Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization With Application To Image Denoising

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2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization with Application to Image Denoising

Shuhang Gu1 , Lei Zhang1 , Wangmeng Zuo2 , Xiangchu Feng3

Dept. of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Xidian University, Xi, an, China
{cssgu, cslzhang}@comp.polyu.edu.hk, [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract convex and non-convex optimization techniques, in recent

years there are a flurry of studies in low rank matrix approx-
As a convex relaxation of the low rank matrix factoriza- imation, and many important models and algorithms have
tion problem, the nuclear norm minimization has been at- been reported [25, 2, 16, 13, 14, 4, 27, 3, 20, 19, 21, 11].
tracting significant research interest in recent years. The Low rank matrix approximation methods can be gener-
standard nuclear norm minimization regularizes each sin- ally categorized into two categories: the low rank matrix
gular value equally to pursue the convexity of the objective factorization (LRMF) methods [25, 2, 16, 13] and the nu-
function. However, this greatly restricts its capability and clear norm minimization (NNM) methods [14, 4, 27, 3, 20,
flexibility in dealing with many practical problems (e.g., 19, 21, 11]. Given a matrix Y, LRMF aims to find a matrix
denoising), where the singular values have clear physical X, which is as close to Y as possible under certain data fi-
meanings and should be treated differently. In this paper delity functions, while being able to be factorized into the
we study the weighted nuclear norm minimization (WNNM) product of two low rank matrices. A variety of LRMF meth-
problem, where the singular values are assigned different ods have been proposed, ranging from the classical singular
weights. The solutions of the WNNM problem are analyzed value decomposition (SVD) to the many L1 -norm robust
under different weighting conditions. We then apply the LRMF algorithms [25, 2, 16, 13].
proposed WNNM algorithm to image denoising by exploit- The LRMF problem is basically a nonconvex optimiza-
ing the image nonlocal self-similarity. Experimental results tion problem. Another line of research for low rank matrix
clearly show that the proposed WNNM algorithm outper- approximation is NNM. The nuclear norm of a matrix X, de-
forms many state-of-the-art denoising algorithms such as noted by X ∗ , is defined as the sum of its singular values,
BM3D in terms of both quantitative measure and visual per- i.e., X∗ = i |σi (X)|1 , where σi (X) means the i-th sin-
ception quality. gular value of X. NNM aims to approximate Y by X, while
minimizing the nuclear norm of X. One distinct advantage
of NNM lies in that it is the tightest convex relaxation to the
1. Introduction non-convex LRMF problem with certain data fidelity term,
and hence it has been attracting great research interest in
Low rank matrix approximation, which aims to recover
recent years. On one side, Candes and Recht [6] proved
the underlying low rank matrix from its degraded observa-
that most low rank matrices can be perfectly recovered by
tion, has a wide range of applications in computer vision
solving an NNM problem; on the other side, Cai et al. [3]
and machine learning. For instance, the low rank nature of
proved that the NNM based low rank matrix approximation
matrix formed by human facial images allows us to recon-
problem with F-norm data fidelity can be easily solved by a
struct the occluded/corrupted faces [8, 20, 30]. The Net-
soft-thresholding operation on the singular values of obser-
flix customer data matrix is believed to be low rank due
vation matrix. That is, the solution of
to the fact that the customers’ choices are mostly affected
by a few common factors [24]. The video clip captured X̂ = arg minX Y − X2F + λX∗ , (1)
by a static camera has a clear low rank property, based on
which background modeling and foreground extraction can where λ is a positive constant, can be obtained by
be conducted [27, 23]. It is also shown that the matrix X̂ = USλ (Σ)V T , (2)
formed by nonlocal similar patches in a natural image is of
low rank, which can be exploited for high performance im- where Y = UΣV is the SVD of Y and Sλ (Σ) is the soft-
age restoration tasks [26]. Owe to the rapid development of thresholding function on diagonal matrix Σ with parameter

1063-6919/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE 2856

DOI 10.1109/CVPR.2014.366
λ. For each diagonal element Σii in Σ , there is research topic because denoising is an ideal test bed to in-
vestigate and evaluate the statistical image modeling tech-
Sλ (Σ)ii = max(Σii − λ, 0). (3) niques. In recent years, the exploitation of image nonlo-
cal self-similarity (NSS) has boosted significantly the im-
The above singular value soft-thresholding method has been age denoising performance [1, 7, 10, 22, 12, 9]. The NSS
widely adopted to solve many NNM based problems, such prior refers to the fact that for a given local patch in a natu-
as matrix completion [6, 5, 3], robust principle component ral image, one can find many similar patches to it across the
analyze (RPCA) [4, 27], low rank textures [29] and low rank image. The benchmark BM3D [7] algorithm and the state-
representation (LRR) for subspace clustering [20]. of-the-art algorithms such as LSSC [22] and NCSR [10] are
Although NNM has been widely used for low rank ma- all based on the NSS prior. Intuitively, by stacking the non-
trix approximation, it still has some problems. In order local similar patch vector into a matrix, this matrix should
to pursue the convex property, the standard nuclear norm be a low rank matrix and has sparse singular values. This
treats each singular value equally, and as a result, the soft- assumption is validated by Wang et al. in [26], where they
thresholding operator in (3) shrinks each singular value with called it the nonlocal spectral prior. Therefore, the low rank
the same amount λ . This, however, ignores the prior knowl- matrix approximation method can be used to design denois-
edge we often have on the matrix singular values. For in- ing algorithms. The NNM method was adopted in [15] for
stance, the column (or row) vectors in the matrix often lie video denoising. In [9], Dong et al. combined NNM and
in a low dimensional subspace; the larger singular values L2,1 -norm group sparsity for image restoration, and demon-
are generally associated with the major projection orien- strated very competitive results.
tations, and thus they’d better be shrunk less to preserve The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we ana-
the major data components. Clearly, NNM and its corre- lyze in detail the WNNM optimization problem and provide
sponding soft-thresholding operator fail to take advantage the solutions under different weight conditions. Second, we
of such prior knowledge. Though the model in (1) is con- adopt the proposed WNNM algorithm to image denoising
vex, it is not flexible enough to deal with many real prob- to demonstrate its great potentials in low level vision appli-
lems. Zhang et al. proposed a Truncated Nuclear Norm cations. The experimental results showed that WNNM out-
Regularization (TNNR) method [28]. However, TNNR is performs state-of-the-art denoising algorithms not only in
not flexible enough since it makes a binary decision that PSNR index, but also in local structure preservation, lead-
whether to regularize a specific singular value or not. ing to visually more pleasant denoising outputs.
To improve the flexibility of nuclear norm, we propose
the weighted nuclear norm and study its minimization. The 2. Low-Rank Minimization with Weighted Nu-
weighted nuclear norm of a matrix X is defined as clear Norm

Xw,∗ = i |wi σi (X)|1 , (4) 2.1. The Problem
As reviewed in Section 1, low rank matrix approxima-
where w = [w1 , . . . , wn ] and wi ≥ 0 is a non-negative
tion can be achieved by low rank matrix factorization and
weight assigned to σi (X). The weighted nuclear norm min-
nuclear norm minimization (NNM), while the latter can be
imization (WNNM) is not convex in general case, and it
a convex optimization problem. NNM is getting increas-
is more difficult to solve than NNM. So far little work has
ingly popular in recent years because it is proved in [6] that
been reported on the WNNM problem.
most low rank matrices can be well recovered by NNM, and
In this paper, we study in detail the WNNM problem
it is shown in [3] that NNM can be efficiently solved. More
with F-norm data fidelity. The solutions under different
specifically, by using the F-norm to measure the difference
weight conditions are analyzed, and the proposed algorithm
between observed data matrix Y and the latent data matrix
of WNNM is as efficient as that of the NNM problem.
X, the NNM model in (1) has an analytical solution (re-
WNNM generalizes NNM, and it greatly improves the flex-
fer to (2)) via the soft-thresholding of singular values (refer
ibility of NNM. Different weights or weighting rules can be
to (3)). NNM penalizes the singular values of X equally.
introduced based on the prior knowledge and understanding
Thus, the same soft-threshold (i.e., λ) will be applied to all
of the problem, and WNNM will benefit the estimation of
the singular values, as shown in (3). This is not very rea-
the latent data in return.
sonable since different singular values may have different
As an important application, we adopt the proposed
importance and hence they should be treated differently. To
WNNM algorithm to image denoising. The goal of im-
this end, we use the weighted nuclear norm defined in (4)
age denoising is to estimate the latent clean image from its
to regularize X, and propose the following weighted nuclear
noisy observation. As a classical and fundamental prob-
norm minimization (WNNM) problem
lem in low level vision, image denoising has been exten-
sively studied for many years; however, it is still an active minX Y − X2F + Xw,∗ . (5)

The WNNM problem, however, is much more difficult U⊥ A2 , where A1 and A2 are the components of X in sub-
to optimize than NNM since the objective function in (5) spaces U and U⊥ , respectively. Then we have
is not convex in general. In [3], the sub-gradient method
is employed to derive the solution of NNM; unfortunately, f (X) =Y − X2F + Xw,∗
similar derivation cannot be applied to WNNM since the =UΣV T − UA1 − U⊥ A2 2F + UA1 + U⊥ A2 w,∗
sub-gradient conditions are no longer satisfied. In subsec-
tion 2.2, we will discuss the solution of WNNM in detail. ≥UΣV T − UA1 2F + UA1 w,∗ (Lemma 1).
Obviously, NNM is a special case of WNNM when all the
weights wi=1...n are the same. Our solution will cover the Similarly, for the row space bases V, we have
solution of NNM in [3], while our derivation is much sim-
f (X) ≥ UΣV T − UBV T 2F + λUBV T w,∗ .
pler than the complex sub-gradient based derivation in [3].
2.2. Optimization Orthonormal matrices U and V will not change the F-norm
and weighted nuclear norm, and thus we have
Before analyzing the optimization of WNNM, we first
give following three lemmas. f (X) ≥ Σ − B2F + λBw,∗ .

Lemma 1. ∀A, B ∈ m×n that satisfy AT B = 0, we have Therefore, if we have the solution of the minimization prob-
lem in (6), the solution of the original WNNM problem in
(1)A + Bw,∗ ≥ Aw,∗ ; (5) can be obtained as X̂ = UB̂V T .
(2)A + BF ≥ AF .
  Based on the above lemmas and theorem, we discuss the
A B solution of the WNNM problem under three situations: the
Lemma 2. ∀M = with A ∈ m×m and D ∈
C D weights wi=1···n are in a non-ascending order, in an arbi-
n×n , if the weights satisfy w1 ≥ · · · ≥ wm+n ≥ 0, we trary order, and in a non-descending order, respectively.
Mw,∗ ≥ Aw1 ,∗ + Dw2 ,∗ ,
2.2.1 The weights are in a non-ascending order
where w = [w1 , . . . , wm+n ], w1 = [w1 , . . . , wm ] and w2 =
[wm+1 , . . . , wm+n ]. Based on Theorem 1, we have the globally optimal solution
of the WNNM problem in (5) in the case that w1 ≥ · · · ≥
Lemma 3. ∀A ∈  and a diagonal non-negative ma- wn ≥ 0 . We have the following theorem.
trix W ∈ n×n with non-ascending ordered diagonal ele-
ments, let A = XΦYT be the SVD of A, we have Theorem 2. If weights satisfy w1 ≥ · · · ≥ wn ≥ 0 , the
 WNNM problem in (5) has a globally optimal solution
σi (A)σi (W) = max tr[WUT AV],
i X̂ = USw (Σ)VT ,
where I is the identity matrix, σi (A) and σi (W) are the i-
where Y = UΣVT is the SVD of Y, and Sw (Σ) is the gen-
th singular values of matrices A and W, respectively. When
eralized soft-thresholding operator with weight vector w
U = X and V = Y, tr[WUT AV] reaches its maximum value.
The proofs of the above lemmas can be found in the sup- Sw (Σ)ii = max(Σii − wi , 0).
plementary material. We then have the following theorem,
Proof. Considering the optimization problem in (6), and as-
which guarantees that the column and row spaces of the so-
suming that ΛB is a diagonal matrix which has the same
lution to the WNNM problem in (5) still lie in the corre-
diagonal elements as matrix B, we have
sponding spaces of the observation data matrix Y.
Theorem 1. ∀Y ∈ m×n , denote by Y = UΣVT the SVD Σ − B2F + λBw,∗
of it. For the WNNM problem in (5) with non-negative =Σ − ΛB − (B − ΛB )2F + ΛB + (B − ΛB )w,∗
weight vector w , its solution X̂ can be written as X̂ =
≥|Σ − ΛB 2F + ΛB w,∗ (Lemma 2).
UB̂VT , where B̂ is the solution of the following optimiza-
tion problem Thus, in such a weight condition, the optimal solution of (6)
B̂ = arg minB Σ − B2F + Bw,∗ . (6) has a diagonal form ΛB . Both Σ and ΛB are diagonal ma-
trices, and the solution can be obtained by soft-thresholding
Proof. Denote by U⊥ the set of orthogonal bases of the operation on each element. Based on the conclusion in The-
complementary space of U, we can write X as X = UA1 + orem 1, the optimal solution of (5) is X̂ = USw (Σ)V T .

Theorem 2 greatly extends the Theorem 2.1 in [3] (which By iterating between the above two steps, (6) can be
is described by (1)-(3) in this paper). We show that if the solved iteratively via sorting the diagonal elements and
weights wi=1...n are in a non-ascending order, not neces- shrinking the singular values:
sarily have the same value, the WNNM problem is still 
convex and the optimal solution can still be obtained by (PT(k+1) , Φ, QT(k+1) ) = SV D(Λ(k) );
soft-thresholding on the singular values but with different Λ(k+1) = PT(k+1) Sw (Σ)Q(k+1) .
thresholds. The Theorem 2.1 given by Cai et al. in [3] is a
special case of our Theorem 2. Compared with the complex Based on the conclusion of Theorem 1, the final estimation
sub-gradient based proof in [3], however, our proof is much of X̂ can be obtained by
more concise.
X̂ = UP̂ Sw (Σ)Q̂V T .
2.2.2 The weights are in an arbitrary order
In the case that weights wi=1···n are not in a non-ascending 2.2.3 The weights are in a non-descending order
order but in an arbitrary order, the WNNM problem in (5)
is non-convex, and thus we cannot have a global minimum At last, we consider another special but very useful case,
of it. We propose an iterative algorithm to solve it. i.e., the weights wi,...,n are in a non-descending order.
In Theorem 1, we have proved that the solution of (5) can Based on the iterative algorithm proposed in subsection
be obtained by solving (6). Let B = PΛQT be the SVD of 2.2.2, we have the following corollary.
B. We solve the following optimization problem iteratively
Corollary 1. If the weights satisfy 0 ≤ w1 ≤ . . . ≤ wn , the
(P̂, Λ̂, Q̂) = arg min PΛQT − Σ2F + PΛQT w,∗ , iterative algorithm described in subsection 2.2.2 will have
(7) a fixed point X̂ = USw (Σ)VT .
s.t.PT P = I, QT Q = I
Proof. In (8), by initializing Λ(0) as any diagonal matrix
where I is the identity matrix. with non-ascending ordered diagonal elements, we have
Step1: Given non-negative diagonal matrix Λ, we solve

(P̂, Q̂) = arg minP,Q PΛQT − Σ2F . (P(1) = I, Φ = Λ(0) , Q(1) = I) = SV D(Λ(0) );
Λ(1) = ISw (Σ)I = Sw (Σ).
Based on the definition of Frobenius norm, we have
minP,Q PΛQT − Σ2F Consequently, ∀0 < i < j ≤ n, we have Σii ≥ Σjj and
wi ≤ wj . After soft-thresholding operation, Λ(1) = Sw (Σ)
= minP,Q tr[(PΛQT − Σ)(PΛQT − Σ)T ] still satisfies the non-ascending order. Thus in the next it-
=tr[ΛΛ + ΣΣ] − 2 maxP,Q tr[PΛQT Σ T ] eration, P and Q are still identity matrices, and the opti-
 mization of (7) reaches a fix point. Based on the conclu-
=tr[ΛΛ + ΣΣ] − 2 i σi (Σ)σi (Λ) (Lemma 3)
sion of Theorem 1, we obtain a fix point estimation of X by
and the optimal solution of P and Q are the column and row X̂ = USw (Σ)V T .
bases of the SVD of matrix Λ. As Λ is already a diagonal
matrix, P and Q are permutation matrices which make the The conclusion in Corollary 1 is very important and use-
diagonal matrix PΛQT have non-ascending ordered diago- ful. The singular values of a matrix are always sorted in a
nal elements. non-ascending order, and the larger singular values usually
Step2: Given orthogonal matrices P and Q, we solve correspond to the subspaces of more important components
of the data matrix. Therefore, we’d better shrink the larger
Λ̂ = arg minΛ PΛQT − Σ2F + PΛQT w,∗ .
singular values less, that is, assigning smaller weights to the
Since PΛQT is a diagonal matrix which has non-ascending larger singular values in the weighted nuclear norm. In such
ordered elements, we have a case, Corollary 1 guarantees that our proposed iterative
 algorithm has a fixed point. Furthermore, this fixed point
Λ̂ = arg minΛ i (PΛQT )ii −Σii 22 +|wi ·(PΛQT )ii |1 . has an analytical form (i.e., X̂ = USw (Σ)V T ). Hence, in
The soft-thresholding operation can be performed on each practice we do not need to really iterate, but directly get
element of diagonal matrix PΛQT . Because P and Q are the desired solution in a single step, which makes the pro-
permutation matrices which only change the positions of posed method very efficient. As we will see in the follow-
diagonal elements, we have ing Section 3, Corollary 1 offers us an effective denoising
algorithm, which shows superior denoising performance to
Λ̂ = PT Sw (Σ)Q. almost all state-of-the-art denoising algorithms we can find.

3. WNNM for Image Denoising and then the initial σi (Xj ) can be estimated as

Image denoising aims to reconstruct the original image x
σ̂i (Xj ) = max(σi2 (Y j ) − nσn2 , 0),
from its noisy observation y = x + n, where n is assumed to
be additive Gaussian white noise with zero mean and vari-
where σi (Y j ) is the i-th singular value of Y j . Note that
ance σn2 . Denoising is not only an important pre-processing
the obtained weights wi=1,...,n are guaranteed to be in a
step for many vision applications, but also an ideal test
non-descending order since σ̂i (Xj ) are always sorted in a
bed for evaluating statistical image modeling methods. The
non-ascending order. By applying the above procedures to
seminal work of nonlocal means [1] triggers the wide study
each patch and aggregating all patches together, the image x
of nonlocal self-similarity (NSS) based methods for image
can be reconstructed. In practice, we can run several more
denoising. NSS refers to the fact that there are many re-
rounds of those procedures to enhance the denoising out-
peated local patterns across a natural image, and those non-
puts. The whole denoising algorithm is summarized in Al-
local similar patches to a given patch can help much the
gorithm 1.
reconstruction of it. The NSS based image denoising algo-
rithms such as BM3D [7], LSSC [22] and NCSR [10] have
Algorithm 1 Image Denoising by WNNM
achieved state-of-the-art denoising results.
Input: Noisy image y
For a local patch yj in image y, we can search for its non- (0)
1: Initialize x̂ = y, y(0) = y
local similar patches across the image (in practice, in a large 2: for k=1:K do
enough local window) by methods such as block matching 3: Iterative regularization y(k) = x̂(k−1) + δ(y − ŷ(k−1) )
[7]. By stacking those nonlocal similar patches into a ma- 4: for each patch yj in y(k) do
trix, denote by Y j , we have Y j = Xj + Nj , where Xj and 5: Find similar patch group Y j
Nj are the patch matrices of original image and noise, re- 6: Estimate weight vector w
spectively. Intuitively, Xj should be a low rank matrix, and 7: Singular value decomposition [U, Σ, V] = SV D(Y j )
the low rank matrix approximation methods can be used 8: Get the estimation: X̂j = USw (Σ)V T
to estimate Xj from Y j . By aggregating all the denoised 9: end for
patches, the whole image can be estimated. Indeed, the 10: Aggregate Xj to form the clean image x̂(k)
11: end for
NNM method has been adopted in [15] for video denoising.
Output: Clean image x̂(K)
We apply the proposed WNNM model to Y j to estimate Xj
for image denoising. By using the noise variance σn2 to nor-
malize the F-norm data fidelity term Y j − Xj 2F , we have 4. Experiments
the following energy function:
We compare the proposed WNNM based image denois-
X̂j = arg minXj σn2 Y j − Xj 2F + Xj w,∗ . (9) ing algorithm with several state-of-the-art denoising meth-
ods, including BM3D [7], EPLL [31], LSSC [22], NCSR
Obviously, the key issue now is the determination of the [10] and SAIST [9]. The baseline NNM algorithm is also
weight vector w. For natural images, we have the general compared. All the competing methods exploit the image
prior knowledge that the larger singular values of Xj are nonlocal redundancies. In subsection 4.1, we discuss the pa-
more important than the smaller ones since they represent rameter settings in the WNNM denoising algorithm; in sub-
the energy of the major components of Xj . In the appli- section 4.2, we evaluate WNNM and its competing methods
cation of denoising, the larger the singular values, the less on 20 widely used test images.
they should be shrunk. Therefore, a natural idea is that the
weight assigned to σi (Xj ), the i-th singular value of Xj ,
4.1. Parameter Setting
should be inversely proportional to σi (Xj ). We let There are several parameters (δ, c, K and patch size) in
the proposed algorithm. For all noise levels, the iterative
wi = c n (σi (Xj ) + ε), (10) regularization parameter δ and the parameter c are fixed to
0.1 and 2.8, respectively. Iteration number K and patch size
where c > 0 is a constant, n is the number of similar patches are set based on noise level. For higher noise level, we need
in Y j and ε = 10−16 is to avoid dividing by zero. to choose bigger patches and run more times the iteration.
With the above defined weights, the proposed WNNM By experience, we set patch size to 6 × 6, 7 × 7, 8 × 8
algorithm in subsection 2.2.3 can be directly used to solve and 9 × 9 for σn ≤ 20, 20 < σn ≤ 40, 40 < σn ≤ 60
the model in (9). However, there is still one problem re- and 60 < σn , respectively. K is set to 8, 12, 14, and 14
maining, that is, the singular values σi (Xj ) are not avail- respectively, on these noise levels.
able. We assume that the noise energy is evenly distributed For NNM, we use the same √ parameters as WNNM ex-
over each subspace spanned by the basis pair of U and V, cept for the uniform weight nσn . The source codes of the

5. Conclusion
As a significant extension of the nuclear norm mini-
mization problem, the weighted nuclear norm minimization
(WNNM) was studied in this paper. We showed that, when
Figure 1. The 20 test images. the weights are in a non-ascending order, WNNM is still
convex and we presented the analytical optimal solution;
competing methods are obtained from the original authors, when the weights are in an arbitrary order, we presented
and we use the default parameters. an iterative algorithm to solve it; when the weights are in
a non-descending order, we proved that the iterative algo-
4.2. Experimental Results on 20 Test Images
rithm can result in an analytical fixed point solution, which
We evaluate the competing methods on 20 widely used can be efficiently computed. We then applied the proposed
test images, whose scenes are shown in Fig. 1. Zero mean WNNM algorithm to image denoising. The experimental
additive white Gaussian noises with variance σn2 are added results showed that WNNM can not only lead to visible
to those test images to generate the noisy observations. Due PSNR improvements over state-of-the-art methods such as
to page limit, we show the results on four noise levels, rang- BM3D, but also preserve much better the image local struc-
ing from low noise level σn = 10, to medium noise levels tures and generate much less visual artifacts. It can be ex-
σn = 30 and 50, and to strong noise level σn = 100. Re- pected that WNNM will have more successful applications
sults on more noise levels can be found in the supplemen- in computer vision problems.
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(i) Ground truth (j) Noisy image (PSNR: 14.16dB) (k) BM3D (PSNR: 26.78dB) (l) EPLL (PSNR: 26.65dB)

(m) LSSC (PSNR: 26.77dB) (n) NCSR (PSNR: 26.66dB) (o) SAIST (PSNR: 26.63dB) (p) WNNM (PSNR: 26.98dB)

Figure 2. Denoising results on image Boats by different methods (noise level σn = 50).

(a) Ground truth (b) Noisy image ( PSNR: 8.10dB) (c) BM3D (PSNR: 22.52dB) (d) EPLL (PSNR: 22.23dB)

(e) LSSC (PSNR: 22.24dB) (f) NCSR (PSNR: 22.11dB) (g) SAIST (PSNR: 22.61dB) (h) WNNM (PSNR: 22.91dB)

Figure 3. Denoising results on image Monarch by different methods (noise level σn = 100).

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Table 1. Denoising results (PSNR) by different methods.

σn =10 σn =30
C.Man 32.87 34.18 34.02 34.24 34.18 34.30 34.44 27.43 28.64 28.36 28.63 28.59 28.36 28.80
House 35.97 36.71 35.75 36.95 36.80 36.66 36.95 30.99 32.09 31.23 32.41 32.07 32.30 32.52
Peppers 33.77 34.68 34.54 34.80 34.68 34.82 34.95 28.11 29.28 29.16 29.25 29.10 29.24 29.49
Montage 36.09 37.35 36.49 37.26 37.17 37.46 37.84 29.28 31.38 30.17 31.10 30.92 31.06 31.65
Leaves 33.55 34.04 33.29 34.52 34.53 34.92 35.20 26.81 27.81 27.18 27.65 28.14 28.29 28.60
StarFish 32.62 33.30 33.29 33.74 33.65 33.72 33.99 26.62 27.65 27.52 27.70 27.78 27.92 28.08
Monarch 33.54 34.12 34.27 34.44 34.51 34.76 35.03 27.44 28.36 28.35 28.20 28.46 28.65 28.92
Airplane 32.19 33.33 33.39 33.51 33.40 33.43 33.64 26.53 27.56 27.67 27.53 27.53 27.66 27.83
Paint 33.13 34.00 34.01 34.35 34.15 34.28 34.50 27.02 28.29 28.33 28.29 28.10 28.44 28.58
J.Bean 37.52 37.91 37.63 38.69 38.31 38.37 38.93 31.03 31.97 31.56 32.39 32.13 32.14 32.46
Fence 32.62 33.50 32.89 33.60 33.65 33.76 33.93 27.19 28.19 27.23 28.16 28.23 28.26 28.56
Parrot 32.54 33.57 33.58 33.62 33.56 33.66 33.81 27.26 28.12 28.07 27.99 28.07 28.12 28.33
Lena 35.19 35.93 35.58 35.83 35.85 35.90 36.03 30.15 31.26 30.79 31.18 31.06 31.27 31.43
Barbara 34.40 34.98 33.61 34.98 35.00 35.24 35.51 28.59 29.81 27.57 29.60 29.62 30.14 30.31
Boat 33.05 33.92 33.66 34.01 33.91 33.91 34.09 27.82 29.12 28.89 29.06 28.94 28.98 29.24
Hill 32.89 33.62 33.48 33.66 33.69 33.65 33.79 28.11 29.16 28.90 29.09 28.97 29.06 29.25
F.print 31.38 32.46 32.12 32.57 32.68 32.69 32.82 25.84 26.83 26.19 26.68 26.92 26.95 26.99
Man 32.99 33.98 33.97 34.10 34.05 34.12 34.23 27.87 28.86 28.83 28.87 28.78 28.81 29.00
Couple 32.97 34.04 33.85 34.01 34.00 33.96 34.14 27.36 28.87 28.62 28.77 8.57 28.72 28.98
Straw 29.84 30.89 30.74 31.25 31.35 31.49 31.62 23.52 24.84 24.64 24.99 25.00 25.23 25.27
AVE. 33.462 34.326 34.008 34.507 34.456 34.555 34.772 27.753 28.905 28.463 28.877 28.849 28.980 29.214
σn =50 σn =100
C-Man 24.88 26.12 26.02 26.35 26.14 26.15 26.42 21.49 23.07 22.86 23.15 22.93 23.09 23.36
House 27.84 29.69 28.76 29.99 29.62 30.17 30.32 23.65 25.87 25.19 25.71 25.56 26.53 26.68
Peppers 25.29 26.68 26.63 26.79 26.82 26.73 26.91 21.24 23.39 23.08 23.20 22.84 23.32 23.46
Montage 26.04 27.9 27.17 28.10 27.84 28.0 28.27 21.70 23.89 23.42 23.77 23.74 23.98 24.16
Leaves 23.36 24.68 24.38 24.81 25.04 25.25 25.47 18.73 20.91 20.25 20.58 20.86 21.40 21.57
Starfish 23.83 25.04 25.04 25.12 25.07 25.29 25.44 20.58 22.10 21.92 21.77 21.91 22.10 22.22
Mornar. 24.46 25.82 25.78 25.88 25.73 26.10 26.32 20.22 22.52 22.23 22.24 22.11 22.61 22.95
Plane 23.97 25.10 25.24 25.25 24.93 25.34 25.43 20.73 22.11 22.02 21.69 21.83 22.27 22.55
Paint 24.19 25.67 25.77 25.59 25.37 25.77 25.98 21.02 22.51 22.50 22.14 22.11 22.42 22.74
J.Bean 27.96 29.26 28.75 29.42 29.29 29.32 29.62 23.79 25.80 25.17 25.64 25.66 25.82 26.04
Fence 24.59 25.92 24.58 25.87 25.78 26.00 26.43 21.23 22.92 21.11 22.71 22.23 22.98 23.37
Parrot 24.87 25.90 25.84 25.82 25.71 25.95 26.09 21.38 22.96 22.71 22.79 22.53 23.04 23.19
Lena 27.74 29.05 28.42 28.95 28.90 29.01 29.24 24.41 25.95 25.30 25.96 25.71 25.93 26.20
Barbara 25.75 27.23 24.82 27.03 26.99 27.51 27.79 22.14 23.62 22.14 23.54 23.20 24.07 24.37
Boat 25.39 26.78 26.65 26.77 26.66 26.63 26.97 22.48 23.97 23.71 23.87 23.68 23.80 24.10
Hill 25.94 27.19 26.96 27.14 26.99 27.04 27.34 23.32 24.58 24.43 24.47 24.36 24.29 24.75
F.print 23.37 24.53 23.59 24.26 24.48 24.52 24.67 20.01 21.61 19.85 21.30 21.39 21.62 21.81
Man 25.66 26.81 26.72 26.72 26.67 26.68 26.94 22.88 24.22 24.07 23.98 24.02 24.01 24.36
Couple 24.84 26.46 26.24 26.35 26.19 26.30 26.65 22.07 23.51 23.32 23.27 23.15 23.21 23.55
Straw 20.99 22.29 21.93 22.51 22.30 22.65 22.74 18.33 19.43 18.84 19.43 19.10 19.42 19.67
AVE. 25.048 26.406 25.965 26.436 26.326 26.521 26.752 21.570 23.247 22.706 23.061 22.996 23.296 23.555

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