Water Supply and Urban Drainage Unit 2
Water Supply and Urban Drainage Unit 2
Water Supply and Urban Drainage Unit 2
k = constant
Pn = P0 + k(tn – to) Pn = population at some time in the future
P0 = present population
t = the period of projection
For a population survey in a decades based
Pn = Po + n X
Where; Pn = population at some time in the future
P0 = present population
n = no. of decades b/n present and future
For n decade, Pn = P0 (1 + 100 )n
Where; P0 = present population
Pn = the population at the end of n future decades
r = assumed growth rate that can be computed from the past
known population data in the following two ways;
growth rate
Pn = Pn-1 (1+(W – nS)/100
Where Pn = Population after n decades
W = % increase of the population of the present
S = Average decrease in the % increase