IESL Transactions 2019 Part B - Technical Papers 100

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4 Experimental Investigations which has a bulk density ranges between 800 –

850 kg/m3 according to the provided

4.1 Material Properties specifications.
4.1.1 Fly Ash
4.1.3 Rice Husk
Fly Ash (FA) is used as a mineral admixture,
where it is the by-product resulting from the As stated in the introduction, Rice Husks are
combustion of coal in thermal power plants. FA one of the most abundant waste materials in Sri
contains inorganic, incombustible (fire- Lanka. RH is the leafy outer covering of the
resisting) matter which is fused during the seed, is about 20-25% of the total weight.[3] RH
combustion into a glassy amorphous structure. reflects a more spherical shape with a width
FA particles are spherical in shape and ranges between 1-4 mm and the maximum length is to
from 2μm to 14μm. FA consists silicon dioxide be about 0.01m. 90% of RH have a
(SiO2 - 59%), aluminium oxide (Al2O3 - 6.9%) corresponding area diameter ranges between
and iron oxide (Fe2O3) in majority proportions. 3.4-5.75 mm.[6] Natural RH contains 75%
The used FA bulk density for this study was organic compound and 25% of inorganic
within the range of 900 – 930 kg/m3 according compound. Out of the organic compound
to the manufacture’s specifications. The percentage 45-60% cellulose/hemi-cellulose
chemical and physical characteristics of FA and 25-30% lignin according past literatures.
according to ASTM standard C618 RH contains minor rate of open interior
discriminates two types of FA, Class C and porosity. RH are considered by very minor
Class F. The difference between Class F and pores under 0.1 μm and nearly no pores were
Class C, FA is based on the sum of the total detected for RH from 1μm to 30μm. As per the
silicon, aluminium, and iron composition in it. past researches shows that greater the number
If the sum > 70% its class F, If the sum 50% - of pores of smaller size, the thermal
70% then class C. [17] conductivity will decrease.[6]

4.1.2 Hydrated and Hydraulic Lime 4.2 Test Procedures

Lime binders were similarly used as 4.2.1 Test for Compressive Strength
cementitious materials where natural hydraulic
lime and Hydrated lime was combined to a 15 x 15 x 15cm specimen was prepared
weighted percentage of 50/50 wt.% according according to ASTM standard C 192/C 192M-02.
to the EN459-1 standard.[6] Hydrated lime are As stated on section 3.1 sampling and mixing
generally available in bag quantities. Quicklime were done according to clause 4.9 and clause
is added with a controlled amount of water to 5.2. 28 day and 60 day cured samples
convert CaO into Ca(OH)2 which is the (According to ASTM C 511 – 03) were taken
hydrated lime powder. During the mixing, into the cube test. Cube test was done
casting and the hardening processes of the according to the ASTM standard C 109/C 109M
block it absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) from the – 02 (Standard Test Method for Compressive
atmosphere to transform Ca(OH)2 into calcium Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars). (Figure
carbonate (CaCO3) or limestone.[18] Noora 1) ASTM C 203 – 99 was followed in order to
hydrated lime which complies with ASTM find the crushing load of the block which was
C206-03 standard was used for the research casted with the best mixture according to the
with an available bulk density range from 500 – results obtained from above tests mentioned.
530 kg/m3.

Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL) is available in

three different grades which are denoted as
NHL 2, NHL 3.5 and NHL 5. The number (2,
3.5 and 5) relates to the compressive strength in
N/mm2 and also as the number value increase
the hydraulic condition increases gradually.
According to Morgan Chabannes et al. [6] NHL
3.5 is more suitable for blocks or other
permeable materials. For the research, Natural
Hydraulic lime which complies EN 459-1 was
obtained from a local company named Keshara Figure 1 - Compressive strength test samples
Lime Industries (Pvt) Ltd in Kandy, Sri Lanka


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