Expose A Dynamics 365 For Finance and Operations Onebox On A Custom Public Domain
Expose A Dynamics 365 For Finance and Operations Onebox On A Custom Public Domain
Expose A Dynamics 365 For Finance and Operations Onebox On A Custom Public Domain
In this tuturial you’ll learn how to expose a Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations onebox
(VHD edition) to the public Internet using a custom domain name. For example, the client URL
“dyn365demo.mydomain.com” in stead of default URL
“Why don’t you just deploy a D365FO Cloud Hosted Environment to Azure using LCS?” – I
hear you say .
Yep, that’s the most easy (and supported) way to expose a D365FO onebox to the Internet.
However, there are reasons why you would want to follow my tutorial below:
• Deploy and run the onebox in an on-prem (preferably DMZ) or other Cloud environment
(like AWS).
• Keeping full control over the Azure deployment processes and governance.
For example, being able to deploy only necessary resources using ARM or Blueprint
• Limiting the remote access to your LAN in stead of the Internet.
• Sharing your development onebox with colleagues or the Internet.
• Changing the default *.dynamics.com client URL to your own corporate domain, like
• Last but not least: just because you can!
In other words, if you’re looking for an easy and Microsoft-supported way to deploy a
onebox (dev/demo) to Azure and expose it to the Internet, stop reading and follow my other
tutorial which guides you through all the required steps in LCS. Otherwise, keep reading .
You’ll need to have:
• A working and running onebox (VHD edition) of Dynamics 365 for Finance and
Operations running in a hosted environment (Cloud or on-prem) of your choice.
• Your onebox needs to be exposed on port 80 and 443 to the Internet, for example using
NAT port forwarding.
• Preferably host your onebox in a DMZ or behind a reverse proxy solution!
• Global Administrator privileges to your Azure AD / Office 365 tenant, because you’ll need
to create an Azure AD app registration.
• Preferably use a root domain name from your Azure AD / Office 365 tenant which is
connected to your onebox for log-in. I am referring to the domain name which you’ve
entered in the Admin provisioning tool (step 3 in my VHD download tutorial).
• Sign in to the DNS configuration panel of your domain provider and create a
DNS record (type A), pointing to the public exposed IP address of your onebox. Contact
your domain provider if you don’t know where to find the configuration panel.
Below you’ll find an example in where I’ve used DNS zones in Azure.
Step 2 – Configure Azure AD
In this step you will create an Azure AD application registration. This is required to let Azure
AD trust your custom domain name for application usage, like you will do with Dynamics
365. Skipping or misconfiguring this step will break any attempts to sign in to the Dynamics
365 client.
• Sign in to the Azure Portal using an account with Global Administrator privileges and
confirm if the portal is signed in to the appropriate tenant at the top left. This should be
the tenant which holds the admin account you’ve entered in the Admin Provisioning
Tool on the onebox desktop.
• After registering the app, a menu menu will appear which allows you to configure the
app registration.
• At first, make a note of the following data on the Overview panel. You’ll need these
ID’s to modify a few config files on your onebox later in this tutorial:
• Application (client) ID
• Directory (tenant) ID
• Switch to the Authentication panel, and make sure the settings match the ones you’ve
configured during creation.
• Switch to the API permissions panel and make sure to add the following permissions:
• Microsoft Graph
• Directory.AccessAsUser.All
• User.Read
• User.Read.All
• RDP to your onebox and sign in using the default Administrator account.
User: Administrator
Default password: pass@word1
• Don’t forget to change the default password, especially when you’re exposing your
onebox to the Internet.
• Open Notepad (or comparable editor such as Notepad++) with Run as admin
privileges, and open the following files in directory: C:\AOSService\webroot
• web.config
• wif.config
• wif.services.config
• In web.config make the following modifications:
• Search for Aad.Realm and change the spn id (containing alot of zero’s) to the
Application (client) ID you’ve written down in previous step.
<add key="Aad.Realm" value="spn:12f3d12d-df2c-123d-1c23ac1f2b34a5a6" />
• Replace the default client URL for your own custom URL at the following keys, which
can be found in a random order through the config file:
• Infrastructure.FullyQualifiedDomainName
• Infrastructure.Hostname
• Infrastructure.HostUrl
• SoapServicesUrl
• Make sure to preserve all prefixes and suffixes at each modified value.
<add key="Infrastructure.FullyQualifiedDomainName"
value="dynamics365finops.mypubliccloud.nl" /> <add
value="dynamics365finops.mypubliccloud.nl" />
<add key="Infrastructure.HostUrl"
value="https://dynamics365finops.mypubliccloud.nl/" /> <add
value="https://dynamics365finops.mypubliccloud.nl/" />
• On line 5 and 6 you’ll need to change the tenant name (onmicrosoft.com), tenant id
(spn) and client URL (on 2 places).
Original code:
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true"
issuer="https://login.windows.net/contosoax7.onmicrosoft.c om/wsfed"
reply="https://usnconeboxax1aos.cloud.onebox.dynamics.com/ " requireHttps="true"
/> <cookieHandler requireSsl="true"
domain="usnconeboxax1aos.cloud.onebox.dynamics.com" path="/" />
Example modification:
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true"
t.com/wsfed" realm="spn:12f3d12d-df2c-123d-1c23-
ac1f2b34a5a6" reply="https://dynamics365finops.mypubliccloud.nl/"
requireHttps="true" /> <cookieHandler requireSsl="true"
domain="dynamics365finops.mypubliccloud.nl" path="/" />
• Update 27-9-2019: Added config modification below to enable usage of Office integration
and Data Management module (i.e. export data entities). Source: erconsult.eu blogpost
• Using an editor (like Notepad) with Run as admin privileges, open the following file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage
• You should find three lines of code which include the default URL http://
where X increments from 0 to 2.
In my environment these URL’s were located at line 9, 10 and 11. Replace the IP-
address at all of the 3 URL entries for your new Dynamics client URL.
Example: http:// becomes –>
• Replace the default encoded connection value (after value=” and between the quotes) for:
and make sure to modify the URL to your new Dynamics client URL.
• Go to the Windows Firewall (i.e. by running wf.msc) and make sure to open inbound TCP
& UDP ports 10000, 10001 and 10002. Also, if you’re exposing the onebox to the WAN,
make sure port forwarding is also in place.
• Stop and start the Azure Storage Emulator. You can find the tool within the start menu of
Windows which will tell you how to start and stop the emulator.
Also, run a iisreset /noforce command to reload the IIS webserver.
• If you don’t have such certificate, follow steps below to use LetsEncrypt to generate a
valid certificate.
• In this tutorial we use WACS to leverage the LetsEncrypt certificate creation service.
It’s easy and free to use, and also auto-configures IIS and scheduled tasks for periodic
• Example:
As you can see WACS has modified the AOSService binding and added the newly created
SSL certificate. It also added a task in Windows Task Scheduler for auto renewal .
• While you’re still logged into the VM (onebox), open a PowerShell window with Run as
administrator privileges.
• Execute the following command to export the (default deployed) SSL certificate which
D365FO will use to authenticate to your Azure AD tenant on your behalf (for example to
allow importing users)
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path cert:\LocalMachine\Root ` | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like
s.com'} ` | Export-Certificate -FilePath 'C:\aadclient.cer'
• Go back to the Azure AD app registration portal (step 2), go to menu item Certificates &
secrets and upload the CER file using the Upload certificate button.
Step 7 – Testing
• Open up a random browser and navigate to the new client URL. In this tutorial I’ve
• The Azure AD / Office 365 login prompt should appear.
Log in using the same credentials as you have used in the Admin Provisioning Tool.
The Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations client should appear as displayed below.
• Try to import an Azure AD user via the Users panel (System Administration, page:
SysUserInfoPage). If any error occurs when clicking Import users, verify the Azure AD
app registration configuration.
You’re done!