Word Formation 95560

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Ex.1. Put the words in brackets in the

correct form

1.There’s no…………………….(DIFFER)
between these twins. They look the Ex.2. Put the words in brackets in the
same. correct form
2.The girl says that she’s got great 1.In the……………………(NEIGHBOUR) of
memorises from her……………………. my house there’s a huge lake.
(CHILD) 2.Are you………………..(FEAR)? Because
3.Is that tower the………………..(HIGH). I’m afraid of spiders.
Yes, it’s 30metres high. 3.Have you seen a new……………..
4……………………….(KNOW) of English ……….. (ADVERTISE) of Nike shoes?
language is a good thing in todays 4.My business is a ……………….. (FAIL). I
multinational world. lost so much money.
5.It’s……….……..(FOG) but it was sunny 5.I watched yesterday’s news
yesterday. with……………… (believe) that it really
6.Kate’s a(n)………………………… took place.
(REASON) girl. She makes s omany 6.She was really………………….(FURY)
mistakes. when she found out that I broke her
7.Tom’s mother is a…………………….. mobile phone.
(DIRECT). She directed a lot of well- 7.I want to make
known movies. an…………………………. (APPOINT).
8.My clothes aren’t ………………………. 8.Your behaviour was……………(RATIO).
(FASHION). I don’t care what I wear. Behave yourself! You could cause an
9.His sudden…………………..(ARRIVE) accident.
surprised me a lot.
10.As a …………….………..(PUNISH), she
must do his sentence.
11.The band’s arrival has Ex.3. Put the words in brackets in the
correct form
been……………………..… (EXPECT) by
many fans. 1.You shouldn’t be so…………………….
12………………………(CREATE) is (CRITICISE) of my decision. You can’t
extremaly important in painter’s work. tell me what I should do.
13.It’s………………………….(USE) to 2………………………..(RETIRE) is said to
stand here and wait until she will come. be the mst beautiful stage of life.
She run away. 3.It’s time to make………………………
14.I like sleeping in my new bed. It’s (CONCLUDE) of my speech.
really ………………………. (COMFORT) 4.The driver was…………….(BAD)
15.Rick is a…………………..(CARE) injured in car crash.
driver. He has never caused any 5.There’s no……………………(AGREE)
accidents. between two major political parties.
16. When they started their concert, 6.I started this job beacuse I wanted to
She could see be ………………….(DEPEND).
the………………………………(PLEASE) on 7. There’s a grain of ………………(TRUE)
their face. in every lie.
17.Martin Luther King was a 8. Susan loves animals,………………
great………………….(SPEAK). Everybody (SPECIAL) cats.

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