Mohit Kumar ATM Application

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SUBJECT: - Application for issue a new ATM card

Respected Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Mohit Kumar, holding a current saving account in your respected

branch Meerganj, Bareilly with the account number (35110100002214) and I would like to
inform you that I had been applied a request to make my ATM Card in your Branch before
some time and your concern i.e. customer number also and completed all formalities regard
for issue a new ATM card and visited/approached many time in your branch but I have not
received any satisfactions solution/service from your branch side in that regards. Before some
time I have received an ATM Card in September 2024 and that Card was INVALID and
UNAUTHORISED then I met your bank staffs to start/generate my card but they suggested
to me apply for a new ATM Card because that card was invalid so I filling a fresh application
for issue a new ATM Card to use online transaction/net banking etc. and facing more
difficulties due to the without of my ATM card.

I would like to request you to please issue a new ATM card as soon as possible so that it can be
easier for me to make further transactions if you need any other details from my end please
contact my mobile number-9084860044 and email- [email protected] also.

Thank you. Regards/Applicant,

Date-25/10/2024 MOHIT KUMAR

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