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Behavior of CuO as solid lubricant inside ZTA matrices

Bipin Kumar Singh ; Amit Kumar; Robert Cep ; Ajay Kumar  ; Ashwini Kumar ; Namrata Dogra ;
K. Logesh

AIP Advances 14, 085207 (2024)

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Online Citation

05 August 2024 04:44:18


Behavior of CuO as solid lubricant inside ZTA

Cite as: AIP Advances 14, 085207 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0213553
Submitted: 11 April 2024 • Accepted: 17 July 2024 •
Published Online: 2 August 2024

Bipin Kumar Singh,1,a) Amit Kumar,1,b) Robert Cep,2,c) Ajay Kumar,3,d) Ashwini Kumar,4,e)
Namrata Dogra, and K. Logesh6,g)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore 641202, TN, India
Department of Machining, Assembly and Engineering Metrology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VSB-Technical University
of Ostrava, 70800 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, JECRC University, Jaipur 303905, RJ, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies,
Faridabad 121004, HR, India
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University, Gurugram, HR, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology,
Avadi 600062, India

05 August 2024 04:44:18

[email protected]
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
[email protected] and [email protected]
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This investigation delves into the behavior of copper oxide (CuO) as a solid lubricant inside zirconia toughened alumina (ZTA) ceramic
composites. The investigation starts with the preparation of ZTA through co-precipitation followed by powder metallurgy to develop CuO
(1.5 wt. %)/ZTA composites. In all cases, hot isotactic pressing is applied for densification. The fully densified samples are thoroughly mirror-
polished to investigate the mechanical and tribological properties. A 1.8% reduction in micro-hardness and 6% improvement in fracture
toughness are observed with incorporation of CuO into the ZTA matrices. The analysis reveals that the presence of ionic copper at the grain
boundary leads to the formation of copper-rich phases, causing a decrease in hardness. However, the softer CuO particles contribute to crack
bridging and crack deflection, enhancing fracture toughness. Subsequent investigation into the tribological properties highlights the positive
influence of the softer CuO phases acting as a secondary component within the ZTA matrix. A significant enhancement of 39.34% in the
Coefficient of Friction (COF) is achieved by incorporating CuO into the ZTA matrix. This improvement can be attributed to the formation
of a patchy layer through smearing and squeezing actions on wear debris during sliding. The uniform patchy layer results in smoother and
more polished surfaces, leading to an improvement in both the COF and specific wear rate. Further wear analysis reveals various phenomena
contributing to surface wear, including pullout of grain particles, micro-fracture, high abrasions, and laminar removal of grains. Overall, the
introduction of CuO proves to be beneficial, showcasing improved mechanical and tribological properties in the developed composites, with
application in dies, inserts, sparkplugs, etc.
© 2024 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
International (CC BY-NC) license (

AIP Advances 14, 085207 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0213553 14, 085207-1

© Author(s) 2024

I. INTRODUCTION low shear strength but also high compressive strength and adhe-
sive properties to enhance overall performance. This evolutionary
Advanced ceramics have become one of the most promising approach aimed to overcome the initial drawbacks and propel the
materials in modern materials research, with potential to outper- development of self-lubricating ceramics into a realm of enhanced
form traditional substitutes. These ceramics have excellent prop- durability and effectiveness. Alexeyev and Jahanmir2,3 embarked on
erties such as amazing hardness, outstanding wear resistance, high the task of addressing the initial challenges associated with mod-
durability, and remarkable reliability. Interestingly, their capacity eling self-lubricating phenomena. Their research shed light on the
to adapt to hostile settings confirms their status as state-of-the-art intricate mechanisms involved for the improvement of tribologi-
materials for a wide range of applications. Researchers’ main focus cal phenomena. The investigation further revealed that under the
these days is on trying to comprehend advanced ceramics and realize influence of applied load, the solid lubricant undergoes a squeezing
their full potential. This emphasis stems from the need to under- process and accumulates at the interacting interface. Subsequently,
stand the complex phenomena related to these materials so that they through the sliding or smearing action, the initially soft particles
can be used in a variety of sectors and enterprises. The development undergo a transformative process, evolving into a thin lubricating
of improved ceramics that can self-lubricate or self-heal is a signifi- surface that effectively provides lubrication. This resultant thin sur-
cant breakthrough in materials science. These materials create new face layer, aptly termed the “patchy layer,” plays a pivotal role in
avenues for their integration in many applications by reducing the enhancing the tribological properties of the system. Furthermore,
difficulties caused by the high Coefficient of Friction (COF) and brit- the patchy layer acts as a crucial mediator between surfaces, facil-
tleness. The current efforts in this field of study attempt to optimize itating smoother interactions and contributing significantly to the
and customize these materials for particular applications in addition overall improvement in tribological performance.
to deciphering the fundamental laws driving these features. To sum Hence, this investigation provides a new approach for the
up, the development of sophisticated ceramics and the investigation self-lubrication phenomenon in composites during sliding action.
of variations in self-lubrication or self-repair are prime examples Controlling factors such as design and optimization of the process
of the dynamic characteristics of materials research. The potential parameters could also reduce the tribological properties to min-
for revolutionary breakthroughs in dependability, durability, and imum values.4–8 In contemporary materials science, the concept
adaptability to adverse circumstances continues to drive innovation of self-lubrication has transcended its traditional boundaries and
in this discipline as researchers delve further into the nuances of found application in Zirconia Toughened Alumina (ZTA) ceram-
these materials. The intrinsic limitations of ceramics, which are typ- ics, renowned for their exceptional combination of high hardness

05 August 2024 04:44:18

ified by a high Coefficient of Friction (COF) and brittleness, present and toughness.9–11 This remarkable advancement involves the incor-
formidable obstacles to their extensive application. To overcome poration of solid lubricants such as CuO, ZnO, MoS2 , MnO2 , and
these constraints, modern research has shifted its paradigm, concen- B2 O3 into the matrix of ZTA, leading to highly favorable out-
trating on the creation and investigation of sophisticated ceramics comes in terms of tribological properties.12 The exploration of
with the potential to be self-lubricating or self-healing. Since these the tribological characteristics of alumina ceramics reinforced with
cutting-edge materials are especially designed to overcome and tran- diverse metal oxides was initially undertaken with great diligence by
scend the historical problems connected with traditional ceramics, Kerkwijk et al..13–15 Their findings unveiled intriguing results, par-
this represents a significant milestone in the area. This forward- ticularly highlighting the superior tribological properties achieved
thinking strategy represents a significant advancement, laying out with CuO as a solid lubricant. Subsequent to this groundbreak-
a fresh path for the development of ceramic materials and hold- ing research, Valefiet et al.16–18 expanded the scope by investigating
ing the potential to resolve and surpass enduring problems. Sev- the self-lubricating phenomenon at varying elevated temperatures
eral decades ago, the groundbreaking innovation of self-lubricating in alumina and zirconia reinforced with CuO as a solid lubri-
ceramics marked a significant milestone, yet the full extent of their cant. The outcomes demonstrated a pronounced beneficial effect
potential application remains largely untapped. The genesis of self- of temperature within the range of 300–800 ○ C on the tribological
healing materials can be traced back to 2014 when geologist Marie properties of CuO/ZTA composites. Furthering the exploration of
Jackson,1 drawing inspiration from the practices of the ancient self-lubricating materials, Zhu et al.19 delved into the realm of tri-
Roman Empire, pioneered the concept of material healing. Subse- bological properties by introducing ZnO/CuO doping into the NiAl
quent to this pioneering work, a plethora of research efforts have matrix. Their research discerned that the composition exhibiting the
been dedicated to unraveling increasingly viable mechanisms for the most favorable tribological properties at 800 ○ C was the CuO-doped
advancement of such materials. NiAl matrix. This superiority was attributed to the formation of a
In the initial phases of exploration, coating techniques were glazed film at the interface, consisting of CuO and MoO3 . Such find-
employed in the development of self-lubricating materials. However, ings underscore the intricate interplay of temperature, composition,
a critical observation showed that these coating materials exhib- and interface characteristics in shaping the tribological behavior of
ited low shear strength and were prone to being easily removed advanced materials, paving the way for enhanced applications in
from the surface, reverting the materials to their initial problematic diverse industrial settings.
state. In response to these challenges, researchers sought innova- In the comprehensive study conducted by Bi et al.,20 a diverse
tive solutions. One such strategy involved the incorporation of a array of self-lubricating materials was meticulously compiled to
soft solid lubricant into a hard matrix, introducing a second phase showcase their effectiveness in ceramic matrices. The findings of
that could effectively address the inherent limitations. It became this research proposed that achieving a coefficient of friction (COF)
imperative for this secondary solid lubricant to possess not only below 0.2 and a specific wear rate below 10−6 mm3 /Nm is feasible,

AIP Advances 14, 085207 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0213553 14, 085207-2

© Author(s) 2024

even when exposed to temperatures as high as 1000 ○ C, through the with 0.1M ammonia solution in a drop-wise manner. The mix-
use of self-lubricating composites. In a parallel study, Zhang et al.21 ing process persisted until the solution’s pH reached 9, signifying
examined two distinct types of self-lubricating composites, reveal- the complete formation of precipitates. Throughout this process,
ing that a laminated graded structure, incorporating CuO as a solid a constant temperature ranging between 60 and 70 ○ C was main-
lubricant, provides superior lubrication. Dey et al.22 contributed tained. Following the precipitation stage, the solution was allowed
to the discourse by developing a variety of composites involving to settle for a duration of 10–12 h. After settlement, the water was
ZTA doped with metal oxides such as CuO, ZnO, TiO2 , SnO2 , and decanted, and the resultant cake was transferred to a filtration unit.
CeO2 using the co-precipitation method. The investigation aimed Here, the formed cake underwent washing with warm water to elim-
to analyze the impact of these additives on tribological properties. inate any remaining nitrate ions. Upon successful removal of nitrate
Notably, the synergistic effect of CuO and ZnO within the ZTA ions, the cake was collected and subjected to 24 h of oven-drying.
matrix resulted in a significant reduction in the coefficient of fric- The dried lumps were then ground using a mortar and pestle and
tion (0.35–0.38), attributed to the formation of softer phases such subsequently placed in a high-temperature (HT) furnace for calci-
as CuAl2 O4 and ZnAl2 O4 at the interface. Furthermore, a minimum nation at 800 ○ C. After calcination, the powders underwent milling
specific wear rate (9 × 10−7 mm3 /Nm) was observed when CeO2 and in a pot milling machine with alumina balls under a wet condi-
TiO2 were present within ZTA. Teow and Noum23 delved into the tion. Subsequent to milling, the powders were once again calcined
densification of CuO/ZTA composites with varying CuO contents at the aforementioned temperature. The milled and dried powders
at different sintering temperatures. Their investigation concluded were further mixed with a 5% polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution to
that composites with 0.6 Vol. % CuO, sintered at 1500 ○ C, exhibited facilitate proper granulation. After granulation, the powders were
the highest densification of ∼99%, coupled with superior mechani- arranged in a graphite die-punched setup and subjected to Hot Iso-
cal properties. A neutral effect on fracture toughness due to varying static Press (HIP) for densification. Densification was carried out
CuO contents was also noted. Ramesh et al.24 focused on the prepa- at a temperature of 1500 ○ C and a pressure of 30 MPa, maintained
ration of CuO/YSZ composites with varying CuO percentages and for 5 min. The sintered samples were gradually cooled inside the
analyzed their physical properties. Microwave technique-assisted furnace and carefully removed from the die. After removal, the
densification resulted in composites with maximum fracture tough- samples underwent a multi-step polishing process, involving dif-
ness (7.8 MPam1/2), maximum hardness (14.4 GPa), and a relative ferent grades of silicon powders (400, 600, and 800). Subsequently,
density of 99.8%, achieved for 0.2 wt. % CuO-Y-TZP sintered in the semi-finished samples were further polished on a Bainpol pol-
the range of 1250–1300 ○ C. Akhtar25 compiled a comprehensive isher using diamond paste, with polishing continuing until the

05 August 2024 04:44:18

overview of self-lubricating materials integrated with cutting inserts surface roughness of the samples did not exceed 0.5 μm. Finally,
or modern ceramic tools. In addition, Singh26 elucidated the intri- the polished samples were subjected to a heat treatment at 800 ○ C
cate mechanisms occurring during the machining of AISI 4340 to eliminate any stress and moisture accrued during the polishing
steel using CuO/ZTA self-lubricating cutting inserts, attributing the process. These heat-treated samples were then utilized for mechan-
improvement in performance to the formation of a patchy layer at ical and tribological tests, with ten repetitive tests conducted and
the interface. The collective findings from the aforementioned litera- the average results reported in the article, excluding the tribological
ture provide compelling evidence supporting the application of CuO tests.
in ZTA for the development of self-lubricating materials. Moreover,
the literature sheds light on the additive nature of CuO, character-
ized by low shear strength and high adhesive properties, making III. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
it a promising candidate as a solid lubricant. To delve deeper into The determination of bulk densities for the meticulously pol-
the physics behind the self-lubricating phenomenon, a comparative ished samples was accomplished by employing the fundamental
study between ZTA and CuO/ZTA was undertaken, exploring their principles of Archimedes. Subsequent to the milling process, an
physical and tribological properties. This investigation includes a exhaustive examination of the particle size of the developed compos-
comparison of tribological properties through FESEM images and ites was conducted utilizing a state-of-the-art particle size analyzer.
XRD plots, ultimately culminating in conclusive remarks for the Comprehensive insights into the microstructure of all sintered sam-
futuristic applications of these materials. ples, coupled with a detailed examination of crystal morphology,
were gleaned from high-resolution images and XRD plots span-
ning the angular range of 2θ = 20○ –70○ . Following a meticulous
II. DEVELOPMENT OF CUO/ZTA POWDERS morphological study, investigation into the mechanical properties
was performed, utilizing the advanced Vickers micro-hardness test-
The co-precipitation process was strategically employed to fab- ing machine. In addition to this, the tribological properties of the
ricate composite materials involving Zirconia Toughened Alumina developed composites underwent a thorough evaluation employing
(ZTA) and CuO/ZTA. This method utilized chemicals in nitrate a Universal Mechanical Tester (UTM-2, Bruker). The parameters
forms, with the selection of composite percentages mentioned in a selected for conducting comparative tribological tests were based
prior research study conducted by the same researcher.27 The find- on the prior research endeavors of the authors.28 These parameters
ings from the earlier study indicated that a composition of 1.5 wt. % included a sliding velocity of 6 m/min, a normal load of 10 N, and the
CuO/ZTA yielded optimal results in terms of both mechanical and utilization of an alumina ball with a diameter of 6 mm as the counter
tribological properties. The synthetic procedure commenced with surface. This stringent testing methodology ensured a robust and
the meticulous dilution of specific quantities of chemicals in dis- comparative assessment of the tribological behavior of the developed
tilled water. This aqueous solution was then gradually combined composites.

AIP Advances 14, 085207 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0213553 14, 085207-3

© Author(s) 2024


A. Evaluation and discussion on physical properties
After sintering, the first analysis was carried out for evaluation
of the bulk density using the Archimedes principle. The evaluated
values of physical properties are summarized in Table I. A slight
decrease in the bulk density was observed for the CuO/ZTA com-
posite compared to the parent matrix. Aligned results were also
observed in the case of particle size and crystallite size, through the
XRD plot evaluation.
From Table I, it can be seen that both composites have a
resembling microstructure in terms of grains, but the grain sizes
of CuO/ZTA are slightly bigger than those of the ZTA composite.
It is well established that the development of grains in ceramics is
dependent on the sintering process, pore migration, grain bound-
ary pinning, and pore elimination. The pore mobility during the
densification process acts as a dynamic feature within the ceramic
microstructure, influencing grain growth kinetics and contribut-
ing to the formation of abnormal grains. However, in the case of FIG. 1. XRD of ZTA and CuO/ZTA.
the HIP technique, as the grains are fused in the presence of pres-
sure, the effectiveness of pores is absent, leading to finer grains
after densification. Furthermore, the fusion in CuO/ZTA is more
due to liquid phase sintering at 1500 ○ C. It was well noted by Ran
phenomenon was earlier described by Srivastava et al.31 Researchers
et al.29 that the CuO particles were transformed to a liquid phase
illustrated that the local stress developed at the crack generation
during sintering. The transformation results in redistribution of
point by emitting acoustic waves. These waves act as a barrier for fur-
CuO particles inside the cluster, but due to very high viscosity, the
ther propagation of cracks, responsible for improvement in fracture
changes in distribution are not significant. The transformation from

05 August 2024 04:44:18

solid to liquid phases and re-solidification are responsible for high
grain growth after solidification. Hence, it can be concluded that
the presence of CuO enhances the grain size to some extant dur- B. Evaluation and discussion on functional properties
ing densification. A neutral effect of CuO on the stabilization of A comparative study between ZTA and CuO/ZTA in terms of
tetragonal zirconia was observed from the XRD plots. The analy- the COF is shown in Fig. 2. The analysis clearly showed a remark-
sis shows the same peak intensity of monoclinic (m)-zirconia and able improvement of around 39.34%, i.e., from 0.455 (ZTA) to 0.276
tetragonal (t)-zirconia phases for both composites. The monoclinic (CuO/ZTA), in the COF with reinforcement of CuO as a solid
(m)-zirconia and tetragonal (t)-zirconia phases are evaluated lubricant inside the ZTA matrix.
through the XRD plot shown in Fig. 1. Hence, the toughening phe- The reason behind the improvement in the COF is dedicated to
nomenon that aligned with the transformation from m-zirconia to the formation of the smooth thin layer, known as the patchy layer,
t-zirconia is completely absent. at the interface. The pictorial representation of the same is shown in
An interesting observation was found for mechanical proper- Figs. 3(a)–3(c). Previous researchers revealed that the formation of
ties, i.e., the value of fracture toughness improves at the cost of a thin lubricating layer at the interface takes place during the slid-
hardness. A similar report was earlier cited by Singh et al.,30 which ing period responsible for minimization of friction. It is noticed that
suggested that the enhancement in the size of grains along with the formation of the thin layer allied with squeezing and smearing
the creation of an Cu-ion rich zone develops an impurity phase action during sliding. During sliding, the load is applied on the sur-
at the grain boundary, which is responsible for the compromise in face, resulting in the squeezing of a softer second phase. Due to this,
the value of hardness. The improvement in fracture toughness is the softer particles come out from the matrix and accumulate at
attributed neither to the crack bridging and crack deflection phe- the interface. After accumulation, the softer particles were smeared
nomenon nor to the toughening phenomenon. The crack bridging again by sliding action. Hence, these soft particles transform into

TABLE I. Physical properties of the developed composites.

Bulk Average grain Crystallite Hardness toughness
Composites density size (μm) size (nm) (GPa) (MPa m1/2 )
ZTA 4.19 0.95 56.27 16.25 4.95
CuO/ZTA 4.05 1.02 57.32 15.96 5.23

AIP Advances 14, 085207 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0213553 14, 085207-4

© Author(s) 2024

thin films (patchy layer). In Fig. 3(b), the accumulation of soft par-
ticles or CuO particles is observed; later, these particles transformed
into a thin film, as shown in Fig. 3(c).
A clear difference in the wear track is observed between the two
developed composites. The formation of a patchy layer is responsi-
ble for the significant reduction in the COF. Hence, the formation
of the patchy layer at the wear surface is analyzed through Raman
spectroscopy. The Raman spectra for the wear track of CuO/ZTA
are shown in Fig. 4. From Fig. 4, a clear scattering measurement
at 617 cm−1 is noticed, representing the presence of CuO parti-
cles at the surface.32,33 The earlier studies on the average friction
coefficient revealed that in the case of ZTA, the glazed surface is pre-
dominant, whereas the formation of the patchy layer is predominant
for the CuO/ZTA composite, which is demonstrated though Raman
Earlier literature analysis34 of wear track also revealed that a
large number of grains pulled out with laminar removal of grains
FIG. 2. Comparative graph between ZTA and CuO/ZTA in terms of the COF.
and abrasion accompanied by micro-cracks are possible phenomena
that cause wearing of the surface in ZTA. However, a large number

05 August 2024 04:44:18

FIG. 3. (a) Systematic representation of the system. (b) Systematic representation of soft particle infusion with applied load. (c) Systematic representation for thin film

FIG. 4. Typical Raman spectra for the wear track of CuO/ZTA.

AIP Advances 14, 085207 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0213553 14, 085207-5

© Author(s) 2024

toughening phenomenon is compensated by the prevalence of crack

bridging and deflection mechanisms, contributing to improved frac-
ture toughness. Furthermore, the incorporation of CuO leads to
significant enhancements in hardness and the coefficient of friction,
attributed to the formation of a unique patchy layer at the interface
and its associated interactions with softer particles.

The authors heartily thank the head and staff of the CSIR-
MPML group for their support, where this work was carried
There is no funding provided by any institutions/organiza-
tions/funding agencies for this research work.
FIG. 5. Scar diameter on the alumina ball for ZTA and CuO/ZTA.

Conflict of Interest
of micro-cracks accompanied by grain pullout with laminar removal
of grains are observed in the case of CuO/ZTA. The analysis clearly The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
reveals the formation of a patchy layer with adhesive properties at
the interface surface. Author Contributions
Furthermore, the investigation finally presents a comparative Bipin Kumar Singh: Conceptualization (equal); Writing – original
study in terms of scar diameter for both the composites, as shown draft (equal). Amit Kumar: Methodology (equal); Software (equal).
in Fig. 5. It is found that the scar diameter formed at the counter Robert Cep: Formal analysis (equal); Validation (equal). Ajay
surface in the case of ZTA is more than that in the case of CuO/ZTA.

05 August 2024 04:44:18

Kumar: Conceptualization (equal); Methodology (equal); Supervi-
It may be due to the formation of the patchy layer, which restricts sion (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Ashwini Kumar:
the erosion or abrasion of particles from the counter surface to some Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Visualization (equal).
extent. Hence, finally it can be concluded that the presence of CuO Namrata Dogra: Methodology (equal); Visualization (equal).
inside the harder ZTA matrix provides effective lubrication during K. Logesh: Methodology (equal); Software (equal).
The authors declare that the data supporting the findings of this
This research endeavors to detail the synthesis of homoge- study are available within the paper.
neous ZTA (zirconia toughened alumina) and CuO/ZTA compos-
ites employing the co-precipitation route. The fabrication of these
samples adheres meticulously to the established standards. While REFERENCES
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AIP Advances 14, 085207 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0213553 14, 085207-7

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