OSCE Interview Questions
OSCE Interview Questions
OSCE Interview Questions
a. Introduce yourselves as a team of student pharmacists and then each say your
b. “How would you like us to address you?”
c. “Do you have a preferred name and/or pronouns?”
IV. History of Present Illness – Insomnia/Dementia (I feel like we can tie this together)
a. Can you tell me about your day-to-day routine? What kinds of things do you do
during the day?
b. Do you feel fatigued or drowsy during the day?
c. How has your sleep been lately? Do you find it hard to fall or stay asleep?
d. How long does it usually take you to fall asleep at night?"
e. How many hours of sleep do you get at night?
f. How long has this been going on?
g. What treatments have you tried?
V. Review of Systems – Can be Yes/No questions (Amanda)
a. Gen: Fever? Fatigue? Changes in energy level? Changes in appetite? Difficulty
a. What is your current living situation? (may need to prompt further – living alone,
living with a partner, have a caregiver)
b. How do you feel about tasks, like cooking a meal or paying bills? Is it easy to keep
track of what needs to be done next?
c. Do you have any dietary restrictions?
d. How often do you get in physical activity or exercise?
e. What types of physical activity do you enjoy?
f. Do you have any pets at home?
g. Do you use any adaptive equipment, such as a cane or walker?
h. Do you smoke?
i. How often do you have alcoholic beverages? (if yes get details)
j. Do you have any concerns with taking medications or receiving vaccines?