CSP (22531) Question Set
CSP (22531) Question Set
CSP (22531) Question Set
Summer 2022
Q. 4. Write any four input and output devices which can be interface with PLCs. 4
Q. 9. Compare Relay logic control and Programmable logic control. (min. 6 points) 6
Q. 10. Draw ladder diagram for 3 motor operation for following condition. 6
i) Start push button, start motor M1.
ii) When motor M1 is ON after 8 minutes M2 is ON and M1 is OFF.
iii) When M2 is ON, after 15 minutes M3 is ON and M2 is OFF. and when stop push button is pressed
M3 is OFF.
Q. 3. Describe Discrete AC output modules of PLC with the help of neat diagram. 4
Q. 4. Name any four input and output devices which can be interfaced with PLC. 4
Q. 6. Draw block diagram of PLC and give the function of isolator used in it. 4
Q. 7. Justify ‘Modular PLCS are preferable in automation industry. 4
Q. 10 Draw the ladder diagram to verify : AND gate , NAND Gate and NOR Gate logic 6
Question From MSBTE Sample Question Paper (Test II)
Q. 7. Draw the ladder diagram to verify: i) OR gate ii) NOR Gate logic. 4
Q. 9. Illustrate Proportional-Integral (PI) control action with output Equation and nature of output 4