Learning Module For Modern Biology
Learning Module For Modern Biology
Learning Module For Modern Biology
Learning Module
Consolidated by:
Ms. Evangeline Joyce D. Jungay
Students may own their learning by studying this material in their own
convenient time outside of class schedule as long as they comply with the
completion of all the learning tasks to be completed during the term.
● Objectives
● Lesson Proper
● Learning Tasks
● References
Intended Learning Outcomes
Learning Objectives:
1. Define biology.
2. Enumerate the characteristics of life and explain the significance of
3. Explain the principles involved in the scientific inquiry.
4. Assess the importance of studying biology as applied to engineering
What is Biology?
Biology is the study of life and living organisms. The word biology is derived
from the Greek word “bios”, which means life, and “logos”, which means
study. It is a study of the organism’s physical components and structure
and delves into their chemical processes and molecular interactions. It is a
natural science that studies the physiological mechanisms, development
and evolution of all life forms.
Biology: The scientific study of life
All living things require energy and nutrients. Both are essential to
maintain life’s organization and functioning.
Energy is the capacity to do work. A nutrient is a substance that an
organism needs for growth and survival but cannot make for itself.
However, what type of energy and nutrients are acquired varies
considerably depending on the type of organism. The differences
allow us to classify all living things into two categories: producers
and consumers.
● Producers make their own food using energy and simple raw
materials they get directly from their environment.
● Plants are producers that use the energy of sunlight to make sugars
from water and carbon dioxide in a process called photosynthesis.
● Consumers cannot make their own food. They get their energy and
nutrients by feeding on other organisms. Animals are consumers.
● Decomposers are consumers that feed on the wastes and or
remains of other organisms.
● The leftover of consumer’s meals ends up in the environment, where
they serve as nutrients for producers. Said another way, nutrients
cycle between producers and consumers.
● Unlike nutrients, energy is not cycled. It flows in one direction: from
the environment, through organisms, and back to the environment. It
is a one-way flow because with each transfer, some energy escapes
as heat. Cells do not use heat to do work. Thus, all the energy that
enters the world of life eventually leaves it, permanently.
For example, after you eat, the sugars from your meal enter your
bloodstream. The added sugars set in motion a series of events that
cause cells throughout the body to take up sugar faster, so the sugar
level in your body quickly falls. This response keeps your blood sugar
level within a certain range, which in turn helps keep your cells alive
and your body functioning. Unless that internal environment (fluid in
your blood) is kept within certain ranges of composition, temperature,
and other conditions, your body cells will die.
Homeostasis is the name for this process, which is a state of balance.
Key Terms
inductive reasoning
deductive reasoning
independent/dependent variable
Learning Task:
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify and illustrate the different parts of the cell and describe their
specific functions.
2. Differentiate prokaryotic from eukaryotic cells.
3. Name the different forms of biological molecules and give their
importance in living organisms.
The Cell
A cell is the smallest unit of life. All biological systems are based on the
same organic molecules. Simple organic building blocks bonded in different
numbers and arrangements form different versions of the molecules of life.
A cell is the smallest unit that shows the properties of life. Cells vary
dramatically in shape and in function. However, all cells share certain
organizational and functional features. Every cell has a plasma
membrane, an outer membrane that separates the cell’s contents from its
environment. A plasma membrane is selectively permeable, which means it
allows only certain materials to cross. Thus, it controls exchanges between
the cell and its environments. All cell membranes, including the plasma
membrane, consist mainly of lipids.
All cells start out life with DNA. We categorize cells based on whether
their DNA is housed in a nucleus or not. Only eukaryotic cells have a
nucleus (plural, nuclei), an organelle with a double membrane that
contains the cell’s DNA. In most bacteria and archeans, the DNA is
suspended directly in the cytoplasm.
Eukaryotic Cells
Eukaryotic Cells
• Domain Eukarya
• Protists
• Fungi
• Plants
• Animals
• Cells contain:
• Membrane-bound nucleus
• Specialized organelles
• Plasma membrane
The functions of plasma membrane include:
The molecules of life are organic, which means they consist mainly of
carbon and hydrogen atoms.
b. for fuel
Nucleic acids
Learning Task:
2. Make a chart of the different parts of the cell and their function/s.
Topic III – Cellular Energy Transformations
Learning Objectives:
Green Energy
The principal raw materials for photosynthesis are water and carbon
CO2 is obtained from the air by a plant’s leaves.
H2O is obtained from the damp soil by a plant’s roots.
Chloroplasts rearrange the atoms of these ingredients to produce
sugars (glucose) and other organic molecules.
O2 is a by-product of photosynthesis.
Every organism must extract energy from the organic fuel molecules
that it manufactures (for example, when plants photosynthesize). These
fuel molecules are transported to all the cells of a multicellular organism,
where they are broken down to provide the energy for cellular work.
Within each plant cell, glucose and other fuel molecules are broken
down during cellular respiration, a series of chemical reactions that break
apart fuel molecules and transfer the energy stored in their bonds to
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for use in cellular work.
The citric acid cycle is also known as the Krebs cycle after sir Hans
Krebs, a British biochemist who worked out the details of the pathway in
the 1930’s.
The citric acid cycle is the common pathway for the final oxidation
reactions of the cell’s fuel molecules with the carbons being released as
CO2. The citric acid cycle also takes place in the mitochondrion.
The first reaction of the citric acid cycle occurs when acetyl CoA
transfers its two-carbon acetyl group to the four-carbon compound
oxaloacetate, forming citrate, a six-carbon compound. In later reactions,
two CO2 form and depart the cell. Two NAD+ are reduced when they accept
hydrogen ions and electrons, so two NADH form. ATP forms by
substrate-level phosphorylation, and FAD and another NAD+ are reduced.
The final steps of the pathway regenerate oxaloacetate.
Anaerobic Pathways
Yeasts (unicellular fungi) and certain plant cells carry out a type of
fermentation known as alcohol fermentation. First, they degrade glucose to
pyruvate through the process of glycolysis. When deprived of O2, these
cells split CO2 off from pyruvate, eventually forming ethyl alcohol.
Learning Task:
1. What are the products of Glycolysis?
2. What are the products of Krebs cycle?
3. What is the end product of Electron Transport System (Chain)?
Topic IV – Cell Reproduction and Genetics
1. Define the cell cycle and mitosis
2. Explain how cells divide
3. Describe the stages of mitosis and meiosis
4. Define homozygous and heterozygous
5. Describe dominant and recessive alleles
The cell cycle is the period from the beginning of one division to the
beginning of the next division. It consists of two main phases, interphase
and M phase. Timing of the cell cycle varies widely from one cell type to
another and from one species to another, but in actively growing plant and
animal cells, it is usually about 8 to 20 hours.
Interphase is subdivided into three periods; G1, S, and G2. The first
period, G1, or the first gap phase, is the time between the end of the
previous cell division and the beginning of DNA replication. The cell grows
during the G1 phase, which is typically the longest phase. Cells that are not
actually dividing usually remain in this part of the cell cycle. Toward the end
of G1, the cell synthesizes certain enzymes used in DNA replication. These
activities make it possible for the cell to enter the S phase.
The first part of meiosis is similar to mitosis. A cell duplicates its DNA
before either nuclear division process starts. As in mitosis, the microtubules
of a spindle move the duplicated chromosomes to opposite spindle poles.
However, meiosis sorts the chromosomes into new nuclei not once, but
twice, so it results in the formation of four haploid nuclei. The two
consecutive nuclear divisions are called meiosis I and meiosis II. In some
cells, no resting period occurs between these two stages. In others,
interphase with no DNA replication separates meiosis I and II.
DNA replications occurs prior to meiosis, so a cell’s chromosomes
are duplicated by the time meiosis I begins: Each chromosome consists of
two sister chromatids. The nucleus is diploid (2n): It contains two sets of
chromosomes, one from each parent.
Meiosis I
Normally, all of the new nuclei that form in meiosis I receive the same
number of chromosomes. However, whether a new nucleus ends up with
the maternal and paternal version of a chromosome is entirely random. The
chance that the maternal or the paternal version of any chromosome will
end up in a particular nucleus is 50%.
DNA was not proven to be hereditary material until the 1950’s, but
Mendel discovered its units, which we now call genes, almost a century
before then. Today, we know that individuals of a species share certain
traits because their chromosomes carry the same genes. Offspring tend to
look like their parents because they inherited their parent’s genes.
Learning Task:
Learning Objectives:
Some genes are responsible for the production of other forms of RNA that
play a role in translation, including transfer RNA (tRNA) and ribosomal RNA
Exons. Exons code for amino acids and collectively determine the amino
acid sequence of the protein product. It is these portions of the gene that
are represented in final mature mRNA molecule.
Introns. Introns are portions of the gene that do not code for amino acids
and are removed (spliced) from the mRNA molecule before translation.
Initiation. The DNA molecule unwinds and separates to form a small open
complex. RNA polymerase binds to the promoter of the template strand
(also known as the 'sense strand' or 'coding strand'). The synthesis of RNA
proceeds in a 5' to 3' direction, so the template strand must be 3' to 5'.
Initiation. The small subunit of the ribosome binds at the 5' end of the
mRNA molecule and moves in a 3' direction until it meets a start codon
(AUG). It then forms a complex with the large unit of the ribosome complex
and an initiation tRNA molecule.
Proteins are large, complex molecules that play many critical roles in the
body. They do most of the work in cells and are required for the structure,
function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.
There are 20 different types of amino acids that can be combined to make
a protein. The sequence of amino acids determines each protein’s unique
3-dimensional structure and its specific function. Amino acids are coded by
combinations of three DNA building blocks (nucleotides), determined by the
sequence of genes.
Protein Structure
Primary Structure
A protein’s primary structure is the unique sequence of amino acids in each
polypeptide chain that makes up the protein. Really, this is just a list of
which amino acids appear in which order in a polypeptide chain, not really
a structure. But, because the final protein structure ultimately depends on
this sequence, this was called the primary structure of the polypeptide
chain. For example, the pancreatic hormone insulin has two polypeptide
chains, A and B.
Secondary Structure
Tertiary Structure
The quaternary structure of a protein is how its subunits are oriented and
arranged with respect to one another. As a result, quaternary structure only
applies to multi-subunit proteins; that is, proteins made from more than one
polypeptide chain. Proteins made from a single polypeptide will not have a
quaternary structure.
In proteins with more than one subunit, weak interactions between the
subunits help to stabilize the overall structure. Enzymes often play key
roles in bonding subunits to form the final, functioning protein.
Protein Folding
Each protein has its own unique sequence of amino acids and the
interactions between these amino acids create a specify shape. This shape
determines the protein’s function, from digesting protein in the stomach to
carrying oxygen in the blood.
Learning Task:
Learning Objectives:
DNA Repair
Often when DNA is damaged, the cell chooses to replicate over the
lesion instead of waiting for repair. Although this may lead to mutations,
it is preferable to a complete halt in DNA replication, which leads to cell
DNA Recombination
DNA Transposition
DNA transposition is carried out by elements that can move from one
locale to another within a genome or between genomes. Such elements
are called transposons. Their movement is mediated by enzymes called
transposases. Transposases recognize the specific end sequences that
define the limits of a transposable element and facilitate its movements
by cutting DNA these DNA ends (donor sites) and joining them to a
target (or recipient) DNA site. Although the donor sites are specific,
recognized by a particular transposase, the target sites are quite
non‐specific (except in a few rare instances). Thus, these elements can
end up in a variety of locations on the genome.
Learning Task:
Learning objectives:
Plant Systems
For billions of years, almost all life in the biosphere has run on solar energy.
Of all organisms, however, only plants, algae, and certain prokaryotes are
capable of absorbing and converting light energy from the sun to chemical
energy through the process of photosynthesis. The end products of
photosynthesis are carbohydrates (formed from the simple raw materials
water and carbon dioxide and oxygen O2).
The principal raw materials for photosynthesis are water and carbon
dioxide. The reactions of photosynthesis occur in two stages: the
light-dependent reactions (the photo part of photosynthesis) and the carbon
fixation reactions (the synthesis part of photosynthesis). Each set of the
reactions occur in the different part of the chloroplast.
Nitrogen fixation
Animal Systems
The body is made up of many, many millions of cells which you can not see
unless you use a microscope. Special cells come together to make an
An organ is a complex structure within the body. It has a special job or jobs
to do.
A body system consists of a number of organs which work together to carry
out a special job.
The animal body is made of 9 systems:
Musculo-skeletal system
Digestive system
Circulatory system
Respiratory system
Urinary system
Nervous system
Sensory system
Reproductive system
Lympho-reticular system
The organs of the body
An organ is a complex structure with a special job or a number of jobs to
do. For example:
· The eye is the organ of sight.
· The kidneys are organs which get rid of water and poisonous materials
from the body as urine.
· The liver has many jobs and is involved in more than one system.
Various organs are grouped together to form a body system which carries
out a special job.
System of the Organs in the Body Job or function
Musculo-skeletal muscle (meat) bones Support and move the body
Digestive stomach, liver, intestine, Digest and absorb feed
Circulatory heart, blood vessels The blood carries substances
around the body
Respiratory muzzle, windpipe, lungs Breathing
Urinary kidneys, bladder Get rid of poisons and waste
Nervous brain, nerves spinal cord Pass messages around the
body, control the body
Sensory eyes, ears, nose skin Sense and detect things
outside the body
Reproductive testes, penis ovaries, To produce and feed young
uterus, vagina, vulva, udder
Lympho-reticular lymph nodes, spleen Protect against infectious
diseases, produce blood
The musculo-skeletal system
This system consists of the bones and the muscles (meat).The bones form
the skeleton which is the framework within the body. It carries weight and
supports the body.
Bones are connected together so they can move. The places where this
happens are called joints. The bones are held together at the joints by
elastic strands called ligaments. Between the bones is a softer material
called cartilage (gristle) which cushions the bones at the joints when the
body moves. Bones are very hard and contain minerals. Each bone has a
name such as the scapula (shoulder blade) and skull (head). There are
about 200 bones in the body.
Muscles are joined at both ends to the bones. The muscles are the meat of
the body and when they contract (shorten) or relax (lengthen) they make
the bones move.
If you bend your arm you can see and feel the muscles in your arm
The digestive system
The digestive system consists of the teeth, mouth, gullet (oesophagus),
stomach, liver, intestine, pancreas, and rectum.
Digestion begins in the mouth where feed is broken down into small pieces
by the teeth and mixed with saliva before being swallowed.
In the stomach feed is mixed with the juices to form a soft paste. This then
passes into the intestine where bile from the liver and juices from the
pancreas are added. The action of these juices is to break down the feed
and allow the nourishment it contains to be absorbed by the blood in the
walls of the intestine. Waste matter collects in the rectum and passes out of
the body through the anus (or cloaca in birds).
The circulatory system and blood
The organs of the circulatory system are the heart and the blood vessels
(tubes). The heart is found in the chest cavity. It is a muscular pump which
sends blood around the body.
The blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart are called
arteries. Blood returns to the heart in veins. Joining the arteries and veins is
a fine network of small tubes called capillaries. The capillaries pass through
every part of the body.
When the heart beats its muscles contract and sends blood out through the
arteries. When the heart relaxes blood flows into it from the veins.
Every time the heart beats it sends a pulse along the arteries. You can feel
it at certain points on the body. By feeling the pulse we can count the rate
at which the heart beats. You can feel your pulse on your wrist.
The respiratory system
Respiration (breathing) consists of inspiration (breathing in) and expiration
(breathing out).
There are two lungs which are found in the chest protected by the bony
cage of the ribs. The windpipe carries air from the nostrils to the lungs
which are spongy because of air spaces in them. As the animal breathes,
air moves in and out of the lungs. Inside the lungs oxygen needed by the
body passes into the blood in the walls of the lungs and water and carbon
dioxide pass out of the blood into the air which is then breathed out.
Nervous system
The brain also controls the senses, the sense organs are:
· the eyes for sight
· the ears for hearing
· the nose for smell
· the tongue for taste
· the skin for touch
The female reproductive organ consist of two ovaries, one in each side of
the lower abdomen. The ovaries produce eggs which pass into the uterus
(or womb). Below the uterus is the vagina which opens to the outside
surrounded by the vulva. After birth the young are fed on milk produced by
the udder.
The gene for the production of human insulin has been transferred
into the genome of the common intestinal tract bacterium Escherichia
coli . Successful expression and excretion of human insulin by the bacteria
allows the production of a large amount of insulin. Additionally, because the
insulin is identical to that produced in a human being, the chance of
immune reaction against the protein is virtually nonexistent. The example of
insulin reflects both the health benefit of the use of microbes and the
economic benefit to be realized, since the mass production of insulin that is
possible using bacteria lowers the cost of the product.
Control of Microorganisms
Learning Task:
1. What happens when one organ of the body fails to function? What could
be the effects to other parts of the body?
Learning Objectives:
The symptoms of papaya ringspot virus are shown on the tree (a) and fruit (b). “This work” is in
the Public Domain, CC0.
Nearly all the fruits and vegetables found in your local market would
not occur naturally. In fact, they exist only because of human intervention
that began thousands of years ago. Humans created the vast majority of
crop species by using traditional breeding practices on naturally-occurring,
wild plants. These practices rely upon selective breeding (human
assisted-breeding of individuals with desirable traits). Traditional breeding
practices, although low-tech and simple to perform, have the practical
outcome of modifying an organism’s genetic information, thus producing
new traits.
A wild grass called teosinte was genetically modified through selective breeding to produce what
is now known as maize (corn). This process of transformation started thousands of years ago by
indigenous people of what is now Mexico. “This work” by Nicolle Rager Fuller, National Science
Foundation is in the Public Domain, CC0.
This history of genetic modification is common to nearly all crop
species. For example, cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and
kale were all developed from a single species of wild mustard plant. Wild
nightshade was the source of tomatoes, eggplant, tobacco, and potatoes,
the latter developed by humans 7,000 – 10,000 years ago in South
Enhanced nutrition
Biotechnology may provide farmers with tools that can make production
cheaper and more manageable. For example, some biotechnology crops
can be engineered to tolerate specific herbicides, which make weed control
simpler and more efficient. Other crops have been engineered to be
resistant to specific plant diseases and insect pests, which can make pest
control more reliable and effective, and/or can decrease the use of
synthetic pesticides. These crop production options can help countries
keep pace with demands for food while reducing production costs.
At least some of the genes used in GE crops may not have been
used in the food supply before, so GM foods may pose a potential risk for
human health, such as producing new allergens. But this is also true of
crops generated by traditional breeding practices (because both produce
genetic modifications and thus new traits).
Like other ‘controversial’ scientific issues, the scientific consensus on
GE crops is quite clear: they are safe. The UN’s Food and Agriculture
Organization has concluded that risks to human and animal health from the
use of GMOs are negligible. NASEM’s GE Crop Report found “no
substantiated evidence of a difference in risks to human health between
current commercially available genetically engineered (GE) crops and
conventionally bred crops, nor did it find conclusive cause-and-effect
evidence of environmental problems from the GE crops.” The American
Medical Association’s Council on Science and Public Health, in 2012,
stated that “Bioengineered foods have been consumed for close to 20
years, and during that time, no overt consequences on human health have
been reported and/or substantiated in the peer-reviewed literature.” Similar
statements have been made by the US National Resource Council and the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, which publishes the
preeminent scholarly journal, Science.
Now that we know what DNA is, this is where the recombinant
comes in. Recombinant DNA is the general name for taking a piece of one
DNA, and combining it with another strand of DNA. Thus, the name
Recombinant DNA is also sometimes referred to as "chimera." By
combining two or more different strands of DNA, scientists are able to
create a new strand of DNA. The most common recombinant process
involves combining the DNA of two different organisms.
The first step in transformation is to select a piece of DNA to be inserted
into a vector. The second step is to cut that piece of DNA with a restriction
enzyme and then ligate the DNA insert into the vector with DNA Ligase.
The insert contains a selectable marker which allows for identification of
recombinant molecules. An antibiotic marker is often used so a host cell
without a vector dies when exposed to a certain antibiotic, and the host with
the vector will live because it is resistant.
Non-Bacterial Transformation
This is a process very similar to Transformation, which was described
above. The only difference between the two is non-bacterial does not use
bacteria such as E. Coli for the host.
In microinjection, the DNA is injected directly into the nucleus of the cell
being transformed. In biolistics, the host cells are bombarded with high
velocity microprojectiles, such as particles of gold or tungsten that have
been coated with DNA.
Phage Introduction
Phage introduction is the process of transfection, which is equivalent to
transformation, except a phage is used instead of bacteria. In vitro
packagings of a vector is used. This uses lambda or MI3 phages to
produce phage plaques which contain recombinants. The recombinants
that are created can be identified by differences in the recombinants and
non-recombinants using various selection methods.
What is PCR?
GMOs in agriculture
Genetically modified (GM) foods were first approved for
human consumption in the United States in 1994, and by 2014–15 about
90 percent of the corn, cotton, and soybeans planted in the United States
were GM. By the end of 2014, GM crops covered nearly 1.8 million square
kilometres (695,000 square miles) of land in more than two dozen countries
worldwide. The majority of GM crops were grown in the Americas.
Engineered crops can dramatically increase per area crop yields and,
in some cases, reduce the use of chemical insecticides. For example, the
application of wide-spectrum insecticides declined in many areas growing
plants, such as potatoes, cotton, and corn, that were endowed with
a gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, which produces a natural
insecticide called Bt toxin. Field studies conducted in India in which Bt
cotton was compared with non-Bt cotton demonstrated a 30–80 percent
increase in yield from the GM crop. This increase was attributed to marked
improvement in the GM plants’ ability to overcome bollworm infestation,
which was otherwise common. Studies of Bt cotton production in Arizona,
U.S., demonstrated only small gains in yield—about 5 percent—with an
estimated cost reduction of $25–$65 (USD) per acre owing to
decreased pesticide applications. In China, where farmers first gained
access to Bt cotton in 1997, the GM crop was initially successful. Farmers
who had planted Bt cotton reduced their pesticide use by 50–80 percent
and increased their earnings by as much as 36 percent. By 2004, however,
farmers who had been growing Bt cotton for several years found that the
benefits of the crop eroded as populations of secondary insect pests, such
as mirids, increased. Farmers once again were forced to spray
broad-spectrum pesticides throughout the growing season, such that the
average revenue for Bt growers was 8 percent lower than that of farmers
who grew conventional cotton. Meanwhile, Bt resistance had also evolved
in field populations of major cotton pests, including both the cotton
bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) and the pink bollworm (Pectinophora
o Longer-lasting papayas
o Protein enriched copra meal (PECM) as feed protein for tilapia, milkfish
and shrimp aquaculture
The Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB) of the University of the Philippines Los
Banos (UPLB) has developed tomato breeding line resistant to tomato leaf
curl virus (ToLCV) in the hope of reviving tomato’s robust production in the
o Bt corn
From the late 1990s, the European Union (EU) addressed such
concerns by implementing strict GMO labeling laws. In the early 2000s, all
GM foods and GM animal feeds in the EU were required to be labeled if
they consisted of or contained GM products in a proportion greater than 0.9
percent. By contrast, in the United States, foods containing GM ingredients
did not require special labeling, though the issue was hotly debated at
national and state levels. Many opponents of GM products focused their
arguments on unknown risks to food safety. However, despite the concerns
of some consumer and health groups, especially in Europe, numerous
scientific panels, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
concluded that consumption of GM foods was safe, even in cases involving
GM foods with genetic material from very distantly related organisms.
Learning Task:
Berg, Linda L. 2012. Introductory to Botany Cengage Learning
Mader, Sylvia, Biology-Inquiry to Life, McGrawHill 2nd Edition, New York, 2015