10 1049@cp 2010 0264
10 1049@cp 2010 0264
10 1049@cp 2010 0264
Keywords: Generator protection, pump-storage hydro unit. detect actual operating condition of the unit and accordingly
adapt relay operation. In the following subsections different
Abstract operating modes of the two units will be briefly described.
This paper describes design of an integrated numerical 2.1 Generator and pump operating modes
protection scheme for two pump-storage generator/motor-
transformer units. Regardless of the application complexity, The main differences between the generator and pump
the complete protection scheme for one unit can be integrated operating modes are changes in direction of the synchronous
within a single numerical multifunctional IED. machine rotation and change of direction (i.e. sign) of the
active power flow. Change of the rotation direction
1 Introduction practically causes swapping of the positive and negative
sequence quantities measured by the protection scheme. This
The Bajina Bašta Pump-Storage Plant is located in the must be taken into consideration during protection scheme
vicinity of town Peruüac on river Drina. Its two turbines design. Especially numerical generator protection relays can
operate with a net hydraulic head of approximately 600 be affected because operation of many protection functions
meters between an upper reservoir located on the top of Tara can be based on current and voltage sequence components.
mountain and the lower lake formed by a dam on Drina river.
Each generator/motor-transformer unit has rating of 2.2 Synchronous start
315MVA, 11/242kV, 428.6rpm. In addition to these two units
another four 100MVA generators are constructed within the The 315MVA unit is started as a synchronous motor by a
dam and are used as stand-alone generators. 100MVA generator located in the dam, with both units
Phase reversal disconnectors are located at the high-voltage initially at standstill. The necessary switching is performed to
side of the step-up transformer in the 220kV switchyard, as disconnect two machines from the transmission system and to
shown in Figure 1. A 220kV substation connecting these units connect the 100MVA generating unit to the 315MVA
to the national grid is located 8km away. As a consequence pumping unit. For this purpose 89S disconnector is used as
two circuit breakers in series are installed on the HV side of shown in Figure 1. Note that the two machines are actually
the step-up transformer in order to secure separation of the interconnected over short 220kV line. The fields of both units
unit from the system during fault conditions. Additionally, are energized and the generator turbine gates are opened to a
due to transport limitations, each unit step-up transformer is predetermined position. Both the generator and the motor will
built by parallel connection of two tanks of 160MVA each. accelerate together. Once the full speed of rotation is achieved
This plant was put in operation in 1982 when the original the pump unit is then synchronised with the 220kV
protection scheme was designed using discrete transmission system, at which time the generating unit is
electromechanical relays with induction discs. Due to aging disconnected, and consequently disconnector 89S is opened.
of the existing equipment new protection scheme is needed. Then the pump is loaded to approximately 300MW.
Sometimes this start method is called back-to-back start in the
literature. In this particular plant synchronous start is fully
2 Unit operating modes automatized and it takes altogether around five minutes to
The two generator/motor-transformer units have the following complete. However its operation shall be supervised by the
particular operating modes which need to be taken in protection scheme and in case of any malfunction, the two
consideration during design of the integrated protection machines shall be quickly separated.
scheme with numerical IED: Synchronous start causes linear frequency variations of motor
1. Generator operating mode of the unit current and voltage signals from 0 to 50Hz as well as linear
2. Pump operating mode of the unit voltage magnitude increase from 0% to 100% at machine
3. Synchronous start [5,6] of the unit into pump mode terminals. Such conditions will have effects on many
4. Electrical braking of the synchronous machine for protection functions. Thus, the IED must be capable to
both generator and pump operating modes measure and track the actual power system frequency in order
Logical programming capability of the numerical to ensure proper operation of all protection functions
multifunctional IED [1,3] makes it possible to automatically integrated with the IED during this start condition.
8km long 220kV OHL
220 kV 100V
3 3
Aux Power
220kV CB #1 52-D
220kV CB #2 52-R
Synch Start
51 3I> 50BF 3I> BF 51N IN>
Yd5 32 Q> 59N 3Uo> 87O 3Id/I
11kV 110V
El. Braking
3 3
Y 27SS 3U< 37 P< 81O f>
1) Overcurrent function used as generator diff during starting and el-braking (pickup from 2Hz) ANSI IEC
2) Overcurrent function used during back-to-back starting and el-braking (pickup from 2Hz) IEC 61850
Figure 1: Application overview for the first generator/motor -transformer unit and new integrated protection scheme
Volt Secondary
Time [ms] 10
IL1 0
IL2 10
Figure 3: Stator currents at the beginning of el. braking 0 20 40 60
50 UN_NP
0 Figure 7: Third harmonic voltages in pump mode
100 5 Conclusion
3 3
0 500 1 u 10 1.5 u 10
Bajina Bašta pump-storage plant is crucial for everyday
Time [ms] operation of the Serbian power system. The two units are
typically operated in the generator mode during the day and in
IL1 the pump mode during the night. Thus, integrity of the
IL2 protection scheme for these two units is essential.
IL3 The new integrated protection scheme is still under trial
Figure 4: Stator currents at the end of el. braking (f<1Hz) operation, which means that the new tripping matrix is
blocked, but its performance is completely satisfactory. The
Gen NP Current Waveforms
next step would be to install the second identical IED to
obtain redundancy, enable the trip matrix and then
Current [%]