War of The Burning Sky 5E - Player's Guide
War of The Burning Sky 5E - Player's Guide
War of The Burning Sky 5E - Player's Guide
From the Pen of
Ryan Nock
With Updates by
Steve Muchow
Interior Art by
Cris Griffin, J. L. Jones, Brandon Leach, Claudio
Pozas, Todd Schumacher, Shannon White, with se-
lected NPCs inked by Brian Criswell
Cartography by
Sean Macdonald
Special Thanks
Thank you to Julia Behle and Josh Carden for re-
viewing and providing their insightful feedback.
On the Cover
Claudio Pozas show the Torch of the Burning Sky
moments before transporting an army.
Welcome to the War of the Burning Sky campaign
saga. While the Campaign Guide is intended for the
game master and has materials players should not
read, this document has nothing that will spoil the
game, and is available for all to see. Of course, the
new rules material in this Player’s Guide is available
only at the game master’s discretion, and the details
of the region and its politics may change based on
the setting of your game, so think of everything here
as optional.
In War of the Burning Sky, you will have the C ONTENT
chance to fight in a war of mythic proportions, and The content of this document is divided into three
determine the fate of many nations in its aftermath. parts. Gate Pass briefly details the city of Gate
Ever-escalating conflicts, powered by mighty magic Pass where the campaign begins. Ragesia and
and fervent faith, threaten your freedom and lives, Surround Lands provides an overview of the rest
and even the world itself. of the region — its nations, politics, and history.
Driven by the dogs of war, you will head for a New Rules Material contains the new rules content
distant safe haven, a magic academy named Lyceum, and player options and is intended for groups keen
which has sent up a rallying cry for those who wish on creating characters more closely tied to the
to resist the warmongers. You will have a chance campaign setting.
to form alliances, to build an army, and to uncover
the strange secrets that underlie the conflict. As the
war reaches a climax, powerful magic will threaten
to scorch nations, or sunder them into nothing but
nightmares. It will be up to you to bring the war to
an end before only embers and ruins remain.
possible to see the changing styles of construction Strength (Athletics) check to make it over them. City
and defense over the centuries of the city’s ordinance forbids any rooftop within 10 feet of a wall,
existence, like reading the rings of a tree. In older though the city has a few stories about industrious
districts, built before the development of the city’s thieves using massive ladders to traverse the city for
underground sewer system, countless reservoirs and twilight heists carried out in the wealthier districts.
aqueducts rise above the rooftops, designed to catch Each district wall has a gate, a pair of reinforced
rainwater and direct sewage to dumps outside the wooden doors (AC 15; HP 54; Damage Threshold 8;
city. The current sewers flow into an underground DC 26 Strength check to break) each 20 feet high
river before being swept into endless, uncharted and 8 feet wide, which remain open during the day
caves. but close at sunset. A small steel access door can
In the past century, clerics have blessed the gates be opened to allow individuals to pass through at
of new districts in expensive rituals, and a tradition night, but vehicles and beasts of burden are almost
has developed for respected citizens to be buried in never allowed through between sunset and dawn. A
the sanctified ground near the gate of their district. small guardhouse, large enough to comfortably hold
Most graveyards, however, lie outside the city, either eight soldiers, overlooks the gate with arrow slits
fenced in atop hills, or in gated crypts. and murder holes. More guards typically watch the
ground level by day.
Passing between districts is relatively easy if one
D ISTRICTS , WALLS , AND G ATES takes the main thoroughfare during the day, though
The city is segmented into fourteen districts, each guards are known to perform random inspections.
slightly more than a half-mile in length. They are The High District, in the center of the city, is much
separated by 30-foot-high, 6-foot-thick walls that more heavily guarded: typically twice the usual
stretch from north to south, which require a DC number of guards is on hand, and those guards
15 Strength (Athletics) check to climb. The tops of have orders to randomly inspect someone every few
the walls sport metal grates sticking out sideways 5 minutes (especially those who look like outsiders).
feet in each direction, requiring an additional DC 19 The northern and southern borders of the city
typically have walls built from the natural cliffs, wide kill zone between them, and city taxes pay for a
averaging 40 feet tall. Each district on the edge variety of magical defenses on the gates.
of the city usually has a gate either to the north In a few districts are found smaller walled areas
or south, and a wide swath of clear land on the populated predominantly by a single race. Most
outer side of the wall makes the approach easy to common of these ghettos are those of the elves, who
see. These walls are only a token defense, since tend to shun outsiders. Elvish ghettos are renowned
a devoted military press could easily overwhelm for having no visible entrances through their walls —
them, but normally the city relies on the fact that all the doors are secret, which elves can intuitively
approaching the city through the mountains is slow notice.
and treacherous.
Only a handful of districts have gates that lead
to actual roads, and most of these are used for C ITY H ISTORY AND M YTHS
deliveries by farmers and miners. Each day groups Gate Pass has the distinction of being the only
of Gate Pass soldiers patrol the northern and city to successfully drive out occupation by the
southern borders, looking for signs of illegal passage Ragesian Empire. Forty years ago, Emperor
and occasionally apprehending criminals who try to Coaltongue defeated the city’s army, set up a
hide in the craggy hills. military government, and erected a 90-foot-tall
Most traffic passes through the easternmost statue of himself in the grand square on Summer’s
and westernmost districts, which have major gates Bluff before moving on to his next conquest. For
that lead out of the city to Shahalesti and Ragesia two years, citizens waged an insurgency against the
respectively. These gates are much more heavily occupying army, until finally Coaltongue decided the
guarded: the exits have two sets of doors with a city wasn’t worth the loss of men.
The Wavering Maiden. The Tidereaver Kraken explored have enough room to maneuver.
the land by making a human body for itself out of seawater. The Dragon bit the Eagle’s throat and began to drink
In the form of a beautiful young woman with rolling black its blood for its power, when the Worldshaper Worm came
hair, the Kraken explored the world. However, because the upon the scene. The Worm was blind, but the Dragon knew
tide is inconstant, at times this form would ebb, and the that it could feel the beating hearts of both the Dragon
Kraken would spend an evening in a lake or river in its true and the Eagle. To avoid its treachery being discovered, the
form. The myth is a series of comic events based around Dragon tore out the Eagle’s still-beating heart and hid it
numerous suitors who fall in love with the Kraken in its some place where it would never be tempted to try to get
woman form, and who often seek to destroy it in its Kraken it again. This explains how dragons became the strongest
form. creatures in the world, and teaches that those with too
The Trilling Stone. The Worldshaper Worm sought to much power risk being turned upon by those around them.
prove its superiority to the Stormchaser Eagle by creating
a song more powerful than the Eagle’s thunder. The myth
explains the various monsters who live in the depths of the
world, saying that they were lured by the Worm’s eerie,
whistling song, only to be trapped when the arrogant Worm
decided to sing even louder, causing an earthquake. This, it
is said, is why the bodies of the dead are filled with worms
when they are found in the ground.
The Aquiline Heart. This story is a morality tale about
the dangers of both pride and power. Never able to catch
the Stormseeker Eagle after many years of chase, the
Flamebringer Dragon preyed instead on the Eagle’s pride,
saying the Eagle was too weak and cowardly ever to chase
the Dragon. The angered Eagle pursued the Dragon, not
realizing until too late that it had been tricked into flying
down a tunnel into the depths of the world, where it did not
Shahalesti and Ragesia, once allies, were groups hold sway with the government, ranging from
approaching open war, and Coaltongue declared citizen groups to wealthy merchants to religious and
that he would withdraw from Gate Pass if Shaaladel, military groups.
Lord of the Shahalesti, agreed to leave the city as a One of the more colorful characters in the council
neutral buffer between their two nations. The elves is Erdan Menash, a former merchant and tailor who
agreed, the city celebrated its victory, and trade used to sell well-crafted but horribly unfashionable
between the two nations began to flow. gear to adventurers, with the goal of making sure
The city still sports numerous indications of the everyone knew he was the one sponsoring their
occupation, and many citizens purchase busts heroism. His personal manor is painted vivid green,
or paintings of the aged emperor, as if both to yellow, and purple.
mock the Ragesians for their failure and to respect The current governor is Merrick Hurt, a half-orc
Coaltongue’s wisdom in deciding to leave their city who has kept relationships with Ragesia warm in the
alone. Even the emperor’s statue remains; it is past, though many worry he will be too agreeable to
decorated and painted gaudily on various holidays. demands by the new ruler of Ragesia. Rumors say
Because of his name, Drakus Coaltongue is often that he bitterly loathes elves and has a vast lexicon
associated with a myth that is native to Gate Pass of insults for them, a vice that relatively few in the
and Ragesia, that of the Dragon and the Eagle. A city worry about.
series of myths tell of an ancient time when the
lands that are now Ragesia and its neighbors were Gabal’s School
the domain of four elemental spirits — the Tidereaver Gabal, a famed evoker who helped drive the
Kraken, the Worldshaper Worm, the Flamebringer Ragesians out forty years ago, maintains a school of
Dragon, and the Stormchaser Eagle, and these war. This large cluster of squat towers connected by
four beings are common motifs in the art and covered bridges and surrounded by a moat and
architecture of Gate Pass (as well as in Ragesia). fence is jokingly known as The Castle. Gabal’s
students — easily identifiable by their red robes —
are generally viewed as arrogant and hot-tempered,
O RCS AND H ALF -O RCS but their mentor forces them to sell their services
Gate Pass freely accepts orcs as citizens, in stark for low prices, particularly in matters of defense and
contrast to most other human settlements, and construction, and a handful of wizards serve in the
many have adapted well to the civilized life that is so city military.
different from their tribal culture. Gabal is said to scorn magic-users who do not
Gate Pass is also widely known as a haven for study spellbooks for their powers, and has a
half-orcs, and many come to the city to find their particular dislike for bards, paladins, sorcerers,
identity. In the formative years of the city, the and warlocks, commonly saying he doesn’t trust
half-orcs’ origins were hotly debated and both people who have that much charisma. Charm is a
orcs and humans questioned their standing. For personality flaw Gabal proudly lacks.
humans, half-orc signaled a lesser breed, and
became a pejorative phrase. The orcs, however,
saw an increase in their influence and power and
The Military
While the Gate Pass military answers to the city
elevated the odd race. The divisions between all
council, their opinion carries great weight given how
three races were wide, but in the earlier battles for
much attention the city pays to its defense. Unlike
Gate Pass, the half-orcs fought and bled like the rest
most militaries, they are not trained for large open
and the walls of prejudice fell quickly. Today, there
field combat, but rather for the defense of the city,
is little prejudice and the half-orc population enjoys
taking advantage of enclosed terrain. Commander
an equal stand amongst the humans and orcs.
Harmand Fletcher, a veteran of the rebellion
against Ragesia, recently retired from leader of the
P OWER G ROUPS armed forces, replaced by Brant Sawman, who if
anything is almost more gruff and brooding than his
City Council predecessor.
The government of Gate Pass is a council of A small unit of twenty griffon riders serve to patrol
representatives from each of the districts, with a the far reaches of Gate Pass’s domain, but otherwise
city governor chosen every ten years. Many different the city has little in the way of a cavalry tradition.
Temple of the Healing God
This temple is a small, forty-foot circular building
of ancient design. Once there were multiple temples
across the city, many quite large that served as
hospitals and clinics for the citizens, but this simple
building was considered the holiest of all those. Its
veneration is related to the miracle of Tench Marber,
an event that took place forty years ago during the
Ragesian occupation.
Coaltongue declared the predominant Mercinea
Church a heretical cult and attempted to replace the
sect with the Ragesian Hospitalers. Within a month
of the invasion, all the temples were converted to
the Hospitalers, with the exception of the small
The head priest of the Mercineum, Tench Marber,
was unwilling to relinquish control to the Ragesian
clergy and simply sat on the center altar as the
The Temples Hospitalers demanded he leave. Tench declared that
The religious community of Gate Pass is diverse, he would not leave; instead, he would stay on as a
owing to the interaction of cultures flowing through reminder to all that the Hospitalers were not truly
the city. Eight major temples represent the religious blessed by the gods.
core of the community, and though each religion The Ragesian healers, outraged at his insolence,
has its own interests, they share common ground tried to rush inside the building and attack, but they
through the annual Festival of Dreams, during were mysteriously blocked at the door. No magic or
which the temples all briefly work to provide for the any other power could gain entrance, so the invading
greater good. Numerous temples of smaller religions priests decided to wait until Tench either left or died
dot the city, and though they lack the same sway as before they took possession of the temple. Seizing an
the major eight, they still put a lot of effort into New opportunity, the besieged priest made a proposal: if,
Year’s festivities. after a year and a day, Tench was still alive within
the temple, the Ragesians would acknowledge the
The Saraswatin god’s blessing on the Mercinea Church. They agreed,
Library of the God of Knowledge and the bargain was struck.
Located in Summer’s Bluff, this four-story building For a full year, Tench sat, neither eating nor
is the central repository of knowledge for the city. sleeping, but he lived, and on the last day, the
Along with stacks and cubbyholes full of tomes and frantic Hospitalers waited until the sun set, which
scrolls, the building has an art gallery and a five- would mark the end of the agreed-upon time period.
hundred-seat theater. As the last rays of light slipped beyond the horizon,
Researchers using the library are expected to Tench stood up and walked to the exit, the bargain
offer 1 gp to the god of knowledge, as well as give won.
generous tips to the many librarians who keep From that day on, the Ragesians grudgingly
things organized and easy to find. recognized the church, and acknowledged the
god’s blessing. It is suggested by historians that the
THE NAMES OF THE GODS downfall of Coaltongue’s control of the city started
While War of the Burning Sky describes several gods with this miracle. A few living resistance fighters
and their temples, it generally does not name them. Your agree, noting that the Mercineum provided a safe
GM may incorporate a pantheon from history or another haven for the resistance to gather and plan, free
campaign setting, or players of characters of faith might from the probing eyes of the Ragesian priests.
work with their GM to create the name and domain (and Today, there are no priests of the Mercinea Church
possibly even history) of their character’s deity. in Gate Pass. A new order, the Aquiline Cross, has
been around for a decade and uses all the facilities
of the old religion. There are differences between the drink. Many tavern-keepers have seen their profits
old church and the new order, but most folk don’t drop as a result and have voiced their opinions to
notice. the city council.
Fertile Fields
Temple to the Goddess of Hearth and Home
Simply constructed, this building is a favorite
meeting place of the farmers and ranchers of the
outlying area. The city council almost always bows
to the wisdom of the temple elders, especially after
the food riots of twenty years ago, when a gate tax
was imposed on all people and animals (even dead
ones) entering the city. The farmers revolted and
stopped delivering goods and supplies. A week later,
the situation within Gate Pass was so desperate that
the townsfolk rushed the council and deposed them.
The tax was instantly repealed. Since then, a temple
elder has always been assigned to the council to
represent the population outside the walls.
Thieves’ Guild
Everyone knows that thieves operate in the city,
often with the aid of bribed councilmen who turn
blind eyes. The thieves tend to prey on wealthy The Resistance
merchants, especially foreigners, and so many Devoted to keeping the city of Gate Pass free
commoners view them favorably. from the rule of both Ragesia and Shahalesti, the
One particularly well-known rogue is a dashing resistance includes a huge variety of people from
scoundrel named Rantle. He came to fame because the many nations that have a vested interest in
of an elaborate confidence game to steal from a keeping the current balance of power. Mostly they
female merchant. One night when his scam was near work to bolster pride among the citizens of Gate
fruition, he was with the merchant when she was Pass, though occasionally a spy is turned over to the
attacked by a trio of common thugs who intended authorities by unknown persons, and the resistance
to have their way with the woman. Rantle fought is credited with the capture.
them off, then stayed around to protect her while the Many farmers and ranchers who live in the
city guard arrived, even though he knew he would mountains surrounding the city claim to have
be recognized and arrested. Public support for his spoken to members of the resistance, who
heroism got him pardoned, and many people have encouraged them to be prepared to fight to defend
begun calling for him to join the city council. their lands.
Of course, the merchants of the city still don’t like
being victimized. It is said the clientele of One-to-Go,
a tavern in one of Gate Pass’s slums, is composed
entirely of former thieves who have lost a hand as
punishment for stealing.
The Kingdom of Dassen lies to the south of Ragesia,
and the southwest of Shahalesti, its borders defined
by craggy mountains defended by hundreds of small
dwarven strongholds. Dassen’s people, a swarthy
assortment of humans and dwarves, cherish their
land, to the point that superstitious cavalrymen even
put dirt in their boots so never have to stop touching
the soil of their homeland.
Originally known as the Eight Lands, when
Dassen was unified fifteen years ago a ninth
region was carved out, which became the holding
of King Steppengard. Today Dassen is divided
into nine regions, forming a loose ring around
the central mountain range, the Toraest Steppes.
King Steppengard rules over the eight feudal lords
and ladies, as well as dozens of minor dwarven
nobles who govern their own small holdings in the
Knights of this order dress in white and red tabards house is growing, both in legitimate trade and in
marked with a cross surrounded by a halo of their less noble underworld dealings.
The Monastery of Two Winds
O STALIN The Monastery of Two Winds lies in the mountains
that form the main border between Ostalin and
For many years, the small island people of Ostalin Dassen, near to the large town of Eresh. The
battled among themselves, before finally a warlord monastery teaches two different approaches to
conquered his foes and proclaimed himself Khagan. harnessing the power of air magic, the gentle West
He then led his people to the mainland, conquering Wind style, and the fierce East Wind style. Some
lands from Sindaire with the aid of hippogriff aerial monks of the two winds feel compelled to travel the
archers until he reached a mountain range and met world, letting the wind guide their journeys.
resistance from a clan of dragonborn. Impressed
with the honor the dragonborn exhibited on the
battlefield, the Khagan decided to learn from this
strange race and sued for peace. The dragonborn
accepted and the Khagan became a disciple of the
dragonborn culture, even changing his name to
During this time, Barazar had many children with
many wives, but ultimately he left his nation to his
half-elf son Onamdammin, in whom he saw the
same fire of obsession that led him to conquer. The
Khagan hoped his son would be the one to topple
Coaltongue and rule Ragesia, but he did not see that
the young ruler had no honor underneath his veneer
of respectability. With deep regret, he denounced
Onamdammin and fled along with his family to the
mountains, vowing to correct his mistake. He died
from an assassin’s arrow before he could carry out
his coup. His remaining sons are now seeking help
from other nations to depose their half-brother.
The Khaganhold of Ostalin is a violent state, ruled
poorly by Khagan Onamdammin, whose passions
and desires far outstrip his talents. He has broken
relations with the dragonborn because they refuse
to relinquish his siblings. In response, he has
become sympathetic to the many tieflings chased
out of other countries. The Khagan is also intent
on finding his remaining three half-brothers; he
is obsessed with securing his throne through a
program of elimination. Additionally, Sindaire is
looking for opportunities to reclaim the diverse,
beautiful landscape they lost.
The capital city of Kistan is relatively small, since the
city that used to occupy the land was burned down
only a few decades ago by the original Khagan. This
cosmopolitan city offers charms and temptations
that make it enticing to those who struggle between
good and evil and, though small, the merchant
knowing how one could capture and enslave another Pass. There are six main affiliations with which your
allows the knowledgeable to avoid the possibility character could be associated.
altogether. Their quick wit and seeming mockery of
the Ragesians and the Shahalesti is vexing to orcs
and elves alike. Most gnomes come from Sindaire,
City Council
but some small groups can be found in almost any While most of the politicians in Gate Pass wish
land. If a gnome character encounters other gnomes, to surrender to Ragesia, some want to take a
they will strive to spend at least a few hours with stand. You are involved in the politics of Gate
their brethren before continuing to adventure. Pass, and know your way around the city’s laws
Half-Elves. More fully integrated with their human and government.
side, most half-elves come from the great cities:
from Gate Pass and Seaquen to the many cities Feature: Civic Minded
of Ostalin, Dassen, and Sindaire. The motivation Helping others is second nature to you. You may use
for adventure is as varied in a half-elf as it is in a the Help action as a bonus action to aid an ally with
human. Some do see the latest bellicose attitude of an attack roll or any ability check using a skill or
the Ragesians troubling and seek to help fend them tool when you have proficiency in the skill or tool.
off in the impending conflict.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short
Half-Orcs. No matter what their racial origin may
or long rest before you can use it again.
be, the half-orcs of the lands enjoy a unique position;
fully realized citizens in Ragesia, Gate Pass and
Dassen. The other kingdoms are less cordial, and Gabal’s School
so most half-orc adventurers are found from the
Gabal, a famed evoker, maintains a school of war,
middle part of the lands. Always struggling with
and he intends to make a stand against Ragesia.
their heritage, the adventuring life is often a way to
You have studied the art of war at Gabal’s wizard’s
throw off subtle, lingering prejudices or find a place
school, and have practiced battling many foes at
in a group of allies and equals.
Tieflings. Ostalin is a haven for tieflings. The
designs of Ostalin’s ambitious ruler, Khagan
Feature: Student of War
Onamdammin, have created a sort of demand for the
skills of those who struggle with their darker nature, You can strengthen your spells for use in large-
while the unstable government makes it hard for scale battles. When you cast a spell that can cause
anyone to act against the tieflings as they strive damage with a casting time of one action, you can
to survive in a world that doesn’t trust them. In instead use the Ready action to concentrate on the
recent decades, the gregarious nature of Gate Pass spell and release it using your reaction immediately
merchants traveling the lands has impressed some before the start of your next turn. The spell must
tieflings, and a few have set up a small merchant be cast using a spell slot from 1st to 8th level. The
house within the fifth district of the capital, the spell’s damage is calculated as if it was cast with a
mountain city of Kistan. slot 1 higher than the one you used. If the charged
spell causes three or more creatures to make a
saving throw, they have disadvantage on the saving
The following connections are a special game Once you successfully use this feature, you must
option to reward players who create characters finish a long rest before you can use it again.
that are invested in the campaign’s conflict from
the beginning. While your character might have
come from a location far from Gate Pass, you likely The Military
have spent enough time to form connections in the Elements of the Ragesian military are displeased
city and be noticed by the Resistance as a good with their orders and their new ruler Leska,
candidate for the mission at hand. while commanders of Gate Pass’s military desire
The first adventure, The Scouring of Gate Pass, reinforcements. You are (or were) a member of the
introduces the player characters to a variety of military from Ragesia, Gate Pass, or Dassen and are
organizations and affiliations in the city of Gate trained as a cavalryman.
Feature: Cavalry Errant Any surprised ally whose turn is after yours in the
You excel in horsemanship and have the ability to initiative order may reroll a failed ability check to
help your mounted allies. You can use your reaction avoid being surprised and is no longer surprised on
to help an ally within 30 feet of you with an ability a success.
check related to riding a horse or other mount. Make
a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check and use your
check in place of the ally’s if yours is higher.
The Resistance While anyone able to teleport and having a penchant
You are a member of a small group of Gate Pass for performance can join the Wayfarers, the
natives who are taking up arms to defend their home most respected members are the highly-trained
against both Ragesia and Shahalesti. Fed up with cirquelistes. These agile, typically flamboyant
the oppression of the Ragesians and Shahalesti, you performers are masters of teleportation magic. An
wage a discreet war against them. aspiring Wayfarer must complete an audition, and
any character accepted into the Wayfarers must
Feature: Blade of the Resistance swear an oath.
You select an intelligent creature who has dealt Those who need to get somewhere quickly know
damage to you or your allies as your preferred foe. they can trust the Wayfarers to provide teleportation
That creature need not have dealt damage to your services. Wayfarer cirquelistes are required to pay
or your allies during the current encounter; any monthly fees to the guild for each teleportation spell
previous damage will suffice. You have advantage on they provide except when their lives or the lives of
attack rolls against your preferred foe until the end their allies are at stake. The fee is 20 gp per use
of your turn. of dimension door and 300 gp per use of teleport or
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short
or long rest before you can use it again.
The Temples
You are an associate of one of the temples and have
helped the Gate Pass temples to manage the annual
Festival of Dreams holiday parade. Last year you
were promised good fortune.
Thieves’ Guild
The guild in Gate Pass is nervous about the prospect
of Ragesian martial law. You have had dealings with
the Gate Pass thieves’ guild, and you suspect they
might owe you a favor, though you know it might not
be safe to push your luck.
other long distance spell. In exchange, the Cirque third consecutive round you can sense the area the
offers its members protection and rescue in times of subjects departed from or arrived at, getting enough
trouble and can practically ensure business. information about the area to teleport there as if the
area were “seen casually.” If you do not follow the
COLLEGE OF CIRQUELISTES FEATURES teleportation within ten minutes, you lose this sense
Bard Level Feature of that area, and treat that area as “description”
3rd Wayfarer’s Step, Extra Passengers, Sense (unless you have, in fact, seen it before).
6th Spellrunner Spellrunner
14th Smooth Sailing, Abduct At 6th level, whenever you cast a spell with a casting
time of one action and an instantaneous duration,
you may expend a use of Bardic Inspiration as a
bonus action to teleport to any unoccupied space
Wayfarer’s Step you can see within 500 feet that was within the
When you join the College of Cirquelistes at 3rd level, spell’s area of effect or adjacent to one of its targets.
you begin to learn the secrets of the Wayfarers. You
can innately cast misty step without using a spell
slot, and it does not count against your spells known.
Smooth Sailing
Starting at 14th level, you and your passengers have
If dimension door is one of your spells known, you
resistance to damage received during the course of a
can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to
teleportation spell you cast.
cast dimension door as a bonus action without using
a spell slot. If teleport is one of your spells known,
you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to Abduct
cast teleport as a ritual. Beginning at 14th level, your teleportation spells and
spell-like abilities can affect unwilling creatures as
if they were willing. Choose a creature within your
Extra Passengers
reach and make a melee spell attack against it as
At 3rd level, You can take additional creatures with
part of casting the teleportation spell. On a hit, the
you whenever you use misty step, dimension door,
creature must make a Charisma saving throw. If
or teleport. For each use of Bardic Inspiration you
the creature fails this save, it is considered to be a
expend, you can bring along one additional creature
willing creature for your teleportation spell.
of your size or smaller.
Encirclement. A foe is best attacked from multiple commander should usually have Charisma as their
sides. Likewise, you should maintain an awareness highest or second-highest ability score.
of the battlefield so as not to be surrounded.
Overwhelming Force. Strike where your COMMANDER FEATURES
foe is weakest. Overwhelming a single target Fighter Level Feature
and destroying it prevents your enemy from 3rd Bonus Proficiency, Squad Leader
regrouping and recovering. Defend against your 7th Advanced Tactics
own weaknesses, and plan in case you are attacked 10th Implicit Command
there. 15th Widen Command
Hit and Run. If you cannot field overwhelming 18th Tactical Genius
force, use your enemy’s size against him. Strike
where not expected and retreat, then strike
elsewhere while your enemy is distracted. Know
when a small mobile force is more useful than a Bonus Proficiency
large army. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
Maneuver. Consider where to fight, bearing in gain proficiency in the Performance skill. If you
mind how to array your forces so they cannot be already have proficiency in the Performance skill,
surrounded, without spreading them so thin that you instead gain proficiency in the Deception,
they can be overwhelmed. Know the range at which Persuasion, or Stealth skill (your choice).
your enemies are a threat, and take advantage of
mobility offered by mounts, vehicles, and magic. Squad Leader
Surprise. It is critical to take the initiative, to At 3rd level, you learn Leader Tactics that allow your
strike before your opponents can, and to strike allies to better coordinate as a unit. These tactics are
accurately. Understand that your plans can unravel fueled through a series of orders or signals called a
in an instant, and have contingencies in place to Leadership Performance.
handle losing the initiative. Leader Tactics. You learn 1 tactic of your choice,
Different commanders have different styles, but a from the list detailed under “Tactics” below. The
tactics affect 2 allies of your choice within 30 feet of
you who understand a language you speak, and you
can choose yourself as one of the allies. The number
of allies affected increases to 3 at 10th level and 4 at
18th level.
You gain an additional tactic of your choice at 7th,
10th, 15th, and 18th level. Each time you learn a
new tactic, you can also replace one tactic you know
with a different one.
Leadership Performance. You have a number of
leadership performances equal to your Charisma
modifier. You regain one expended leadership
performance when you finish a short rest, and you
regain all of your expended leadership performances
when you finish a long rest.
Advanced Tactics
Beginning at 7th level, you are quick to action to
set the stage for your allies. You have advantage on
initiative rolls.
Inspire Sacrifice
At 10th level, when you are targeted by an attack or
by a spell or effect that requires a Dexterity Saving
throw, an ally within 5 feet of you may use their
reaction to interpose their body between you and who have received this training — usually taking ten
the attack or effect, granting you 3/4 cover and the minutes of discussion and practice — do not need
following effects. This decision is made by the ally to share a language with you to benefit from one of
before the attack roll or saving throw is made. You your tactics.
cannot use this feature again until you have finished
a short or long rest. Additionally on your turn, you can use a bonus
action and expend one leadership performance to
Attacks. You gain a +5 bonus to AC for the attack.
make it easier for you and your allies to help each
If the attack roll would hit your original AC but
other with certain skills. While this coordination
misses your boosted AC, the attack hits your ally
is in place, your allies can take the Help action
as a bonus action to help your chosen allies. This
Saving Throws. You gain a +5 bonus to your
coordination requires you to maintain concentration,
Dexterity saving throw. Your ally must also make
and both allies — the one with the skill proficiency
a Dexterity saving throw against the same spell or
and the one making the ability check — to be within
effect and has disadvantage on the roll.
30 feet of you at the time of the ability check. You
can continue the coordination on subsequent
Widen Command turns by using your bonus action on each turn,
At 15th level, the range at which you can affect allies and you can change which allies benefit from the
with your tactics increases from 30 feet to 60 feet. coordination each turn. You can concentrate on
this coordination for up to 10 minutes. The skills
Tactical Genius that can benefit from this are Animal Handling,
At 18th level, you can use your action to direct allies Athletics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Stealth,
within range of your inspiration to perform swift and and Survival. This might be used to help the team
complicated maneuvers. Up to 4 allies within 60 feet navigate difficult terrain, maintain a façade while
of you may use their reaction to move their speed undercover, or perform an ambush.
and take an action, and you can be one of these 4 If you have proficiency with the Stealth
allies. You cannot use this feature again until you skill, this coordination can happen silently via
have finished a long rest. surreptitious signals. If you have proficiency in
the Deception skill, this coordination can happen
Tactics as a serious of code words interspersed with other
The tactics are presented in alphabetical order. conversation. An onlooker would need to succeed on
Iron-Willed Leader. On your turn, you can use a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your ability
an action and expend one leadership performance check — whether Dexterity (Stealth) or Charisma
to help allies break free of one mind-affecting effect. (Deception) — to realize the coordination is taking
Make a Charisma (Performance) check. If your check place.
beats the DC of the saving throw, your chosen allies
within 30 feet of you break free of the effect as if they Stalwart Leader. On your turn, you can use your
had succeeded with their saving throw. action and expend one leadership performance to
Maneuver Leader. On your turn, you can use an steel the resolve of your allies. Make a Charisma
action and expend one leadership performance to (Performance) check. Your chosen allies within 30
grant your chosen allies within 30 feet of you the feet of you can gain temporary hit points equal to the
ability to use their reaction to move up to their speed result.
while either taking the Disengage action, making
a single weapon attack, or casting a cantrip with a
Strike Leader. On your turn, you can use an
casting time of one action.
action and expend one leadership performance to
Nimble Leader. On your turn, you can use an coordinate the attacks of your chosen allies within
action and expend one leadership performance to 30 feet of you against a creature. Until the start of
help allies avoid attacks. Your chosen allies within your next turn, your chosen allies make attack rolls
30 feet of you may take the Dodge action as a bonus with advantage, and the creature has disadvantage
action until the start of your next turn. on saving throws against spells or features from your
Operations Leader. When you take this tactic, chosen allies.
you devise a set of communication cues. Any allies
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Martial Melee Weapons
Bohemian earspoon 10 gp 2d4 piercing 9 lb. Reach, two-handed, special
Hand claw 5 gp 1d4 slashing 1 lb. Special
spell. Opportunity attacks and readied actions are Repeated or flagrant transgressions can result in
taken, and the reaction for counterspell is used but permanent loss of this benefit until you perform
the spell slot is not as there is not a valid target. atonement.
You have advantage on the Charisma (Deception)
check. You cannot cast any other spell on this
turn other than the spell you were pretending to
cast or a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action. Bard Spells
If you actually cast a spell this turn, anyone who
wants to use a reaction must have decided to 1st Level
contest your deception and succeeded. Stand the Heat
• You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks
to determine if another spellduelist is pretending
2nd Level
to cast a spell and Intelligence (Arcana) checks to Cancel
identify a spell being cast.
Cleric Spells
Vex the Inquisitor 1st Level
Prerequisite: The ability to cast a spell Stand the Heat
The teachers and students of Gabal’s school
2nd Level
and the Lyceum have developed a technique to
counter the inquisitor’s powers to cancel magic by
Duelist’s Etiquette
recovering some of the dissipated magic. Whenever
an inquisitor uses their Channel Divinity to dispel
a spell on which you are concentrating or stop a Druid Spells
spell you are casting, you may use your reaction to 1st Level
recover one expended spell slot of a level less than Stand the Heat
the spell the inquisitor stopped.
2nd Level
Vow of Healing Cancel
Prerequisite: The ability to provide magical healing
4th Level
After meeting with one of the Knights of the Aquiline Storm Shield
Cross, you have pledged yourself to heal all those in
need, friend or foe. For this sacrifice, you are blessed
with greater healing power.
Paladin Spells
As a bonus action you release an emanation of 1st Level
healing energy in a 10-foot-radius sphere. Every Stand the Heat
living creature in the area regains a number of
hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. You 2nd Level
may use this benefit a number of times equal to Cancel
the spellcasting ability modifier you would use to
cast healing spells (usually Wisdom or Charisma, Ranger Spells
minimum 1 use). You recover any expended uses
1st Level
after finishing a long rest.
Stand the Heat
You may not refuse to heal any injured living
creature who asks you for healing, though you are 2nd Level
not obligated to provide more than 1 point of healing, Cancel
and you are not required to heal enemies unless
they surrender and you are reasonably sure they
cannot betray you. You may not strike down an Sorcerer Spells
unconscious living creature, nor may you target 1st Level
damage against a dying foe. If you violate this oath, Gabal’s Superior Missile
you lose the benefit of this feat until the next dawn. Stand the Heat
4th Level
Telekinetic Thrust Duelist’s Etiquette
2nd-level abjuration (ritual)
2nd Level You touch the ground, and a 30-foot radius of the
Cancel spell’s area is traced with a faintly glowing line of
Duelist’s Etiquette energy. The spell creates a subtle defensive barrier
against magical attacks, causing all damage from
4th Level spells and summoned creatures that originate in
Storm Shield the area of effect to become nonlethal. A creature
Telekinetic Thrust brought to 0 hit points from nonlethal spell damage
is unconscious and stable.
5th Level Whenever a creature enters the warded area or is
Like Lightning present when the spell is cast, it must consciously
choose to accept this restriction, or else the spell
ends. If at any time a creature inside the area no
S PELL D ESCRIPTIONS longer wishes to abide by the wards, they can spend
an action to end the spell.
This spell is primarily used to ensure that spell
2nd-level abjuration
duels are not fatal, without forcing mages to hold
back their strongest powers.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,S Gabal’s Superior Missile
Duration: Instantaneous 1st-level evocation
You form a sphere of antimagic in your hand. When Casting Time: Special
you see a creature within 60 feet cast or concentrate Range: 60 feet
on a spell, you release the sphere at them in an Components: V,S
attempt to interrupt the spell. If the spell is of 2nd Duration: Instantaneous
level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect. If the
spell is of 3rd level or higher, make an ability check The archmage Gabal proudly states that this spell is
using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + superior to the old standby magic missile in urban
settings. Though its range is shorter, it can be cast Stand the Heat
even without line of sight to its targets.
1st-level abjuration
You create three glowing darts of magical force. A
dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The Casting Time: 1 action
darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct Range: Touch
them to hit one creature or several. This spell has Components: V,S,M (ten gold coins which have sat
two modes. in a fire for at least one hour)
The first mode has a casting time of one action. Duration: 24 hours
Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can
see within range. You touch a willing creature, and the creature
In the second mode you take the Ready action to and all equipment it carries suffer no harm from
cast the spell as normal but then concentrate on the being in extreme heat. It can exist comfortably in
spell and release it using your reaction immediately temperatures as high as 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
before the start of your next turn. You become aware This protection is sufficient to endure the oven-like
of every visible creature within range of the spell but heat of a forest fire, though neither the creature nor
are not aware of their exact location. You can target its equipment is protected against fire damage.
creatures that have total cover or total concealment If the affected creature catches fire, it can put the
with respect to you, as long as the darts can travel flames out with a bonus action.
around any such concealment to their targets along At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
a 60-foot path. a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one
For example, you could target a creature inside a additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The
room even if there was a wall between you, as long creatures must be touching you or another of the
as a door or window was open. Likewise, you could affected creatures.
target a creature hiding behind a fog cloud, as long
as there was a clear route around the fog. However, Storm Shield
you could not target a creature totally concealed 4th-level evocation
within the fog cloud.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Casting Time: 1 action
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one Range: Self
more dart for each slot level above 1st. Components: V,S,M (a bit of fur and a rod of amber,
crystal, or glass)
Like Lightning Duration: 10 minutes
5th-level conjuration
Thin crackles of lightning wreathe your body for the
Casting Time: 1 action duration, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius
Range: 100 feet and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can end
Components: V,S,M (a bit of fur and a rod of amber, the spell early by using an action to dismiss it.
crystal, or glass) The lightning grants you resistance to lightning
Duration: Instantaneous damage. In addition, whenever a creature within
5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, the
Choose a point you can see within range. You shield erupts with lightning. The attacker takes
transform your body into a 5-foot-wide stroke of 2d8 lightning damage.
lightning from your current position to that point
and transform back into your original form at the
Telekinetic Thrust
destination. Each creature in the line must make
4th-level transmutation
a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6
lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much Casting Time: 1 action
damage on a successful one. Range: 60 feet
The lightning ignites flammable objects in its path Components: V,S
that aren’t being worn or carried. Duration: Instantaneous
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases You gain the ability to shove a creature or object by
by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th. thought. When you cast the spell, you can exert your
will on one creature or object that you can see within additional creature or object for each slot level above
range causing the appropriate affect below. 4th. The creatures or objects must all be within 10
A creature or object you successfully move travels feet of each other.
30 feet directly away from you. If it hits a solid object
such as a wall, it takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage
for every 10 feet of movement or portion thereof. If
it would hit another creature or object the damage You may come across the following magic items in
is split between the shoved creature or object and your travels.
the hit creature or object. A creature in the path of
the shoved creature or object must succeed on a Hurling Bracers
Dexterity saving throw, avoiding the shoved creature Wondrous item, rare
or object on a success or being hit by the missile and These items can be activated as a bonus action or
knocked prone. as a reaction. For one round, you are considered to
Creature. You can try to move a Large or be one size class larger for the purposes of Strength
smaller creature. Make an ability check with your such as a contested Strength check, lifting or
spellcasting ability contested by the creature’s pushing capacity, and wielding heavy weapons.
Strength check. If you win the contest, you move The bracers can’t be used this way again until the
the creature up to 30 feet directly away from you next dawn.
and it is knocked prone.
Object. You can try to move an object that weights Potion Bracer
up to 500 pounds. If the object isn’t being worn Wondrous item, uncommon
or carried, you automatically move it up to 30 feet
This bracer functions like a highly specialized handy
directly away from you.
haversack, allowing you to store up to 10 potions or
If the object is worn or carried by a creature, you
similarly-sized items in an extradimensional space.
must make an ability check with your spellcasting
No matter how many items are stored in the bracer,
ability contested by that creature’s Strength check.
you can retrieve the one you want as an action. You
If you succeed, you pull the object away from that
can only wear one potion bracer at a time; wearing
creature and move it 30 feet directly away from you.
a second causes both to cease functioning. Most
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using potion bracers are worn on the user’s weapon arm so
a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can affect one the user doesn’t have to drop a weapon to get out a
potion. If both hands are full, you can drink directly
from the potion bracer as an action, but creatures
have advantage on attack rolls against you until the
start of your next turn.
If it is overloaded, or if a sharp object pierces it
or tears it, the bracer ruptures and is destroyed.
If the bracer is destroyed, its contents are lost
forever, although an artifact always turns up again
somewhere. If the bracer is turned inside out, its
contents spill forth, unharmed, and the bracer must
be put right before it can be used again.
While it is not being worn, placing the bracer
inside an extradimensional space created by a bag
of holding, portable hole, or similar item instantly
destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral
Plane. The gate originates where the one item was
placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet
of the gate is sucked through it and deposited in
a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate
then closes. The gate is one-way only and can’t be
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