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Technical Payslip

Employee Name: Wimmerth Richard Nickey Employee No.: 00010630 Compiling No. : C014
For Period: 04/2025 (16.05.2024 to 15.06.2024) In Period: 04/2025 Payroll Administrator : JENNIFER PIETERSEN

Payment Date Employment Date ID Number Cost Centre Work Place

30.06.2024 16.11.1997 76123100041 Train Ops South Locomotive Crew - Keetmanshoop

Bank Code Bank Name Bank Account Payroll Area

461611 Nedbank Namibia Limited 11990141470 Monthly Namibia

Earnings Rate Qty Amount Deductions Qty Amount

0101 Basic Salary 16,825.37 /260 Total Tax 5,095.62
0402 Overtime 1.5 134.40 24.50 3,292.80 9121 Retirement A EE 1,485.16
0403 Sunday Time 2.0 179.20 15.75 2,822.40 9041 Renaissance EE 1,342.50
0405 Night Time 5.38 37.25 200.41 /320 MSD EE Contribution 81.00
1016 Transport Allowance 618.22 5014 TRF Direct Loan 2,508.00
1031 Housing Allowance New 3,365.07 7101 NATAU 174.73
7215 Nam Life 789.11
7233 Complimed Funeral Plan 25.75
7001 Magistrate Windhoek 400.00
7001 Magistrate Keetmanshoop 300.00
7001 Magistrate Keetmanshoop 500.00
7009 Old Mutual Finance (PTY) 1,614.73
7009 Old Mutual Finance (PTY) 1,644.06

Total Earnings 27,124.27 Total Deductions 15,960.66

Differences 0.00 Net Pay 11,163.61

Employer Contributions Loans

9021 Renaissance ER 4,027.50
9111 Retirement A ER 1,776.96
9131 Death Benefit 113.57
9132 Disability Benefit 78.63
9133 Prof. Fees & Reserves 475.25
9134 Funeral 38.44
9135 Lump Sum Disability 26.21
9136 Dread Disease 111.82
/321 MSD ER Contribution 81.00

Statistic PAYE Cumulations (YTD)

/001 Rate of Pay 1 04.2024 87.46 /106 Taxable Earnings 115,932.97
/003 Rate of Pay 3 04.2024 811.85 /400 Tax (YTD) 24,127.90
/110 Net Pay Deductions 04.2024 0.00
/001 Rate of Pay 1 89.60 /120 B&R Salaries & Wages 108,169.07
/003 Rate of Pay 3 831.12 /127 B&R Housing Allowance 13,598.07
/110 Net Pay Deductions 7,956.38-
/117 B&R Gross Remuneration 121,767.14
/106 Taxable Earnings 25,639.11
/101 Gross Earnings 27,124.27 /453 PF Tax Exemption 5,834.17
/102 MSD Appl. Earnings 16,825.37 /450 Total Tax Exemption 5,834.17
/103 PF Appl. Earnings 17,472.50
/104 MA Appl. Earnings 47.00 17,055.00
/312 MSD Threshold 9,000.00
9001 Renaissance Total 5,370.00
9101 Retirement A Total 4,106.04

Other Information
Cost of Employment 9455 AWOL 1.00 800.33
0101 Basic Salary 16,825.37 9490 Total Unpaid Absence 1.00 800.33
/331 PF ER Contribution 2,620.88 9701 Monthly Basic Salary 17,472.50
/341 MA ER Contribution 4,027.50 9702 Medical Salary 17,055.00
/321 MSD ER Contribution 81.00
/4SD Skill Dev leviable amt 338.54

Leave Balances
Pension Fund Pension Cat. Medical Aid Medical Aid Number Non-Accum. Annual Leave 17.12.2024 24.00000
Non-Accum. Annual Leave 17.12.2025 11.93548
TNPENFUN AMEMC1 RENAISSA 568705 Accumulative Annual Leave 1.83522
Sick Leave 17.00000
Planned W/D Actual W/D Adult Dep Child Dependant Compassionate Leave 5.00000

27.00 27.00 00 01

Planned W/Hrs Actual W/Hrs Pay Point

202.50 202.50

Employee Grp: 1 - Permanent Employee

Emp SubGrp : P4 - Shift Worker 1
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