Topic 11
Topic 11
Topic 11
The minimum intensity of light we can see
The lowest volume of a sound we can hear
The smallest concentration of particles we can smell
The smallest concentration of particles we can taste
The lightest touch we can feel
The smallest difference in sound for us to perceive a change in the
radio’s volume
The minimum difference in weight for us to perceive a change between
two piles of sand
The minimum difference of light intensity for us to perceive a difference
between two light bulbs
The smallest difference of quantity of salt in a soup for us to perceive a
difference in taste
The minimum difference of quantity of perfume for us to perceive a
difference in something’s smell
The Weber-Fechner’s laws expresses the sensitivity of a sensory
system to differences between two stimuli, the higher the intensity
of a stimulus, the more it will need to change so we can notice a
1. Function:
Activated by chemicals
They serve for olfaction and taste
Activated by light
Rods and cones (located in the retina)
o Rods are sensitive to low-intensity light and function better in
a dark environment
o Cones have a better threshold for light, therefore function
well in daylight. They also participate in color vision.
2. Location:
Tonic receptors : slow adapting : produce constant rate of firing as long as stimulus
is applied (pain)
Tonic (slow) receptors include chemoreceptors that respond to chemical levels in the blood;
pain receptors and proprioceptors do not exhibit adaptation.
phasic receptors : fast adapting : burst of activity but quickly reduce firing rate
(adapt) if stimulus maintained
examples of receptors : NP, neuropeptide; SP, substance P; NKA, neurokinin A; CGRP,
calcitonin gene-related peptide. Slowly adapting receptors. Myelinated fibers associated with
smooth muscle of proximal airways are probably slowly adapting (pulmonary stretch)
receptors that are involved in reflex control of breathing and in the cough reflex. Rapidly
adapting receptors.
Functions :
conveys impulse to the cortex
performs secondary analysis to form reflex reactions ( withdrawal
orientational reflex)
define important information ( lateral inhibition in thalamus )
1. In the periphery, the primary neuron is the sensory receptor that detects sensory
stimuli like touch or temperature. The cell body of the primary neuron is housed in the
dorsal root ganglion of a spinal nerve or, if sensation is in the head or neck, the
ganglia of the trigeminal or cranial nerves.
2. The secondary neuron acts as a relay and is located in either the spinal cord or the
brainstem. This neuron’s ascending axons will cross, or decussate, to the opposite
side of the spinal cord or brainstem and travel up the spinal cord to the brain, where
most will terminate in either the thalamus or the cerebellum.
3. Tertiary neurons have cell bodies in the thalamus and project to the postcentral gyrus
of the parietal lobe, forming a sensory homunculus in the case of touch. Regarding
posture, the tertiary neuron is located in the cerebellum.
functional organization :
The somatosensory system is regulated by receptors that are spread throughout the body
and measure a number of different sensory modalities in the body. These sensations can be
divided into three main divisions: external stimuli, internal stimuli, and the sense of where the
body is in space.
Perception of external stimuli can include the sense of touch (via mechanoreceptors), pain
(via nociceptors), and temperature (via thermal receptors). Perception of internal stimuli can
include organ (visceral) sensation and pain (via multiple receptor types) and blood chemical
composition (via chemoreceptors). Finally, proprioception (via proprioceptors) is the sense of
where the body is in space. The ability of an individual to touch their nose easily while their
eyes are closed is an example of the proprioception system.
functions :
The role of somatosensory systems is to provide sensory feedback to the central nervous
system continuously.
The somatosensory system is a network of neurons that help humans recognize objects,
discriminate textures, generate sensory-motor feedback and exchange social cues.
The somatosensory system functions in the body’s periphery, spinal cord, and the brain.
A single afferent neuron with all its receptor endings makes a sensory
unit. When stimulated, this is the portion of the body that leads to activity
in a particular afferent neuron is called the receptive field of that neuron.
Afferent neurons enter the CNS, diverge and synapse upon many
interneurons. These afferent neurons are called sensory or ascending
pathways and specific ascending pathways if they carry information
about a single type of stimulus. The ascending pathways reach the
cerebral cortex on the side opposite to where their sensory receptors are
Specific ascending pathways that transmit information from somatic
receptors and taste buds go to the somatosensory cortex (parietal lobe),
the ones from eyes go to the visual cortex (occipital lobe), and the ones
from ears go to the auditory cortex (temporal lobe).
Olfaction is NOT represented in the cerebral cortex.
Nonspecific ascending pathways consist of polymodal neurons and are
activated by sensory units of several types. These pathways are
important in alertness and arousal.
Cortical association areas, lying outside primary cortical sensory areas,
participate in a more complex analysis of incoming information such as
comparison, memory, language, motivation, emotion, etc.
The interactions between sensory systems:
Each sensory system sends signals to the brain. It's up to the brain to
interpret these signals and come up with a response. To do this, the
brain uses sensory integration which is a combination of information from
multiple sensory systems.
Sensory signals first enter the brain through the thalamus (except for
olfaction, which bypasses this area). From there, it is routed to a sense-
specific area of the cortex. Cortical areas, in turn, send signals to the
brain's "association areas," which combine information from multiple
Some examples of how the human senses interact:
Example 1: Smell and taste
When eating food, the experience of eating involves being able to both
taste and smell the food that is being eaten. A pizza does not just taste
good because it is sensed by taste buds on the tongue. Smells of cooked
dough, cheese, and the different toppings are just as important as taste
in the process of savoring food that is eaten.
Example 2: Vision and touch
Being able to solve a puzzle requires picking up and touching puzzle
pieces as well as looking for visual clues about which pieces might fit
Example 3: Sight, sound, and touch
When someone crosses a busy street, multiple senses are involved. A
person will look at traffic lights, other pedestrians, and the movement of
cars. They will also listen for the sound of honking horns or rushing cars
and feel vibrations from traffic on the ground.
characteristic of nociceptors :
they have the morphological appearance of free nerve endings
nociceptors are non adapting receptors
Nociceptors are characterized by two distinctive features:
they are responsive preferentially to tissue threatening stimuli and encode their
They mediate nocifensive motor and vegetative reactions by their central
Nociceptive stimuli activate TRP channels located on nerve endings, which cause first-order
neurons to depolarize and fire action potentials. Action potential frequency determines
stimulus intensity. A delta fibers release glutamate onto second-order neurons, while C fibers
release neuropeptide neurotransmitters. First-order neurons are found in the dorsal root
ganglion (stimulus from the body) and trigeminal ganglia (stimulus from the face). A delta and
C fibers are associated with first-order neurons that can be found in the nucleus posterior
marginalis of Rexed layer I and substantia gelatinosa of Rexed layer II. From Rexed layer I
and II, these neurons form projections that make up the three major ascending pain
pathways: the neospinothalamic, paleospinothalamic, and archispinothalamic tracts.
The neospinothalamic tract begins with nociceptive neurons located in Rexed layer I.
Second-order neurons decussate at the anterior white commissure and then ascend via the
lateral spinothalamic tract. Third-order neurons are located in the ventral posterolateral
nucleus (VPL) and the ventral posterior inferior nucleus (VPI). From the thalamus,
nociceptive information projects to the primary somatosensory cortex for further processing
and pain perception. Nociceptive information from the face and intraoral structures is
transmitted via first-order neurons in the trigeminal ganglia, which project to the pons and
spinal trigeminal nucleus in the medulla before synapsing with neurons in the ventral
posteromedial nucleus (VPM), parafascicular nucleus (PF), and the centromedian nucleus
(CM). Similar to nociceptive information from the body, the information further projects to the
primary somatosensory cortex.
The paleospinothalamic tract is the second of the three ascending pain pathways. First-order
neurons of this pathway are found in Rexed layer II, which project diffusely to Rexed layers
IV through VIII. From the spinal cord, these projections travel anteriorly and project bilaterally
onto the mesencephalic reticular formation, periaqueductal gray, tectum, PF, and the CM.
Neurons from the PF and CM send projections to the somatosensory cortex, brainstem
nuclei, and limbic areas (cingulate gyrus, insulate cortex). Emotional and visceral responses
to pain are mediated by the interplay between the limbic structures, hypothalamus, and
brainstem nuclei.
The archispinothalamic tract also mediates visceral and emotional reactions to pain. First-
order neurons are found in Rexed layer II, which project to neurons in Rexed layers IV and
VII. From the latter two layers, diffuse projections are sent to the midbrain reticular formation
and the periaqueductal gray. Neurons in the midbrain reticular formation and periaqueductal
gray then send projections to the hypothalamus, limbic system nuclei, PF, and CM nucleus.
The body is also capable of suppressing pain signals from these ascending pathways. Opioid
receptors are found at various sites at the level of the spinal cord and in structures such as
the periaqueductal gray, nucleus raphe magnus, dorsal raphe, rostral ventral medulla,
caudate nucleus, septal nucleus, hypothalamus, habenula, and hippocampus. At the level of
the spinal cord, these G-protein-coupled receptors are found on the pre-synaptic ends of
nociceptive neurons of Rexed layers IV through VII. Beta-endorphins, enkephalins, and
dynorphins serve as ligands that activate these receptors and cause cell hyperpolarization
via activating potassium channels and blocking calcium influx. The subsequent inhibition of
substance P results in blocked pain transmission. The descending pain suppression pathway
is a circuit composed of the periaqueductal gray, locus coeruleus, nucleus raphe magnus,
and nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis. The periaqueductal gray and its associated
structures are responsible for modulating the response of the body to stress, especially pain,
via opioid receptors. It suppresses information carried via C fibers, not A delta fibers, via
inhibition of local GABAergic interneurons.
Physiologically, pain occurs when sensory nerve endings called nociceptors (also
referred to as pain receptors) come into contact with a painful or noxious stimulus.
The resulting nerve impulse travels from the sensory nerve ending to the spinal cord,
where the impulse is rapidly shunted to the brain via nerve tracts in the spinal cord
and brainstem. The brain processes the pain sensation and quickly responds with a
motor response in an attempt to cease the action causing the pain.
Types of pain:
- Arcuate pain
Acute pain means the pain is short in duration (relatively speaking), lasting
from minutes to about three months (sometimes up to six months). Acute pain
also tends to be related to a soft-tissue injury or a temporary illness, so it
typically subsides after the injury heals or the illness subsides. Acute pain from
an injury may evolve into chronic pain if the injury doesn’t heal correctly or if
the pain signals malfunction.
Chronic pain
Chronic pain is longer in duration. It can be constant or intermittent. For
example, headaches can be considered chronic pain when they continue over
many months or years – even if the pain isn’t always present. Chronic pain is
often due to a health condition, like arthritis, fibromyalgia, or a spine condition.
When chronic pain is classified according to pathophysiology, three types have been
Nociceptive pain: caused by stimulation of pain receptors
Neuropathic pain: caused by damage to the peripheral or central nervous
system,s “pain arising as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting
the somatosensory system” . It is usually described as a poorly localized,
electric shock-like, lancinating, shooting sensation originating from injury to a
peripheral nerve, the spinal cord, or the brain
Psychogenic pain: caused or exacerbated by psychiatric disorders, is defined
as pain that persists despite the lack of any identified underlying physical
Anesthesia: is the use of drugs to prevent or reduce pain during medical procedure , the
patient is not conscious and there are not muscle movements
There are 2 major types of anesthesia:
General anesthesia
It makes the whole body lose feelings,movement and consciousness
Drugs used for this type are called general anesthetics
Anesthesia performed with general anesthetics occurs in 4 stages :
Stage 1 : Induction
it’s the period during which the patient goes from the state of
consciousness to a state of unconsciousness
Stage 2 : Excitement
At this stage the depression of inhibitory neurons in the central
nervous system leads to increased excitement involuntary muscle
movement, increased heart, rate blood pressure and respiration
Stage 3: surgical anesthesia
At this stage there is a gradual loss of muscle tone and reflexes.
Patient is fully unconscious, unresponsive to surgery and has regular
breathing. Best time for surgery and the anesthesiologist must pay
attention to the monitor to prevent the stage 4
Stage 4: Medullary Paralysis or overdose
At this stage respiratory and cardiovascular failure which leads to
death if the patient can’t be revived quickly
Mechanism of general anesthetics (drugs)
At a microscopic level There are 3 sites of action.
The action of general anesthetics on thalamus and reticular activating system
leads to reversible loss of consciousness.
The action on the hippocampus, amygdala and prefrontal cortex causes
The action on the spinal cord is responsible for immobility and analgesia
At a molecular level we can divide general anesthetics into 3 groups according to
their abilities to produce unconsciousness, immobility and analgesia.
1st group : Intravenous agents
drugs name( etomidate, propofol, barbiturates) ; there are more potent at
producing unconsciousness rather than immobility or analgesia ( used in
induction phase)
Their effectors are mediated by a subset of gamma-Aminobutyric acid type A receptors
Gaba-A receptors are located both postsynaptically and extra synaptically on the majority of
neurons in the central nervous system. When endogenous Gaba binds to this receptors it
cause a conformational change which open central pore allowing chloride ions to pass down
electrochemical gradient
It leads to stabilization or hyperpolarization of the resting resting potential making it more
difficult for excitatory neurotransmitters to depolarize the neuron and generate an action
potential. So when the drugs bind to specific sites on the Gaba-A receptor they prolong
opening of the channel, suppress neuronal excitability and promote unconsciousness.
Side effects: Etomidate can cause adrenal suppression and transient skeletal
muscle movements including myoclonus. Propofol is known to cause respiratory
depression and hypotension. Barbiturates can cause apnea,cough, bronchospasms,
respiratory depression.
2nd group:
Intravenous agent Ketamine and inhalation agents nitrous oxide, xenon and
This group has a little or no effect on Gaba-A receptors and instead, their effects are
mediated preliminary by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors(NMDA). NMDA receptors are
located in a spinal cord and are crucial in pain modulation and processing.
When neurotransmitter glutamate binds to NMDA receptors it causes inflow of extracellular
calcium into the postsynaptic neuron which then activates a series of signaling molecules
causing the pain signal to increase and fire more frequently.
The drugs selectively inhibit NMDA receptors which ultimately prevent or decrease
neurotransmission of pain. They also affect members of the 2-pore-domain potassium
channel which regulate the resting membrane potential of neurons.They promote
opening of these channels leading to increased potassium efflux producing reduction
in neural excitability that contributes to their sedative effects.
Side effects:
Ketamine can cause hypertension, tachycardia and hypersalivation , also dreams
hallucination(24 hours after treatment) .
Nitrous oxide and Cyclopropane cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting
Xenon= no side effect
Side effects: it produce a dose dependent reduction in blood pressure and cardiac
halothane= cardiac arrhythmias and hepatotoxicity
Sevoflurane= renal toxicity
Dexmedetomidine= unique ability to produce sedation and analgesia without the risk
of respiratory depression
This effect result from its binding to the presynaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors of
the subtype 2A which is located in the brain and spinal cord.The action on these
receptors inhibits the release of norepinephrine, terminating the propagation of pain
signals and inducing light sedation.