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Z. Gajiü *, J. Menezes *, D. Trišiü ¤, M. ýitakoviü ¤
*ABB AB; SA Products, Sweden, [email protected]
PD Drinsko-Limske HPP; Bajina Bašta, Serbia, [email protected]

Keywords: Generator protection, pump-storage hydro unit. detect actual operating condition of the unit and accordingly
adapt relay operation. In the following subsections different
Abstract operating modes of the two units will be briefly described.

This paper describes design of an integrated numerical 2.1 Generator and pump operating modes
protection scheme for two pump-storage generator/motor-
transformer units. Regardless of the application complexity, The main differences between the generator and pump
the complete protection scheme for one unit can be integrated operating modes are changes in direction of the synchronous
within a single numerical multifunctional IED. machine rotation and change of direction (i.e. sign) of the
active power flow. Change of the rotation direction
1 Introduction practically causes swapping of the positive and negative
sequence quantities measured by the protection scheme. This
The Bajina Bašta Pump-Storage Plant is located in the must be taken into consideration during protection scheme
vicinity of town Peruüac on river Drina. Its two turbines design. Especially numerical generator protection relays can
operate with a net hydraulic head of approximately 600 be affected because operation of many protection functions
meters between an upper reservoir located on the top of Tara can be based on current and voltage sequence components.
mountain and the lower lake formed by a dam on Drina river.
Each generator/motor-transformer unit has rating of 2.2 Synchronous start
315MVA, 11/242kV, 428.6rpm. In addition to these two units
another four 100MVA generators are constructed within the The 315MVA unit is started as a synchronous motor by a
dam and are used as stand-alone generators. 100MVA generator located in the dam, with both units
Phase reversal disconnectors are located at the high-voltage initially at standstill. The necessary switching is performed to
side of the step-up transformer in the 220kV switchyard, as disconnect two machines from the transmission system and to
shown in Figure 1. A 220kV substation connecting these units connect the 100MVA generating unit to the 315MVA
to the national grid is located 8km away. As a consequence pumping unit. For this purpose 89S disconnector is used as
two circuit breakers in series are installed on the HV side of shown in Figure 1. Note that the two machines are actually
the step-up transformer in order to secure separation of the interconnected over short 220kV line. The fields of both units
unit from the system during fault conditions. Additionally, are energized and the generator turbine gates are opened to a
due to transport limitations, each unit step-up transformer is predetermined position. Both the generator and the motor will
built by parallel connection of two tanks of 160MVA each. accelerate together. Once the full speed of rotation is achieved
This plant was put in operation in 1982 when the original the pump unit is then synchronised with the 220kV
protection scheme was designed using discrete transmission system, at which time the generating unit is
electromechanical relays with induction discs. Due to aging disconnected, and consequently disconnector 89S is opened.
of the existing equipment new protection scheme is needed. Then the pump is loaded to approximately 300MW.
Sometimes this start method is called back-to-back start in the
literature. In this particular plant synchronous start is fully
2 Unit operating modes automatized and it takes altogether around five minutes to
The two generator/motor-transformer units have the following complete. However its operation shall be supervised by the
particular operating modes which need to be taken in protection scheme and in case of any malfunction, the two
consideration during design of the integrated protection machines shall be quickly separated.
scheme with numerical IED: Synchronous start causes linear frequency variations of motor
1. Generator operating mode of the unit current and voltage signals from 0 to 50Hz as well as linear
2. Pump operating mode of the unit voltage magnitude increase from 0% to 100% at machine
3. Synchronous start [5,6] of the unit into pump mode terminals. Such conditions will have effects on many
4. Electrical braking of the synchronous machine for protection functions. Thus, the IED must be capable to
both generator and pump operating modes measure and track the actual power system frequency in order
Logical programming capability of the numerical to ensure proper operation of all protection functions
multifunctional IED [1,3] makes it possible to automatically integrated with the IED during this start condition.
8km long 220kV OHL

51/67 3I> 50 I>> 51N IN> 52PD PD 78 Ucos


220 kV 100V

3 3
Aux Power

Gen/Mot Selection 89G 89P Meter.


220kV CB #1 52-D

220kV CB #2 52-R
Synch Start
51 3I> 50BF 3I> BF 51N IN>

Yd5 32 Q> 59N 3Uo> 87O 3Id/I

11kV 110V
El. Braking
3 3
Y 27SS 3U< 37 P< 81O f>

49 Ith 46 I2> 50AE U</I> 32 P> 81U f<

Excitation 18000/5A
32 P> 27 3U<
Field CB 41 1)
87S 3Id> 87G 3Id/I 32 P> 59 3U> Meter.
~ 11kV
40 ĭ< 24 U/f>
51 3I> 21 Z< 51/27 I>/U< 60FL

59N UN> 59THD U3d/N

11.5 kV 240V

1) Overcurrent function used as generator diff during starting and el-braking (pickup from 2Hz) ANSI IEC
2) Overcurrent function used during back-to-back starting and el-braking (pickup from 2Hz) IEC 61850

Figure 1: Application overview for the first generator/motor -transformer unit and new integrated protection scheme

due to low oil pressure. Thus, mechanical braking is

2.3 Electrical braking frequently used to bring the turbine and rotor of a hydro-
generator to a standstill. Such brakes operate on a principle of
A period of time which is required to stop a synchronous mechanical friction which slows down a rotating mass of the
machine, without any additional braking actions, in many generator. In case of peak-load and pump-storage power
cases can be longer than half an hour. Such prolonged low- plants where frequent unit starts and stops are required, the
speed operation can be dangerous for the machine bearings mechanical braking does not offer the optimal solution due to
high maintenance demands. In such cases electric braking is Generator low-frequency differential protection 87S [7] is
often used. In this particular case after separation of 315MVA only active while machine is in synchronous start or electrical
unit from the network its rotational speed reduces naturally to braking operating mode. It is realized by using an overcurrent
50% quite quickly, however if no additional actions are taken function which measures sum of the currents from the two
it will take more than 15 minutes until rotor stops. sides of the stator winding. Note that no biasing is required
In order to speed-up this process electrical braking is applied. because external faults are not feasible during these two
When unit speed falls to 50% of the rated speed, disconnector operating modes. This function is able to operate from
89DB is closed (see Figure 1). This operation effectively approximately 2Hz and it is set to 15% of the machine rating.
makes a three-phase short circuit at the machine terminals. Machine overcurrent protection 51 is realized by using an
Then the field current is applied which is sufficient to induce overcurrent function with four stages. Two stages are used as
80% of the rated current in the stator. These two currents will time-delayed backup protection during normal machine
then produce a braking torque which will stop the machine operation. Third instantaneous stage set at 50% of the
rotor within approximately five minutes. Note that for quite machine rating is only active during synchronous start while
low speed of rotation, mechanical brakes are also applied. the fourth instantaneous stage set at 125% is only active
Electrical braking is used in both the generator and the pump during electrical braking. This function is able to operate from
operating mode. approximately 2Hz.
While electrical braking is active, voltage at the machine Negative sequence protection 46 is realised by using two
terminals will be practically zero. This will in effect disable sequence functions. The first function measures the negative
any frequency tracking features within numerical IED which sequence current and it is only active while machine is
is based on voltage measurement [1]. At the same time the rotating as generator. The second function measures the
stator current will have almost constant magnitude but with positive sequence current and it is only active while machine
frequency variation from approximately 25Hz down to 0Hz. is rotating as motor. Both functions have pickup and time
Such condition will unquestionably have effect on many delay set in accordance with the machine capability.
protection functions and special means are required to prevent 95% stator earth fault protection 59N measures
relay unwanted operation and to provide dedicated protection fundamental frequency voltage at machine neutral point and it
functionality for this particular operating condition. is active in all operating modes of the unit.
100% stator earth fault protection 59THD is based on third
3 Integrated protection scheme harmonic differential principle and it is active in all operating
modes of the unit.
Connected instrument transformers to the numerical IED are 80% stator earth fault protection 59N measures
shown in Figure 1. Statuses of all primary apparatuses, shown fundamental frequency, open delta voltage at machine
in this figure, are also made available to the IED as double terminals and it is active in all operating modes of the unit.
point indications. Finally additional binary signals such as: Under-impedance protection 21 has two zones and it is
wicket-closed; speed larger than 80%; synchronous start blocked during synchronous start and electrical braking.
mode selected and machine stop order are also wired to the Over-current protection with under-voltage seal-in 51/27
IED. Logical programming capability of the IED is then used has one operating stage and it is blocked during synchronous
in order to derive actual operating mode of the unit. This start and electrical braking.
information is then used to adjust the operation of various Loss of excitation protection 40 is based on ph-to-ph
protection functions integrated within the IED. impedance measurement and it is blocked during synchronous
start and electrical braking.
3.1 IED protection functionality Fuse failure feature 60FL for 11kV VT is based on ǻI/ǻU
principle and it is blocked while the machine is not
This section describes individual features and protection synchronised to the 220kV transmission system.
functions integrated into the IED [1,3] for this particular Accidental energising protection 50AE is based on voltage
installation. supervised overcurrent principle but it is blocked during
Frequency tracking is available in the IED and will measure synchronous start and electrical braking.
and track actual system frequency by utilizing voltage signals Generator thermal overload protection 49 is based on true
at the machine terminals. This will enable use of almost all rms current measurement. It is active in all operating modes.
protection functions integrated within IED during all unit Power functions 32 and 37 are using Arone-connection
operating modes with exception for electrical braking. During which insures proper P and Q measurements including
synchronous start this feature will be fully operational already directionality during all operating modes. One under-power
when measured voltage has frequency around 9Hz. stage, set at 50%, is used for direct tripping in motor
Differential protections 87G and 87T require no special operating mode (loss of power protection), while another
treatment because phase reversal disconnectors are located stage, set at 105%, is used as active, over-power protection in
outside their protection zones (see Figure 1). However, 87T both motor and generator operating modes. Other six stages
restraint stage must be blocked during electrical braking and are used as inputs into the plant control system.
special treatment is required during extremely low frequency Over-frequency protection 81O is always active.
condition (i.e. 2Hz-10Hz) when frequency tracking feature is Under-frequency protection 81U is only active in pump
not fully operational, as described in the next paragraph. operating mode.
Over-voltage protection 59 measures three ph-to-ph voltages
and it is active in all operating modes.
Under-voltage protection 27 measures three ph-to-ph
voltages and it is only active in pump operating mode.
Under-voltage protection 27SS measures the maximum ph-
to-ph voltage. It is used as additional protection function
which is only active during synchronous start and when
machine speed exceeds 80%. It shall detect that motor
excitation system has failed to transfer to permanent
excitation supply from the machine terminals. It is set to 50%
with 1s delay.
Over-excitation protection 24 is based on ph-to-ph voltage
measurements and it is blocked during electrical braking.
Step-up transformer HV side over-current protection 51
is realized by using an overcurrent function with four stages.
Two stages are used as time-delayed backup protection during
unit normal operation. Third instantaneous stage set at 75% of
the transformer rating is only active during synchronous start
with time delay of 0.2s.
Step-up transformer HV side earth fault protection 51N is
realized by using a residual overcurrent function with four
stages. Only two stages are used and they are always active.
Unit circuit breaker failure protection 50BF is connected
to step-up transformer HV CTs and it can be used to send
inter-trip command to the remote substation in an unlikely
event of the two 220kV breakers failing to trip.
220kV OHL instantaneous over-current protection 50 is
set to 9.6kA primary and it is used to instantly trip for any
fault in power plant 220kV switchyard.
220kV OHL over-current protection 51/67 is used as
Figure 2: SLD with on-line measurements
backup protection for 8km long 220kV OHL.
220kV OHL earth fault protection 51N is used as backup
protection for 8km long 220kV OHL. Programmable LEDs provide quick operator overview about
Pole discordance protection 50PD is used to detect failure protection function which caused tripping of the unit. The
of the primary apparatuses to open/close all three poles. IED also displays the operating mode of the unit on the built-
Pole slip protection 78 is connected to 220kV line CTs and in HMI as determined by the logic programmed within the
VTs outside of the phase reversal disconnectors, which relay.
enables use of positive sequence quantities for this protection
irrespective of the generator or pump operating mode of the
unit. Function is based on Ucosij principle. 4 Field experience
Fuse failure feature 60FL for 220kV VT is based on
The integrated protection scheme was put in trial services in
measurement of negative and zero sequence quantities and it
August 2009. Since then, operating experience was
is always enabled.
completely in accordance with expectations. During October
Tripping matrix is designed to emulate existing tripping
2009 minor modifications to the relay configuration and
arrangements used by discrete electromechanical relays.
settings were performed in order to optimize usage of the
built-in disturbance recorder and event list during different
3.2 IED metering and monitoring functionality
operating modes of the unit. Additionally function 27SS was
The IED provides P, Q, S, U, I, f and cosij measurements at introduced into the scheme in order to ensure detection of
generator terminals as well as for the 220kV line. These failure within excitation system of the 315MVA motor unit
measurements are shown as on-line service values on the during synchronous start mode.
single line diagram which is available on the IED built-in The following figures come from recordings captured during
HMI, (see Figure 2). This facilitates testing, commissioning unit actual operation. Figure 3 and Figure 4 shows stator
and trouble shooting of the integrated protection scheme [4]. current waveforms during electrical braking. Most surprising
Built in disturbance recorder and event list provide were waveforms for low rotational speeds (see Figure 4)
information about IED operation during secondary and which caused some spurious starting of 87S function.
primary testing [4] as well as during different operating Figures 5 and 6 were captured during synchronous start, when
modes of the unit. Internally calculated quantities such as P, motor excitation failed to transfer to permanent supply. At
Q, f and differential currents can also be recorded. full speed of rotation motor voltage is below 50% of rated
(see Figure 6). As a consequence function 27SS was Behaviour of the 100% stator earth fault protection 59THD,
introduced to detect such condition. based on the third harmonic differential measurement [2], is
extremely good. Third harmonic voltages have almost
Gen NP Current Waveforms
constant relationship irrespective of the actual operating mode
of the unit. Figure 7 shows third harmonic voltages captured
Current [%]

50 on the unit one during pump operating mode.

 100 Third Harmonic Voltages
0 20 40 60 80 100

Volt Secondary
Time [ms] 10
IL1 0
IL2  10
Figure 3: Stator currents at the beginning of el. braking 0 20 40 60

Gen NP Current Waveforms Time [ms]

100 3Uo_TRM
Current [%]

50 UN_NP
0 Figure 7: Third harmonic voltages in pump mode
 100 5 Conclusion
3 3
0 500 1 u 10 1.5 u 10
Bajina Bašta pump-storage plant is crucial for everyday
Time [ms] operation of the Serbian power system. The two units are
typically operated in the generator mode during the day and in
IL1 the pump mode during the night. Thus, integrity of the
IL2 protection scheme for these two units is essential.
IL3 The new integrated protection scheme is still under trial
Figure 4: Stator currents at the end of el. braking (f<1Hz) operation, which means that the new tripping matrix is
blocked, but its performance is completely satisfactory. The
Gen NP Current Waveforms
next step would be to install the second identical IED to
obtain redundancy, enable the trip matrix and then
Current [%]

20 decommission the old electromechanical protection scheme.

 20 References
0 20 40 60 80 100 [1] ABB. “Generator Protection IED REG670, Technical
Reference Manual”, 1MRK502013-UEN, (2007).
Time [ms]
[2] I. Brnþiü, et al. “Adaptive 100% stator earth fault
IL1 protection based on third harmonic voltage
IL2 measurement”, International Conference on Relay
IL3 Protection and Substation Automation of Modern EHV
Figure 5: Currents for synch. start with failed excitation Power Systems, Moscow – Cheboksary, Russia, (2007).
[3] Z. Gajiü. “REG670 Installation in RHE Bajina Bašta”,
Gen Voltage Waveforms ABB Doc. No. 1MRG000228, (2009).
100 [4] Z. Gajiü. “Test Report for REG 670 installed on GM1
Voltage [%]

50 unit in RHE Bajina Bašta”, ABB Doc. No.

0 1MRG000235, (2009).
[5] IEEE PSRC. “Protective relaying for pumped storage
hydro units rotating machinery protection subcommittee
 100 of the IEEE power system relaying committee”,
0 20 40 60 80 100
Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, volume
Time [ms] 94, pp. 899-907, (1975).
[6] IEEE PSRC. “IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection”,
IEEE Std C37.102™-2006 .
[7] M. Stien. “Generator Protection Application Guide”,
Figure 6: Low voltages for synch. start with failed excitation ASEA, A03-0211E, (1983).

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