A Busy Month

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General Information: Date:

Name and Designation of the Teacher : No. of Periods required :
Class & Section :4 Date of Commencement :
Subject : EVS Estimated Time Period from : to
Number of Enrolled Students : Actual date of completion :
Name of the Lesson : A Busy Month

Specific Pedagogical Individual/Group Interdisciplinary Resources Competency Feedback Inclusive

Learning Strategies activities / Linkages and (including Based and Practices/
Outcomes for experiments / infusion of Life- ICT) Assessment Remedial Gender
Experiential hand-on-learning skills, Values items for Teaching Sensitivity
Learning measuring Plan
of Learning
1. 1. 1. **Individual **Science**: **Teaching 1. **Observation **Personalize **Differentiat
Knowledge- **Storytelling**: Activities**: Understanding Aids**: and d ed
Based Narrate stories - Ask students to animal behavior, Pictures of Questioning**: Feedback**: Instruction**:
Outcomes: about different draw an animal and adaptation, and animals, - **Question**: Provide Provide
- Students animals and its activities during a changes in response seasonal "What activities feedback on different
will learn their activities particular month to seasons. charts, and do birds engage individual activities that
about animal during specific (e.g., bird building a - **Art**: Drawing drawing in during students' cater to
behavior months, nest in spring). and creating visuals materials. spring?" or "Why understandin diverse
during such as - Provide a of animals and their - **ICT do some g of animal learning
different nesting, worksheet where seasonal activities. Tools**: animals behaviors styles and
seasons, migration, and students match - **Geography**: - **Interactive hibernate during and seasonal preferences.
especially foraging. animals with their Learning about Videos**: winter?" adaptations. - **Equal
during 2. **Class seasonal activities, seasonal changes Show videos - **Activity**: - **Targeted Participation*
breeding Discussion**: such as and their effects on of animal Ask students to Remediation* *: Ensure that
and nesting Discuss the hibernation, living organisms. behavior describe an *: Offer all students,
periods. importance of migration, or feeding. during animal they additional regardless of
- Understand seasons for 2. **Group - **Life Skills**: different observed and its resources or gender,
the different Activities**: Foster curiosity, seasons, behavior during discussions participate
importance animals and - **Animal Seasons observation, and a such as a specific for students equally in
of seasons how they adapt Calendar**: In sense of nesting season. who need activities and
for different to changes in groups, students can responsibility or migration. 2. more discussions.
animal the create a calendar towards protecting - **Online **Performance- support in - **Gender
activities and environment. showing different natural Resources**: Based Tasks**: understandin Sensitivity**:
their 3. **Visual animals and their habitats. Use websites - Assess g seasonal Use inclusive
adaptation to Learning**: activities throughout - **Values**: to explore students' ability animal language and
changing Show pictures the year. Highlight the different to draw and activities. examples
weather. or videos of - **Role Play**: importance of animals, their describe an - **Peer that
2. Skill- animals Organize a role-play empathy towards seasonal animal's Support**: represent
Based building nests, where students enact animals and the behaviors, activities during Encourage diverse
Outcomes: caring for different animals and need to respect and a particular students to animals and
- Develop young ones, their behavior natural how they season, share their their
observation and during specific habitats and animal adapt to focusing on the "Animal behaviors.
skills by migrating months, such as life. changes in animal's Diary" with
identifying during different birds feeding chicks their adaptation. peers to
animal months. or bears hibernating. environment. - **Criteria**: promote
behavior and 3. **Hands-On Creativity, mutual
changes in Learning**: understanding of learning and
their - Create an "Animal animal behavior, understandin
surroundings Diary" where and ability to g of animal
. students write about describe behaviors.
- Enhance an animal they changes clearly.
analytical observe over a 3. **Assessment
skills by month, with ICT Tools**:
learning noting its behavior - Use an online
about and changes they quiz to assess
seasonal see. understanding of
changes and - Conduct an activity seasonal animal
how different where students behaviors and
animals collect pictures of adaptations.
adapt. different animals and - Provide a
3. classify them based video-based
Attitude/Valu on their seasonal activity where
e-Based activities. students watch
Outcomes: a story about
- Appreciate animal behavior
the wonders during
of nature different months
and and answer
understand questions based
the on their
importance observations.
of respecting
animals and
- Foster a
sense of
curiosity and
inquiry into
the lives of
animals and

Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan Comments / Suggestions on Lesson Plan

Signature of the Teacher VP/HM Signature of the Principal

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