Iwrbs 1
Iwrbs 1
Iwrbs 1
Introduction to
World Religions
and Belief
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Understanding the Nature of
What I Need to Know
Why is there a need to study religion? Perhaps, you, along with other Senior
High School learners, ask this question upon learning the K to 12 SHS Curriculum.
Religion has been in existence since the earliest time of humankind. Possibly, some
asks the difference between religious and spiritual and why is religion linked to
humankind’s quest to search for the real meaning of life and death. This module will
introduce you to several concepts related to religion.
Understanding the nature of religion enlightens learners about the common grounds
that bind believers into examining the questions of life and death and how persons
yearn for spiritual inspirations. Recognizing the inherent characteristics of religion
provides the opportunity to deeply grasp the many beliefs and practices that molds
humankind’s spiritual needs.
It should be noted that the world’s greatest religions originated from Asia, a fact
that we Asians should be proud of. Judaism, Christianity and Islam emerged in the
arid western frontier. South Asia’s Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana
Buddhism started in the vast Indian subcontinent. Meanwhile, in the east, came
Confucianism, Daoism and Shintoism.
What’s New
Bible Graphics. Answer the following questions. Draw a Bible, Quran or any related
text/material used in your religion (just like below). Place it in your notebook, together
with your answers to the questions below.
What is It
Understanding the nature of religion enlightens learners about common grounds that
bind believers into examining the questions of life and death and why or how persons
yearn for spiritual inspiration. Recognizing the inherent characteristics of religion
provides the opportunity to deeply grasp the many beliefs and practices that mold
humankind’s spiritual needs.
Kinds Description
Monism there is no real distinction between god and the universe
Polytheism the belief and worship of many gods
Monotheism the doctrine or belief in one supreme god
Atheism disbelief in or denial of the existence of a personal god
Agnosticism God cannot be known
Furthermore, while atheists deny the existence of God, agnostics deny the
possibility for man to acquire knowledge of the existence of God.
Since the nineteenth century, people began to show great interest in explaining
the origins of religion. In fact, numerous theories have been postulated to explain the
origin of religion while looking at primitive societies for ideas concerning the
development of belief systems (Hendry 1999).
Archaeologists believe that they have discovered elements of religious belief
practised by Homo sapiens almost 60,000 years ago. A part from burying the dead,
various items such as foods, tools, and other objects were placed inside the site. All
these rituals imply reverence to their loved ones and perhaps the thought that the
dead will utilize these materials in the afterlife. While they believe in the presence of
supernatural entities, they also try to communicate with them (Ember & Ember 1996).
Task 1: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the activity notebook.
1. How did religion originate? Cite key theories to support your answer.
2. Do you agree that the universe is designed and created by a single divine being or
God? Explain your answer.
3. How can an individual lead a spiritual life? Cite some examples.
Instruction: Make journal to manifest your understanding about the topic. You
can start it by following the format below. Write it in your notebook.
What I Can Do
Task 3: In the context of religion, list down 10 things that you believe in by
completing the following statements. What have you observed in your own
belief systems? Write it in your activity notebook.