Perpus Pusat Bab 1 Dan 2
Perpus Pusat Bab 1 Dan 2
Perpus Pusat Bab 1 Dan 2
Sugiarti Nabilah
Quran surah ar-rahman (Q.S 13)
The researcher name is Sugiarti Nabilah. She was born on March, 19th
2000 in Bandar Lampung. She is the fifth child of the couple Mr.
Sugarna and Mrs. Rohamah. She has two sisters named Juliananda
and Arista and three Brothers Dede Irawan, Surya Dinata, and Deden
First, all praise is due to Allah, the most merciful, the most
beneficent for blessing and mercy are given to the researcher during
his study and in completing this graduating paper successfully. Then,
peace and salutation always be with our prophet Muhammad SAW
who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. This thesis
entitled, “The Influence of Using Video YouTube Channel
“English Speaking Course” Towards Students Speaking Skill At
The Eighth Grade of MTs Hasanuddin Bandar Lampung in the
Academic Year of 2022/2023”, this research is going to focus on the
influence of using video YouTube channel towards the students’
speaking skill.
1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Nirva Diana, M. Pd. The Dean of Tarbiyah and
Teacher Training Faculty, UIN Raden Intan Lampung with all
staff, who have given an opportunity and forbearance to the
researcher when on going the study until the end of this thesis
2. M. Ridho Kholid, S.S, M.Pd Head of English study program
at UIN Raden Intan Lampung, which is also the Advisor for
my thesis has provided an opportunity for the researcher to
grow and learn until finally completes this thesis.
3. Yulan Pispita Rini, S.S, M.A As the secretary of English
study program at UIN Raden Intan Lampung, that has
patiently guided me until completion of this thesis.
4. Dian Reftyawati, M. Pd. the CO-Advisor, has guided with and
directed the researcher for the completion of this thesis as
5. Janim, S Pd, as the principal of MTs Hasanuddin Bandar
Lampung and all the teachers and staff who have helped the
researcher in collecting data.
6. Elviyati, S. Pd. as the English teacher at MTs Hasanuddin
Bandar Lampung has given guidance and spirit in conducting
this research.
7. All lecturers of the English Department of UIN Raden Intan
Lampung, have taught the researcher since the first year of her
8. My Parents and My big families always support me.
9. My Best Friends from English Education F Class 18 to be my
partner since 2018 till now.
Bandar Lampung
The reseracher
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................ii
DECLARATION ..........................................................................iii
DEDICATION ...............................................................................v
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...............................................................vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................ix
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................xii
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................xii
LIST OF APPENDICES ...............................................................xiii
CHAPTER I ...................................................................................1
CHAPTER II .................................................................................15
CHAPTER IV ...............................................................................38
CHAPTER V .................................................................................53
A. Conclusion .........................................................................53
B. Suggestion ..........................................................................53
REFERENCES .............................................................................55
A. Title Affirmation
In this study, the researcher was examine the effect of
using video YouTube on students speaking skills, focusing on
speaking ability in accordance with that English material at
school. Especially junior high school students. The focus of
this research is the students of class eighth grade of MTs
Hasanuddin Bandar Lampung.
As an initial stage to understand this thesis proposal
and to avoid misunderstandings in the interpretation of the
title. Therefore, the researcher needs to explain and emphasize
some words related to the title of the thesis. Meanwhile, the
title of the thesis in question is The Influence of using Video
YouTube Channel “English Speaking Course” Towards
Students Speaking Skill at The Eighth Grade of MTs
Hasanuddin in The Academic Year 2022/2023. The following
is an explanation of the meaning of the terms contained in the
title of the proposal:
1. The influence
The influence is a power that exists or grows
from something such as a person or thing that helps
shape a person’s character, belief, or action.
According to the Cambridge dictionary the influence
is influencing or changing how someone or something
develops. Behaves, or thinks. In this case, the
influence is more inclined to something that can bring
changes to students towards a more positive direction.
So in this study what is meant by influence is
something in the form of strength that can affect
students speaking skills, from the video YouTube
learning media.
2. Video YouTube
YouTube is one of the video cast that teachers
can use in their teaching. YouTube was and still is the
3. Speaking skills
Speaking is a skill one of the language skill
that must be master by the students to be able to
communicate effectively. Maryam and Reza defined
that speaking is one of the language skill should be
taught and practice in the language class to enable
students to speak or communicate in the target
language.3 It means that speaking is one of the
language skills that must be taught, it is important for
students if they want to speak fluently. Therefore,
speaking is one of four skills which is essential in our
daily life, even as a main skill in communication
among human.
Seher Balbay, Selcan Kilis, Students Preceptions of the use of a YouTube Channel
specifically designed for an Academic Speaking Skills Course, Eurasian Journal of
Applied Linguistics 3 (2), 235-251, 2017
Maryam, B., and Reza, O, “Technology in Teaching Speaking Skill”, Acme
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 2, Issue 4, ( 2014)
Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as a Foreign Language , ( Yogyakarta:
GrahaIlmu, 2006), p.10
H. Daugles Brown, teaching by principles in Interactives Approache to the Language
Pedagogies, (2nd Ed), (Sa Frasisco: California, 2000) p.232
Marleni, Lusi. Using Movies to Improve the Students Speaking Skill at the Third
Semester of Early Childhood Education Departement of STKIP Pahlawan Tuanku
Tambusai. Journal STKIP. (2016)
Ahmad Nur Syafiq, Amalia Rahmawati, Anwari, and Tyas Oktaviana, “Increasing
Speaking Skill through YouTube Video as English Learning Material during Online
Learning in Pandemic Covid-19”, Journal of English Language Studies, (February
2021), pp. 50-55
Elviyati, S.Pd, interviewed to English Teacher of MTs Hasanuddin Bandar Lampung,
on February 22th 2022.
Students in eighth grade, MTs Hasanuddin Bandar Lampung, March 1 2022
Sayuri, “English Speaking Problems of EFL Learner of Mulawarman University”,
Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2016
Riswandi, D. Use of YouTube-Based Videos to Improve Students Speaking Skill,
Proceeding The 2nd International Conference On Teacher Training and Education,
(2016), p. 269
2. Practically
a. Teacher
The teacher was got an effective media to be used
improve students speaking skill, especially with the
use of video YouTube channel “English speaking
course” media.
b. Students
By using YouTube channel video media, the students
was known their strength and weakness in speaking
and will encourage them to improve their speaking
LiaSelfiaYunita, “The Effectiveness of Using Video YouTube Toward Students
Speaking Ability at the second Grade of MTs PSM Mirigambar, Tulungagung”,
(Thesis, State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, 2015)
Intan Alfi, “Improving Students Speaking Skills Through Communicative Games
for The Grade VIII Students of MTs N Ngemplak” 2015
Fadila Sukma Dewi, Improving Students Speaking Skill by Using Video
Clip at Second grade of MAN 1 Bandar Lampung 2017
Suharsimi Arikunto, prosedur penelitian pendekatan praktik (Jakarta: Rienka
Cipta,2006), p.12
Table 1
Criteria for Evaluating Students Speaking Ability
David, P. Harris, Testing English as a second Language,, ( New York: Mc.Grew-
K. Systematic discussion
The systematic discussion that steps in the research process
are as follows:
Chapter I, contains the presentation of the data behind
this research which is carried out related to the effect of the
video YouTube on students speaking skills. This chapter
1. Speaking
a. Concept of speaking
Brown states speaking is not a single skill, rather
speaking is an interactive process of contraction meaning that
involves producing, receiving, and sharing information. In
other words, speaking is an ability to make the students can
convey and express their ideas orally. There are five aspects
of speaking in language learning discussed in this study such
as grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and
pronunciation.17It can be inferred that speaking requires the
students not only to know how to produce a specific point of
languages such as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation but
also to understand when, why, and ways to produce language.
H. Douglas Brown, Teaching By Principle: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy,(New York:Longman,2001)
Lynne Cameron, teaching languages to young learners,(Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press,2001), p.41
May Lwin,, how to multiply your child’s intelligence, (Jakarta: PT Indeks,
b. Speaking skills
Harris states that in teaching speaking there are several
skills that are considered important to be taught to students in
order to be able to communicate well in English they are
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and
1. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is tactic of how to pronounce a word.
According to Hornby pronunciation is the way which a
language is spoken, the way in which is pronounced, the
way a person speaks the words of the language.
2. Grammar
Mastering grammar will help students in speaking English
because they will know how to arrange words in a
sentence, what tense to be used, and how to use
appropriate utterances. Based on Ur grammar is the way
words are put together to make a correct sentence. Proper
grammar keeps to communication from being
misunderstood while expressing thoughts and ideas.
3. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a very important aspect of learning a
language. Based on Richards and Renandya vocabulary is
one of the language components and the list of words that
have been used by people to communicate. A language
learner cannot communicate or express his or her ideas
either in spoken or written form if he or she does not
Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learners, Cambridge (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2001) 40
c. Types of speaking
In teaching and learning speaking, Brown classifies the
type of oral language into two parts, monologue and dialogue.
a) Monologue
Monologue is when one speaker uses spoken
language, as in speeches, lectures, reading, news
broadcast, the hearer must process long stretches of
speech without interrupting the stream of speech will
go on whether or not the hearer comprehends.22 It
means that monologue is a speech in which a
character expresses his thoughts and feelings to the
other characters or the audience.
b) Dialogue
Dialogue is divided in two parts interpersonal and
transactional. Dialogue involves two or more speakers
and can be subdivided into exchanges that promote
H. Douglas. B., Testing English as a Second Language. New York: McGraw-Hill
Book Company (1969)
H. Douglas Brown, Teaching By Principle: An Interactive Approach toLanguage
Pedagogy,(New York:Longman,2001),p.251
d. Functions of speaking
Brown and Yule made a useful distinction between
the interactional functions of speaking, which it serves to
establish and maintain social relations and the transactional
functions, which focus on the exchange of information. These
are the function of speaking.24
1) Talk as interaction
Talk as interaction refers to what we normally mean
by “conversation” and describes interaction that
serves a primarily social function. When people meet,
they exchange greetings, engage in small talk, recount
recent experiences, and so on because they wish to be
friendly and to establish a comfortable zone of
interaction with others. The focus is more on the
speaker and how they wish to present themselves to
each other than on the message. Such exchange may
be either casual or more formal, depending on the
circumstances, and their nature has been well
described by Brown ad Yule.
2) Talk as transaction
Talk as transaction refers to situations where the focus
is on what is said or done. The message and making
oneself understood clearly and accurately is the
central focus, rather than the participants and how
they interact socially with each other.
Jack C. Richards, teaching Listening and Speaking From Theory to
Practice,(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2008),p.21
3) Talk as performance
The third type of talk can be distinguished has been
called talk as performance. This refers to public talk,
that transmits information before an audience, such as
classroom presentations, public announcements, and
speeches. Talk as performance tends to be in the form
of monologue rather than dialogue, often follows a
recognizable format (e.g. a speech of welcome), and
is closer to written language than conversational
A. Pronunciation
1. Pronunciation is frequently unintelligible.
2. Frequent gross errors and a hefty accent make
understanding difficult and require frequent
3. Foreign accents require concentrated listening, and
mispronunciations lead to occasional
misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar
or vocabulary.
4. Marked foreign accent and occasional
mispronunciations which do not interfere with
5. Prominent mispronunciations but would not be
Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2003), 131–132,
Jalaluddin, M., Using YouTube to Enhance Speaking Skills in ESL Classroom,
English Education Journal (EEJ), 7(2), (2016)
Terantino, J.M. (2011) Emerging Technologies YouTube for Foreign languages:
you have to see this video. Language Learning and Technology, 15(1), 10-16.
Watkins, J., & Wilkins, M. Using YouTube in the EFL Classroom. Language
Education in Asia, 2(1), 113-119 (2011)
Harmer, J. (1984). The Practice of English Language Teaching: Longman
Handbook for Language Teaching: 3rd Edition Completely revise and Update,
(England Longman:2001),p.48
Arianti et al., A Media for Teaching Speaking Using YouTube Video, Advances in
Engineering Research. (2018)
3. Picture
Picture is one of visual aids, pictures are used
to support and help the teacher to attract the students’
interest because it is considered as a part of visual
aids that has many functions in a teaching process.
Pictures give real description of an objects which are
portable and can be used anytime and help an
understanding on objects which are difficult to be
Sudjana states that picture is a visual media in
graphic form. Graphic media id defined as a medium
that combines facts and ideas clearly and strongly
through a combination of expressing words and
images.31 Futhemore, picture is effective visual tool
because it can be visualize something that was
explained more concrete and realistic. Picture can
play an important role in motivating students,
contextualizing the language they are using.
Nana Sudjana, media pengajaran (Bandung: Sinaar Baru
e. Role playing
One of the techniques suggested for
developing speaking skills is role playing, that is
creating a dramatic situation in a classroom, or a part,
Lia Rusdiningsih, A study on Techniques in Teaching Speaking to the Second
Years Students of SMPN 1bTranggil ( Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah, 2012),
Harmer, J. (1984). The Practice of Eglish Language Teaching: Longman Handbook
for Language Teaching. USA: Longman Inc.
Schejbal, David. Teaching Language Skill through Drama. Brno. Masaryk
University Brno. (2006)
B. Concept of Framework
B. Hypothesis
Based on the frame of theories above, the researcher
formulated the hypothesis as follows:
There is a significant influence of using video YouTube
channel “English speaking course” toward students speaking
skill at the eighth grade of MTs Hasanuddin in the academic
year of2022/2023.