EJHC Volume 12 Issue 1 Pages 1447-1462
EJHC Volume 12 Issue 1 Pages 1447-1462
EJHC Volume 12 Issue 1 Pages 1447-1462
Ahmed Elsayed Ibrahiem1, Salwa Samir Ahmed2, Asmaa Abdel Rahman Abdel
Rahman,3 Amr Hamed Afifi4.
Assistant lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing1, Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing2,
Assistant Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing3 Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University,
Lecturer of General Surgery4, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University.
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJHC Vol 12. No. 1
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJHC Vol 12. No. 1
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJHC Vol 12. No. 1
expressed by graphic symbols, each one A pilot study was carried out on
of them had scoring point as follow; self- 10% (10) of patients to test the
esteem (-1 to +1), physical activity (-0.5 applicability of the study and to test
to +0.5), social life (-0.5 to +0.5), work clarity of the designed tool, as well as to
conditions (-0.5 to +0.5) and sexual estimate the time needed for each tool.
activity (-0.5 to +0.5). Points are added or The modifications were done for the used
subtracted according to changes in these tools then the final form was developed.
domains. Patients of the pilot study were excluded
from the study subjects.
Total questionnaire scoring
system: Field Work:
One point or less was considered - To carry out the study, an approval
failure. was obtained from the hospital
directors and nursing directors of
> 1 to 3 points was considered bariatric surgery outpatient clinic and
fair. bariatric surgery department at Ain
Shams University Hospital. A letter
> 3 to 5 points was considered was issued to them from the faculty of
good. nursing Ain Shams University
explaining the aim of the study in
> 5 to 7 points was considered order to obtain permission and
very good. cooperation to conduct the study.
- Data collection was done on Sunday Crop. Quantitative data were presented as
and Tuesday of each week because mean, standard deviation. Qualitative data
these days are determined for bariatric were presented as percentages. The
patients in the out-patient clinic. Data observed differences and association were
was collected in the morning and considered as follows:
afternoon shifts, for a period of six
months, starting at December 2018 Non-significant at P > 0.05
until the end of April 2019. Significant at P ≤ 0.05
An official letter was issued from 1- The time available for data collection
the Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams was not enough, as most of patients
University to the director of inpatient come from far cities and need to leave
bariatric surgery department and bariatric hospital as early as possible.
surgery outpatient clinics at which the
study was conducted, explaining the 2- Unsuitable environment and the
purpose of the study to obtain their interview were held in the outpatient
permission to conduct this study. clinic where there was too much noise
and lack of privacy.
Ethical Considerations:
The research approval was
obtained from the ethical committee of Regarding demographic
faculty of nursing before initiating the characteristics of the studied patients,
study work. table (1) shows that mean age was
32.57±6.18. Regarding patients' gender, it
The researcher clarified the was found that, 75.0% of the studied
objectives and aim of the study to patients patients were females. As regards to
included in the study. residence, it was found that 72.1% were
living in urban area. Regarding
Patients' oral consent to educational level, the result shows that
participate in the study was obtained. 49% of the studied patients had diploma
education. As well, 77.9% of the studied
The researcher assured patients weren't working. In relation to
maintaining anonymity and marital status of the studied patients, it
confidentiality of subjects` data. was found that 64.4% were married.
Patients were informed that they Table (2) demonstrates that, 93.3%,
are allowed to withdraw from the study at 76.5%, 62.5% of the studied patients had
any time without giving any reasons and poor compliance regarding physical
without penalties. activity, stop smoking, diet after bariatric
surgery. While, 49.0% of them were good
Statistical Design: compliance regarding follow-up visits
after bariatric surgery.
The data were collected, coded
and entered into a suitable excel sheet. Table (3) illustrates that, 41.3% of
Data were transferred into SPSS for the studied patients were non adherent to
window, version 20.0 Armonk, NY: IBM medication postoperative bariatric
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJHC Vol 12. No. 1
surgery. While, 39.4% of the studied post operative bariatric surgery. While,
patients were partially adherent and 53.8%, 45.2% and 32.7% of them had the
19.3% of them were adherent to same level of compliance regarding self-
medication postoperative bariatric esteem, sexual activity, social life
surgery. postoperative bariatric surgery.
Table (4) illustrates that, 56.7% of Table (6) reveals that there was
the studied patients had moderate level of statistically significant relation between
stress postoperative bariatric surgery. total patients' compliance and their
While, 32.7% of the studied patients had demographic characteristics post
high level of stress and 10.6% of them operative bariatric surgery that include
had low level of stress postoperative age, gender, level of education and
bariatric surgery. occupation with (P<0.05). While, there
was no statistically significant relation
Table (5) reveals that, 64.4% of between their compliance and residence
the studied patients had less labor level and marital state post operative bariatric
surgery (P>0.05).
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJHC Vol 12. No. 1
Studied patients
N %
18 < 30 17 16.3
30 < 40 64 61.5
40 < 50 17 16.3
≥ 50 6 5.9
Mean ±SD 32.57±6.18
Male 26 25.0
Female 78 75.0
Rural 29 27.9
Urban 75 72.1
Educational level
Can't read and write 22 21.2
Diploma education 51 49.0
Higher education 31 29.8
Occupational state
Free work 7 6.7
Governmental work 14 13.5
Not working 81 77.9
Others 2 1.9
Marital status
Single 27 26.0
Married 67 64.4
Widow/ Divorced 10 9.6
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJHC Vol 12. No. 1
Table (3): Percentage distribution of total patients' compliance with medication post
operative bariatric surgery (n=104)
Total Medication
N %
Adherent 20 19.3
Partially adherent 41 39.4
Non adherent 43 41.3
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJHC Vol 12. No. 1
Table (6): Relation between patients' total compliance and their demographic
characteristics post operative bariatric surgery (n=104).
Total compliance
Good Fair Poor Chi-square
N % N % N % X2 P-value
18 < 30 1 1 0 0 16 15.4
age 30 < 40 0 0 13 12.5 51 49.0
40 < 50 0 0 3 2.9 14 13.4 12.773 0.047*
≥ 50 0 0 3 2.9 3 2.9
Gender Male 1 1 11 10.6 14 13.5
17.076 <0.001**
Female 0 0 8 7.6 70 67.3
Residence Rural 0 0 5 4.8 24 23.0
0.430 0.807
Urban 1 1 14 13.5 60 57.7
Level of Can't read and
0 0 1 1.9 21 20.1
education write
Middle level
1 1 3 2.9 47 45.2 27.651 <0.001**
0 0 15 14.4 16 15.4
Occupation Free work 0 0 3 2.9 4 3.8
0 0 8 7.6 6 5.7
work 72.472 <0.001**
Not working 0 0 8 7.6 73 70.1
Others 1 1 0 0 1 1
Marital status Single 1 1.9 2 1.9 24 23
Married 0 0 11 10.6 56 53.9 2.517 0.642
0 0 6 5.8 4 3.8
Non significant p>0.05 * Statistical significant P<0.05
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Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJHC Vol 12. No. 1
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJHC Vol 12. No. 1
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2021 EJHC Vol 12. No. 1
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