Examination of Conscience
Examination of Conscience
Examination of Conscience
Monetarily and/ or with time and ability -Not -Failure to teach children adequately about God and the
taking part in the work of evangelization -Being Spiritual life
willfully distracted at Mass or in prayer -Putting off -Lack of gratitude toward parents -Nagging spouse
confession needlessly -Failing to accept or offer up or children -Treating adult children like minors -
suffering -Refusing or denying the mercy of God - Meddling in the affairs of married children -Too strict
Not trying to practice recollection or the with rules, boundaries and discipline -Breaking just civil
Frequent remembrance of God's presence - laws without serious reason -Being ashamed of or
Failure to pray when tempted -Failure to embarrassed about parents
examine one's conscience daily
-Giving into depression, self pity or self deprecating 5. You shall not kill
thought -Pride, arrogance
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. -using -Stubbornness without good reason
the Lord's name lightly, in surprise or in anger (habitual, not -Rudeness
thinking) -Failure to apologize
-Cursing thoughtlessly -Fighting or arguing over slight matters
-using the names of Mary, a Saint, the Pope or -Anger
-other sacred persons irreverently -Prejudice -Harboring
-using vulgar or inappropriate language a grudge
-Telling bad jokes about sacred persons or object - -Seeking revenge or retaliation -
Speaking badly of the Church Wishing evil upon another -
-Inappropriate or irreverent use of Scripture Impatience
3. Remember to keep the Lord's Day holy. -Listening to bad music -Excessive
-Doing unnecessary work on Sunday watching of television -Excessive playing
-Failing to keep Sunday as a day for family and of computer games -Excessive use of the
recreation. internet
-Failing to spend extra time on Sunday in prayer -Watching TV or movies that promote sex or violence -
and study of the faith Refusing to forgive another -Intemperance (overeating or
-Allowing sports or other schedules to dictate the the drinking too much) -Driving carelessly
Sunday schedule -Failure to care for one's health -
-Being irreverent in church Smoking or chewing tobacco -
-Not paying attention or participation at Mass - Abusing medications -Sloth
Coming late to Mass or leaving early without a (laziness) -Procastination
serious reason -Failure to respect the dignity of self or others -
-Desecrating the day by sinful amusements, bad Giving scandal to another -Treating another
company, inappropriate entertainment, etc. unjustly
-Failure to take medications if such are necessary -
4. Honor your father and mother. - Doing things willfully to anger others -Violating
Fighting with siblings friendships
-Disobedience to parents or authorities - -Failure to pray for deceased parents or relatives -
Failure to give proper respect to parents or Using the "silent treatment" on others -Failure to
those in authority pray for sinners
-Treating those under one's authority dis-
respectfully 6. You shall not commit adultery.
-Failure to respect the dignity of children - Lack of custody of the eyes (looking inappropriately at others) -
-Speaking badly about parents -Speaking badly Allowing the heart to stray from one's spouse -Dressing somewhat
about children -Speaking badly about one's immodestly -Treating others as objects
spouse -Neglecting duties toward spouse or -Failure to respect persons of the opposite sex -
children -Failing to give to example to one's Seeking wrongful attention from another -
family -Not trying to cultivate peace in the family Selfishness in marital intimacy
-Taking one's spouse for granted -Failure to be open to life without serious reason -
-Making fun of or failing to help the elderly or handicapped -Not Keeping bad company
praying for those entrusted to your care -Failing to pray for those
in authority over you, e.g. Parents, teachers, employers,
government officials, etc.
Examination of Conscience for Adults
7. You shall not steal. 7. The Penitent makes an act of contrition in these or similar words: 0 my
-Attachments to persons or things -Theft of God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all of my
small or inexpensive items -Willful failure to sins because of Thy just punishments. But, most of all because they
return borrowed items -Wasting time offend Thee my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I
-Failure to pay debts promptly firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the
-Failing to practice charity or to help the poor - near occasions of sin. Amen.
Squandering money on needless things or pursuits -Not 8. The Priest will give you absolution, (The words necessary for
keeping a promise forgiveness are "I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.")
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
-Spreading rumors or tale bearing
-Talking behind another's back
-Being negative, critical or uncharitable in thought regarding
-Making rash judgments
-Bing unjustly suspicious
-Failure to seek to restore the good name of another whom you
have injured through speech -Cheating
in games, school work, etc. -Speaking
unkindly to or about others -
Exaggerating the truth -Bragging or
boasting -Flattery
-Complaining, whining or attention seeking