PBL - English PBL Media Rubric

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Project-Based Learning: The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Rubric

Exemplary Proficient Accomplis Developin Emerging Incomplet

Criteria Novice (2)
(7) (6) hed (5) g (4) (3) e (1)
es a
ng of the
key Demonstrat Demonstrat Identifies
historical es a strong es a good some
the Fails to
events and understandi understandi historical Shows
historical demonstra
their impact ng of the ng of the events minimal
context and te an
on the key historical related to understandi
key events, understand
conflict, historical context, the conflict ng of the
but ing of the
including events and including but lacks historical
Understan analysis is historical
the Balfour their key events. depth in context and
ding of limited. context or
Declaration, impact on Provides understandi key events.
Historical Mentions key
the the some ng their Little to no
Context the events. No
establishme conflict. analysis of significanc discussion
Palestinian discussion
nt of Israel, Discusses their e. Limited of the
refugee of the
and the Six- the impact and discussion Palestinian
crisis Palestinian
Day War. Palestinian the of the refugee
without refugee
Analyzes refugee Palestinian Palestinian crisis.
much crisis.
the crisis refugee refugee
significance effectively. crisis. crisis.
of the
crisis with
nuance and
Analysis of Provides a Analyzes Explores Discusses Presents a Demonstrat Fails to
Perspective sophisticate perspective perspective perspective limited es a address
s and d analysis s and s and s and understandi superficial perspectiv
Narratives of diverse narratives narratives narratives ng of understandi es and
perspective from both from both from either perspective ng of narratives
s and Palestinian Palestinian the s and perspective or the role
narratives and Israeli and Israeli Palestinian narratives, s and of media
from both viewpoints, viewpoints, or Israeli with narratives, and
Palestinian using using some viewpoint, minimal with no use propagand
and Israeli primary primary with use of of sources. a.
viewpoints, and and limited use sources. Little to no
drawing secondary secondary of sources. Minimal discussion
insightful sources sources. Mentions discussion of the role
Exemplary Proficient Accomplis Developin Emerging Incomplet
Criteria Novice (2)
(7) (6) hed (5) g (4) (3) e (1)
to primary
secondary Recognizes
Discusses the role of
sources. the role of of the role
the role of media and of media
Critically media and of media
media and propaganda and
evaluates propaganda and
propaganda in shaping propaganda
the role of in shaping propaganda
in shaping public .
media and public .
public opinion.
propaganda opinion.
in shaping
Examinati Provides a Examines Identifies Describes a Mentions a Demonstrat Fails to
on of Key comprehens the key key issues limited few issues es a address
Issues and ive and issues and and number of and superficial the key
Challenges nuanced challenges challenges issues and challenges understandi issues and
examinatio facing the facing the challenges facing the ng of the challenges
n of the Palestinian- Palestinian- facing the conflict, issues and facing the
complex Israeli Israeli conflict, but lacks challenges Palestinian
issues and conflict, conflict, with depth in the facing the -Israeli
challenges such as such as minimal discussion. conflict, conflict.
facing the land land discussion with little
Palestinian- disputes, disputes of their to no
Israeli settlements and the impact and discussion
conflict, , and the peace potential of their
such as land peace process. solutions. impact or
disputes, process. Provides potential
settlements, Discusses some solutions.
and the the impact discussion
peace of these of their
process. issues and impact and
Analyzes potential potential
the impact solutions. solutions.
of these
issues on
the lives of
and Israelis,
Exemplary Proficient Accomplis Developin Emerging Incomplet
Criteria Novice (2)
(7) (6) hed (5) g (4) (3) e (1)
to achieving
research Conducts
using a research
wide range using Conducts
using a
of reliable multiple research Demonstrat
variety of
sources, sources, using a Conducts es a lack of
including including limited minimal research,
sources, Fails to
books, books, number of research, relying on
including conduct
articles, articles, sources, relying very few or
Quality of books, any
documentar and online mostly primarily unreliable
Research articles, meaningfu
ies, and resources. online on online sources.
and and online l research
online Demonstrat resources. sources. Analysis is
Analysis resources. or provide
resources. es a good Analysis is Analysis is poor, and
Demonstrat any
Demonstrat level of somewhat basic, and conclusions
es a strong analysis.
es a analysis superficial, conclusions are missing
level of
sophisticate and draws and are limited. or
d level of some conclusions irrelevant.
and draws
analysis, relevant are limited.
drawing conclusions
insightful .
Quality of Develops a Develops a Develops Develops Develops Develops Fails to
Presentatio visually visually an an an an develop an
n and appealing appealing exhibition exhibition exhibition exhibition exhibition
Exhibition and exhibition that that that that fails to or present
engaging that communica partially minimally effectively the group's
exhibition communica tes the communica communica communica research
that tes the group's tes the tes the te the and
effectively group's research group's group's group's findings.
communica research and research research research
tes the and findings, and and and
group's findings but the findings, findings. findings.
research effectively. visual but the Presentatio Presentatio
and Presentatio appeal and visual n is n is poorly
findings. n is organizatio appeal and disorganize organized
Exemplary Proficient Accomplis Developin Emerging Incomplet
Criteria Novice (2)
(7) (6) hed (5) g (4) (3) e (1)
n is well-
n could be n are
improved. lacking.
informative, organized
Presentatio Presentatio
and and d and lacks and lacks
n is n is
interactive, informative clarity. clarity.
somewhat somewhat
capturing .
informative disorganize
. d and lacks
es strong Demonstrat
collaboratio Demonstrat Demonstrat
collaborati es some Demonstrat
n and es good es minimal
on and collaborati es limited Fails to
teamwork collaborati collaborati
teamwork on and collaborati demonstra
skills, on and on and
skills, teamwork on and te any
including teamwork teamwork
including skills, but teamwork collaborati
effective skills, with skills, with
effective communica skills, with on or
communica some no clear
communica tion and poor teamwork
Collaborati tion, task effective communica
tion and task communica skills.
on and division, communica tion or task
task division tion and Group
Teamwork and conflict tion and division.
division. could be task members
resolution. task Group
Group improved. division. do not
All group division. members
members Some Few group work
members Most group do not
work well group members together
actively members effectively
together members contribute effectively
contribute contribute contribute
and contribute to the .
to the to the to the
contribute to the project.
project and project. project.
to the project.
each other's

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