M02 Read & Interpret Plan and Specification

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Building Electrical installation

Based on November, 2022, Curriculum Version 1

Module Title: - Read and Interpret Plans and

Module code: EIS BEI2 M02 1122
Nominal duration: 70 Hour
Prepared by: BEI Department
November, 2022
Jigjiga, Ethiopia

Somali regional state TVET Bureau wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many
representatives of JPTC trainers and respective industry experts who donated their time and
expertise to the development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM)

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Table of contents page
Table of contents............................................................................................................................ii
LIST OF FIGURE........................................................................................................................iii
LIST OF TABLE..........................................................................................................................iv
Acronym and Abbreviation.........................................................................................................iv
Introduction to the Module...........................................................................................................1
Unit one : Types of drawings and their functions......................................................................2
1.1. Plans and Drawings 2
1.2. Key features and functions of drawing 7
1.3. Recognization of quality requirement of company operation 13
1.4. Environmental Requirement and control 13
Unit two: Renognization of amendments................................................................................18
2.1. Title panel of project documentation 18
2.2. Amendment to specifications of currency information 21
Unit three: Common symbols and abbreviations....................................................................23
3.1. Construction symbols and abbreviations 24
3.2. Location of drawings Symbols and Abbreviations on legend 27
Unit Four: Key features on a site plan......................................................................................42
4.1. Orientation plan with site 43
4.2. Key features of site45
4.3. Service site access, main features, contours, datum of project 46
Unit Five: Identification of project requirements...................................................................50
5.1. Projects’ dimension and nominated location 50
5.2. Environmental control and location of project 55
5.3. Tolerance for ancillary works of project 55

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Unit six: Interpretation of job specifications............................................................................60
6.1. Job Specifications 60
6.2 Project Specifications 62

Figure 1. 1 lay out plan.................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 1. 2 Single-phase control block diagram.............................................................................7
Figure 1. 3 three-phase control block diagram...............................................................................8
Figure 1. 4 pictorial/ architectural diagram...................................................................................8
Figure 1. 5 Circuit/schematic Diagrams.........................................................................................9
Figure 1. 6 A Layout Diagram.......................................................................................................9
Figure 1. 7 wiring diagram...........................................................................................................10
Figure 1. 8 single line diagram.....................................................................................................10
Figure 1. 9 power Riser Diagram.................................................................................................11
Figure 2. 1 laying drawing paper (sheet)......................................................................................19
Figure 3. 1 location of symbols on pictorial plan/diagram...........................................................28
Figure 3. 2 Electrical plan............................................................................................................29
Figure 3. 3 Floor plan location of the furniture, equipment and electrical appliances..................30
Figure 3. 4 Electrical Plan show lighting circuit layout...............................................................30
Figure 3. 5 Circuit 1 interconnects lamps up to the power panel board.......................................31
Figure 3. 6 Circuit 2 interconnects lamps to the power panel board............................................32
Figure 3. 7 Each lamp is controlled by a single pole switches in one switch plate.......................33
Figure 3. 8 Fluorescent lamp controlled from two different locations.........................................34
Figure 3. 9 Each lamp is controlled individually by a single pole switches.................................35
Figure 3. 10 the switches are located near the door for convenient access...................................35
Figure 3. 11 The power layout of the same electrical plan...........................................................36

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Figure 3. 12 Special purpose outlet..............................................................................................37
Figure 3. 13 Electrical panel boards............................................................................................37
Figure 3. 14 Electrical energy distribution (distribution board system).......................................40
Figure 4. 1 site plan..................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 4. 2 Scale.......................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 5. 1 Dimension Lines and Extension Lines..........................................................................51

Table 3. 1 Electrical Graphic Symbols........................................................................................ 25
Table 3. 2 Schedule of load..........................................................................................................38
Table 3. 3 Computation of schedule load.....................................................................................39
Table 3. 4 note and specification................................................................................................. 40

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Acronym and Abbreviation
MCC Motor control center
DB Distribution Board
TP True Positive
N Neutral
FA Fire Alarm
LPSE Laser plasma simulation environment
LP Lightning Protection
PP Power Panel
M.R machine room
ISO International Standards Organization
CAD Computerized Architected Design
EEPCO Ethiopian Electric power co-orporation
KWH KiloWatt hour
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
Pmax Maximum Power
2-D Two dimensional drawing
3-D Three dimensional drawing
THHN Thermoplastic High Heat –resistant Nylon-coated
LO Lighting outlet
ACU Air conditioning Unit

CO Convenience outlet

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Introduction to the Module
This module is designed to meet the industry requirement under the Building Electrical
Installation level II occupational standard, particularly for the unit of competency: Read and
Interpret Plans and Specifications which covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
read and interpret plans and specifications relevant to construction operations. It includes the
identification of types of plans and drawings and their functions, the recognition of commonly
used symbols and abbreviations, the identification of key features and specifications on a site
plan, the comprehension of written job specifications and the recognition of document status and
amendment detail.
This module covers the units:
1. Types of drawings and their functions
2. Recognization amendments
3. Common symbols and abbreviations
4. Key features on a site plan
5. Identification of project requirements
6. Interpretation of job specifications
Learning Objective of the Module
 Identify types of drawings and their functions
 Recognize amendments
 Recognize commonly used symbols and abbreviations
 Locate and identify key features on a site plan
 Identify project requirements
 Read and interpret job specifications
Module Instruction
For effective use this modules trainees are expected to follow the following module instruction:
1. Read the information written in each unit
2. Accomplish the Self-checks at the end of each unit
3. Perform Operation Sheets which were provided at the end of units
4. Do the “LAP test” giver at the end of each unit and
5. Read the identified reference book for Examples and exercise

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Unit one : Types of drawings and their functions
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
1.1. plans and drawings
1.2. Key features and functions of drawing

1.3. Reorganization of quality requirement of company operation

1.4. environmental requirement of drawing from job plan
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the above content coverage
and topics. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Identify plans and drawings
 Identify Key features and functions of drawing.

 Recognize quality requirement of company operation.

 Identify environmental requirement of drawing from job plan

1.1. Plans and Drawings

The term "plan" may casually be used to refer to a single view, sheet, or drawing in a set of
plans. Plans are a set of drawings or two-dimensional diagrams used to describe a place or
object, or to communicate building or fabrication instructions. Usually plans are drawn or
printed on paper, but they can take the form of a digital file. More specifically a plan view is
an orthographic projection looking down on the object, such as in a floor plan.
The process of producing plans, and the skill of producing them, is often referred to as technical
drawing. A working drawing is a type of technical drawing, which is part of the documentation
needed to build an engineering product or architecture. Typically in architecture these could
include civil drawings, architectural drawings, structural drawings, mechanical
drawings, electrical drawings, and plumbing drawings. In engineering, these drawings show all
necessary data to manufacture a given object, such as dimensions and angles.
Plans are often for technical purposes such as architecture, engineering, or planning. Their
purpose in these disciplines is to accurately and unambiguously capture all the geometric
features of a site, building, product or component. Plans can also be for presentation or
orientation purposes, and as such are often less detailed versions of the former. The end goal of

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plans is either to portray an existing place or object, or to convey enough information to allow a
builder or manufacturer to realize a design.
Drawing or drafting is known to be one of the basic languages of technology, namely math,
science and drawing. Through this application a technology task can be performed correctly.
Examples of it is the schematic diagram of a circuit for electronics technician & electrician,
detailed plan of an object for carpenters and machinist, technical and floor plans for carpenters
and construction workers.
Although drafting is sometimes accomplished by a project engineer, architect - or even by shop
personnel such as a machinist - skilled drafters (and/or designers) usually accomplish the task
and are always in demand to some level. But basically it must be a common competency for all
technical workers in order to interpret the task to be performed and could prepare one to describe
other details of the task to be performed to other co-workers.
The building of any structure is described by a set of related drawings that give the Builder a
complete, sequential, graphic description of each phase of the construction process. In most
cases, a set of drawings begins by showing the location, boundaries, contours, and outstanding
physical features of the construction site and its adjoining areas. Succeeding drawings give
instructions for the excavation and disposition of existing ground; construction of foundations
and superstructure; installation of utilities, such as plumbing, heating, lighting, air conditioning,
interior and exterior finishes; and whatever else is required to complete the structure.
The engineer works with the architect to decide what materials to use in the structure and the
construction methods to follow. The engineer determines the loads that supporting members will
carry and the strength qualities the members must have to bear the loads. The engineer also
designs the mechanical systems of the structure, such as the lighting, heating, and plumbing
systems. The end result is the architectural and engineering design sketches.
Types of drawings
There are many types of construction drawings. These drawings are all necessary for a building
to be built correctly.
The main types of drawings are
 architectural,  sanitary
 engineering,  hydraulic and mechanical
 electrical,

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Reading and interpreting plans
 An architect usually designs the shape and construction of a house.
 He prepares the construction plans, which provide the technical information required to
build the house.
 Masons and carpenters build the walls, floors, ceilings, doors, windows and the roof of a
 The sanitary installations such as the water pipes, the sanitary fixtures and the sewage pipes
are installed by a plumber and the electrical installation providing illumination and
electrical power is installed by a building electrician.
 As the electrical installation of a house is designed to suit its shape and construction, a
building electrician must be able to read and interpret those construction plans, which are
used to prepare the electrical installation plan. The layout plan shows also the place of each
room in the house
1. Bedroom 5. Entrance
2. Bathroom 6. Toilet
3. Kitchen 7. Storeroom
4. Dining and living room 8. Corridor

Figure 1. 1 lay out plan

The detailed measurement of the building and its rooms, walls, doors and windows are provided
by the measurement plan. Using the metric system, the measurement should be given in
centimeters (cm).
Electrical Drawing

This type of drawings provides the details and location of electrical wiring, fixtures, sub-station
etc. The electrical load calculation is also given in the drawing. Electrical drawings, sometimes
referred to as wiring diagrams which are a type of technical drawing that provide visual
representation for describing electrical systems or circuits. They are used to explain
the design to electricians or other workers who will use them to install or repair electrical
Types of Electrical Drawing and Diagrams

There are different types of electrical drawing and diagrams that are used for building electrical
installation and industrial installation. The following are some of the examples:
A block diagram is a type of electrical drawing that represents the principle components of a
complex system in the form of blocks interconnected by lines that represent their relation.
A schematic circuit diagram represents the electrical system in the form of a picture that shows
the main features or relationships but not the details. In a schematic circuit diagram, the
presentation of electrical components and wiring does not entirely correspond to the physical
arrangements in the real device.
Single Line diagram (SLD) or one-line diagram is the representation of an electrical circuit
using a single line. As the name suggests, a single line is used to denote the multiple power lines
such as in 3 phase system.
A diagram showing number of conductors needed accessories and lay out (electrical) symbols of
the accessories.
A wiring diagram is a pictorial representation of an electric circuit, where the elements of the
loop and the signal connections between devices and the power source are shown in the
conventional methods as simplified shapes. A house wiring diagram is thus, a wiring diagram of
a house.
Pictorial diagram does not necessarily represent the actual circuit. In facts it shows the visual
appliance of the circuit in real time. An electrical diagram or drawing is a pictorial form of
presenting an electronic circuit visually.
A ladder or line diagram is a diagram that shows the function of an electrical circuit using
electrical symbols. It is the electrical diagram that represents electrical circuits in the industries
to document control logic system. It does not show the actual locations of the components.
Ladder diagrams allow a person to understand and troubleshoot a circuit quickly.
Logic diagram represents a logic circuit by showing complex circuit and process using various
block and symbols. The logic function are represents by their logic symbols where as blocks are
used to represents complex logic circuits.
Riser diagram is a single line diagram that shows the entire electrical circuit from the service
entrance up to the smallest circuit branch. It shows the size of wire in each branch, size of the
service entrance conductors and the conduit and size of the protective device for the main circuit
breaker and each branch.
Electrical Floor Plan is a vertical representation of various appliances such as light, switch and
fans etc in a building. It specifies their exact location with their size and distance from each wall
and ceiling.
A set of electrical drawings on a project might include:
 A site plan which shows the location of the building and any external wiring.
 Floor plans which show the positions of electrical systems on each floor.
 Wiring diagrams which show the physical connections and layout of electrical circuits.
 Schedules and other information.
Electrical drawings for buildings tend to include the following details:
 How the electrical wires and other parts of the system are interconnected and switched.
 Where fixtures and other components connect to the system.
 Incoming power lines and their voltage, size, capacity and rating.
 Power transformers and their winding connection and means of grounding.
 The main switches, fused switches and tie breakers.
Equipment such as batteries, air conditioning, solar panels, generators, and so on, is including
their voltage and size.
A Tie breaker is normally a breaker that can be closed to connect two separate systems together.
An example is you have two 2000 amp 480 volt MCC panels, each fed from a transformer. If one
transformer fails or is taken out of service for maintenance the Tie breaker can be closed to
provide power to both MCC from the remaining transformer
The Motor Control Center is a fundamental part of the fire safety system. A fire pump supplies
water to a facility’s fire protection piping. If the pump doesn’t run, not only will those
conductors be damaged, but the entire facility will also be in danger of burning down.

1.2. Key features and functions of drawing

Drawing sheets and layout features are standardized. It is essential that certain basic information
be shown on every drawing. While some features may vary slightly, most drawings should have
the following:-
Block diagrams: Block diagrams use very basic geometric shapes: boxes and circles. The
principal parts and functions are represented by blocks connected by straight and segmented
lines illustrating relationships. When block diagrams are used in electrical engineering, the
arrows connecting components represent the direction of signal flow through the system. These
show, using squares, rectangles etc., the sequence of a system without too much technical detail .

Figure 1. 2 Single-phase control block diagram

Figure 1. 3 three-phase control block diagram

Pictorial diagram: For practical reasons, the plan of an electrical .installation is drawn on the
layout plan of the respective construction. It is called the Architectural Diagram. It shows the
electrical installation as seen from below.
To avoid any confusion when reading architectural diagrams, the doors have been omitted from
the layout plans in this learning element. Doors leading to the outside of buildings have been
drawn with door sills only.
The arrow shows the electrical supply to the installation.

Figure 1. 4 pictorial/ architectural diagram

Circuit/schematic Diagrams:
A schematic diagram shows most clearly how a circuit works. All the essential parts and connections are
represented by their graphical symbols. The purpose of a schematic diagram is to help us to understand
the working operation of the circuit. It does not show us how to wire the components. Therefore, it may
not indicate the most convenient way to wire the circuit. These show how a circuit functions and
takes no account of exact locations of terminals or equipment.

Figure 1. 5 Circuit/schematic Diagrams

Layout diagrams:
Layout diagram is a diagram, which shows, the place where electrical components are fixed and
electrical accessories are connected together. It also indicates the number of electrical wires connected
with the accessories in electrical installation. These are very similar to block diagrams, but they
indicate more technical detail and tend to show items in their correct geographical location.

Figure 1. 6 A Layout Diagram

Wiring diagram:
A wiring diagram or connection diagram shows the detailed connections between components or items of
equipment. They do not indicate how a piece of equipment or circuit works. The purpose of a wiring
diagram is to help someone with the actual wiring of the circuit. These indicate how a circuit or
system is physically wired.

Figure 1. 7 wiring diagram

Single-line diagram:
Single-line diagrams show the overall conceptual layout of a circuit. They typically condense
three-phase connections down to single lines for simplicity. Single-line diagrams are where
upper-level details like generators, main transformers, and large motors are shown.

Figure 1. 8 single line diagram

Riser diagram:
The riser diagram is the illustration of the physical layout of electrical distribution in a
multilevel building using a single line. It shows the size of conduits, wire size, circuit breaker
rating and other electrical devices (rating of switches, plugs, outlets etc) from the point of entry
up to the small circuit branches on each level.

Figure 1. 9 power Riser Diagram

Functions of drawing

Drawing is the act and discipline of composing drawings that visually communicate how
something functions or constructed. Technical drawing is essential for communicating ideas
in industry and engineering. To make the drawings easier to understand, people use
familiar symbols, perspectives, units of measurement, notation systems, visual styles, and page
layout. Together, such conventions constitute a visual language and help to ensure that the
drawing is unambiguous and relatively easy to understand. Many of the symbols and principles
of technical drawing are codified in an international standard called ISO. The need for precise
communication in the preparation of a functional document distinguishes technical drawing from
the expressive drawing of the visual arts. Technical drawings are understood to have one
intended meaning. They are used to explain the design to electricians or other workers who will
use them to help install or repair electrical systems
The electrical installation of a house or building is one of the key points of its structure. It must
comply with a series of regulations and technical specifications that guarantee its installation and
Function provided by building (working) drawing during the realization of the project
 Communicate technical information though out the building team
 To show how to design is to materialize
 Convey information’s for people concerned in erecting the building
 Give information’s to specification writer
 for instructing the contractors and other members of building team
 Means of obtaining official approval.
 Helps in the analysis of cost factor.
 Establish use of materials.
 Provides detail for tendering.
 Indicate contractual committeemen
 Indicate degree of supervision.
 Demonstrate construction details.
 Assist in the measurement of progress.
 Forms parts of documentation in site meetings.
 Establish type and amount of labour requirement.
 Basic for ordering materials and components
1.3. Recognization of quality requirement of company operation
Quality requirement is a common term in project management. In a nutshell, the quality
requirement defines the expectations of the customer for quality, the internal processes as well as
the attributes of products that indicate whether the quality factors are satisfied or not. Quality is
an important factor when it comes to any product or service. With the high market competition,
quality has become the market differentiator for almost all products and services. Therefore, all
manufacturers and service providers out there constantly look for enhancing their product or the
service quality. In order to maintain or enhance the quality of the offerings, manufacturers use
two techniques, quality control and quality assurance. These two practices make sure that the end
product or the service meets the quality requirements and standards defined for the product or the

 Ethiopian standards
 internal company quality policy and standards
 manufacturer specifications, where specified
 Workplace operations and procedures.

1.4. Environmental Requirement and control

 clean-up management
 Waste management
Clean-up management
Cleanup The cleanup of environmental pollution involves a variety of techniques, ranging from
simple biological processes to advanced engineering technologies. Cleanup activities may
address a wide range of contaminants, from common industrial chemicals such as petroleum
products and solvents, agricultural chemicals and metals, to radionuclide.

Waste management
Waste materials that may be generated during demolition and construction include
concrete, steel, aluminum, plasterboard, bricks and tiles, plastic and glass.
Effective construction planning can minimize the production of waste, and appropriate storage
of wastes – particularly suitable source separation of waste materials – can greatly improve
recycling rates and potentially lower disposal fees.
The waste management hierarchy provides a framework to maximize the useful life of materials
when waste cannot be avoided. Waste from construction and building sites should be managed in
accordance with the waste management hierarchy.

All construction projects shall be conducted using established specifications. Environmental

Compliance and Pollution Prevention must be incorporated for all projects. These environmental
compliance and pollution prevention and sustainability actions must be required of every project
to which they apply all facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the criteria
and standards set forth in the authorities cited. All facilities shall comply with local, state, and
Federal regulations and codes applicable to the collection, transmission, and disposal of
waterborne wastes contributing to the sanitary, storm, and industrial waste systems; to the
abatement of airborne emissions; and to the handling of hazardous materials and wastes. When
the possibility of an accidental release of contaminated material or waste exists, adequate
safeguards shall be included in such designs. Due consideration shall be given to applicable
discharge limits.
Control or treatment facilities may be required in order to prevent such accidental or normal
releases. Secondary containment is required for hazardous material storage and hazardous
waste accumulation areas.
The environmental impact and assessment of design, construction, and modification activities
shall be evaluated in the initial planning stages. Requirements governing the preparation and
review of assessments of the environmental impact of Ames activities are contained.
All construction projects shall be conducted using established specifications. Environmental
Compliance Pollution Prevention must be incorporated for all projects handling hazardous
materials and hazardous wastes or creating emissions into the air or water, or onto the land.
These environmental compliance and pollution prevention actions must be required of every
project to which they apply. Construction projects with the potential to impact protected wildlife
species, wetlands, the coastal zone,

Specification for construction

Specifications describe the materials and workmanship required for a development. They do not
include cost, quantity or drawn information, and so need to be read alongside other information
such as quantities, schedules and drawings.
Specifications vary considerably depending on the stage to which the design has been developed,
ranging from performance specifications (open specifications) that require further design work to
be carried out, to prescriptive specifications (closed specifications) where the design is already
Manufacturer’s Specifications
Manufacturer’s specifications contain the precise description for the manner and process for
making, constructing, compounding, and using any items the manufacturer produces. They
should not be referenced or copied verbatim in project specifications but may be used to aid in
preparing project specifications.

Environmental plan
Environmental planning is the process of facilitating decision making to carry out land
development with the consideration given to the natural environment, social, political, economic
and governance factors and provides a holistic framework to achieve sustainable outcomes.
Effective environmental planning requires the effective interaction and overlay between three
components - hardware, software and heart ware. Hardware consists of the physical fabric of a
city - infrastructure, buildings, railway, roads, ports etc.
Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________________

Time started: _______________________ Time finished: ____________________

Instructions: choose the correct Answer all the questions listed below.
1. ----------is contains more information than all the other working drawings
a. Artistic drawing b. Technical drawing c. Floor plans d. Technical drawing
2. -----------------is a universal language which is important to world tread
a. Site Plan b. drawing c. Floor plans d. Artistic drawing
3. -------------is indicate how a circuit or system is physically wired (2pt)
a. Block diagrams b. Layout diagrams c. schematic Diagrams d. Wiring diagram
4. -----------is show, using squares, rectangles etc., the sequence of a system without too
much technical detail? (2pt)
a. Block diagrams b. schematic Diagrams c. Wiring diagram d. Layout diagrams
5. ------are very similar to block diagrams, but they indicate more technical detail and Tend
to show items in their correct geographical location (2pt)
a. Wiring diagram b. Layout diagrams c. Block diagrams d. schematic Diagrams
6. Which factors are affect environmental planning ?(3 point )
a. Social b. political c. economic d. governance e. all
7. Specifications describe the materials and workmanship required for a development. They
do not include?(3 point )
a. cost b. quantities c. schedules d. drawings
8. Specifications describe the materials and workmanship required for a development. They
do include?(3 point )
a. cost b. Quantity c. drawn information D. schedules

Written test

Directions: Give short Answer all the questions listed below.

1. What is important quality requirement?(3 point )
2. What are the two maintain or enhance the quality of the offerings, manufacturers use
techniques?(3 point )
Operation Sheet 1

1.1 Identifying Types of Plans and Drawings in the Construction Sector

Topic: Draw Electrical plan by fire hand


Step1: Prepare yourself for the work

Step2: Prepare all materials, equipments and tools which are needed for the work.

Step3: design the building plan

Step4: locate all site plan Symbols in the site plan paper in proper position

Step5: connect the electrical symbols

Step6: Check your drawing

Step7: Submit you’re drawing to the supervisor

Not the house area is 8cmx10cm =180cm2

Unit two: Renognization of amendments
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
2.1 Title panel of project documentation
2.2 Amendment to specifications of currency information

This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the above content coverage
and topics. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Checking title panel of project documentation.
 Checking amendment to specifications of currency information.

2.1. Title panel of project documentation

A title panel (sometimes called a title block) is found on all drawings. It identifies also gives
some specific information about that particular drawing sheet.
 Title panel at the bottom of the drawing sheet.
 Title panel at the right-hand side of the drawing sheet.
 Title panel is located and what it looks like are decided by the drafting or architectural
 They will usually incorporate company styles, colors and logo.
 Employees creating drawings will be required to follow company procedures by inserting
and completing the title block correctly
Drawing border and title block
Border Line is a line drawn around the inside edge of the paper. Usually this is 10mm (20mm)
from the edge of the paper (left side of the paper) and (from bottom, top and right side of the
paper) 5mm. It is basically a rectangle drawn precisely and inside this rectangle is the design
A title block is normally drawn at the bottom of the paper. Inside the title block is printed
important information such as Name, Title, drawing No, scale and Date. The measurements for
the title block can be seen below (these can vary depending on the type of title block being used).
All the lines are dark with the exception of the guidelines between which the printing is
The border line and title block ensures that the design sheet looks more professional and
includes vital information

Figure 2. 1 laying drawing paper (sheet)

Making a Title Block: Now that we have our page setup prepared, we can make a title block
with a ruler and other geometries in the layout view. You can also import a title block from any
drawing if you have it previously prepared. For the current example, I will import a simple A3
title block from a drawing.
Lay out with title block: You can also make a title block from scratch using simple draw and
modify commands. As an example, make a rectangle with a length of 420 mm and a width of
297 mm along the edges of the layout (the dimensions mentioned here are of an ISO A3 paper).
Offset this rectangle in an inward direction to a distance of 10 mm, and erase the original

Adding Fields to Tile Block: The current title block has only geometries and no fields for
showing information related to the sheet set. To make this title block useful, we will add fields
that can fetch information automatically from the sheet set.

Project documentation: Covers documents created during and for the project itself. Examples
include the overall project vision, the project plans, the schedule, and the risk analysis. The
documentation process has a deeper purpose than merely creating piles of paper.
 Documentation stimulates and structures critical thinking which used in planning the
project's goals, risks, and constraints. The document is the evidence and chronicle of this
critical thinking.
 It provides memory containers for managing a level of detail that cannot be kept in
people's heads. This includes the small details easily overlooked during day-to-day
project work, as well as the larger things easily remembered today, but potentially lost or
forgotten due to the passage of time or critical personnel changes.
 It keeps the team and other stakeholders synced up and informed about project changes,
issues, and progress. In many projects, the documentation is often done late, done poorly,
or not done at all usually because the documentation is perceived as having little or no
value. And, in fact, this is true if the documents are created as an afterthought or a
necessary evil.
Even documents with adequate content will lose value if they are created at the wrong time
during the project, or aren't used in the project management process.
Here are some examples:
Timing: If the project documentation is created at the wrong project stage, it may have little or
no value, even if its content is quite good. Examples: a vision document created late in the
project; a detailed schedule created before the stakeholders have agreed on an overall project
Use: If the plan, vision, or risk analysis documents are created and then rarely or never
referenced, they will likely have little or no value except for generating some initial critical
thinking during their creation. Examples: a risk analysis that isn't referenced to measure
progress on mitigations, or updated with newly discovered risks as they occur; a requirements
document that isn't referenced later as a design completeness checklist.
Content: Inadequate or incomplete content decreases a document's value, even if it is created
on time and used correctly. Examples: a status report for product development that doesn't track
the product costs; a risk analysis that doesn't include risk mitigations.
A key reason for documenting is to reduce the risks in the project. The level of detail in even the
simplest project is simply too great for the human brain to capture, remember, and manage.
Properly done, project documentation is a dynamic, animated extension of the brains of the
stakeholders. It allows us to focus our limited mental processing and decision making on
different areas of the project at different times, without having to keep the entire detailed state of
the project in our heads.
Schedule: is a group of general notes, usually grouped in a tabular form, according to materials
of construction. “General notes” refer to all notes on the drawing not accompanied by a leader
and an arrowhead. Item schedules for doors, rooms, footings, and so on.

2.2. Amendment to specifications of currency information

Amendments after a Standard has been published, new information may be presented to the
committee or errors found in the published document. When this occurs it is usual to issue an
amendment to the Standard. Normally, amendments should not alter more than 10% of the
original document and should not have more than two amendments issued for the one edition of
document. If this is exceeded, a full revision of the document is recommended and a new
edition is typically developed. Amendments are usually only issued in the first two years after
the Standard's publication; any changes after this should be incorporated into a new edition.
Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________________

Time started: _______________________ Time finished: ____________________

Choose the best answer

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

1. Which of the following is a line drawn around the inside edge of the paper? (2 points)
A. border line C. Drawing board
B. Title blocks D. All
2. Which of the following is normally drawn at the bottom of the drawing paper?(2 points)
A. a title blocks C. Timing
B. drawing space D. border line
3. Which of the following is the project documentation created at the wrong project stage?(2
A. title blocks C. drawing sheet
B. drawing space D. border line
4. Which of the following is should not alter more than 10% of the original document?
A. border C. Schedules
B. Amendment D. Timing
5. Which of the following is a group of general notes, usually grouped in a tabular form,
according to materials of construction?
A. Contents C. Timing
B. Amendment D. Schedules

Written test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

1. What Amendments in ensure currency information?(8 point)

Operation Sheet
Checking Title panel of project documentation
Techniques for Free hand sketch electrical plan
Step1: Prepare drawing instruments and materials
Step 2: Clean the drawing table surface.
Step 3: Properly attach drawing paper on the drawing board
Step 4: Prepare drawing boarder line and title block
Step 5: Draw the given drawing without instrument by free hand sketch based on First problem
Step 6: Draw the given drawing with proper instrument based on second problem
Step 7: clean the drawing workshop room
 Problem- 1 based on above steps draws the following electrical plan

Lap test

Practical Demonstration

Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following tasks with in 4 hour.
Task 1. For Free hand sketch electrical plan
Unit three: Common symbols and abbreviations
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:

3.1 construction symbols and abbreviations

3.2 Location of drawings Symbols and Abbreviations on legend
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the above content coverage
and topics. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Recognizing construction symbols and abbreviations
 Locate project drawings Symbols and Abbreviations on legend

3.1. Construction symbols and abbreviations

Construction blueprints, also called construction plans or drawings, are full of abbreviations and
acronyms to save space and neaten the overall appearance of the presentation. Remembering all
of this shorthand can be tricky, especially when this is added to the challenge of reading all the
symbols and interpreting the conventions that might be used by a particular draftsperson or

Symbols: the representation of actual object by some notation which convey the necessary

Electrical Graphic Symbols

Electrical engineers and designers generally follow accepted standards for the basic electrical
and electronic symbols. These electrical symbols can be classified as those used on connection
and interconnection diagrams and those used on elementary or schematic diagrams.
Connection and interconnection symbols represent complete electrical devices such as switch
outlets, receptacle outlets, lighting fixtures or luminaries, and auxiliary systems. These symbols
take the form of relatively simple geometric shapes modified with lines and letters inside or
outside of them. The intent was to create a kind of technical shorthand that could be easily
learned. They were kept simple to reduce the time and expense of preparing drawings,
particularly those used in the field for installation of common off-the-shelf electrical
CAD electrical drafting software has eliminated the chore of reproducing these symbols. The
software contains a library of symbols that can be accessed from a menu, downloaded, and
dragged into position on the face of the screen as needed. The basic symbols can be modified to
fulfill special requirements or identify devices not listed in the standard symbol list. In the past,
symbols were usually drawn by the draftsperson tracing around the inside of geometric cutouts in
templates made of sheet plastic.
As with line conventions, the motivation for using standardized symbols is to eliminate the time
involved in trying to interpret drawings that include unfamiliar proprietary symbols. It is
important that the symbols be easily recognized by all parties involved in an electrical project,
from the designer to the electricians doing the work. As a result, the chances of making costly
mistakes in interpretation are lessened.
Moreover, large architectural and consulting engineering firms with national and international
clients approve of symbol standardization because of the many people of different backgrounds,
languages, and cultures that could be using the drawings. This is especially true of large-scale
new construction projects such as hospitals, power stations, and industrial plants involving many
different contractors.
Table 3. 1 Electrical Graphic Symbols
Electrical abbreviation
Electrical abbreviations are used throughout several industries. These include everything from
automotive and construction to electricity wiring, electronic device repair, electronic device
manufacturing, and telephony. Since it doesn't make sense to write out the full terms every time,
especially under the tight space constraints of many devices and panels, the much shorter
abbreviations are used for various circuits, conduits, sizes, standardized tools, and more. Because
electrical work involves significant cost and/or safety risks, understanding these abbreviations
and acronyms is important for everyone involved.
Switch Outlets
 S Single pole switch  SD Automatic door switch
 S2 Double pole switch  SE Electrifier switch
 S3 Three way switch  SK Key operated switch
 S4 Four way switch  SP Switch and pilot lamp
 SCB Circuit breaker switch  SWP Weatherproof switch
 SWCB Weather proof circuit breaker  SF Fused switch
 SMC Momentary contact switch  SWF Weatherproof fused switch
 SRC Remote control switch

3.2. Location of drawings Symbols and Abbreviations on legend

The drawings will comprise plan view and sections, and the thickness of lines will depend on
the information hierarchy. Outlines and different components drawn with thicker lines alert the
user to key information as the eye scans the entire drawing. The placing of the section on the
drawing sheet should be carefully laid out to minimize search time for the end user.
Identification of materials using standard conventions will complement the annotation and
convey the extent of the materials used in the assembly detail.
The amount of text and dimensions included on the sheet should be just enough to achieve the
purpose of the drawing. For example, a drawing of a substructure detail should not include text
or specification relating to the roof. When placing text and dimensions onto the sheet, it is best to
assist the end user by leaving the drawing area uncluttered. The focal point is the drawn detail.
Once the diagram has been assimilated, further information is sought, with the eye radiating out
form the focus diagram. The diagram should therefore be encircled with dimensions and text,
and the text should be legible, concise and accurate.
Figure 3. 1 location of symbols on pictorial plan/diagram

The below plan shows the following main points.

 The place of each room in the house.

 The layout diagram of the installation
 Various circuit of the installation
 The position of each components
 The path to which the electrical lines are installed on the surface of the walls.
 It shows the various components of the installation
 The sizes of wire to be used
 The number of branch circuit on the distribution board and sub distribution board
 The rating of circuit breaker.
 The power of Electrical installation.
 The lines which comes from EEPCO
Figure 3. 2 Electrical plan
Interpreting Electrical Plan
1. This is the floor plan layout that shows the location of the furniture, equipment and other
electrical appliances. This plan is used by electrical designers as basis for the location of the
convenience outlet, switch outlets, lighting outlets and other special purpose outlet.

Figure 3. 3 Floor plan location of the furniture, equipment and electrical appliances
2. This is a lighting circuit layout. The lighting circuit in this plan divided into two circuit,
circuit 1 and circuit 2 as represented by the symbol circuit home run.

Figure 3. 4 Electrical Plan show lighting circuit layout

3. You will notice that the circuit home run symbol is pointing towards the power panel, to
represent that these circuits are connected to this power panel and each circuit is individually
protected by a circuit protection device.
4. Circuit 1 is composed of two fluorescent lamps and four incandescent lamps. This means
that circuit 1 interconnects these lamps up to the power panel board

Figure 3. 5 Circuit 1 interconnects lamps up to the power panel board

5. Circuit 2 is also composed of two fluorescent lamps and four incandescent lamps. This means
that circuit 2 interconnects these lamps to the power panel board.
Figure 3. 6 Circuit 2 interconnects lamps to the power panel board

6. These two incandescent lamps and 1 fluorescent lamp are controlled by 3-ganged switch.
This means each lamp is controlled by a single pole switches in one switch plate.
Figure 3. 7 Each lamp is controlled by a single pole switches in one switch plate

7. The fluorescent lamp in the kitchen is controlled by two three-way switches in two
different locations.
Figure 3. 8 Fluorescent lamp controlled from two different locations

8. These two lamps are controlled by two-ganged switch. This means that each lamp is
controlled individually by a single pole switches in one switch plate.
Figure 3. 9 Each lamp is controlled individually by a single pole switches

9. These lighting outlets are individually controlled by one-ganged switch. You will notice
that the switches are located near the door for convenient access.

Figure 3. 10 the switches are located near the door for convenient access
10. This is the power layout of the same electrical plan. There are six circuits in this power
layout. Three circuits for small appliance load or sometimes called convenience outlets and
four special purpose outlet

Figure 3. 11 The power layout of the same electrical plan

Fig 2.9 Electrical Plan

11. Every small appliance load circuit in this plan is composed of four duplex convenience
outlets interconnected with each other and guarded by a pair of circuit protection.
12. Special purpose outlet is an outlet that is specially designed to supply special
equipment/appliance like air-conditioning unit (ACU) in the master’s bedroom (circuit no.
7), washing machine/drier in the lavatory (circuit no. 9), refrigerator and electric range in the
kitchen circuit no. 8 and 10 respectively
Figure 3. 12 Special purpose outlet

13. The power panel, KWH meter service entrances are also included in the electrical plan to
show their actual locations.
14. This is one-line diagram of this plan. It indicates single line diagram of lighting and
receptacles panel boards showing mains and branch circuit rating; size of conductors for
feeders, rated voltage and current of each circuit.
Figure 3. 13 Electrical panel boards

15. This is the schedule of load of this plan. It shows the description of each circuit, current,
voltage, size and type of wire, circuit breaker and conduit
Table 3. 2 Schedule of load
Table 3. 3 Computation of schedule load
Lighting receptacle
12 LO @100VA each 1200VA
Small Appliance Load
2 CO circuits @1500VA each 3000VA
Laundry circuit
1 circuit @1500VA each 1500VA
Total 6700VA
Application of Demand Factor
First 300VA@100% Demand Factor 300VA
Remainder @ 35% of (2700VA*35%) 945VA
Total 3945VA
Other Load
1000VA REF@100% DF 1000VA
1.5 HP ACU @100% DF (10A*230V) 2300VA
Range @ 2000VA @100*DF 2000VA
Total Net computed load 9245VA
Service Entrance Conductor
Total Full load Current =
(9245VA+25 %( 2300))/230V)
Use 2.80mm2 and 1.55mm2 THW for Service
Entrance Conductors
Service Equipment =
(9245VA+250% (2300))/230V =65.2A
Use 70 AT, 2-pole, Molded case circuit
This is the general notes and specification of this plan. These indicate nature of electrical service,
voltage, type of wiring to be used, mounting height of receptacle and KWH, Meters, etc. this will
guide the electrician on the specification of electrical installation.

Table 3. 4 note and specification

16. This is the location and site plan; it is included in the plan to show the location of site of
the proposed project. It shows public or well-known streets, landmarks or structures
17. The parts described can be found in a single sheet of standard size electrical plan, but
sometimes these can be drawn in several sheets due to the size and scale used.
18. Mostly, electrical plans particularly the lighting and power layout are drawn in scale of
1:100 meters. This means that 1 unit of measures in the plan equals 100 units in the actual
situation. Example: if a convenience outlet in the plan is measured 1 mm away from the wall;
it is measured 100 mm away from the wall in actual situation.

Figure 3. 14 Electrical energy distributions (distribution board system)

Distribution Board System: This method is a common system adopted by consumers of

domestic installations. The fuses of various sub-circuits are grouped together at a place close to
main switch known as distribution board. One wire is taken from bus bar through a fuse and
neutral is taken from a neutral link. The pair of wires (phase and neutral) taken from main
distribution boards is fed to a final sub-circuit board.
The sub-distribution boards are employed near the load center if the building is large. The cable
feeding the sub-distribution board should be large enough to carry a load of points to be fed from
there. The sub-distribution board installed near the load center is mainly to save cable and to
prevent too great voltage drop.
The number of circuits and sub-circuits are decided on the basis of number of points and load to
be connected to the supply.
Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________________

Time started: _______________________ Time finished: ____________________

Directions: Choose the best answer.
__1.Which one of the following is the abbreviation of galvanized iron sheet? (2 point)
__2. Which one of the following is the abbreviation of weather proof circuit breaker? (2 point)
___3. One of the following is the abbreviation of momentary contact switch? (2 point)
Instructions: match the correct Answer from the following questions column “A” to column
“B”. (2pts each)

Written test

1. Write all the electrical accessories found in the electrical installation from the following plan.
Operation Sheet
Legend is locating on project drawings, and symbols and abbreviations are correctly interpreted
Constructing electrical symbol using Auto CAD
Step1. Prepare yourself for the work
Step2 Prepare all materials, equipments and tools which are needed for the work
Step3 Take the readings from Electrical Symbols
Step4 Set the computer and Auto CAD into operation
Step5 Construct electrical symbols in its proper location
Step6 Check your output and print for submission
Step7 Submit your output for checking
 Problem 1:based on above steps sketch under the given questions and drawing with visual estimate
Unit Four: Key features on a site plan
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:

4.1 Orientation plan with site

4.2 Key features of site
4.3 service site access, main features, contours , datum of project
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the above content coverage
and topics. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Completing orientation plan with site.
 Identifying and locating key features of site.
 Gaining and servicing site access, main features, contours , datum of project

4.1. Orientation plan with site

A construction site plan, also known as a “construction blueprint” or just “blueprint” is a 2-D
drawing (or a set of 2-D drawings) that illustrate all of the details of a construction project. A
comprehensive construction site plan should include the following:
 Dimensions of the construction site, the building that will be constructed and rooms
inside the building.
 Parts that will be used in the construction process, often represented by special symbols
in the legend.
 The location of the construction site, the layout of the building, how rooms will be
oriented, and where parts and materials will be used on the construction site.
 Notes indicating what materials will be used for various applications on the job site.
 Topographical information about the construction site, identifying any hills, slopes or
valleys that could impact construction
 A demolition plan, which describes what structures or features on the construction site
must be demolished before the site can be graded for construction.
 A site utility plan that illustrates the location of existing utility services to the
construction site describes how they will be protected during construction and establishes
how the new building will connect to existing utilities infrastructure.
 An indication of where the foundation for the building will be dug and poured.
Contractors often require more information about a construction site than an architect or designer
could reasonably fit into a single drawing. For this reason, the project design team typically
produces a set of construction site plans and architectural drawings pertaining to a specific
project and indexes them so that they can be easily referenced by the contractor, project
manager, and other stakeholders
A site plan is a large scale drawing that shows the full extent of the site for an existing or
proposed development. Site plans, along with location plans, may be necessary for planning
applications. In most cases, site plans will be drawn up following a series of desk studies and site
Typically, depending on the size of the project, site plans are likely to be at a scale of

1: 500 or 1: 200. However, for very small projects, larger scales may be used, and for
large projects smaller scales, or even several drawings, perhaps pulled together on one very
small scale plan

Figure 4. 1 site plan

Scale: is depicted as a ratio. An example is 1:10, which is spoken as ‘one to 10’ or ‘one in 10’.
This means that at that scale, each millimeter on the drawing represents the 10 millimeters on the
building. The scale of a drawing is chosen so that it can show the builder sufficient detail for the
building to be constructed the way the architect or designer wants.

Interpreting scaled drawings you should always use the written dimensions when getting sizes
from drawings, unless there’s a very good reason not to. On a well-drawn set of drawings, all the
sizes the builder needs will be written somewhere on the drawings. Occasionally, however, if a
required dimension is not written, the tradesperson will need to ‘scale’ from the drawing. This
means that a scale rule is used to measure directly from the drawings.

Figure 4. 2 Scale

Using a scale rule

Scale rules are usually white and made of plastic. They have a different scale printed along each
edge. Some have a single scale per edge, and others have two scales combined on one edge.
Different brands may vary in the way the scales are grouped. A scale rule can be triangular
shaped or flat, like a standard ruler. On the top edge of the rule below, the scales are 1:1 and
1:100, so the dimensions they show differ by a factor of 100
A site plan allows us to:

 Calculate the area and site coverage of the proposed development.

 Calculate the distance from the boundaries to the development.
 View the contours that may be imposed on the land in question.
 View the driveway, storm water drainage, paths, easements and right of carriage
 Identify features that must be preserved e.g. trees, rocks, existing structures
4.2. Key features of site
A key feature of the site can being able to locate the key elements on a plan is critical for the
success of your building construction. The plan will indicate all the critical information
required. These elements may be pictorial, or shown via notes or abbreviations. You will need
to pay attention to all of these elements to be able to properly read and interpret plans. This
topic will help you develop the skills and knowledge to enable you to:

 identify a building site from location drawings

 identify true north and building orientation from details provided on the site plan

 identify and locate key features on a site plan

Locations of the site

A site location plan should contain: A 1:1250 or 1:2500 scale. A red line marked up to show
where planning is sought, or with a blue line to show any other property owned on the plan. A
larger area of land than a 'block plan' (sometimes called a 'site plan'). The general locality of
a site requiring planning consent.
Generally, a site plan should show:
 All existing and proposed structures on the allotment
 Easements, rights of way, driveways, vehicle access points, location of any watercourse
on the property, any adjacent roads and streets
 Allotment boundaries (including dimensions in meters)
 Approximate north point and scale
 Site plans are usually drawn at a scale of not less than 1:200.
Key features of the site
 A site plan is a scaled drawing which shows the uses and structures proposed for a parcel
of land. It also includes information concerning the landscape features of a given parcel.

 Site plans are intended to show how the intended land use relates to the features of a
parcel and its surrounding area.

 site is (obsolete) sorrow, grief or site can be the place where anything is fixed; situation;
local position; as, the site of a city or of a house while location is a particular point
or place in physical space
4.3. Service site access, main features, contours, datum of project
Identifying main features of gained and services

Before starting service such as Plumbing lines (sewerage and supply) & electrical and telephone
lines work, the OSHA (occupational health safety authority) standard requires you to do the

 Determine the approximate location of utility installations sewer, telephone, fuel, electric,
and water lines; or any other underground installations;

 Contact the utility companies or owners involved to inform them of the proposed work
within established or customary local response times

 Ask the utility companies or owners to find the exact location of underground
installations. If they cannot respond within 24 hours (unless the period required by

 If your excavation work exposes underground installations, requires you to protect,

properly support, or remove them.

 Excavating without checking for underground services is extremely unsafe. Legislation

exists to provide a level of safety for the individual and the assets.

 Before beginning any excavation work, reference shall be made to the details or plans of
the utility or private services in the proposed excavation area.

 The location of underground services provided by a service or utility provider may not be
accurate for many reasons.

Building Services: Water supply, drainage, sanitation, electric supply lifts, external works,
construction of cupboard, etc. are considered as items outside of civil works and are called
building services. Water supply, drainage, and sanitation (building service). These works are
considered separate from civil works and are also estimated separately. Design and details of
these will be studied in public health engineering under building services. However, an
elementary treatment of the subject is always included in basic building construction.

Electrical works (building service): Lighting and supply of electricity for various pieces of
equipment used in buildings also come under building services. The supply and distribution of
electricity in a building is a specialized work to be carried out by an electrical engineer.
Directions: chose the following question for the given alternator Answer all the questions listed

1. Which one is true sitatment about a Site Plan?(3point)

A. A site plans us to calculate the area and site coverage of the proposed development.
B. A site plans us to Calculate the distance from the boundaries to the development.
C. A site plans us to View the contours that may be imposed on the land in question.
D. all
2. Which one is true sitatment about features of the site?(3point)
A. A site plan is a scaled drawing which shows the uses and structures proposed for a
parcel of land.
B. A site plan is not includes information concerning the landscape features of a given
C. A site plan is not a scaled drawing which shows the uses and structures proposed for
a parcel of land.
D. all sitatment are true
3. Which one is the following used to sanitation building service Fischer ?(2pont)
A. water close B. sink C. man hole D. all
4. Which one is the following used to electrical building service equipment?( 2pont)
A. water close B. sink C. Three way switch D. all
5. --------is Shows the contours, boundaries, roads, utilities, trees, structures, and any other
significant physical features on or near the construction site? (1 pt.)
A. Site Plan B. Artistic drawing C. Floor plans D. Technical drawing

Written test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the
1. what is site plan ?(2 point)
2. What is 1:150 in drawing and building relation? (3 point)
Operation Sheet
Identifying main features of gained and services
Topic Read the plan and gives the services to the building electrical installation
Step1: Prepare all materials, equipments and tools which are needed for services.
Step2: Prepare yourself for the work
Step3: read the electrical plan of the building
Step4: notify the electrical installation of the building
Step5: test the connection of the electrical installation
Step6: dismantle the erred electrical installation
Step7: Check the circuit out put
Step8: reconnect the circuit with the reference of the site plan
Step9: Check your output

LAP Test
Practical Demonstration

Instructions: Given necessary constriction plan you are required to perform the following tasks
with in 3 hour

Task 1 Reading the plan and give the services to the building electrical installation
Unit Five: Identification of project requirements
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:

5.1 Projects’ dimension and nominated location

5.2 Construction type
5.3 Environmental control and location of project
5.4 Tolerance for ancillary works of project
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the above content coverage
and topics. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Identify projects’ dimension and nominated location
 Identify construction type
 Identify environmental control and location of project
 Identify tolerance for ancillary works of project

5.1. Projects’ dimension and nominated location

Dimension for project

Dimensioning is the process of defining the size, form and location of geometric features and
components on an engineering drawing.Before an object can be built, complete information about
both the size and shape of the object must be available. The exact shape of the part or assembly
is shown by the different views in the drawing sheet. Dimensions are added to the two-
dimensional views (not to the 3D view) in the drawing sheet such that it will show all the size and
location details of the part.
 In metric drawings, generally, dimensions are in millimeters. To avoid having to
specify 'mm' after every dimension, a label such as 'all dimensions in mm' or
'unless otherwise stated all dimensions are in mm' is usually contained in the title block.

 If the dimension is less than one a leading zero should be used before the
decimal point (e.g., 0.5).

Dimensions used in drawings can be categorized as:

 Size dimensions - define size of features (radius, diameter,length, width, thickness,….etc )

 Location dimensions - define location of part features (such as holes,…etc)

Dimension Lines and Extension Lines
a. Extension (or Projection) lines are used to indicate the extremities of a dimension.
They are generally drawn up to 1 mm from the outline of the object.
b. Dimension lines are used to label a particular dimension. They have one or more arrowheads
Dimensions are usually placed between extension lines. But when there is no enough room to
accommodate the dimension, either the dimension value or the dimension lines can be located
the outside extension lines as illustrated.

Figure 5. 1 Dimension Lines and Extension Lines

Types of Dimensions
Dimensions may be divided into three different types; Linear dimensions, Angular
dimensions, and Leader dimensions.
 Linear Dimensions: they are either horizontal or vertical to the dimensioning plane.

 Angular Dimensions: they are usually specified in decimal degrees (e.g.27.5°).

Also they can be specified using degrees and minutes or degrees
minutes and seconds (e.g., 27°30' or 0°15'40" ).

 Leader Dimensions: they are usually used to specify a diameter or a radius

where a leader line is used to point towards the feature being dimensioned.

Nominated locations for project

It shows the relationship of the property to adjoining properties. It establishes discrepancies
between actual occupation or use and the description of record. It indicates the location of
physical improvements in relation to the property lines.
A location is the place where a particular point or object exists. A place's is its exact place on
Earth, often given in terms of latitude and longitude absolute location. For example, the Empire
State Building is located at 40.7 degrees north (latitude), 74 degrees west (longitude).
Location is the position of a place, relative or global. An area is a region or part of a town, world,
etc. surrounding a place or an event. A site is a place on which you build a building, a small
town, etc or some event might be taking place.
Site selection indicates the practice of new facility location, both for business and
government. Site selection involves measuring the needs of a new project against the merits of
potential locations.

5.2. Construction type

a. What is Construction?

Construction comes from the word 'construct,' which means 'to build.' Building a sand castle, a
fort out of pillows, or a house of cards are all examples of constructing something. In
engineering terms, construction is usually associated with large structures like houses, railways,
and power plants.

In terms of engineering, construction is the activity of putting together different elements, using a
detailed design and plan, to create a structure for a certain location. When you construct large
structures, you need to have a clear plan of how you are going to do that. You also need to know
the specific location. Architects and engineers design and build the structure with that location in

b. Types of Construction

Almost all construction projects can be broadly categorized into one of three types of projects:

 buildings and houses

 public works

 industrial-type structures

Within each of these types of construction, there are lots of sub-categories. For instance,
buildings include both residential homes and commercial skyscrapers. Building projects may
involve renovations on existing buildings or building from scratch. Public works involve roads,
railways, water and waste water distribution and purification systems, damns, and bridges.
Finally, industrial projects include refineries, pipelines, power utilities, manufacturing plants,
and telecommunication infrastructure.
Types of Construction Specifications

Owners, architects, and designers must be specific about the work needed on a project. If you
communicate what needs to be done poorly, it can result in huge delays, change orders, and
rising costs. The construction industry created a process to ensure that construction specifications
communicate project needs efficiently. This process consists of 3 types of construction
specifications that help detail the workflow.

What are Construction Specifications?

Construction specifications, also called specifications, are the details for the work that needs to
be completed in a construction project. These details include information such as materials, the
scope of work, installation process, and quality of work. Subcontractors and teams use these
specifications as a guide to choose the right materials for the specific project. The specs
discussed between the project owner and the contractor becomes a part of the legal documents
for the project.

Architects or designers create construction specifications before work actually starts. But many
involve project engineers for technical help. In every construction project, there are three types
of construction specifications. The three types of construction specifications are prescriptive,
performance, and proprietary.

1. Prescriptive Specifications: the three types of construction specifications, prescriptive

specs focus on the details for the types of materials used and the installation of said
materials. Architects or engineers tend to take over the job of project design in prescriptive
specs. Prescriptive specs give a better image of what the final product will look like
compared to other specs.

Prescriptive specs can be broken up into three separate parts: general, products, and
execution. General consists of information such as national quality standards, product
handling, design requirements, and keeping quality control. The products phase will go over
the different products necessary for each task as well as the individual performance levels of
each product. The execution phase will go over how to prepare materials and go through
with installing them. This process also involves testing the quality of the materials and
checking if they were installed correctly.
2. Performance Specifications: After prescriptive specs come performance
specs. Performance specs discuss the operational requirements of a project. It details what
the final installed product has to be capable of doing. In this phase, the owner or general
contractor doesn’t give a subcontractor specs detailing how to finish the job. Instead,
designers and architects give contractors details on how the final product has to work in this
phase. For example, a contract asks the team to make a pump that pumps 300 gallons per
minute. There are no directions on how to make the pumping system go that fast, so it is up
to the contractor to figure it out.

Of the three types of construction specifications, this phase involves most of the testing to
make sure a project meets all of its operational requirements. The architect or engineer
describes the project outcome, and trusts the trade contractor’s experience to get there. Since
the contractor has to figure out what to do, decisions about materials and strategy move
away from the architect and engineers and shift towards the contractor.

3. Proprietary Specifications: Proprietary specs are used when you need to use a single type
of product for any kind of installation. These are the least common of the three types of
construction specifications, but they are for jobs involving existing equipment and already
completed installations. When the owner or client wants to be consistent with their
materials or just prefers a specific type of material, use proprietary specs. Contractors use
proprietary specs when their section of the project is dependent upon the performance of a
specific product.

Architects and engineers tend to try and avoid proprietary specs because it can lead to promoting
a specific manufacturer. Favoring a manufacturer can discourage competition during the bid
phase of the project, which may increase the total cost of the project. Architects and engineers
will give the contractor a list of reliable suppliers to choose from to stop.
5.3. Environmental control and location of project
Environmental controls
On large sites, it is normal to divide the area into segments for each segment. Segment
Boundaries are selected on the basis of natural features, the placement of sub catchments,
or association with different contractors.
A number of elements of the plan will be the same for each segment, such as hours of operation
and controls on noise and emissionsfrom vehicles. However, each segment mayrequire area
specific controls.The controls are taken from the action planarising out of the risk management proc
The main components of a segment environmental control plan are as follows:
Work scheduling:Actions taken to reduce or avoid environmentalimpact by rescheduling works
, or prohibiting or limiting certain activities from times of the year when unfavourable Climatic
conditions exist, should be stated.
Land disturbance: Map the existing topography and changes to the land form of each segment,
as Construction progresses. The map should identify critical areas for protection which may be
easily Erodible, such as highly erodible soils, steep slopes, haul roads, or bare areas Soil
Stockpiles and batters the plan should address how stock piles and batters are to be managed.
Location: is the position of a place, relative or global. An area is a region or part of a town,
world, etc. surrounding a place or an event. A site is a place on which you build a building, a
small town, etc or some event might be taking place Site selection indicates the practice of new
facility location, both for business and government. Site selection involves measuring the needs
of a new project against the merits of potential locations.

5.4. Tolerance for ancillary works of project

Locations: It shows the relationship of the property to adjoining properties. It establishes
discrepancies between actual occupation or use and the description of record. It indicates
the location of physical improvements in relation to the property lines.

A location is the place where a particular point or object exists. A place's is its exact place on
Earth, often given in terms of latitude and longitude absolute location. For example, the Empire
State Building is located at 40.7 degrees north (latitude), 74 degrees west (longitude).Location is
the position of an place, relative or global. An area is a region or part of a town, world, etc.
surrounding a place or an event. A site is a place on which you build a building, a small town, etc
or some event might be taking place.
Site selection indicates the practice of new facility location, both for business and
government. Site selection involves measuring the needs of a new project against the merits of
potential locations
Dimensions are a very important part of construction drawings. Without them, no-one would
know what size anything should be. In this section, we’ll look at some of the different types of
dimensions and how they are shown in drawings.
A good designer or draftsperson will make sure that a drawing has all the information needed
about the length, width and height of everything that is to be built. Length and width are usually
indicated with rows of ‘dimension lines’ that align with the various features of the drawing.
Alternatively, there might be a note near the feature – for example, ‘830 wide × full height
Tolerances: The general tolerances entered in the supplementary portion of the Title block shall
control all dimensions applied to the drawing, except those specifically labeled “Max,” “Min,”
“Ref,” “Datum,” or “Basic,” or dimensions having tolerances applied directly thereto, or
dimensions controlled by notes or documents invoked on the drawing. General tolerances may be
changed to the prevalent tolerances that are required by the drawing type. This is done by
striking through the tolerance and inserting the new tolerance beneath the old. In the case where
metric tolerance is required.
Choose the best answer

Directions: choose the best from the following choose question for the given alternator and
answer all the questions listed below.

1. -------are used when you need to use a single type of product for any kind of installation.

a. Prescriptive Specifications c. Construction Specifications

b. Performance Specifications d. Proprietary Specifications

2. Which one is not include types of construction specifications?

a. Prescriptive Specifications c. Performance Specifications

b. Construction Specifications d. Proprietary Specifications

3. -------is a very important part of construction drawings? (3 point)

a. Dimensions b. Tolerances c. Locations d. environmental

Direction: Match the following question from column A to column B (2point each)
1. Leader Dimensions A. horizontal or vertical

2. Angular Dimensions B. Degrees minutes

3. Linear Dimensions C. latitude

D. point

Written test

Directions: Give short Answer all the questions listed below.

1. What is environmental controls?(3 point)
2. What is waste management? (2 point)
3. What is a tolerance? (3 point)
Operation Sheet

Identifying Dimensions for project and nominated locations

Techniques for Free hand sketch and orthographic projection drawing:

Step1: Prepare drawing instruments and materials
Step 2: Clean the drawing table surface.
Step 3: Properly attach drawing paper on the drawing board
Step 4: Prepare drawing boarder line and title block
Step 5: Draw the given drawing without instrument by free hand sketch based on First problem
Step 6: Draw the given drawing with proper instrument based on second problem
Step 7: clean the drawing workshop room

 Problem 1: based on above steps sketch under the given questions and drawing with visual
Problem- 2 based on above steps draws the following three-dimensional drawing changes to
orthographic Projection drawing by first angle projection

 Line A-B is divided into 6 equal parts.

 Line A-D is divided into 9 equal parts.



NOTE: - All measurements are in “mm”

LAP Test

Practical Demonstration

Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following tasks with in 7 hour.
Task 1 Free hand sketch and orthographic projection drawing
Unit six: Interpretation of job specifications
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:

6.1 Job Specifications

6.2 Project Specifications
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the above content coverage
and topics. Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Identify job specifications
 Identify project specifications

6.1. Job Specifications

Standards of project Specifications

Drawings are the best way to convey most of the information required for a building project, but
a specification is needed to explain anything that cannot be included clearly in the drawings.
Specifications are commonly used to communicate the following.
Fixture and fittings to be used, where things like dimensions, color or model number are

To provide instructions to the builder or trades people for how something is to be done. For
example, drawings might show that internal walls are to have a plaster finish, but it is the
specification that tells the plasterer how – ‘bring walls to a reasonable flat surface by the
application of a cement render float coat while the plaster is setting’.

To provide instructions to the builder about things that may not be part of the finished building
but that nevertheless need to happen during the project

Specifications usually include a clause about making good any damage to footpaths, fences and
any other amenities in the vicinity of the project. There will also be a clause that deals with the
general quality of the materials and workmanship to be used. This usually reads something like:
All materials are to be new and of best quality and all work is to be carried out to best practice
and to the relevant Ethiopians Standard where one applies.

Specifications include:
Detail relating to materials and quality of work, quality assurance, nominated subcontractors, and
provision of site access/facilities

Details relating to performance, including:

 characteristics

 material types

 standards of work

 tolerances

 treatments and

 finishes

Drawings specifications

All drawings require annotation describing the elements or identifying the components. As these
descriptive notes and words must be clearly understood, it is essential to aim for legibility if they are hand
written, which means taking time to:
 Form and shape each individual letter.
 Space letters and words correctly.
 Arrange the text to help the end user.
 Arrange the text in hierarchical context.
To help achieve clarity of specification, stencils and dry letter transfers are available. When
using CAD, take the time to select a clear and suitable font. Fonts like Comic Sans should never
be used on any formal documents, signage, publications or drawings.
Bill of quantities: The bill of quantities which is, first, a vital tender document, then a contract
document – should be an accurate description and quantification of the project. There should
therefore be a cross-reference to the tender drawing and architect's notes or specifications
Notes and descriptions: Information other than pictorial views and dimensions necessary for
completing a drawing is classified as “notes.” The two types of note forms are General Notes and
Local Character Notes. Notes on a drawing take precedence over specification requirements;
hence, notes conflicting with referenced specifications shall not be placed on a drawing unless
they are necessary for deviations from certain provisions of the specification
6.2. Project Specifications
A specification is a written description of the building to be constructed. It supplements the
information on the drawings and, like the drawings, it is a legal part of the contract between the
client and the builder. A specification might only be a few pages long for a small project such as
an addition to a house, or it might be a multi-volume set of bound books for a big project such as
a shopping mall or high-rise building. For a large commercial or industrial project there may be a
specification for the architectural features, and additional specifications for the plumbing,
electrical and mechanical requirements of the job. For house construction, one specification
booklet is usually sufficient.

Specification when two or more classes, grades, materials, services, styles, or types of goods or
services have a requirement, the covering specification is considered to be general.
Types of specification: These details include information such as materials, the scope of work,
installation process, and quality of work. Subcontractors and teams use these specs as a guide to
choose the right materials for the specific project. The three types of
construction specifications are prescriptive, performance, and proprietary
Tolerances of project specifications
Tolerances in construction are generally a variation in a dimension, construction limit, or
physical char- act eristic of a material. They are a practical variation related to the function of the
material or finished work and commonly accepted standards of the construction industry
construction tolerances may be defined as the allowable deviation from specified or designed
values. They primarily serve as a protection for both the "buyer" (building owner in construction)
as well as the "seller" (the contractor in construction) of the product or service.
Tolerance is a range of how far a true measurement can range from what is intended.
Physical tolerances specify the deviation from a specific dimension. Any dimension between any
two points can have a tolerance. Limits are a type of tolerance that specifies a different lower and
upper deviation
Tolerance is the total amount a dimension may vary and is the difference between the maximum
and minimum limits.
Material attributes specifications
Use the material attribute to describe the main fabric or material that your product is made of.
For example, a high-heeled pump might be made out of leather, denim, or suede. This
information helps create accurate filters, which users can use to narrow search results. If your
product has variants that vary by material, then provide that information through this attribute .

How to use

Required for all products that vary by material Optional for any products where material is an
important, distinguishing feature.

If the material is an important feature of your product, then submit this attribute. We especially
recommend that you submit the material attribute if users might search for your product by
material or if users might decide to buy your product based on the material.
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

1. Which of the following is, first, a vital tender document, then a contract document?(1 point)
A. Notes B. descriptions C. Vertical members D. Diagonal members

2. Which one of the following not includes construction drawings? (1 point)

A. architectural B. Outside-wall C. engineering D. electrical
3. Which one is not correct to mach description minimum sizes building construction (1 point)
A. Bed rooms 12m2 C. Bath room 2.6m2
B. Kitchen 8m2 D. Bath room 2.9m2
4. ------are used in the final part of the construction or manufacturing process, forming the final
surface of an element (2point)
A. Finishes B. specifications C. Tolerances D. project
5. ------- Is a written description of the building to be constructed.(2point)
A. Tolerances B. specifications C. project D. Finishes
6. Which one is the following construction specifications include? (2point)
A. performance B. project C. Tolerances D.Finishes
Written test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

1. How to specify material in building electrical installation?(5pont)
2. Explain project specification.

Operation Sheet

Identifying specifications, drawings, notes and descriptions

Topic used to Specifications draw building drawing
Step1: Prepare drawing instruments and materials
Step 2: Clean the drawing table surface.
Step 3: Properly attach drawing paper on the drawing board
Step 4: Prepare drawing boarder line and title block
Step 5: Draw the given drawing without instrument by free hand sketch
Step 6: to sue Specifications draw building drawing symbol

LAP Test

Practical Demonstration

Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following tasks with in 2 hour.

Task 1. Used to Specifications draw building drawing

 https://www.conceptdraw.com/examples/free-electrical-plan-download-pdf
 Electrical Engineering Drawing By Dr. S K Bhattacharya.Pdf
 Basic Electrical Symbols and Their Meanings - Edraw - Edrawsoft
 IEEE Standard American National Standard Canadian Standard Graphic Symbols for
Electrical and Electronics Diagrams
 Electrical Symbols and Line Diagrams - University of Florida
https://abe.ufl.edu/faculty/tburks/Presentations... · PDF file
 Electrical Plan | Free Electrical Plan Templates 650 x 459 png 35kB
 Electrical Layout Plan, Electrical Layout Plan - D. R. Karelia 500 x 391 jpeg 44kB
 https://www.bplans.com/downloads/sample-plans
 https://www.electrical-symbols.com

 Project Documentation Guide (with Examples and https://www.founderjar.com/project-

Participants of this Module (training material) preparation
No Name Qualific Field of Study Institution Mobile E-mail
ation Number
1 Getinet Melkie A(MA) Educational L &M JPTC 0911802534

2 Rahel Ouma A(Msc) Electrical Communication JPTC 0969198238

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