BFB M - 06 - 02-10-24
BFB M - 06 - 02-10-24
BFB M - 06 - 02-10-24
• This Paper has 90 Objective type questions. All questions are
• The Maximum marks for each question is 4.
• 1 mark will be deducted against each negative response from the
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• Use of calculator, slide rule, graph paper and trigonometric tables is
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Time : 2 Hrs. | Total Marks : 360
PHYSICS 09. The angular speed of a flywheel making 120
revoltuions/ minute is
01. When the kinetic energy of a body is doubled,
its momentum increases by .... times. (1) 4 rad/s (2) 42rad/s
(3) rad/s (4) 2 rad/s
(1) 2 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 2 2
10. A 500 kg car takes a round turn of radius 50m
02. The potential energy of a system increases if with a velocity of 36 km/hr. The centripetal
work is done : force is
(1) upon the system by a non-conservative force (1) 1000 N (2) 750N (3) 250 N (4) 1200 N
(2) by the system against a conservative force 11. A particle of mass 0.1 kg is whirled at the end
of a string in a vertical circle of radius 1.0 m at
(3) by the system against a non-conservative a constant speed of 5 m/s. The tension in the
force string at the highest point of its path is
(4) upon the system by a conservative force (g = 10 m/s2)
03. If force and displacement of particle in direction (1) 0.5 N (2) 1.0N (3) 1.5 N (4) 2.0 N
of force are doubled. Work would be 12. A car is moving on a circular road of radius 500 m.
(1) Double (2) 4 times At some instant its speed is 30 m/s and is
(3) Half (4) 1/4 times increasing at th e rate of 2 m/s 2 . Th e
magnitude of its acceleration is
04. In which of the following cases the potential
energy is defined (1) 2 m/s2 (2) 2.7 m/s2
(1) both conservative and non-conservative (3) 4 m/s2 (4) 4.8 m/s
forces 13. A particle performs uniform circular motion
(2) conservative force only with an angular momentum L. If the angular
frequency of the particle is doubled and kinetic
(3) non-conservative force only energy is halved, its angular momentum
(4) neither conservative nor-conservative becomes :
forces (1) 4L (2) 2L (3) L/2 (4) L/4
05. When a conservative force does positive work 14. A particle is moving along a circular path of
on a body, then the radius 2 m with uniform speed of 5 ms–1. What
(1) Potential energy of body increases will be the change in velocity when the particle
completes half of the revolution ?
(2) Potential energy of body decreases
(1) Zero (2) 10 ms–1
(3) Total mechanical energy of body increases
(4) Total mechanical energy of body decreases 10
(3) 10 2 ms –1 (4) ms –1
06. A man pushes a wall and fails to displace it. He
does 15. If the body is moving in a circle of radius r with
a constant speed v, its angular velocity is :
(1) Negative work
(1) v2 / r (2) vr (3) v/r (4) r/v
(2) Positive but not maximum work
16. A non-zero external force acts on a systems of
(3) No work at all particles. The velocity and acceleration of the
(4) Maximum work centre of mass are found to be vo and ao at an
07. Work done by frictional force instant t. It is possible that
(1) Is always negative (1) vo = 0, ao = 0 (2) vo = 0, ao 0
(2) Is always positive (3) vo 0, ao = 0 (4) None of these
(3) Is zero 17. Centre of mass of three particles of masses
1 kg, 2 kg and 3 kg lies at the point (1, 2, 3) and
(4) May be positive, negative or zero centre of mass of another system of particles
08. When milk is churned, cream gets seperated 3 kg and 2 kg lies at the point (–1, 3, –2). Where
due to should we put a particle of mass 5 kg so that
the centre of mass of entire system lies at the
(1) centripetal force (2) centrifugal force
centre of mass of 1st system ?
(3) frictional force (4) gravitational force (1) (0, 0, 0) (2) (1, 3, 2) (3) (–1, 2, 3) (4) (3, 1, 8)
Tel. : 0612-3508700 Class Room Test | BFBM-06 2
18. 3 particles of mass 2 kg each are placed such 22. A dog weighing 5 kg is standing on a flat boat so
that 1st one lies on –ve x-axis, 2nd one lies on – that it is 10 m from the shore. The dog walks 4
ve y-axis and the third one lies on +ve z-axis at m on the boat towards the shore and then halts.
distances of 2m, 3m and 1m respectively from The boat weighs 20 kg and one can assume that
the origin. Then the square of the distance of there is no friction between it and the water.
centre of mass of the system from the origin is : How far is the dog from the shore at the end of
this time ?
(1) 1.55 m2 (2) 1.55 m2
(1) 3.2 m (2) 0.8 m (3) 10 m (4) 6.8 m
(3) 1.55 m (4) 1.25 m2 23. A particle of mass m moving with velocity v
19. A block Q of mass M is placed on a horizontal collides with a stationary particle of mass 2m,
frictionless surface AB and a body P of mass m making completely inelastic collision. The
is released on its frictionless slope. speed of the system, after collision, will be
(1) v/2 (2) 2v (3) v/3 (4) 3v
24. A ball is dropped from a height of 1 m. If
P coefficient of restitution between surface and
M ball is 0.6 the ball rebounds to a height of
(1) 60 cm (2) 40 cm (3) 36 cm (4) 27 cm
25. A body of mass 2 kg collides with a wall with
A B speed 100 m/s and rebounds with same speed.
If the time of contact was 1/50 second, the force
As P slides by a length L on this slope of exerted on the wall is :
inclination , the block Q would slide by a
(1) 8 N (2) 2×104N
distance :
(3) 4 N (4) 104 N
m m
(1) L cos (2) (M m) L 26. A body of mass m is at rest. Another body of same
M mass moving with velocity V makes head on
elastic collision with the first body. After
(M m) mL cos collision the first body starts to move with
(3) mL cos (4) (m M) velocity.
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