Billboard 1966-01-29-OCR-Page-0034

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Classical & Jazz in

I I I I I II I11I II I I I V I II I I I1111111I I111111I I I I(1111111111I I1.


Harmony. in New LP NEW YORK
Schwarzkopf will
- Elisabeth
make her
Below is
Retail Outlets.
a list of best selling Classical I.P's in top Classical

A new jazz
album featuring Bill Evans Trio
the Bach improvisation in one
take. At the end, the orchestra
applauded." The orchestra in-
debut American recording for
Columbia Records. The world -
famous soprano will be heard
-because it also features cluded such standout musicians on the
album of songs by Week
Claus Ogerman -will be serv- as Joseph Singer, first french Richard Strauss with pianist
1. BRAHMS- Quintet in B Minor for Clarinet and Strings;
iced to classical music radio horn of the New York Philhar- Glenn Gould. The LP is sched- Melos Ensemble Members: Angel S 36280 (S),
De Peyer,
stations and record reviewers. monic; George Ricci, whom uled for release in February.
36280 IM).
"Bill Evans Trio with Sym- Ogerman termed as the fore- lll; Illllll111
phony Orchestra" is being re- most cello player, and Harry
II111111111I I IIIIII1111111I11011II1llllll IIII1111111111I1IIIII
2. BRAHMSQuintet Minor for Piano and Strings;
in F

leased next week on Verve Rec- Lookofsky, violinist and concert Serkin, Budapest Quartet: Columbia MS 6631 (5) ML
ords. The album is a concept of master of the album. 6031 (MI.
Verve a &r. director Creed Any music conceived during RCA's Caballe 3. BARBER- Quartet No. /DIAMOND- Quartet No. 4; 1

Taylor. Ogerman arranged and its performance is jazz, Evans Beaux -Arts Quartet: Epic BC 307 IS) LC 3907 (Ml. 1

conducted the music, which said. "We weren't trying to

Evans terms as "thematic ex- prove any new kind of music 4. SCHUBERT -Trio No. 1; Stern, Rose, Istoevin: Columbia
tracts from classical composers." in this album ... our sole drive Record Spins MS 6716 (Si. ML 6116 (M).
The composers include Bach, was for something artistic." 5- BAROQUE MASTERPIECES FOR HARPSICHORD; Puyana:
Chopin and.Granados. Slated for a week at the Show- Mercury 90411 (S), 50411 (M1.
" Elegia," a piano concerto
written by Ogermarr for Evans,
boat nightclub in Philadelphia
beginning Jan. 31 and a Town At Torrid Pace OPERA, VOCAL AND CHORUS
is also represented on the al- Hall concert Feb. 21 in New
bum. as well as two items by York, Evans feels the-jazz mar- NEW YORK its first two -ln 1. PUCCINI -La Boheme; Freni, Gedda, Adani, Sereni, Rome
Evans -- "Time Remembered" ket is stronger than ever: Jazz weeks of release, RCA Victor's
Op. (Schippers):Angel (2 -12 ") S 3643 (S), 3643 (M).
and "My Belle." Ogerman said is everywhere. He said that one
"Presenting Montserrat Caballé"
the album in his opinion repre- Polish jazz performer he'd met passed the 20,000 sales mark. 2. MIRELLA FRENI -OPERATIC ARIAS: Angel S 36268 (S),
sented the first successful mer- on a tour behind the Iron Cur- This is the hottest sales pace 36268 (M).
ger of jazz and classical music tain had remarked that he for initial Victor classical
release since Van Cliburn's 1st 3. OFFENBACH -Tales of Hoffmann; Gedda, Di Angelo,
that the orchestration had didn't want to be presumptuous, Schwarzkopf, De Los Angeles, London, Blanc, Benoit, Paris
the simplicity of- Mozart. He felt but he felt the future of jazz Tchaikovsky Concerto, though
several three -record opera pack- Conservatory Orch., Duclos Cho. (Cluytens) Angel
the record should win airplay was on his side of the Iron (3 -12 ") S 3667 (S), 3667 (M).
from both classical and jazz Curtain. ages had bigger dollar intake
radio stations as well as stations The 1964 Grammy. Awards on first orders. 4, SCHOENBERG- Gurre- Lieder; Borkh, Topper, Engen,
with Easy Listening formats be- winner reeled off a list of night- Victor has set a recording Fiedler, Schachtsschneider, Bavarian Radio Orch. & Cho.
cause of the album's "natural clubs that cater to jazz groups, session in February when Miss (Kubelik): D.G.G. (2 -12 ") 138984/5 (51, 18984/5
blending of both fields of mu- including the Village Vanguard Caballe returns to New York (M).
sic." A 48 -man orchestra was which he said was his New for a Carnegie Hall Orchestra
concert. The album will be of 5. HANDEL -Messiah; Schwarzkopf, Hoffmann, Gedda,
used to support the Bill Evans York home for his group, and Hines, Phil. Orch. & Cho. (Klempererl: Angel (3 -12 ")
Trio on most of the selections. the Rubiot in Tulsa, Okla., French art songs. In May, she
S 3657 (S), 3657 (M).
Ogerman was enthusiastic which is owned by Sonny Gray. will record Donizetti's " Lucrezia
about Evans' musicianship. The Bill Evans Trio works Borgia" Rome. in 6. BERG-Wozzeck; Lear, Fischer -Dieskau, Wunderlich,
About two years ago, he'd men- about two months of the year Miss Caballè s return to the Berlin German Op. (Bohm) D.G.G. (2 -12 ") 138991/2

tioned to Helen Keane, Evans' in New York, tours for two American Opera Society has (SI, 18991/2 (M).
manager, "J want to work with months, and spends about two been changed from Bellini's "La
Bill on something very serious, months abroad. The rest of the Straniera" to Bellini's "II Pirata." 7. WAGNER-- Gotterdammerung; Nilsson, Windgassen, Frick,
Fischer- Dieskau, Ludwig, Watson, Vienna Phil. ISoltil:
very good. time, Evans devotes to a grow- London (6 -12 ") OSA 1604 (51, 4604 (M).
"Evans can improvise on any- ing list of concert dates and
thing," Ogerman said. "We did writing activities.
De Paur, Unit 8. PRESENTING
LSC 2868 (S1, LM 2868
Von Karajan. Conducting On Africa Trek
9, BERNSTEIN -Chichester Psalms, for Chorus & Orchestra;
Camerata Singers, N. Y. Phil. (Bernstein): Columbia MS

'Movement' for TV, Stage NEW YORK - Conductor 10.

6792 151, ML 6192 (M).
BERLIOZ -Les Troyens; Crespin, Chauvet, Paris Op.
Leonard de Paur and his de
Conductor Her-
bert von Karajan has incorpo-
of five operas plus a number
of concert films.
The first concert. film was
Paur Chorus are on a three -
month tour of African nations
under the auspices of the U. S.
IPretrel: Angel (2 -12 ")


S 3670 151, 3670 (M).

rated the Karajan Corporation produced at the end of the year State Department's Cultural
(Karajan Gesellschaft) to pro- in Vienna. For this film, Karajan Presentations Program. They'll 1, IVES- Symphony No. 4; American Sym. Orch. (Stokow-
duce opera. and concert films used the Vienna Symphony. he giving concerts in Algiers, ski) Columbia MS 6775 (S), ML 6175 (M).
for theater and TV screening. Filming was done in studios Tunis, Cairo, Khartoum, Addis 2. NIELSEN- Symphony No. 3; Royal Danish Phil. (Bern-
The project is the biggest of on the Rosenhuegel. Karajan is Ababa, Nairobi, Leopoldville, stein) Columbia MS 6769 (S), ML 6169 1Ml.
its kind ever attempted, and it the star of the production, Lagos, Lome, Accra, Monrovia,
seems certain to complicate which is titled "The Art of the Freetown, Conakry, Bameko 3. TCHAIKOVSKY- Nutcracker (excerpts) /Sleeping Beauty
Karajan's relations with Conductor." In the film, Kara- and Dakar.
(excerpts( /Swan Lake (excerpts) Phila. Orch. (Orman -
dy) Columbia 13 -12 "1 D3S -706 ISI, D3L -306 IMI.

Dedtsche Grammophon for jan dissects the role of the con- Three songs of the new Afri-

which Karajan now records ex- ductor in concert hall music. can nations; a war chant from 4. MAHLER -Symphony No. 10 (unfinished) Phila. Orch. ;

clusively. Karajan plans to build a Ghana, a lullaby from Nigeria, (Ormandy) Columbia M2S -735 (5), M2L -335 (M).
'The conductor is employing a backlog of material before un- and a drinking song from Ken-
"total music merchandising con- 5. BRUCKNER- Symphony No. 6; New Phil. ( Klemperer) :

dertaking distribution commit- ya, are included in de Paur's Angel S 36271 151, 36271 (MI.
cept" which has staggered ments. His plans reportedly in- recently released Mercury al-
Grammophon executives. He volve famous opera houses all hum, "Songs of New Nations." 6. BEETHOVEN- Symphonies (9) (complete) Berlin Phil. ;

plans to film operas around the over Europe and in the U. S., The album has been chosen for (Karajan) D.G.G. (8 -12 ") SKL -101 /8 (5), KL -1 /8

world, utilizing famous opera including the Metropolitan Op- submission for an award at the IMl.
companies and opera house set- era in New York. first World Festival of Negro 4; Halle Orch.
tings. Operas are to be pro-
7, NIELSEN- Symphony No. (Barbirolli)
The Salzburg Festival is said Arts which will take place in Vanguard SRV -179SD (5). SRV -179 (M).
duced in their full indigenous to figure prominently in his April at Dakar, capital of the
splendor and to he presented plans. While intending a major Republic of Senegal. The de 8. BRUCKNER- Symphony No. 9; Vienna Phil. (Mehta)
uncut. Karajan is striving for Paur Chorus is the first Ameri- London 6462 (5), 9462 (M).
role in concert productions for
absolute fidelity in transferring his Berlin Philharmonic, Kara- can group of artists to he an- 9, BEETHOVEN- Symphonies (91 (complete) Cleveland ;

original productions to the jan is ready to use famous or- nounced as appearing there and Orch. (Szell) Epic 17 -12 "1 : BSC 150 (5), SC 650 IM1.
screen. chestras everywhere. He has will end the African tour with
Concert films, because they two concerts in Dakar on April 10. BRAHMS- Hungarian Hartford Sym. Dances; (Mahler) :

already used the Vienna Sym- Decca 710058 (S), 10058 (M1.
lack the dramatic impact of phony, as noted, and he plans 7 and 14.
opera, will he more modest pro- a concert production with the
ductions. They will run half an Paris National Orchestra. eras and the great concert music SOLO INSTRUMENT AND CONCERTI
hour and will he produced Karajan feels that the present to the little man," Karajan said.
mainly with Karajan's Berlin 1. AN HISTORIC RETURN -HOROWITZ AT CARNEGIE
classical music format is too For Deutsche Grammophon. HALL: Columbia 12 -12 ") M2S -728 (S), M2L -328 (M).
Philharmonic. restricted and remote from the which long has promoted Kara-
Karajan's films will he of- masses.. He seeks to make clas- jan as the premier attraction of 2. SAINT -SAENS -Piano Concerti Nos. 2 and 4; Entremont,
fered to motion picture houses sical music mass music. Karajan Phila. Orch. (Ormandy) : Columbia MS 6778 (S), ML
its classical offerings, the con-
and television around the world explained, "We are trying to 6178 (M).
ductor's quest after a wider au-
and soundtrack albums will he reach everyone who doesn't at-
dience poses two obvious prob- 3. TCHAIKOVSKY -Piano Concerti Nos. 2 and 3; Grefferas,
marketed. tend concerts and the opera lems: how to harmonize Kara - Phila. Orch. (Ormandy(: Columbia MS 6776 151, ML
"La Boheme" First regularly. I want to offer some- jan's TV venture with the just - 6176 (M).
Karajan filmed "La Boheme" thing better than the present announced intention of Gram - 4. BEETHOVEN -Concerto No. 4 for Piano; Serkin, Phila.
as the first production by his antiquated presentation of clas- mophon to enter the TV film Orch. (Ormandy) Columbia MS 6745 (S), ML 6145 (M).
new enterprise. Filming was sical music. field through a Hamburg sub-
done partly in Geneva and "If the little man can't - --or sidiary: and how disk release 5. HOROWITZ PLAYS SCARLATTI: Columbia MS 6658 (51,
partly in Munich. He is under- won't -come to classical music, will he synchronized with Kara - ML 6058 (M).
stood to plan an initial series then we will take the great op- jan's film releases.

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