Higher K-Groups For Operator Systems: K K K K
Higher K-Groups For Operator Systems: K K K K
Higher K-Groups For Operator Systems: K K K K
1. Introduction 1
Acknowledgements 2
2. Background on operator systems 2
3. δ-gapped K-theory for unital operator systems: K0δ and K1δ 2
3.1. The K0δ -groups 4
3.2. K1δ for unital operator systems 5
4. Higher δ-gapped K-groups and formal periodicity 7
5. Application to the spectral localizer 9
5.1. Example: spectral localizer on the circle 11
Appendix A. Clifford algebras 12
References 13
We continue our quest for a definition of K-theory for operator systems. In a
previous work, we have defined a K0 -group which we proved to be an invariant of
operator systems up to complete order isomorphism. Moreover, we showed that it
is stably equivalent, which by [9] amounts to invariance under Morita equivalence
of unital operator systems.
In this work, we extend this and define higher K-groups. At the same time, with
the applications to the spectral localizer of [12] in mind, we realize the need for a
parameter δ that indicates (and quantifies the size of) a spectral gap in the elements
that represent K-theory classes. This also solves the problem one is facing when
Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Alain Connes and Kristin Courtney for
useful discussions. I am grateful to Yuezhao Li for his suggestions and comments.
The largest real number g > 0 such that (1) holds is called the s-gap of x.
We will write Gδ ( E, n) for all δ-singular elements in Mn ( E), and Hδ ( E, n) for the
δ-singular self-adjoint elements in Mn ( E). We extend this definition of δ-singular
to the limiting case δ = 0 to be those elements for which (1) holds with s = 0; in the
self-adjoint case these are precisely the non-singular hermitian forms considered
previously in [21].
Proposition 3. An element x ∈ Mn ( E) is δ-singular if and only if
s ı E ( x)
ı E ( x∗ ) s
∗ ( E )) for all s ∈ (0, δ ), where ı : E → C ∗ ( E ) is
are invertible elements in M2n (Cenv E env
the C -envelope.
Proof. In [6] the C ∗ -envelope of E is constructed as the direct sum of all boundary
representations (Hσ , σ ):
ıE : E → B(Hσ ).
For this reason we also refer to such elements as being δ-gapped. Moreover, we can
find an explicit lower bound for the s-gap, since
s ı E ( x)
(2) (n) ≥ min{λ : λ ∈ s + Σ x } = min{s, δ − s}
ı E ( x∗ ) s
In the self-adjoint case, we have the following result.
Corollary 5. Let δ > 0. A self-adjoint element x ∈ Mn ( E) is δ-singular iff ı E ( x) has
spectral gap δ, i.e. σ (ı E ( x)) ⊆ (−∞, −δ ] ∪ {0} ∪ [δ, ∞).
Proof. This follows by a similarity transformation:
! !
(n) (n)
s ı E ( x) s + ı E ( x) 0
(n) ∼ (n) .
ı E ( x) s 0 s − ı E ( x)
Indeed, the matrix on the right-hand side is invertible iff ±s ∈
/ σ (ı E ( x)) for all
s ∈ (0, δ ). □
3.1. The K0δ -groups. The K0 -group of non-singular self-adjoint elements has been
treated in detail in [21]; let us consider here the changes when δ-singular, or δ-
gapped self-adjoint elements are considered.
Definition 6. Let δ ≥ 0 and x, x′ ∈ Hδ ( E, n). We say that x ∼n x′ if there exists
xe ∈ Hδ (C ([0, 1]) ⊗ E), n) such that
xe(0) = x; xe(1) = x′
We denote the equivalence class of x ∈ Hδ ( E, n) by [ x]n , and the set of all such equivalence
classes in Hδ ( E, n) by V0δ ( E, n), or, equivalently,
V0δ ( E, n) = Hδ ( E, n)/∼n .
All these sets V0δ ( E, n) for n ≥ 1 are invariants of unital operator systems:
Proposition 7. If E and F are completely order isomorphic then V0δ ( E, n) ∼
= V0δ ( F, n),
for any n ≥ 1.
∗ ( E ) ∼ C ∗ ( F ) via a
Proof. This follows directly from the fact that in this case Cenv = env
unital ∗-isomorphism. □
If we combine this structure at each level n with the direct sum of δ-gapped
self-adjoint elements, we obtain a semigroup structure as follows. Consider the
direct system of sets (V0δ ( E, n), ınm ) where for m ≥ n
(3) ınm : V0δ ( E, n) → V0δ ( E, m)
[ x ]n 7 → [ x ⊕ em−n ]m ,
We denote the direct limit of the direct system (3) by lim V0δ ( E, n). A more explicit
description is given as follows: for x ∈ Hδ ( E, n) and x′ ∈ Hδ ( E, n′ ) we write
x ∼ x′ if there exists a k ≥ n, n′ such that x ⊕ ek−n ∼k x′ ⊕ ek−n′ in Hδ ( E, k). We will
write [ x] E , or simply [ x], for the equivalence class corresponding to x ∈ Hδ ( E, n)
and V0δ ( E) := ⨿n V0δ ( E, n)/∼ for the corresponding set of equivalence classes. The
following is then clear from the definition of the direct limit.
Proposition 8. The set V0δ ( E) is the direct limit lim V0δ ( E, n) of the direct system (3).
Moreover, it is a semigroup when equipped with the direct sum [ x] + [ x′ ] = [ x ⊕ x′ ] and
identity element 0 = [e].
The K0δ -group K0δ ( E) for a unital operator system E is now defined to be the
Grothendieck group of V0δ ( E); we will refer to it as the δ-gapped K0 -group of E. In
[21] we have shown that for δ = 0, that is, for non-singular self-adjoint elements,
this group coincides with the C ∗ -algebraic K0 -group in the case of a C ∗ -algebra,
that it behaves well with respect to direct sums, and that it is invariant under
Morita equivalence of unital operator systems. For later use, we record the fol-
lowing result also in the case of general δ ≥ 0. The proof follows mutatis mutandis
from that of [21, Theorem 18]
Proposition 9 (Stability of K0δ ). Let E be a unital operator system, δ > 0, and let N be a
natural number. Then V0δ ( E) is isomorphic to V0δ ( MN ( E)) (and so are the corresponding
K0δ -groups).
3.2. K1δ for unital operator systems. For the analogue of K1 for operator systems
we drop the assumption of being self-adjoint, and consider δ-singularity in the
sense of Definition 2, or, in view of Corollary 4, the presence of a spectral gap of
size δ. Let us start with some motivating examples.
Example 10. (i) (Almost unitaries and quantitative K-theory) In [16] the quantitative
K1 -group of a filtered C ∗ -algebra A = ( Ar ) was defined in terms of ε-r-unitaries,
i.e. elements u ∈ Mn ( Ar ) such that ∥u∗ u − 1∥, ∥uu∗ − 1∥ < ε. This implies that
0 u
> (1 − ε).
u∗ 0
In other words, the spectrum of the matrix on the left-hand side has spectrum con-
tained in (−∞, −δ ] ∪ [δ, ∞) for all δ < (1 − ε)1/2 . We conclude that u ∈
Gδ ( Ar , n) for all those δ (including δ = 0).
(ii) (Unitaries in operator spaces and systems) In [4] unitaries in operator spaces and
operator systems where characterized. These turn out to be unitaries in matrices with
entries in the C ∗ -envelope, so that we find that they define elements in Gδ ( E, n) as
long as 0 ≤ δ < 1.
(iii) (The odd spectral localizer) The odd spectral localizer [12] is defined in terms of a
spectral compression x = PTP of an invertible element T in a C ∗ -algebra A ⊆ B(H)
by a projection in H. We then have
2 ∗ 2 2
[ P, T ][ P, T ∗ ]
0 x TT
(4) =P P+P P
x∗ 0 0 T∗ T 0 [ P, T ∗ ][ P, T ]
Since T is invertible, it is bounded below by some g > 0; the same applies to T ∗ .
Consequently, we find from (4)
0 x
≥ ( g2 − η2 ) P
x∗ 0
in terms of η = ∥[ P, T ]∥. So, provided δ < ( g2 − η2 )1/2 and η < g we find that
x ∈ Gδ ( PAP, 1).
(iv) (Toeplitz matrices) Consider the unitary u given by the bilateral shift operator ℓ2 (Z).
If we compress this with a projection onto spanC {e1 , . . . en } in terms of the canonical
orthonormal basis of ℓ2 (Z), we obtain the following Toeplitz matrix:
0 1 ··· ··· 0
0 0 1 · · · 0
PuP = ... ... . . . . . . 0
0 0 · · · 0 1
0 0 ··· 0 0
This is a candidate for index pairings in the spectral localizer (for the circle, [12, 10]),
and as such we expect it to represent an element in the Toeplitz operator system. Note
that even though u is invertible, PuP is not invertible (in fact, for this case we have
g = η = 1 in the previous example). However, the eigenvalues of
s PuP
Pu∗ P s
are shifted from those of PuP to become equal to −1 + s, s, 1 + s. Hence, PuP is
δ-singular provided 0 < δ < 1.
Definition 11. Let δ ≥ 0 and x, x′ ∈ Gδ ( E, n). We say that x ∼n x′ if there exists an
element xe ∈ Gδ (C ([0, 1]) ⊗ E), n) such that
xe(0) = x; xe(1) = x′
We will write V1δ ( E, n) = Gδ ( E, n)/∼n for the set of equivalence classes of elements in
Gδ ( E, n).
Remark 12. Let us come back to the parameter δ in the definition of δ-singularity (Def-
inition 2). In fact, we could have set δ = 0 from the start (as we did with hermitian
forms in [21]) and have simply considered all invertible elements in ı E ( E) ⊆ Cenv∗ ( E ) up
to homotopy equivalence. However, in most cases of interest —including the applications
to the spectral localizer (cf. Example 10.iv and Section 5 below)— such an invariant be-
comes trivial. Indeed, if E has a finite-dimensional C ∗ -envelope Md (C) then we claim that
ı E ( E) ∩ Md (C)× is contractible to the point ı E (e) = Id (and the same applies to Mn ( E)).
Namely, for any x ∈ ı E ( E) ∩ Md (C)× choose z ∈ S1 so that no eigenvalue of x lies on
the ray through the origin and z (since x has finitely many eigenvalues, this is always
possible). For any t ∈ [0, 1] we define γ (t) = tx + z(1 − t)Id . Then det γ (t) = 0 iff
z(1 − 1/t) is an eigenvalue of x. By our choice of z we find that det γ (t) ̸= 0 for all
t ∈ [0, 1]. Moreover, since complex linear combinations of x and Id are contained in ı E ( E)
it follows that the path γ (t) is contained in ı E ( E) ∩ Md (C)× . More generally, we may
conclude that ı E ( Mn ( E)) ∩ Mnd (C)× is contractible to a point for any n ≥ 1.
Again, we have the following invariance properties of the sets V1δ ( E, n):
Proposition 13. If E and F are unital operator systems. If φ : E → F is a ucp map for
which there exists a ∗-homomorphism φ
e that makes the following diagram commute,
(5) E /F
ıE ıF
∗ ( E) / Cenv
∗ ( F)
It would be interesting to develop this theory further for graded operator sys-
tems, similar to [19, 20], however, we will focus here on the ungraded case. For
this, we will exploit the graded Clifford algebras (cf. Appendix A) to connect to
our previous definitions of V0δ and V1δ . Let E be an ungraded unital operator sys-
tem, and consider the tensor product E ⊗ Cl p . Given the structure of the Clifford
algebras as matrix algebras, the operator system structure of this tensor product is
unambiguous, and so is the grading on it.
V pδ ( E, n) := V
b δ ( E ⊗ Cl p , n )
The higher δ-gapped K-theory groups Kδp ( E) of a unital operator system E are defined
as the Grothendieck groups of the corresponding direct limits V pδ ( E) := lim V pδ ( E, n),
equipped with direct sum as the additive operation.
Let us now check that this definition is consistent with that of the invariants
V0δ ( E, n) and V1δ ( E, n) (introduced in Definitions 6 and 11).
For the first case, p = 0, we can indeed identify using Equation (10):
(1) x 0
H δ ( E ⊗ Cl 1 , n ) ∼
= ∈ Hδ ( E, 2n) ∼= Hδ ( E, n).
0 −x
The last isomorphism follows from the fact that there is a similarity transformation
between the following matrices:
s 0 x 0
s 0 − x ∼ s x ⊗ I2
x 0 s 0 x s
0 −x 0 s
Upon taking the homotopy equivalence classes, we find agreement with Definition
6. Note that such a doubling has also been considered in the definition of K-theory
of ungraded Banach algebras in [19, Remark 2.13(iv)].
Proposition 20, in combination with the stability of K0δ and K1δ (Proposition 9
and 16), then yields the following periodicity result:
Theorem 21. Let ( E, e) be an ungraded unital operator system and let δ ≥ 0. Then
δ ( E ) ∼ Kδ ( E ) and Kδ ∼ δ
K2m = 0 2m+1 ( E ) = K1 ( E ).
We use the term ’generalized’ to distinguish it from the even and odd spectral
localizer consider in [7]. However, they are not unrelated:
Remark 23. Note that if we set s = 0 in the odd case (so that D0 = D) we obtain (twice)
the odd spectral localizer Lκodd introduced in [12]:
odd ⊕2 odd κD x
Lκ ( D, x, s = 0) ∼ ( Lκ ) ; Lκ = ,
x∗ −κD⊕n
that is, up to a similarity transformation.
In the even case, we will instead consider pairings with self-adjoint elements x ∈
Hδ (E , n) in which case we find for s = 0 the even spectral localizer Lκeven of [13]:
κ ( D0 ) ⊕ n
even ⊕2 even x
Lκ ( D, x, s = 0) ∼ ( Lκ ) ; Lκ =
κ ( D0∗ )⊕n −x
In general, the shift s ∈ (0, δ ) is crucial in order to define the spectral localizer
at the level of the operator systems, even though in some cases it may be set to
zero (cf. Section 5.1 below).
Proposition 24. Let ( E, H , D ) be a finite-dimensional operator system spectral triple.
Let x ∈ Gδ (E , n) and let s ∈ (0, δ ) and write gs = min{s, δ − s}. Then the signature of
the generalized spectral localizer,
Sig(Lκ ( D, x, s)),
is constant in the (κ, s)-region defined by 0 < κ < g2s ∥[ D, x]∥−1 and 0 < s < δ, and
invariant under homotopy equivalence. Consequently, we have an induced map IndδD :
V1δ (E , n) → Z given by
IndδD ([ x]) = lim Sig(Lκ ( D, x, s)),
κ,s→0 4
where the limit is taken in the above region.
In the even case, we take x ∈ Hδ (E , n) whence the induced map is IndδD : V0δ (E , n) →
Proof. Without loss of generality we take n = 1 and compute very similar to [13]
κ 2 D0 D0∗ 0 s x 0 −κ [ D0 , x]
0 κ 2 D0 D0∗ x∗ s −κ [ D0 , x∗ ] 0
Lκ ( D, x, s)2 =
0 κ [ D0 , x ] κ 2 D0∗ D0 0 s x
κ [ D0 , x ] 0 0 2 ∗
κ D0 D0 x∗ s
(7) ≥ g2s − κ ∥[ D, x]∥ 1 M4 ( B(H)) .
In order to see that Sig(Lκ ( D, e, s)) = 0 consider (in the odd case) an orthonormal
eigensystem {vλ }λ of D in H so that Dvλ = λvλ . We may write the matrix of
Lκ ( D, x, s) in this eigensystem as
s 1 κλ 0
1 s 0 κλ
(8) ⟨vλ , Lκ ( D, x, s)vλ′ ⟩ =δλλ′
κλ 0 −s −1 ,
0 κλ −1 −s
which has set of eigenvalues {± (1 ±′ s)2 + κ 2 λ 2 } so that the signature of the
spectral localizer vanishes.
In the even case, we consider instead an eigensystem {vλ = (v+ λ , vλ )}λ in H+ ⊕
− + ± ±
H− such that D0 vλ = λvλ and γvλ = ±vλ . Again, we find that the matrix of
Lκ ( D, x, s) in this eigensystem is given by (8) so that the signature of the spectral
localizer vanishes.
Consider now a homotopy xe in Gδ ( E, n) (or in Hδ ( E, n) in the even case) be-
tween x = xe(0) and x′ = xe(1) with s-gap ≥ gs . By a computation similar to the
one in Eq. (7) we find that
Lκ ( D, xe, s)2 ≥ g2s − κ sup ∥[ D, xe(t)]∥
The main result of [12] (cf. Eq. (9) and the discussion following it) can now be used
to show that for suitable N, κ there exists g > 0 so that the generalized spectral
localizer satisfies Lκ,N,s ≥ g2 for any s < δ, including s = 0. As such, the signature
can be computed by setting s = 0, so that
1 1
Sig Lκ,N,s=0 = Sig Lκ,N ,
Ind PN DPN ([ PN uPN ]) =
4 2
where as in Remark 23 we have written Lk,N,0 = Lκ,N ⊕ Lκ,N in terms of
Lκ,N =
The main result of [12] states that Ind( PD uPD ) = 21 Sig Lκ,N so that we deduce that
Ind( PD uPD ) = Ind PN DPN ([ PN uPN ])
In Figure 1 we illustrate the resulting signature by showing the negative and
positive eigenvalues of Lκ,N . We find already for low N that the spectral localizer
is equal to (twice) the winding number of u.
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