17-Feb-23 Friday *Medical Standard Weekly Exam-05 (Online): (P5+C5+Bio5+GK+E) MCQ (100×1=100); 40 min.
GK: Population and Census of Bangladesh, Tribes or Minorities. Education system, Health and Medical system
of Bangladesh. EPZ of Bangladesh, Economy and Budget, Trade, Import-Export.[Ref: GKE QB, Page (40-47)]
English: Subjunctive and Causative, Conditionals, Affirmative & Negative Agreement, Inversion, Synonym &
Antonym (M - R), Idiom & Phrase, Appropriate preposition (G – K), Voice change. [Ref: GKE QB, Page (212-227)]
Chapter-01: Diversity and Classification of Animals (2nd Paper)
18-Feb-23 Saturday Bio-06 M-06
Chapter-02: Introduction to Animals (Hydra and Grasshopper) (2 nd Paper)
Week-06 22-Feb-23 Wednesday P-06 Chapter-01: Thermodynamics (2nd Paper) Bio-06
Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Titles in the liberation
war, Recognition to Bangladesh, Books, Films and Sculptures based on the liberation
war. Historical places and scenic architecture, Notable and memorable events of
Bangladesh, Various treaties and charters of Bangladesh .Foreign policy of
Bangladesh and Diplomatic missions, Bangladesh in various world organizations,
Medals and Awards of Bangladesh. Sports of Bangladesh, Top 20. Constitution of
*GK-03 *E-03
Bangladesh and constitutional positions, Various ministries. Bangladesh local
government system, Division and District introduction, National parliament. Law and
Judiciary Department of Bangladesh, various Commissions, Defense and Armed
24-Feb-23 Friday Forces of Bangladesh. Bangladesh in the world, National affairs of Bangladesh,
National and other days. Ancient name of historical place, First, largest and smallest
of Bangladesh, Full form: Bangladesh. Recent National Affairs.
*Medical Standard Weekly Exam-06 (Online): (P6+C6+Bio6+GK+E) MCQ (100×1=100); 40 min.
GK: Banking, Insurance and Monetary System, NGO, Communication System, Postal and Telecommunication.
Famous institutions, Art and Culture of Bangladesh. Bangla Newspapers, Bangla Literature.[ Ref: GKE QB,
Page (48-60)]
English: Narration, Synonym & Antonym (S, T, U), Transformation, Appropriate preposition (L-P), Tag
Question, Group Verb. [Ref: GKE QB, Page (228-241)]
25-Feb-23 Saturday P-07 Chapter-02: Electrostatics (2nd Paper) P-06
Varsity Standard Weekly Exam-06 (Online):
(P6+C6+M6+Bio6+Ba/E) MCQ (60×1=60); Written (16×2.5=40); Time: 1 hr. 30 min.
26-Feb-23 Sunday
Bangla: ১ম পত্র- ন্ধবলাসী, তাহারেই পরে মরন, ২য় পত্র- উপসর্গ, উচ্চােরেে ন্ধনয়ম,
English: Adverb & Inversion, Idiom & Phrase, Voice, Narration, Transformation.
Chapter-02: Organic Chemistry (Organic Compounds and their Classification,
27-Feb-23 Monday C-07 P-07
Homologous Series, Functional Group, Isomerism, Nomenclature) (2nd Paper)
01-Mar-23 Wednesday M-07 Chapter-09: Differentiation (1st Paper) C-07
নোটক: বিরোজউদ্দৌলো, মোবি-বিিী উিনযোি: লোলিোলু , আবম বকিংিদবির কথো িলবি। (১ম িত্র)
03-Mar-23 Friday *Ba-04 *GK-03
ধোতু, প্রকৃবত ও প্রতযয়, িোিংলো ভোষোর িযোকরবিক শব্দদ্েবি, প্রদ্য়োগ-অিপ্রদ্য়োগ। (২য় িত্র)
Chapter-07: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (1st Paper)
04-Mar-23 Saturday Bio-07 Chapter-09: Plant Physiology (1st Paper) M-07
Varsity Standard Weekly Exam-07 (Online):
(P7+C7+M7+Bio7+Ba/E) MCQ (60×1=60); Written (16×2.5=40); Time: 1 hr. 30 min.
05-Mar-23 Sunday Bangla: ১ম পত্র- রেইনর াট, রেব্রুয়ান্ধে ১৯৬৯, ২য় পত্র- াে ও ন্ধবভন্ধি, বচন, সাংখ্যাবাচ শব্দ ও পান্ধেভান্ধি শব্দ।
English: Tag Question, Group Verb, Synonym & Antonym (I-U), Appropriate Preposition (G-P)
Due to the Medical Admission Test on 10th March, all classes and exams of Varsity courses will be closed
from 6th March to 10th March.
Chapter-02: Cell Division (1st Paper)
11-Mar-23 Saturday Bio-08 Chapter-11: Biotechnology (1st Paper) Bio-07
Chapter-11: Genetics and Evolution (2nd Paper)
Week-10 the World, Famous Lakes, Fountains and Canals, Islands, Cape.
Chapter-02: Organic Chemistry (Aldehydes, Ketone, Organic Acids and Their
01-Apr-23 Saturday C-10 P-10
Derivatives, Amines) (2nd Paper)
03-Apr-23 Monday M-10 Chapter-09: Motion of a Particle moving in a straight line or Plane ( 2nd Paper) C-10
Varsity Standard Weekly Exam-10 (Online):
(P10+C10+M10+Zoology+Ba/E) MCQ (60×1=60); Written (16×2.5=40); Time: 1 hr. 30 min.
04-Apr-23 Tuesday
Bangla: ১ম পত্র- লালসালু , আন্ধম ন্ধ াংবদন্ধিে থা বলন্ধছ, ২য় পত্র- বাাংলা ভািাে বযা েন্ধে শব্দরেন্ধে, প্ররয়ার্-অপপ্ররয়ার্
English: Sentence Completion, Literature, Miscellaneous, Synonym & Antonym (W-Z), Appropriate Preposition (Q-Z)