Ener X 0.5P CATL User Manual
Ener X 0.5P CATL User Manual
Ener X 0.5P CATL User Manual
5P Battery Container
Operating Instruction and Maintenance Manual
- CATL Confidential -
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
- CATL Confidential -
Revision History
Revision Chapter Description Date
1.0 All Draft revision 2024/8/01
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
1 Important Safety Instructions...................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Electrically Safe Working Condition .............................................................................. 5
1.2 Qualified Person ............................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Safety Symbols ............................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Primary Risks Associated With BESS .......................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Hazardous Voltage ........................................................................................................ 7
1.4.2 Arc Fault ........................................................................................................................ 8
1.5 Arc Flash Hazard Boundary .......................................................................................... 8
1.6 Arc Flash Label ............................................................................................................. 9
1.7 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ........................................................................ 10
1.8 LOTO Procedure ......................................................................................................... 11
2 Manual Overview ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.1 Applicable Scope ........................................................................................................ 11
2.2 General ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.3 Manual Updates .......................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Abbreviation ................................................................................................................ 13
3 Product Introduction .................................................................................................................. 14
3.1 Product Overview ........................................................................................................ 14
3.2 Product Specification .................................................................................................. 31
3.3 BMS introduction ......................................................................................................... 32
3.3.1 BMS system overview ................................................................................................. 32
3.3.2 BMS power on and off................................................................................................. 33
3.3.3 Battery status monitoring ............................................................................................ 33
3.3.4 Charging/discharging management ............................................................................ 34
3.3.5 Thermal management ................................................................................................. 34
3.3.6 Program update .......................................................................................................... 34
3.3.7 High voltage safety monitoring.................................................................................... 34
3.3.8 Fault diagnosis management ...................................................................................... 34
3.3.10 BMS system for four container parallel application ......................... 错误!未定义书签。
4 Transportation and Storage....................................................................................................... 35
4.1 Transportation process and requirements .................................................................. 35
4.2 Hoisting & lifting equipment ........................................................................................ 36
4.2.1 Container hoisting parameters of single-point crane .................................................. 36
4.2.2 Container hoisting parameters of four points vertical crane ....................................... 38
4.2.3 Precautions for hoisting............................................................................................... 38
4.2.4 Risk identification for hoisting ..................................................................................... 39
4.2.5 Measures of hoisting safety ........................................................................................ 40
4.3 Storage ........................................................................................................................ 41
4.4 Ambient thermal insulation .......................................................................................... 41
5 Product Installation .................................................................................................................... 41
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
5.1 Site and environment requirements ............................................................................ 41
5.2 Foundation requirements ............................................................................................ 42
5.3 Installation procedure .................................................................................................. 45
5.4 Anti-vibration and anti-collision requirement for installation ....................................... 45
5.5 Locking the container .................................................................................................. 45
5.6 Wiring .......................................................................................................................... 46
5.6.1 Connection interface ................................................................................................... 46
5.6.2 Removal and installation of metal covers between electrical compartment and copper
busbar compartment .................................................................................................................. 46
6 CATL Monitor Software .............................................................................................................. 54
6.1 Commissioning Tool.................................................................................................... 54
6.2 Commissioning system hardware setup ..................................................................... 54
6.3 Commissioning system software setup ...................................................................... 55
6.4 Software configuration ................................................................................................ 56
6.5 CATL Real–time Monitoring System ........................................................................... 59
7 Commissioning flow chart ......................................................................................................... 67
7.1 Commissioning flow chart ....................................................................................... 67
7.2 System inspection before commissioning............................................................. 67
7.3 Switch on auxiliary power supply ........................................................................... 68
7.4 Switch on HV relays of battery control box ........................................................... 70
7.5 Startup PCS and Precharge DC capacitors ........................................................... 71
7.6 Switch on the connection between PCS and Container ....................................... 71
7.7 EMS send command to PCS to start charge/discharge ....................................... 71
7.8 E-Stop procedure ...................................................................................................... 72
8 Diagnosis of common abnormal problems ............................................................................. 72
8.1 System status word .................................................................................................. 72
8.2 Countermeasures of system alarm ......................................................................... 73
8.3 Countermeasures of abnormal conditions ............................................................ 74
8.4 After-sales Service .................................................................................................... 77
9 Product Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 77
9.1 Battery System Maintenance ................................................................................... 83
9.1.1 Maintenance instructions for normal operating system ...................................... 83
9.1.2 Maintenance instructions for long duration idle mode after COD date .............. 83
9.1.3 Battery system inspection ....................................................................................... 85
9.2 Container enclosure maintenance .......................................................................... 85
9.3 Maintenance requirements for Thermal Management System ............................ 87
9.3.1 Instructions of Chiller Maintenance:....................................................................... 87
9.3.2 Instructions of Coolant Maintenance: .................................................................... 87
9.4 Spare parts................................................................................................................. 88
9.5 Fastener type and torque requirement ................................................................... 89
10 System Decommissioning & Removal .............................................................................. 91
11 Emergency Plan................................................................................................................... 91
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
1 Important Safety Instructions
Installation and service of the EnerX battery container requires knowledge of high voltage electricity and
should only be performed by qualified persons. CATL assumes no liability for injury or property damage
resulting from repairs attempted by unqualified individuals or a failure to properly follow these
instructions. These warnings and cautions must be followed when using the EnerX product.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
When energized, this equipment presents a potential hazard of electric shock,
burn or death. Only authorized personnel who are thoroughly familiar with the
equipment and adequately trained may install, operate or maintain this
To prevent death, personal injury, or damage to equipment, follow all site safety
procedures as indicated by HSE Plan. To minimize hazard of electrical shock, death
and burns, approved grounding practices must be strictly followed.
To prevent personal injury or damage to equipment, personnel shall adhere to site
protocol regarding working at heights.
To prevent personal injury or equipment damage by equipment malfunction, only
adequately trained personnel should modify any programmable machine.
Always ensure applicable standards and regulations are followed and only properly
certified equipment is used as a critical component of the safety system. Never
assume that critical-safety control loop is closed.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that, if not strictly observed, could
result in damage to or destruction of equipment.
The following directives must be followed when working with or near the BESS equipment.
1. Safety parameters and procedures are site-specific, and therefore, must be developed by the
2. Review and refer to all safety warnings contained in this manual before beginning operations. Follow
all the safety procedures as prescribed be the supplier manufacturer published safety procedures for
each equipment.
3. Establish a clear, permanent, restricted access around the system. Fire extinguishers must be readily
available on-site.
4. The system requires a clean, mechanically stable operating environment, free from conductive
contaminates, combustibles, moisture, liquids and gases and corrosive substances. The system may
be operated only when the ambient temperature is between -35°C to 55°C. Do not tap, drill puncture
or attach anything to the equipment enclosures. Ensure there is enough clearance on all sides of the
enclosures to allow access to the system. Remove watches, jewelry, rings and other metallic objects
and always use tools with insulated handles.
5. Follow all applicable Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) procedures always. If proper LOTO procedures are not
followed, serious injury or death could result. With power applied to the equipment, hazardous
voltages will be present on some components. To prevent accidental death or injury, do not touch
any components within the enclosure unless specifically directed to do so. To reduce risk of electrical
shock, verify that all equipment is properly grounded.
6. Strobes and alarms within the system for evacuation are activated by the FSS system.
Only authorized, adequately trained energy storage personnel with proper Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) can access the system. Do not open the equipment
access doors unless qualified person.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Figure 1-1 Arc Flash Boundaries
• Flash Protection boundary (outer boundary) – this is the furthest established boundary from the energy
source. If an arc flash occurred, this boundary is where an employee exposed to a curable second-degree
burn. The issue here is the heat generated from a flash that results in burn.
• Limited approach – An approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part where a shock hazard exists.
• Restricted approach – An approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part which there is an increased
risk of shock.
• Prohibited approach (inner boundary) – A distance from an exposed part which is considered the same as
making contact with the live part.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Figure 1-2 Arc Flash Label
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
1.8 LOTO Procedure
1. The battery container needs to be powered off first. Check the status of PCS and battery containers
from EMS, make sure that the circuit breakers/contactors of PCS DC side are all disconnected, and the HV
contactors of all racks in the battery containers are disconnected.
2. PPE 2 is required for operator.
3. Turn off the AC circuit breaker QF1, QF2,QF3, QF4 , QF5, QF6(or QS),QF7 and QF8 inside the container
distribution box that connect the external auxiliary power. Hang a LOTO warning sign on the door of the
distribution box to prevent it from being turned back on.
4. Turn off the on-site AC circuit breaker which supplies the external auxiliary power of the battery
containers. Apply a LOTO adapter and LOTO lock and tag to the circuit breaker handle to prevent it from
being turned back on.
5. Check, with a multi-meter, that the 1,500 VDC bus bar reads 0 V.
6. Switch off the isolation switch of the rack to “OFF” state. Pull out the LOTO ring of the isolation switch
handle and apply LOTO lock and tag to the LOTO ring to prevent it from being turned back on.
8. Install a safety ground clamp from the positive 1,500 VDC bus bar to the ground bar. Use a shotgun stick
to make the initial contact between the positive 1,500 VDC bus bar and ground.
9. Install a safety ground clamp from the negative 1,500 VDC bus bar to the ground bar. Use a shotgun
stick to make initial contact between the negative 1,500 VDC bus bar and ground.
2 Manual Overview
2.1 Applicable Scope
This manual is applicable to the EnerX battery container.
All references to “battery container” in this manual, unless specifically indicated here in, refer to the
product series mentioned above.
2.2 General
This manual has been prepared primarily for Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) operators and service
personnel and provides three essentials: operation, maintenance and parts information for the BESS. A
distribution of text revisions when necessary will be made to all recipients of the Operations and
Maintenance manual.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Personnel who practice good operating and maintenance procedures ensure BESS reliability. It is of vital
importance that station personnel, trained or untrained in BESS operation, become thoroughly familiar
with the information contained in this manual. Prior to BESS operation, a sound program of maintenance
should be developed and instituted. Adherence to such a program will result in reduced operating costs,
fewer outages, and shorter periods of downtime.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
2.4 Abbreviation
CATL Contemporary Amperex Technology Limited
BMU Battery Management Unit
BMS Battery Management System
BESS Battery Energy Storage System
EMS Energy Management System
PCS Power Conversion System
CSC Cell Supervision Circuit
CSU Current Sample Unit
ETH Ethernet Module
FSS Fire Suppression System
HV High Voltage
LV Low Voltage
LOTO Lockout/Tagout
MBMU Master battery management unit
SBMU Slave Battery Management Unit
IMM Insulation monitoring Module
CAN Controller Area Network
ACAN CAN between BMU and PCS
CCAN AN between BMU and CSC
SCAN CAN between BMU and CSU
DCAN CAN for calibration
BOL Begin of Life
EOL End of Life
SOC State of Charge
SOE State Of Energy
SOH State of Health
SOP State Of Power
TMS Thermal Management System
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
3 Product Introduction
3.1 Product Overview
EnerX-0.5P battery container is the core unit in the energy storage system and acts as the equipment for
storing electrical energy. It can be applied to many applications including renewable energy integration,
frequency regulation, and voltage regulation of the grid.
Battery container consists of battery system, battery management system (BMS), fire suppression system
(FSS), thermal management system (TMS) and auxiliary distribution system.
Number of
System Sub Components Remark
Battery 20 Feet Container 1 (one cooling unit is on the side of the container:575mm(W)*
Racks 1260mm(D)*2750mm(H)*)
Battery Module 32 With CSC
Master Control Box 1 Including IMM, MBMU, ETH, fiber optic module
Sub Control Box 4 Including SBMU, fuse, isolation switch and so on
Liquid Cooling
TMS 1 Including compressor, pump, fan, heater and others
FSS Fire Suppression 1 Including fire control panel, smoke detectors, gas detectors,
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
System heat detectors, explosion-proof fan, aerosol(optional), dry
pipe(optional), fiber optic networking card(optional)
Auxiliary Including transformer, circuit breaker, UPS/24V power module,
Power Distribution Box 1 E-stop circuit, circuit protection and power supply on-off
Supply control circuit, type II SPD for AC power supply
The battery system consists of 8 battery racks connected in parallel, each battery rack contains 4 battery
modules, each battery module consists of 104S(1P104S) battery cells connected in series, so the battery system
contains 3328 battery cells.
A total of 104 (1P104S) lithium-iron cells (530Ah/3.2V) are used in series connection for each battery
module. An internal high speed DC fuse is included for safety protection.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Figure 3-5 Battery module -- exterior overview
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
3.1.3 Master Control Box
The MBMU, IMM, ETH, fiber optic module are integrated to master control box together.
Module Function
⚫ One temperature sensor is located on the fire control panel and one
temperature sensor is located on the transformer T1 in the distribution box.
⚫ MBMU gives a Level 1 alarm when the environment temperature exceeds
60 °C.
5. Addressing
⚫ MBMU can address CAN and RS485.
6. System status upload
⚫ MBMU can upload SOC, SOH, SOP and operation status of the system.
7. Contactor driver and auxiliary equipment power supply
⚫ MBMU controls the rack HV relays to turn on or off when a PCS or EMS
command is received via the SBMU.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Module Function
⚫ MBMU has high-side outputs that can be used to drive a power supply relay
for external devices or to supply power directly to auxiliary devices. High-
side output also has fault diagnosis function.
8. Dry contact detection
⚫ MBMU has dry contact detection, which is used for identifying the working
states of SPD, UPS, FSS, auxiliary power supply and so on.
9. Insulation status judgment
⚫ MBMU can calculate and determine the current insulation status of the
system based on the insulation value provided by the current IMM test
board, and send it by means of communication.
10. Relay split and combine commands
⚫ MBMU can control SBMU to turn on and off the relay of single or all
electrical cabinets according to control commands from PCS and EMS.
11. Ventilation fan status detection
⚫ MBMU can detect the status of the ventilation fan, whether the fan is open
or closed.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Module Function
4. The ETH has an Ethernet interface
Fiber optic
Convert Ethernet to optical signal.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
4 JX1-4 Reserve
5 JX2-1 RS485A
Communication with the
6 JX2-2 RS485B 485 Bus
PCS through 485 port
7 JX2-3 GND
8 JX3-1 D-CAN-H
9 JX3-2 D-CAN-L
10 JX3-3 A-CAN-H
Internal CAN bus for
11 JX3-4 A-CAN-L Debugging
12 JX3-5 M-CAN-H
13 JX3-6 M-CAN-L
14 JX3-7…10 Reserve
15 JX4-1 M-CAN-H
16 JX4-2 M-CAN-L
17 JX4-3 SBMU_Code_Out Internal communication. Communication between
18 JX4-4…6 Reserve Installed by CATL in factory SBMU and MBMU
19 JX4-7 M-CAN-H
20 JX4-8 M-CAN-L
21 JX5-1 E_Stop_to_PCS+ Emergency dry contact to
22 JX5-2 E_Stop_to_PCS- PCS.
Emergency dry contact
23 JX5-3 E_Stop_to_BMS+ Emergency dry contact to
24 JX5-4 E_Stop_to_BMS- BMS
25 JX6-1 M-CAN-H
26 JX6-2 M-CAN-L
M-CAN bus for parallel
28 JX6-4 Reserve M-CAN is used for parallel
29 JX6-5 CAN bridge_24V+ containers.
30 JX6-6 CAN bridge_24V-
31 JX6-7 M-CAN-H
32 JX6_8 M-CAN-L
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
3.1.4 Sub control box
Sub control box integrates SBMU, HV contactors, precharge circuit, high breaking capacity and high speed
DC fuses, which can control battery rack by SBMU and send battery status data to MBMU via CAN bus. A
total of four sub control boxes are contained in one container, the panel diagram of which is shown in
Figure 3-7.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Table 3-5 Information of switch
No. Switch Name of switch Function
To turn the output of the battery system on and off.
1 QS1 Isolating switch
(Cannot operate under load)
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
On the electrical compartment
6 Horn and strobe 1 Standard
Two relay two input
7 4 Standard In the electrical compartment
Explosion-proof Adjacent to the thermal
8 1 Standard
Smoke exhaust fan management system
exhaust and Explosion-proof On the battery compartment
9 2 Standard
ventilation ventilation louver door
system Fan emergency On the electrical compartment
10 1 Standard
switch door
11 Fire Aerosol 12 Optional In the battery compartment
suppression Fire alarm pull On the electrical compartment
12 1 Standard
system station door
Nozzle with rubber
13 8 In the battery compartment
Dry pipe plug
system Adjacent to the thermal
14 Flange 1
management system
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
The information of the interactive interface of FSS is shown in the following Figure 3-8.
The detection system has three types of detectors, the number and installation position of which are
shown in Table 3-6 and Figure 3-9. All detection signals are received and processed by the fire suppression
control panel.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Figure 3-10 FSS control logic overview
Using Smoke exhaust ventilation system to meet NFPA69 standard. As shown in Figure 3-11.
The flange is installed at the entrance of the water fire protection system, for the connection between the
pipes. The parameters of the flange are shown in Table 3-9.
Item Specification
Model NPS 2”
Standard ASME B16.5
Material ASTM A105
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Class Class 150
The Water Spray Nozzles are open type (non-automatic) nozzles with rubber plug, designed for directional
spray application in fixed fire protection system. The parameters of the nozzle are shown in Table 3-10.
Model V2709
Type Standard horizontal sidewall
Maximum working pressure 250 psi/1725 kPa
End connection ½ NPT
In order to keep the FSS working normally for at least 24 hours standby and 2 hours alarm without external
auxiliary power supply, an internal UPS has been incorporated into the FSS control panel, and two DC 12V
batteries have been connected in series. For safety reasons, the battery connection must be disconnected
during transportation process. The power supply of the explosion-proof system requires additional backup
power from the customer.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Figure 3-13 The UPS for Fire Control Panel
Note that overdischarge risk of UPS battery for FSS operation if long period without
auxiliary power. If lost AC auxiliary power 24 hours above, please energize in
external backup power to continuously enable FSS, or disconnect the battery
connection to stop FSS operation to prevent over discharge.
The TMS is a liquid cooling system whose primary function is to maintain the temperature of the battery system
within an acceptable operating temperature range. The following is the layout of the coolant pipes.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Figure 3-14 Pipe layout of TMS(Top view)
Table 3-11 Main feature of TMS
Refrigerating Capacity 1 x 70 kW
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Maximum Heating current 31A
(18℃ TMS liquid , @35℃ ambient)
The auxiliary distribution box is for providing the auxiliary power for whole control system and liquid cooling
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
3AC + N+PE 480V(380…480V)±10%, 50/60Hz & 1AC 230V(L+N+PE) ±10%, 50/60Hz
✓ Include DC24V power supply output & DC24V UPS for BMS system,
✓ Include 230V power supply output for FSS and Explosion-proof system,
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
high voltage safety monitoring, fault diagnosis and management, external communication with PCS and
EMS, ensure the stable operation of the energy storage system.
The BMS system is composed of 1 unit of MBMU, 2unit of IMM, 1 unit of ETH, 4 units of SBMU, 32 units
of CSC.
Note that over discharge risk of UPS battery operating if long period without
auxiliary power. please recharge the UPS within one week after the auxiliary power
supply is cut off. For long-term storage, please recharge the UPS battery every three
PCS TCP/IP EMS TCP/IP Fire protection
cooling unit
BMS Fiber
Dry contact
Control Control
box_1 box_4
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
1. The BMS monitors battery parameters including cell voltage, module temperature, battery current
and total battery voltage.
2. The BMS detects the battery status, including State of Charge (SOC) , SOH and SOP calculation, with
a precision of 5%.
3. The BMS functions as a safety management system in cases such as under-voltage, over-discharge,
over-voltage, over-temperature, and over-current of the battery. In the event of a fault, the system
alarms the supervisory equipment, limits the charge and discharge current or power, and delays the
disconnection of all HV relays. This can protect the battery while maintaining the safety of the
4. The BMS provides battery information including data recording and fault information recording to
the EMS.
3.3.4 Charging/discharging management
1. The BMS controls and monitors HV relays, including the low voltage coils of the contactor and the high-
voltage contact (auxiliary contact).
2. The BMS has precharge control within the parallel connection between racks.
3. The BMS works in charge and discharge management. It will calculate the charge and discharge power
limit according to the existing status of the battery (temperature, SOC) and the actual performance of
electrical components and then report to the EMS which has the function of controlling to these limits;
4. The BMS has the function of balance management to extend the operability of the battery system.
3.3.5 Thermal management
1. The BMS has the function of sampling the battery cell temperature and the chiller operating status.
2. The BMS controls the liquid cooled TMS based on the battery cell and the coolant temperature.
3.3.6 Program update
The BMS can flash programs on site, which supports flashing of MBMU, SBMU, IMM, CSC and ETH by using
the host computer through MCAN.
3.3.7 High voltage safety monitoring
1. The BMS has the function of high voltage sampling (collecting data of the main positive voltage)
2. The BMS supports the detection of the dry contact of the fuse and switch, as well as the auxiliary contact
of the primary loop relay.
3.3.8 Fault diagnosis management
1. The BMS stores information such as operating parameters and historical alarms, which can be viewed by
the ESS monitoring tool.
2. The BMS allows storage of recent alarms.
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3.3.9 BMS data recovery function after abnormal power off
1) Real-time sampling signals, such as voltage, temperature, current, etc., are first initialized after the BMS
is turned on. Then the signal value will be updated in real time with the sampled values.
2) Signals that need to be stored, such as SOC, SOH, SOE, etc., are also initialized when the BMS is turned on.
These signals then read the stored value from the BMS once. After that, these data are updated in real
time according to their update strategies, and their corresponding stored values will be updated
3) Other types of signals are updated by the above two types of signals according to certain logical processing.
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The gravity center of the battery container must be kept stable during lifting
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Hoisting Precaution
Before lifting The lifting capacity and working radius of the crane meet the requirements. If the
onsite working conditions do not meet the requirements, seek professional
For outdoor use, you are advised to lift containers when the weather is clear and there
is no wind & rain.
Ensure that the crane and steel cable meet the requirements before hoisting.
Ensure that the crane is in a proper position, not long distance hoisting.
Keep the container steady, and the diagonal inclination of the container is less than or
equal to 5°.
Hoisting gently, the box body should be slow and steady when falling, to avoid impact
on internal equipment.
When the container is in contact with the base, remove the steel hoisting cable after
the base is evenly stressed.
Containers can be hoisted only after they are secured.
1) The crane in the operation of the human body caused by extrusion or impact;
2) The crane hook overloading fracture, lifting when the sling slip out of the hook;
3) Heavy objects fall in the lifting cause striking, heavy objects fall from the air to the ground and
rebound wounding;
4) Accidental contact of spreader or sling with conductive slip line;
5) Truck crane working site ground is not smooth, support unstable, weight imbalance, heavy
weight exceeds the rated lifting weight caused by crane overturning;
6) Excessive wind, illegal operation caused the crane overturned;
7) People standing under the boom and other dangerous areas;
8) A person standing or sitting on a hook;
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9) When lifting, there is no command, there are people staying in the working area, and the spares
and heavy objects of the crane in operation swing and strike pedestrians;
10) The crane and other operators do not wear safety helmet and other personal protective
11) The driver's cab glass is not cleaned, resulting in unclear vision;
12) The driver has poor communication with the commanding personnel, or misunderstands the
hoisting signal;
13) The hanging method is not correct, causing heavy objects to fall out from the hook;
14) The sling used exceeds the safety factor;
15) The wire rope jumps out of the pulley groove;
16) Brake crack, friction gasket wear too much.
1) Strengthen the management of the construction site, set up a warning area on the hoisting site,
send full-time safety personnel to supervise and alert, non-operation personnel are strictly
prohibited to enter;
2) Carefully do the preparatory work before lifting, according to the requirements of the plan to
prepare machinery and heavy lifting rigging. Strictly implement the lifting equipment
performance inspection, lifting rigging inspection, pre-lifting detection and lifting procedures to
ensure the safe and reliable lifting operation;
3) Detailed technical disclosure shall be made to all personnel participating in the construction
operation in advance, so that they must understand the essentials, procedures and
requirements of the operation. After the crane enters the site, the crane driver will be
introduced to the hoisting scheme in detail, and the unified command signal will be made clear.
4) Crane position operation and walking route should be carried out according to the requirements
of the scheme, the outrigger pad must be safe and reliable. Special subgrade box cushion is used
under the leg to expand the unit force surface. Crane lifting operation should be smooth, slow
action, lifting operation should pay close attention to the settlement of the crane leg;
5) The contact between the site commander and the crane driver should be timely and reliable,
and the command signal, flag language and gesture should be clear. If abnormal conditions are
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found, the commander in chief of the lifting site should be reported in time, so as to take
effective measures as soon as possible;
6) When the wind is level 5 or above, it is strictly prohibited to lift in thunder, rain and fog days;
7) Construction personnel entering the hoisting operation site must strictly implement the safety
rules and regulations of the site, wear labor protection clothing and safety helmet according to
the provisions;
8) Hoisting operation should be unified command, operation personnel should do their duty,
closely cooperate, so as to complete the hoisting operation safely and smoothly.
4.3 Storage
The battery container should be stored in a place without harmful gases, flammable or explosive
products and corrosive chemicals nearby. Keep away from mechanical impact, heavy pressure and
strong magnetic field. The distance to heat source should be far away.
5 Product Installation
5.1 Site and environment requirements
EnerX battery container applies to general outdoor scenarios. In accordance with local laws and
regulations, the site selection requirements are as follows:
1 The installation position of the node cannot be in a low-lying area, and the site level is higher than the
highest historical water level in the area.
2 The soil condition is good and the ground is solid. No bad geological conditions such as rubber soil and
soft soil layer are allowed. The ground that is easy to accumulate water and sink should be avoided.
3 Invest in a well-ventilated place.
4 Keep away from strong vibration, noise sources, and electromagnetic interference areas. Try to avoid
places with existing underground facilities.
5 Keep away from places that produce dust, fume, harmful gases, and produce or store corrosive, flammable,
and explosive materials. The distance from the airport, landfill, river bank, shore or dam should not be less
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
than 500m.
6 Choose an open location according to the requirement of Figure 5-1, and ensure that there are no
obstacles from the surrounding area.
7 Keep at least 50m away from residential areas to avoid noise pollution.
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Before installing this container, build the foundation and trench on the selected ground. The
requirements for foundation construction are as follows:
1) The size of foundation meets the requirements of container installation and bearing capacity as
following shown.
Table 5-1 Installation site requirement
Ground type Condition requirements Note
Support at least six points in the Figure
Concrete floor
The ground needs to be able to bear a Ground should fulfill:
static load of 45 tons, considering the ◆ Flatness deviation
Plain land
seismic conditions, it should meet the ≤5mm/6 foundations
requirements of the support reaction in
the drawing
2) Foundation requirement:
⚫ At least six foundation points must be in place to support the container as shown in Figure 5-2.
⚫ It is mandatory to fix four corner foundation points as shown in Figure 5-3
⚫ Refer to Figure 5-4 for the spacing of the bottom foundation points of a container.
⚫ Diameter for each foundation point is 500mm, the recommended height is 200mm (at least
50mm for bottom module maintenance)
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Figure 5-2 Installation site overview
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5.3 Installation procedure
Table 5-2 Installation procedure
Step Procedure
1 Determine the position for installing containers based on the foundation design diagram;
2 Measure the support points of foundation containers fulfilling the requirement of chapter 5.2
3 Use a crane to lift containers according to chapter 4.2
Adjust the container and level the container using washers to ensure that the support points
4 at the bottom are evenly supported. Note: The washer has been packed with the box and
placed at the protective cover of the water pipe in the electrical cabin
Open and close all side doors and the electrical cabin doors. There is no lag in operation and
5 no rigid contact between the side door and the cabin body. If there is interference between
the door and cabin, washer should be added in the corresponding position
Remove the lifting rope and release the crane after the side door and electrical cabin door
meet requirements
7 Secure the container.
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Figure 5-5 Lock of battery container
The regular maintenance and inspection of the padlock should be conducted regularly.
5.6 Wiring
5.6.1 Connection interface
The battery container has four main connection interfaces: DC power cable connection, AC auxiliary power
connection, communication interface, and FSS communication interface.
5.6.2 Removal and installation of metal covers between electrical compartment and copper busbar
There are two metal covers between the electrical compartment and the copper busbar compartment to
reduce the effects of condensation in the electrical compartment.
Each metal cover is fastened with 12 M6*16 bolts
Before connecting the high-voltage wiring harness, auxiliary power wiring harness, and other external
wiring in the field, you must use tools to remove the bolts and open the metal covers.
After the external wiring is completed, the metal covers must be installed before the container is officially
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Figure 5-6 Photos of Metal Covers
It is recommended to use a dual hole cable lug as shown in Figure 5-7 for the external HV cable connection,
and the bolt assembly should follow the scheme shown in Figure 5-8 .
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Figure 5-8 External DC power cable lug
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➢ Screw: M12 x 35 fireproof mud and other materials for sealing. It is
➢ Torque: 50 N·m required that the filling be uniform, tight, seamless,
and the beautiful in appearance.
4) 25mm² is recommended for single wire.
Auxiliary power cable connection (Ventilation Fan AC230V)
The connection requirements of auxiliary power supply (L+N+PE):
1) The AC230V 50/60Hz power supply can be connected to the XT10 terminals;
2) Be sure to connect the L/N/PE terminals in the correct order;
3) Use flexible or hard wires with cold-pressed tube terminals. Locking torque requirement:
1.5~1.8 N·m;
4) Continuous current 5A(AC 120/230V). 2.5mm² for single wire is recommended.
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Figure 5-10 AC auxiliary power cable connection interface
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50 Communication cable connection
For optic fiber connection, the optic fiber conversion module is contained in the electrical room, which can
convert TCP/IP to fiber signal, and the single mode ST port is used
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Figure 5-14 Schematic diagram of fiber optic routing
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Fault name Function contact External FSS or EMS action
Close No action
Fire system fault To indicate that any one sensor of
level 1 FSS is in alarm. Cut off PCS power by EMS and check
the detail fault information on the FCP.
Close No action
To indicate that one heat detector
Fire system fault and one smoke detector in battery
level 2 room give an alarm or two heat Cut off PCS power by EMS and check
detectors give an alarm the detail fault information on the FCP.
Close No action
Exhaust To indicate that the ventilation fan is
ventilation state open Cut off PCS power by EMS and check
the detail fault information on the FCP.
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6 CATL Monitor Software
As the LFP battery energy storage running monitor, CATL Real–time Monitoring System can realize
following fundamental functions, and the installation process and instruction can refer to follow chapters
1) Data monitoring and recording
2) Rack numbering
3) CSC numbering
4) Rack on-off controlling
5) Fault Alarm checking and analyzing
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6.3 Commissioning system software setup
. .
→ →
→ →
5 End
2) CANTEST Usage
Step Solution
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1 Extract CANTEST software in any folder of the computer.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Step Description
1 Open MBMU/ETH flash tool
Such as:
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
3 Select driver path in source file configuration
\CATL_BMS_Flash_Tool 1.25 For ESS ETH 201208\Configuration\ESS ETH 201208\FlashDriver
e4 Select ‘APP path’, and select MBMU hex file (configured project by project)
Such as:
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
i. Use CANtest to read the log
ii. Check ETH power supply and CAN_H/CAN_L loop connection.
iii. Only turn on the ETH power supply and configure IP.
b) After verifying the version, configure IP using setting tools (if the version is wrong, flash the ETH
software first.)
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
10, For One Container
20, For Two Container Parallel
MBMU Setting:
⚫ SBMU number: the number of racks on the same CAN circuit, for single container, SBMU
number is 4 for two container parallel connection, the number must be updated to 8;
⚫ CSC number: 8, the number of modules in a single rack;
⚫ Cell voltage number: 52, the number of cell in a single module 104 (2P52S);
⚫ Cell temperature number: 11, the number of temperature test points in a single module.
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Interface setting:
⚫ Regarding device type, usually, choose USBCAN1 if using ZLGCAN (ZLGCAN has two
interface, CAN1 and CAN2). If using ValueCAN tool, then choose ValueCAN.
⚫ Regarding Baud Rate and data type, leave them as the default value. Click ‘save’, and the
monitoring system will restart automatically. If others Baud Rate setting is required, the
definition is according to the type of CAN, the value of ACAN is 250k, CCAN, MCAN, SCAN
need chose 500K.
The User Name is sysadmin, the password is 1234567890111. Then click the OK.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
MBMU Encoding
⚫ Click the menu ‘Control’, enter encoding interface. When encoding the first MBMU, the
MBMU address must be set to ‘1’. If have two container parallel connection, the second
MBMU address must be set to ‘2’.
SBMU&CSC Encoding
⚫ When encoding the first SBMU, set the Tank NO. to “1”, and then click the “SBMU Address
7 Set”, after that, click “CSC address set”. If encoding successful, following message “SBMU
No.1 encoding successful” will be got.
⚫ Others SBMU&CSC encoding follow same process
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SBMU NO.1 Encoding Successful
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
SOC calibration
⚫ Firstly, choose the Tank No. correctly, and then set the “Display SOC State” to the value
you want.
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⚫ Check if allowable charging/discharging current appears. If so, it means that the system
can charge and discharge normally.
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地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
7 Commissioning flow chart
7.1 Commissioning flow chart
Check HV Use the multimeter to test open voltage = 0V; OK□ NG□
disconnection Use the multimeter to test the resistance OK□ NG□
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between positive and negative poles is = ∞.
Check LV cable Whether cable connection is correct according to
4 OK□ NG□
connection chapter 5.6
In the battery system, all power connections must ensure that a sufficient number
of protective measures for insulation will be taken, the positive and negative
poles of a battery will in no way contact the outer box to lead to leakage of
electricity and a short circuit, and the positive and negative poles of the battery
system will not be short-circuited in any case; otherwise, a major safety accident
and an electric shock might be caused.
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1. Switch on the external 3AC
380V~480V auxiliary power supply
and 1AC 120~230V FSS power supply.
2. Close the main circuit breaker QF1 in
the 3AC480V power supply.
3. Close the circuit breaker QF2and QF3
in the power supply of the Fire system
and Explosion proof .
4. Close the circuit breaker QF4 in the
power supply of the cooling unit
5. Close the circuit breaker QF5,QF7 &
6. Close the circuit breaker QF6in the
UPS battery..
7. Check the indicator of K1 K2 K3 K5 &
K6 relay: Lighting
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1. Switch on the external 3AC 380V~480V
auxiliary power supply and 1AC 120~230V
FSS power supply.
2. Close the main circuit breaker QF1 in the
3AC480V power supply.
3. Close the circuit breaker QF2and QF3 in
the power supply of the Fire system and
Explosion proof .
4. Close the circuit breaker QF4 in the power
supply of the cooling unit system.
5. Close the circuit breaker QF5,QF7 & QF8
6. Turn on the QS in the 24V power module.
7. Check the indicator of K1 K2 K3 K5 & K6
relay: Lighting
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Switch on insolation switches of four control box.
Table 7-4 Sub control box overview
Sub control box
Switch on HV relays
After the auxiliary power supply is switching on, use the close HV relays command to close the HV
relays according to communication protocol. At this moment, the positive and negative output ends
of the battery racks will generate about 1040V~1500V DC high voltage. The light will correspond to
the following state:
Table 7-5 Indicator light: High voltage power supply
System state Indicator light for the LV circuit●
low voltage power supply Green light is on
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
7.7.2 Discharging of Battery System
When the battery system is charged at high voltage, if the battery system detects the discharging
current, the battery system will enter the discharging state and the battery system will start
discharging. At this moment, the combination of lights on and off will correspond to the state as Table
E-stop button
Pull station (aerosol
manual release)
Ventilation emergency switch
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CAT 2 Low Report close No action
CAT 3 Low Report close No action
Outage of failure single rack
CAT 4 Medium Report close
after 10s
Outage of failure single rack
CAT 5 High Report close
Outage of all battery racks
CAT 6 High Report open
after 10s
Outage of all battery racks
CAT 7 Very High Report open
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S/N Failure or alarm phenomena Possible cause of failure Troubleshooting scheme
1. Poor connection of 12V
Check wiring harness
power harness wiring
After the failure occurs, the user fails to maintain the initial failure state, fails to timely notify the
manufacturer and handles without authorization, thus causing it is unable to make a practical fault
identification of the failure causes.
9 Product Maintenance
During whole product lifecycle, abnormal operating must be avoid, regular maintenance in Table 8-1 is
mandatory to ensure safe and reliable operation and acquire an optimal performance for system.
Table 8-1 Product maintenance category
No. Components Checking items Description Frequency
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2 Label & nameplate Check whether the labels and Annual
nameplates have abnormal
phenomena such as falling off,
blurring and tilting.
3 Water traces Check whether there is obvious water Semi-
ingress or water ingress in the Annual
4 Biological invasion Check whether there are any living Semi-
things (rodents) in the air Annual
conditioner, water-cooled unit
compartment, electrical
compartment, and battery
5 Battery compartment Check the dust situation inside the Semi-
container. If the pollution is Annual
particularly serious, it is necessary to
find the location from where the dust
6 Abnormal odor (*) Check whether there is a pungent Semi-
odor or burning paste odor in the Annual
container (short cycle inspection
does not require opening the
container door).
7 Battery compartment Check whether the battery Annual
door compartment door limit lever
functions normally and whether
there is any deformation damage.
8 Corrosion of parts Check whether there is corrosion of Semi-
structural parts, frames, etc. caused Annual
by water accumulation inside the
9 Floor drain Check whether the floor drain Semi-
function is normal. Annual
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10 Abnormal sounds (*) Check whether there is a crackling Semi-
sound during system operation (short Annual
cycle inspection does not require
opening the container door).
11 Internal identification Check whether labels such as master Annual
control box, subcontrol box,
ditribution box have any abnormal
phenomena such as falling off, not
being able to see clearly, and cocking.
12 Door seals Check whether the sealing strip of Annual
each door of the container is dirty,
broken, falling off, or not installed in
13 Ambient temperature Check whether the ambient Semi-
and humidity temperature and humidity record Annual
and check whether the temperature
and humidity is within the allowable
14 Indicator (*) Check whether the indicators are Semi-
normal or not. Annual
15 Fire suppression Gas detector Check whether the gas detectors are Annual
system normal or not. (or refer to
local rules)
16 Smoke detector Check whether the smoke detectors Annual
are normal or not. (or refer to
local rules)
17 Temperature detector Check whether the temperature Annual
detectors are normal or not. (or refer to
local rules)
18 Smoke&gas trigger Check whether the alarm function is Annual
normal when the smoke and gas (or refer to
detector triggered at the same time. local rules)
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
19 Temperature&smoke Check whether the alarm function is Annual
trigger normal when the temperature and (or refer to
smoke detector triggered at the same local rules)
20 Connectors Check whether the smoke and Annual
temperature sense are installed and (or refer to
tightened, and the wiring harness local rules)
connection is normal.
21 Aerosol Check whether the aerosol starting Annual
line is damaged, the aerosol is (or refer to
installed firmly, the appearance is local rules)
damaged, the aerosol reaches the
service life.
22 Chiller Filter Check whether the air inlet filter is Semi-
blocked Annual
23 Ventilation hood Check whether there is dust in the Semi-
ventilation hood. Annual
24 Heating mode function Check whether the heating mode Semi-
function is normal. Annual
25 Cooling mode function Check whether the cooling mode Semi-
function is normal. Annual
26 Sleeping mode function Check whether the sleeping mode Semi-
function is normal. Annual
27 Interface Check whether there are obvious Semi-
liquid leakage marks at each interface Annual
position of the unit and water cooling
28 Abnormal sounds (*) Check whether the chiller has Semi-
abnormal noise during operation Annual
(mechanical impact sound/whistle
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
29 Operational status 1. Check the operation process. Semi-
monitoring Judged by the operation status Annual
TMS_RunState in the Cooling
interface of the BMS monitor, Cooling
is refrigeration, Hot is heating,
Cycling is self-circulation, and Stop is
2. Check the TMS outlet pressure and
return pressure in Cooling interface
when the unit is running for 5
minutes without shutdown, and
meet the pressure value ≥x bar.
30 Fault monitoring Check the chiller's working condition Semi-
based on BMS. Annual
31 Water pressure and The BMS monitor reads the inlet and Semi-
temperature monitoring outlet temperature and water Annual
pressure to check whether it is within
the normal range.
32 High and low Harness appearance Check whether the wiring harness is Semi-
voltage wiring damaged, ablated or aged. Annual
33 High and low Connector appearance Check whether the connector is Semi-
voltage yellowing, blacking or even ablated. Annual
34 connectors Connector connection Shake the connector plug to see if the Semi-
reliability connector interface is loose. Annual
35 Energy storage Common-mode voltage The waveforms of DC-to GND and DC Annual
system troubleshooting--spot +to GND under five working
check, one for each conditions (standby/shutdown, zero-
project power floating charge, full-power
charge, full-power discharge,
standby-to-charge) were collected
and analyzed by oscilloscope. PCS
terminal AC A-to-ground, B-to-
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
ground waveform.
1.This is a general about CATL preventive maintenance services, for details, please contact CATL service
email: [email protected]
2.CATL provide paid preventive maintenance services during warranty period.
3.Service call center:[email protected]
3.Maintenance items with asterisks (*)mean that the customer can perform them themselves and will
not be counted into the preventive maintenance hours.
4.It is the minimum requirement that an overall annual preventive maintenance shall be carried out to the
5.It is recommended that ESS preventive maintenance be conducted twice a year, one basic semi-annual
inspection and one overall annual checklist.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
6.Preventive Maintenance shall be scheduled and carried out as required by CATL ESS User Manuals.
Where laws and regulations provide otherwise provisions on the preventive maintenance, such provisions
shall prevail.
◼ Discharge the battery system to the cut-off condition (the lowest voltage<2.5V), then stop
discharging, standing for 1 hour.
◼ Full charging automatically to the battery system (The highest voltage>3.65V), after charging,
standing for 1 hour.
◼ Discharge the battery system to 23% and stop.
2) Plan 2 (This plan is applicable when SOC of the battery system is high)
◼ Full charging automatically to the battery system (The highest voltage>3.65V), after charging,
standing for 1 hour.
◼ Discharge the battery system to the cut-off condition (the lowest voltage<2.5V), then stop
discharging, standing for 1 hour.
◼ Charge the battery system to 23% and stop.
1. Check to ensure environmental safety, system safety, no alarm, no fault
before performing maintenance operations.
2. After the battery maintenance of ESS is completed, it’s suggested to notify
CATL after-sales engineer to perform data analysis for free.
9.1.2 Maintenance instructions for long duration idle mode after COD date
• Suggested SOC range of battery storage: 30%~60%.
• If the battery system keep on idle mode more than 90 days, the battery is suggested to have SOC
equal or above 50%. 3.2V shall in any case be considered as a minimum voltage level for per cell,
in case that this voltage level is reached, battery system must be recharged immediately.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
• Battery capacity test about 100% SOC charge and 0% SOC discharge must be conducted every 12
• When recover the system from idle mode over 90 days to discharge/charge mode, the battery
system must perform SOC calibration applying one of the possible methods, including:
◼ Static Calibration
◼ Dynamic Calibration
◼ High Voltage Calibration
If the energy storage system keep on idle mode for a long time, it will cause
irreversible damage to the battery. Please perform regular maintenance.
1. The minimum cell voltage (Static voltage) should not be less than 3.2 V for
a long idle state;
2. The minimum cell voltage (Static voltage) should not be less than 2.5 V in
any case; otherwise, the warranty will be invalid.
3. The minimum cell voltage (Static voltage)should not be less than 2.0 V in
any case; otherwise, the battery will be over-discharged and may not be
able to be repaired.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Discharging duration (h) = (current SOC - target SOC)*nominated capacity (Ah)/machine constant
discharging current (A)
The enclosure is not allowed to have rust, bend structure during whole product
Conduct an inspection of Container every twelve months and make inspection record, if the paint on the
surface have following damage scenarios, repaint it according to the following steps.
◼ Shallow scratch (not exposed steel substrate)
◼ A stain or rust that cannot be wiped
◼ Deep scratch (damage of primer, exposure of steel substrate)
➢ Precondition
◼ In the outdoor environment without shelter, it is strictly forbidden to repaint in bad weather。
◼ Prepare the corresponding paint with the same color of the container surface.
◼ Visually inspect the severity of the surface paint damage of the container, prepare corresponding
tools and materials, and evaluate the quantity of materials on site based on the repainting situation.
◼ Paint that meets requirements has been prepared based on the paint surface color number RAL7042
of containers.
◼ The exterior of the container should be intact. If the paint on the surface of the container is damaged
or broken, repaint it immediately.
◼ Tools and Materials: Hand spray paint or paint, brush (for painting a small area), fine sand paper,
anhydrous ethanol, cotton cloth, and spray gun
➢ Procedure
Step Procedure
1 Gently polish the damaged area with fine sandpaper to remove dirt or rust.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
2 Moisten the cotton cloth with anhydrous ethanol, wipe the polished area or area to be
repaired, remove dirt and dust, and wipe dry with a clean cotton cloth.
4 According to the damage degree of the paint, evenly apply paint to the damaged coating by
using one of the following methods until no damage is visible:
1. A small number of scratches and small area of stains, rust recommended to use hand
spray paint or brush paint.
2. A large number of scratches and large areas of stains and rust should be sprayed with a
paint spray gun.
5 Leave the paint on for 30 minutes, and then observe whether the repainting area meets
If the substrate is exposed in the area to be repaired, paint primer until the substrate
is not exposed after the paint dries, and then apply middle layer paint and
polyurethane topcoat. Use primer or polyurethane top coat of the corresponding
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Note that the paint film should be as thin and even as possible. The paint film should
not be droplet shape and the surface should be smooth.
If there are different colors on the box body pattern, use adhesive tape and white
paper to cover the parts of other colors except the damaged paint before painting, so
as to avoid contamination of the parts of other colors during painting repair.
The paint patch area should be consistent with the color of the surrounding area,
without obvious boundaries, obvious bumps, damage marks, and paint peeling
If the user want to spray paint, it’s advised to spray it three times and then check
whether it meets the requirements. If not, repeat until the requirements are met.
➢ Chloride concentration>60ppm
➢ Appearance: turbid coolant with impurities such as precipitated particles or flocculent impurities that
are easily seen as shown below:
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
If coolant has not degraded below any of the conditions described above by YAE, existing coolant can be
used until the next scheduled inspection (every 5 years).
The coolant element is EC-45, only following approved supplier & type can be used
Table 8-2 Coolant element
Coolant Supplier Supplier type Mark
BASF G30-45
Lopal Tech JSLP L70-45 Default type
Mixed coolant from different supplier or type is not allowed, otherwise, the
cooling capacity will be lost.
Any damage to the relevant parts of the battery compartment caused by using
other coolants which are not recommended or approved by CATL is not covered
by the warranty.
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
◼ Thermal Management System components
◼ LV components of distribution box
◼ Enclosure
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Module Screw type Torque Fixed point
Battery M8x20, 25N.m
module Hexagon bolt
with flange
HV M12x35, 50N.m
Connectio Combination
n of DC Hexagon bolt
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
10 System Decommissioning & Removal
Contact CATL Service before attempting to decommission or remove a system. CATL equipment is
designed for end-of-life management through recycling and materials reclamation, tasks which are
normally handled by CATL-qualified partners. CATL Energy Storage can supply a list of qualified partners
in your area to help ensure proper disposal of retired equipment.
11 Emergency Plan
After anomalies and accidents occur in battery system, correct and effective treatment measures shall
be taken in time to deal with the problems in order to eliminate further damage and enlarged losses.
The detail emergency plan can be separated provided.
Appendix 1:Inspection Checklist
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
Test the insulation resistance of the DC
Cabinet terminal with PCS, ≥10MΩ;
Insulatin In-depth
7 insulation Test condition: test the insulation under
g meter inspection
test 1,500V DC voltage and check whether the
stable insulation resistance is ≥20MΩ.
1. Visually check whether the
n of
equipotential bonding wire and grounding
equipotenti Visual
wire of the system are intact.
al bonding check/m Routine
8 2. In the container/cabinet, measure the
and ultimete inspection
resistance of the pack housing to the
grounding r
equipotential point of the cabinet, with
of the
the value <0.1 Ω as the acceptable one;
Fixing bolts Check whether the bolts are loose or fall Routine
9 check/w
of the pack off, and tighten or reinstall them if yes. inspection
Check whether there is any irritating smell Routine
10 Spill check Smelling
in the cabinet. inspection
1. No missing parts, interference, damage
or dirt
Harness (HV
2. No looseness, with reliable connection
and installation Visual Routine
11 V harness in
3. No ablation or damages caused by check inspection
the control
4. Consistency of the line markings,
without damage or falling off.
With the system in operation, use a
handheld thermal imaging camera to
Harness (HV
measure the temperature of the first three
cabinets of the system and take photos; Thermal In-depth
12 V harness in
check whether the temperature rise images inspection
the control
exceeds 50°C (temperature measured by
the thermal imaging camera minus the
room temperature);
Check whether there is any crackle or
Electrical check/s Routine
13 burning smell during the operation of the
parts check melling/l inspection
Whether the water cooling pipes are Visual Routine
14 cooling
damaged. check inspection
1. Read the software version
2. Check whether there is any alarm in the
3. Check whether the cell voltage BMS Routine
15 monitor
difference is ≤300 mV (dynamic, full monitor inspection
range) or the cell voltage difference is
≤100 mV (dynamic, 30%-80% SOC)
4. Read the net outlet temperature and
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
pressure with the BMS monitor to
confirm whether they are within the
normal ranges.
5. Check whether the disk space of the
IPC is full, and back up the data of the
past year.
Collect local operating data in the last.
Historical Upload the data to the cloud storage if no
data portable servicer is available; name the In-depth
16 drive,
collection folder as assembly PN + collection time. inspection
and analysis Carry out the local analysis with a portable
servicer if it is available.
By project, perform the capacity testing
Capacity using the capacity test method provided In-depth
17 /
testing by SC (capacity test requirements in the inspection
acceptance report).
Ambient 1. Ensure the channels/pipes are not
Visual Routine
18 environmen blocked2. Check whether the plant and
check inspection
t the container leak and check the humidity
1. Obtain a list of firefighting facilities
from the energy storage power station
and confirm whether the firefighting Visual Routine
19 protection
facilities are complete check inspection
2. Confirm whether there is a third-party
fire safety inspection record
Check whether a third party has
performed a professional inspection over In-depth
20 protection /
the fire protection system and maintained inspection
an inspection record.
UPS power Check whether the UPS indicator and the Visual Routine
supply UPS battery work. check inspection
Numbe Recommen
Name Photo Specification d
Insulated Tianjin
1 Insulation grade ≥1500V
gloves ShuangAn
Protective mask
3 S200A-普通型 L ordinary Honeywell
or glasses typeL
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
2Can FD channel
64 bit timestamp
7 ValueCAN4 Intrepid
accuracy reaches 25
8 Lifting forklift TBD TBD TBD
examination range
9 Digital torque accuracy 4% WIZTANK
Recommended model:
DC voltage range can
reach 1500V
10 Multimeter Fluke
Recommended model:
test voltage
Insulation level
11 meter/megge Fluke
r 2500V
Recommended model:
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
DC current range 600A
Clamp flow Accuracy 1%+4
12 Fluke
meter Recommended model:
Detecting pressure:0~
Balance time:0~
Differential pressure
Portable measurement range:-
13 Gu Heng
airtight tester 990Pa~+990Pa
testing time:0~
Leakage measurement
Charge/discharge voltage:
charge and Charge/discharge
14 current: 0~80A Fu Guang
Recommended model:FCF-
Equalization ±0.1A;
15 Current Fu Guang
2 channels and
12 channels
Recommended model:
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100
It consists of control
Coolant panel,air exhaust
16 injection and tool ,coolant injection ional
discharge tool tool and coolant discharge Schlemmer
地址:福建省宁德市蕉城区漳湾镇新港路 2 号 ADD: No.2 Xin'gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC 352100