Immediate Download Game Theory and Its Applications in The Social and Biological Sciences 2nd Edition Andrew M. Colman Ebooks 2024
Immediate Download Game Theory and Its Applications in The Social and Biological Sciences 2nd Edition Andrew M. Colman Ebooks 2024
Immediate Download Game Theory and Its Applications in The Social and Biological Sciences 2nd Edition Andrew M. Colman Ebooks 2024
Computational Finance And Its Applications II M.
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Game Theory and its Applications
Andrew M. Colman
Taylor & Francis G r o u p
ISBN 978-0-7506-2369-8
Part I Background
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Intuitive background 3
1.1.1 Head On 4
1.1.2 Price War 5
1.1.3 Angelo and Isabella 5
1.2 Abstract models: basic terminology 6
1.3 Skill, chance, and strategy 10
1.4 Historical background 12
1.5 Summary 14
2 One-person games 15
2.1 Games against Nature 15
2.2 Certainty 15
2.3 Risk 17
2.4 Expected utility theory 19
2.5 Uncertainty 23
2.5.1 Insufficient reason 25
2.5.2 Maximax 26
2.5.3 Maximin 26
2.5.4 Minimax regret 28
2.6 Summary 32
References 325
Index 363
Preface to the First Edition
The primary aim of this book is to provide a critical survey of the essential
ideas of game theory and the findings of experimental research on strategic
interaction. In addition, I have reported some new experiments using lifelike
simulations of familiar kinds of strategic interactions, and included
discussions of recent applications of game theory to the study of voting, the
theory of evolution, and moral philosophy. The time has (alas) long since
passed when a single person could reasonably hope to be an expert on all
branches of game theory or on all of its applications, and I have not
attempted to achieve the impossible. But I thought it worthwhile, none the
less, to aim for a fairly comprehensive coverage of important topics, with
particular emphasis on those that seemed to be most relevant to naturally
occurring strategic interactions.
Game theory and the experimental gaming tradition have grown up in
relative isolation from each other. Game theorists, in general, remain largely
oblivious of the empirical studies that have been inspired by the theory, and
experimental investigators have tended to assume that the nuts and bolts of
the theory do not concern them. Both parties are the losers from this divorce,
and I have therefore tried to contribute towards a reconciliation by
examining in detail, for the first time in a single volume, both sides of the
My goal has been to introduce and evaluate the fundamental theoretical
ideas, empirical findings, and applications as clearly as possible without
over-simplifying or side-stepping important difficulties. In so far as I have
succeeded, this is the kind of book that I should have liked to have read
when I first became interested in game theory and experimental games, or
better still, before I developed any interest in these matters. Wherever
possible, I have attributed seminal contributions to their originators and
cited the original sources: ideas are almost invariably expressed more clearly
and forcefully by their inventors or discoverers than by subsequent
commentators. But I have also cited many useful review articles, which will
be of assistance to readers wishing to pursue particular topics in depth.
The most important chapters [the numbering of chapters has been
amended here to correspond with the second edition] for social psycholo
gists and others whose primary interest is in such strategic phenomena as
cooperation, competition, collective equilibria, self-defeating effects of
x Preface to the First Edition
Andrew M. Colman
Preface to the Second Edition
The first edition of this book was entitled Game Theory and Experimental
Games: The Study of Strategic Interaction and was published by Pergamon
Press in 1982. It aimed to bridge the gap between game theory and its
applications by providing an introduction to the theory and a reasonably
comprehensive survey of some of its major applications and associated
experimental research. Its more specific objectives were to explain the
fundamental ideas of mathematical game theory from first principles and to
provide an introductory survey of experimental games and other applica
tions of the theory in social psychology, decision theory, evolutionary
biology, economics, politics, sociology, operational research, and
The first edition was favourably received and generously reviewed on
both sides of the Atlantic and adopted as a text for a number of specialist
courses. Demand for the book, though modest, remained remarkably steady
for many years, but theoretical developments and new empirical findings
accumulated over the years, making the need for a revision of the original
text increasingly difficult to ignore. This second edition is so radically
revised as to be hardly the same book, and I believe it to be a significant
improvement on the first. The principal changes that I have introduced are
as follows. I have modified the title, at the suggestion of the publisher, to
indicate the scope of the book more accurately. I have corrected the errors
and plugged the gaps that have been pointed out to me, and I have
introduced numerous amendments and improvements to every chapter. I
have thoroughly updated the contents of the book to include significant or
interesting theoretical developments and empirical research findings related
to coordination games, social dilemmas, strategic aspects of evolutionary
biology, framing effects, strategic voting, and many other areas of research.
In the light of comments from readers and reviewers I have introduced a
little more formal mathematics where omitting it seems to have created
more problems than it solved.
In addition, I have improved the book's coverage by incorporating into
this second edition a number of important topics that have developed
recently or were missing from the first edition for other reasons. Chapter 3
xii Preface to the Second Edition
my own best efforts, this book is not free of errors. It cannot be error-free,
because if it were, then the sentence immediately preceding this one would
be an error, which would mean that it was not error-free after all. I should
be grateful to readers who spot any more serious defects or who have any
other comments to make.
Andrew M. Colman
- Part I -
behave in order to pursue their own interests most effectively but makes no
predictions about how they will behave in any actual interaction, and for
that reason it cannot be tested by experimental methods. But in non-
mathematical applications in the social and biological sciences, game theory
has provided a useful framework for explaining and predicting behaviour in
a wide range of situations involving interdependent decision making, and
predictions derived from informal game theory have been tested through
empirical research. Even in cases in which satisfactory formal solutions
cannot be found, informal game theory has often provided deep and
illuminating insights. Certain important features of individual and col
lective rationality, cooperation and competition, trust and suspicion, threats
and commitments cannot even be clearly described, let alone explained,
without the framework of game theory.
Traditional theories in social psychology and related fields lack the
necessary concepts with which to deal rigorously with interdependent
decision making. They have tended to emulate the theoretical models that
are used in classical physics, in which the behaviour of objects is explained
in terms of responses to external forces. But inanimate objects do not make
deliberate choices, and their behaviour is not governed by any assumptions
about how other objects will behave. One-way causal models may be
appropriate for explaining certain involuntary human responses, such as
kicking the air in response to a doctor's tap on the patellar tendon or
blinking the eye in response to the intrusion of a speck of dust. But a person
may kick the air voluntarily as an act of symbolic aggression in the hope of
gaining some strategic advantage during a competitive interaction, or may
deliberately wink an eye in an attempt to increase the intimacy of a personal
relationship. These are deliberate actions whose outcomes depend on the
decisions of other people as well, and one-way causal models of the kind
that have proved so successful in the physical sciences are unlikely to
explain them adequately. Psychologically interesting and significant forms
of social behaviour almost all involve deliberate decisions, and they are
sometimes amenable to game theory analysis. A few simple examples will
help to provide an intuitive understanding of the kinds of social interactions
involving interdependent decision making that fall within the compass of
game theory.
1.1.1 Head On
Two people are walking briskly towards each other along a narrow corridor.
They are heading for a collision, which they would both prefer to avoid. To
simplify the analysis, let us assume that the walkers have to make their
decisions immediately, and therefore simultaneously, and that each has just
three strategies from which to choose: swerve left, swerve right, or keep
Introduction 5
going straight ahead. If both keep going straight ahead, or if both swerve to
the same side of the corridor, then they will collide; all other strategy
combinations lead to non-collision outcomes, which they both prefer. The
outcome of the game depends on the decisions of both walkers, whose
interests coincide exactly inasmuch as their preferences among the outcomes
are identical.
Three retail companies are each trying to carve out a larger slice of a market
for which they all compete. Each has to decide, in ignorance of the decisions
of the others, whether or not to advertise its product. If all three companies
advertise simultaneously, none will gain or lose market share, but all will
lose the cost of their advertisements. The status quo market shares will also
be preserved, slightly more cheaply, if all three decide not to advertise.
Other strategy combinations result in increased market share for one or two
of the companies at the expense of the other(s). In this example, the players'
interests are mutually opposed, because one company's gain necessitates a
loss for at least one of the others.
This poignant example is taken from Shakespeare's Measure for Measure (II.
iv). Angelo is holding a prisoner whom he intends to execute. The prisoner's
sister, Isabella, comes to plead for her brother's life. Angelo is sexually
attracted to her and at length proposes the following ungentlemanly
bargain: "You must lay down the* treasures of your body" to save your
brother. Isabella initially declines the offer: "More than our brother is our
chastity". Angelo then complicates the game by threatening not merely to
kill the prisoner, as he had originally intended, but to subject him to a
lingering death unless Isabella submits. At this point Isabella faces a choice
between submitting and refusing, and whichever option she chooses there
are three courses open to Angelo: to spare the prisoner's life, to execute him
humanely, or to subject him to a lingering death. The outcome depends on
the choices of both Angelo and Isabella, and all but one of the possible
outcomes lead to unattractive payoffs for Isabella (the exception being
Isabella's refusal coupled with a reprieve from Angelo), although some are
clearly worse than others. Both protagonists would prefer to see the prisoner
executed humanely rather than cruelly, other things being equal, so the
players' interests are partly opposed and partly coincident (Schelling, 1960,
p. 140).
6 Background
relation that associates each possible outcome of the game with a unique
(ordinal or interval) payoff to that player; in other words it specifies what
payoff the player receives for every conceivable outcome of the game. A
complete payoff function for all of the players is simply an amalgamation of
the individual players' payoff functions; it specifies the payoffs to all players
for every conceivable outcome of the game.
A strategy is a complete plan of action, specifying in advance what moves
a player will make in every possible situation that might arise in the course
of the game. If each player has only one move to make, and if the moves are
made simultaneously or (what amounts to the same thing) in ignorance of
the moves chosen by the other player(s), then the available strategies are
simply the moves, and there is no distinction between the two concepts. In
Head On, for example, each player has only one move to make, namely
swerve left, swerve right, or keep going straight ahead, and the moves are
made simultaneously, so they are also the strategies available to the players.
Similarly in Price War, the players' strategies or moves are simply to
advertise or not to advertise. But in other cases, the players' strategies are
more complicated than the individual moves of the game. In Angelo and
Isabella, Isabella has just two moves, namely submit (S) or don't submit
(DS), and these are also her strategies. But the rules of this game stipulate
that Angelo makes his move after - and in full knowledge of - Isabella's. He
has just three available moves, namely reprieve (R), execute humanely (E),
or torture (T), but his strategy choice must specify in advance which move
he will choose in response to each of Isabella's possible moves. Although he
has only three moves or actions, it turns out that he has nine possible
strategies, as follows:
(1) If S, choose R; if DS, choose R.
(2) If S, choose R; if DS, choose E.
(3) If S, choose R; if DS, choose T.
(4) If S, choose E; if DS, choose R.
(5) If S, choose E; if DS, choose E.
(6) If S, choose E; if DS, choose T.
(7) If S, choose T; if DS, choose R.
(8) If S, choose T; if DS, choose E.
(9) If S, choose T; if DS, choose T.
Angelo's promise (or threat, depending on one's point of view) is to choose
his third strategy, but he is not bound by the rules of the game to honour it
if his bluff is called. In Shakespeare's play, Angelo's untrustworthiness
becomes tragically clear as the story unfolds and it transpires that he has in
fact chosen his fifth strategy in spite of his promise.
By choosing a strategy that specifies in advance what particular moves a
player will make in all possible contingencies, a player does not sacrifice
any freedom of action. All moves that are available to a player in the
Introduction 9
extensive form of the game, which sets out the full sequence of moves in the
order in which they are made, are preserved in the normal form, which
collapses each player's sequence of moves into just one strategy choice. In
the normal form, a game involving a sequence of moves can be
represented statically, as though the outcome were determined by a single
choice on the part of each player, and this does not affect the strategic
properties inherent in the situation. The strategies chosen by the players
determine a unique sequence of moves and a definite outcome. On the
basis of their strategy choices, a referee could in principle make all the
moves in accordance with the players' plans and discover the outcome.
But this is a practical impossibility except in very simple games. In chess,
some 160000 different positions can arise after only two moves by each
player, and all the paper or all the computer disks in the world would not
have the storage capacity to record a player's strategy for an entire game.
Only much simpler games can be represented in normal form, and even in
these cases the way players actually think is often more usefully displayed
in extensive form, which is usually represented by a branching tree. The
normal form, though logically equivalent, is often less useful for practical
analysis, and it impedes the identification of subgame perfect equilibria,
which will be explained in section 6.2 (Myerson, 1991, chap. 5; Rasmusen,
1989, chap. 2).
Two technical terms, which need to be carefully distinguished, are used to
describe what the players know during the course of the game. In a game of
complete information, the players know not only the rules of the game and
their own payoff functions but also the payoff functions of the other
player(s). In other words, they know the available strategies and preferences
of all of the players. There is also an important assumption that each player
knows that the other(s) have complete information, and that they know that
the other player(s) know this, and so on; this is the assumption that the
description of the game is common knowledge (Heal, 1978; Lewis, 1969; see
also Bicchieri, 1993, passim; Sugden, 1991, pp. 764-765). Most games that
have been studied by game theorists, and most that have been used in
applications in the social and biological sciences, have been games of
complete information, but some important work has also been done on
games of incomplete information.
A game of perfect information is something rather different from one of
complete information. Informally, it is a game in which the players move
one at a time, rather than simultaneously, and a player choosing a move
always has full knowledge of all moves that have preceded it. Chess is a
game of perfect information, and so is Angelo and Isabella, but Head On
and Price War are not, because in these last two games moves are not made
one at a time and with the benefit of knowing what moves the other players
have chosen. All of these games are, however, games of complete
10 Background
strategies and therefore of the outcomes associated with each of their own
strategy choices. Russian roulette is a good example of a game of chance
involving risk. For any number of live bullets that one chooses to load into
a revolver before pointing it at one's temple and pulling the trigger, the
probabilities associated with the two possible outcomes - life and death -
are obvious, but unless all of the bullet chambers are filled or all are empty,
the outcome cannot be predicted with certainty. The theory of games of
chance is essentially the theory of probability, which arose out of a
mathematical analysis of gambling. All games of this type can be
satisfactorily solved, as will be shown in chapter 2, provided that the
player's preferences among the outcomes are consistent.
There are other games of chance in which meaningful probabilities cannot
be assigned to Nature's strategies, and these are called decisions under
uncertainty. A doctor needing to choose a treatment for a patient with a rare
complaint may, for example, have no basis on which to judge the relevant
probabilities. Nature obviously has a hand in this game, because the
outcomes of the doctor's decisions are not certain, but in this case even the
probabilities are unknown. Ingenious solutions have been devised for
games of this type, but it will be argued in chapter 2 that none of them is
entirely sound.
Games of strategy model social interactions in which the outcomes
depend on the choices of two or more decision makers, each of whom has
partial control of the outcome. The players cannot meaningfully assign
probabilities to one another's choices, and therefore the decisions are said to
be made under uncertainty rather than risk. The bulk of the literature on
game theory is devoted to games of strategy, and it is fair to say that the
theory came into its own only when methods were discovered for solving
these games.
Games of strategy are especially useful for explaining social interactions,
and most of the chapters that follow are concerned with them. They can be
subdivided into two-person and multi-person games according to the
number of players (excluding Nature) involved. Both two-person and multi
person games can be further subdivided according to their structural
properties. One important structural property is the way in which the
players' payoff functions are related to one another. The players' preferences
may coincide perfectly as in Head On, they may be mutually opposed as in
Price War, or they may be partly coincident and partly opposed as in Angelo
and Isabella. Games in which the players' preferences coincide are called co-
ordination games, and research into such interactions is discussed in section
3.2. Games in which the players' preferences are mutually opposed are
called zero-sum games; they are dealt with in chapters 4, 5, and (part of) 8.
Most recreational games between two players or two teams are zero-sum in
the sense that what one player or team wins, the other must lose, and the
payoffs to the two players therefore add up to zero in each outcome, but
12 Background
most social interactions of everyday life lack this property. The rest of this
book is concerned mainly with two-person and multi-person games in
which the preferences of the players are neither perfectly coincident nor
entirely opposed. They are known technically as mixed-motive games.
Two-person zero-sum games are also called strictly competitive games. They
can be convincingly solved, provided that each player has only a finite
number of strategies, and empirical research has thrown some light on the
way in which people behave in strictly competitive interactions. Other types
of games, including multi-person zero-sum games and both two-person and
multi-person mixed-motive games, are not generally soluble in the formal
sense, but they provide important insights into some aspects of social
interaction, and some of them are more relevant to the social and biological
sciences than strictly competitive games.
The forerunner of the theory of games of strategy was the theory of games
of chance. This earlier theory originated in the seventeenth century from
attempts to solve practical problems of gambling raised by members of the
dissolute French nobility before the revolution. From those frivolous origins
sprang the theory of probability, which provided a foundation for the later
development of statistics, quantum physics, and population genetics.
The theory of games of chance - or the theory of probability - is traced by
most historians to 1654, when an exchange of letters took place between
Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat concerning the misfortunes of the French
nobleman, the Chevalier de Mere. De Mere had written to Pascal explaining
that he had won a considerable sum of money over a period of time by
betting even odds that at least one six would come up in four throws of a
die, only to lose it all by betting that at least two sixes would come up in 24
throws. According to de Mere's faulty calculations, his second bet ought to
have been at least as favourable as his first. The correct probabilities,
however, are in fact .5177 and .4914 respectively, that is, the first is
favourable but the second is not. De Mere must have been an extraordinarily
industrious and deep-pocketed gambler to have discovered by dint of sheer
bitter experience that the second bet was unfavourable, in other words to
have distinguished empirically between probabilities of .4914 and .5000. The
fundamental principles of probability theory were developed in order to
solve De Mdre's and other similar problems. The story is entertainingly told,
with extracts from the Pascal-Fermat letters, by Florence N. David (1962).
The first important contribution to the theory of games of strategy was
made by the German mathematician, Ernst Zermelo, in 1912. Zermelo
managed to prove that every strictly competitive game of perfect informa
tion that has a finite number of moves is strictly determined, that is, it
Introduction 13
1.5 Summary
This chapter introduces the theory of one-person games. These are decision
making problems that are sometimes called one-person games against
Nature, and because of their non-social properties some theorists do not
consider them to be genuine games. The dilemmas discussed in section 2.2,
in which Nature plays no part, are certainly not games in the strict sense,
because they do not involve interdependent decisions, but they represent a
limiting case that serves as a convenient and logical point of departure. In
contrast, risky decisions, which will be discussed in sections 2.3 and 2.4, are
interdependent in the formal sense, although they involve no social
interaction, because Nature functions as an additional player, and some of the
techniques that are used to analyse them will reappear in more sophisticated
forms in the solution of two-person and multi-person games in later chapters.
In particular, the fundamental ideas underlying probability theory and
expected utility theory provide essential tools for the solution of more
complex games. Section 2.5 will deal with individual decision making under
uncertainty rather than risk, and the ideas developed in that section will also
reappear in later chapters in which two-person and multi-person games,
which invariably involve decisions under uncertainty, are introduced.
2.2 Certainty
Individual decisions under certainty are games of skill in which the solitary
player knows exactly what the outcome of any strategy choice will be. The
player has complete control of the outcomes, which are not affected by the
actions of any other interested parties or Nature.
It is worth pointing out that sports such as golf and archery are not games
of skill in this strict sense, because an element of chance limits the players'
control over the outcomes, which are never certain. To put it another way,
Nature influences the outcomes to a degree that depends to some extent on
the player's level of skill. Solving a crossword puzzle, on the other hand, is
a game of skill, and so is writing a computer program to perform certain
16 Background
2.3 Risk
stake one's fortune on it. The question that arises naturally from this is
whether a better principle can be found for solving games of chance
involving pure risk
The risky choices of rational decision makers are guided by their preferences
among the possible outcomes, but the examples of section 2.3 show clearly
that the superficially plausible principle of expected value maximization
cannot satisfactorily distinguish common sense from foolishness in risky
decision making.
Daniel Bernoulli's great contribution was the suggestion, which seems
obvious with hindsight, that the values of things to a person are not simply
equivalent to their monetary values. A small sum of money could be
precious to a pauper but almost worthless to a millionaire, even if the
pauper and the millionaire were one and the same person, for example the
day before and the day after winning a fortune in a lottery. People's
decisions are guided more by what the outcomes are worth to them than by
the cash value of the outcomes. Bernoulli (1738) called the subjective
desirability of an outcome its "moral worth", and this hypothetical quantity
later became known as utility.
Utilities must obviously be closely related to monetary values in cases in
which the outcomes of decisions are merely varying amounts of money or
can be straightforwardly translated into money. A large amount of money
cannot have less utility for a rational person than a small amount, because
it is easy to convert a large sum into a smaller sum by disposing of some of
it. Utility must therefore be a monotonically increasing function, but it may not
be a linear function of monetary value, which means that an increase in x
units of money may not increase its recipient's utility by the same amount
irrespective of the starting point. Bernoulli suggested a "law of diminishing
marginal utility", as it was later called, according to which the greater a
person's starting capital, the smaller the utility (or disutility) of any fixed
monetary gain (or loss). Bernoulli went further and claimed that the
functional relation between money and utility is logarithmic, which implies
that equal increases in utility correspond to equal proportional increases in
money, just as logarithms increase by equal steps as their corresponding
numbers increase by equal proportions. Historians of psychology (e.g.
Boring, 1950) seldom if ever point out that Bernoulli anticipated by more
than a century the famous psychophysical law of Gustav Theodor Fechner,
which propounds the same logarithmic relation between sensation and
stimulus intensity in general.
Bernoulli's theory of utility fell into disrepute for two main reasons. The
first was its arbitrariness: there seemed to be no logical or empirical reason
20 Background
why the relation should be logarithmic or why it should be the same for all
people in all circumstances. The second major limitation of Bernoulli's
theory was that it provided no method for assigning utilities to non
monetary outcomes. How, for example, can the logarithmic function be used
to assign utilities to the outcomes of a game of Russian roulette? The answer
is that it cannot. Similarly, recalling the examples presented in chapter 1,
Bernoulli's theory provides no way of assigning interval-scale utilities to
preserving one's chastity and saving one's brother's life, increasing a market
share, or even to avoiding a collision in a corridor. But in order to solve such
games we often need utilities that are measured quantitatively on an
interval scale, and we shall also be needing interval-scale utilities for solving
certain classes of two-person and multi-person games. Fortunately, a
brilliant solution is at hand.
John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern (1947) rehabilitated the
concept of utility by proposing a completely new theory that suffered from
neither of the defects of the old one. The essential ideas are simple, and the
theory is remarkably flexible (for a review of later theoretical developments,
see Fishbum, 1988). Von Neumann and Morgenstern's utility theory is based
on the assumption that a player can express a preference (or indifference),
not only between any pair of outcomes, but also between one outcome and
a lottery between a different pair of outcomes. To give a concrete
interpretation of these ideas, consider once again the imaginary television
quiz game outlined in section 2.3. For von Neumann and Morgenstern's
utility theory to work, a player must be able to express a preference (or
indifference) between any pair of outcomes - prizes of £1000, £900, £300,
£150, and nothing - and also between such pairs as the following:
(1) £300 for certain; or
(2) a 50:50 lottery between £1000 and nothing.
If the player turns out to prefer (2) to (1), then a new choice can be offered
between a fixed amount of money larger than £300 and (2). It is reasonable
to assume that there is some amount that the player will consider no less and
no more desirable than (2). It is then possible to convert the monetary
outcomes of the game into utilities, provided only that the player's
preferences are consistent. If the amounts involved are not too large, then it
is very likely that the player's utilities will be directly proportional to the
monetary values, because most people value £4 twice as much as £2, and £3
three times as much as £1, and this linear relation will be reflected in their
preferences between fixed amounts and lotteries. When large amounts are
involved, however, this linear relationship between utility and cash value is
likely to break down or at least bend, because £100 million does not seem
twice as desirable as £50 million to most people.
Von Neumann and Morgenstern succeeded in proving two things about
utilities that are determined in this way. First, it is always possible in
One-person games 21
very simple games of this type, experimental subjects have tended to choose
strategies that are manifestly non-optimal. Humphreys's (1939) light
guessing experiment is a classic in the field, and many later experiments
were modelled on it (e.g. Goodnow, 1955; Ofshe and Ofshe, 1970; Siegel and
Goldstein, 1959; Siegel, Siegel, and Andrews, 1964). In these experiments,
the subjects were typically seated in front of two light bulbs and asked to try
to predict which of the two would light up on each trial. The bulbs were, in
fact, lit up in a random pattern according to probabilities fixed in advance,
for example, 80 per cent for the left-hand bulb and 20 per cent for the right
hand bulb. Subjects typically began by distributing their guesses roughly
equally between the two options. After a number of trials they usually began
to increase the frequency of choosing the bulb that was being lit up more
often. After very many trials, by which time the subjects had enough
information to judge the probabilities reasonably accurately and were
therefore playing a game of chance involving pure risk, most subjects settled
into a non-optimal matching strategy. In other words, they tended to choose
strategies with probabilities approximately equal to the probabilities with
which the bulbs lit up, for example 80 per cent left and 20 per cent right in
the case mention above. This is clearly non-optimal because the probability
of a correct guess is maximized by choosing the more frequently illuminated
bulb on every single trial. This optimal strategy obviously yields 80 per cent
correct guesses, whereas the matching strategy yields a probability of only
(.8)(.8) + (.2)(.2) of being correct, that is, 68 per cent correct guesses. These
and other similar experiments provide vivid illustrations of irrational
human behaviour in games of chance involving pure risk. A thought
provoking critical review of expected utility (EU) theory has been provided
by Frisch and Clemen (1994); see also the reviews of behavioural decision
research by Einhorn and Hogarth (1988), Kahneman and Tversky (1982),
Rapoport (1989), Slovic, Fischhoff, and Lichtenstein (1977) and Poulton
2.5 Uncertainty
post. The cost of normal postage is negligible, but for an additional £5 she
can register the parcel; if it is then lost, the Post Office will reimburse the
£200 that she would have been paid for the article.
If the journalist chooses to register the parcel, then she loses £5 in postal
registration charges but receives £200 either from the Post Office (if the
parcel is lost) or from the magazine (if it is delivered safely). If she chooses
not to register it, she receives nothing if it is lost and £200 with no postal
registration charge to pay if it is delivered safely. The journalist's monetary
payoffs in each of the four possible outcomes, determined by her own and
Nature's strategy choices, are most neatly displayed in what is called a payoff
matrix (Matrix 2.1).
It is possible, of course, that the figures in the payoff matrix do not
accurately reflect the journalist's utilities, because there may be other
Matrix 2.1
Journalist's Dilemma
Lose Deliver
2.5.2 Maximax
2.5.3 Maximin
that can result from each possible strategy choice. The final step involves
choosing the strategy associated with the best of these worst possible
outcomes, thereby maximizing the minimum payoff, hence the name. In the
journalist's dilemma, the maximin principle obviously leads her to choose the
strategy of registering the parcel, because the minimum payoff in that row
is 195, which is better than the minimum of 0 if she does not register it.
Whereas the maximax principle is ultra-optimistic, the maximin principle
could be said to be ultra-pessimistic, because it amounts to choosing the best
of the worst possible outcomes based on the assumption that whatever
strategy is chosen, the worst will happen. It is essentially a conservative
method of maximizing security rather than of trying to get the most out of
the game by taking chances. This can be seen most clearly in a payoff matrix
such as Matrix 2.2.
Matrix 2.2
0 1000
1 1
According to the maximin principle, the player should in this case choose
the strategy corresponding to the second row, labelled B, which guarantees
a minimum payoff of 1 unit, rather than A, which risks a zero payoff but
offers the possibility of a huge reward. In fact, no matter how large the top
right-hand matrix element might be, a player guided by the maximin
principle would never choose A,
The pessimistic policy of anticipating the worst may be quite sensible
when a great deal is at stake, or where the player's prime consideration is to
avoid the worst outcomes at any cost. It is the principle governing statistical
decision-making, where the primary consideration is to avoid a Type I error
(concluding that an effect is real when it may be due to chance) rather than
a Type II error (concluding that it is due to chance when it is in fact real). But
it does not seem intuitively reasonable to adopt this policy for all decisions
under uncertainty, as we shall now see.
Consider the maxim "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". An inter
pretation of this maxim in game theory terms is provided by a consideration
of what would happen if it were applied in industry to decide when to
devote funds to research and product development (see Moore, 1980, pp.
28 Background
Support R&D r- c -c
Neglect R&D 0 0
This principle was first advanced by Savage (1951). Many decision theorists
consider it to be the soundest method of solving problems involving
decisions under uncertainty, because it is neither too optimistic nor too
pessimistic, and it combines the best aspects of other approaches, but it
contains a subtle though fatal flaw.
Savage's ingenious idea was to transform the original payoff matrix into
a regret matrix (sometimes called a loss matrix). Each element of the regret
One-person games 29
Notice that every element of the regret matrix is either positive or zero.
This is the case even if some or all of the original payoffs are negative - there
is no such thing as negative regret. The minimax regret principle for making
decisions under uncertainty is as follows. Choose the strategy that
minimizes the maximum possible regret. If the journalist registers the parcel,
then the maximum regret (the largest element in the top row of the regret
matrix) is £5, and if she does not register it, then the maximum regret (in the
bottom row) is £195. According to the minimax regret principle, she should
30 Background
According to the minimax regret principle, the player should examine the
maximum in each row of the regret matrix and select the row with the least
of these maxima. The maximum in the top row of the regret matrix is c,
because the cost must be greater than zero, and the maximum in the bottom
row is r - c on the reasonable assumption that the cost of R&D (c) is less
than the return if it succeeds (r) so that r - c is greater than zero. The player
should therefore support R&D if c is less than r-c, which is equivalent to c
being less than r/2, and neglect R&D otherwise. In other words, industry
should support research and development if and only if the cost of it is less
than half the potential return. This rule of thumb is, in fact, quite commonly
applied in research management (Moore, 1980, p. 286), although it is
usually justified by experience and intuition rather than game theory
Unfortunately, the minimax regret principle suffers from a fatal flaw,
which was exposed by Chemoff (1954). In some cases it violates a condition
of rationality called the independence of irrelevant alternatives. (This condition
reappears in a slightly modified guise in section 6.10 in connection with
bargaining solutions to two-person cooperative games and in section 10.5 in
connection with social choice theory.) The following example is based on
Luce and Raiffa (1957, p. 288). Suppose a customer in a restaurant consults
One-person games 31
the menu and finally decides to order poached salmon. The waiter then
points out helpfully that, although it is not on the menu, roast chicken is also
available. "In that case", says the customer, "Til have the lamb chops". This
behaviour seems irrational, because the addition to the list of the option of
roast chicken seems irrelevant to the customer's preference for poached
salmon over lamb chops. But this strange phenomenon can arise from the
application of the minimax regret principle, as we can see by returning for
the last time to the journalist's dilemma.
The minimax regret principle suggests that the journalist will register the
parcel if she is rational. But suppose that she contemplates a third strategy,
namely to register the parcel and simultaneously to bet a colleague £200 at
even odds that it will be delivered safely. If the parcel is lost, she will then
lose the £5 postal registration charge and will also have to pay her colleague
£200, but the Post Office will reimburse her £200, so she will lose £5 overall.
If the parcel is delivered safely, she will lose the £5 registration charge but
will receive £200 from the magazine and will win another £200 from her
colleague, so that her net gain will be £395. The addition of this new strategy
enlarges the game without affecting the payoffs associated with the original
strategies; the new payoff matrix is the same as the old one with an
additional row joined on to it. The new regret matrix can be calculated in the
usual way, but all the regret values turn out to be quite different. The new
payoff matrix and its regret matrix are shown in Matrices 2.6.
The maximum in the first row of the regret matrix is 200, the maximum in
the second row is 195, and the maximum in the third row is 200. The
minimum of these maxima is 195, and it corresponds to the strategy "Don't
register"! Something very curious indeed has happened, because in the
original formulation of the problem, the journalist's preferred strategy
according to the minimax regret principle was to register the parcel. Once an
additional strategy was added to the list, the strategy that was rejected in the
original analysis emerged as the rational choice.
At an abstract level, this is similar to what happened to the customer in
the restaurant who ordered poached salmon rather than lamb chops but
changed the order to lamb chops on being told that roast chicken was also
available. If this reversal by the restaurant customer seems irrational on the
grounds that the availability of the third alternative is irrelevant to the
customer's relative preferences between the other two, then exactly the
same can be said of the journalist. The minimax regret principle has fallen
foul of the independence of irrelevant alternatives, and it is therefore
considered to be suspect by many decision theorists.
Games of chance involving uncertainty are evidently more intractable
than those involving mere risk. When probabilities cannot be assigned to the
outcomes, the principle of expected utility maximization, which provides
compelling solutions to risky decisions, cannot be applied meaningfully.
Four decision rules designed to generate rational decisions under uncer
tainty have been examined, and they have all been found wanting. Others
have been advanced from time to time, but none is entirely watertight. In
fact it was proved many years ago (Milnor, 1954) that no decision rule can
satisfy all of the criteria, of which the independence of irrelevant alternatives
is one, that one would require of a completely convincing solution to the
2.6 Summary
Section 2.1 drew attention to the existence of the class of one-person games
in which a solitary decision maker is pitted against Nature, and it was
pointed out that analyses of these games are based on ideas that crop up in
the solution of more complicated games involving two or more decision
makers. Section 2.2 discussed decisions under certainty, which are called
games of skill, and section 2.3 decisions under risk. The superficially
plausible principle of expected value maximization was shown to lead to
difficulties, and in section 2.4 it was shown how the worst of these
difficulties can be overcome by the application of von Neumann and
Morgenstern's expected utility (EU) theory. A method was outlined for
assigning numerical utilities on an interval scale of measurement to games
whose outcomes are essentially qualitative in character. Section 2.5 was
devoted to one-person decisions involving uncertainty rather than risk.
Various decision rules - the principle of insufficient reason, maximax,
maximin, and minimax regret - were examined critically, and all were found
to violate intuitive notions of common sense, although the last two were
found to have some merits. It was pointed out that no entirely satisfactory
decision rule is possible.
Coordination games and the minimal
social situation
— En voi!
— En voi, en voi…
— Täällä minulla siis ei ole onnea enemmän kuin sitä on ollut
missään muuallakaan! Armollinen neiti ei siis palkinnut minun
palveluksiani, vaikk'en tullut palkintoa hakemaan, kun tulin
pyytämään kättänne, sillä olen tehnyt sen vapaasta tahdosta. Jos te
olisitte vastannut minulle, että annatte sen velvollisuudesta, olisin
minä siitä kieltäytynyt. Missä ei ole hyvää tahtoa, siinä ei ole
onneakaan! Te olette ylenkatsonut minut… mutta Jumala suokoon,
ettette saisi vielä huonompaa kuin minä! Lähden talosta niinkuin
tulinkin enkä ikänä enää palaja. Täällä minua ei pidetä minään.
Sanottu ja tehty! Eläkää onnellisena vaikkapa juuri tuon Kmicicin
kanssa. Ehkä olette minulle vihoissanne juuri siksi, että erotin teidät
miekallani. Koska pidätte häntä minua parempana, niin ette sovi
— Missä?
— Tuolla noin!
— Anna tänne!
Janusz Radziwill,
Birźen ja Dubinkin vojevoda.»
— Kuinka niin?
— Ehkä Ukrainassa?
— Kun ei mitään ollut. Mutta Jumalan kiitos, että sain taas työtä.
Olen jo ikävöinyt taistelutanterille.
— Vai Birźeen?
— Niin.
— Se on minusta kummallista. Vihollinen ei ole saanut
ainoatakaan uutta voittoa ja on vielä kaukana Birźestä, joka sijaitsee
Kuurinmaan rajalla. Ja jos, kuten näkyy, uusia rykmenttejä
muodostetaan, pitäisi riittää väkeä niillekin seuduille, jotka jo ovat
vihollisen hallussa. Kuurinmaalaiset eivät ajattele sotaa meitä
vastaan. He ovat kyllä hyviä sotilaita, mutta heitä on niin vähäisen,
että Radziwill itse voisi kuristaa heidät yhdellä kädellä.
— Naimisiin?…
— Niin juuri! Taidatpa ollakin kosiomatkalla, koska olet noin
— Tunnusta pois…
— Sama.
— Minä juuri.
— On.
— Minne?
— En tiedä.
— En tiedä.