Hummingbird SpellBee
Hummingbird SpellBee
Hummingbird SpellBee
Instructions: Choose the correct spelling for each word. Circle the correct answer.
1. A. Cattalogue
B. Catalogue
C. Catelogue
D. Catologe
2. A. Busyness
B. Buiseness
C. Business
D. Buziness
3. A. Receve
B. Receive
C. Recieve
D. Recive
4. A. Necessary
B. Neccessary
C. Necassary
D. Nessessary
5. A. Counsellor
B. Councelor
C. Couselor
D. Counsaler
Instructions: Match each word with its correct meaning. Write the letter of the correct
meaning next to each word.
1. Imitate
A. To copy someone’s actions or behavior
2. Gigantic
B. Extremely large or big
3. Brave
C. Showing courage
4. Whisper
D. To speak very quietly
5. Honest
E. Telling the truth
Section C: Phonics and Sounds (10 Marks)
Once there was a small dog named Max. Max loved to play outside. One day, Max found a
beautiful butterfly in the garden. He chased it all around the flowers. The butterfly was very
quick, and Max could not catch it. Finally, he gave up and lay down in the sun, happy just to
watch the butterfly fly around.
Instructions: Use the given clues to form new words by adding prefixes or suffixes.
1. Add a suffix to make a word from “friend” that means a kind gesture.
Answer: __________
2. Add a prefix to make a word from “possible” that means not possible.
Answer: __________
3. Add a suffix to make a word from “act” that means someone who performs.
Answer: __________
4. Add a prefix to make a word from “like” that means the opposite of like.
Answer: __________
5. Add a suffix to make a word from “help” that means someone who assists.
Answer: __________