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(Exerdse: - .Elffl@lh4@ylitt D T1,19@4iil-It

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0 BASICPRACTICE 2. Rewrite each of the following as a product
or a quotient in exponential notation.
1. Simplify the following and express your (a) (4 x 7)8
answers in exponential notation. (b) (32 X 11t
(&) 35 X 37
(b) 210 + 2a (c) (:3)'
(c) (52)"
(d) (6 3 )7 (d) ( ; )'
(e) a4 x a7
(e) (pq)9
(f) cs+ c5
(f) ( r2s3)4
(g) (e4)5
(h) ( f1)a
(g) (J
(h) (:: r
--.elffl@lh4@Ylitt>d·t1,19@4iil-it l1l·V~
3. Simplify the following. 6. Simplify the following.
(a) 50-1 x 3a + a
0 2 2
(a) 5a x 3a
6 7
(b) (-8b3) X (4b ) (b) (b 3c8 ) + (bic ) x (b cn)
2 9
+ (3m2n 4)2

r r
(c) 24c8 + (-6c )
5 (c) (5mn 3)3(6m n )
17 13
(d) (-72d ) + (-4d )
(d) ( 2:.-r 7 ( 31 X ( 6t
4. Rewrite each of the following as a product
or a quotient in exponential notation.
4 4 4
(b) (-2r6 s ) ~ MATH<?i> \NOR K
(a) (-2e3)

(c) ( ~vu' )' (d) ( ~, 7.

A person sent 2 copies of a junk mail via
email. Each email consisted of 2 bytes
of data. How many bytes of data were
FUR THE R PRA CTIC E sent altogether? Expres s your answer m
exponential notation.
5. Simplify the following.
(a) a 7b4 x a 5 b
(b) c12d9 + c1od8 ~ BRA IN \NDR KS
(c) (3e f) x (4e f )
2 9 7

7 4
(d) (15g8h ) + (5g2h ) 8. If (amt = a 231 , where m and n are positive
3 6
(e) (-18m n ) + (24m n)
2 integer s greate r than 1, and m < n, find
two possible sets of values of m and 11.
(f) l
( _ 8;' x ( _ ;: )

(g) (~~~ J+ ( - ~!5 l

(h) (u3u4)'i x (u2u1)3
(i) (w3x4)6 + (-w2xs)6

(j) ( 2y3 )
X (±-)
4/ 0
f EllERDSE 1.2
1. Evaluate the following. 4. The total amount of drug introduced into
(a) 2° - 2- 3 the body with a 6 c-1 cells from an injection
Cb) (!)-J is a 9 c- 3 units. Find the average amount of
drug per cell, expressing your answer in
2 )-I + 70 positive exponential notation.
(c) ( -7
(d) g-6 X 8''
(e) 7-10 + 7-10
(f) (411)°

(g) (3-9)4 X (3-6r7 5. Is (-9) 0 = -9°? Explain your answer.

(h) <25r6 + <2-9)3
6. Suppose a > 0 and n is a positive integer.
2. Simplify the following and express your
answers in positive exponential notation.
Is (.!.)-n
= ~? Explain your answer.
(a) a 2 + a 5
(b) b3 X b- 4
(C) (3-2e4rl
(d) <,sg3)2

(e) (!:f
(f) (p-2q3)(p-4q-3)
(g) (rss-i)(r-9s6)
(h) (x'y3) + (x-sya)


3. Simplify the following and express your

answers in positive exponential notation.
(a) 1 + (52 a-6 f 2
(b) (3-'b 6 t 1(3- 1b2 )2
(4c3d-1 >•


(m n-•)3
X( ·;r
+ (m-6n-6)
(f) (3p-3q-1)2 X (-4p3q-2)2
(r~s""" )-3
(r-2 s~ )-"

(h) (x- 2y)-6 X ( ;,3 )--4


1. Evaluate the following. 5. Simplify the following and express your

(a) .J 289 (b) ::;125 answers with positive exponents.
I l
(c) ffi (d) ~243 (a) (a"b 3 ) 2 x (a b- >°3
2 6

l I
(e) (Ji2i)3 (f) (~216 )2 (b) (m- 1n - 2 )2 x (m 3n-3)- 3

(g) ~ (h) Jl£ (c)


2. Evaluate the following. r 3s •
1 I (d) I
(a) 144 2 (b) 27 3 (r2s-i )-3
I I l 1
(c) 6254 (d) 32 6 (e) ~ u3u x (u - 2 u3 )

3 4 l I I
(e) 49 2 (f) 125 3
(f) (36p2q")2 (49p -iq')-2
3 2
(g) 16 4 (h) 1,331 3
(g) 'Jlf;l

(i) 512 "9 U> ( 100)-2 1 I I l 1

(h) (4x-iy2)'i + (32-1x2y2f3

3. Express the following in exponential

notation. ~MATH @WDR K
(a) ✓ a (b) ~

6. A closed rectangular box is x 2 cm long,

(c) ras (d) lf;1 l

x 3 cm wide, and x• cm high.


(e) 1 (f) 1 (a) Express the volume of the box in terms

ra f;1 •
(g) I (h) (b) Express the total surface area of the
<✓a>" clf;I)6 box in terms of x.
(c) Given that x = 4,096, find
4. Simplify the following and express your (i) the volume,
answers with positive exponents. (ii) the total surface area
--2I -I of the box.
(a) a x a3
3 2
(b) b 10 x b- 6
c • + c8

(d) d - 2 + d- 6
7. Simplify the expression below.
(e) (e-af 4)-2 3 6 119
axa xa x .. xa
2 <I 3 100 08 06 2
(f) (gih -6 )2 a xa ><a x ... xa
0 BASICPRA CTICE 4. Consider the sequence 729, 243, 81, 27, ...
where the same simple computation is
1. Solve the following equations.
done to get a term of the sequence from the
(a) 2.r = 32 (b) 3.r = 729
previous term.
(c) 4x = 64 (d) T = 343
(a) Write down the 5th and 6th terms of
the sequence.
(b) Express the nth term of the sequence
in terms of n.
(c) If the nth term of the sequence 1s
2. Solve the following equations. 1
(a) 7u 2 = 343 (b) 21r+ 1 = 16 , find the value of n.
(c) 5 -i = 625 (d) 3i = !
2 3

~MATH@ WDRK 5. The solution of the equation 4i = 2n is an

integer x. Find two possible values of the
3. The number of bacteria in a colony is 2'•1, constant n.
where t is the number of hours after the
first observation. After how many hours
will there be 1,024 bacteria?

~@®t;M@@M·"! w1n,a4 @liii-12\ wt( m

rEXEllCl5E , .s
Q.: BASIC PRACTICE (c) JL96 x 10•
1. Expre~ the foUowmg numbcl"'S in sc1ent1fic (d) ~2 16 >< 10- 10
noui.hon. 12 " 10") x (6 x 10
(a) 83.700 (e) • " JO...
(bl 720 000 (O 8 ,. 10 ',.. l ., 10""
(c) 96,200,000 5 • 10· - 5 x 10~
Cd) l .450,000,000
(e) 0.00016 6. Express the number stated m each
en ooooow st.o.tement m sc1e.nt.1fic not.at1on.
(g) 0 0000095 (a) A human adult breathes about 23,000
Ch) 0.000000030 times a day
(b) The d1amet-er of the smallest blood
2. Express the followUlg numbers as integers vessel 1s O 0008 centimeters.
(a) 9 8 x lo' (c) The cosmos contains approx1mately
lb) 5 " 104 50 billions galruues
(c) 7..23 X 1011 (d) A plant cell is approximately
Cd) 1 06 x 10~ 0.00001276 meters wide

3. Express the followtng numbers .as decimals 7. Convert the units stated in each statement
(a) 4- x 10 -.1 (b) 3 6 x 10 A to the required umt m the parentheses and
Cc) 1 58 x 10 ' (d) 2 07 x 10 " express your answers m scientific notation
(a) The age of the Earth ts approximately
-4. E\·ruuotc the followmg without u!U.Dg a 4,500,000,000 years. (g1ga-yearsl
cnlcuJntor nnd express your answers 10 (b) The wavelength of yellow hghl is
scientific not..:ltJon 0 00000059 meters (micrometers)
(A) J.6 X }Q°' + 4.7 X 101 (c) The diameter of a hydrogen atom 1s
(b) 6 8 x 10 .... + 9 x 10 7
about 70 picometers. (nanometers)
(c) 4 X 101 - 9 8 X }05 (d) The average distance from the Earth
(d) 5 4 x 10 11 - 6 6 x 10-11
to the Moon 1s 384.4 megameters
(c) 15 x JOf) x (3 x 10') (kilomet..ers)
(() (4 X 10 t) X (l 7 X 108 )
(g) (2 )( 10 ~, .!. (8 )( 10-1 )
(h) (3 4 X 10 4 ) - (l 7 X 10')

8. In the year 2010, the world population was
about 6.8 billion The average amount of
meat consumed worldwide each day m th~
5. Evnluote the followmg without using n year 2010 was 7 82 >< 105 kg. Given that
cakulator 11nd express your answers m there were 365 days LO tho year 2010, what
~il'nttfic not.auon
was tho average umount of ment consumed
(a) (J.3 x 10·t
by each person l.O that year? Express your
(b) <5 x 10 °11
answer tn sc1enbfic notation
9. On nvero~e. each Amcncan throws nway 11. (a) The equatorial rudHIB of the Enrth
33 pounds of food each month wtuch 1s 1s the d1stooce from the center of
worth sbout $40 nccording t.o the Natural tJ1e Eortb to the cquotor lt 1.s oboul
Resources Defense Council In tho yenr 6,378 5 km Frnd the length of the
2010, the population m the United Suites equotor rn melen!, exprcs.•,mg your
wns about. 310 ,c 101 anBWer in scientific not~t.Jon corrcl'l. to
(a) How much food ond money did nn 3 dec1mo I ploces
nverogc American waste! 1n 2010? (b) The speed of light In mr is 3 x 10• mlt..
(b) Assuming each month has 30 days, Fmd the t1mo taken for n hght b<.'nm to
how much food did the Amcncnns travel n d1stnncc equal to the len~h of
waste m n day m 2010? the equator G1\'e your onswcr corrl.'cl
Express your answers rn scienbfic not.at,on to 3 dcc1mal places.
For (b). express your answer usmg an
appropriate SI prefi.x ~ BRAIN VVDRKS
10. An ntom of o.n clement comnsts of protons, 12. List some units of measurement m doily ltfo
neutrons, and electrons An electron that use the SI prefixes pico , no.no-. m1cro-
has a mass 5 ,c 10~ times the mass of megn-, g,gn-, n_nd tcru-
a proton. The mass of an electron 1s
9 10956 x 10 -Ji kg Find the mnss of n 13. When I wns a child, I wns told that the
proton, expressing your answer an SC1ent1fit' universe 1s 6 b1lhon _)'ears old Tbnt ,vos
notat10n correct to 2 decimal places. 60 years ago Why would 1t b~ silly for mo to
nov.• cln1m that the uruvcrse 1s 6 b1ll1on nnd
60 years oJd?

·s GM!iJ•i,,h?ii ,·IM 'it 4i Hd,.:.

4. State the number of significant figures
each number
(a) 30 (b) 72,009

1. Round each number to 1 sigruficant figure (c) 16 340 (d) 6,800

(a) 2,489 (b) 47 67 (e) 0.00204 (f) 5 900 X 10 l
(c) 0 0392

2. Round each number lo 2 s1gmficant fi~,ure.s

and then express each rounded number tn

sc1ent1fic notnoon
la) 69,852 (b) 0 0543
5. (a) Convert the fraction !7 mto u dectmnl
(<') 0 0001974 (b) Round the answer in (a) to 4 SLgmficant
3. Round each number lo 3 significant figures
and then e.xpreas each rounded number JD 6. Evaluate (-4 937) + (-3 625) and round
scwnt1 fie ootnlton your answer to 3 s1gmficnnt figures.
(n) 4,263,607 (b> 159 71
(c) 0 00403625
7. (a) Evnluoto tf x ¾• (-2½) K (-¼) 12. The table h(-low allows the l.ibor force irnd
employment s~llst1cs (an thou&nnd8) of the
(b) Express the nnawcr in (a) os o deC1mal
US m January 1978 o.nd Junuary 2011
rounded to 4 s1gmficaol figures
(c) FUld the square root of the answer m
YNJ ~ Llbor fGrle I Eftlpllrmn
January 1978 100,873 91,364
8. Evaluate the following, expres!lng your Ja.nuary 2011 153,l&O 139,323
nnswcr m sc1enllfic notation rounded to
3 s1gn1ficant figures (a) Row many s1gn1ficant fibrures ore
(D) 68 3 )( 0 005 X Q 17
there ID the 1978 lnbor force number?
(b) Wnle lhe 1978 labor force nu.mher in
(b) 30 7 • 10--' • 12.'l x 10•
"2li .. 10
2 full, rounded to 3 s1gruficant. fagur('s
(c) Wnle tho 1978 lobor force number
m sc1enhfic notation, roundl'd W
~ MATH~~VVORK 2 a1gruficnnt figures
(d) Fmd tht! unemployment mt.es \O
9. The length and width of a rectangular January 1978 11nd io Jonuory 2011,
playground are 30.1 m n.nd 25 6 m rounded to 2 stgmfic.nnt. figures
respectwely Fwd the area of the Note: The unemployment rote ~ the
playground, round.mg your an.._'M'er to ratio of unemployed workers
3 s1g01.ficant figures. to labor force, expressed ru. o
10. The thickness of 500 sheets of paper 1s
1.94 in What is the thickness of
(a) one sheet of paper expressed 10 ~BRAIN\NDRKS
sc1enhfic notat1on,
(b) 17 sheetsofpnperexpressed m dccamnls 13. When n number 1.S rounded to 3 51gn1ftcant
with three mgrufic.ant. figures? figures, 1t LS O 0606. Give three possible
How many sheets of paper will mnkc up a vruucs ofth1s number
thickness of .nt least 3 m.?
14. The floor of ll room measures 3 8 m by
6.7 m, rounded to 2 s1gruficaot figures ls 1l
possible that the area of the room 13 26 ml,
t rounded to 2 s1gn1ficnnt figures?
I 1:14 in

11. The lnrgcst. stole m tbc U.S., Aloska, bas
a land area of 571,951 26 m1' and the
second largest state. Texas, bas n land
are.n of 261,797,12 m11 . In the year 2010.
the populntaon of Alnska was 710,231 and
thnl of Texas was 26,145,661 Fmd the
populnt1on dcrunty for co.ch of the st..ntcs,
giving your answer rounded to 3 S1gruficant
Note: The populat1on dem1ty 1s the number
of people per square mile of land

·5.t:11 lq., i1 ,. Ii i·I BB tt :11Mf i: .I ill

2,853 + 21.5
125 + 3 91 x 27.48
1. Est:Jm:rtc the value of eoch expresSlon by
(f) 13 24 X 4.83 X 6.09
roundmg the numbers m the expressions to (1) 38,467 X Q 00296
l significant figure.
(h) 1,878 + 29.2 + 3.14
(a) 2,316 + 5,967
(j) (16.9 - 6.47) X 7 09
(b) 45.301 - 18,432
(j) 6.25~ + 4 38
(c) 84 x 26

I.....- FURTHER PRACTICE 7. Mrs Smith buy" four bottles of cookin~
oiJ nnd three boxe-. of deu•rgrot from n
2. Determme whether coch CJ1l1moted voluc 1s mipermnrket Tho pncr ofa bottl" of cooking
rerusonable or not. 01 I ,a S3 85 nnd th.>t of a bo.,c of detcrg1. nt
(o) 5,837 + 985 - 7,000 l8 $17 95 Estimate the tot.al pnct? of
(b) 34 7 - 482 + 659 - -500 .:\frs Sm1ths purchru1cs
(c) 23.92 >< 4 801 - 1,200
(d) 5,367 + 183 - 30 8. A rectangular field l.'I 6-t 19 m lung nnd
(e) 62.47 >< 0.093 + 0 00217 - 25,000 25 68 m ·wide
(f) 3,126 >< 1 07'2 + 0 085 • 40.000 (a) Fmd its aren, rounding your un.swc•r to
2 SJgn1ficant figures.
3. Ei!tLmnte the value of each expres81on (b) (i) Express the length and the "1dlh
(a) Jl60 cttch rounded to 2 s1gruficnnt
(b) ~350
(ii) Ueang lite opproJC1m11tc Hllues
(C) .J 891 X (23.25 - 9 63) 111 (i), find Lhe oren of tl1e field.
(d) ~521 -:- 0.0418 Round your n~~wcr l-0 i s1go1ficnnt
4. Consider the expression (c) Me the tUU\a.ers in (a) ond (b) (ii) the
4 5012 - 3.2167 - 6 7183 same?
(a) Evaluate the expresSJon, roundmg
your answer to 3 s1gn1fica.nt figures
(b) Evaluate the expression after each
number m the erpress1on hns been
9. Oct.ermine 1f 25,735 lC 58 1_s greater tbnn
row1ded to 3 s1gmficant figures, gwmg
25,736 x 57 wttbout using n cakulat.or
your answer rounded to 3 s1gn1ficonl
10. Grve two cxamp1e1i of estLIDSLton used in
(c) Are the answers m (a) nnd (b) the
rcu.l-world s1tunhons
same? Why?
11. Give on ex.ample of n comput.ot10O 10 wluch

~ MATH<'O VVORK the nnswer obtruncd 1.LS1ng n coJculator or

computer software .tS not exuct

5. Suppose you had $3,458 m your wallet You

spent $361, $86, $405, and $299 on four
items dunng 8 shopping tnp. Estmaate the
amount of money you have left

6. In u parade, a group of partlClpnnLS are

arranged m n rectangular nrray of 32 rows
by 28 columns.. Erumote tbe number of
part1opnnts m the group

•:t:ttii f=,:Vtu il: ·I G 11 ,:J ·•d: · ~";,'"

~. .
1. $amplify the following, expresanng your 6. Let. .x = 9,230.000, y "'471,000, and
,uuwera with positive exponent& z = 0 000006
(a) C.r'y>u•y2) (a) E:s:pl'-es.9.x,y, Md z rn scienllfic ootat1on_
(b) (a'b') -:- (a,b') (b) Find the values of the following.
expreumg your aruwcrs in sc1ent1fic
(c) (2a 3b 4 )1
(-2pl</ )l
(d) -- (l) .x+y (ii) .n
(iii) z' (lv) l.
2. Evaluate the followmg
(a) 10-2 + 10° + 102 7. A formula ga\-en by E ~ mc2 , with
(b) 3-1 - 4-2 m = 2 6 x 10 ' nnd c = 3 ,. 101 Find the

(c) ( tr value of E, expressing your nnswcr

(a) in tcicnt1tic not.alJon,
(b) a.s an mtcger
(d) (¾Y ~ (¾f
8. (a) How many second.!! are there 10 a day?
(b) Suppose there are 365 days m u year
3. Sunplify the following, expremng your Find the number of seconds in 16 yel.LJ'8,
nnswers with pos1hve exponent.a g1vmg your answer LO ecaenhfic
(a) (.r3y ')(.r 'y6) not.Uon, rounded to 3 S1gmficnnt
(b) (-2.x•y1,0(-3.r-~/(! figures
(c) -
(-Jpq..)t 9. Solve the follow-mg equations
(a) 2• = 512
(b) 51t • I =625
(c) 3' + 34 =27
(d) 10' = 0.01
4. Evaluate the following.
(a) ~1.296 10. Wally forgot to put the decimal point in the
I answer to each of the follow mg calculo.t10os
(b) 256; Show how you can use estimation Lo put the
(c) 128·;• decimal pomt rn the answer correctly
(a) 637 x 0.M = 3_.398
(b) 2,198 >c 0.0047 = 103306

6. S1mphfy the following, expressang your 11. A rectangular sign board mf'Mures 2 13 m
answers with positive exponent.a. by 4.08 m.
ca> ra, +ll (a) Gwc an estimate of its o.reo..
(b) Fmd the area of the boa.rd, rounding
(b) {Sol ix ~ your answer to J s1gmlicnnt figures
(c) The co11t per square meter of the board
) ◄ 1
1s $56 90 Find the cost of the hon.rd
(c) (m-1n i )4(m-2n -'i) i
I I 1
rounded to th«! nearest dollar
(d) a 1(a i - a· i)

tll' ·1 liteP :-,ti,-.;~

12. A book slon• purt"hnote! 185 cnkuJntors ot n 15. The tnblo below t1how8 the populntlon m tho
co.~l of $25 l~ ~.ach Tu·o of the atkulnton, are y!'nr 2010 nnd the land l\rt>ll of somo i1lntCS
dam.'lged o.nd the ~..-l nn! 11old nt S34 90 coch lo the US
rind rounded lo lhc OCil.Tl'.Sl dollar,
(u) the tolnl cost o(tb~ mlculotoni
State I l"atNblkln : Lamt .,_ fs4111Dt)
(b) the totru nm.•uuc collectt>d from the Mlc3 Cohfom111 J 73 )( 101 l a;6 " JO
of tho rnlculatoni. Hawcw 1 :36 >1 10• 6 -t2 x 10'
~d the profit mndc from the gjcs of t bo
Orqon 3 83 >< 10• 9 60 >< 10•
\\)unun« 6 6-t x 10 9 71 x lOA
13. A rcnrn ul ,oo 'ihec~ of paper l:l 51 5 mm
high (n) How many more peopll' )we in Howru,
ln) Find the th1ckne~ of one shecl of J)llper thnn 1n Wyoming? Give your nn<nver rn
(I) m centunet.ers, gw1ng your answer SC1l'nt1fic not.at,on
as a dcc11:nn.l. (b) Find rounding your answer to one
(ii) In meters, gi, rng your nnswt•r m dccunal pince, the overagc> number
scientific not...abon of people per square mtle hvmg m
lb) If each sJ1ecl of paper mcll.SUred 210 mm Cobforrua ond in W_yommg
b} 297 mm o.nd we1g-ru, 80 glm', e.st,matc (c) Estunnt.c the population of Oregon
(i) the area of eoch sheet ofpnper, giving os n percentage of th~ popult1tion of
your an.sw~r Ul square me~rs. CaJ1forma
(il) the ffi.11._~ of ench sheet of pnper

14. Ca) The d.Jamewr ufthe Eorth at lhe equator

18 ab.out 7 926 2S m1
lO \\1-ull 1s the CJn.-umfcn>nro of the
Earth nt the equntor?
(H) The total length of blood vessels
m B human body ts nppro..,omately
62,000 miJes ff the blood v~ls
\\'l're to hno up e.n.c.l lo end, how many
times can tbC'y gu around the Enrth's
Rouud off your llnli\\""t'rs to 3 s1gmfieo.nt
fb) The dlllmf.'wr of o lnrge blood artery
1.3 2!>,000 m1cromt-ten1 E.-press the
(1) w meters, giving your onswer 10
~1cm1fi.c notation,
(u) in m1ll1metera
0 BASIC PRACTICE 3. (a) Copy and complete the following table
of values of x and y for the equation
1. Solve the following equations.
X + y = 5.
(a) 8(x - 5) = 4(3x + 2)
(b) x - (7 - 3x) = 2(2x + 5)
(c) 5(3y - 8) - 2(9y - 1) = -(y + 2)

y - 10 = L + 11
I 0 3 5

Draw the graph of x + y = 5 for

(e) - 5 = 2(a + 1)
8 0 ~ X ~ 5.
(f) ! (6a + 9) = 4 (; - 3) + 15 (c) If ( 1 !,p) is a solution of x + y = 5,
find the value of p.
2. (a) Copy and complete the following table
of values of x and y for the equation 4. (a) Copy and complete the following table
y=2x-l. of values of x and y for the equation
X + 3y = 9.

I -1 0

Draw the graph of y = 2x - 1 for

1 3

I- 0 3 6 9

-1 ~ X ~ 3. (b) Draw the graph of x + 3y = 9 for

0 ~ X ~ 9.
(c) Is ( ~, 2) a solution of the equation (c) If (4, q) is a point on the graph, find the
y = 2x- 1? value of q.

,....ffiHD•Wi hi H·t-Sel·UGUl,'.tt·i't' pHS .. i 31ft

5. (a) Copy and complete the following table 10. It is given that (1, 6) is a solution of th
of values of x and y for the equation equation 3x + ky - 33 = 0. e
2x- 5y = 10. (a) Find the value of the constant k.
(b) Draw the graph of the equation for

I 0 3 5 -1 ~ X ~ 12.
(c) Find they-inte rcept of the graph.
(d) If (4, p) is a point on the graph, find the
value of p.
(b) Draw the graph of 2x - 5y = 10 for
0 ~ X ~ 5.
(c) If (m, -1) is a point on the graph, find
the value of m.
4li ~

11. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have $6,000 in their

6. In each of the following cases, determin e joint bank account. Suppose $x in the
whether the given ordered pair is a solution account belongs to Mr. Smith and $y
of the equation . belongs to Mrs. Smith.
(a) 2x + y = 16; (4, 8) (a) Form an equation connecti ng x andy.
(b) x - 5y = 11; (-1, -2) (b) When x = 3,500, find the value of y.
(c) 3x + 4y = 24; (4, 3) (c) Draw the graph of the equation in (a).
(d) 7x - 6y + 5 = O; (5, 5)
12. There are x bicycles and y tricycles in a
store. The total number of wheels is 48.
(a) Form an equation connecti ng x and y.
(b) Draw the graph of the equation in (a).
7. Solve the following equation s.
(c) If there are 12 bicycles, find the number
(a) 2(3k - 1) + 4 = 3k of tricycles.
2(k -4) (d) What can you say about the values of
(b) - - - =1 x and y in each ordered pair (x, y)?
7 4
y + l _ 2y-1 = 5
3 6
y-6 _ 2y 7(y + 3)
(d) - - - - - - BRAI N VVOR KS
4 5 20
2(2x - 5) X + 15
(e) -+ = 13. The prices of one unit of share A and one
2 3 6
unit of share B in the stock market are
x-3 2x-1
(f) --+ - =0 $4 and $6 respectively. If George sells x
4 3 2
shares A and buys y shares B, he will have
8. Draw a graph for each of the following $3,000 more. (Assume that there are no
equation s. transact ion costs.)
(a) X - y = 4 for Q ~ X ~ 5 (a) Form an equation connecti ng x andY .
(b) 2x + y = 8 for -1 ~ X ~ 5 (b) Name two possible pairs of values
(c) X - 2y = 0 for -3 ~ X ~ 3 x andy.
(d) 3x + 4y = 12 for 0 ~ x ~ 5

9. The points A(a, 0), B(0, b), and C(c, 1.5) lie
on the line x + 2y = 8.
(a) Find the values of a, b, and c.
(b) Determi ne whether (3, 2) is a solution
ofx + 2y = 8.
0 BASIC PRACTICE (b) Solve, using the graphical method, the
simultaneous equations x + y == 6 and
1. Solve the following pairs of simultaneous x-y = 2.
equations, using the given graphs.
(a) 2x - y =0 and x - 2y =6 3. (a) Copy and complete the following tables.
X + 2y =9
3 5 7

2x -y = 12
3 5 7

(b) Solve the simultaneous equations

x + 2y = 9 and 2x - y = 12 using the
graphical method.
(b) x + 3y =9 and 2x + 3y =6

4. Solve the following pairs of simultaneous

equations using the graphical method.
(a) 2x - y = l and x + y = 5
(b) x - 3y =-1 and 2x-y =8

5. Solve the following pairs of simultaneou::i

equations using the graphical met.bod.
(a) 2x + 3y = 7 and 4x + 5y = 15
(b) 2x - 3y = 12 and 6x - 9y = 20

2. (a) Copy and complete the following tables. ~ MATH<?<> \NORK

x+y=6 6. John is x years old. His younger si5ler.

x-y =2
0 2 4 6 Emily, is y years old.
"(a) The sum of their ages is 10 years. Forni
an equation connecting x and Y·
(b) The difference between their age~ J:-

4 years. Form an equat10n connectl!'lg

I 0 2 4 6
x andy.
(c) Draw the graphs of the equabon
(a) and (b) on the same diagrnni
• 5 111

(d) Find out how old John and Emily nre

7. The prices of a table and a chair are $x and ~ BRAIN WORKS
$y respectively.
(a) The total price of such a table and 4 8. (a) On the same diagram, draw the graphs
chairs is $400. Form an equation of the equations 2x + 4y = 12 and
connecting x and y. 3x + 6y = 18 for 0 ~ x ~ 7.
(b) The price of such a table and 6 chairs (b) Write down three pairs of solutions for
is $500. Form an equation connecting x the simultaneous equations 2x + 4y = 12
andy. and 3x + 6y = 18.
(c) Draw the graphs of the equations in (a) (c) In general, what is the possible number
and (b) on the same diagram. of solutions for two simultaneous linear
(d) Find the price of a table and the price equations in two variables?
of a chair.

.....➔®mt◄•W i!;j i·M Ui·frfii, 1Ni·tt q, H,

,,:·:rn ,
1. Solve each of the following pairs of
3. The prices of a book and a pen are $x and
simultaneous equations using the
$y respectively.
substitution method.
(a) The total price of 3 books and 1 pen is
(a) y =x + 3 and 2x + y = 15 $17. Form an equation in x andy.
(b) y =2x and 7x - 2y = 15 (b) The total price of 4 books and 5 pens is
(c) x = 1 - y and 3x + 2y =6 $30. Form an equation in x and y.
(c) By solving the simultaneous equations
(d) x =3y - 2 and 4x - y =-19
in (a) and (b), find the price of a book
(e) x + y = 13 and x - y = 7
and the price of a pen.
(f) 2x - y = I and 2x + y = -13
(g) x - 4y = 0 and 5x + By - 14 = 0
4. The length and width of a rectangle are
(h) x + 3y + 7 =0 and x - 6y + 10 = 0 x cm and y cm respectively.
(a) The sum of its length and width is
28 cm. Form an equation in x and y.
(b) The width of the rectangle is ~ of its
length. Form an equation in x andy.
2. Solve each of the following pairs of (c) By solving the simultaneous equations
simultaneous equations using the in (a) and (b), find the length of the
substitution method. rectangle.
(a) 3x + 7y = 13,
5x + 2y = 12
(b) 5x - 9y = 17, ~ B R A I N WORKS
3x-8y =5
(c) 2x - 3y =9, 5. (a) Solve the simultaneous equations
4x + 3y = 21 x - y = 5 and 3x - 3y = 15 by the
substitution method.
(d) 4x + 3y = 0,
(b) Draw the graphs of x - y = 5 and
?x-By =53
3x - 3y = 15 on the same diagram.
(e) 15x - 4y =6, (c) Compare the results in (a) and (b).
6x- 2y = 1 What do you notice?
(d) Design another set of simultaneous
(f) lOx + y = 5,
equations with a solution of a nature
14x + 2y = 1
similar to the set of simultaneous
(g) 3x - 7y = 8, equations in (a).
5y-9x =-16
(h) 5x + 2y =-13,
7x- 7 = By
f EXERDSE 2.11
0 BASIC PRACTICE (b) If the total volume of coffee in two
regular orders is 100 mL more than
1. Solve each of the following pairs of that in one large-size order, form an
simultaneous equations using the equation connecting x and y.
elimination method. (c) Find the values of x and y by solving
(a) x + y = 13 and x - y = 5 the simultaneous equations derived in
(b) 2x + y = 9 and 2x - 3y = 29 (a) and (b).
(c) 4x + y = 17 and 2x + y = 11
(d) 5x - 4y = -56 and 9x - 4y = -83 4. There are two lines of people waiting at the
(e) x - 3y = 2 and 2x + 5y = 15 bus station. The numbers of people in the
(f) 3x + y = -12 and 4x + 5y = -38 lines are x and y respectively and x > y.
(g) Bx - 7y = -10 and 13x - 21y = -19 (a) If the difference in the number of
(h) lOx - lly = 2 and 5x - 4y = 13 people in these two lines is 10, form an
equation connecting x and y.


(b) If the first line is twice as long as
the second line, form an equation
connecting x and y.
2. Solve each of the following pairs of (c) Solve the simultaneous equation,Q
simultaneous equations using the obtained in (a) and (b). Hence, find the
elimination method. number of people in each line.
(a) 5x - 3y = I and 3x - y - 5 = 0
(b) x + y + 24 = 0 and 3x + 2y = 6
(c) 24x - By = -4 and 12x - lOy = 7
(d) 7x + 6y = 33 and 5x - 4y = 7
(e) 9x - 5y = 51 and llx + 13y = 5 5. Consider the system of equations
(f) 21x + 12y = 84 and 7x + 4y - 28 = 0
2x + y = 16,
(g) ~ + Y = 4 and ~ + 2Y = 4 X + 3y = 13,
6 3 12 3
4x- 5y = k,
(h) x - Y = .! and x +Y =~
5 4 3 2 3 6 where k is a constant.
(a) If the system has a unique solution.
.,MATH@ WDRK (i) the solution,
(ii) the value of k. f
3. The volumes of coffee in a regular order (b) How many solutions does the sy3tem
and a large-size order are x mL and y mL equations have when the value of k
respectively. different from that in (a)(ii)?
(a) If the total volume in a regular order
and a large-size order is 650 mL, form
an equation connecting x and y.
( EXERDSE2.5 ·1

1. The sum of two numbers, a and b, is 87. The 7. Two types of tanks, A and B, are used to
difference between the two numbers is 39. store oil. The total weight of oil in 3 Tank
Find the two numbers, a and b. A and 7 Tank Bis 212 kg. The total weight
of oil in 5 Tank A and 8 Tank B is 269 kg.
Find the combined weight of oil in Tank A
2. The difference between two numbers, p and TankB.
and q, where p > q is 19. Twice the greater
number exceeds three times the smaller
number by 21. Find the two numbers, p 8. Roger is 6 years older than Zoe. Three years
andq. ago, Zoe's age was two-thirds of Roger's age,
Find their present ages.

3. The total points scored by Susan and Bob

in a test is 56 points. If twice of Bob's score 9. MBC is an equilateral triangle in which
is 57 points more than Susan's score, find AB = (3x + l) cm, BC = (2x + 3y + 5) cm and
Susan's score. CA = (x + 9y + 6) cm. Find the values of x
4. The perimeter of a rectangle measuring A
x cm by y cm is 114 cm. The total length
of three of its sides is 93 cm. Find the
dimensions of the rectangle.

5. Jim bought 3 adult tickets and 2 child 2x + 3y + 5

tickets for a concert at $167. Kent bought
2 adult tickets and 1 child ticket for the
same concert at $103. Find the price of an
10. A two-digit number is equal to 7 times the
adult ticket.
sum of its digits. The number formed by
reversing its digits is less than the original
6. The diagram shows a parallelogram ABCD. number by 18. Find the original number.
The lengths of its sides are AB= (3x + y) in.,
BC = (2x - 1) in., CD = (3y + 11) in. and
DA = (x + y) in. Find the values of x and y. 11. A fraction is equivalent to.!. if its numerst0r
3 • 3 tor
decreases by 2 and its denomin .
·r--_ 3y + 1
__,.;._J_ __ c
increases by 5. When its numerator.;:
doubled and 3 is subtracted fron1 1 -
denominator, the fraction becomes ;D
s find
A 3x+ y the original fraction.
12. A monthly cell phone bill consists of a 16. A sports club has to purcha se x gold medals ,
fixed charge ${ and a variable charge of $v y silver medals, and z bronze medals for an
per minute of usage. In April, the usage event. When the price of gold, silver, and
was 32 minute s and the charge was $34. bronze medals is $30, $20, and $10 each
In May, the usage was 48 minute s and respectively, the total cost is $410. When the
the charge was $42. Find the values off price is $40, $25, and $15 each respectively,
and v. the total cost is $545.
(a) Find two possible sets of the values of
x, y, and z.
13. At a certain point of time in a stock market , (b) Do you think the solutions you have
if Mrs. Howard bought 3,500 shares of obtained are the only possible sets?
Stock A and sold 2,000 shares of Stock B, If not, show how you can obtain more
she would have to pay a total of $24,000. sets of solutions.
If she sold 4,000 shares of Stock A and
bought 2,500 shares of Stock B, she would 17. Think of a two-digit number. Reverse the
receive $19,500 instead . Find the price of digits to form a new number.
each share of Stock A and of Stock B at that (a) Sum up the two numbe rs. Show that
moment. (Assume there is no transac tion the sum is divisible by 11 for all two-
cost.) digit numbers.
(b) Subtra ct the smalle r numbe r from the
larger number. What result would you
14. Ryan walks and cycles at uniform speeds. discover from the difference for all two-
When he walks for 2 hours and cycles for digit numbers?
1 hour, the distanc e travele d is 24 km.
When he walks for 1 hour and cycles for
2 hours, the distanc e traveled is 39 km.
Find the speed at which he cycles.

15. Alan and Alice are 9 km apart on a straigh t

road and they are walkin g uniformly
toward s each other. If they start walkin g
at the same time, they will meet in
1 hour 30 minute s. If Alice starts walkin g
30 minute s after Alan, they will meet after
Alice has walked 1 hour 12 minutes. Find
the speed at which Alan is walkin g and the
speed at which Alice is walkin g in km/hr.
1. Solve each of the following pairs of
simultaneous equations using the graphical
7. The perimeter of a rectangle is 56 in. If its

length is reduced by 2 in. and its width is
method. increased by 4 in., the figure formed is a
(a) x + y = 3 and 2x + 3y = 6 square. Find the length and width of the
(b) y = 2x and 4x - 2y = 5 rectangle.
(c) 3x + 4y = 12 and 6x + By = 24
(d) x - 2y - 1 = 0 and 2x + 5y + 16 = 0

8. A two-digit number is ±7 of the number

2. Solve each of the following pairs of formed by reversing its digits. When the
simultaneous equations. number is increased by twice the sum of its
(a) x + y = 9 and 2x - y = 12 digits, it becomes 54. Find the number.
(b) 2x - y = 11 and 3x - 4y = 29
(c) y = 3x - 8 and 6x - 2y = 7
9. The diagram shows a rectangular
(d) ; - ~ = 1 and 6x - 9y = 18
framework which is formed by rods of
lengths x cm and y cm. The perimeter of
the framework is192 cm. The total length
3. Solve each of the following pairs of of the rods used is 420 cm. Find the values
simultaneous equations. of x andy.
(a) 5x + 7y = 4 and 18x + 28y = 6
(b) llx - By= 79 and 6x + 7y = 9
(c) 2 - 4(3x - y) = 8(4 - y) - 39x and
8(4 -y) - 39x = 6(y - x)
X y X 19
y 63
~ -+-=-and---= --
3 4 12 2 5 80

4. The total mass of two boys is 87 kg. If twice 10. Kathy has 55 coins, all of which are either
the mass of the smaller boy exceeds the dimes or quarters, and the total value is
mass of the bigger boy by 33 kg, find the $11.80. How many dimes and quarters does
mass of each boy. Kathy have?

5. Two years ago, Mr. Scott was 7 times as 11. Consider the pair of simultaneous equations
old as his son. In 3 years' time, he will be 3x - 2y = 1 and hx - 14y = k.
4 times as old as his son. Find Mr Scott's
(a) What values must h and k take if the
present age.
pair of equations has infinitely many
(b) If the pair of equations have no unique
6. The total cost of 4 forks and 2 spoons is $13.
solution, state the value that h must
The total cost of 7 forks and 5 spoons is $25.
take and a possible value of k.
Find the price of a fork and the price of a

111111111111➔ttbfil!ihf¥1 i+t S,i·iWJi:le',1·►1:l lfJ*,ru ', @.

12. Nancy and Nike went to a pet shop (iii) Can Nancy determine the number of
with their grandfather. The shop owner birds and of cats based on the total
confirmed that there are 37 birds and cats number of animals and the total
in the shop. number ofeyes? Explain your answer.
(a) Nancy counted and said that the total (b) If Nike counted that the 37 animals have
number of eyes of the animals is 76. a total of 102 legs, find the number of
Her grandfather commented that her birds and the number of cats in the shop.
value is incorrect.
(i) Explain why her grandfather
claimed that the value is incorrect.
(ii) What should be the correct total
number of eyes of the animals?

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