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02krapp in - Learning and Instruction
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1 author:
Andreas Krapp
Universität der Bundeswehr München
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Empirical research on the development of individual interests is mostly concerned with the
analysis of developmental trends in groups or populations. However, there is a distinct lack
of theoretical constructs that describe and explain interest development from the perspective
of the growing individual. This article presents a collection of theoretical concepts and models
that can be used to describe and explore structural and dynamic aspects of interest development
from an ontogenetic research perspective. Basic ideas of an educational-psychological concep-
tualization of interest are outlined that—contrary to many other conceptualizations in this
field—is based on a dynamic theory of personality. Such an approach provides an opportunity
to analyze and reconstruct the manifold interrelations between the changing structure of a
person's pattern of interests and the developing personal "self during ontogenesis. Exemplary
selected theoretical models and ideas are presented, including the question of general stages
during the course of interest development from childhood to early adulthood, models to
describe and theoretically reconstruct structural changes in an individual's pattern of personal
interests over a longer period of time, ideas of how to conceptualize the transition from situ-
ational to individual interest, and theoretical considerations about the structure and function
of the psychological regulation-system that is assumed to be responsible for establishing and
stabilizing motivational preferences. Although these concepts and considerations are not yet
integrated into a coherent ontogenetic theory, they may serve as a basis for a theoretical dis-
cussion on how to achieve this aim. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-4752/02/S - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII:S0959-4752(01)OOOI 1-1
384 A. Krapp /Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383-409
1. Introduction
Over the past decades, educational research has increasingly studied the influence
of interest on learning and development in various educational settings. According
to a proposal made by Krapp, Hidi, and Renninger (1992), most researchers differen-
tiate between situational interest and individual or personal interest. The empirical
findings show that learning motivation based on interest tends to have many positive
effects on the process and the results of learning. Both individual interest and situ-
ational interest (or text-based interest) have a profound facilitative effect on cognitive
functioning and learning (Hidi, 1990). In a large number of studies, substantial posi-
tive correlations were found between different indicators of interest and different
learning outcome criteria (Schiefele, Krapp, & Winteler, 1992). Most of the results
on the positive influence of interest in learning and achievement are from corre-
lational studies. There are also, however, several results from experimental studies
which support the generally positive evaluation of learning motivation based on inter-
est. The findings of empirical research have been reviewed comprehensively from
different theoretical perspectives (e.g., Alexander, Kulikowich, & Jetton, 1994; Alex-
ander & Murphy, 1998; Baumert & Köller, 1998; Hidi, 1990; Hidi & Berndorff,
1998; Krapp, 1992; Krapp et al., 1992; Renninger 1990, 1992, 2000; Schiefele,
1996a, 1998, 2001; Prenzel, 1998). Although there are several contradictory results,
especially with respect to the impact of interest on achievement and learning in
mathematics at the secondary level (Köller, 1998; Köller, Baumert, & Schnabel,
2000), the conclusion seems to be justified that an interest-triggered learning activity
leads to better learning results, especially with respect to qualitative criteria (e.g., a
higher degree of deep-level learning).
The finding has important educational implications; it suggests ways to improve
the quality of learning in schools and other educational settings (e.g., college, univer-
sity or vocational training), especially with respect to lifelong learning. Theories and
results from this line of research can be used to show that it is worth fostering
interest-triggered learning in school and elsewhere, but they do not say very much
about how this goal can be achieved. Theories and concepts are therefore needed
about the genesis and further development of subject-related interests. Which factors,
for example, are responsible for arousing a new interest in a current situation? How
can this situational interest be sustained for a longer period of time in order to create
a sufficiently stable willingness to occupy oneself with something new? Under which
conditions is it reasonable to expect that such a longer-lasting situational interest
will become a new thematic focal point in the interest profile of the developing per-
These questions concern both actual-genetic and ontogenetic aspects of interest
development. Actual-genetic approaches describe and explain the
emergence/appearance of a "working interest" in an actual situation. From the per-
spective of motivation research, this aspect refers to the question of how an individual
becomes motivated to occupy him/herself in an activity in a certain way. This process
is sometimes characterized as "development" of a situational interest or as "actualiz-
ation" of an already existing personal interest (Krapp et al., 1992). Here, the concept
A. Krapp / Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383-409 385
Contrary to many other approaches, POI is more strongly directed towards a view
of ontogenetic development that takes into account the reciprocal relations between
the changing structure of an individual's longer-lasting personal interests and the
establishing of a stable personality structure. Behind all of this are the metatheoretical
premises which have already played a prominent role in the preliminary outline for
an educationally fitting interest theory (Schiefele, 1974; Schiefele, Hausser, &
Schneider, 1979; Schiefele et al., 1983). Thus, it is postulated that it is not sufficient
to describe and explain the motivational aspects of single "learning episodes"
(Boekaerts 1997, 1999), but it is also necessary to describe and explain the role of
motivation in the course of lifelong human development.
In order to be able to reconstruct the motivation process from an ontogenetic
perspective, a developmental theory of interest has to make statements about the
structure and development of the human personality. POI uses an approach to person-
ality that describes and explains motivational aspects of the developing person not
only with respect to individual differences but, even more importantly, with respect
to functional relations and general "laws" of human development (Krapp, 2002). A
personality theory that considers these aspects of human development has to consider
the fact that the person is aware of himself or herself, and that the "object" of this
awareness is some sort of representation of the individual's personal "self (Hannover
1997, 1998; Fend, 1994; Deci, 1998; Ryan 1991, 1993). The self can be seen as the
central area of an individual's structure of personality, it represents a person's ident-
ity. Under normal circumstances, the different components of the self represent a
unified structure: a mentally healthy person lives in relative harmony with his or her
attitudes, goals and accumulated capacities and knowledge structures.
In accordance with the ideas of Lewin (1936), Nuttin (1984), Oerter (1995),
Deci & Ryan (1985, 1991), Renninger (1992) and many others, it has been postulated"
that the individual, as a potential source of action, and the environment, as the object
of action, constitute a bipolar unit. Therefore, the interest construct is conceptualized
A. Krapp/Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383-409 387
effects on interest from various research perspectives. Two typical levels of analysis
can be differentiated (cf. Krapp, 1999, 2000; Krapp et al., 1992; Schiefele, 1996a,
2001). On the first level, interest refers to the dispositional (or "habitual") structure
of an individual. Here, interest is interpreted as a relatively stable tendency to occupy
oneself with an object of interest. On this level, one usually speaks of individual or
personal interest (cf. Renninger, 1990, 1992; Renninger et al., 2002). On the second
level, interest refers to current engagements. It describes a state or an ongoing process
during an actual learning activity. This is the case when we observe the learning
behavior of a student and characterize his or her motivational state as "being inter-
ested". According to Hidi (2000), this "psychological state" involves focused atten-
tion, increased cognitive functioning, persistence, and affective involvement.
A "working" interest can be caused either by an already existing dispositional
interest (personal interest) or by the special conditions of a teaching or learning
situation ("interestingness"). An interest that is caused primarily by external factors
is called a situational interest (Hidi & Baird, 1988; Hidi & Anderson, 1992; Hidi &
Berndorff, 1998; Krapp et al., 1992). A situational interest, thus, represents a more
immediate affective reaction that may or may not last (Hidi, 1990, 2000; Hidi &
Harackiewicz, 2001).
about "personal goals" (Pervin, 1989; Brunstein & Maier, 1993; Brunstein, Maier, &
Schultheiss, 1999).
The feeling-related valences refer to positive experiential states while being
engaged in an interest-based activity. According to Prenzel (1988), Schiefele (1992)
and Schiefele and Krapp (1996), feelings of enjoyment, involvement and stimulation
are seen as most typical for an interest-based activity. This, of course, does not
exclude the occurrence of negative experiential qualities being found in the actual
process of an interest-based activity (e.g., feelings of pressure through increased
efforts). Yet, on the whole, most aspects of an interest-triggered action are connected
with positive emotional experiences. Under extremely congenial conditions, flow may
be experienced (Csikszentmihalyi 1975, 1990), a state which has also been charac-
terized as "optimal experience" (Csikszentmihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi, 1988). In a
person's cognitive-emotional representation system these states and experiences that
precede, accompany or follow an interest-triggered activity are stored as positive
feeling-related valence beliefs (Schiefele 1992, 1999; Schiefele & Rheinberg, 1997).
Taken together, interest-based interactions with the environment are characterized
by optimal experiential modes that combine positive cognitive qualities (e.g.,
thoughts on meaningful goals) and positive affective qualities (e.g., "good mood";
cf. Rathunde, 1998). The assumption that an interest is characterized be a close
combination of emotional and value-oriented components is quite close to the con-
cept of "undivided interest" or "serious play" which is used by Rathunde (1993,
1998) and Rathunde and Csikszentmihalyi (1993) to describe an optimal mode of
task engagement. Dewey (1913) had already characterized an interest as an "undiv-
ided activity" in which no contradiction is experienced between the assessment of
personal importance of an action and positive emotional evaluations of the activity
itself. From my point of view, this is one of the reasons why an interest-based action
(including knowledge acquisition in the area of interest) has the quality of intrinsic
motivation: there is no gap between what a person has to do in a specific situation
and what the person wishes (or likes) to do.
The intrinsic nature of an interest also plays an important role in more cognitive-
oriented approaches to interest (cf. Schiefele & Rheinberg, 1997; Schiefele, 1999).
From this perspective the intrinsic quality results from the fact that both value-related
and feeling-related valences are directly related to the object of interest, and are not
based on the relation of this object-domain to other domains (or future events). For
example, if a student associates mathematics with high personal significance because
knowledge in this domain helps him or her to achieve good grades and/or a pres-
tigious job, then one would not speak of interest.
Since Herbart (1806), educational theorists have always maintained the importance
of motivational dispositions and demanded to foster the development of lasting
(educationally valuable) interests in school, which are seen as a supraordinate goal
of education (Dewey, 1913; H. Schiefele, 1981; Wittemöller-Förster, 1993). It is also
390 A. Krapp / Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383-409
assumed that stable and satisfactory interest-based relations to freely selected object
areas in the "life-space" of a person are an important basis for human growth and
mental health (H. Schiefele, 1986). In order to be able to support the actual-genetic
and ontogenetic processes of interest development, educational applicable theoretical
knowledge is necessary. Related research has to clarify different questions. Some
refer to the entirety of students to be taught and are mainly descriptive (e.g., "how
does the average interest in physics change during secondary level and are there
major differences between boys and girls?"); others refer to the conditions or
"causes" of interest development and aim at explanations for the individual case
(e.g., "why does a once highly interested student now contribute much less to class
and seem to give up his interest in a certain subject?"). Most empirical research
approaches in the past few years have been concerned mainly with the analyses of
general development trends in the area of school-related interests. Descriptive studies
about the changes in average interest in a certain subject over a longer period of
time provide important information about what is going on in certain age-groups or
populations of students. But from these findings one cannot directly draw conclusions
about psychological regularities and principles that characterize the process of inter-
est development at the level of intraindividual changes. This second type of questions
has been much less investigated.
Todt, Arbinger, Seitz, and Wildgrube (1974) found in the area of biology interest
that the attractiveness of zoological and botanical topics decreases for girls; at the
same time there is a clear increase in interest in mankind and ecology. This type of
differential effect can also be observed in other subjects, physics for example, or
sociology/political science (Todt & Schreiber, 1998; Birnstengel, 1989). In a longi-
tudinal study about the development of physics interest in fifth- to tenth-grade stu-
dents (Hoffmann, Lehrke, & Todt, 1985; Häußler, 1987), various areas of physics
(e.g. optics, mechanics or radioactivity) were taken into consideration as well as
contexts within which each of the physics themes were taught in class (e.g., in the
context of scientific argumentation, proving the validity of a scientific hypothesis or
in the context of practically important problem solutions, which require basic knowl-
edge in physics). When analyzing the general (global) developmental trajectories,
again a continually negative trend can be found, especially with girls. However, very
different development trends can be observed when the analysis is broken down to
certain topic areas and/or contexts (cf. Hoffmann, this issue). In lessons where phys-
ics is taught primarily as a scientific endeavour (proving the validity of a general
physical laws), neither girls nor boys judge the contents of this subject as being very
attractive. On the other hand, both genders show a very strong interest when the
contents of the lessons and the way physics is taught can be related to their own
world of experience. Girls react especially sensitively to this kind of contextual inte-
One must be careful when deriving statements about actual development in indi-
vidual cases. In recent interest research this problem in mostly discussed with respect
to methodological implications. However, as Valsiner (1986) has shown, this is a
somewhat superficial interpretation of a much more severe problem which refers to
the validity and theoretical usefulness of empirical results gained in group-based
developmental studies. According to Valsiner (1986) and others it is not justifiable,
in principle, to draw conclusions from population data about "general laws" that can
be used to describe and explain developmental processes at the intraindividual level.
Even the estimation of the likelihood for the occurrence of a certain event with
respect to an individual case cannot be derived directly from population data.1
The fact that group-related results allow no reliable conclusions about the direction
and principles of interest development in the individual case can also be demon-
strated empirically on the basis of results from our own longitudinal study on the
development of job-related interests during a two-year vocational training of
insurance salespeople (Krapp & Lewalter, 2001; Wild & Krapp, 1996; Wild, Krapp,
Schreyer, & Lewalter, 1998). In this research project we studied the interest develop-
This can be made clear in a prototypical way with the following example from criminal research:
"If in a population (or representative sample) of delinquents, 80% of those come from broken homes, it
does not necessarily follow that this particular delinquent from a broken home has an 80% chance of
becoming recidivistic" (Valsiner, 1986, p. 133).
392 A. Krapp / Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383-409
ment process in two ways: first, by means of descriptive analyses of the average
level of interest in the entire sample (n=117) using data from a questionnaire; second,
on the basis of individual reconstructions of specific job-related interests using data
from retrospective interviews at the end of the first and of the second year of
vocational training in a smaller group of randomly selected subjects from the entire
sample (n=49 in the first year; n=71 in the second year). The descriptive analyses
in the entire sample revealed the same negative trend found in other longitudinal
studies—interest decreases markedly during the first year of training (Lewalter,
Wild, & Krapp, 2001). The intraindividual analyses deliver a rather different result.
Here, we find a marked positive developmental trend: in both the first and the second
year of apprenticeship all subjects report—without exception—that they had disco-
vered new areas of interest during the past year of vocational education. Thus, their
profile of job-related interests showed a general increase.
The apparent contradiction disappears when one realizes that the two research
strategies involve different aspects of interest development. In the first case, it is a
matter of describing (and explaining) general developmental trajectories in popu-
lations, whereby interest is measured at a relatively abstract level (interest in a subject
and/or all of the contents and events in vocational training). In the second case, the
focus is on the description of intraindividual changes in the structure of a subject's
pattern of job-related interests. The ultimate goal of this research approach is the
exploration of possible general principles of interest development that govern the
developmental processes in all cases. In the remainder of this paper I want to discuss
a few theoretical ideas and concepts that try to describe and explain the course of
interest development from such a general point of view.
Some authors question whether there is a lawful succession of typical stages in the
development of interest in children and adolescents. Gottfredson (1981), for example,
postulated a sequence of developmental stages from childhood to late adolescence.
This model was developed primarily to describe the course of development of
vocational interests. Todt (1990) started with the basic idea of this model and
expanded it for educational-psychological purposes (cf. Todt, Drewes, & Heils,
1991; Todt & Schreiber, 1998). According to this theoretical perspective, the typical
contents and direction of interests are determined mainly by their specific function
within the wider context of ontogenesis.
In early childhood universal interests dominate, that is interests that are almost
identical for all children at a particular level of development. Referring to Piaget's
theory on the development of intelligence, Travers (1978) and Todt (1990) maintain
that these early interests are closely connected to the sequence of cognitive develop-
ment and serve primarily to foster and stabilize age-related cognitive strategies and
general mental structures (schemata). Piaget has interpreted the functional role of a
child's interests as the "affective-dynamic complement" to intelligence (Piaget,
1981): it is always an actualized interest that produces the motivational dynamics
for the accommodation and assimilation processes during cognitive growth.
A. Krapp / Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383-409 393
At the second stage (at about the age of four) an important mechanism for the
reorganization of a child's pattern of interests is the beginning awareness of one's
own gender and the establishment of an appropriate gender role. Referring to
Kohlberg's (1967) theory, it can be postulated that in the early stages gender roles
are rather stereotypical. As a consequence, all interests that do not fit into this stereo-
typical role are pushed to the background and will soon or later be completely elimin-
ated. In this way, group-specific preferences for and aversions to certain objects of
interest are held equally by the age-group. Todt has proposed the label collective
interests to refer to interests of these kind.
The third stage of development usually begins between the ages of 11 and 13,
when children start to become conscious of the social structure of society and place
themselves and their families in this (hierarchical) structure. Identification with a
subgroup or a certain social class not only determines the expectations with regard
to their future position in society, but also leads to another revision of values, goals,
preferences, and aversions. Again, these new orientations lead to a critical evaluation
of the existing pattern of personal interests and to those PO-relations that do not fit
the now accepted goals and the newly established self concept. Furthermore, the
reorganization of the pattern of personal interests is determined by the estimations
of one's own abilities and talents—which also play an important role in the manifold
processes of identity-formation.
The fourth and last stage of interest development has been reached when—during
adolescence—young people ask which specific interests characterize them as a
(unique) person. Thus, a person's structure of individual interests takes on an increas-
ingly individualized character, determining both the later path of education as well
as their choice of profession (cf. Krapp, 2000).
On the basis of such a "functional" interpretation of developmental stages of inter-
est development a number of phenomena can be explained which are typical for
certain age groups and sometimes seem mysterious at first glance, for example the
radical new orientation of interests during early adolescence. As in other critical
transitions in one's life (Wapner, 1981; Krapp & Fink, 1992), the individual has to
find an appropriate way to cope with the demands of the developmental tasks
(Havinghurst, 1982) that have to be solved in the new life situation. One possibility
is the adoption of a person's self system, including goals and interests that are recog-
nized as relevant components of one's identity. The results mentioned above concern-
ing the continual decline of school-oriented interests at secondary level can in part
be due to this. When at this age the structure of individual interests becomes increas-
ingly focused on certain points, this necessarily leads to a reduction of individual
interests in other areas. On the whole, this inevitably leads to a negative trend in
the average level of any subject-related interest in the student population.
starting with their entry in pre-school (e.g. observations, interviews with the children
and their parents and kindergarten teachers; cf. Kasten, 1991). A central aim of this
study involving several case studies was to develop methodical tools and theoretical
concepts for analyzing structural changes from an intraindividual research perspec-
tive (cf. Fink, 1991; Krapp & Fink, 1992). Without going into the details of the
procedure we used to reconstruct an individual's pattern of interests at a certain point
of time, Fig. 1 can demonstrate in a prototypical way the kind of information we
gained from these structural analyses. The figure shows the result of our reconstruc-
tions for one child over four measuring points (tl-t4). The components of the central
interest objects show that this child has a high preference for everything that has to
do with animals, and she likes to be read to. As is often the case, we found a rather
high stability of the main components in a child's pattern of interests. The picture
changes, however, when we go into detail and try to reconstruct the themes, activities
and topics on a more concrete level. Here we find many changes during the different
stages indicated by the reconstructions at time points one to four.
A second, even more important result is that new interests of a child, as a rule,
have their source in the component of an already existing interest. In this case, there
was some evidence that the components "being read to", and "looking at animal
books" were the beginnings of a more general interest in reading. The results, thus,
Fig. 1. Reconstruction of structural changes in an individual's pattern of interest over time (from Fink,
1991, p. 194).
396 A. Krapp / Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383-409
confirm the general thesis that any interest has a history; it does not develop out of
nowhere. Even the occurrence of a pure situational interest depends on preconditions
that might result partly from our biological endowment and partly from prior experi-
ences or already existing personal interests (cf. Hidi & Harackiewicz, 2001). There-
fore, the emergence of a new interest—even a new situational interest—cannot be
seen as the construction of a totally new PO-relationship. Rather, it builds upon
structural and dynamic components the individual has acquired in earlier stages of
his or her development.
Reconstructions of the course of development found in particular cases lead to
the specification of hypothetical developmental models that offer an impression of
how the occurrence and growth of an individual interest can be interpreted as specific
kind of structural changes in a person's already existing pattern of interest-related
PO-relationships (see Fig. 2).
The growth model describes the way we tend to think about the normal way of
interest development. According to this concept, the successive steps of structural
reorganization of a certain PO-relationship are directed towards increased differen-
tiation. It is not only the structure of declarative and procedural knowledge that
becomes more and more complex, but also the structure of the feeling-related and
value-related valences that qualify certain knowledge areas as more or less central
components in a person's actual structure of interests. The "channeling model" rep-
resents one possible way to describe and explain the emergence of a new topic-
related interest. According to this model, the structural reorganization of a growing
interest occurs through increased differentiation of one particular aspect of an already
A. Krapp / Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383-409 397
The considerations and theoretical models we have discussed so far provide some
ideas of how the course of interest development can be described as structural
changes during ontogenesis. However, they do not say very much about how an
interest develops. Which factors are responsible for the specific direction of this
development, and how can the emergence and stabilization of a relatively enduring
personal interest be explained? Referring to the above-mentioned conceptual differ-
entiation between situational and individual interests, these questions can be
expressed more precisely according to the process by which externally stimulated
situational interest is stabilized and maintained and finally becomes a longer-lasting
personal interest (see Fig. 3).
The experience of being interested in a concrete learning situation is always the
result of an interaction between personal and situational factors (Hidi & Baird, 1986;
Bergin, 1999; Krapp et al., 1992). In contrast to a situation where the actualized
state of interest is caused primarily by a strong and highly developed individual
interest, the prototypical case of a situational interest is initiated primarily by external
factors in a given learning environment (Hidi, 1990; Krapp et al., 1992; Murphy &
Alexander, 2001). In school, for example, it is assumed that a situational interest is
created by the interesting "composition" of a teaching situation and/or an interesting
presentation of a lesson. In text-based learning a situational interest is the result of
certain text characteristics (Hidi & Baird, 1986; Ainley et al., in press). Stated more
generally: "situational interest is generated by particular conditions and/or objects in
the environment that focus attention, and it represents an affective reaction that may
Fig. 3. The ontogenetic transition from situational to individual interest (Krapp, 1998, p. 191).
or may not last" (Hidi, 2000). The content of the learning material presented is not
part of the subject area of the learner's already existing individual interests, rather
the interesting factors in this specific situation "awaken" the interest for a shorter or
longer period of time. Under certain conditions, a longer-lasting PO-relationship
which meets the criteria of a personal interest can grow out of such a situational
interest. The central psychological "mechanisms" that supports this ontogenetic trans-
formation are internalization and identification (see below).
This process, however, is usually a multistage process which cannot be sufficiently
described by the two concepts situational and individual interest. In fact, we must
consider a developmental continuum between the very beginning of a situational
interest, a state which might be close to the experience of curiosity, on the one hand,
and a stabilized interest of a grown-up who has totally identified with the related
object of interest, on the other. In order to be able to adequately illustrate the develop-
mental processes from an actual-genetic as well as an ontogenetic point of view, a
model that takes into account possible interim levels of interest genesis is necessary.
This problem has been pointed out already by Dewey (1913), and it is also an
important topic in the current discussions about the role of interest in teaching and
learning (e.g. Hidi & Baird, 1988; Hidi, 2000; Mitchell, 1993; Krapp, 1998).
Fig. 4 represents a model which expresses the central idea of such a multistage
concept. Thus, one has to differentiate between three types of interest, which,
an ontogenetic perspective, represent three prototypical stages of interest develop-
ment: (1) a situational interest awakened or triggered by external stimuli for the first
time; (2) a situational interest that lasts during a certain learning phase and (3) an
individual interest that represents a relatively enduring predisposition to engage a
certain object-area of interest.
The first occurrence of a situational interest is primarily a matter of actual-genetic
processes. From an ontogenetic perspective, the next two levels of interest develop-
ment are of central importance. They include two qualitatively different steps
interest development (Krapp, 1998): first, the shift from the transitional state of actual
attraction or curiosity to a more stable motivational state which is a necessary con-
dition for effective learning; and second, the shift from a rather stabilized situational
interest to a more or less enduring individual interest.
The theoretical need for separating two levels of situational interest has been dis-
cussed recently in more detail by Mitchell (1993) and Hidi (2000). Referring to a
notion of Hidi and Baird (1986, p. 191) that situational interest as a process has a
durational aspect, and that besides triggering conditions there are also "conditions
which ensure the continuation of interest", Mitchell (1993) has suggested differen-
tiating between a "catch" and a "hold" facet of situational interest. The essence of
catching interest lies in finding various ways to stimulate individuals' attention,
whereas the essence of holding interest lies in finding ways to empower students.
A stimulant is commonly defined as a variable that temporarily increases the activity
of an organism. Besides the already mentioned studies on interestingness and situ-
ational interest, various research approaches dealing with curiosity and exploration
(Berlyne, 1960, 1974; Keller, Schneider, & Henderson, 1994; Krapp, 1994) or "atten-
tion and arousal" (Eysenck, 1982) have provided many important insights into the
conditions of catching an interest. Hidi (2000) has proposed to use the term triggering
instead of catching interest, since trigger and catch are not synonymous verbs. "Trig-
gering interest describes an initial beginning phase of the psychological state of inter-
est in which attention is increased and arousal generated in disengaged individuals.
On the other hand, catching interest suggests that the interest that individuals already
experience is being diverted towards the situation" (Hidi, 2000, p. 313).
Much more important with respect to learning and instruction is the question of
how to hold an interest for some period of time in order to stimulate a more or less
lasting state, which can be characterized as "working interest" representing a more
or less enduring state of intrinsic motivation in a single learning situation or across
a sequence of situations (e.g. lessons covering a certain topic of a school subject).
This is the first step in the proposed three-stage model of interest development.
According to Mitchell (1993) the shift from "catching" to "holding" an individual's
situational interest requires learning conditions that make the content of learning
meaningful for students according to their actual goals and longer-lasting motives
and values. It seems to me that this idea is very close to Boekaerts' notion that an
effective state of learning motivation can only be expected when a student interprets
400 A. Krapp / Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383-409
As mentioned above, POI postulates that within the complex structure of person-
ality there are areas which are central to the person. They are recognized as compo-
nents of the "self that represent a person's identity. Here, POI has adopted several
postulates and hypotheses from theoretical approaches that interpret the course of
human development from the perspective of a dynamic theory of personality (Fend,
1994; Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan, 1993; cf. Krapp, 2002). For example, it is assumed
that the self is not simply a social construct or a reflection of social appraisals; rather,
we are convinced that the individual has great influence on his or her own develop-
ment from earliest childhood onwards. Human beings are active by nature: there is
an inborn tendency to interact with the social and physical environment in a self-
determined way. At a very young age, a person already tries to affect the "objects"
in the social and physical environment in dependence on his or her needs and per-
sonal goals. The ongoing developmental changes lead to a continuous differentiation
of the individual's structure of self, and it is only because there is an inborn propen-
sity towards integration that this process of differentiation and reorganization does
not lead to a compartmentalization of the self. Thus, the person tries to create and
maintain a coherent image, a "good Gestalt" of his or her sense of self. As a conse-
quence, he or she cannot identify completely with all thoughts, actions, tasks, and
strivings, even when they are experienced as being important for the individual's
wishes and future goals at the moment. With respect to an ontogenetic theory of
interest development the question arises as to why a person identifies himself or
herself with exactly these specific objects of interest. Which psychological principles
govern the process of internalization that is the basis for an expanding self-system?
A. Krapp / Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383^(09 401
And what kind of regulation system is responsible for the emergence and stabilization
of motivational dispositions?
components in the human system of action control support the hypothesis formulated
in earlier papers (cf. Krapp, 1996, 1998, 2000) that the development and maintenance
of personal interests are directed by two functional systems which mainly act inde-
pendently of each other. According to this hypothesis, two kinds of determining
factors have to be taken into account: first, cognitively represented factors, especially
with respect to personal values and goals; second, feeling-related experiences during
the ongoing actions which are connected to the object-area of an individual's interest.
Taking the three-stage model of interest development into consideration (Fig. 4),
POI postulates that both steps of interest development will only occur if both factors
are experienced together in a positive way. More specifically, if a person experiences
his or her actual engagements (e.g. a learning task) as personally relevant or "mean-
ingful" because they are related to personal goals, and if the emotion-related
(affective) experiences during these engagements reach a certain qualitative level of
positive feedback. The basic principle of this idea is not a new one. In the tradition
of Dewey's conceptualization of the developing person, such a "cognitive-affective"
synthesis has been postulated repeatedly as a central condition of the emergence of
a lasting or "abiding interest" (e.g. Dewey, 1913; Rathunde & Csikszentmihalyi,
1993; Rathunde, 1998).
In interest development, cognitive-rational processes play an important role, for
example in deciding on special educational and professional careers. I believe that
modern cognitive approaches to human motivation provide a great variety of con-
cepts, models and research results that refer to psychological principles "working"
at the "upper" level of action and motivation control. Theories in the tradition of
achievement motivation that describe the process of intention-formation (Heckhausen
1989, 1991), or theories about self-regulated learning (Boekaerts, Pintrich, &
Zeidner, 2000), self-concept and self-efficacy (Schunk, 1991; Bandura, 1997;
Schwarzer, 1992), or the process of volitional action-control (Kuhl, 1983) contain
many specific empirically tested hypotheses which specify important cognitive con-
ditions for the evaluation of the (possible) outcomes of an action that can be based
more or less on an individual's actualized interest. However, with the conceptual
"tools" of cognitive motivational theories, the process of interest development cannot
be described and explained comprehensively. I assume that subconscious experiences
and emotionally controlled qualities of experience play at least an equally important
role in addition to the consciously rational processes of longer-term goal decisions.
Following Deci and Ryan's (1985, 1991) self-determination theory (SDT) and
other process-oriented concepts of motivational action control (e.g. Boekaerts, 1997;
Nuttin, 1984; Epstein, 1990), a regulation system working partly autonomously
beside or "beneath" the system of conscious-cognitive control can be postulated.
Informational processes on this level occur mostly without conscious-reflexive con-
trol. Instead, we experience the mechanisms and feedback processes as specific
emotional qualities of experience accompanying an action. In the past few years we
have tried to specify those emotional experiences on the basis of the concept of "basic
psychological needs". According to Nuttin's (1984) "relational theory of behavioral
dynamics" and to SDT (Deci & Ryan 1985, 1991; Ryan, 1995), it is assumed that
living organisms are naturally endowed with a system of primary innate and basic
A. Krapp / Learning and Instruction 12 (2002) 383-409 403
biological and psychological needs. During ontogenesis, these needs become more
and more integrated into the increasingly complex systems of behavior control. The
power/strength of these needs is not negated, however. Besides the rather clearly
defined system of primary biological needs, a less clearly definable system of primary
psychological needs is postulated. Based on SDT (Ryan, 1995; Deci, 1998), three
qualitatively different needs can be distinguished within this system; namely, com-
petence, self-determination, and social relatedness. Just as the fulfillment of basic
biological needs is a natural necessity, sufficient fulfillment of the three psychological
needs is a necessary requirement for optimal functioning of the psychological system
(Deci & Ryan, 1985; Nuttin, 1984; Ryan, 1995). The system of basic psychological
needs has to be understood as a holistically working system that provides continual
signals about the functional effectivity of the current person-environment interac-
tions. With respect to interest development, the need-related qualities of experience
are important because they provide permanent emotional feedback on the micro-
level of behavior regulation and thus contribute to the emergence of object-related
preferences or aversions. It is postulated that a person will only engage continuously
in a certain area of tasks or topic-related objects if he or she assesses these engage-
ments, on the basis of rational considerations, as sufficiently important (value-related
valency) and if he or she experiences the course of interactions on the whole as
positive and emotionally satisfactory (Krapp 1999, 2000; see also Deci 1992, 1998).
There are a number of findings that seem to support this hypothesis. The majority
of these studies were carried out with students and young adults in vocational settings
(Lewalter et al., in press; Prenzel, Kramer, & Drechsel, 1998; Kleinmann, Straka, &
Hinz, 1998). In a longitudinal study with apprentices we have tried to test this
hypothesis directly using quantitative as well as qualitative data. The sample con-
sisted of 117 trainees from the insurance business. The quantitative analyses are
based on data from questionnaires, ESM (Experience Sampling Method) measures
and observational techniques. The qualitative analyses are based on retrospective
interviews with a smaller number of randomly chosen subjects from the main study.
In both the quantitative and the qualitative analyses, statistically significant relations
between the occurrence of positive need-related experience and different indicators of
interest development could be observed in the retrospective interviews (cf. Krapp &
Lewalter, 2001; Wild et al., 1998; Lewalter & Schreyer, 2000; Lewalter, Wild, &
Krapp, 2001).
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