Acute pain After 1 hour of NURSE RATIONALE After 1 hour of
Subjective: related to nursing INTERVENTIONS nursing
“Recently, I have been infection interventions the Independent: interventions the
experiencing pain when within the client will report Encourage increased Increased hydration client reports
peeing.” urinary tract reduced pain upon oral fluid intake (2-3 helps in flushing the relieved pain upon
as urination. liters if no bacteria and toxins urination
Objective: evidenced contraindications)
Facial grimace by burning
Guarding behavior on sensation Instruct client to These food items
suprapubic area during avoid coffee, tea, cause irritation to
Cloudy urine observed urination alcohol and sodas. the urinary system
Tea colored urine and should be
VS: avoided.
BP: 120/80 mm Hg
PR: 80 beats/min Encourage the client Eating too much salt
RR: 17 breaths/min to eat a low sodium causes body to keep
T: 37.4C diet or retain too much
water, worsening
the fluid buildup.
To examine the
contents of urine to
rule out infection.