } printf(“This is C program.”);
(a) error: No case statement specified (b) effort: No default specified
(c) this is C program (d) both a & b

(xii). Which of the following looks for the prototypes of the built-in functions used in C program
(a) linker (b) compiler (c) pre - processor (d) loader
(xiii). In a C program two functions can have ……………..
(a) same name (b) same name & same parameters
(c) same name but different parameters (d) none of these
(xiv). Which of the following cannot be checked in a switch – case statement?
(a) character (b) integer (c) float (d) none
(xv). ------------ is the type of file from usage point of view
(a) master file (b) data file (c) program file (d) all of these
(xvi). A computer program written in a high level language is called
(a)object code (b) machine code (c) source code (d) none of these
(xvii). Debug is process of
(a) creating bugs in program (b) identifying and removing errors (c) identifying errors (d) none of these
Note: Attempt 22questions.
Section – I
Q#2 Answer the short questions. (Any 8)
(i). Briefly explain relational database model?
(ii). Explain ER diagram briefly?
(iii). What is meant by data dictionary?
(iv). What do you know about replicated data distribution strategy?
(v). What is the difference between homonym and synonym attributes in a relation?
(vi). Define partial functional dependency?
(vii). What is cardinality of relations?
(viii). Briefly explain referential integrity?
(ix). What is a switch board?
(x). Write down all properties of a relation?
(xi). What is partial dependency?
Q#3 Answer the short questions. (Any 8)
(i). What do you know about delimeters?
(ii). What is bug? Also write down names of different debugging features of Turbo C?
(iii).What is sentinel value & where we use it?
(iv). What do you know about cancellation error?
(v). Briefly explain continue statement in context of loops?
(vi). Show how the value –14.512 would be printed using the format specifiers; %0.2f & %8.4f.
(vii). Why ‘default’ statement is used in switch statement?
(viii).Display the output of the program?
Void main(void)
Int i = 1;
Switch (i)
Printf(“What is this???????”);
case 1:
printf (“Case 1”);
case 2:
(ix). Explain break statement in context of Repetition control structure?
(x). What is file pointer?
(xi). What is the use of void keyword?
Q#4 Answer the short questions. (Any 6)
(i). Briefly describe Selection control structure?
(ii). What is the difference between function prototype and function header?
(iii). Define the term ‘signature of a function’ briefly?
(iv). What is the advantage of using Global variables?
(v). Differentiate between formal arguments & actual arguments?
(vi). Why return statement is used in functions?
(vii). List down different modes in which data files are opened in C?
(viii). What is an infinite loop?
(ix). Differentiate between constant variable / idenfifier and simple variable with the help of code?

Note: Answer any one of the following questions on your answer sheet. Each question carries
8 marks.
Q#5 Write names of keys? Explain briefly any 4 keys.
Q#6 What is a database? Briefly describe the Objects in MS Access?
Note: Answer any 2 of the following questions on your answer sheet. Each question carried 8
Q#7 What are variables? Explain any 5 rules for naming variable.
Q#8 What you know about if-else statement? Give an example to describe it.
Q#9 What is do-while loop? Explain with the help of example.

Q # 10 Attempt any 3 practical’s (5x3=15)

1. What is the procedure for to apply primary key in table?
2. What is the procedure to create form in design view?
3. Write a program to perform arithmetic operators using switch statement?
4. Write a program to display table of user define number?
5. Write a program to check prime number using function?

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