Bifen IT Label 6-7-17
Bifen IT Label 6-7-17
Bifen IT Label 6-7-17
Insecticide / Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and
other pests of structures. To control pests in and around
such areas as homes, commercial and industrial buildings,
recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals.
Controls pests in livestock and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms
licensed by the state to apply termiticide products. States may
have more restrictive requirements regarding qualifications of
persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory
agency of your state prior to use of this product.
OTHER INGREDIENTS:................... 92.1%
TOTAL...................................... 100.0%
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon.
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum.
See attached booklet for additional precautionary statements
EPA Reg. No. 53883-118 NET CONTENTS:
EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002 4 FL.OZ.
Manufactured by:
Insecticide /Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and
other pests of structures. To control pests in and around
such areas as homes, commercial and industrial buildings,
recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals.
Controls pests in livestock and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms
licensed by the state to apply termiticide products. States may
have more restrictive requirements regarding qualifications of
persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory
agency of your state prior to use of this product.
Bifenthrin*................................................. 7.9%
OTHER INGREDIENTS:................................. 92.1%
TOTAL.................................................... 100.0%
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon.
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum.
See inside booklet for additional precautionary statements
EPA Reg. No. 53883-118 EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
Manufactured by:
EPA 060717
If • C all a poison control center or doctor
swallowed immediately for treatment advice.
•H ave person sip a glass of water
if able to swallow.
•D o not induce vomiting unless
told to do so by the poison
control center or doctor.
•D o not give anything by mouth to
an unconscious person.
If inhaled • Move person to fresh air.
• If person is not breathing, call
911 or an ambulance, then give
artificial respiration, preferably by
mouth-to-mouth if possible.
• C all a poison control center or
doctor for further treatment advice.
If on skin or • T ake off contaminated clothing.
clothing • R inse skin immediately with
plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
• C all a poison control center or
doctor for treatment advice.
If in eyes • H old eye open and rinse slowly and
gently with water 15-20 minutes.
• R emove contact lenses, if
present, after the first 5 minutes,
then continue rinsing eye.
• C all a poison control center or
doctor for treatment advice.
Have the product container or label with you when
calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for
treatment. You may also contact SafetyCall® (866) 897-
8050 for emergency medical treatment information.
Note to Physician - This product is a pyrethroid. If large
amounts have been ingested, the stomach and intestine
should be evacuated. Treatment is symptomatic and
supportive. Digestible fats, oils, or alcohol may increase
absorption and so should be avoided.
Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals
CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed
through skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing.
Avoid breathing spray mist. Wash thoroughly with soap
and water after handling and before eating, drinking,
chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet.
Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
All pesticide handlers (mixers, loaders, and
applicators) must wear long-sleeved shirt and long
pants, socks, shoes, and chemical-resistant gloves.
After the product is diluted in accordance with label
directions for use, and/or when mixing and loading
using a closed spray tank transfer system, or an in-
line injector system, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, and
waterproof gloves are sufficient. In addition, all
pesticide handlers must wear a respiratory protection
device¹ when working in a non-ventilated space. All
pesticide handlers must wear protective eyewear
when working in non-ventilated space or when
applying termiticide by rodding or sub-slab injection.
¹Use one of the following: NIOSH approved
respirator with any R, P or HE filter
or a NIOSH approved respirator with an organic
vapor (OV) cartridge
or canister with any R, P, or HE pre-filter.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/
maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables
exist, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash
PPE separately from other laundry.
Environmental Hazards
This pesticide is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic
invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not
allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains,
drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying
this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted
for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or
rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment
area. Rinsing application equipment over the treated
area will help avoid run off to water bodies or drainage
systems. Care should be used when spraying to avoid
fish and reptile pets in/around ornamental ponds.
This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct
treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds.
Do not apply this product or allow to drift to blooming
crops if bees are foraging the treatment area.
Do not discharge effluent containing this product
into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans, or
other public waters unless in accordance with the
requirements of a National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit and the
permitting authority has been notified in writing prior
to discharge. Do not discharge effluent containing this
product to sewer systems without previously notifying
the local sewage plant authority. For guidance contact
your State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA.
Physical and Chemical Hazards
Do not apply water-based dilutions of Bifen I/T to
electrical conduits, motor housings, junction boxes,
switch boxes or other electrical equipment because
of possible shock hazard.
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a
manner inconsistent with its labeling.
• Do not apply a broadcast application to interior
surfaces of homes.
• Do not apply by air.
• Do not apply in greenhouses, nurseries.
• Do not apply this product through any kind of
irrigation system.
• Not for use on sod farm turf, golf course turf, or
grass grown for seed.
• Do not apply to pets, crops, or sources of electricity.
• Firewood is not to be treated.
• Use only in well-ventilated areas.
• During any application to overhead areas of structure,
cover surface below with plastic sheeting or similar
material except for soil surfaces in crawlspaces.
• Do not allow spray to contact food, foodstuffs, food-
contacting surfaces or food utensils or water supplies.
• Thoroughly wash dishes and food handling utensils
with soap and water if they become contaminated
by application of this product.
• Do not treat areas where food is exposed.
• During indoor surface applications do not allow
dripping or runoff to occur.
• Do not allow contact with treated surfaces by people
or pets before spray has dried.
• Bifen I/T will not discolor or otherwise harm surfaces
that water alone will not discolor or otherwise harm.
• Do not apply this product in patient rooms or in
any rooms while occupied by the elderly or infirm.
• Do not apply Bifen I/T in classrooms, libraries, sports venues,
or other institutional facilities when they are occupied.
• Bifen I/T may be applied with low-volume
application equipment, including Actisol® and
Micro-Injector®, for general surface, spot, crack and
crevice, and deep harborage treatments.
• Not for use on plants being grown for sale or
other commercial use, or for commercial seed
production, or for research purposes. For use on
plants intended only for aesthetic purposes or
climactic modifications and being grown in interior
plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or lawns
and grounds.
Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains,
or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers,
storm drains, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can
occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain
during or after application.
Additional Application Restrictions for
Residential Outdoor Surface and Space Sprays:
All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or
crack and crevice treatments only, except for the
following permitted uses:
1. Applications to soil or vegetation around structure;
2. Applications to lawns, turf, and other vegetation;
3. Applications to building foundations, up to a
maximum height of 3 feet above grade;
4. Applications to underside of eaves, soffits, doors,
or windows permanently protected from rainfall by
a covering, overhang, awning or other structure;
5. Applications around potential pest entry points into
buildings, when limited to a surface band not to
exceed one inch in width;
6. Applications made through the use of a coarse,
low pressure spray to only those portions of
surfaces that are directly above bare soil, lawn,
turf, mulch or other vegetation, as listed on this
label, and not over an impervious surface, drainage
or other condition that could result in runoff into
storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters, or surface
waters, in order to control occasional invaders or
aggregating pests.
Other than applications to building foundations, all
outdoor applications to impervious surfaces such as
sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches and structural
surfaces (such as windows, doors, and eaves) are
limited to spot and crack and crevice applications, only.
When treating adjacent to an existing structure, the
applicator must check the area to be treated, and
immediately adjacent areas of the structure, for visible
and accessible cracks and holes to prevent any leaks
or significant exposures to persons occupying the
structure. People present or residing in the structure
during application must be advised to remove their
pets and themselves from the structure if they see any
signs of leakage. After application, the applicator is
required to check for leaks. All leaks resulting in the
deposition of termiticide in locations other than those
prescribed on this label must be cleaned up prior to
leaving the applications site. Do not allow people or
pets to contact contaminated areas or to reoccupy
contaminated areas of the structure until the clean-
up is completed.
Some insects are known to develop resistance to
products used repeatedly for control. Because the
development of resistance cannot be predicted, the
use of this product should conform to resistance
management strategies established for the use
area. Consult your local or state pest management
authorities for details.
If resistance to this product develops in your area,
this product, or other products with a similar mode
of action, may not provide adequate control. If poor
performance cannot be attributed to improper
application or extreme weather conditions, a resistant
strain of insect may be present. If you experience
difficulty with control and suspect that resistance is
a reasonable cause, immediately consult your local
company representative or pest management advisor
for the best alternative method of control for your area.
Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other
commercial use, or for commercial seed production,
or for research purposes. For use on plants intended
only for aesthetic purposes or climatic modifications
and being grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental
gardens or parks, or lawn and grounds. Only use
this product on plants being grown for aesthetic or
climatic purposes and in interior and exterior sites,
such as, gardens, parks, lawns, and grounds, and other
ornamental sites. Do not use on vegetation intended for
sale or other commercial uses. Do not use on plants
grown for seed production or research purposes.
Using this product in and around structures and building
construction will prevent and control termite infestations.
To institute a barrier between the wood and the
termites in the soil, the chemical emulsion must be
effectively dispersed in the soil. It is important to
remove unnecessary materials that contain cellulose
and wood from around foundation walls, crawl spaces
(inside of structure), and porches, and fix damaged
plumbing and construction grade in order to deny
termite access to moisture.
To use this product effectively, it is important that the
service technician be familiar with current control
practices including trenching, rodding, subslab
injection, low-pressure spray applications, coarse
fan spraying of soil surfaces, crack and crevice
(void) injection, excavated soil treatment and brush
and spray applications to infested or susceptible
wood. Using these techniques correctly is essential
to prevent or control infestations by subterranean
termite species of genera Reticulitermes,
Zootermopsis, Coptotermes and Heterotermes. When
determining what procedures to follow, the service
technician should consider certain variables. Some
of the variables to consider are species biology and
behavior, structure design, heating, ventilation, and
air conditioning (HVAC) systems, water table, soil type
and compaction, grade conditions, and the location
and type of domestic water supplies and utilities.
For information concerning the most up to date
control practices in a given region or locale, consult
the local resources for structural pest control, state
cooperative extensions or regulatory agencies.
Applications Instructions
Bifen I/T controls a wide range of listed pests on
flowers, foliage plants, non-bearing fruit and nut trees,
shrubs, and ornamental trees, in interior and exterior
plantscapes, such as those in hotels, office buildings,
shopping malls, etc., and around athletic fields,
homes, institutional buildings, parks, and recreational
areas. Non-bearing fruit and nut trees are those that
will not produce a harvestable crop during the season
of application.
Bifen I/T can be tank-mixed with insect growth
regulators and other pesticides. Observe all
precautions and Directions for Use for each product.
Physical compatibility may vary with different
combinations of products, so prepare a small scale
(pint or quart jar) test sample for any combination not
tested previously. Use proper proportions in the small
scale test to achieve the correct result.
Unless otherwise noted in the label instructions, use
the procedure below for preparation of a new tank mix:
1. Add wettable powders to tank water.
2. Mix well
3. Add liquids and flowables
4. Mix well
5. Add emulsifiable concentrates
6. Mix well
Try reversing the order of addition or increasing the
amount of water if the combination is not compatible
using the above order. NOTE: After increasing
the amount of water, if the mixture is found to be
compatible, it is necessary to recalibrate the sprayer
for a higher volume application. Do not allow mixture
to stand overnight.
Formula for Determining the Active Ingredient
Content of the Finished Emulsion
(7.9)(Fl. Oz. of Bifen I/T added to tank) = %
Active Ingredient in emulsion
(Gallons of finished spray mix)(128)
Subterranean Termite Control – Use Directions
Important: Observe the following restrictions to avoid
contamination of public and private water supplies:
• U se anti-backflow equipment and procedures to prevent
insecticide from being siphoned into water supplies.
•D o not contaminate cisterns, wells, or other water
tanks by treating the soil beneath these structures.
• Do not treat soil where runoff may occur.
•D o not treat soil water-saturated or frozen soil.
• C onsult local and state specifications for
recommended treatment practices in your area.
• If local or state specifications do not exist, consult
the Federal Housing Administration (H.U.D.)
guidance documents.
Note: For the purposes of this label, crawl spaces
are defined as being inside of the structure.
Critical Areas: Points at which the foundation is
penetrated or abuts another structure are Critical
Areas. These include bath traps, cracks and
expansion joints, utility entry points, and adjacent
structures such as patios, slab additions, and stairs.
Structures with Wells/ Cisterns Inside Foundations
Structures that contain wells or cisterns within the
foundation of a structure can only be treated using
the following techniques:
1. Do not treat soil while it is beneath or within the
foundation or along the exterior perimeter of a
structure that contains a well or cistern. The treated
backfill method must be used if soil is removed and
treated outside/away from the foundation. The
treated backfill technique is described as follows:
a) Trench and remove soil to be treated onto heavy plastic
sheeting or similar material or into a wheelbarrow.
b) Treat the soil at the rate of 4 gallons of dilute
emulsion per 10 linear feet per foot of depth
of the trench, or 1 gallon per 1.0 cubic feet of
soil. See “Mixing Directions” section of this
label. Mix thoroughly into the soil taking care to
contain the liquid and prevent runoff or spillage.
c) After the treated soil has absorbed the diluted
emulsion, replace the soil into the trench.
2. Treat infested and/or damaged wood in place using
an injection technique such as described in the
“Control of Wood Infesting Insects in Wood” section
of this label.
Structures with Adjacent Wells/ Cisterns and/or
Other Water Bodies
Applicators must inspect all structures with nearby
water sources such as wells, cisterns, surface ponds,
streams, and other bodies of water and evaluate, at
a minimum, the treatment recommendations listed
below prior to making an application.
1. Prior to treatment, if feasible, expose the water
pipe(s) coming from the well to the structure, if the
pipe(s) enter the structure within 3 feet of grade.
2. Prior to treatment, applicators are advised to
take precautions to limit the risk of applying the
termiticide into subsurface drains that could
empty into any bodies of water. These precautions
include evaluating whether application of the
termiticide to the top of the footer may result in
contamination of the subsurface drain. Factors
such as depth to the drain system and soil type
and degree of compaction should be taken into
account in determining the depth of the treatment.
3. W
hen appropriate (i.e., on the water side of
the structure), the treated backfill technique
(described above) can also be used to minimize
off-site movement of termiticide.
Before these techniques are used close to cisterns,
wells, or other bodies of water, seek advice from local,
state, or federal agencies for information on treatment
practices that are accepted in your area.
Application Rate: Use a 0.06% emulsion for
subterranean termites. For other pests on the label
use specific listed rates.
Mixing Directions: Mix the termiticide use dilution
in the following manner: Fill tank 1/4 to 1/3 full. Start
pump to begin by-pass agitation and place end of
treating tool in tank to allow circulation through
hose. Add appropriate amount of Bifen I/T. Add
remaining amount of water. Let pump run and allow
recirculation through the hose for 2 to 3 minutes.
Bifen I/T may also be combined into full tanks of
water. If combined into full tanks of water, allow
sufficient time for agitation and/or recirculation to
ensure consistency of the dilution.
To prepare a 0.06% water emulsion, ready to use,
dilute 3 quarts of Bifen I/T with 99.25 gallons of water.
Mixing: Using the chart below, determine the volume
of Bifen I/T and water required to produce the desired
volume of finished emulsion.
Amount of Bifen I/T
(Gallons except where noted)
Emulsion Amount of Amount Desired
Concentrate Bifen I/T of Water Gallons of
0.06% 1 oz. 127 oz. 1
5 oz. 4.9 5
10 oz. 9.9 10
25 oz. 24.8 25
1.5 qt. 49.6 50
2.25 qt. 74.4 75
3 qt. 99.25 100
4.5 qt. 148.8 150
6 qt. 198.5 200
0.12%* 2 oz. 126 oz. 1
10 oz. 4.9 5
19.5 oz. 9.8 10
1.5 qt. 24.6 25
3 qt. 49.2 50
4.5 qt. 73.8 75
6 qt. 98.5 100
9 qt. 147.7 150
3 197 200
Units of measure:
1 pint = 16 fluid ounces (oz.)
1 quart = 2 pints = 4 cups = 32 fluid ounces (oz.)
When treating for termites, use this rate only
in conjunction with volume adjustments, foam
applications or underground services applications.
Application Volume: To provide maximum control
and protection against termite infestation apply the
specified volume of the finished water emulsion
and active ingredient as set forth in the directions
for use section of this label. If soil will not accept
the labeled application volume, the volume may be
reduced provided there is a corresponding increase in
concentration so that the amount of active ingredient
applied to the soil remains the same.
Note: Large reductions of application volume
reduce the ability to obtain a continuous barrier.
Variance is allowed when volume and concentration
are consistent with the label directed rates and a
continuous barrier can still be achieved.
The volume of the 0.12% emulsion may be reduced by ½
the labeled volume where desirable for pre- and post-
construction applications. When the volume is reduced,
the hole spacing for subslab injection and soil rodding
may also need to be adjusted to account for lower
volume dispersal of the termiticide in the soil. Consult
the following Volume Adjustment Chart for details.
Rate (% emulsion) 0.06% 0.12%
Volume allowed
•H orizontal (gallons 1.0 Gallons 0.5 gallons
emulsion/10 ft2) 4.0 gallons 2.0 gallons
• V ertical (gallons
emulsion/10 linear ft.)
After treatment: All holes in commonly occupied
areas into which material has been applied must be
plugged. Plugs must be of a non-cellulose material
or covered by an impervious, non-cellulose material.
Foam Applications
Bifen I/T dilution, from 0.06 to 0.12% may be converted
to foam with 2X - 40X expansion characteristics and
used to control or prevent termite infestations.
Depending on the circumstances, foam applications
may be used alone or in combination with liquid
emulsion applications. Applications may be made
behind veneers, piers, chimney bases, into rubble
foundations, into block voids or structural voids, under
slabs, stoops, porches, or to the soil in crawlspaces,
and other similar voids.
Foam and liquid application must be consistent with
volume and active ingredient instructions in order to
insure proper application has been made. The volume
and amount of active ingredient are essential to
an effective treatment. At least 75% of the labeled
liquid emulsion volume of product must be applied,
with the remaining percent delivered to appropriate
areas using foam application. Refer to label and use
recommendations of the foam manufacturer and the
foaming equipment manufacturer.
Foam applications are generally a good supplement
to liquid treatments in difficult areas, but may be used
alone in difficult spots.
Application Under Slabs or to Soil in Crawlspaces
to Prevent or Control Termites
When making applications, Bifen I/T foam can be
used alone or in combination with liquid dilution.
Whether applied as a dilution, foam, or some of
both, the equivalent of at least 4 gallons of 0.06%
dilution (4 ounces of Bifen I/T concentrate) per 10
linear feet must be applied for a vertical barrier, or at
least 1 gallon of 0.06% dilution (1 ounce of Bifen I/T
concentrate) per 10 square feet must be applied for a
horizontal barrier. For a foam only application, apply
Bifen I/T concentrate in sufficient concentration and
volume to equal 4 ounces of concentrate per 10 linear
feet or 1 ounce of concentrate per 10 square feet. For
example, 2 gallons of 0.12% dilution converted to foam
and used to cover 10 linear feet is the equivalent of 4
gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet.
Sand Barrier Installation and Treatment
As long as termites have access to soil that has not
been treated and can avoid soil that has been treated
with Bifen I/T , they can build mud tubes over surfaces
that have been treated. Cracks and spaces should be
filled with play box or builder’s sand and then treated
in the same manner as soil. Follow the rates listed on
the Bifen I/T label.
Retreatment for subterranean termites can only be
performed if there is clear evidence of reinfestation or
disruption of the barrier due to construction, excavation,
or landscaping and/or evidence of the breakdown of
the termiticide barrier in the soil. These vulnerable or
reinfested areas may be retreated in accordance with
application techniques described in this product’s
labeling. The timing and type of these retreatments
will vary depending on factors such as termite pressure,
soil types, soil conditions and other factors which may
reduce the effectiveness of the barrier.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited
unless there is clear evidence that reinfestation or
barrier disruption has occurred.
Pre-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment
Do not apply at a lower dosage and/or
concentration than specified on this label for
applications prior to the installation of the finished
grade. When treating foundations deeper than 4 feet,
apply the termiticide as the backfill is being replaced,
or if the construction contractor fails to notify the
applicator to permit this, treat the foundation to a
minimum depth of 4 feet after the backfill has been
installed. The applicator must trench and rod into the
trench or trench along the foundation walls and around
pillars and other foundation elements, at the rate
prescribed from grade to a minimum depth of 4 feet.
When the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator
must treat the soil adjacent to the footing to a depth
not to exceed the bottom of the footing. However, in
no case should a structure be treated below the footing.
To produce effective pre-construction subterranean
termite control, create vertical and/or horizontal chemically
treated zones of protection using 0.06% emulsion of Bifen
I/T. Follow the current edition of the Housing and Urban
Development Minimum Property Standards to assure that
F.H.A. termite-proofing requirements are met.
Horizontal Barriers
Establish a horizontal chemical barrier wherever
treated soil will be covered by a slab, such as
basement floors, carports, entrance platforms, footing
trenches, and slab floors.
Apply 1 gallon of 0.06% dilution per 10 square feet,
or use 1 fluid ounce of Bifen I/T per 10 square feet in
sufficient water (no less than ½ gallon or more than
2 gallons) to provide a uniform treated barrier for the
area being treated.
If the fill is coarse aggregate, such as washed gravel, a
sufficient volume of dilution must be applied to allow
it to reach the soil beneath the coarse fill.
Make applications with a low-pressure spray
(less than 50 p.s.i.), using a coarse spray nozzle. If
foundation walls have not been installed around the
treated soil and the slab will not be poured the same
day as treatment, the treated soil must be covered
with a water-proof barrier. Polyethylene sheeting may
be used for this purpose.
Vertical Barriers
Establish vertical barriers in Critical Areas, such as
along the inside of foundation walls, plumbing, bath
traps, utility services and other features that will
penetrate the slab.
Using a 0.06% dilution, apply 4 gallons of dilution per 10
linear feet per foot of depth or 4 fluid ounces of Bifen
I/T per 10 linear feet per foot of depth from grade level
to the top of the footing in sufficient water to provide
a uniform treated barrier. Use not less than 2 gallons
to not more than 8 gallons of water per 10 linear feet.
When trenching and rodding into the trench, or
trenching, take care to ensure that the dilution reaches
the top of the footing. Space the rod holes so that a
continuous treated barrier is created, but not exceeding
12 inches apart. Avoid washing-out the soil around
the footing. Trenches should be about 6 inches wide
and 6 inches deep. Mix the chemical dilution with the
soil as it is being replaced in the trench. Inside vertical
barriers may not be required for monolithic slabs.
When treating hollow block voids, use 2 gallons of
dilution per 10 linear feet to assure that the dilution
reaches the top of the footing.
Prior to each application, applicators must notify the
general contractor, construction superintendent, or similar
responsible party, of the intended termiticide application
and intended sites of application and instruct the
responsible person to notify construction workers and other
individuals to leave the area to be treated during application
and until the termiticide is absorbed into the soil.
Post-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment
For post-construction treatment, use a 0.06% dilution.
Post-construction treatments shall be made by subslab
injection, trenching and rodding into the trench or
trenching using low-pressure spray not exceeding 25
p.s.i. at the nozzle. Proper precautions should be taken
to avoid soil wash-out around the footing.
Locate, identify, and mark wells, electrical conduits,
water and sewer lines, and radiant heat pipes prior
to application of Bifen I/T. Do not puncture or inject
Bifen I/T into such structures.
Treatment must be made by trenching and rodding
into the trench, or trenching at the rate of 4 gallons
of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth
wherever the footing, from grade to the bottom of the
foundation, is greater than 1 foot of depth. When
the footer is greater than four feet below grade, the
applicator may trench and rod into the trench, or
trench beside foundation walls at the rate designated
for four feet of depth. Space rod holes to create a
continuous insecticidal barrier, but in no case more
than 12 inches apart. Depending on the type of soil,
degree of compaction, and location of termite activity,
the actual depth of treatment will differ. However, a
structure should never be treated below the footer.
Sub-slab injection may be needed beside the inside
of foundation walls, around conduits, piers, and pipes,
beside both sides of interior footing-supported walls,
and beside cracks and partition walls.
Crawl Spaces - Accessible
For crawl spaces, apply vertical termiticide barriers
at the rate of 4 gallons of emulsion per 10 linear feet
per foot of depth from grade to the top of the footing,
or if the footing is more than 4 feet below grade, to
a minimum depth of 4 feet. Apply by trenching and
rodding into the trench, or trenching. Treat both sides
of foundation and around all piers and pipes. Where
physical obstructions such as concrete walkways
adjacent to foundation elements prevent trenching,
treatment may be made by rodding alone. When soil
type and/or conditions make trenching prohibitive,
rodding may be used. When the top of the footing is
exposed, the applicator must treat the soil adjacent to
the footing to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the
footing. Read and follow the mixing and use direction
section of the label if situations are encountered where
the soil will not accept the full application volume.
1. Rod holes and trenches must not extend below the
bottom of the footing.
2. Rod holes must be spaced so as to achieve a
continuous termiticide barrier but in no case more
than 12 inches apart.
3. Trenches must be a minimum of 6 inches deep or
to the bottom of the footing, whichever is less, and
need not to be wider than 6 inches. When trenching
in sloping (tiered) soil, the trench must be stepped
to ensure adequate distribution and prevent
termiticide from running off. The emulsion must be
mixed with the soil as it is replaced in the trench.
4. When treating plenums or crawl spaces, turn off
the air circulation system of the structure until
application has been completed and all termiticide
has been absorbed by the soil.
Crawl Spaces - Inaccessible
For inaccessible interior areas, such as areas where
there is insufficient clearance between floor joists and
ground surfaces to allow operator access, excavate
if possible, and treat according to the instruction for
accessible crawl spaces. Otherwise, apply one or a
combination of the following two methods.
1. To establish a horizontal barrier, apply to the soil
surface, 1 gallon of emulsion per 10 square feet
overall using a nozzle pressure of less than 25 p.s.i.
and a coarse application nozzle (e.g., Delavan Type
RD Raindrop, RD-7 or larger, or Spraying Systems
Co. 8010LP TeeJet® or comparable nozzle). For an
area that cannot be reached with the application
wand, use one or more extension rods to make
the application to the soil. Do not broadcast or
powerspray with higher pressures.
2. To establish a horizontal barrier, drill through the
foundation wall or through the floor above and
treat the soil perimeter at a rate of 1 gallon of
emulsion per 10 square feet. Drill spacing must be
at intervals not to exceed 16 inches. Many states
have smaller intervals, so check State regulations
which may apply.
When treating plenums and crawl spaces, turn off
the air circulation systems of the structure until
application has been completed and all termiticide
has been absorbed by the soil.
Excavation Technique: When treating in troublesome
areas (e.g., beside fieldstone or rubble walls, beside
faulty foundation walls, and around pipes and utility
lines leading downward from the structure to a well or
pond) apply using the following technique:
a. Prepare a trench, placing the removed soil onto
heavy-weight plastic sheeting or similar, water-
impermeable material.
b. Treat the soil with 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution
per 10 linear feet per foot of depth of the
trench. Completely mix the dilution into the
soil, exercising care to avoid liquid running off
the sheeting.
c. Place the treated soil back into the trench after it
has absorbed the dilution.
Attention: Wear NIOSH approved unvented goggles and
a respirator when applying Bifen I/T in a confined area.
For applications made after the final grade is installed,
the applicator must trench and rod into the trench or
trench along the foundation walls and around pillars
and other foundation elements, at the rate prescribed
from grade to the top of the footing. When the footing
is more than four (4) feet below grade, the applicator
must trench and rod into the trench or trench along
the foundation walls at the rate prescribed to a
minimum depth of four feet. The actual depth of
treatment will vary depending on soil type, degree of
compaction, and location of termite activity. When
the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator must
treat the soil adjacent to the footing to a depth not
to exceed the bottom of the footing. However, in no
case should a structure be treated below the footing.
Masonry Voids
Drill and treat voids in multiple masonry elements of
the structure extending from the structure to the soil
in order to create a continuous treatment barrier in
the area to be treated. Apply at a rate of 2 gallons
of emulsion per 10 linear feet of footing, using a
nozzle pressure of less than 25 p.s.i. When using this
treatment, access holes must be drilled below the
sill plate and should be as close as possible to the
footing as is practical. Treatment of voids in block or
rubble foundation walls must be closely examined:
Applicators must inspect areas of possible runoff
as a precaution against application leakage in the
treated areas. Some areas may not be treatable or
may require mechanical alteration prior to treatment.
All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in
locations other than those prescribed on this label
must be cleaned up prior to leaving the application
site. Do not allow people or pets to contact
contaminated areas or to reoccupy the contaminated
areas of the structure until the clean-up is completed.
NOTE: When treating behind veneer structures
(walls, etc.) take proper care to not drill beyond the
veneer. If concrete blocks exist behind the veneer,
both can be drilled and treated simultaneously.
Bifen I/T may not be used in voids insulated with rigid
foam insulation.
Create vertical barriers by trenching and rodding into
the trench or trenching outside at a rate of 4 gallons
of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth and by
sub-slab injection within the structure. Ensure an
even distribution of chemical. Applications must not
be made below the bottom of the footing.
Apply beside the outside of the foundation and under
the slab on the inside of foundation walls, where
needed. Treatment of slabs may also be necessary
under and beside both sides of any interior footing-
supported walls, in all cracks and expansion joints, and
beside one side of interior partitions. By long-rodding
or grid pattern injection vertically through the slab,
horizontal barriers may be created where necessary.
a. To permit the creation of an uninterrupted
insecticidal barrier, drill holes in the foundation
and/or slab.
b. For foundations that are less than or equal to 1
foot, dig a narrow trench about 6 inches wide
beside the outside of the foundation walls. Do
not dig beneath the bottom of the footing. As
the soil is placed back into the trench, apply 4
gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet per
foot of depth to the trench and soil.
c. Follow the rates stated above for basements for
foundations that are deeper than 1 foot.
d. A 0.06% dilution may be used to treat soil that is
exposed and wood in bath traps.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited
unless there is clear evidence that reinfestation
or barrier disruption has occurred.
Food Handling Establishments
If used as a general spot, surface, or crack and
crevice treatment, Bifen I/T may be applied in both
food/feed and nonfood areas of food/feed handling
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of
house flies. Length of residual control is dependent
upon rate and surface treated.
Food/feed handling establishments are any place
other than private residences where exposed food/
feed is held, processed, prepared or served, including
areas for receiving, storing, packing (bottling, boxing,
canning, wrapping), preparing, enclosed processing
systems (dairies, edible oils, mills, syrups) of food
and edible waste storage. Serving areas where food
is exposed and the facility is in operation are also
considered food areas.
Nonfood areas in which applications are allowed
include entries and vestibules, floor drains (to sewers),
garages, garbage rooms, lavatories, locker rooms,
machine rooms, mop closets, offices, and storage
(after canning or bottling).
Permitted use sites include, but are not limited to:
aircraft (do not use in aircraft cabins), apartment
buildings, bakeries, bottling facilities, breweries,
buses, cafeterias, candy plants, canneries, dairy
product processing plants, food manufacturing plants,
food processing plants, food service establishments,
granaries, grain mills, hospitals, hotels, industrial
buildings, laboratories, meat/poultry/egg processing
plants, mobile/motor homes, nursing homes offices,
railcars, restaurants, schools, ships, trailers, trucks,
vessels, warehouses† and wineries.
I/T dilution may be applied as a surface, spot or crack
and crevice treatment in food and nonfood storage
warehouses and stores. Apply to all areas that may
harbor pests, including under and between pallets,
bins, and shelves. Do not apply directly to food, grain
bins (interior), or animals.
General Surface Application: Do not use this
application method in food/feed handling
establishments when the facility is in operation
or foods/feeds are exposed. During treatment,
remove or cover all food processing and/or handling
equipment and do not apply directly to food products.
All equipment, benches, shelving and other surfaces
in food processing plants, bakeries, cafeterias
and other facilities, which food will contact must
be washed after treatment. Clean food handling
equipment or processing equipment and rinse
completely with fresh, clean water.
Spot, Crack and Crevice Application: These
types of treatments can be done when the facility is
operating, but food must be covered or removed from
the treatment area. Do not apply directly to food.
Foam Applications: Converting Bifen I/T to foam
will allow it to be used to treat structural voids. To
produce a 0.02% to 0.06% foam concentration, dilute
0.33 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and
add the manufacturer’s recommended amount of
foaming agent. Before application, make sure that
the foaming agent is compatible with Bifen I/T. Use
of a foaming agent increases a.i. surface contact time
on challenging surfaces and provides visual marking
of the application. Ensure that the foaming agent is
approved for food surface/area contact use.
Indoor Uses
In the home, cover all food processing surfaces and
utensils during treatment or thoroughly wash before
reuse. Exposed food must be covered or removed. Do
not permit humans or pets to contact treated surfaces
until the spray has dried.
During any overhead applications to overhead interior
areas of structures, cover surfaces below with plastic
sheeting or similar materials.
Wear protective clothing, unvented goggles, gloves
and respirator, when applying to overhead areas or
in poorly ventilated areas. Avoid touching sprayed
surfaces until spray has completely dried.
Bifen I/T may be used to control ants, carpenter ants,
bees, beetles, biting flies, boxelder bugs, , centipedes,
cicadas, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, firebrats,
fleas, flies, gnats, millipedes, mosquitoes, moths,
scorpions, silverfish, sowbugs (pillbugs), spiders
(including Black Widow, Brown Recluse and Hobo
Spiders), springtails, stink bugs, ticks (including
Brown Dog Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies, and wasps.
In structures and buildings and on modes of
transportation, use a 0.02% to 0.06% suspension
(0.33 to 1 fl. oz. per gallon of water) using a crack and
crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse, low-pressure spray
(25 p.s.i. or less) or with a paint brush.
Indoor Treatments: Apply where pests hide. These
areas include, but are not limited to, baseboards,
corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes,
doors and windows, attics and eaves, behind and
under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, stoves,
the underside of shelves, and drawers. Treat with
a low pressure, coarse, crack and crevice or spot
spray. Pay close attention to cracks and crevices.
See also “Foam Applications” in the Food Handling
Establishments section. Not for use as a space spray.
Mixing Directions: See mixing directions in “Pest Control
on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings” section.
To make a dilution for brush or spray treatments:
-Dilute Bifen I/T with water.
-Fill sprayer with the required amount of water.
-Add Bifen I/T.
-To ensure proper mixing, close sprayer and shake
before use.
-Only mix the amount of solution that is necessary
for treatment.
In order to achieve and/or maintain control in times of
high pest pressure, retreatment may be needed.
Repeat application should only take place if there are
signs of renewed insect activity and must not exceed
one application per 7 days.
Ants: Apply to any ant trails, around doors and
windows and other places that ants frequent.
Bedbugs: Thorough application should be made
to crack and crevices where evidence of bed bugs
occurs. Areas of application include bed frames, box
springs, inside empty dressers and clothes closets
and carpet edges, high and low wall moldings
and wallpaper edges. Do not use this product on
bed linens, pillows, mattresses or clothes. Remove
all clothes and other articles from dressers or
clothes closets before application. Allow all treated
areas to thoroughly dry before use. Bifen I/T is not
recommended for use as sole protection against
bedbugs. If evidence of bedbugs is found in or on
mattresses, use products approved for this use.
Use a 0.03% or 0.06% dilution (0.5 to 1 fluid oz. per
gallon of water) for residual pest control in buildings
and structures and on modes of transport. Apply
either as a crack and crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse,
low pressure spray (25 psi or less) or with a paint
brush. Use the higher rate of application (0.06%) on
painted and non-porous surfaces.
Bees and Wasps: Apply to nests in late evening
when these pests are at rest. Spray nests, entrances
to nests and surrounding areas thoroughly. Contact
as many insects as possible. Retreat if signs of
renewed activity exist. Spray liberally into hiding
and breeding places, especially under attic rafters,
contacting as many insects as possible.
Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Cicadas, Earwigs,
Beetles, Millipedes, Pillbugs, Sowbugs,
Springtails, and Stink Bugs: Treat near doors and
windows, storage areas, baseboards and other sites
where these pests may be found.
Cockroaches, Crickets, Firebrats, Flies, Gnats,
Moths, Mosquitoes, Scorpions, Silverfish,
Spiders, and Ticks: Bifen I/T will provide up to
1 month residual control of house flies. Length
of residual control is dependent upon rate and
surface treated. Use a coarse low- pressure, crack
and crevice or spot spray, paying close attention to
cracks and crevices. Treat where pests hide. These
areas include, attics and eaves, baseboards, closets,
corners, storage areas, around water pipes, doors
and windows, behind and under cabinets, furnaces,
refrigerators, sinks, stoves, and the underside of
shelves and drawers.
Fleas: Bifen I/T will kill fleas for up to 3 months.
Vacuum prior to treatment. Apply as a coarse, low
pressure spot or crack and crevice treatment to areas
frequented by pets, such as under bedding, rugs, next
to furniture. Do not apply Bifen I/T dilution directly to
pets. Treatment must be dry before pet re-entry.
Spider Mites: Treat houseplants thoroughly but do
not allow run off to occur. Ensure the underside of
leaves is treated.
Stored Product Pests (Including Indian Meal
Moths, Rice Moths, Tobacco Moths, Flour
Beetles, Lesser Grain Borers, Merchant Grain
Beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Grain
Weevils, Warehouse Beetles, Cigarette Beetles,
and Dermestid Beetles, Psocids, and other
similar pests: Inspect to locate and remove infested
food sources, remove or cover any food items or food
serving dishes or utensils prior to treatment. Apply
Bifen I/T using a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution as a coarse,
low pressure spray to areas where these pests
hide. Treatment areas include baseboards, corners,
storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors
and windows, attics and eaves, behind and under
refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, and stoves,
the underside of shelves, drawers and similar areas.
Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices. Do not
apply directly to food.
Livestock and Poultry Housing Structures
Controls pests of poultry and livestock facilities,
including biting flies, filth-breeding flies, fleas, litter
beetles, hide beetles, bed bugs, mites and ticks. Apply
as a general surface (including directed spray) and/or
crack and crevice treatment. Control is enhanced when
interior and exterior perimeter applications are made in
and around the livestock or poultry housing structures.
Normal cleaning practices of the structure also must
be followed along with applications of Bifen I/T to
effectively control crawling and flying insect pests.
For occupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities,
apply to indoor cracks and crevices only. Exterior
applications to walls and foundation perimeters
can help prevent interior infestations of flying and
crawling insect pests. Apply Bifen I/T at a rate
equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
For unoccupied areas of poultry and livestock
facilities, apply to floors, vertical and overhead
surfaces where crawling or flying insect pests may be
present. Feeders, waterers and feed carts must be
covered before application to prevent contamination.
Do not apply to milk rooms. Pay attention to animal
areas including stanchions, pipes, windows, doors
and areas where insect pests hide or congregate.
Exterior applications to walls and foundation
perimeters can help prevent interior infestations of
flying and crawling insect pests. Apply Bifen I/T at
a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
To control bed bugs, mites and ticks in animal
facilities, treat cracks/crevices, walls, posts, nest
boxes and mobile side curtains. Do not apply Bifen
I/T directly to animals.
For adult fly control in and around animal facilities,
spray application should target areas where flies will
rest, such as the ceiling, rafters and trusses. Also treat
windows, interior and exterior walls and supports,
fences and vegetation. Bifen I/T suspension may
be sprayed on manure in areas where fly larvae are
abundant and the area cannot be cleaned.
For poultry houses, apply to floor area (birds grown
on litter) or to walls, posts and cage framing (birds
grown in cages). Application should also be made
into cracks and crevices around insulation. Reapply
after each growout or de-caking and sanitization
procedure, but not more frequently than every 8
weeks. Indoor control can be enhanced by making
perimeter treatments around the outside of building
foundations to prevent immigrating adult beetles.
Apply in a uniform band 2 to 3 feet up and 6 to 10
feet out from the structure. Maintaining a year-
round treatment program will prevent background
populations from reaching problem levels.
To control beetles in houses containing birds grown
on litter apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1
fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet to litter after birds are removed
and during tilling. If litter is removed and replaced
with fresh litter, apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent
to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1, 000 sq. feet to bare soil or
concrete, and treat new litter after it is spread. Apply
spray to inside walls, posts and exterior perimeter.
Reapply between each flock.
To control beetles in broiler-breeder houses, apply as
directed above for litter and soil/floor treatment.
To control beetles in caged-layer houses, do not treat
accumulated manure as it will likely disrupt natural
enemies that control fly breeding. Instead, treat the
perimeter of the manure at a rate equivalent to 0.33
to 1 fl. oz of Bifen I/T per 1,000 sq. feet. Pit walls,
posts and exterior of structure should also be sprayed.
Reapply between each flock.
Allow Bifen I/T treatment to dry before applying disinfectants.
Insecticide Class Rotations: In order to avoid problems
with developed resistance to insecticides it is
important to rotate to an insecticide of a different class
each 2-3 flocks. It is best to attempt to use 3 different
classes of insecticides during a calendar year.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T as a general surface spray
when animals are present in the facility. Allow
applications to dry before restocking the facility.
Treatment may be made to cracks and crevices when
animals are present.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T to any animal feed, water or
watering equipment.
DO NOT contaminate any animal feed, food or water
in and around livestock or poultry housing when
making applications.
Use Bifen I/T as a broadcast treatment. To accomplish
uniform control when applying to dense grass foliage,
use volumes of up to 10 gallons per 1000 square feet.
To ensure control of sub-surface pests including Mole
Crickets using low volume treatments, (i.e. less than 2
gallons per 1000 square feet), immediately follow the
treatment with irrigation of the treated area with at
least 0.25 inches of water.
Lawn Application Rates
Under typical conditions, the application rates shown
in the table below will provide control of the listed
pests. Bifen I/T may, however, be applied at up to
1 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet at the discretion of the
applicator. Maximum residual control requires the
higher treatment rates.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Armyworms¹ 0.18 - 0.25
Cutworms¹ fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Sod Webworm¹
Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes)(Adult)² 0.25 - 0.5
Banks Grass Mite6 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Billbugs (Adult)³
Black Turfgrass Ataenius Adult4
Fleas (Adult)
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Crane Flies 12 0.5 fl oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Ants 0.5 - 1.0
Chinch Bugs5 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Fleas (Larvae)7
Imported Fire Ants8
Japanese Beetle (Adult)
Mole Cricket (Adult)9
Mole Cricket (Nymph)10
Stink Bugs
In New York State, this product may not be applied to any grass or turf area within 100 feet of a water body
(lake, pond, river, stream, wetland, or drainage ditch).
In New York State, do make a single repeat application of Bifen I/T if there are signs of renewed insect activity,
but not sooner than two weeks after the first application.
¹Armyworms, Cutworms, and Sod Webworms:
Postpone irrigation or mowing for 24 hours after
application to obtain the best possible control. Higher
treatment rates (up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet)
may be necessary if high pest pressure exists and if
the grass is maintained taller than 1 inch.
²Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes) adults:
Treatment of this species should be timed as they travel
into grass areas and away from their overwintering
sites. Travel usually begins when Forsythia is in full
bloom and ends when Cornus florida (flowering
dogwood) is in full bloom. For additional detailed
information regarding treatment timing, check with
your State Cooperative Extension Service.
³Billbug adults: Treatment of adult billbugs should
be made when they are first noticed in April and May.
To optimize treatment timing, degree day models have
been developed. For detailed information particular
to your region, check with your State Cooperative
Extension Service. Spring treatments for billbug
adults will also offer control of over-wintered chinch
bugs in temperate climates.
Black Turfgrass Ataenius adults: In order to
control the 1st and 2nd generation of black turfgrass
ataenuis adults, respectively, treatments should take
place in May and July. Time the May treatment to
match with the full bloom stage of Vanhoutte spiraea
(Spiraea vanhoutte) and horse chestnut (Aesculus
hippocastanum). Time the July treatment to match
with the blooming Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).
Chinch Bugs: Mostly found in the thatch layer,
chinch bugs infest the base of grass plants. In order
to optimize the penetration of the insecticide to
location of the chinch bugs, irrigation of the grass
prior to treatment may be necessary. If grass is being
kept at a long mowing height or if the thatch layer is
excessive, use higher volume treatments. It may be
necessary to use higher application rates (up to 1 fluid
oz. per 1000 square feet) to control populations made
up of both adults and nymphs in mid-summer.
Mites: Apply Bifen I/T in combination with a labeled
rate of a surfactant to achieve optimal control of
eriophyid mites. A second application may be needed
5 to 7 days after the first to ensure optimal control.
Flea larvae: Immature fleas mature in shaded areas
accessible to pets or other animals. When treating
these areas use a higher volume treatment so that
the insecticide penetrates into the soil. NOTE: If adult
fleas on lawn areas are being controlled by applying
Bifen I/T at a rate of 0.25 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet,
then the rate of larval application can be accomplished
by two- to four-fold increase in spray volume.
Imported Fire Ants: The best control will be achieved
by using broadcast treatments in combination with
mound drenches. This will control present colonies
along with foraging workers and newly mated fly-
in queens. It is critical either to use high volume
treatments or to irrigate prior to application if the soil
is dry. Apply 1 fl. oz. per 1,000 square feet when using
broadcast treatments. For mound drenches, dilute 1
teaspoon of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and use 1
to 2 gallons of finished dilution using sufficient force
to penetrate the top and allow dilution to flood ant
channels. Treat a four-foot diameter around each ant
mound. Application should be made in late evening
or early morning when it is cooler (65° - 80° when
insects are most active. NOTE: A spray rig calibrated
to apply 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet of Bifen I/T in
5 gallons per 1,000 square feet contains the equivalent
dilution (1 teaspoon per gallon) required for fire ant
mound drenches in the spray tank.
Mole Cricket adults: Since the preferred grass areas
are subject to constant invasion in early spring by the
active adult stage, it is can be difficult maintain control
of adult mole crickets. It is ideal to treat the areas as
late in the day as possible and water immediately after
application with up to 0.5 inches of water. To ensure
maximum contact when soil is dry, it is necessary to
irrigate prior to treatment to bring the adult mole crickets
closer to the soil surface. To obtain optimal control of
potential nymphal populations, the grass areas preferred
by adult mole crickets should be treated at immediately
prior to peak hatch stage. (See note 10 below).
Mole Cricket nymphs: Treat grass areas that are
preferred by adult mole crickets in the spring just
before peak egg hatch. Young nymphs are more
vulnerable to insecticidal treatment at this stage
because they are close to the soil surface where the
insecticide is most concentrated and thereby providing
the most efficient control. For larger more damaging
nymphal stages later in the year, it may be necessary
to use higher application rates more frequent. It is
ideal to treat the areas as late in the day as possible
and water immediately after application with up to 0.5
inches of water. To ensure maximum contact when soil
is dry, it is necessary to irrigate prior to treatment to
bring the adult mole crickets closer to the soil surface.
Ticks (including ticks that may transmit Lyme
Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever):
Make application to the entire area where contact
with ticks may occur. Do not make spot treatments.
When applying to areas with heavy leaf litter or dense
ground cover use higher spray volumes. To attain
and/or sustain control in times of high pest pressure,
retreatments may be necessary; retreat only if signs
of continued or renewed tick activity are present.
Repeat treatments must not be made more often than
once per 7 days. Deer ticks (ixodes sp.) have a
four-stage life cycle spanning 2 years. Treat in late
fall and/or early spring to both larval and nymphal
stages present in leaf litter and the soil, and adults
living in the grass and low-lying vegetation above
ground. American dog ticks invade suburban
settings in areas where residences and dwellings are
constructed on former fields or wooded areas. These
pests normally gather by paths or roadways where
they are likely to find a host. To control tick larvae,
nymphs and adults, treatments should take place, as
needed, from mid spring to early fall.
Crane Flies: Treatments can be made to control
early to mid-season larvae (approximately August-
February) as they feed on plant crowns. Treatments
made to late-season larvae (approximately March,
April) may only provide suppression.
Bifen I/T Lawn Dilution Chart
Application Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished Spray
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces per 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1,000 Sq. Ft. 1,000 Sq. Ft.
1.0 0.18 0.18 0.90 1.8 18.0
1.0 0.25 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
1.0 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
Bifen I/T Ornamental Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these
Gallons Per Fl. Oz. per Volumes of Finished Spray
1,000 sq. ft. Acre 1,000 sq. ft. 1 gallons 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
2.3 100 0.125 - 0.27 0.54 5.4
2.3 100 0.25 0.11 0.54 1.08 10.8
2.3 100 0.5 0.22 1.09 2.17 21.7
2.3 100 1.0 0.44 2.17 4.35 43.5
4.6 200 0.125 - 0.14 0.27 2.7
4.6 200 0.25 - 0.27 0.54 5.4
Flea Beetles
Fungus Gnats (Adults)
Japanese Beetle (Adult)†
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per 1,000 square ft. Fluid Ounces per 100 gallons
Orchid Weevil 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Pine Needle Scales (Crawlers)2
Plant Bugs (Including Lygus spp.)
San Jose Scales (Crawlers)2
Spider Mites3
Spiders 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Tip Moths
Twig Borers2
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per 1,000 square ft. Fluid Ounces per 100 gallons
Ants 0.5 - 1.0 21.7 - 43.5
Imported Fire Ants**
Pecan Leaf Scorch Mite
Pine Shoot Beetle (Adults)
Spider Mites3
Stink Bugs
Mosquitoes See directions for use in mosquito control in the section titled “Mosquito Control”
Bagworms: For optimum control treat when larvae have started to hatch and are young, directing spray to contact as
many larvae as possible.
Beetles, Scale Crawlers, Twig Borers, and Weevils: Apply to plant foliage; also treat trunks, stems, and twigs.
Spider Mites: Apply during spring and mid-summer for most effective control of twospotted spider mites. During mid-
to late-summer it may be necessary to make more frequent treatments, possibly at higher rates suitable control. Control
may be enhanced by adding a surfactant or horticultural oil or by combining Bifen I/T with other products registered to
control mites. Applications of Bifen I/T may be alternated with chemicals offering other modes of action delay or prevent
control resistance by twospotted spider mites. For recommendations on resistance management in your region check
with your local Cooperative Extension Service.
**For foraging ants.
Not for use in California.
Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around
Follow Additional Application Restrictions for
Residential Outdoor Surface and Space Sprays under
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of
house flies. Length of residual control is dependent
upon rate and surface treated.
Applications to vertical exterior surfaces (e.g.,
foundations) are permitted to a maximum height of
3 feet from ground level. Sections of vertical exterior
surfaces that abut non-porous horizontal surfaces
can only be treated if either 1) these sections are
protected from rainfall and spray from sprinklers or 2)
they do not drain into a sewer, storm drain, or curbside
gutter (e.g., not to sections that abut driveways or
sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T may be used to control Ants, including
Carpenter Ants and Fire Ants, Armyworms, Lady
Beetles, Bees, Beetles†, Biting Flies, Boxelder Bugs,
Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Cicadas, Clover
Mites, Crickets, Cutworms, Dichondra Flea Beetles,
Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies,
Gnats, Grasshoppers, Hornets, Japanese Beetles†,
Midges, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Moths, Roaches
(including Cockroaches), Scorpions, Silverfish, Sod
Webworms, Sowbugs (Pillbugs), Spider Mites, Spiders
(including Black Widow, Brown Recluse and Hobo
Spiders), Springtails, Stink Bugs, Ticks (including
Brown Dog Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies and Wasps.
†Not for use in California.
Use a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution to spray the outside
surfaces of buildings such as private homes,
duplexes, townhouses, condominiums, house trailers,
apartment complexes, carports, garages, fence lines,
storage sheds, barns, and other residential and non-
commercial structures. Sites of treatment include,
but are not limited to, exterior siding, foundations,
porches, window frames, eaves, patios, garages,
garbage areas, lawn areas, trunks of trees and shrubs
and other areas where pests my be found. Use a
spray volume of up to 10 gallons of emulsion per 1,000
square feet. Use higher dilution volumes if vegetation
or landscape materials are dense.
Mixing Directions
Suspension Bifen I/T Remarks
per gallon
of water
0.02% 0.33 fl. oz. -Do not use household
utensils to measure
0.06% 1.0 fl. oz. Bifen I/T.
-Use higher treatment rates
for quicker knockdown or
longer residual control.
-High pest pressure may
require subsequent
-Repeat application only
if there is evidence of
renewed insect activity
and not more than once
per 7 days.
Perimeter Treatment: Treat a band of soil and
vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide around and next to the
structure and the foundation of the structure to a
height of 2 to 3 feet. Use 0.33 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen
I/T per 1,000 square feet in enough water to provide
sufficient coverage (refer to Perimeter Application
Dilution Chart).
For sections of foundation that abut non-porous
horizontal surfaces, the treated areas must be
protected from rainfall and spray from sprinklers or
they do not drain into a sewer, storm drain, or curbside
gutter (e.g. not to sections that abut driveways or
sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T Perimeter Application Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces Per Volumes of Finished Spray
1000 sq. ft. 1000 sq. ft. 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1 0.33 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
1 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1 0.67 0.67 3.33 6.67 66.7
1 0.75 0.75 3.75 7.5 75.0
1 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2 0.33 0.17 0.83 1.65 16.5
Treat non-porous surfaces with low volume
applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per
gallon of water and applying this dilution at the rate
of one gallon per 1,000 square feet.
Carpenter Ants Indoors: Treat areas where carpenter
ants are seen or are predicted to forage, such as,
baseboards, in and behind cabinets, under and behind
dishwashers, furnaces, refrigerators, sinks, and stoves,
around pipes, cracks and crevices, and in corners by
diluting 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water
and applying at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1,000
square feet as a general surface, crack and crevice, spot
and/or foam application. Spray or foam into cracks and
crevices or drill holes and spray, mist or foam into voids
and galleries where carpenter ants or their nests are
present. When combining liquid Bifen I/T treatments with
bait treatments, use Bifen I/T as instructed above and apply
baits in those areas where Bifen I/T has not been applied.
Carpenter Ants Outdoors: Treat carpenter ant
nests for best results. Treat areas where carpenter
ants are seen or are believed to forage, such as ant
trails, and around doors and windows. As stated in
the “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around
Buildings” section, treat using a low or high volume
perimeter treatment. When treating concrete surfaces,
more frequent treatments, higher dilutions and/or
application volumes may be needed for carpenter ant
control. The following procedures must be followed to
help achieve maximum control of the pest:
1. Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water
and apply at a rate of up to 10 gallons of dilution per
1,000 square feet to obtain residual control.
2. Vegetation and porous surfaces should be treated
with high volume applications using dilutions that
are calculated to deliver 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen
I/T per 1,000 square feet (refer to the Ornamental
and Perimeter Application Dilution Charts).
3. Treat non-porous surfaces with low volume
applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T
per gallon of water and applying this dilution at the
rate of one gallon per 1,000 square feet.
4. Use 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water
on tree trunks with carpenter ant trails or evidence
of foraging. Apply to the bark, completely wetting it
from the bottom of the tree to the highest possible
point on the trunk.
To control carpenter ants inside deck materials,
fencing, trees, utility poles or other structural
elements, drill to find the inside infested cavity and
inject or foam a 0.06% dilution (1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T
per gallon of water) into the cavity with adequate
volume and a proper treatment tool with a splash-
back guard. Where there are ants tunneling below
the surfaces, dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per
gallon of water and applying as a drench or foam at
intervals of 8 to 12 inches. A uniform barrier should
be established where there are ants tunneling below
surfaces such as, at the edges of walls, driveways or
other hard surfaces.
Use a sprinkling can or a hose-end sprayer to
distribute a coarse drenching spray, apply a 0.06%
dilution to stored lumber and wood piles. This wood
may be used for lumber or may be burned after 30
days. Do not use this method of application in
Diluting 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water
and applying to the soil below where the firewood will
be stacked at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 8
square feet will protect the wood from carpenter ants.
DO NOT treat firewood with this product.
Controlling Termites (Above Ground Only)
The treatment methods that are expressed below are
intended to kill termite workers or winged reproductives
present at the time of application. These methods
should supplement, not substitute for, mechanical
alteration, soil treatment or foundation treatment.
Controlling winged reproductive termites and exposed
workers in localized areas may be accomplished by
diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and
applying the dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1000
square feet to crawl spaces, unfinished basements,
attics, and other crawl spaces as a course fan spray.
Both swarming termites and the areas where they
gather should be treated.
Controlling above-ground termites in localized areas
of infested wood may be accomplished by diluting 1.0
fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying as
a foam or a liquid to voids and galleries in wood that
is damaged in addition to spaces between wooden
structural members and between the foundation and
sill plate where the wood is at risk of to attack. Drilling
and then injecting the foam or dilution into damaged
wood or wall voids with an appropriate directional
injector will help reach those areas that are not easy
to access. After treatment is completed, securely plug
the holes that are in regularly occupied areas in the
construction elements.
Controlling termite carton nests in building voids can
be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per
gallon of water and applying as a foam or a liquid
using a pointed projection tool. To obtain control,
various depths of injection and numerous injection
points may be needed. After treatment is complete
and when feasible, remove the carton nest material
from the building void.
Pests Under Slabs
To control infestations of Arthropods (e.g., ants,
cockroaches, and scorpions) that live beneath the slab
area, drill or horizontally rod and inject 1 gallon of a
0.06% to 0.12% dilution per 10 square feet or 2 gallons
of dilution per 10 linear feet.
Posts, Poles, and Other Constructions
Around wooden constructions (signs, fences, and
landscape ornamentation) an insecticidal barrier can
be established by treating with a 0.06% dilution. Sub-
surface injection and gravity-flow through holes in the
bottom of the trench, are two treatment methods that
can be used on poles and posts that have already
been installed. Establishing a complete chemical zone
around the pole can be accomplished by treating on all
sides. For poles and posts that are fewer than 6 inches
in diameter use 1 gallon of dilution per foot of depth and
1.5 gallons for larger poles, applying under the wood to
a depth of 6 inches. 4 gallons per 10 linear feet per foot
of depth should be used for larger constructions.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects in Wood
(Localized Areas in Structures)
Insects Application Remarks
Termites Apply a 0.06% -Can be applied as a
Ants dilution to paint or fan spray.
Carpenter Ants voids and -Place plastic sheeting
Wood-infesting galleries in under overhead areas
beetles damaged wood that are spot treated
(including and in spaces except for soil surfaces
but not between in crawl spaces.
limited to Old wooden -Areas to which access
House Borer members of is difficult can be
& Powder a structure treated by drilling,
Post) and between and then injecting
wood and dilution with a crack
foundations and crevice injector
where wood is into the damaged
at risk. wood or void spaces.
(Not intended as a
replacement for soil
treatment, mechanical
alteration or fumigation
to control widespread
infestation of wood-
infesting insects.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects and Nuisance
Pests (Outside of Structures)
In order to control wood-infesting insects active inside
trees, utility poles and/or fences, a 0.06% dilution
should be injected into the infested cavity, which can
be found by drilling into the wood. If treating nuisance
pests on the exterior of the structure, use a fan spray
at a maximum pressure of 25 p.s.i. and apply up to
the point of runoff. To control Bees, Wasps, Hornets,
and Yellow-Jackets, direct the spray at nest openings
in the ground, bushes, and in cracks and crevices,
where the insects may nest. Saturate the openings
and contact as many insects as possible.
Underground Services (e.g. cables, conduits, pipes,
utility lines, wires, etc.) may be in right-of-ways,
inside of structures or to guard long range (miles) of
installations of services.
Treat the soil using a 0.06 to 0.12% Bifen I/T dilution
to prevent and control termite and ant infestations.
Treat the bottom of the trench with 2 gallons of
dilution per 10 linear feet and let it soak into the soil.
Place the services on the treated soil and cover with
about 2 inches of fill soil. Apply another 2 gallons
per 10 linear feet over the fill soil to complete the
chemical barrier. Only threat the soil in the area near
the services in wide trenches, but ensure a continuous
barrier of treated soil surrounding the services.
In the event that the soil will not accept the volume
stated above, 1 gallon of 0.12% Bifen I/T may be
applied per 10 linear feet of trench over the soil that
covers the services and to the base of the trench.
Fill the remainder of the trench with the treated fill soil.
Where each service sticks out of the ground, the soil
may be treated by trenching/rodding no more than 1
to 2 gallons of dilution into the soil.
RESTRICTIONS: Do not treat electrically active
underground services.
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage
or disposal.
at room temperature. Avoid exposure to extreme
temperatures. In case of spillage or leakages, soak up
with an absorbent material such as sand, sawdust, earth,
Fuller’s earth, etc. Dispose of with chemical waste.
PESTICIDE DISPOSAl: Pesticide, spray mixture or
rinse water that cannot be used according to label
instructions must be disposed of at or by an approved
waste disposal facility.
For Containers equal to or less than 5 Gallons:
Nonrefillable container. Do Not reuse or refill this
container. Clean container promptly after emptying.
Triple rinse as follows: Empty the remaining contents
into application equipment or a mix tank and drain for 10
seconds after the flow begins to drip. Fill the container
¼ full with water and recap. Shake for 10 seconds. Pour
rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store
rinsate for later use or disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after
the flow begins to drip. Repeat this procedure two more
times. Offer for recycling if available. If recycling is not
available, puncture or dispose of in a sanitary landfill.
Read the entire direction for use, conditions of
warranties and limitations of liability before using
this product. If terms are not acceptable, return
the unopened product container at once. By using
this product, user or buyer accepts the following
CONDITIONS: The directions for use of this product
are believed to be adequate and must be followed
carefully. However, it is impossible to eliminate all risk
associated with the use of this product. Crop injury,
ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences
may result because of such factors as weather
conditions, presence of other materials, or the manner
of use or application, all of which are beyond the
control of Control Solutions, Inc. All such risks shall be
assumed by the user or buyer.
consistent with applicable law, Control Solutions, Inc.
makes no other warranties, express or implied, of
merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose
or otherwise, that extend beyond the statements
made on this label. No agent of Control Solutions,
Inc. is authorized to make any warranties beyond
those contained herein or to modify the warranties
contained herein. To the extent consistent with
applicable law, Control Solutions, Inc. disclaims
any liability whatsoever for special, incidental or
consequential damages resulting from the use or
handling of this product.
consistent with applicable law, the exclusive remedy
of the user or buyer for any and all losses, injuries
or damages resulting from the use or handling
of this product, whether in contract, warranty,
tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, shall
not exceed the purchase price paid or at Control
Solutions, Inc election, the replacement of product.
Micro-injector is a registered trademark of Whitmire
Micro-Gen Research Laboratories
Actisol is a registered trademark of Roussel-Uclaf
Control Solutions, Inc. is a member of the ADAMA Group
Insecticide /Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and
other pests of structures. To control pests in and around
such areas as homes, commercial and industrial buildings,
recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals.
Controls pests in livestock and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms
licensed by the state to apply termiticide products. States may
have more restrictive requirements regarding qualifications of
persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory
agency of your state prior to use of this product.
Bifenthrin*................................................. 7.9%
OTHER INGREDIENTS:................................. 92.1%
TOTAL.................................................... 100.0%
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon.
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum.
See inside booklet for additional precautionary statements
EPA Reg. No. 53883-118 EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
Manufactured by:
EPA 060717
Insecticide /Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and other pests of structures. To
control pests in and around such areas as homes, commercial and industrial buildings,
recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals. Controls pests in livestock
and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms licensed by the state
to apply termiticide products. States may have more restrictive requirements regarding
qualifications of persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory agency of
your state prior to use of this product.
Bifenthrin*.............................................................. 7.9%
OTHER INGREDIENTS:.............................................. 92.1%
TOTAL................................................................. 100.0%
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon.
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum.
See inside booklet for additional precautionary statements
EPA Reg. No. 53883-118 EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
Manufactured by:
EPA 060717
If • C all a poison control center or doctor immediately for
swallowed treatment advice.
•H ave person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.
•D o not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison
control center or doctor.
•D o not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
If inhaled • Move person to fresh air.
• If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then
give artificial respiration, preferably by mouth-to-mouth
if possible.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for further
treatment advice.
If on skin or • T ake off contaminated clothing.
clothing • R inse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20
• C all a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
If in eyes • H old eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water 15-20 minutes.
• R emove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes,
then continue rinsing eye.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control
center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact SafetyCall®
(866) 897-8050 for emergency medical treatment information.
Note to Physician - This product is a pyrethroid. If large amounts have
been ingested, the stomach and intestine should be evacuated. Treatment
is symptomatic and supportive. Digestible fats, oils, or alcohol may increase
absorption and so should be avoided.
Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals
CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin. Avoid
contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing spray mist. Wash thoroughly
with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum,
using tobacco or using the toilet. Remove contaminated clothing and wash
before reuse.
All pesticide handlers (mixers, loaders, and applicators) must wear long-sleeved
shirt and long pants, socks, shoes, and chemical-resistant gloves. After the
product is diluted in accordance with label directions for use, and/or when
mixing and loading using a closed spray tank transfer system, or an in-line
injector system, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, and waterproof gloves are sufficient. In
addition, all pesticide handlers must wear a respiratory protection device¹ when
working in a non-ventilated space. All pesticide handlers must wear protective
eyewear when working in non-ventilated space or when applying termiticide by
rodding or sub-slab injection.
¹Use one of the following: NIOSH approved respirator with any R, P or HE filter
or a NIOSH approved respirator with an organic vapor (OV) cartridge
or canister with any R, P, or HE pre-filter.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such
instructions for washables exist, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash
PPE separately from other laundry.
Environmental Hazards
This pesticide is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. To protect the
environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage
ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when
rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain
does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. Rinsing application
equipment over the treated area will help avoid run off to water bodies or drainage
systems. Care should be used when spraying to avoid fish and reptile pets in/
around ornamental ponds.
This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on
blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow to drift to blooming
crops if bees are foraging the treatment area.
Do not discharge effluent containing this product into lakes, streams, ponds,
estuaries, oceans, or other public waters unless in accordance with the
requirements of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit and the permitting authority has been notified in writing prior to discharge.
Do not discharge effluent containing this product to sewer systems without
previously notifying the local sewage plant authority. For guidance contact your
State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA.
Physical and Chemical Hazards
Do not apply water-based dilutions of Bifen I/T to electrical conduits, motor
housings, junction boxes, switch boxes or other electrical equipment because
of possible shock hazard.
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with
its labeling.
• Do not apply a broadcast application to interior surfaces of homes.
• Do not apply by air.
• Do not apply in greenhouses, nurseries.
• Do not apply this product through any kind of irrigation system.
• Not for use on sod farm turf, golf course turf, or grass grown for seed.
• Do not apply to pets, crops, or sources of electricity.
• Firewood is not to be treated.
• Use only in well-ventilated areas.
• During any application to overhead areas of structure, cover surface below with
plastic sheeting or similar material except for soil surfaces in crawlspaces.
• Do not allow spray to contact food, foodstuffs, food-contacting surfaces or food
utensils or water supplies.
• Thoroughly wash dishes and food handling utensils with soap and water if they
become contaminated by application of this product.
• Do not treat areas where food is exposed.
• During indoor surface applications do not allow dripping or runoff to occur.
• Do not allow contact with treated surfaces by people or pets before spray
has dried.
• Bifen I/T will not discolor or otherwise harm surfaces that water alone will not
discolor or otherwise harm.
• Do not apply this product in patient rooms or in any rooms while occupied by
the elderly or infirm.
• D o not apply Bifen I/T in classrooms, libraries, sports venues, or other institutional facilities
when they are occupied.
• Bifen I/T may be applied with low-volume application equipment, including
Actisol® and Micro-Injector®, for general surface, spot, crack and crevice, and
deep harborage treatments.
• Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for
commercial seed production, or for research purposes. For use on plants
intended only for aesthetic purposes or climactic modifications and being grown
in interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or lawns and grounds.
Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter
where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can
occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application.
Additional Application Restrictions for Residential Outdoor Surface and
Space Sprays:
All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or crack and crevice treatments
only, except for the following permitted uses:
1. Applications to soil or vegetation around structure;
2. Applications to lawns, turf, and other vegetation;
3. Applications to building foundations, up to a maximum height of 3 feet above grade;
4. Applications to underside of eaves, soffits, doors, or windows permanently
protected from rainfall by a covering, overhang, awning or other structure;
5. Applications around potential pest entry points into buildings, when limited to
a surface band not to exceed one inch in width;
6. Applications made through the use of a coarse, low pressure spray to only
those portions of surfaces that are directly above bare soil, lawn, turf, mulch
or other vegetation, as listed on this label, and not over an impervious surface,
drainage or other condition that could result in runoff into storm drains,
drainage ditches, gutters, or surface waters, in order to control occasional
invaders or aggregating pests.
Other than applications to building foundations, all outdoor applications to
impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches and structural
surfaces (such as windows, doors, and eaves) are limited to spot and crack and
crevice applications, only.
When treating adjacent to an existing structure, the applicator must check the
area to be treated, and immediately adjacent areas of the structure, for visible
and accessible cracks and holes to prevent any leaks or significant exposures
to persons occupying the structure. People present or residing in the structure
during application must be advised to remove their pets and themselves from
the structure if they see any signs of leakage. After application, the applicator
is required to check for leaks. All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide
in locations other than those prescribed on this label must be cleaned up
prior to leaving the applications site. Do not allow people or pets to contact
contaminated areas or to reoccupy contaminated areas of the structure until the
clean-up is completed.
Some insects are known to develop resistance to products used repeatedly for
control. Because the development of resistance cannot be predicted, the use of
this product should conform to resistance management strategies established for
the use area. Consult your local or state pest management authorities for details.
If resistance to this product develops in your area, this product, or other
products with a similar mode of action, may not provide adequate control. If poor
performance cannot be attributed to improper application or extreme weather
conditions, a resistant strain of insect may be present. If you experience difficulty
with control and suspect that resistance is a reasonable cause, immediately
consult your local company representative or pest management advisor for the
best alternative method of control for your area.
Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for
commercial seed production, or for research purposes. For use on plants intended
only for aesthetic purposes or climatic modifications and being grown in interior
plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or lawn and grounds. Only use this
product on plants being grown for aesthetic or climatic purposes and in interior and
exterior sites, such as, gardens, parks, lawns, and grounds, and other ornamental
sites. Do not use on vegetation intended for sale or other commercial uses. Do not
use on plants grown for seed production or research purposes.
Using this product in and around structures and building construction will prevent
and control termite infestations.
To institute a barrier between the wood and the termites in the soil, the chemical
emulsion must be effectively dispersed in the soil. It is important to remove
unnecessary materials that contain cellulose and wood from around foundation
walls, crawl spaces (inside of structure), and porches, and fix damaged plumbing
and construction grade in order to deny termite access to moisture.
To use this product effectively, it is important that the service technician be
familiar with current control practices including trenching, rodding, subslab
injection, low-pressure spray applications, coarse fan spraying of soil surfaces,
crack and crevice (void) injection, excavated soil treatment and brush and spray
applications to infested or susceptible wood. Using these techniques correctly
is essential to prevent or control infestations by subterranean termite species
of genera Reticulitermes, Zootermopsis, Coptotermes and Heterotermes. When
determining what procedures to follow, the service technician should consider
certain variables. Some of the variables to consider are species biology and
behavior, structure design, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
systems, water table, soil type and compaction, grade conditions, and the location
and type of domestic water supplies and utilities.
For information concerning the most up to date control practices in a given region
or locale, consult the local resources for structural pest control, state cooperative
extensions or regulatory agencies.
Applications Instructions
Bifen I/T controls a wide range of listed pests on flowers, foliage plants, non-
bearing fruit and nut trees, shrubs, and ornamental trees, in interior and exterior
plantscapes, such as those in hotels, office buildings, shopping malls, etc., and
around athletic fields, homes, institutional buildings, parks, and recreational
areas. Non-bearing fruit and nut trees are those that will not produce a
harvestable crop during the season of application.
Bifen I/T can be tank-mixed with insect growth regulators and other pesticides.
Observe all precautions and Directions for Use for each product. Physical
compatibility may vary with different combinations of products, so prepare a small
scale (pint or quart jar) test sample for any combination not tested previously. Use
proper proportions in the small scale test to achieve the correct result.
Unless otherwise noted in the label instructions, use the procedure below for
preparation of a new tank mix:
1. Add wettable powders to tank water.
2. Mix well
3. Add liquids and flowables
4. Mix well
5. Add emulsifiable concentrates
6. Mix well
Try reversing the order of addition or increasing the amount of water if the
combination is not compatible using the above order. NOTE: After increasing
the amount of water, if the mixture is found to be compatible, it is necessary to
recalibrate the sprayer for a higher volume application. Do not allow mixture to
stand overnight.
Formula for Determining the Active Ingredient Content of the Finished
(7.9)(Fl. Oz. of Bifen I/T added to tank) = % Active Ingredient in emulsion
(Gallons of finished spray mix)(128)
Subterranean Termite Control – Use Directions
Important: Observe the following restrictions to avoid contamination of public
and private water supplies:
• U se anti-backflow equipment and procedures to prevent insecticide from being
siphoned into water supplies.
•D o not contaminate cisterns, wells, or other water tanks by treating the soil
beneath these structures.
• Do not treat soil where runoff may occur.
•D o not treat soil water-saturated or frozen soil.
• C onsult local and state specifications for recommended treatment practices
in your area.
• If local or state specifications do not exist, consult the Federal Housing
Administration (H.U.D.) guidance documents.
Note: For the purposes of this label, crawl spaces are defined as being inside
of the structure.
Critical Areas: Points at which the foundation is penetrated or abuts another
structure are Critical Areas. These include bath traps, cracks and expansion joints,
utility entry points, and adjacent structures such as patios, slab additions, and stairs.
Structures with Wells/ Cisterns Inside Foundations
Structures that contain wells or cisterns within the foundation of a structure can
only be treated using the following techniques:
1. Do not treat soil while it is beneath or within the foundation or along the exterior
perimeter of a structure that contains a well or cistern. The treated backfill
method must be used if soil is removed and treated outside/away from the
foundation. The treated backfill technique is described as follows:
a) Trench and remove soil to be treated onto heavy plastic sheeting or similar material
or into a wheelbarrow.
b) Treat the soil at the rate of 4 gallons of dilute emulsion per 10 linear feet per
foot of depth of the trench, or 1 gallon per 1.0 cubic feet of soil. See “Mixing
Directions” section of this label. Mix thoroughly into the soil taking care to
contain the liquid and prevent runoff or spillage.
c) After the treated soil has absorbed the diluted emulsion, replace the soil
into the trench.
2. Treat infested and/or damaged wood in place using an injection technique
such as described in the “Control of Wood Infesting Insects in Wood” section
of this label.
Structures with Adjacent Wells/ Cisterns and/or Other Water Bodies
Applicators must inspect all structures with nearby water sources such as wells,
cisterns, surface ponds, streams, and other bodies of water and evaluate, at a
minimum, the treatment recommendations listed below prior to making an application.
1. Prior to treatment, if feasible, expose the water pipe(s) coming from the well to
the structure, if the pipe(s) enter the structure within 3 feet of grade.
2. Prior to treatment, applicators are advised to take precautions to limit the risk
of applying the termiticide into subsurface drains that could empty into any
bodies of water. These precautions include evaluating whether application
of the termiticide to the top of the footer may result in contamination of the
subsurface drain. Factors such as depth to the drain system and soil type
and degree of compaction should be taken into account in determining the
depth of the treatment.
3. W
hen appropriate (i.e., on the water side of the structure), the treated backfill
technique (described above) can also be used to minimize off-site movement
of termiticide.
Before these techniques are used close to cisterns, wells, or other bodies of water,
seek advice from local, state, or federal agencies for information on treatment
practices that are accepted in your area.
Application Rate: Use a 0.06% emulsion for subterranean termites. For other
pests on the label use specific listed rates.
Mixing Directions: Mix the termiticide use dilution in the following manner:
Fill tank 1/4 to 1/3 full. Start pump to begin by-pass agitation and place end of
treating tool in tank to allow circulation through hose. Add appropriate amount of
Bifen I/T. Add remaining amount of water. Let pump run and allow recirculation
through the hose for 2 to 3 minutes.
Bifen I/T may also be combined into full tanks of water. If combined into full
tanks of water, allow sufficient time for agitation and/or recirculation to ensure
consistency of the dilution.
To prepare a 0.06% water emulsion, ready to use, dilute 3 quarts of Bifen I/T with
99.25 gallons of water.
Mixing: Using the chart below, determine the volume of Bifen I/T and water
required to produce the desired volume of finished emulsion.
Application Volume: To provide maximum control and protection against
termite infestation apply the specified volume of the finished water emulsion and
active ingredient as set forth in the directions for use section of this label. If
soil will not accept the labeled application volume, the volume may be reduced
provided there is a corresponding increase in concentration so that the amount
of active ingredient applied to the soil remains the same.
Note: Large reductions of application volume reduce the ability to obtain a
continuous barrier. Variance is allowed when volume and concentration are
consistent with the label directed rates and a continuous barrier can still be
The volume of the 0.12% emulsion may be reduced by ½ the labeled volume where
desirable for pre- and post-construction applications. When the volume is reduced,
the hole spacing for subslab injection and soil rodding may also need to be adjusted
to account for lower volume dispersal of the termiticide in the soil. Consult the
following Volume Adjustment Chart for details.
Rate (% emulsion) 0.06% 0.12%
Volume allowed
•H orizontal (gallons emulsion/10 ft2) 1.0 Gallons 0.5 gallons
• V ertical (gallons emulsion/10 linear ft.) 4.0 gallons 2.0 gallons
After treatment: All holes in commonly occupied areas into which material has
been applied must be plugged. Plugs must be of a non-cellulose material or
covered by an impervious, non-cellulose material.
Foam Applications
Bifen I/T dilution, from 0.06 to 0.12% may be converted to foam with 2X - 40X
expansion characteristics and used to control or prevent termite infestations.
Depending on the circumstances, foam applications may be used alone or
in combination with liquid emulsion applications. Applications may be made
behind veneers, piers, chimney bases, into rubble foundations, into block voids
or structural voids, under slabs, stoops, porches, or to the soil in crawlspaces,
and other similar voids.
Foam and liquid application must be consistent with volume and active ingredient
instructions in order to insure proper application has been made. The volume
and amount of active ingredient are essential to an effective treatment. At least
75% of the labeled liquid emulsion volume of product must be applied, with the
remaining percent delivered to appropriate areas using foam application. Refer
to label and use recommendations of the foam manufacturer and the foaming
equipment manufacturer.
Foam applications are generally a good supplement to liquid treatments in
difficult areas, but may be used alone in difficult spots.
Application Under Slabs or to Soil in Crawlspaces to Prevent or Control Termites
When making applications, Bifen I/T foam can be used alone or in combination
with liquid dilution. Whether applied as a dilution, foam, or some of both,
the equivalent of at least 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution (4 ounces of Bifen I/T
concentrate) per 10 linear feet must be applied for a vertical barrier, or at least
1 gallon of 0.06% dilution (1 ounce of Bifen I/T concentrate) per 10 square
feet must be applied for a horizontal barrier. For a foam only application, apply
Bifen I/T concentrate in sufficient concentration and volume to equal 4 ounces
of concentrate per 10 linear feet or 1 ounce of concentrate per 10 square feet.
For example, 2 gallons of 0.12% dilution converted to foam and used to cover
10 linear feet is the equivalent of 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet.
Sand Barrier Installation and Treatment
As long as termites have access to soil that has not been treated and can avoid
soil that has been treated with Bifen I/T , they can build mud tubes over surfaces
that have been treated. Cracks and spaces should be filled with play box or
builder’s sand and then treated in the same manner as soil. Follow the rates listed
on the Bifen I/T label.
Retreatment for subterranean termites can only be performed if there is clear
evidence of reinfestation or disruption of the barrier due to construction, excavation,
or landscaping and/or evidence of the breakdown of the termiticide barrier in the
soil. These vulnerable or reinfested areas may be retreated in accordance with
application techniques described in this product’s labeling. The timing and type of
these retreatments will vary depending on factors such as termite pressure, soil types,
soil conditions and other factors which may reduce the effectiveness of the barrier.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited unless there is clear evidence
that reinfestation or barrier disruption has occurred.
Pre-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment
Do not apply at a lower dosage and/or concentration than specified on this
label for applications prior to the installation of the finished grade. When
treating foundations deeper than 4 feet, apply the termiticide as the backfill is being
replaced, or if the construction contractor fails to notify the applicator to permit
this, treat the foundation to a minimum depth of 4 feet after the backfill has been
installed. The applicator must trench and rod into the trench or trench along the
foundation walls and around pillars and other foundation elements, at the rate
prescribed from grade to a minimum depth of 4 feet. When the top of the footing
is exposed, the applicator must treat the soil adjacent to the footing to a depth not
to exceed the bottom of the footing. However, in no case should a structure be
treated below the footing.
To produce effective pre-construction subterranean termite control, create vertical and/
or horizontal chemically treated zones of protection using 0.06% emulsion of Bifen I/T.
Follow the current edition of the Housing and Urban Development Minimum Property
Standards to assure that F.H.A. termite-proofing requirements are met.
Horizontal Barriers
Establish a horizontal chemical barrier wherever treated soil will be covered by
a slab, such as basement floors, carports, entrance platforms, footing trenches,
and slab floors.
Apply 1 gallon of 0.06% dilution per 10 square feet, or use 1 fluid ounce of Bifen
I/T per 10 square feet in sufficient water (no less than ½ gallon or more than 2
gallons) to provide a uniform treated barrier for the area being treated.
If the fill is coarse aggregate, such as washed gravel, a sufficient volume of
dilution must be applied to allow it to reach the soil beneath the coarse fill.
Make applications with a low-pressure spray (less than 50 p.s.i.), using a coarse
spray nozzle. If foundation walls have not been installed around the treated soil
and the slab will not be poured the same day as treatment, the treated soil must
be covered with a water-proof barrier. Polyethylene sheeting may be used for
this purpose.
Vertical Barriers
Establish vertical barriers in Critical Areas, such as along the inside of foundation walls,
plumbing, bath traps, utility services and other features that will penetrate the slab.
Using a 0.06% dilution, apply 4 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of
depth or 4 fluid ounces of Bifen I/T per 10 linear feet per foot of depth from grade
level to the top of the footing in sufficient water to provide a uniform treated barrier.
Use not less than 2 gallons to not more than 8 gallons of water per 10 linear feet.
When trenching and rodding into the trench, or trenching, take care to ensure that
the dilution reaches the top of the footing. Space the rod holes so that a continuous
treated barrier is created, but not exceeding 12 inches apart. Avoid washing-out
the soil around the footing. Trenches should be about 6 inches wide and 6 inches
deep. Mix the chemical dilution with the soil as it is being replaced in the trench.
Inside vertical barriers may not be required for monolithic slabs.
When treating hollow block voids, use 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet to
assure that the dilution reaches the top of the footing.
Prior to each application, applicators must notify the general contractor, construction
superintendent, or similar responsible party, of the intended termiticide application and
intended sites of application and instruct the responsible person to notify construction
workers and other individuals to leave the area to be treated during application and until
the termiticide is absorbed into the soil.
Post-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment
For post-construction treatment, use a 0.06% dilution. Post-construction
treatments shall be made by subslab injection, trenching and rodding into the
trench or trenching using low-pressure spray not exceeding 25 p.s.i. at the nozzle.
Proper precautions should be taken to avoid soil wash-out around the footing.
Locate, identify, and mark wells, electrical conduits, water and sewer lines, and
radiant heat pipes prior to application of Bifen I/T. Do not puncture or inject Bifen
I/T into such structures.
Treatment must be made by trenching and rodding into the trench, or trenching
at the rate of 4 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth wherever
the footing, from grade to the bottom of the foundation, is greater than 1 foot
of depth. When the footer is greater than four feet below grade, the applicator
may trench and rod into the trench, or trench beside foundation walls at the
rate designated for four feet of depth. Space rod holes to create a continuous
insecticidal barrier, but in no case more than 12 inches apart. Depending on
the type of soil, degree of compaction, and location of termite activity, the actual
depth of treatment will differ. However, a structure should never be treated below
the footer. Sub-slab injection may be needed beside the inside of foundation
walls, around conduits, piers, and pipes, beside both sides of interior footing-
supported walls, and beside cracks and partition walls.
Crawl Spaces - Accessible
For crawl spaces, apply vertical termiticide barriers at the rate of 4 gallons of emulsion
per 10 linear feet per foot of depth from grade to the top of the footing, or if the footing
is more than 4 feet below grade, to a minimum depth of 4 feet. Apply by trenching
and rodding into the trench, or trenching. Treat both sides of foundation and around
all piers and pipes. Where physical obstructions such as concrete walkways adjacent
to foundation elements prevent trenching, treatment may be made by rodding alone.
When soil type and/or conditions make trenching prohibitive, rodding may be used.
When the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator must treat the soil adjacent to
the footing to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the footing. Read and follow the
mixing and use direction section of the label if situations are encountered where the
soil will not accept the full application volume.
1. Rod holes and trenches must not extend below the bottom of the footing.
2. Rod holes must be spaced so as to achieve a continuous termiticide barrier but
in no case more than 12 inches apart.
3. Trenches must be a minimum of 6 inches deep or to the bottom of the footing,
whichever is less, and need not to be wider than 6 inches. When trenching in
sloping (tiered) soil, the trench must be stepped to ensure adequate distribution
and prevent termiticide from running off. The emulsion must be mixed with the
soil as it is replaced in the trench.
4. When treating plenums or crawl spaces, turn off the air circulation system
of the structure until application has been completed and all termiticide has
been absorbed by the soil.
Crawl Spaces - Inaccessible
For inaccessible interior areas, such as areas where there is insufficient clearance
between floor joists and ground surfaces to allow operator access, excavate
if possible, and treat according to the instruction for accessible crawl spaces.
Otherwise, apply one or a combination of the following two methods.
1. To establish a horizontal barrier, apply to the soil surface, 1 gallon of emulsion
per 10 square feet overall using a nozzle pressure of less than 25 p.s.i. and a
coarse application nozzle (e.g., Delavan Type RD Raindrop, RD-7 or larger,
or Spraying Systems Co. 8010LP TeeJet® or comparable nozzle). For an area
that cannot be reached with the application wand, use one or more extension
rods to make the application to the soil. Do not broadcast or powerspray
with higher pressures.
2. To establish a horizontal barrier, drill through the foundation wall or through
the floor above and treat the soil perimeter at a rate of 1 gallon of emulsion
per 10 square feet. Drill spacing must be at intervals not to exceed 16 inches.
Many states have smaller intervals, so check State regulations which may apply.
When treating plenums and crawl spaces, turn off the air circulation systems of
the structure until application has been completed and all termiticide has been
absorbed by the soil.
Excavation Technique: When treating in troublesome areas (e.g., beside
fieldstone or rubble walls, beside faulty foundation walls, and around pipes and
utility lines leading downward from the structure to a well or pond) apply using
the following technique:
a. Prepare a trench, placing the removed soil onto heavy-weight plastic
sheeting or similar, water-impermeable material.
b. Treat the soil with 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of
depth of the trench. Completely mix the dilution into the soil, exercising
care to avoid liquid running off the sheeting.
c. Place the treated soil back into the trench after it has absorbed the dilution.
Attention: Wear NIOSH approved unvented goggles and a respirator when applying
Bifen I/T in a confined area.
For applications made after the final grade is installed, the applicator must trench
and rod into the trench or trench along the foundation walls and around pillars
and other foundation elements, at the rate prescribed from grade to the top of the
footing. When the footing is more than four (4) feet below grade, the applicator
must trench and rod into the trench or trench along the foundation walls at the
rate prescribed to a minimum depth of four feet. The actual depth of treatment
will vary depending on soil type, degree of compaction, and location of termite
activity. When the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator must treat the
soil adjacent to the footing to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the footing.
However, in no case should a structure be treated below the footing.
Masonry Voids
Drill and treat voids in multiple masonry elements of the structure extending
from the structure to the soil in order to create a continuous treatment barrier
in the area to be treated. Apply at a rate of 2 gallons of emulsion per 10 linear
feet of footing, using a nozzle pressure of less than 25 p.s.i. When using this
treatment, access holes must be drilled below the sill plate and should be as close
as possible to the footing as is practical. Treatment of voids in block or rubble
foundation walls must be closely examined: Applicators must inspect areas of
possible runoff as a precaution against application leakage in the treated areas.
Some areas may not be treatable or may require mechanical alteration prior to
All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in locations other than those
prescribed on this label must be cleaned up prior to leaving the application site.
Do not allow people or pets to contact contaminated areas or to reoccupy the
contaminated areas of the structure until the clean-up is completed.
NOTE: When treating behind veneer structures (walls, etc.) take proper care to
not drill beyond the veneer. If concrete blocks exist behind the veneer, both can
be drilled and treated simultaneously.
Bifen I/T may not be used in voids insulated with rigid foam insulation.
Create vertical barriers by trenching and rodding into the trench or trenching
outside at a rate of 4 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth and by
sub-slab injection within the structure. Ensure an even distribution of chemical.
Applications must not be made below the bottom of the footing.
Apply beside the outside of the foundation and under the slab on the inside of
foundation walls, where needed. Treatment of slabs may also be necessary under
and beside both sides of any interior footing-supported walls, in all cracks and
expansion joints, and beside one side of interior partitions. By long-rodding or
grid pattern injection vertically through the slab, horizontal barriers may be created
where necessary.
a. To permit the creation of an uninterrupted insecticidal barrier, drill holes in
the foundation and/or slab.
b. For foundations that are less than or equal to 1 foot, dig a narrow trench
about 6 inches wide beside the outside of the foundation walls. Do not
dig beneath the bottom of the footing. As the soil is placed back into the
trench, apply 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth
to the trench and soil.
c. Follow the rates stated above for basements for foundations that are deeper
than 1 foot.
d. A 0.06% dilution may be used to treat soil that is exposed and wood in
bath traps.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited unless there is clear
evidence that reinfestation or barrier disruption has occurred.
Food Handling Establishments
If used as a general spot, surface, or crack and crevice treatment, Bifen I/T
may be applied in both food/feed and nonfood areas of food/feed handling
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of
residual control is dependent upon rate and surface treated.
Food/feed handling establishments are any place other than private residences
where exposed food/feed is held, processed, prepared or served, including areas
for receiving, storing, packing (bottling, boxing, canning, wrapping), preparing,
enclosed processing systems (dairies, edible oils, mills, syrups) of food and
edible waste storage. Serving areas where food is exposed and the facility is in
operation are also considered food areas.
Nonfood areas in which applications are allowed include entries and vestibules,
floor drains (to sewers), garages, garbage rooms, lavatories, locker rooms,
machine rooms, mop closets, offices, and storage (after canning or bottling).
Permitted use sites include, but are not limited to: aircraft (do not use in aircraft
cabins), apartment buildings, bakeries, bottling facilities, breweries, buses, cafeterias,
candy plants, canneries, dairy product processing plants, food manufacturing plants,
food processing plants, food service establishments, granaries, grain mills, hospitals,
hotels, industrial buildings, laboratories, meat/poultry/egg processing plants,
mobile/motor homes, nursing homes offices, railcars, restaurants, schools, ships,
trailers, trucks, vessels, warehouses† and wineries.
WAREHOUSES and GROCERY/PET STORES: Bifen I/T dilution may be applied
as a surface, spot or crack and crevice treatment in food and nonfood storage
warehouses and stores. Apply to all areas that may harbor pests, including under
and between pallets, bins, and shelves. Do not apply directly to food, grain bins
(interior), or animals.
General Surface Application: Do not use this application method in food/
feed handling establishments when the facility is in operation or foods/
feeds are exposed. During treatment, remove or cover all food processing and/
or handling equipment and do not apply directly to food products. All equipment,
benches, shelving and other surfaces in food processing plants, bakeries,
cafeterias and other facilities, which food will contact must be washed after
treatment. Clean food handling equipment or processing equipment and rinse
completely with fresh, clean water.
Spot, Crack and Crevice Application: These types of treatments can be done
when the facility is operating, but food must be covered or removed from the
treatment area. Do not apply directly to food.
Foam Applications: Converting Bifen I/T to foam will allow it to be used to
treat structural voids. To produce a 0.02% to 0.06% foam concentration, dilute
0.33 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and add the manufacturer’s
recommended amount of foaming agent. Before application, make sure that the
foaming agent is compatible with Bifen I/T. Use of a foaming agent increases
a.i. surface contact time on challenging surfaces and provides visual marking
of the application. Ensure that the foaming agent is approved for food surface/
area contact use.
Indoor Uses
In the home, cover all food processing surfaces and utensils during treatment or
thoroughly wash before reuse. Exposed food must be covered or removed. Do
not permit humans or pets to contact treated surfaces until the spray has dried.
During any overhead applications to overhead interior areas of structures, cover
surfaces below with plastic sheeting or similar materials.
Wear protective clothing, unvented goggles, gloves and respirator, when applying
to overhead areas or in poorly ventilated areas. Avoid touching sprayed surfaces
until spray has completely dried.
Bifen I/T may be used to control ants, carpenter ants, bees, beetles, biting flies,
boxelder bugs, , centipedes, cicadas, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, firebrats,
fleas, flies, gnats, millipedes, mosquitoes, moths, scorpions, silverfish, sowbugs
(pillbugs), spiders (including Black Widow, Brown Recluse and Hobo Spiders),
springtails, stink bugs, ticks (including Brown Dog Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies,
and wasps.
In structures and buildings and on modes of transportation, use a 0.02% to
0.06% suspension (0.33 to 1 fl. oz. per gallon of water) using a crack and crevice,
pinstream, spot, coarse, low-pressure spray (25 p.s.i. or less) or with a paint brush.
Indoor Treatments: Apply where pests hide. These areas include, but are
not limited to, baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes,
doors and windows, attics and eaves, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets,
sinks, furnaces, stoves, the underside of shelves, and drawers. Treat with a low
pressure, coarse, crack and crevice or spot spray. Pay close attention to cracks
and crevices. See also “Foam Applications” in the Food Handling Establishments
section. Not for use as a space spray.
Mixing Directions: See mixing directions in “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and
Around Buildings” section.
To make a dilution for brush or spray treatments:
-Dilute Bifen I/T with water.
-Fill sprayer with the required amount of water.
-Add Bifen I/T.
-To ensure proper mixing, close sprayer and shake before use.
-Only mix the amount of solution that is necessary for treatment.
In order to achieve and/or maintain control in times of high pest pressure,
retreatment may be needed.
Repeat application should only take place if there are signs of renewed insect
activity and must not exceed one application per 7 days.
Ants: Apply to any ant trails, around doors and windows and other places that
ants frequent.
Bedbugs: Thorough application should be made to crack and crevices where
evidence of bed bugs occurs. Areas of application include bed frames, box
springs, inside empty dressers and clothes closets and carpet edges, high and
low wall moldings and wallpaper edges. Do not use this product on bed linens,
pillows, mattresses or clothes. Remove all clothes and other articles from dressers
or clothes closets before application. Allow all treated areas to thoroughly dry
before use. Bifen I/T is not recommended for use as sole protection against
bedbugs. If evidence of bedbugs is found in or on mattresses, use products
approved for this use.
Use a 0.03% or 0.06% dilution (0.5 to 1 fluid oz. per gallon of water) for residual
pest control in buildings and structures and on modes of transport. Apply either
as a crack and crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse, low pressure spray (25 psi or
less) or with a paint brush. Use the higher rate of application (0.06%) on painted
and non-porous surfaces.
Bees and Wasps: Apply to nests in late evening when these pests are at rest.
Spray nests, entrances to nests and surrounding areas thoroughly. Contact as
many insects as possible. Retreat if signs of renewed activity exist. Spray liberally
into hiding and breeding places, especially under attic rafters, contacting as many
insects as possible.
Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Cicadas, Earwigs, Beetles, Millipedes, Pillbugs,
Sowbugs, Springtails, and Stink Bugs: Treat near doors and windows, storage
areas, baseboards and other sites where these pests may be found.
Cockroaches, Crickets, Firebrats, Flies, Gnats, Moths, Mosquitoes,
Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, and Ticks: Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month
residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent upon rate
and surface treated. Use a coarse low- pressure, crack and crevice or spot spray,
paying close attention to cracks and crevices. Treat where pests hide. These
areas include, attics and eaves, baseboards, closets, corners, storage areas,
around water pipes, doors and windows, behind and under cabinets, furnaces,
refrigerators, sinks, stoves, and the underside of shelves and drawers.
Fleas: Bifen I/T will kill fleas for up to 3 months. Vacuum prior to treatment. Apply
as a coarse, low pressure spot or crack and crevice treatment to areas frequented
by pets, such as under bedding, rugs, next to furniture. Do not apply Bifen I/T
dilution directly to pets. Treatment must be dry before pet re-entry.
Spider Mites: Treat houseplants thoroughly but do not allow run off to occur.
Ensure the underside of leaves is treated.
Stored Product Pests (Including Indian Meal Moths, Rice Moths, Tobacco
Moths, Flour Beetles, Lesser Grain Borers, Merchant Grain Beetles,
Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Grain Weevils, Warehouse Beetles, Cigarette
Beetles, and Dermestid Beetles, Psocids, and other similar pests: Inspect
to locate and remove infested food sources, remove or cover any food items or
food serving dishes or utensils prior to treatment. Apply Bifen I/T using a 0.02
to 0.06% dilution as a coarse, low pressure spray to areas where these pests
hide. Treatment areas include baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets,
around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and eaves, behind and under
refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, and stoves, the underside of shelves,
drawers and similar areas. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices. Do
not apply directly to food.
Livestock and Poultry Housing Structures
Controls pests of poultry and livestock facilities, including biting flies, filth-breeding
flies, fleas, litter beetles, hide beetles, bed bugs, mites and ticks. Apply as a general
surface (including directed spray) and/or crack and crevice treatment. Control
is enhanced when interior and exterior perimeter applications are made in and
around the livestock or poultry housing structures. Normal cleaning practices of
the structure also must be followed along with applications of Bifen I/T to effectively
control crawling and flying insect pests.
For occupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities, apply to indoor cracks and
crevices only. Exterior applications to walls and foundation perimeters can help
prevent interior infestations of flying and crawling insect pests. Apply Bifen I/T
at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
For unoccupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities, apply to floors, vertical
and overhead surfaces where crawling or flying insect pests may be present.
Feeders, waterers and feed carts must be covered before application to prevent
contamination. Do not apply to milk rooms. Pay attention to animal areas
including stanchions, pipes, windows, doors and areas where insect pests hide
or congregate. Exterior applications to walls and foundation perimeters can help
prevent interior infestations of flying and crawling insect pests. Apply Bifen I/T at
a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
To control bed bugs, mites and ticks in animal facilities, treat cracks/crevices,
walls, posts, nest boxes and mobile side curtains. Do not apply Bifen I/T directly
to animals.
For adult fly control in and around animal facilities, spray application should
target areas where flies will rest, such as the ceiling, rafters and trusses. Also
treat windows, interior and exterior walls and supports, fences and vegetation.
Bifen I/T suspension may be sprayed on manure in areas where fly larvae are
abundant and the area cannot be cleaned.
For poultry houses, apply to floor area (birds grown on litter) or to walls, posts
and cage framing (birds grown in cages). Application should also be made into
cracks and crevices around insulation. Reapply after each growout or de-caking
and sanitization procedure, but not more frequently than every 8 weeks. Indoor
control can be enhanced by making perimeter treatments around the outside of
building foundations to prevent immigrating adult beetles. Apply in a uniform
band 2 to 3 feet up and 6 to 10 feet out from the structure. Maintaining a year-
round treatment program will prevent background populations from reaching
problem levels.
To control beetles in houses containing birds grown on litter apply Bifen I/T at a
rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet to litter after birds are removed
and during tilling. If litter is removed and replaced with fresh litter, apply Bifen
I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1, 000 sq. feet to bare soil or concrete,
and treat new litter after it is spread. Apply spray to inside walls, posts and
exterior perimeter. Reapply between each flock.
To control beetles in broiler-breeder houses, apply as directed above for litter
and soil/floor treatment.
To control beetles in caged-layer houses, do not treat accumulated manure as
it will likely disrupt natural enemies that control fly breeding. Instead, treat the
perimeter of the manure at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz of Bifen I/T per
1,000 sq. feet. Pit walls, posts and exterior of structure should also be sprayed.
Reapply between each flock.
Allow Bifen I/T treatment to dry before applying disinfectants.
Insecticide Class Rotations: In order to avoid problems with developed resistance
to insecticides it is important to rotate to an insecticide of a different class each
2-3 flocks. It is best to attempt to use 3 different classes of insecticides during
a calendar year.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T as a general surface spray when animals are present in
the facility. Allow applications to dry before restocking the facility. Treatment may
be made to cracks and crevices when animals are present.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T to any animal feed, water or watering equipment.
DO NOT contaminate any animal feed, food or water in and around livestock or
poultry housing when making applications.
Use Bifen I/T as a broadcast treatment. To accomplish uniform control when applying
to dense grass foliage, use volumes of up to 10 gallons per 1000 square feet.
To ensure control of sub-surface pests including Mole Crickets using low volume
treatments, (i.e. less than 2 gallons per 1000 square feet), immediately follow the
treatment with irrigation of the treated area with at least 0.25 inches of water.
Lawn Application Rates
Under typical conditions, the application rates shown in the table below will
provide control of the listed pests. Bifen I/T may, however, be applied at up to 1
fl. oz. per 1000 square feet at the discretion of the applicator. Maximum residual
control requires the higher treatment rates.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Armyworms¹ 0.18 - 0.25
Cutworms¹ fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Sod Webworm¹
Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes) 0.25 - 0.5
(Adult)² fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Banks Grass Mite6
Billbugs (Adult)³
Black Turfgrass Ataenius Adult4
Fleas (Adult)
Crane Flies 12 0.5 fl oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Ants 0.5 - 1.0
Chinch Bugs5 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Fleas (Larvae)7
Imported Fire Ants8
Japanese Beetle (Adult)
Mole Cricket (Adult)9
Mole Cricket (Nymph)10
Stink Bugs
In New York State, this product may not be applied to any grass or turf
area within 100 feet of a water body (lake, pond, river, stream, wetland,
or drainage ditch).
In New York State, do make a single repeat application of Bifen I/T if there
are signs of renewed insect activity, but not sooner than two weeks after
the first application.
¹Armyworms, Cutworms, and Sod Webworms: Postpone irrigation or
mowing for 24 hours after application to obtain the best possible control. Higher
treatment rates (up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) may be necessary if high
pest pressure exists and if the grass is maintained taller than 1 inch.
²Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes) adults: Treatment of this species
should be timed as they travel into grass areas and away from their overwintering
sites. Travel usually begins when Forsythia is in full bloom and ends when Cornus
florida (flowering dogwood) is in full bloom. For additional detailed information
regarding treatment timing, check with your State Cooperative Extension Service.
³Billbug adults: Treatment of adult billbugs should be made when they are first
noticed in April and May. To optimize treatment timing, degree day models have
been developed. For detailed information particular to your region, check with
your State Cooperative Extension Service. Spring treatments for billbug adults
will also offer control of over-wintered chinch bugs in temperate climates.
Black Turfgrass Ataenius adults: In order to control the 1st and 2nd generation
of black turfgrass ataenuis adults, respectively, treatments should take place
in May and July. Time the May treatment to match with the full bloom stage
of Vanhoutte spiraea (Spiraea vanhoutte) and horse chestnut (Aesculus
hippocastanum). Time the July treatment to match with the blooming Rose of
Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).
Chinch Bugs: Mostly found in the thatch layer, chinch bugs infest the base of
grass plants. In order to optimize the penetration of the insecticide to location of
the chinch bugs, irrigation of the grass prior to treatment may be necessary. If
grass is being kept at a long mowing height or if the thatch layer is excessive, use
higher volume treatments. It may be necessary to use higher application rates
(up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) to control populations made up of both
adults and nymphs in mid-summer.
Mites: Apply Bifen I/T in combination with a labeled rate of a surfactant to
achieve optimal control of eriophyid mites. A second application may be needed
5 to 7 days after the first to ensure optimal control.
Flea larvae: Immature fleas mature in shaded areas accessible to pets or other
animals. When treating these areas use a higher volume treatment so that the
insecticide penetrates into the soil. NOTE: If adult fleas on lawn areas are being
controlled by applying Bifen I/T at a rate of 0.25 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet, then the rate
of larval application can be accomplished by two- to four-fold increase in spray volume.
Imported Fire Ants: The best control will be achieved by using broadcast
treatments in combination with mound drenches. This will control present
colonies along with foraging workers and newly mated fly-in queens. It is critical
either to use high volume treatments or to irrigate prior to application if the soil
is dry. Apply 1 fl. oz. per 1,000 square feet when using broadcast treatments. For
mound drenches, dilute 1 teaspoon of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and use 1
to 2 gallons of finished dilution using sufficient force to penetrate the top and
allow dilution to flood ant channels. Treat a four-foot diameter around each ant
mound. Application should be made in late evening or early morning when it is
cooler (65° - 80° when insects are most active. NOTE: A spray rig calibrated to
apply 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet of Bifen I/T in 5 gallons per 1,000 square
feet contains the equivalent dilution (1 teaspoon per gallon) required for fire ant
mound drenches in the spray tank.
Mole Cricket adults: Since the preferred grass areas are subject to constant
invasion in early spring by the active adult stage, it is can be difficult maintain control
of adult mole crickets. It is ideal to treat the areas as late in the day as possible
and water immediately after application with up to 0.5 inches of water. To ensure
maximum contact when soil is dry, it is necessary to irrigate prior to treatment to
bring the adult mole crickets closer to the soil surface. To obtain optimal control
of potential nymphal populations, the grass areas preferred by adult mole crickets
should be treated at immediately prior to peak hatch stage. (See note 10 below).
Mole Cricket nymphs: Treat grass areas that are preferred by adult mole crickets
in the spring just before peak egg hatch. Young nymphs are more vulnerable to
insecticidal treatment at this stage because they are close to the soil surface where
the insecticide is most concentrated and thereby providing the most efficient control.
For larger more damaging nymphal stages later in the year, it may be necessary to
use higher application rates more frequent. It is ideal to treat the areas as late in
the day as possible and water immediately after application with up to 0.5 inches of
water. To ensure maximum contact when soil is dry, it is necessary to irrigate prior to
treatment to bring the adult mole crickets closer to the soil surface.
Ticks (including ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky
Mountain Spotted Fever): Make application to the entire area where contact
with ticks may occur. Do not make spot treatments. When applying to areas
with heavy leaf litter or dense ground cover use higher spray volumes. To
attain and/or sustain control in times of high pest pressure, retreatments may be
necessary; retreat only if signs of continued or renewed tick activity are present.
Repeat treatments must not be made more often than once per 7 days. Deer
ticks (ixodes sp.) have a four-stage life cycle spanning 2 years. Treat in late fall
and/or early spring to both larval and nymphal stages present in leaf litter and
the soil, and adults living in the grass and low-lying vegetation above ground.
American dog ticks invade suburban settings in areas where residences and
dwellings are constructed on former fields or wooded areas. These pests normally
gather by paths or roadways where they are likely to find a host. To control tick
larvae, nymphs and adults, treatments should take place, as needed, from mid
spring to early fall.
Crane Flies: Treatments can be made to control early to mid-season larvae
(approximately August-February) as they feed on plant crowns. Treatments made
to late-season larvae (approximately March, April) may only provide suppression.
Bifen I/T Lawn Dilution Chart
Application Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished Spray
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces per 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1,000 Sq. Ft. 1,000 Sq. Ft.
1.0 0.18 0.18 0.90 1.8 18.0
1.0 0.25 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
1.0 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2.0 0.18 - 0.45 0.90 9.0
2.0 0.25 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
2.0 0.5 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per Fluid Ounces per
1,000 square ft. 100 gallons
Adelgids† 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Beet Armyworm
Beetles 2,†
Black Vine Weevil (Adults)
Brown Soft Scales
Broad Mites
California Red Scale (Crawlers)13 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Citrus Thrips
Clover Mites
Diaprepes (Adults)
European Red Mite
Flea Beetles
Fungus Gnats (Adults)
Japanese Beetle (Adult)†
Orchid Weevil 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Pine Needle Scales (Crawlers)2
Plant Bugs (Including Lygus spp.)
San Jose Scales (Crawlers)2
Spider Mites3
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per Fluid Ounces per
1,000 square ft. 100 gallons
Spiders 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Tip Moths
Twig Borers2
Ants 0.5 - 1.0 21.7 - 43.5
Imported Fire Ants**
Pecan Leaf Scorch Mite
Pine Shoot Beetle (Adults)
Spider Mites3
Stink Bugs
Mosquitoes See directions for use in mosquito control in the
section titled “Mosquito Control”
Bagworms: For optimum control treat when larvae have started to hatch and
are young, directing spray to contact as many larvae as possible.
Beetles, Scale Crawlers, Twig Borers, and Weevils: Apply to plant foliage;
also treat trunks, stems, and twigs.
Spider Mites: Apply during spring and mid-summer for most effective control of
twospotted spider mites. During mid- to late-summer it may be necessary to make
more frequent treatments, possibly at higher rates suitable control. Control may
be enhanced by adding a surfactant or horticultural oil or by combining Bifen I/T
with other products registered to control mites. Applications of Bifen I/T may be
alternated with chemicals offering other modes of action delay or prevent control
resistance by twospotted spider mites. For recommendations on resistance
management in your region check with your local Cooperative Extension Service.
**For foraging ants.
Not for use in California.
Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings
Follow Additional Application Restrictions for Residential Outdoor Surface and
Space Sprays under DIRECTIONS FOR USE.
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of
residual control is dependent upon rate and surface treated.
Applications to vertical exterior surfaces (e.g., foundations) are permitted to a
maximum height of 3 feet from ground level. Sections of vertical exterior surfaces
that abut non-porous horizontal surfaces can only be treated if either 1) these
sections are protected from rainfall and spray from sprinklers or 2) they do not
drain into a sewer, storm drain, or curbside gutter (e.g., not to sections that abut
driveways or sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T may be used to control Ants, including Carpenter Ants and Fire
Ants, Armyworms, Lady Beetles, Bees, Beetles†, Biting Flies, Boxelder Bugs,
Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Cicadas, Clover Mites, Crickets, Cutworms,
Dichondra Flea Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Gnats,
Grasshoppers, Hornets, Japanese Beetles†, Midges, Millipedes, Mosquitoes,
Moths, Roaches (including Cockroaches), Scorpions, Silverfish, Sod Webworms,
Sowbugs (Pillbugs), Spider Mites, Spiders (including Black Widow, Brown
Recluse and Hobo Spiders), Springtails, Stink Bugs, Ticks (including Brown Dog
Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies and Wasps.
†Not for use in California.
Use a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution to spray the outside surfaces of buildings such as
private homes, duplexes, townhouses, condominiums, house trailers, apartment
complexes, carports, garages, fence lines, storage sheds, barns, and other
residential and non-commercial structures. Sites of treatment include, but are
not limited to, exterior siding, foundations, porches, window frames, eaves, patios,
garages, garbage areas, lawn areas, trunks of trees and shrubs and other areas
where pests my be found. Use a spray volume of up to 10 gallons of emulsion
per 1,000 square feet. Use higher dilution volumes if vegetation or landscape
materials are dense.
Mixing Directions
Suspension Bifen I/T per gallon Remarks
of water
0.02% 0.33 fl. oz. -Do not use household utensils to measure
Bifen I/T.
0.06% 1.0 fl. oz. -Use higher treatment rates for quicker
knockdown or longer residual control.
-High pest pressure may require subsequent
-Repeat application only if there is evidence
of renewed insect activity and not more than
once per 7 days.
Perimeter Treatment: Treat a band of soil and vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide
around and next to the structure and the foundation of the structure to a height
of 2 to 3 feet. Use 0.33 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet in
enough water to provide sufficient coverage (refer to Perimeter Application
Dilution Chart).
For sections of foundation that abut non-porous horizontal surfaces, the treated
areas must be protected from rainfall and spray from sprinklers or they do not
drain into a sewer, storm drain, or curbside gutter (e.g. not to sections that abut
driveways or sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T Perimeter Application Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces Per Volumes of Finished Spray
1000 sq. ft. 1000 sq. ft. 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1 0.33 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
1 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1 0.67 0.67 3.33 6.67 66.7
1 0.75 0.75 3.75 7.5 75.0
1 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2 0.33 0.17 0.83 1.65 16.5
2 0.5 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
2 0.67 0.33 1.67 3.35 33.5
2 0.75 0.38 1.88 3.75 37.5
Carpenter Ants Indoors: Treat areas where carpenter ants are seen or are predicted
to forage, such as, baseboards, in and behind cabinets, under and behind dishwashers,
furnaces, refrigerators, sinks, and stoves, around pipes, cracks and crevices, and in
corners by diluting 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying at the
rate of one gallon of dilution per 1,000 square feet as a general surface, crack and crevice,
spot and/or foam application. Spray or foam into cracks and crevices or drill holes and
spray, mist or foam into voids and galleries where carpenter ants or their nests are
present. When combining liquid Bifen I/T treatments with bait treatments, use Bifen I/T
as instructed above and apply baits in those areas where Bifen I/T has not been applied.
Carpenter Ants Outdoors: Treat carpenter ant nests for best results. Treat
areas where carpenter ants are seen or are believed to forage, such as ant trails,
and around doors and windows. As stated in the “Pest Control on Outside
Surfaces and Around Buildings” section, treat using a low or high volume
perimeter treatment. When treating concrete surfaces, more frequent treatments,
higher dilutions and/or application volumes may be needed for carpenter ant
control. The following procedures must be followed to help achieve maximum
control of the pest:
1. Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and apply at a rate of up to
10 gallons of dilution per 1,000 square feet to obtain residual control.
2. Vegetation and porous surfaces should be treated with high volume
applications using dilutions that are calculated to deliver 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz.
of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (refer to the Ornamental and Perimeter
Application Dilution Charts).
3. Treat non-porous surfaces with low volume applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid
oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying this dilution at the rate of one
gallon per 1,000 square feet.
4. Use 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water on tree trunks with carpenter
ant trails or evidence of foraging. Apply to the bark, completely wetting it from
the bottom of the tree to the highest possible point on the trunk.
To control carpenter ants inside deck materials, fencing, trees, utility poles or
other structural elements, drill to find the inside infested cavity and inject or foam
a 0.06% dilution (1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water) into the cavity with
adequate volume and a proper treatment tool with a splash-back guard. Where
there are ants tunneling below the surfaces, dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T
per gallon of water and applying as a drench or foam at intervals of 8 to 12
inches. A uniform barrier should be established where there are ants tunneling
below surfaces such as, at the edges of walls, driveways or other hard surfaces.
Use a sprinkling can or a hose-end sprayer to distribute a coarse drenching spray,
apply a 0.06% dilution to stored lumber and wood piles. This wood may be used
for lumber or may be burned after 30 days. Do not use this method of application
in structures.
Diluting 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying to the soil below
where the firewood will be stacked at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 8
square feet will protect the wood from carpenter ants.
DO NOT treat firewood with this product.
Controlling Termites (Above Ground Only)
The treatment methods that are expressed below are intended to kill termite
workers or winged reproductives present at the time of application. These methods
should supplement, not substitute for, mechanical alteration, soil treatment or
foundation treatment.
Controlling winged reproductive termites and exposed workers in localized
areas may be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water
and applying the dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1000 square feet to crawl
spaces, unfinished basements, attics, and other crawl spaces as a course fan
spray. Both swarming termites and the areas where they gather should be
Controlling above-ground termites in localized areas of infested wood may be
accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying
as a foam or a liquid to voids and galleries in wood that is damaged in addition
to spaces between wooden structural members and between the foundation and
sill plate where the wood is at risk of to attack. Drilling and then injecting the
foam or dilution into damaged wood or wall voids with an appropriate directional
injector will help reach those areas that are not easy to access. After treatment
is completed, securely plug the holes that are in regularly occupied areas in the
construction elements.
Controlling termite carton nests in building voids can be accomplished by diluting
1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying as a foam or a liquid
using a pointed projection tool. To obtain control, various depths of injection and
numerous injection points may be needed. After treatment is complete and when
feasible, remove the carton nest material from the building void.
Pests Under Slabs
To control infestations of Arthropods (e.g., ants, cockroaches, and scorpions) that
live beneath the slab area, drill or horizontally rod and inject 1 gallon of a 0.06%
to 0.12% dilution per 10 square feet or 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet.
Posts, Poles, and Other Constructions
Around wooden constructions (signs, fences, and landscape ornamentation) an
insecticidal barrier can be established by treating with a 0.06% dilution. Sub-
surface injection and gravity-flow through holes in the bottom of the trench, are
two treatment methods that can be used on poles and posts that have already
been installed. Establishing a complete chemical zone around the pole can be
accomplished by treating on all sides. For poles and posts that are fewer than 6
inches in diameter use 1 gallon of dilution per foot of depth and 1.5 gallons for larger
poles, applying under the wood to a depth of 6 inches. 4 gallons per 10 linear feet
per foot of depth should be used for larger constructions.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects in Wood (Localized Areas in Structures)
Insects Application Rate Remarks
Termites Apply a 0.06% dilution to voids -Can be applied as a paint or fan spray.
Ants and galleries in damaged wood -Place plastic sheeting under overhead
Carpenter Ants and in spaces between wooden areas that are spot treated except for
Wood-infesting members of a structure and soil surfaces in crawl spaces.
beetles between wood and foundations -Areas to which access is difficult
(including where wood is at risk. can be treated by drilling, and then
but not injecting dilution with a crack and
limited to Old crevice injector into the damaged
House Borer wood or void spaces. (Not intended
& Powder as a replacement for soil treatment,
Post) mechanical alteration or fumigation
to control widespread infestation of
wood-infesting insects.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects and Nuisance Pests (Outside of Structures)
In order to control wood-infesting insects active inside trees, utility poles and/
or fences, a 0.06% dilution should be injected into the infested cavity, which can
be found by drilling into the wood. If treating nuisance pests on the exterior of
the structure, use a fan spray at a maximum pressure of 25 p.s.i. and apply up to
the point of runoff. To control Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow-Jackets, direct
the spray at nest openings in the ground, bushes, and in cracks and crevices,
where the insects may nest. Saturate the openings and contact as many insects
as possible.
Underground Services (e.g. cables, conduits, pipes, utility lines, wires, etc.)
may be in right-of-ways, inside of structures or to guard long range (miles) of
installations of services.
Treat the soil using a 0.06 to 0.12% Bifen I/T dilution to prevent and control termite
and ant infestations.
Treat the bottom of the trench with 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet and
let it soak into the soil. Place the services on the treated soil and cover with
about 2 inches of fill soil. Apply another 2 gallons per 10 linear feet over the
fill soil to complete the chemical barrier. Only threat the soil in the area near
the services in wide trenches, but ensure a continuous barrier of treated soil
surrounding the services.
In the event that the soil will not accept the volume stated above, 1 gallon of
0.12% Bifen I/T may be applied per 10 linear feet of trench over the soil that
covers the services and to the base of the trench.
Fill the remainder of the trench with the treated fill soil. Where each service sticks
out of the ground, the soil may be treated by trenching/rodding no more than 1 to
2 gallons of dilution into the soil.
RESTRICTIONS: Do not treat electrically active underground services.
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.
STORAGE AND SPILL PROCEDURES: Store upright at room temperature. Avoid
exposure to extreme temperatures. In case of spillage or leakages, soak up with an
absorbent material such as sand, sawdust, earth, Fuller’s earth, etc. Dispose of with
chemical waste.
PESTICIDE DISPOSAl: Pesticide, spray mixture or rinse water that cannot be used
according to label instructions must be disposed of at or by an approved waste
disposal facility.
For Containers equal to or less than 5 Gallons: Nonrefillable container. Do Not reuse
or refill this container. Clean container promptly after emptying. Triple rinse as follows:
Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank and drain for 10
seconds after the flow begins to drip. Fill the container ¼ full with water and recap. Shake
for 10 seconds. Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate
for later use or disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Repeat this
procedure two more times. Offer for recycling if available. If recycling is not available,
puncture or dispose of in a sanitary landfill.
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: To the extent consistent with applicable
law, Control Solutions, Inc. makes no other warranties, express or implied, of
merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, that extend
beyond the statements made on this label. No agent of Control Solutions, Inc. is
authorized to make any warranties beyond those contained herein or to modify
the warranties contained herein. To the extent consistent with applicable law,
Control Solutions, Inc. disclaims any liability whatsoever for special, incidental
or consequential damages resulting from the use or handling of this product.
LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: To the extent consistent with applicable law, the
exclusive remedy of the user or buyer for any and all losses, injuries or damages
resulting from the use or handling of this product, whether in contract, warranty,
tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price
paid or at Control Solutions, Inc election, the replacement of product.
Micro-injector is a registered trademark of Whitmire Micro-Gen Research
Actisol is a registered trademark of Roussel-Uclaf
Control Solutions, Inc. is a member of the ADAMA Group
Insecticide /Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and other pests of structures. To
control pests in and around such areas as homes, commercial and industrial buildings,
recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals. Controls pests in livestock
and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms licensed by the state
to apply termiticide products. States may have more restrictive requirements regarding
qualifications of persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory agency of
your state prior to use of this product.
Bifenthrin*.............................................................. 7.9%
OTHER INGREDIENTS:.............................................. 92.1%
TOTAL................................................................. 100.0%
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon.
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum.
See inside booklet for additional precautionary statements
EPA Reg. No. 53883-118 EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
Manufactured by:
EPA 060717
Insecticide /Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and other pests of structures. To control pests in and around such
areas as homes, commercial and industrial buildings, recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals. Controls
pests in livestock and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms licensed by the state to apply termiticide products. States may
have more restrictive requirements regarding qualifications of persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory
agency of your state prior to use of this product.
Bifenthrin*.................................................. 7.9% KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
OTHER INGREDIENTS:.................................. 92.1%
TOTAL..................................................... 100.0% CAUTION
See inside booklet for additional
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon. precautionary statements
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum.
EPA Reg. No. 53883-118
NET CONTENTS: 1 GALLON EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
Manufactured by:
EPA 060717
If swallowed • C all a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice.
• H ave person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.
• D o not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor.
• D o not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
If inhaled • Move person to fresh air.
• If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration,
preferably by mouth-to-mouth if possible.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice.
If on skin or • T ake off contaminated clothing.
clothing • R inse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
If in eyes • H old eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water 15-20 minutes.
• R emove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also
contact SafetyCall® (866) 897-8050 for emergency medical treatment information.
Note to Physician - This product is a pyrethroid. If large amounts have been ingested, the stomach and intestine should be evacuated.
Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Digestible fats, oils, or alcohol may increase absorption and so should be avoided.
Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals
CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing.
Avoid breathing spray mist. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking,
chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
All pesticide handlers (mixers, loaders, and applicators) must wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks, shoes,
and chemical-resistant gloves. After the product is diluted in accordance with label directions for use, and/or when
mixing and loading using a closed spray tank transfer system, or an in-line injector system, shirt, pants, socks, shoes,
and waterproof gloves are sufficient. In addition, all pesticide handlers must wear a respiratory protection device¹
when working in a non-ventilated space. All pesticide handlers must wear protective eyewear when working in
non-ventilated space or when applying termiticide by rodding or sub-slab injection.
¹Use one of the following: NIOSH approved respirator with any R, P or HE filter
or a NIOSH approved respirator with an organic vapor (OV) cartridge
or canister with any R, P, or HE pre-filter.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables exist, use
detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
Environmental Hazards
This pesticide is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide
to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm
weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or
wash pesticide off the treatment area. Rinsing application equipment over the treated area will help avoid run off
to water bodies or drainage systems. Care should be used when spraying to avoid fish and reptile pets in/around
ornamental ponds.
This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this
product or allow to drift to blooming crops if bees are foraging the treatment area.
Do not discharge effluent containing this product into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans, or other public
waters unless in accordance with the requirements of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit and the permitting authority has been notified in writing prior to discharge. Do not discharge effluent
containing this product to sewer systems without previously notifying the local sewage plant authority. For guidance
contact your State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA.
Physical and Chemical Hazards
Do not apply water-based dilutions of Bifen I/T to electrical conduits, motor housings, junction boxes, switch boxes
or other electrical equipment because of possible shock hazard.
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
• Do not apply a broadcast application to interior surfaces of homes.
• Do not apply by air.
• Do not apply in greenhouses, nurseries.
• Do not apply this product through any kind of irrigation system.
• Not for use on sod farm turf, golf course turf, or grass grown for seed.
• Do not apply to pets, crops, or sources of electricity.
• Firewood is not to be treated.
• Use only in well-ventilated areas.
• During any application to overhead areas of structure, cover surface below with plastic sheeting or similar material
except for soil surfaces in crawlspaces.
• Do not allow spray to contact food, foodstuffs, food-contacting surfaces or food utensils or water supplies.
• Thoroughly wash dishes and food handling utensils with soap and water if they become contaminated by
application of this product.
• Do not treat areas where food is exposed.
• During indoor surface applications do not allow dripping or runoff to occur.
• Do not allow contact with treated surfaces by people or pets before spray has dried.
• Bifen I/T will not discolor or otherwise harm surfaces that water alone will not discolor or otherwise harm.
• Do not apply this product in patient rooms or in any rooms while occupied by the elderly or infirm.
• D o not apply Bifen I/T in classrooms, libraries, sports venues, or other institutional facilities when they are
• Bifen I/T may be applied with low-volume application equipment, including Actisol® and Micro-Injector®, for
general surface, spot, crack and crevice, and deep harborage treatments.
• Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production, or for
research purposes. For use on plants intended only for aesthetic purposes or climactic modifications and being
grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or lawns and grounds.
Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm
drains, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application.
Additional Application Restrictions for Residential Outdoor Surface and Space Sprays:
All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or crack and crevice treatments only, except for the following
permitted uses:
1. Applications to soil or vegetation around structure;
2. Applications to lawns, turf, and other vegetation;
3. Applications to building foundations, up to a maximum height of 3 feet above grade;
4. Applications to underside of eaves, soffits, doors, or windows permanently protected from rainfall by a covering,
overhang, awning or other structure;
5. Applications around potential pest entry points into buildings, when limited to a surface band not to exceed one
inch in width;
6. Applications made through the use of a coarse, low pressure spray to only those portions of surfaces that are
directly above bare soil, lawn, turf, mulch or other vegetation, as listed on this label, and not over an impervious
surface, drainage or other condition that could result in runoff into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters, or
surface waters, in order to control occasional invaders or aggregating pests.
Other than applications to building foundations, all outdoor applications to impervious surfaces such as sidewalks,
driveways, patios, porches and structural surfaces (such as windows, doors, and eaves) are limited to spot and crack
and crevice applications, only.
When treating adjacent to an existing structure, the applicator must check the area to be treated, and immediately
adjacent areas of the structure, for visible and accessible cracks and holes to prevent any leaks or significant
exposures to persons occupying the structure. People present or residing in the structure during application
must be advised to remove their pets and themselves from the structure if they see any signs of leakage. After
application, the applicator is required to check for leaks. All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in
locations other than those prescribed on this label must be cleaned up prior to leaving the applications site. Do
not allow people or pets to contact contaminated areas or to reoccupy contaminated areas of the structure until
the clean-up is completed.
Some insects are known to develop resistance to products used repeatedly for control. Because the development
of resistance cannot be predicted, the use of this product should conform to resistance management strategies
established for the use area. Consult your local or state pest management authorities for details.
If resistance to this product develops in your area, this product, or other products with a similar mode of action,
may not provide adequate control. If poor performance cannot be attributed to improper application or extreme
weather conditions, a resistant strain of insect may be present. If you experience difficulty with control and suspect
that resistance is a reasonable cause, immediately consult your local company representative or pest management
advisor for the best alternative method of control for your area.
Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production, or for
research purposes. For use on plants intended only for aesthetic purposes or climatic modifications and being
grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or lawn and grounds. Only use this product on plants
being grown for aesthetic or climatic purposes and in interior and exterior sites, such as, gardens, parks, lawns, and
grounds, and other ornamental sites. Do not use on vegetation intended for sale or other commercial uses. Do not
use on plants grown for seed production or research purposes.
Using this product in and around structures and building construction will prevent and control termite infestations.
To institute a barrier between the wood and the termites in the soil, the chemical emulsion must be effectively
dispersed in the soil. It is important to remove unnecessary materials that contain cellulose and wood from around
foundation walls, crawl spaces (inside of structure), and porches, and fix damaged plumbing and construction grade
in order to deny termite access to moisture.
To use this product effectively, it is important that the service technician be familiar with current control practices
including trenching, rodding, subslab injection, low-pressure spray applications, coarse fan spraying of soil
surfaces, crack and crevice (void) injection, excavated soil treatment and brush and spray applications to infested
or susceptible wood. Using these techniques correctly is essential to prevent or control infestations by subterranean
termite species of genera Reticulitermes, Zootermopsis, Coptotermes and Heterotermes. When determining what
procedures to follow, the service technician should consider certain variables. Some of the variables to consider
are species biology and behavior, structure design, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, water
table, soil type and compaction, grade conditions, and the location and type of domestic water supplies and utilities.
For information concerning the most up to date control practices in a given region or locale, consult the local resources for
structural pest control, state cooperative extensions or regulatory agencies.
Applications Instructions
Bifen I/T controls a wide range of listed pests on flowers, foliage plants, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, shrubs, and
ornamental trees, in interior and exterior plantscapes, such as those in hotels, office buildings, shopping malls, etc.,
and around athletic fields, homes, institutional buildings, parks, and recreational areas. Non-bearing fruit and nut
trees are those that will not produce a harvestable crop during the season of application.
Bifen I/T can be tank-mixed with insect growth regulators and other pesticides. Observe all precautions and
Directions for Use for each product. Physical compatibility may vary with different combinations of products,
so prepare a small scale (pint or quart jar) test sample for any combination not tested previously. Use proper
proportions in the small scale test to achieve the correct result.
Unless otherwise noted in the label instructions, use the procedure below for preparation of a new tank mix:
1. Add wettable powders to tank water.
2. Mix well
3. Add liquids and flowables
4. Mix well
5. Add emulsifiable concentrates
6. Mix well
Try reversing the order of addition or increasing the amount of water if the combination is not compatible using the
above order. NOTE: After increasing the amount of water, if the mixture is found to be compatible, it is necessary
to recalibrate the sprayer for a higher volume application. Do not allow mixture to stand overnight.
Formula for Determining the Active Ingredient Content of the Finished Emulsion
(7.9)(Fl. Oz. of Bifen I/T added to tank) = % Active Ingredient in emulsion
(Gallons of finished spray mix)(128)
Subterranean Termite Control – Use Directions
Important: Observe the following restrictions to avoid contamination of public and private water supplies:
• U se anti-backflow equipment and procedures to prevent insecticide from being siphoned into water supplies.
• D o not contaminate cisterns, wells, or other water tanks by treating the soil beneath these structures.
• Do not treat soil where runoff may occur.
• D o not treat soil water-saturated or frozen soil.
• C onsult local and state specifications for recommended treatment practices in your area.
• If local or state specifications do not exist, consult the Federal Housing Administration (H.U.D.) guidance
Note: For the purposes of this label, crawl spaces are defined as being inside of the structure.
Critical Areas: Points at which the foundation is penetrated or abuts another structure are Critical Areas. These
include bath traps, cracks and expansion joints, utility entry points, and adjacent structures such as patios, slab
additions, and stairs.
Structures with Wells/ Cisterns Inside Foundations
Structures that contain wells or cisterns within the foundation of a structure can only be treated using the following techniques:
1. Do not treat soil while it is beneath or within the foundation or along the exterior perimeter of a structure that
contains a well or cistern. The treated backfill method must be used if soil is removed and treated outside/away
from the foundation. The treated backfill technique is described as follows:
a) Trench and remove soil to be treated onto heavy plastic sheeting or similar material or into a wheelbarrow.
b) Treat the soil at the rate of 4 gallons of dilute emulsion per 10 linear feet per foot of depth of the trench, or
1 gallon per 1.0 cubic feet of soil. See “Mixing Directions” section of this label. Mix thoroughly into the soil
taking care to contain the liquid and prevent runoff or spillage.
c) After the treated soil has absorbed the diluted emulsion, replace the soil into the trench.
2. Treat infested and/or damaged wood in place using an injection technique such as described in the “Control of
Wood Infesting Insects in Wood” section of this label.
Structures with Adjacent Wells/ Cisterns and/or Other Water Bodies
Applicators must inspect all structures with nearby water sources such as wells, cisterns, surface ponds, streams,
and other bodies of water and evaluate, at a minimum, the treatment recommendations listed below prior to making
an application.
1. Prior to treatment, if feasible, expose the water pipe(s) coming from the well to the structure, if the pipe(s) enter
the structure within 3 feet of grade.
2. Prior to treatment, applicators are advised to take precautions to limit the risk of applying the termiticide into
subsurface drains that could empty into any bodies of water. These precautions include evaluating whether
application of the termiticide to the top of the footer may result in contamination of the subsurface drain. Factors
such as depth to the drain system and soil type and degree of compaction should be taken into account in
determining the depth of the treatment.
3. When appropriate (i.e., on the water side of the structure), the treated backfill technique (described above) can
also be used to minimize off-site movement of termiticide.
Before these techniques are used close to cisterns, wells, or other bodies of water, seek advice from local, state, or
federal agencies for information on treatment practices that are accepted in your area.
Application Rate: Use a 0.06% emulsion for subterranean termites. For other pests on the label use specific listed
Mixing Directions: Mix the termiticide use dilution in the following manner: Fill tank 1/4 to 1/3 full. Start pump to
begin by-pass agitation and place end of treating tool in tank to allow circulation through hose. Add appropriate
amount of Bifen I/T. Add remaining amount of water. Let pump run and allow recirculation through the hose for
2 to 3 minutes.
Bifen I/T may also be combined into full tanks of water. If combined into full tanks of water, allow sufficient time for
agitation and/or recirculation to ensure consistency of the dilution.
To prepare a 0.06% water emulsion, ready to use, dilute 3 quarts of Bifen I/T with 99.25 gallons of water.
Mixing: Using the chart below, determine the volume of Bifen I/T and water required to produce the desired
volume of finished emulsion.
The volume of the 0.12% emulsion may be reduced by ½ the labeled volume where desirable for pre- and post-
construction applications. When the volume is reduced, the hole spacing for subslab injection and soil rodding may
also need to be adjusted to account for lower volume dispersal of the termiticide in the soil. Consult the following
Volume Adjustment Chart for details.
Rate (% emulsion) 0.06% 0.12%
Volume allowed
• H
orizontal (gallons emulsion/10 ft2) 1.0 Gallons 0.5 gallons
• V
ertical (gallons emulsion/10 linear ft.) 4.0 gallons 2.0 gallons
After treatment: All holes in commonly occupied areas into which material has been applied must be plugged.
Plugs must be of a non-cellulose material or covered by an impervious, non-cellulose material.
Foam Applications
Bifen I/T dilution, from 0.06 to 0.12% may be converted to foam with 2X - 40X expansion characteristics and used
to control or prevent termite infestations.
Depending on the circumstances, foam applications may be used alone or in combination with liquid emulsion
applications. Applications may be made behind veneers, piers, chimney bases, into rubble foundations, into block
voids or structural voids, under slabs, stoops, porches, or to the soil in crawlspaces, and other similar voids.
Foam and liquid application must be consistent with volume and active ingredient instructions in order to insure
proper application has been made. The volume and amount of active ingredient are essential to an effective
treatment. At least 75% of the labeled liquid emulsion volume of product must be applied, with the remaining
percent delivered to appropriate areas using foam application. Refer to label and use recommendations of the foam
manufacturer and the foaming equipment manufacturer.
Foam applications are generally a good supplement to liquid treatments in difficult areas, but may be used alone
in difficult spots.
Application Under Slabs or to Soil in Crawlspaces to Prevent or Control Termites
When making applications, Bifen I/T foam can be used alone or in combination with liquid dilution. Whether applied as
a dilution, foam, or some of both, the equivalent of at least 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution (4 ounces of Bifen I/T concentrate)
per 10 linear feet must be applied for a vertical barrier, or at least 1 gallon of 0.06% dilution (1 ounce of Bifen I/T
concentrate) per 10 square feet must be applied for a horizontal barrier. For a foam only application, apply Bifen I/T
concentrate in sufficient concentration and volume to equal 4 ounces of concentrate per 10 linear feet or 1 ounce of
concentrate per 10 square feet. For example, 2 gallons of 0.12% dilution converted to foam and used to cover 10 linear
feet is the equivalent of 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet.
Sand Barrier Installation and Treatment
As long as termites have access to soil that has not been treated and can avoid soil that has been treated with Bifen
I/T , they can build mud tubes over surfaces that have been treated. Cracks and spaces should be filled with play
box or builder’s sand and then treated in the same manner as soil. Follow the rates listed on the Bifen I/T label.
Retreatment for subterranean termites can only be performed if there is clear evidence of reinfestation or disruption
of the barrier due to construction, excavation, or landscaping and/or evidence of the breakdown of the termiticide
barrier in the soil. These vulnerable or reinfested areas may be retreated in accordance with application techniques
described in this product’s labeling. The timing and type of these retreatments will vary depending on factors such
as termite pressure, soil types, soil conditions and other factors which may reduce the effectiveness of the barrier.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited unless there is clear evidence that reinfestation or barrier
disruption has occurred.
Pre-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment
Do not apply at a lower dosage and/or concentration than specified on this label for applications prior
to the installation of the finished grade. When treating foundations deeper than 4 feet, apply the termiticide as
the backfill is being replaced, or if the construction contractor fails to notify the applicator to permit this, treat the
foundation to a minimum depth of 4 feet after the backfill has been installed. The applicator must trench and rod
into the trench or trench along the foundation walls and around pillars and other foundation elements, at the rate
prescribed from grade to a minimum depth of 4 feet. When the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator must
treat the soil adjacent to the footing to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the footing. However, in no case should
a structure be treated below the footing.
To produce effective pre-construction subterranean termite control, create vertical and/or horizontal chemically
treated zones of protection using 0.06% emulsion of Bifen I/T. Follow the current edition of the Housing and Urban
Development Minimum Property Standards to assure that F.H.A. termite-proofing requirements are met.
Horizontal Barriers
Establish a horizontal chemical barrier wherever treated soil will be covered by a slab, such as basement floors,
carports, entrance platforms, footing trenches, and slab floors.
Apply 1 gallon of 0.06% dilution per 10 square feet, or use 1 fluid ounce of Bifen I/T per 10 square feet in sufficient
water (no less than ½ gallon or more than 2 gallons) to provide a uniform treated barrier for the area being treated.
If the fill is coarse aggregate, such as washed gravel, a sufficient volume of dilution must be applied to allow it to
reach the soil beneath the coarse fill.
Make applications with a low-pressure spray (less than 50 p.s.i.), using a coarse spray nozzle. If foundation walls
have not been installed around the treated soil and the slab will not be poured the same day as treatment, the
treated soil must be covered with a water-proof barrier. Polyethylene sheeting may be used for this purpose.
Vertical Barriers
Establish vertical barriers in Critical Areas, such as along the inside of foundation walls, plumbing, bath traps, utility
services and other features that will penetrate the slab.
Using a 0.06% dilution, apply 4 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth or 4 fluid ounces of Bifen I/T
per 10 linear feet per foot of depth from grade level to the top of the footing in sufficient water to provide a uniform
treated barrier. Use not less than 2 gallons to not more than 8 gallons of water per 10 linear feet.
When trenching and rodding into the trench, or trenching, take care to ensure that the dilution reaches the top of
the footing. Space the rod holes so that a continuous treated barrier is created, but not exceeding 12 inches apart.
Avoid washing-out the soil around the footing. Trenches should be about 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep. Mix
the chemical dilution with the soil as it is being replaced in the trench. Inside vertical barriers may not be required
for monolithic slabs.
When treating hollow block voids, use 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet to assure that the dilution reaches the
top of the footing.
Prior to each application, applicators must notify the general contractor, construction superintendent, or similar
responsible party, of the intended termiticide application and intended sites of application and instruct the
responsible person to notify construction workers and other individuals to leave the area to be treated during
application and until the termiticide is absorbed into the soil.
Post-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment
For post-construction treatment, use a 0.06% dilution. Post-construction treatments shall be made by subslab
injection, trenching and rodding into the trench or trenching using low-pressure spray not exceeding 25 p.s.i. at the
nozzle. Proper precautions should be taken to avoid soil wash-out around the footing.
Locate, identify, and mark wells, electrical conduits, water and sewer lines, and radiant heat pipes prior to application
of Bifen I/T. Do not puncture or inject Bifen I/T into such structures.
Treatment must be made by trenching and rodding into the trench, or trenching at the rate of 4 gallons of dilution per
10 linear feet per foot of depth wherever the footing, from grade to the bottom of the foundation, is greater than 1 foot
of depth. When the footer is greater than four feet below grade, the applicator may trench and rod into the trench, or
trench beside foundation walls at the rate designated for four feet of depth. Space rod holes to create a continuous
insecticidal barrier, but in no case more than 12 inches apart. Depending on the type of soil, degree of compaction,
and location of termite activity, the actual depth of treatment will differ. However, a structure should never be treated
below the footer. Sub-slab injection may be needed beside the inside of foundation walls, around conduits, piers, and
pipes, beside both sides of interior footing-supported walls, and beside cracks and partition walls.
Crawl Spaces - Accessible
For crawl spaces, apply vertical termiticide barriers at the rate of 4 gallons of emulsion per 10 linear feet per foot of
depth from grade to the top of the footing, or if the footing is more than 4 feet below grade, to a minimum depth of
4 feet. Apply by trenching and rodding into the trench, or trenching. Treat both sides of foundation and around all
piers and pipes. Where physical obstructions such as concrete walkways adjacent to foundation elements prevent
trenching, treatment may be made by rodding alone. When soil type and/or conditions make trenching prohibitive,
rodding may be used. When the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator must treat the soil adjacent to the
footing to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the footing. Read and follow the mixing and use direction section of
the label if situations are encountered where the soil will not accept the full application volume.
1. Rod holes and trenches must not extend below the bottom of the footing.
2. Rod holes must be spaced so as to achieve a continuous termiticide barrier but in no case more than 12 inches apart.
3. Trenches must be a minimum of 6 inches deep or to the bottom of the footing, whichever is less, and need not to
be wider than 6 inches. When trenching in sloping (tiered) soil, the trench must be stepped to ensure adequate
distribution and prevent termiticide from running off. The emulsion must be mixed with the soil as it is replaced
in the trench.
4. When treating plenums or crawl spaces, turn off the air circulation system of the structure until application has
been completed and all termiticide has been absorbed by the soil.
Crawl Spaces - Inaccessible
For inaccessible interior areas, such as areas where there is insufficient clearance between floor joists and ground
surfaces to allow operator access, excavate if possible, and treat according to the instruction for accessible crawl
spaces. Otherwise, apply one or a combination of the following two methods.
1. To establish a horizontal barrier, apply to the soil surface, 1 gallon of emulsion per 10 square feet overall using a
nozzle pressure of less than 25 p.s.i. and a coarse application nozzle (e.g., Delavan Type RD Raindrop, RD-7 or
larger, or Spraying Systems Co. 8010LP TeeJet® or comparable nozzle). For an area that cannot be reached with
the application wand, use one or more extension rods to make the application to the soil. Do not broadcast or
powerspray with higher pressures.
2. To establish a horizontal barrier, drill through the foundation wall or through the floor above and treat the soil
perimeter at a rate of 1 gallon of emulsion per 10 square feet. Drill spacing must be at intervals not to exceed 16
inches. Many states have smaller intervals, so check State regulations which may apply.
When treating plenums and crawl spaces, turn off the air circulation systems of the structure until application has
been completed and all termiticide has been absorbed by the soil.
Excavation Technique: When treating in troublesome areas (e.g., beside fieldstone or rubble walls, beside faulty
foundation walls, and around pipes and utility lines leading downward from the structure to a well or pond) apply
using the following technique:
a. Prepare a trench, placing the removed soil onto heavy-weight plastic sheeting or similar, water-impermeable material.
b. Treat the soil with 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth of the trench. Completely mix
the dilution into the soil, exercising care to avoid liquid running off the sheeting.
c. Place the treated soil back into the trench after it has absorbed the dilution.
Attention: Wear NIOSH approved unvented goggles and a respirator when applying Bifen I/T in a confined area.
For applications made after the final grade is installed, the applicator must trench and rod into the trench or trench
along the foundation walls and around pillars and other foundation elements, at the rate prescribed from grade to
the top of the footing. When the footing is more than four (4) feet below grade, the applicator must trench and rod
into the trench or trench along the foundation walls at the rate prescribed to a minimum depth of four feet. The
actual depth of treatment will vary depending on soil type, degree of compaction, and location of termite activity.
When the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator must treat the soil adjacent to the footing to a depth not to
exceed the bottom of the footing. However, in no case should a structure be treated below the footing.
Masonry Voids
Drill and treat voids in multiple masonry elements of the structure extending from the structure to the soil in order
to create a continuous treatment barrier in the area to be treated. Apply at a rate of 2 gallons of emulsion per 10
linear feet of footing, using a nozzle pressure of less than 25 p.s.i. When using this treatment, access holes must
be drilled below the sill plate and should be as close as possible to the footing as is practical. Treatment of voids
in block or rubble foundation walls must be closely examined: Applicators must inspect areas of possible runoff
as a precaution against application leakage in the treated areas. Some areas may not be treatable or may require
mechanical alteration prior to treatment.
All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in locations other than those prescribed on this label must be
cleaned up prior to leaving the application site. Do not allow people or pets to contact contaminated areas or to
reoccupy the contaminated areas of the structure until the clean-up is completed.
NOTE: When treating behind veneer structures (walls, etc.) take proper care to not drill beyond the veneer. If
concrete blocks exist behind the veneer, both can be drilled and treated simultaneously.
Bifen I/T may not be used in voids insulated with rigid foam insulation.
Create vertical barriers by trenching and rodding into the trench or trenching outside at a rate of 4 gallons of dilution
per 10 linear feet per foot of depth and by sub-slab injection within the structure. Ensure an even distribution of
chemical. Applications must not be made below the bottom of the footing.
Apply beside the outside of the foundation and under the slab on the inside of foundation walls, where needed.
Treatment of slabs may also be necessary under and beside both sides of any interior footing-supported walls, in
all cracks and expansion joints, and beside one side of interior partitions. By long-rodding or grid pattern injection
vertically through the slab, horizontal barriers may be created where necessary.
a. To permit the creation of an uninterrupted insecticidal barrier, drill holes in the foundation and/or slab.
b. For foundations that are less than or equal to 1 foot, dig a narrow trench about 6 inches wide beside the outside
of the foundation walls. Do not dig beneath the bottom of the footing. As the soil is placed back into the
trench, apply 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth to the trench and soil.
c. Follow the rates stated above for basements for foundations that are deeper than 1 foot.
d. A 0.06% dilution may be used to treat soil that is exposed and wood in bath traps.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited unless there is clear evidence that reinfestation or
barrier disruption has occurred.
Food Handling Establishments
If used as a general spot, surface, or crack and crevice treatment, Bifen I/T may be applied in both food/feed and
nonfood areas of food/feed handling establishments.
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent upon
rate and surface treated.
Food/feed handling establishments are any place other than private residences where exposed food/feed is held,
processed, prepared or served, including areas for receiving, storing, packing (bottling, boxing, canning, wrapping),
preparing, enclosed processing systems (dairies, edible oils, mills, syrups) of food and edible waste storage.
Serving areas where food is exposed and the facility is in operation are also considered food areas.
Nonfood areas in which applications are allowed include entries and vestibules, floor drains (to sewers), garages,
garbage rooms, lavatories, locker rooms, machine rooms, mop closets, offices, and storage (after canning or bottling).
Permitted use sites include, but are not limited to: aircraft (do not use in aircraft cabins), apartment buildings,
bakeries, bottling facilities, breweries, buses, cafeterias, candy plants, canneries, dairy product processing plants,
food manufacturing plants, food processing plants, food service establishments, granaries, grain mills, hospitals,
hotels, industrial buildings, laboratories, meat/poultry/egg processing plants, mobile/motor homes, nursing homes
offices, railcars, restaurants, schools, ships, trailers, trucks, vessels, warehouses† and wineries.
WAREHOUSES and GROCERY/PET STORES: Bifen I/T dilution may be applied as a surface, spot or crack and
crevice treatment in food and nonfood storage warehouses and stores. Apply to all areas that may harbor pests,
including under and between pallets, bins, and shelves. Do not apply directly to food, grain bins (interior), or animals.
General Surface Application: Do not use this application method in food/feed handling establishments
when the facility is in operation or foods/feeds are exposed. During treatment, remove or cover all food
processing and/or handling equipment and do not apply directly to food products. All equipment, benches, shelving
and other surfaces in food processing plants, bakeries, cafeterias and other facilities, which food will contact must
be washed after treatment. Clean food handling equipment or processing equipment and rinse completely with
fresh, clean water.
Spot, Crack and Crevice Application: These types of treatments can be done when the facility is operating, but
food must be covered or removed from the treatment area. Do not apply directly to food.
Foam Applications: Converting Bifen I/T to foam will allow it to be used to treat structural voids. To produce a 0.02%
to 0.06% foam concentration, dilute 0.33 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and add the manufacturer’s
recommended amount of foaming agent. Before application, make sure that the foaming agent is compatible with
Bifen I/T. Use of a foaming agent increases a.i. surface contact time on challenging surfaces and provides visual
marking of the application. Ensure that the foaming agent is approved for food surface/area contact use.
Indoor Uses
In the home, cover all food processing surfaces and utensils during treatment or thoroughly wash before reuse.
Exposed food must be covered or removed. Do not permit humans or pets to contact treated surfaces until the
spray has dried.
During any overhead applications to overhead interior areas of structures, cover surfaces below with plastic
sheeting or similar materials.
Wear protective clothing, unvented goggles, gloves and respirator, when applying to overhead areas or in poorly
ventilated areas. Avoid touching sprayed surfaces until spray has completely dried.
Bifen I/T may be used to control ants, carpenter ants, bees, beetles, biting flies, boxelder bugs, , centipedes, cicadas,
cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, firebrats, fleas, flies, gnats, millipedes, mosquitoes, moths, scorpions, silverfish,
sowbugs (pillbugs), spiders (including Black Widow, Brown Recluse and Hobo Spiders), springtails, stink bugs, ticks
(including Brown Dog Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies, and wasps.
In structures and buildings and on modes of transportation, use a 0.02% to 0.06% suspension (0.33 to 1 fl. oz. per
gallon of water) using a crack and crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse, low-pressure spray (25 p.s.i. or less) or with a
paint brush.
Indoor Treatments: Apply where pests hide. These areas include, but are not limited to, baseboards, corners,
storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and eaves, behind and under refrigerators,
cabinets, sinks, furnaces, stoves, the underside of shelves, and drawers. Treat with a low pressure, coarse, crack and
crevice or spot spray. Pay close attention to cracks and crevices. See also “Foam Applications” in the Food Handling
Establishments section. Not for use as a space spray.
Mixing Directions: See mixing directions in “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings” section.
To make a dilution for brush or spray treatments:
-Dilute Bifen I/T with water.
-Fill sprayer with the required amount of water.
-Add Bifen I/T.
-To ensure proper mixing, close sprayer and shake before use.
-Only mix the amount of solution that is necessary for treatment.
In order to achieve and/or maintain control in times of high pest pressure, retreatment may be needed.
Repeat application should only take place if there are signs of renewed insect activity and must not exceed one
application per 7 days.
Ants: Apply to any ant trails, around doors and windows and other places that ants frequent.
Bedbugs: Thorough application should be made to crack and crevices where evidence of bed bugs occurs. Areas
of application include bed frames, box springs, inside empty dressers and clothes closets and carpet edges, high
and low wall moldings and wallpaper edges. Do not use this product on bed linens, pillows, mattresses or clothes.
Remove all clothes and other articles from dressers or clothes closets before application. Allow all treated areas to
thoroughly dry before use. Bifen I/T is not recommended for use as sole protection against bedbugs. If evidence of
bedbugs is found in or on mattresses, use products approved for this use.
Use a 0.03% or 0.06% dilution (0.5 to 1 fluid oz. per gallon of water) for residual pest control in buildings and structures
and on modes of transport. Apply either as a crack and crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse, low pressure spray (25 psi or
less) or with a paint brush. Use the higher rate of application (0.06%) on painted and non-porous surfaces.
Bees and Wasps: Apply to nests in late evening when these pests are at rest. Spray nests, entrances to nests
and surrounding areas thoroughly. Contact as many insects as possible. Retreat if signs of renewed activity exist.
Spray liberally into hiding and breeding places, especially under attic rafters, contacting as many insects as possible.
Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Cicadas, Earwigs, Beetles, Millipedes, Pillbugs, Sowbugs, Springtails, and Stink
Bugs: Treat near doors and windows, storage areas, baseboards and other sites where these pests may be found.
Cockroaches, Crickets, Firebrats, Flies, Gnats, Moths, Mosquitoes, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, and
Ticks: Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent
upon rate and surface treated. Use a coarse low- pressure, crack and crevice or spot spray, paying close attention to
cracks and crevices. Treat where pests hide. These areas include, attics and eaves, baseboards, closets, corners,
storage areas, around water pipes, doors and windows, behind and under cabinets, furnaces, refrigerators, sinks,
stoves, and the underside of shelves and drawers.
Fleas: Bifen I/T will kill fleas for up to 3 months. Vacuum prior to treatment. Apply as a coarse, low pressure spot
or crack and crevice treatment to areas frequented by pets, such as under bedding, rugs, next to furniture. Do not
apply Bifen I/T dilution directly to pets. Treatment must be dry before pet re-entry.
Spider Mites: Treat houseplants thoroughly but do not allow run off to occur. Ensure the underside of leaves is treated.
Stored Product Pests (Including Indian Meal Moths, Rice Moths, Tobacco Moths, Flour Beetles, Lesser
Grain Borers, Merchant Grain Beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Grain Weevils, Warehouse Beetles,
Cigarette Beetles, and Dermestid Beetles, Psocids, and other similar pests: Inspect to locate and remove
infested food sources, remove or cover any food items or food serving dishes or utensils prior to treatment. Apply
Bifen I/T using a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution as a coarse, low pressure spray to areas where these pests hide. Treatment
areas include baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and eaves,
behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, and stoves, the underside of shelves, drawers and similar
areas. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices. Do not apply directly to food.
Livestock and Poultry Housing Structures
Controls pests of poultry and livestock facilities, including biting flies, filth-breeding flies, fleas, litter beetles, hide
beetles, bed bugs, mites and ticks. Apply as a general surface (including directed spray) and/or crack and crevice
treatment. Control is enhanced when interior and exterior perimeter applications are made in and around the
livestock or poultry housing structures. Normal cleaning practices of the structure also must be followed along with
applications of Bifen I/T to effectively control crawling and flying insect pests.
For occupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities, apply to indoor cracks and crevices only. Exterior applications
to walls and foundation perimeters can help prevent interior infestations of flying and crawling insect pests. Apply
Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
For unoccupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities, apply to floors, vertical and overhead surfaces where
crawling or flying insect pests may be present. Feeders, waterers and feed carts must be covered before application
to prevent contamination. Do not apply to milk rooms. Pay attention to animal areas including stanchions, pipes,
windows, doors and areas where insect pests hide or congregate. Exterior applications to walls and foundation
perimeters can help prevent interior infestations of flying and crawling insect pests. Apply Bifen I/T at a rate
equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
To control bed bugs, mites and ticks in animal facilities, treat cracks/crevices, walls, posts, nest boxes and mobile
side curtains. Do not apply Bifen I/T directly to animals.
For adult fly control in and around animal facilities, spray application should target areas where flies will rest,
such as the ceiling, rafters and trusses. Also treat windows, interior and exterior walls and supports, fences and
vegetation. Bifen I/T suspension may be sprayed on manure in areas where fly larvae are abundant and the area
cannot be cleaned.
For poultry houses, apply to floor area (birds grown on litter) or to walls, posts and cage framing (birds grown in
cages). Application should also be made into cracks and crevices around insulation. Reapply after each growout or
de-caking and sanitization procedure, but not more frequently than every 8 weeks. Indoor control can be enhanced
by making perimeter treatments around the outside of building foundations to prevent immigrating adult beetles.
Apply in a uniform band 2 to 3 feet up and 6 to 10 feet out from the structure. Maintaining a year-round treatment
program will prevent background populations from reaching problem levels.
To control beetles in houses containing birds grown on litter apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per
1,000 sq. feet to litter after birds are removed and during tilling. If litter is removed and replaced with fresh litter,
apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1, 000 sq. feet to bare soil or concrete, and treat new litter
after it is spread. Apply spray to inside walls, posts and exterior perimeter. Reapply between each flock.
To control beetles in broiler-breeder houses, apply as directed above for litter and soil/floor treatment.
To control beetles in caged-layer houses, do not treat accumulated manure as it will likely disrupt natural enemies
that control fly breeding. Instead, treat the perimeter of the manure at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz of Bifen
I/T per 1,000 sq. feet. Pit walls, posts and exterior of structure should also be sprayed. Reapply between each flock.
Allow Bifen I/T treatment to dry before applying disinfectants.
Insecticide Class Rotations: In order to avoid problems with developed resistance to insecticides it is important
to rotate to an insecticide of a different class each 2-3 flocks. It is best to attempt to use 3 different classes of
insecticides during a calendar year.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T as a general surface spray when animals are present in the facility. Allow applications to dry
before restocking the facility. Treatment may be made to cracks and crevices when animals are present.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T to any animal feed, water or watering equipment.
DO NOT contaminate any animal feed, food or water in and around livestock or poultry housing when making
Use Bifen I/T as a broadcast treatment. To accomplish uniform control when applying to dense grass foliage, use
volumes of up to 10 gallons per 1000 square feet.
To ensure control of sub-surface pests including Mole Crickets using low volume treatments, (i.e. less than 2 gallons
per 1000 square feet), immediately follow the treatment with irrigation of the treated area with at least 0.25 inches
of water.
Lawn Application Rates
Under typical conditions, the application rates shown in the table below will provide control of the listed pests. Bifen
I/T may, however, be applied at up to 1 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet at the discretion of the applicator. Maximum
residual control requires the higher treatment rates.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Armyworms¹ 0.18 - 0.25
Cutworms¹ fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Sod Webworm¹
Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes)(Adult)² 0.25 - 0.5
Banks Grass Mite6 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Billbugs (Adult)³
Black Turfgrass Ataenius Adult4
Fleas (Adult)
Crane Flies 12 0.5 fl oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Ants 0.5 - 1.0
Chinch Bugs5 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Fleas (Larvae)7
Imported Fire Ants8
Japanese Beetle (Adult)
Mole Cricket (Adult)9
Mole Cricket (Nymph)10
Stink Bugs
In New York State, this product may not be applied to any grass or turf area within 100 feet of a water body
(lake, pond, river, stream, wetland, or drainage ditch).
In New York State, do make a single repeat application of Bifen I/T if there are signs of renewed insect
activity, but not sooner than two weeks after the first application.
¹Armyworms, Cutworms, and Sod Webworms: Postpone irrigation or mowing for 24 hours after application to
obtain the best possible control. Higher treatment rates (up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) may be necessary if
high pest pressure exists and if the grass is maintained taller than 1 inch.
²Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes) adults: Treatment of this species should be timed as they travel into
grass areas and away from their overwintering sites. Travel usually begins when Forsythia is in full bloom and ends
when Cornus florida (flowering dogwood) is in full bloom. For additional detailed information regarding treatment
timing, check with your State Cooperative Extension Service.
³Billbug adults: Treatment of adult billbugs should be made when they are first noticed in April and May. To optimize
treatment timing, degree day models have been developed. For detailed information particular to your region, check with
your State Cooperative Extension Service. Spring treatments for billbug adults will also offer control of over-wintered
chinch bugs in temperate climates.
Black Turfgrass Ataenius adults: In order to control the 1st and 2nd generation of black turfgrass ataenuis adults,
respectively, treatments should take place in May and July. Time the May treatment to match with the full bloom
stage of Vanhoutte spiraea (Spiraea vanhoutte) and horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). Time the July
treatment to match with the blooming Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).
Chinch Bugs: Mostly found in the thatch layer, chinch bugs infest the base of grass plants. In order to optimize
the penetration of the insecticide to location of the chinch bugs, irrigation of the grass prior to treatment may be
necessary. If grass is being kept at a long mowing height or if the thatch layer is excessive, use higher volume
treatments. It may be necessary to use higher application rates (up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) to control
populations made up of both adults and nymphs in mid-summer.
Mites: Apply Bifen I/T in combination with a labeled rate of a surfactant to achieve optimal control of eriophyid
mites. A second application may be needed 5 to 7 days after the first to ensure optimal control.
Flea larvae: Immature fleas mature in shaded areas accessible to pets or other animals. When treating these
areas use a higher volume treatment so that the insecticide penetrates into the soil. NOTE: If adult fleas on lawn
areas are being controlled by applying Bifen I/T at a rate of 0.25 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet, then the rate of larval
application can be accomplished by two- to four-fold increase in spray volume.
Imported Fire Ants: The best control will be achieved by using broadcast treatments in combination with mound
drenches. This will control present colonies along with foraging workers and newly mated fly-in queens. It is critical
either to use high volume treatments or to irrigate prior to application if the soil is dry. Apply 1 fl. oz. per 1,000 square
feet when using broadcast treatments. For mound drenches, dilute 1 teaspoon of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and use 1
to 2 gallons of finished dilution using sufficient force to penetrate the top and allow dilution to flood ant channels. Treat
a four-foot diameter around each ant mound. Application should be made in late evening or early morning when it is
cooler (65° - 80° when insects are most active. NOTE: A spray rig calibrated to apply 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet of
Bifen I/T in 5 gallons per 1,000 square feet contains the equivalent dilution (1 teaspoon per gallon) required for fire ant
mound drenches in the spray tank.
Mole Cricket adults: Since the preferred grass areas are subject to constant invasion in early spring by the active
adult stage, it is can be difficult maintain control of adult mole crickets. It is ideal to treat the areas as late in the
day as possible and water immediately after application with up to 0.5 inches of water. To ensure maximum contact
when soil is dry, it is necessary to irrigate prior to treatment to bring the adult mole crickets closer to the soil surface.
To obtain optimal control of potential nymphal populations, the grass areas preferred by adult mole crickets should
be treated at immediately prior to peak hatch stage. (See note 10 below).
Mole Cricket nymphs: Treat grass areas that are preferred by adult mole crickets in the spring just before peak
egg hatch. Young nymphs are more vulnerable to insecticidal treatment at this stage because they are close to the
soil surface where the insecticide is most concentrated and thereby providing the most efficient control. For larger
more damaging nymphal stages later in the year, it may be necessary to use higher application rates more frequent.
It is ideal to treat the areas as late in the day as possible and water immediately after application with up to 0.5
inches of water. To ensure maximum contact when soil is dry, it is necessary to irrigate prior to treatment to bring
the adult mole crickets closer to the soil surface.
Ticks (including ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever): Make
application to the entire area where contact with ticks may occur. Do not make spot treatments. When applying
to areas with heavy leaf litter or dense ground cover use higher spray volumes. To attain and/or sustain control
in times of high pest pressure, retreatments may be necessary; retreat only if signs of continued or renewed tick
activity are present. Repeat treatments must not be made more often than once per 7 days. Deer ticks (ixodes
sp.) have a four-stage life cycle spanning 2 years. Treat in late fall and/or early spring to both larval and nymphal
stages present in leaf litter and the soil, and adults living in the grass and low-lying vegetation above ground.
American dog ticks invade suburban settings in areas where residences and dwellings are constructed on former
fields or wooded areas. These pests normally gather by paths or roadways where they are likely to find a host. To
control tick larvae, nymphs and adults, treatments should take place, as needed, from mid spring to early fall.
Crane Flies: Treatments can be made to control early to mid-season larvae (approximately August-February) as
they feed on plant crowns. Treatments made to late-season larvae (approximately March, April) may only provide
Bifen I/T Lawn Dilution Chart
Application Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished
Volume: Spray
Gallons Per 1,000 Fluid Ounces per 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
Sq. Ft. 1,000 Sq. Ft.
1.0 0.18 0.18 0.90 1.8 18.0
1.0 0.25 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
1.0 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2.0 0.18 - 0.45 0.90 9.0
2.0 0.25 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
2.0 0.5 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
2.0 1.0 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
3.0 0.18 - 0.30 0.60 6.0
3.0 0.25 - 0.42 0.83 8.3
3.0 0.5 0.17 0.83 1.67 16.7
3.0 1.0 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
4.0 0.18 - 0.23 0.45 4.5
4.0 0.25 - 0.31 0.63 6.3
4.0 0.5 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
4.0 1.0 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
5.0 0.18 - 0.18 0.36 3.6
5.0 0.25 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
5.0 0.5 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
5.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 2.0 20.0
10.0 0.18 - - 0.18 1.8
10.0 0.25 - 0.13 0.25 2.5
10.0 0.5 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
10.0 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
*To convert to millimeters, multiply by 29.57
1 fluid ounce = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Ornamentals and Trees
Treat with 0.125 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet or 5.4 to 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons for ornamental
applications. As long as the highest label rate (1.0 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet or 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons) is not
exceeded, Bifen I/T can be diluted and used in different volumes of water. If diluted with water or other carriers,
low volume equipment can be used for application as long as the highest label rate (1.0 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet
or 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons) is not exceeded.
Treat as a full coverage foliar spray using the stated application rate. If pest pressure and density of foliage
increases, repeat treatments using higher rates may be needed to reach the desired control. Repeat treatments
must not be made more often than once per 7 days.
Before application to entire planting, test treat a small number of plants and watch for signs of sensitivity. Some
plant species may be sensitive to the final spray solution.
To avoid or delay pest resistance, it is recommended to use an alternate class of pesticide in any application program.
Bifen I/T Ornamental Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Gallons Per Application Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these
Rate: Fl. Oz. Volumes of Finished Spray
1,000 sq. ft. Acre 1,000 sq. ft. 1 gallons 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
2.3 100 0.125 - 0.27 0.54 5.4
2.3 100 0.25 0.11 0.54 1.08 10.8
2.3 100 0.5 0.22 1.09 2.17 21.7
2.3 100 1.0 0.44 2.17 4.35 43.5
4.6 200 0.125 - 0.14 0.27 2.7
4.6 200 0.25 - 0.27 0.54 5.4
4.6 200 0.5 0.11 0.54 1.09 10.9
4.6 200 1.0 0.22 1.09 2.17 21.7
6.9 300 0.125 - - 0.18 1.8
6.9 300 0.25 - 0.18 0.36 3.6
6.9 300 0.5 - 0.36 0.72 7.2
6.9 300 1.0 0.15 0.72 1.45 14.5
*To convert to millimeters, multiply by 29.57
300 gallons per acre is a typical application volume for landscape ornamental applications.
1 fluid ounce = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Calculating Dilution Rates using the Ornamental Application Rates Table and the Bifen I/T Ornamental
Dilution Chart: To determine the proper dilution of Bifen I/T that is required to control specific pests, follow the
steps below:
1. Determine the target pest that is the least susceptible (i.e., the pest that requires the highest application rate
for effective control).
2. Choose a treatment rate in terms of fl. oz. of Bifen I/T.
3. Determine the dilution volume necessary for the treatment.
4. Use the proper amount of Bifen I/T that must be mixed in your preferred volume of water as shown in the
Ornamental Dilution Chart.
As an example, if you were treating for Cutworms, the Ornamental Application Rates table shows that 0.125 – 0.25
fluid ounces of Bifen I/T should be applied per 1,000 square feet. Select the application rate of 0.25 fluid oz. per
1,000 square feet due to evidence of high pest pressure. The application volume is determined to be 300 gallons per
acre, which is equivalent to 6.9 gallons per 1,000 square feet. The corresponding value in the Ornamental Dilution
Chart shows that 0.36 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T must be mixed with 10 gallons of water.
Ornamental Application Rates
Under typical conditions, the application rates in the table below will offer optimal control of the listed pests, but
Bifen I/T can be used at up to 1 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet (43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons) at the discretion of the
applicator. When maximum residual control is preferred, higher listed treatment rates are necessary.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per 1,000 square ft. Fluid Ounces per 100 gallons
Bagworms1 0.125 - 0.25 5.4 - 10.8
Elm Leaf Beetles
Fall Webworms
Gypsy Moth Caterpillars
Lace Bugs
Leaf Feeding Caterpillars
Tent Caterpillars
Adelgids† 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Beet Armyworm
Beetles 2,†
Black Vine Weevil (Adults)
Brown Soft Scales
Broad Mites
California Red Scale (Crawlers)13 Centipedes
Citrus Thrips
Clover Mites
Diaprepes (Adults)
European Red Mite
Flea Beetles
Fungus Gnats (Adults)
Japanese Beetle (Adult)†
Orchid Weevil
Pine Needle Scales (Crawlers)2
Plant Bugs (Including Lygus spp.)
San Jose Scales (Crawlers)2
Spider Mites3
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per 1,000 square ft. Fluid Ounces per 100 gallons
Spiders 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Tip Moths
Twig Borers2
Ants 0.5 - 1.0 21.7 - 43.5
Imported Fire Ants**
Pecan Leaf Scorch Mite
Pine Shoot Beetle (Adults)
Spider Mites3
Stink Bugs
Mosquitoes See directions for use in mosquito control in the section titled “Mosquito Control”
Bagworms: For optimum control treat when larvae have started to hatch and are young, directing spray to contact
as many larvae as possible.
Beetles, Scale Crawlers, Twig Borers, and Weevils: Apply to plant foliage; also treat trunks, stems, and twigs.
Spider Mites: Apply during spring and mid-summer for most effective control of twospotted spider mites. During
mid- to late-summer it may be necessary to make more frequent treatments, possibly at higher rates suitable
control. Control may be enhanced by adding a surfactant or horticultural oil or by combining Bifen I/T with other
products registered to control mites. Applications of Bifen I/T may be alternated with chemicals offering other
modes of action delay or prevent control resistance by twospotted spider mites. For recommendations on resistance
management in your region check with your local Cooperative Extension Service.
**For foraging ants.
Not for use in California.
Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings
Follow Additional Application Restrictions for Residential Outdoor Surface and Space Sprays under DIRECTIONS
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent upon
rate and surface treated.
Applications to vertical exterior surfaces (e.g., foundations) are permitted to a maximum height of 3 feet from
ground level. Sections of vertical exterior surfaces that abut non-porous horizontal surfaces can only be treated if
either 1) these sections are protected from rainfall and spray from sprinklers or 2) they do not drain into a sewer,
storm drain, or curbside gutter (e.g., not to sections that abut driveways or sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T may be used to control Ants, including Carpenter Ants and Fire Ants, Armyworms, Lady Beetles, Bees,
Beetles†, Biting Flies, Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Cicadas, Clover Mites, Crickets, Cutworms,
Dichondra Flea Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Gnats, Grasshoppers, Hornets, Japanese
Beetles†, Midges, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Moths, Roaches (including Cockroaches), Scorpions, Silverfish, Sod
Webworms, Sowbugs (Pillbugs), Spider Mites, Spiders (including Black Widow, Brown Recluse and Hobo Spiders),
Springtails, Stink Bugs, Ticks (including Brown Dog Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies and Wasps.
†Not for use in California.
Use a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution to spray the outside surfaces of buildings such as private homes, duplexes, townhouses,
condominiums, house trailers, apartment complexes, carports, garages, fence lines, storage sheds, barns, and
other residential and non-commercial structures. Sites of treatment include, but are not limited to, exterior siding,
foundations, porches, window frames, eaves, patios, garages, garbage areas, lawn areas, trunks of trees and shrubs
and other areas where pests my be found. Use a spray volume of up to 10 gallons of emulsion per 1,000 square feet.
Use higher dilution volumes if vegetation or landscape materials are dense.
Mixing Directions
Suspension Bifen I/T per Remarks
gallon of water
0.02% 0.33 fl. oz. -Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
-Use higher treatment rates for quicker knockdown or longer residual control.
0.06% 1.0 fl. oz. -High pest pressure may require subsequent applications.
-Repeat application only if there is evidence of renewed insect activity and
not more than once per 7 days.
Perimeter Treatment: Treat a band of soil and vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide around and next to the structure and the
foundation of the structure to a height of 2 to 3 feet. Use 0.33 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet in enough
water to provide sufficient coverage (refer to Perimeter Application Dilution Chart).
For sections of foundation that abut non-porous horizontal surfaces, the treated areas must be protected from rainfall
and spray from sprinklers or they do not drain into a sewer, storm drain, or curbside gutter (e.g. not to sections that abut
driveways or sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T Perimeter Application Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished Spray
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces Per
1000 sq. ft. 1000 sq. ft. 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1 0.33 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
1 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1 0.67 0.67 3.33 6.67 66.7
1 0.75 0.75 3.75 7.5 75.0
1 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2 0.33 0.17 0.83 1.65 16.5
2 0.5 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
2 0.67 0.33 1.67 3.35 33.5
2 0.75 0.38 1.88 3.75 37.5
2 1.0 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
3 0.33 0.11 0.55 1.10 11.0
3 0.5 0.17 0.83 1.67 16.7
3 0.67 0.22 1.11 2.23 22.3
3 0.75 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
3 1.0 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
4 0.33 - 0.41 0.83 8.3
4 0.5 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
4 0.67 0.17 0.84 1.67 16.7
4 0.75 0.19 0.94 1.88 18.8
4 1.0 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
5 0.33 - 0.33 0.67 6.7
5 0.5 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
5 0.67 0.13 0.67 1.33 13.3
5 0.75 0.15 0.75 1.5 15.0
5 1.0 0.2 1.0 2.0 20.0
10 0.33 - 0.17 0.33 3.3
10 0.5 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
10 0.67 - 0.33 0.67 6.7
10 0.75 - 0.38 0.75 7.5
10 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
*To convert to milliliters, multiply by 29.57
1 fluid oz. = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Fire Ants and Fire Ant Mounds Outdoors: Control is optimized by combining broadcast applications that will control
foraging workers and newly mated fly-in queens with mound drenches that will control existing colonies. If the soil is dry,
then it is important to irrigate before application or use a high volume application. Apply broadcast treatments at 0.6 to
1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet. Use enough finished volume to penetrate thatch or sod. Treat mounds by applying 1 oz
Bifen I/T per mound in 1 to 2 gallons water by sprinkling the mound until it is wet and treat 3 feet out around the mound.
Use the higher volume for mounds larger than 12. Treat mounds with sufficient force to break their apex and allow the
insecticide solution to flow into the ant tunnels. For best results, apply in cool weather (65 - 80°F) or in early morning or
late evening hours.
Mosquito Control
To control adult mosquitoes outdoors on residential, institutional, public, commercial and industrial buildings, and lawns,
ornamentals, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields.
Apply Bifen I/T for mosquito control at an application rate of 0.33 to 1.0 fluid oz. Bifen I/T per gallon of water (0.07 to 0.22
lbs Bifenthrin/acre), and apply at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1,000 square feet as a general spray (refer to the
Bifen I/T Dilution Chart). Use the high rate for residual control of mosquitoes. Use this product for control of mosquitoes
that may potentially transmit malaria, and arboviruses (West Nile Fever, dengue fever, Eastern equine encephalitis, and
St. Louis encephalitis.)
Apply as a residual spray to outside spray to outside surfaces of buildings including but not limited to, exterior siding,
foundations, porches, window frames, eaves, patios, garages, refuse dumps, lawns such as grass areas adjacent to or
along private homes, duplexes, townhouses, condominiums, house trailers, apartment complexes, carports, fence lines,
storage sheds, barns, and other commercial, residential and non commercial structures, soil, trunk of woody ornamentals,
trees, shrubs, ground cover, bedding plants, foliage plants, flowers, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, urban areas, parks,
campsites, athletic fields, playgrounds, recreational and overgrown waste areas, roadsides and other areas where
mosquitoes are found. May also be applied to non-bearing crops or perennial crops that will not produce harvestable raw
agricultural commodities during the season of application.
Use the high rate for heavy pest infestation, quicker knockdown, or longer residual control. Retreatment may be necessary
to achieve and/or maintain control during periods of high pest pressure, or if there are signs of renewed insect activity. For
the lower use rates, repeat application must be limited to no more than once per seven days. For the high use rate of 1.0
fluid oz. Bifen I/T per gallon of water, do not apply more than once per four weeks.
Apply with hand-held and back pack sprayers or mist blowers, ground sprayers, power sprayers, truck mounted hydraulic
sprayers or mist blowers. Do not apply by air or with hand held or truck mounted cold aerosol ULV sprayers and thermal
fogging devices. For best results apply when the mosquitoes are most active. Application during the cooler hours of the
night or early mornings ir recommended.
Do not apply more than 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (equivalent to 0.22 lbs. Bifenthrin/acre) per application.
Do not apply when wind speed exceeds 10 MPH.
Other Pest Control Applications
Controlling Ants Indoors and Outdoors
Pest Ants Indoors: Apply to ant nests for best results. Apply a dilution of 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water
at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1000 square feet to places where ants have been seen or are believed to forage
as a general surface, spot or crack and crevice treatment. Some of these areas include baseboards, cracks and crevices,
in and behind cabinets, under and behind dishwashers, furnaces, refrigerators, sinks and stoves, around pipes, and in
corners. Pay close attention when treating entry points into the home or around windows and doors. When combining
liquid Bifen I/T treatments with bait treatments, use Bifen I/T as instructed above and apply baits in those areas where
Bifen I/T has not been applied.
Pest Ants Outdoors: Apply to ant nests for best results. Treat ant trails, around windows and doors, and other places
where ants have been seen or are likely to forage. As stated in the “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around
Buildings” section, treat using a low or high volume perimeter treatment depending on density of vegetation and
landscaping materials. When treating concrete surfaces, more frequent treatments, higher dilutions and/or application
volumes may be needed for ant control.
The following procedures must be followed to help achieve maximum control of the pest:
1. Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying at a rate of up to 10 gallons of dilution per 1,000
square feet for maximum residual control.
2. Vegetation and porous surfaces should be treated with high volume applications using dilutions that are calculated to
deliver 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (refer to the Ornamental and Perimeter Application Dilution
3. Treat non-porous surfaces with low volume applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and
applying this dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1,000 square feet.
Carpenter Ants Indoors: Treat areas where carpenter ants are seen or are predicted to forage, such as, baseboards, in
and behind cabinets, under and behind dishwashers, furnaces, refrigerators, sinks, and stoves, around pipes, cracks and
crevices, and in corners by diluting 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying at the rate of one gallon
of dilution per 1,000 square feet as a general surface, crack and crevice, spot and/or foam application. Spray or foam into
cracks and crevices or drill holes and spray, mist or foam into voids and galleries where carpenter ants or their nests are
present. When combining liquid Bifen I/T treatments with bait treatments, use Bifen I/T as instructed above and apply
baits in those areas where Bifen I/T has not been applied.
Carpenter Ants Outdoors: Treat carpenter ant nests for best results. Treat areas where carpenter ants are seen or are
believed to forage, such as ant trails, and around doors and windows. As stated in the “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces
and Around Buildings” section, treat using a low or high volume perimeter treatment. When treating concrete surfaces,
more frequent treatments, higher dilutions and/or application volumes may be needed for carpenter ant control. The
following procedures must be followed to help achieve maximum control of the pest:
1. Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and apply at a rate of up to 10 gallons of dilution per 1,000 square
feet to obtain residual control.
2. Vegetation and porous surfaces should be treated with high volume applications using dilutions that are calculated
to deliver 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (refer to the Ornamental and Perimeter Application
Dilution Charts).
3. T reat non-porous surfaces with low volume applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and
applying this dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1,000 square feet.
4. Use 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water on tree trunks with carpenter ant trails or evidence of foraging. Apply
to the bark, completely wetting it from the bottom of the tree to the highest possible point on the trunk.
To control carpenter ants inside deck materials, fencing, trees, utility poles or other structural elements, drill to find the
inside infested cavity and inject or foam a 0.06% dilution (1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water) into the cavity with
adequate volume and a proper treatment tool with a splash-back guard. Where there are ants tunneling below the
surfaces, dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying as a drench or foam at intervals of 8 to 12
inches. A uniform barrier should be established where there are ants tunneling below surfaces such as, at the edges of
walls, driveways or other hard surfaces.
Use a sprinkling can or a hose-end sprayer to distribute a coarse drenching spray, apply a 0.06% dilution to stored
lumber and wood piles. This wood may be used for lumber or may be burned after 30 days. Do not use this method of
application in structures.
Diluting 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying to the soil below where the firewood will be stacked at the rate
of one gallon of dilution per 8 square feet will protect the wood from carpenter ants.
DO NOT treat firewood with this product.
Controlling Termites (Above Ground Only)
The treatment methods that are expressed below are intended to kill termite workers or winged reproductives present
at the time of application. These methods should supplement, not substitute for, mechanical alteration, soil treatment or
foundation treatment.
Controlling winged reproductive termites and exposed workers in localized areas may be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl.
oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying the dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1000 square feet to crawl spaces,
unfinished basements, attics, and other crawl spaces as a course fan spray. Both swarming termites and the areas where
they gather should be treated.
Controlling above-ground termites in localized areas of infested wood may be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen
I/T per gallon of water and applying as a foam or a liquid to voids and galleries in wood that is damaged in addition to
spaces between wooden structural members and between the foundation and sill plate where the wood is at risk of to
attack. Drilling and then injecting the foam or dilution into damaged wood or wall voids with an appropriate directional
injector will help reach those areas that are not easy to access. After treatment is completed, securely plug the holes that
are in regularly occupied areas in the construction elements.
Controlling termite carton nests in building voids can be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of
water and applying as a foam or a liquid using a pointed projection tool. To obtain control, various depths of injection
and numerous injection points may be needed. After treatment is complete and when feasible, remove the carton nest
material from the building void.
Pests Under Slabs
To control infestations of Arthropods (e.g., ants, cockroaches, and scorpions) that live beneath the slab area, drill or
horizontally rod and inject 1 gallon of a 0.06% to 0.12% dilution per 10 square feet or 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet.
Posts, Poles, and Other Constructions
Around wooden constructions (signs, fences, and landscape ornamentation) an insecticidal barrier can be established
by treating with a 0.06% dilution. Sub-surface injection and gravity-flow through holes in the bottom of the trench, are
two treatment methods that can be used on poles and posts that have already been installed. Establishing a complete
chemical zone around the pole can be accomplished by treating on all sides. For poles and posts that are fewer than 6
inches in diameter use 1 gallon of dilution per foot of depth and 1.5 gallons for larger poles, applying under the wood to a
depth of 6 inches. 4 gallons per 10 linear feet per foot of depth should be used for larger constructions.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects in Wood (Localized Areas in Structures)
Insects Application Rate Remarks
Termites Apply a 0.06% dilution -Can be applied as a paint or fan spray.
Ants to voids and galleries -Place plastic sheeting under overhead areas that are spot
Carpenter Ants in damaged wood and treated except for soil surfaces in crawl spaces.
Wood-infesting beetles in spaces between -Areas to which access is difficult can be treated by drilling,
(including but not wooden members of a and then injecting dilution with a crack and crevice injector
limited to Old House structure and between into the damaged wood or void spaces. (Not intended as
Borer & Powder Post) wood and foundations a replacement for soil treatment, mechanical alteration
where wood is at risk. or fumigation to control widespread infestation of wood-
infesting insects.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects and Nuisance Pests (Outside of Structures)
In order to control wood-infesting insects active inside trees, utility poles and/or fences, a 0.06% dilution should be
injected into the infested cavity, which can be found by drilling into the wood. If treating nuisance pests on the exterior
of the structure, use a fan spray at a maximum pressure of 25 p.s.i. and apply up to the point of runoff. To control Bees,
Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow-Jackets, direct the spray at nest openings in the ground, bushes, and in cracks and crevices,
where the insects may nest. Saturate the openings and contact as many insects as possible.
Underground Services (e.g. cables, conduits, pipes, utility lines, wires, etc.) may be in right-of-ways, inside of structures
or to guard long range (miles) of installations of services.
Treat the soil using a 0.06 to 0.12% Bifen I/T dilution to prevent and control termite and ant infestations.
Treat the bottom of the trench with 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet and let it soak into the soil. Place the services on the
treated soil and cover with about 2 inches of fill soil. Apply another 2 gallons per 10 linear feet over the fill soil to complete
the chemical barrier. Only threat the soil in the area near the services in wide trenches, but ensure a continuous barrier of
treated soil surrounding the services.
In the event that the soil will not accept the volume stated above, 1 gallon of 0.12% Bifen I/T may be applied per 10 linear
feet of trench over the soil that covers the services and to the base of the trench.
Fill the remainder of the trench with the treated fill soil. Where each service sticks out of the ground, the soil may be
treated by trenching/rodding no more than 1 to 2 gallons of dilution into the soil.
RESTRICTIONS: Do not treat electrically active underground services.
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.
STORAGE AND SPILL PROCEDURES: Store upright at room temperature. Avoid exposure to extreme
temperatures. In case of spillage or leakages, soak up with an absorbent material such as sand, sawdust, earth,
Fuller’s earth, etc. Dispose of with chemical waste.
PESTICIDE DISPOSAl: Pesticide, spray mixture or rinse water that cannot be used according to label instructions
must be disposed of at or by an approved waste disposal facility.
For Containers equal to or less than 5 Gallons: Nonrefillable container. Do Not reuse or refill this container.
Clean container promptly after emptying. Triple rinse as follows: Empty the remaining contents into application
equipment or a mix tank and drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Fill the container ¼ full with water
and recap. Shake for 10 seconds. Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later
use or disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Repeat this procedure two more times. Offer
for recycling if available. If recycling is not available, puncture or dispose of in a sanitary landfill.
Insecticide /Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and other pests of structures. To control pests in and around such
areas as homes, commercial and industrial buildings, recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals. Controls
pests in livestock and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms licensed by the state to apply termiticide products. States may
have more restrictive requirements regarding qualifications of persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory
agency of your state prior to use of this product.
Bifenthrin*.................................................. 7.9% KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
OTHER INGREDIENTS:.................................. 92.1%
TOTAL..................................................... 100.0% CAUTION
See inside booklet for additional
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon. precautionary statements
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum.
EPA Reg. No. 53883-118
EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
Manufactured by:
Insecticide /Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and other pests of structures. To control pests in and around such areas as homes,
commercial and industrial buildings, recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals. Controls pests in livestock and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms licensed by the state to apply termiticide products. States may have more restrictive
requirements regarding qualifications of persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory agency of your state prior to use of this product.
Bifenthrin*................................................................ 7.9% KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
OTHER INGREDIENTS:................................................92.1%
TOTAL...................................................................100.0% CAUTION
See inside booklet for additional precautionary statements
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon.
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum. EPA Reg. No. 53883-118 EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
EPA 060717
If swallowed • C all a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice.
• H ave person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.
• D o not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor.
• D o not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
If inhaled • Move person to fresh air.
• If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably by mouth-to-
mouth if possible.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice.
If on skin or • T ake off contaminated clothing.
clothing • R inse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
If in eyes • H old eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water 15-20 minutes.
• R emove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact SafetyCall®
(866) 897-8050 for emergency medical treatment information.
Note to Physician - This product is a pyrethroid. If large amounts have been ingested, the stomach and intestine should be evacuated. Treatment is symptomatic
and supportive. Digestible fats, oils, or alcohol may increase absorption and so should be avoided.
Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals
CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing spray
mist. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet.
Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
All pesticide handlers (mixers, loaders, and applicators) must wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks, shoes, and chemical-
resistant gloves. After the product is diluted in accordance with label directions for use, and/or when mixing and loading using a closed
spray tank transfer system, or an in-line injector system, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, and waterproof gloves are sufficient. In addition, all
pesticide handlers must wear a respiratory protection device¹ when working in a non-ventilated space. All pesticide handlers must wear
protective eyewear when working in non-ventilated space or when applying termiticide by rodding or sub-slab injection.
¹Use one of the following: NIOSH approved respirator with any R, P or HE filter
or a NIOSH approved respirator with an organic vapor (OV) cartridge
or canister with any R, P, or HE pre-filter.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables exist, use detergent and hot water.
Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
Environmental Hazards
This pesticide is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off
into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the
next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. Rinsing application equipment
over the treated area will help avoid run off to water bodies or drainage systems. Care should be used when spraying to avoid fish and
reptile pets in/around ornamental ponds.
This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow to drift
to blooming crops if bees are foraging the treatment area.
Do not discharge effluent containing this product into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans, or other public waters unless in
accordance with the requirements of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and the permitting authority has
been notified in writing prior to discharge. Do not discharge effluent containing this product to sewer systems without previously notifying
the local sewage plant authority. For guidance contact your State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA.
Physical and Chemical Hazards
Do not apply water-based dilutions of Bifen I/T to electrical conduits, motor housings, junction boxes, switch boxes or other electrical
equipment because of possible shock hazard.
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
• Do not apply a broadcast application to interior surfaces of homes.
• Do not apply by air.
• Do not apply in greenhouses, nurseries.
• Do not apply this product through any kind of irrigation system.
• Not for use on sod farm turf, golf course turf, or grass grown for seed.
• Do not apply to pets, crops, or sources of electricity.
• Firewood is not to be treated.
• Use only in well-ventilated areas.
• During any application to overhead areas of structure, cover surface below with plastic sheeting or similar material except for soil
surfaces in crawlspaces.
• Do not allow spray to contact food, foodstuffs, food-contacting surfaces or food utensils or water supplies.
• Thoroughly wash dishes and food handling utensils with soap and water if they become contaminated by application of this product.
• Do not treat areas where food is exposed.
• During indoor surface applications do not allow dripping or runoff to occur.
• Do not allow contact with treated surfaces by people or pets before spray has dried.
• Bifen I/T will not discolor or otherwise harm surfaces that water alone will not discolor or otherwise harm.
• Do not apply this product in patient rooms or in any rooms while occupied by the elderly or infirm.
• Do not apply Bifen I/T in classrooms, libraries, sports venues, or other institutional facilities when they are occupied.
• Bifen I/T may be applied with low-volume application equipment, including Actisol® and Micro-Injector®, for general surface, spot, crack
and crevice, and deep harborage treatments.
• Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes. For
use on plants intended only for aesthetic purposes or climactic modifications and being grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental
gardens or parks, or lawns and grounds.
Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies, or
aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application.
Additional Application Restrictions for Residential Outdoor Surface and Space Sprays:
All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or crack and crevice treatments only, except for the following permitted uses:
1. Applications to soil or vegetation around structure;
2. Applications to lawns, turf, and other vegetation;
3. Applications to building foundations, up to a maximum height of 3 feet above grade;
4. Applications to underside of eaves, soffits, doors, or windows permanently protected from rainfall by a covering, overhang, awning or
other structure;
5. Applications around potential pest entry points into buildings, when limited to a surface band not to exceed one inch in width;
6. Applications made through the use of a coarse, low pressure spray to only those portions of surfaces that are directly above bare soil,
lawn, turf, mulch or other vegetation, as listed on this label, and not over an impervious surface, drainage or other condition that could
result in runoff into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters, or surface waters, in order to control occasional invaders or aggregating
Other than applications to building foundations, all outdoor applications to impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, patios,
porches and structural surfaces (such as windows, doors, and eaves) are limited to spot and crack and crevice applications, only.
When treating adjacent to an existing structure, the applicator must check the area to be treated, and immediately adjacent areas of the
structure, for visible and accessible cracks and holes to prevent any leaks or significant exposures to persons occupying the structure.
People present or residing in the structure during application must be advised to remove their pets and themselves from the structure
if they see any signs of leakage. After application, the applicator is required to check for leaks. All leaks resulting in the deposition of
termiticide in locations other than those prescribed on this label must be cleaned up prior to leaving the applications site. Do not allow
people or pets to contact contaminated areas or to reoccupy contaminated areas of the structure until the clean-up is completed.
Some insects are known to develop resistance to products used repeatedly for control. Because the development of resistance cannot be
predicted, the use of this product should conform to resistance management strategies established for the use area. Consult your local
or state pest management authorities for details.
If resistance to this product develops in your area, this product, or other products with a similar mode of action, may not provide adequate
control. If poor performance cannot be attributed to improper application or extreme weather conditions, a resistant strain of insect may
be present. If you experience difficulty with control and suspect that resistance is a reasonable cause, immediately consult your local
company representative or pest management advisor for the best alternative method of control for your area.
Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes. For use
on plants intended only for aesthetic purposes or climatic modifications and being grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens or
parks, or lawn and grounds. Only use this product on plants being grown for aesthetic or climatic purposes and in interior and exterior
sites, such as, gardens, parks, lawns, and grounds, and other ornamental sites. Do not use on vegetation intended for sale or other
commercial uses. Do not use on plants grown for seed production or research purposes.
Using this product in and around structures and building construction will prevent and control termite infestations.
To institute a barrier between the wood and the termites in the soil, the chemical emulsion must be effectively dispersed in the soil. It is
important to remove unnecessary materials that contain cellulose and wood from around foundation walls, crawl spaces (inside of structure),
and porches, and fix damaged plumbing and construction grade in order to deny termite access to moisture.
To use this product effectively, it is important that the service technician be familiar with current control practices including trenching,
rodding, subslab injection, low-pressure spray applications, coarse fan spraying of soil surfaces, crack and crevice (void) injection,
excavated soil treatment and brush and spray applications to infested or susceptible wood. Using these techniques correctly is essential to
prevent or control infestations by subterranean termite species of genera Reticulitermes, Zootermopsis, Coptotermes and Heterotermes.
When determining what procedures to follow, the service technician should consider certain variables. Some of the variables to consider
are species biology and behavior, structure design, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, water table, soil type and
compaction, grade conditions, and the location and type of domestic water supplies and utilities.
For information concerning the most up to date control practices in a given region or locale, consult the local resources for structural pest control,
state cooperative extensions or regulatory agencies.
Applications Instructions
Bifen I/T controls a wide range of listed pests on flowers, foliage plants, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, shrubs, and ornamental trees,
in interior and exterior plantscapes, such as those in hotels, office buildings, shopping malls, etc., and around athletic fields, homes,
institutional buildings, parks, and recreational areas. Non-bearing fruit and nut trees are those that will not produce a harvestable crop
during the season of application.
Bifen I/T can be tank-mixed with insect growth regulators and other pesticides. Observe all precautions and Directions for Use for each
product. Physical compatibility may vary with different combinations of products, so prepare a small scale (pint or quart jar) test sample
for any combination not tested previously. Use proper proportions in the small scale test to achieve the correct result.
Unless otherwise noted in the label instructions, use the procedure below for preparation of a new tank mix:
1. Add wettable powders to tank water.
2. Mix well
3. Add liquids and flowables
4. Mix well
5. Add emulsifiable concentrates
6. Mix well
Try reversing the order of addition or increasing the amount of water if the combination is not compatible using the above order.
NOTE: After increasing the amount of water, if the mixture is found to be compatible, it is necessary to recalibrate the sprayer for a higher
volume application. Do not allow mixture to stand overnight.
Formula for Determining the Active Ingredient Content of the Finished Emulsion
(7.9)(Fl. Oz. of Bifen I/T added to tank) = % Active Ingredient in emulsion
(Gallons of finished spray mix)(128)
Subterranean Termite Control – Use Directions
Important: Observe the following restrictions to avoid contamination of public and private water supplies:
• U se anti-backflow equipment and procedures to prevent insecticide from being siphoned into water supplies.
• D o not contaminate cisterns, wells, or other water tanks by treating the soil beneath these structures.
• Do not treat soil where runoff may occur.
• D o not treat soil water-saturated or frozen soil.
• C onsult local and state specifications for recommended treatment practices in your area.
• If local or state specifications do not exist, consult the Federal Housing Administration (H.U.D.) guidance documents.
Note: For the purposes of this label, crawl spaces are defined as being inside of the structure.
Critical Areas: Points at which the foundation is penetrated or abuts another structure are Critical Areas. These include bath traps,
cracks and expansion joints, utility entry points, and adjacent structures such as patios, slab additions, and stairs.
Structures with Wells/ Cisterns Inside Foundations
Structures that contain wells or cisterns within the foundation of a structure can only be treated using the following techniques:
1. Do not treat soil while it is beneath or within the foundation or along the exterior perimeter of a structure that contains a well or
cistern. The treated backfill method must be used if soil is removed and treated outside/away from the foundation. The treated backfill
technique is described as follows:
a) Trench and remove soil to be treated onto heavy plastic sheeting or similar material or into a wheelbarrow.
b) Treat the soil at the rate of 4 gallons of dilute emulsion per 10 linear feet per foot of depth of the trench, or 1 gallon per 1.0 cubic
feet of soil. See “Mixing Directions” section of this label. Mix thoroughly into the soil taking care to contain the liquid and prevent
runoff or spillage.
c) After the treated soil has absorbed the diluted emulsion, replace the soil into the trench.
2. Treat infested and/or damaged wood in place using an injection technique such as described in the “Control of Wood Infesting Insects
in Wood” section of this label.
Structures with Adjacent Wells/ Cisterns and/or Other Water Bodies
Applicators must inspect all structures with nearby water sources such as wells, cisterns, surface ponds, streams, and other bodies of
water and evaluate, at a minimum, the treatment recommendations listed below prior to making an application.
1. Prior to treatment, if feasible, expose the water pipe(s) coming from the well to the structure, if the pipe(s) enter the structure within
3 feet of grade.
2. Prior to treatment, applicators are advised to take precautions to limit the risk of applying the termiticide into subsurface drains that
could empty into any bodies of water. These precautions include evaluating whether application of the termiticide to the top of the
footer may result in contamination of the subsurface drain. Factors such as depth to the drain system and soil type and degree of
compaction should be taken into account in determining the depth of the treatment.
3. When appropriate (i.e., on the water side of the structure), the treated backfill technique (described above) can also be used to
minimize off-site movement of termiticide.
Before these techniques are used close to cisterns, wells, or other bodies of water, seek advice from local, state, or federal agencies for
information on treatment practices that are accepted in your area.
Application Rate: Use a 0.06% emulsion for subterranean termites. For other pests on the label use specific listed rates.
Mixing Directions: Mix the termiticide use dilution in the following manner: Fill tank 1/4 to 1/3 full. Start pump to begin by-pass agitation
and place end of treating tool in tank to allow circulation through hose. Add appropriate amount of Bifen I/T. Add remaining amount of
water. Let pump run and allow recirculation through the hose for 2 to 3 minutes.
Bifen I/T may also be combined into full tanks of water. If combined into full tanks of water, allow sufficient time for agitation and/or
recirculation to ensure consistency of the dilution.
To prepare a 0.06% water emulsion, ready to use, dilute 3 quarts of Bifen I/T with 99.25 gallons of water.
Mixing: Using the chart below, determine the volume of Bifen I/T and water required to produce the desired volume of finished emulsion.
Amount of Bifen I/T
(Gallons except where noted)
Emulsion Concentrate Amount of Bifen I/T Amount of Water Desired Gallons of Finished Emulsion
0.06% 1 oz. 127 oz. 1
5 oz. 4.9 5
10 oz. 9.9 10
25 oz. 24.8 25
1.5 qt. 49.6 50
2.25 qt. 74.4 75
3 qt. 99.25 100
4.5 qt. 148.8 150
6 qt. 198.5 200
0.12%* 2 oz. 126 oz. 1
10 oz. 4.9 5
19.5 oz. 9.8 10
1.5 qt. 24.6 25
3 qt. 49.2 50
4.5 qt. 73.8 75
6 qt. 98.5 100
9 qt. 147.7 150
3 197 200
Units of measure:
1 pint = 16 fluid ounces (oz.)
1 quart = 2 pints = 4 cups = 32 fluid ounces (oz.)
* When treating for termites, use this rate only in conjunction with volume adjustments, foam applications or underground services applications.
Application Volume: To provide maximum control and protection against termite infestation apply the specified volume of the finished
water emulsion and active ingredient as set forth in the directions for use section of this label. If soil will not accept the labeled application
volume, the volume may be reduced provided there is a corresponding increase in concentration so that the amount of active ingredient
applied to the soil remains the same.
Note: Large reductions of application volume reduce the ability to obtain a continuous barrier. Variance is allowed when volume and
concentration are consistent with the label directed rates and a continuous barrier can still be achieved.
The volume of the 0.12% emulsion may be reduced by ½ the labeled volume where desirable for pre- and post-construction applications.
When the volume is reduced, the hole spacing for subslab injection and soil rodding may also need to be adjusted to account for lower
volume dispersal of the termiticide in the soil. Consult the following Volume Adjustment Chart for details.
Rate (% emulsion) 0.06% 0.12%
Volume allowed
• H
orizontal (gallons emulsion/10 ft2) 1.0 Gallons 0.5 gallons
• V
ertical (gallons emulsion/10 linear ft.) 4.0 gallons 2.0 gallons
After treatment: All holes in commonly occupied areas into which material has been applied must be plugged. Plugs must be of a
non-cellulose material or covered by an impervious, non-cellulose material.
Foam Applications
Bifen I/T dilution, from 0.06 to 0.12% may be converted to foam with 2X - 40X expansion characteristics and used to control or prevent
termite infestations.
Depending on the circumstances, foam applications may be used alone or in combination with liquid emulsion applications. Applications
may be made behind veneers, piers, chimney bases, into rubble foundations, into block voids or structural voids, under slabs, stoops,
porches, or to the soil in crawlspaces, and other similar voids.
Foam and liquid application must be consistent with volume and active ingredient instructions in order to insure proper application
has been made. The volume and amount of active ingredient are essential to an effective treatment. At least 75% of the labeled liquid
emulsion volume of product must be applied, with the remaining percent delivered to appropriate areas using foam application. Refer to
label and use recommendations of the foam manufacturer and the foaming equipment manufacturer.
Foam applications are generally a good supplement to liquid treatments in difficult areas, but may be used alone in difficult spots.
Application Under Slabs or to Soil in Crawlspaces to Prevent or Control Termites
When making applications, Bifen I/T foam can be used alone or in combination with liquid dilution. Whether applied as a dilution, foam, or some
of both, the equivalent of at least 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution (4 ounces of Bifen I/T concentrate) per 10 linear feet must be applied for a vertical
barrier, or at least 1 gallon of 0.06% dilution (1 ounce of Bifen I/T concentrate) per 10 square feet must be applied for a horizontal barrier. For
a foam only application, apply Bifen I/T concentrate in sufficient concentration and volume to equal 4 ounces of concentrate per 10 linear feet
or 1 ounce of concentrate per 10 square feet. For example, 2 gallons of 0.12% dilution converted to foam and used to cover 10 linear feet is the
equivalent of 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet.
Sand Barrier Installation and Treatment
As long as termites have access to soil that has not been treated and can avoid soil that has been treated with Bifen I/T , they can build
mud tubes over surfaces that have been treated. Cracks and spaces should be filled with play box or builder’s sand and then treated in
the same manner as soil. Follow the rates listed on the Bifen I/T label.
Retreatment for subterranean termites can only be performed if there is clear evidence of reinfestation or disruption of the barrier due to
construction, excavation, or landscaping and/or evidence of the breakdown of the termiticide barrier in the soil. These vulnerable or reinfested areas
may be retreated in accordance with application techniques described in this product’s labeling. The timing and type of these retreatments will
vary depending on factors such as termite pressure, soil types, soil conditions and other factors which may reduce the effectiveness of the barrier.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited unless there is clear evidence that reinfestation or barrier disruption has occurred.
Pre-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment
Do not apply at a lower dosage and/or concentration than specified on this label for applications prior to the installation
of the finished grade. When treating foundations deeper than 4 feet, apply the termiticide as the backfill is being replaced, or if the
construction contractor fails to notify the applicator to permit this, treat the foundation to a minimum depth of 4 feet after the backfill
has been installed. The applicator must trench and rod into the trench or trench along the foundation walls and around pillars and
other foundation elements, at the rate prescribed from grade to a minimum depth of 4 feet. When the top of the footing is exposed, the
applicator must treat the soil adjacent to the footing to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the footing. However, in no case should a
structure be treated below the footing.
To produce effective pre-construction subterranean termite control, create vertical and/or horizontal chemically treated zones of
protection using 0.06% emulsion of Bifen I/T. Follow the current edition of the Housing and Urban Development Minimum Property
Standards to assure that F.H.A. termite-proofing requirements are met.
Horizontal Barriers
Establish a horizontal chemical barrier wherever treated soil will be covered by a slab, such as basement floors, carports, entrance
platforms, footing trenches, and slab floors.
Apply 1 gallon of 0.06% dilution per 10 square feet, or use 1 fluid ounce of Bifen I/T per 10 square feet in sufficient water (no less than ½
gallon or more than 2 gallons) to provide a uniform treated barrier for the area being treated.
If the fill is coarse aggregate, such as washed gravel, a sufficient volume of dilution must be applied to allow it to reach the soil beneath
the coarse fill.
Make applications with a low-pressure spray (less than 50 p.s.i.), using a coarse spray nozzle. If foundation walls have not been installed
around the treated soil and the slab will not be poured the same day as treatment, the treated soil must be covered with a water-proof
barrier. Polyethylene sheeting may be used for this purpose.
Vertical Barriers
Establish vertical barriers in Critical Areas, such as along the inside of foundation walls, plumbing, bath traps, utility services and other
features that will penetrate the slab.
Using a 0.06% dilution, apply 4 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth or 4 fluid ounces of Bifen I/T per 10 linear feet per
foot of depth from grade level to the top of the footing in sufficient water to provide a uniform treated barrier. Use not less than 2 gallons
to not more than 8 gallons of water per 10 linear feet.
When trenching and rodding into the trench, or trenching, take care to ensure that the dilution reaches the top of the footing. Space
the rod holes so that a continuous treated barrier is created, but not exceeding 12 inches apart. Avoid washing-out the soil around the
footing. Trenches should be about 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep. Mix the chemical dilution with the soil as it is being replaced in the
trench. Inside vertical barriers may not be required for monolithic slabs.
When treating hollow block voids, use 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet to assure that the dilution reaches the top of the footing.
Prior to each application, applicators must notify the general contractor, construction superintendent, or similar responsible party, of the
intended termiticide application and intended sites of application and instruct the responsible person to notify construction workers and
other individuals to leave the area to be treated during application and until the termiticide is absorbed into the soil.
Post-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment
For post-construction treatment, use a 0.06% dilution. Post-construction treatments shall be made by subslab injection, trenching and
rodding into the trench or trenching using low-pressure spray not exceeding 25 p.s.i. at the nozzle. Proper precautions should be taken
to avoid soil wash-out around the footing.
Locate, identify, and mark wells, electrical conduits, water and sewer lines, and radiant heat pipes prior to application of Bifen I/T. Do not
puncture or inject Bifen I/T into such structures.
Treatment must be made by trenching and rodding into the trench, or trenching at the rate of 4 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot
of depth wherever the footing, from grade to the bottom of the foundation, is greater than 1 foot of depth. When the footer is greater than
four feet below grade, the applicator may trench and rod into the trench, or trench beside foundation walls at the rate designated for four
feet of depth. Space rod holes to create a continuous insecticidal barrier, but in no case more than 12 inches apart. Depending on the type
of soil, degree of compaction, and location of termite activity, the actual depth of treatment will differ. However, a structure should never be
treated below the footer. Sub-slab injection may be needed beside the inside of foundation walls, around conduits, piers, and pipes, beside
both sides of interior footing-supported walls, and beside cracks and partition walls.
Crawl Spaces - Accessible
For crawl spaces, apply vertical termiticide barriers at the rate of 4 gallons of emulsion per 10 linear feet per foot of depth from grade to
the top of the footing, or if the footing is more than 4 feet below grade, to a minimum depth of 4 feet. Apply by trenching and rodding into
the trench, or trenching. Treat both sides of foundation and around all piers and pipes. Where physical obstructions such as concrete
walkways adjacent to foundation elements prevent trenching, treatment may be made by rodding alone. When soil type and/or conditions
make trenching prohibitive, rodding may be used. When the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator must treat the soil adjacent to the
footing to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the footing. Read and follow the mixing and use direction section of the label if situations
are encountered where the soil will not accept the full application volume.
1. Rod holes and trenches must not extend below the bottom of the footing.
2. Rod holes must be spaced so as to achieve a continuous termiticide barrier but in no case more than 12 inches apart.
3. Trenches must be a minimum of 6 inches deep or to the bottom of the footing, whichever is less, and need not to be wider than 6
inches. When trenching in sloping (tiered) soil, the trench must be stepped to ensure adequate distribution and prevent termiticide
from running off. The emulsion must be mixed with the soil as it is replaced in the trench.
4. When treating plenums or crawl spaces, turn off the air circulation system of the structure until application has been completed and
all termiticide has been absorbed by the soil.
Crawl Spaces - Inaccessible
For inaccessible interior areas, such as areas where there is insufficient clearance between floor joists and ground surfaces to allow
operator access, excavate if possible, and treat according to the instruction for accessible crawl spaces. Otherwise, apply one or a
combination of the following two methods.
1. To establish a horizontal barrier, apply to the soil surface, 1 gallon of emulsion per 10 square feet overall using a nozzle pressure of less
than 25 p.s.i. and a coarse application nozzle (e.g., Delavan Type RD Raindrop, RD-7 or larger, or Spraying Systems Co. 8010LP TeeJet®
or comparable nozzle). For an area that cannot be reached with the application wand, use one or more extension rods to make the
application to the soil. Do not broadcast or powerspray with higher pressures.
2. To establish a horizontal barrier, drill through the foundation wall or through the floor above and treat the soil perimeter at a rate of 1
gallon of emulsion per 10 square feet. Drill spacing must be at intervals not to exceed 16 inches. Many states have smaller intervals,
so check State regulations which may apply.
When treating plenums and crawl spaces, turn off the air circulation systems of the structure until application has been completed and
all termiticide has been absorbed by the soil.
Excavation Technique: When treating in troublesome areas (e.g., beside fieldstone or rubble walls, beside faulty foundation walls, and
around pipes and utility lines leading downward from the structure to a well or pond) apply using the following technique:
a. Prepare a trench, placing the removed soil onto heavy-weight plastic sheeting or similar, water-impermeable material.
b. Treat the soil with 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth of the trench. Completely mix the dilution into the
soil, exercising care to avoid liquid running off the sheeting.
c. Place the treated soil back into the trench after it has absorbed the dilution.
Attention: Wear NIOSH approved unvented goggles and a respirator when applying Bifen I/T in a confined area.
For applications made after the final grade is installed, the applicator must trench and rod into the trench or trench along the foundation
walls and around pillars and other foundation elements, at the rate prescribed from grade to the top of the footing. When the footing is
more than four (4) feet below grade, the applicator must trench and rod into the trench or trench along the foundation walls at the rate
prescribed to a minimum depth of four feet. The actual depth of treatment will vary depending on soil type, degree of compaction, and
location of termite activity. When the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator must treat the soil adjacent to the footing to a depth not
to exceed the bottom of the footing. However, in no case should a structure be treated below the footing.
Masonry Voids
Drill and treat voids in multiple masonry elements of the structure extending from the structure to the soil in order to create a continuous
treatment barrier in the area to be treated. Apply at a rate of 2 gallons of emulsion per 10 linear feet of footing, using a nozzle pressure
of less than 25 p.s.i. When using this treatment, access holes must be drilled below the sill plate and should be as close as possible to
the footing as is practical. Treatment of voids in block or rubble foundation walls must be closely examined: Applicators must inspect
areas of possible runoff as a precaution against application leakage in the treated areas. Some areas may not be treatable or may require
mechanical alteration prior to treatment.
All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in locations other than those prescribed on this label must be cleaned up prior to leaving
the application site. Do not allow people or pets to contact contaminated areas or to reoccupy the contaminated areas of the structure
until the clean-up is completed.
NOTE: When treating behind veneer structures (walls, etc.) take proper care to not drill beyond the veneer. If concrete blocks exist
behind the veneer, both can be drilled and treated simultaneously.
Bifen I/T may not be used in voids insulated with rigid foam insulation.
Create vertical barriers by trenching and rodding into the trench or trenching outside at a rate of 4 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet
per foot of depth and by sub-slab injection within the structure. Ensure an even distribution of chemical. Applications must not be made
below the bottom of the footing.
Apply beside the outside of the foundation and under the slab on the inside of foundation walls, where needed. Treatment of slabs may
also be necessary under and beside both sides of any interior footing-supported walls, in all cracks and expansion joints, and beside
one side of interior partitions. By long-rodding or grid pattern injection vertically through the slab, horizontal barriers may be created
where necessary.
a. To permit the creation of an uninterrupted insecticidal barrier, drill holes in the foundation and/or slab.
b. For foundations that are less than or equal to 1 foot, dig a narrow trench about 6 inches wide beside the outside of the foundation
walls. Do not dig beneath the bottom of the footing. As the soil is placed back into the trench, apply 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per
10 linear feet per foot of depth to the trench and soil.
c. Follow the rates stated above for basements for foundations that are deeper than 1 foot.
d. A 0.06% dilution may be used to treat soil that is exposed and wood in bath traps.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited unless there is clear evidence that reinfestation or barrier disruption has occurred.
Food Handling Establishments
If used as a general spot, surface, or crack and crevice treatment, Bifen I/T may be applied in both food/feed and nonfood areas of food/
feed handling establishments.
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent upon rate and surface treated.
Food/feed handling establishments are any place other than private residences where exposed food/feed is held, processed, prepared or served,
including areas for receiving, storing, packing (bottling, boxing, canning, wrapping), preparing, enclosed processing systems (dairies, edible oils,
mills, syrups) of food and edible waste storage. Serving areas where food is exposed and the facility is in operation are also considered food areas.
Nonfood areas in which applications are allowed include entries and vestibules, floor drains (to sewers), garages, garbage rooms, lavatories,
locker rooms, machine rooms, mop closets, offices, and storage (after canning or bottling).
Permitted use sites include, but are not limited to: aircraft (do not use in aircraft cabins), apartment buildings, bakeries, bottling facilities,
breweries, buses, cafeterias, candy plants, canneries, dairy product processing plants, food manufacturing plants, food processing plants,
food service establishments, granaries, grain mills, hospitals, hotels, industrial buildings, laboratories, meat/poultry/egg processing plants,
mobile/motor homes, nursing homes offices, railcars, restaurants, schools, ships, trailers, trucks, vessels, warehouses† and wineries.
WAREHOUSES and GROCERY/PET STORES: Bifen I/T dilution may be applied as a surface, spot or crack and crevice treatment in food
and nonfood storage warehouses and stores. Apply to all areas that may harbor pests, including under and between pallets, bins, and
shelves. Do not apply directly to food, grain bins (interior), or animals.
General Surface Application: Do not use this application method in food/feed handling establishments when the facility is
in operation or foods/feeds are exposed. During treatment, remove or cover all food processing and/or handling equipment and do
not apply directly to food products. All equipment, benches, shelving and other surfaces in food processing plants, bakeries, cafeterias
and other facilities, which food will contact must be washed after treatment. Clean food handling equipment or processing equipment
and rinse completely with fresh, clean water.
Spot, Crack and Crevice Application: These types of treatments can be done when the facility is operating, but food must be covered
or removed from the treatment area. Do not apply directly to food.
Foam Applications: Converting Bifen I/T to foam will allow it to be used to treat structural voids. To produce a 0.02% to 0.06% foam concentration,
dilute 0.33 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and add the manufacturer’s recommended amount of foaming agent. Before application,
make sure that the foaming agent is compatible with Bifen I/T. Use of a foaming agent increases a.i. surface contact time on challenging surfaces
and provides visual marking of the application. Ensure that the foaming agent is approved for food surface/area contact use.
Indoor Uses
In the home, cover all food processing surfaces and utensils during treatment or thoroughly wash before reuse. Exposed food must be
covered or removed. Do not permit humans or pets to contact treated surfaces until the spray has dried.
During any overhead applications to overhead interior areas of structures, cover surfaces below with plastic sheeting or similar materials.
Wear protective clothing, unvented goggles, gloves and respirator, when applying to overhead areas or in poorly ventilated areas. Avoid
touching sprayed surfaces until spray has completely dried.
Bifen I/T may be used to control ants, carpenter ants, bees, beetles, biting flies, boxelder bugs, , centipedes, cicadas, cockroaches, crickets,
earwigs, firebrats, fleas, flies, gnats, millipedes, mosquitoes, moths, scorpions, silverfish, sowbugs (pillbugs), spiders (including Black
Widow, Brown Recluse and Hobo Spiders), springtails, stink bugs, ticks (including Brown Dog Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies, and wasps.
In structures and buildings and on modes of transportation, use a 0.02% to 0.06% suspension (0.33 to 1 fl. oz. per gallon of water) using
a crack and crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse, low-pressure spray (25 p.s.i. or less) or with a paint brush.
Indoor Treatments: Apply where pests hide. These areas include, but are not limited to, baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets,
around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and eaves, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, stoves, the underside
of shelves, and drawers. Treat with a low pressure, coarse, crack and crevice or spot spray. Pay close attention to cracks and crevices.
See also “Foam Applications” in the Food Handling Establishments section. Not for use as a space spray.
Mixing Directions: See mixing directions in “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings” section.
To make a dilution for brush or spray treatments:
-Dilute Bifen I/T with water.
-Fill sprayer with the required amount of water.
-Add Bifen I/T.
-To ensure proper mixing, close sprayer and shake before use.
-Only mix the amount of solution that is necessary for treatment.
In order to achieve and/or maintain control in times of high pest pressure, retreatment may be needed.
Repeat application should only take place if there are signs of renewed insect activity and must not exceed one application per 7 days.
Ants: Apply to any ant trails, around doors and windows and other places that ants frequent.
Bedbugs: Thorough application should be made to crack and crevices where evidence of bed bugs occurs. Areas of application include
bed frames, box springs, inside empty dressers and clothes closets and carpet edges, high and low wall moldings and wallpaper edges.
Do not use this product on bed linens, pillows, mattresses or clothes. Remove all clothes and other articles from dressers or clothes
closets before application. Allow all treated areas to thoroughly dry before use. Bifen I/T is not recommended for use as sole protection
against bedbugs. If evidence of bedbugs is found in or on mattresses, use products approved for this use.
Use a 0.03% or 0.06% dilution (0.5 to 1 fluid oz. per gallon of water) for residual pest control in buildings and structures and on modes of
transport. Apply either as a crack and crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse, low pressure spray (25 psi or less) or with a paint brush. Use the
higher rate of application (0.06%) on painted and non-porous surfaces.
Bees and Wasps: Apply to nests in late evening when these pests are at rest. Spray nests, entrances to nests and surrounding areas
thoroughly. Contact as many insects as possible. Retreat if signs of renewed activity exist. Spray liberally into hiding and breeding places,
especially under attic rafters, contacting as many insects as possible.
Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Cicadas, Earwigs, Beetles, Millipedes, Pillbugs, Sowbugs, Springtails, and Stink Bugs: Treat near
doors and windows, storage areas, baseboards and other sites where these pests may be found.
Cockroaches, Crickets, Firebrats, Flies, Gnats, Moths, Mosquitoes, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, and Ticks: Bifen I/T will
provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent upon rate and surface treated. Use a
coarse low- pressure, crack and crevice or spot spray, paying close attention to cracks and crevices. Treat where pests hide. These
areas include, attics and eaves, baseboards, closets, corners, storage areas, around water pipes, doors and windows, behind and under
cabinets, furnaces, refrigerators, sinks, stoves, and the underside of shelves and drawers.
Fleas: Bifen I/T will kill fleas for up to 3 months. Vacuum prior to treatment. Apply as a coarse, low pressure spot or crack and crevice
treatment to areas frequented by pets, such as under bedding, rugs, next to furniture. Do not apply Bifen I/T dilution directly to pets.
Treatment must be dry before pet re-entry.
Spider Mites: Treat houseplants thoroughly but do not allow run off to occur. Ensure the underside of leaves is treated.
Stored Product Pests (Including Indian Meal Moths, Rice Moths, Tobacco Moths, Flour Beetles, Lesser Grain Borers,
Merchant Grain Beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Grain Weevils, Warehouse Beetles, Cigarette Beetles, and Dermestid
Beetles, Psocids, and other similar pests: Inspect to locate and remove infested food sources, remove or cover any food items or food
serving dishes or utensils prior to treatment. Apply Bifen I/T using a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution as a coarse, low pressure spray to areas where
these pests hide. Treatment areas include baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, attics
and eaves, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, and stoves, the underside of shelves, drawers and similar areas. Pay
particular attention to cracks and crevices. Do not apply directly to food.
Livestock and Poultry Housing Structures
Controls pests of poultry and livestock facilities, including biting flies, filth-breeding flies, fleas, litter beetles, hide beetles, bed bugs, mites
and ticks. Apply as a general surface (including directed spray) and/or crack and crevice treatment. Control is enhanced when interior
and exterior perimeter applications are made in and around the livestock or poultry housing structures. Normal cleaning practices of the
structure also must be followed along with applications of Bifen I/T to effectively control crawling and flying insect pests.
For occupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities, apply to indoor cracks and crevices only. Exterior applications to walls and
foundation perimeters can help prevent interior infestations of flying and crawling insect pests. Apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to
0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
For unoccupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities, apply to floors, vertical and overhead surfaces where crawling or flying insect
pests may be present. Feeders, waterers and feed carts must be covered before application to prevent contamination. Do not apply to
milk rooms. Pay attention to animal areas including stanchions, pipes, windows, doors and areas where insect pests hide or congregate.
Exterior applications to walls and foundation perimeters can help prevent interior infestations of flying and crawling insect pests. Apply
Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
To control bed bugs, mites and ticks in animal facilities, treat cracks/crevices, walls, posts, nest boxes and mobile side curtains. Do not
apply Bifen I/T directly to animals.
For adult fly control in and around animal facilities, spray application should target areas where flies will rest, such as the ceiling, rafters
and trusses. Also treat windows, interior and exterior walls and supports, fences and vegetation. Bifen I/T suspension may be sprayed
on manure in areas where fly larvae are abundant and the area cannot be cleaned.
For poultry houses, apply to floor area (birds grown on litter) or to walls, posts and cage framing (birds grown in cages). Application
should also be made into cracks and crevices around insulation. Reapply after each growout or de-caking and sanitization procedure,
but not more frequently than every 8 weeks. Indoor control can be enhanced by making perimeter treatments around the outside of
building foundations to prevent immigrating adult beetles. Apply in a uniform band 2 to 3 feet up and 6 to 10 feet out from the structure.
Maintaining a year-round treatment program will prevent background populations from reaching problem levels.
To control beetles in houses containing birds grown on litter apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet to litter after birds
are removed and during tilling. If litter is removed and replaced with fresh litter, apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1, 000 sq. feet
to bare soil or concrete, and treat new litter after it is spread. Apply spray to inside walls, posts and exterior perimeter. Reapply between each flock.
To control beetles in broiler-breeder houses, apply as directed above for litter and soil/floor treatment.
To control beetles in caged-layer houses, do not treat accumulated manure as it will likely disrupt natural enemies that control fly
breeding. Instead, treat the perimeter of the manure at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz of Bifen I/T per 1,000 sq. feet. Pit walls, posts
and exterior of structure should also be sprayed. Reapply between each flock.
Allow Bifen I/T treatment to dry before applying disinfectants.
Insecticide Class Rotations: In order to avoid problems with developed resistance to insecticides it is important to rotate to an insecticide
of a different class each 2-3 flocks. It is best to attempt to use 3 different classes of insecticides during a calendar year.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T as a general surface spray when animals are present in the facility. Allow applications to dry before restocking
the facility. Treatment may be made to cracks and crevices when animals are present.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T to any animal feed, water or watering equipment.
DO NOT contaminate any animal feed, food or water in and around livestock or poultry housing when making applications.
Use Bifen I/T as a broadcast treatment. To accomplish uniform control when applying to dense grass foliage, use volumes of up to 10
gallons per 1000 square feet.
To ensure control of sub-surface pests including Mole Crickets using low volume treatments, (i.e. less than 2 gallons per 1000 square
feet), immediately follow the treatment with irrigation of the treated area with at least 0.25 inches of water.
Lawn Application Rates
Under typical conditions, the application rates shown in the table below will provide control of the listed pests. Bifen I/T may, however, be
applied at up to 1 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet at the discretion of the applicator. Maximum residual control requires the higher treatment rates.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Armyworms¹ 0.18 - 0.25
Cutworms¹ fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Sod Webworm¹
Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes)(Adult)² 0.25 - 0.5
Banks Grass Mite6 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Billbugs (Adult)³
Black Turfgrass Ataenius Adult4
Fleas (Adult)
Crane Flies 12 0.5 fl oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Ants 0.5 - 1.0
Chinch Bugs5 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Fleas (Larvae)7
Imported Fire Ants8
Japanese Beetle (Adult)
Mole Cricket (Adult)9
Mole Cricket (Nymph)10
Stink Bugs
In New York State, this product may not be applied to any grass or turf area within 100 feet of a water body (lake, pond, river,
stream, wetland, or drainage ditch).
In New York State, do make a single repeat application of Bifen I/T if there are signs of renewed insect activity, but not sooner
than two weeks after the first application.
¹Armyworms, Cutworms, and Sod Webworms: Postpone irrigation or mowing for 24 hours after application to obtain the best
possible control. Higher treatment rates (up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) may be necessary if high pest pressure exists and if the
grass is maintained taller than 1 inch.
²Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes) adults: Treatment of this species should be timed as they travel into grass areas and away
from their overwintering sites. Travel usually begins when Forsythia is in full bloom and ends when Cornus florida (flowering dogwood)
is in full bloom. For additional detailed information regarding treatment timing, check with your State Cooperative Extension Service.
³Billbug adults: Treatment of adult billbugs should be made when they are first noticed in April and May. To optimize treatment timing, degree
day models have been developed. For detailed information particular to your region, check with your State Cooperative Extension Service. Spring
treatments for billbug adults will also offer control of over-wintered chinch bugs in temperate climates.
Black Turfgrass Ataenius adults: In order to control the 1st and 2nd generation of black turfgrass ataenuis adults, respectively, treatments
should take place in May and July. Time the May treatment to match with the full bloom stage of Vanhoutte spiraea (Spiraea vanhoutte)
and horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). Time the July treatment to match with the blooming Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).
Chinch Bugs: Mostly found in the thatch layer, chinch bugs infest the base of grass plants. In order to optimize the penetration of the
insecticide to location of the chinch bugs, irrigation of the grass prior to treatment may be necessary. If grass is being kept at a long
mowing height or if the thatch layer is excessive, use higher volume treatments. It may be necessary to use higher application rates (up
to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) to control populations made up of both adults and nymphs in mid-summer.
Mites: Apply Bifen I/T in combination with a labeled rate of a surfactant to achieve optimal control of eriophyid mites. A second
application may be needed 5 to 7 days after the first to ensure optimal control.
Flea larvae: Immature fleas mature in shaded areas accessible to pets or other animals. When treating these areas use a higher volume
treatment so that the insecticide penetrates into the soil. NOTE: If adult fleas on lawn areas are being controlled by applying Bifen I/T at a
rate of 0.25 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet, then the rate of larval application can be accomplished by two- to four-fold increase in spray volume.
Imported Fire Ants: The best control will be achieved by using broadcast treatments in combination with mound drenches. This will control
present colonies along with foraging workers and newly mated fly-in queens. It is critical either to use high volume treatments or to irrigate prior
to application if the soil is dry. Apply 1 fl. oz. per 1,000 square feet when using broadcast treatments. For mound drenches, dilute 1 teaspoon
of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and use 1 to 2 gallons of finished dilution using sufficient force to penetrate the top and allow dilution to flood
ant channels. Treat a four-foot diameter around each ant mound. Application should be made in late evening or early morning when it is cooler
(65° - 80° when insects are most active. NOTE: A spray rig calibrated to apply 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet of Bifen I/T in 5 gallons per 1,000
square feet contains the equivalent dilution (1 teaspoon per gallon) required for fire ant mound drenches in the spray tank.
Mole Cricket adults: Since the preferred grass areas are subject to constant invasion in early spring by the active adult stage, it is
can be difficult maintain control of adult mole crickets. It is ideal to treat the areas as late in the day as possible and water immediately
after application with up to 0.5 inches of water. To ensure maximum contact when soil is dry, it is necessary to irrigate prior to treatment
to bring the adult mole crickets closer to the soil surface. To obtain optimal control of potential nymphal populations, the grass areas
preferred by adult mole crickets should be treated at immediately prior to peak hatch stage. (See note 10 below).
Mole Cricket nymphs: Treat grass areas that are preferred by adult mole crickets in the spring just before peak egg hatch. Young
nymphs are more vulnerable to insecticidal treatment at this stage because they are close to the soil surface where the insecticide is
most concentrated and thereby providing the most efficient control. For larger more damaging nymphal stages later in the year, it may be
necessary to use higher application rates more frequent. It is ideal to treat the areas as late in the day as possible and water immediately
after application with up to 0.5 inches of water. To ensure maximum contact when soil is dry, it is necessary to irrigate prior to treatment
to bring the adult mole crickets closer to the soil surface.
Ticks (including ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever): Make application to the entire area
where contact with ticks may occur. Do not make spot treatments. When applying to areas with heavy leaf litter or dense ground cover
use higher spray volumes. To attain and/or sustain control in times of high pest pressure, retreatments may be necessary; retreat only
if signs of continued or renewed tick activity are present. Repeat treatments must not be made more often than once per 7 days. Deer
ticks (ixodes sp.) have a four-stage life cycle spanning 2 years. Treat in late fall and/or early spring to both larval and nymphal stages
present in leaf litter and the soil, and adults living in the grass and low-lying vegetation above ground. American dog ticks invade
suburban settings in areas where residences and dwellings are constructed on former fields or wooded areas. These pests normally
gather by paths or roadways where they are likely to find a host. To control tick larvae, nymphs and adults, treatments should take place,
as needed, from mid spring to early fall.
Crane Flies: Treatments can be made to control early to mid-season larvae (approximately August-February) as they feed on plant
crowns. Treatments made to late-season larvae (approximately March, April) may only provide suppression.
Bifen I/T Lawn Dilution Chart
Application Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished Spray
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces per 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1,000 Sq. Ft. 1,000 Sq. Ft.
1.0 0.18 0.18 0.90 1.8 18.0
1.0 0.25 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
1.0 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2.0 0.18 - 0.45 0.90 9.0
2.0 0.25 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
2.0 0.5 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
2.0 1.0 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
3.0 0.18 - 0.30 0.60 6.0
3.0 0.25 - 0.42 0.83 8.3
3.0 0.5 0.17 0.83 1.67 16.7
3.0 1.0 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
4.0 0.18 - 0.23 0.45 4.5
4.0 0.25 - 0.31 0.63 6.3
4.0 0.5 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
4.0 1.0 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
Application Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished Spray
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces per 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1,000 Sq. Ft. 1,000 Sq. Ft.
5.0 0.18 - 0.18 0.36 3.6
5.0 0.25 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
5.0 0.5 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
5.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 2.0 20.0
10.0 0.18 - - 0.18 1.8
10.0 0.25 - 0.13 0.25 2.5
10.0 0.5 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
10.0 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
*To convert to millimeters, multiply by 29.57
1 fluid ounce = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Ornamentals and Trees
Treat with 0.125 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet or 5.4 to 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons for ornamental applications. As long
as the highest label rate (1.0 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet or 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons) is not exceeded, Bifen I/T can be diluted and used
in different volumes of water. If diluted with water or other carriers, low volume equipment can be used for application as long as the
highest label rate (1.0 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet or 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons) is not exceeded.
Treat as a full coverage foliar spray using the stated application rate. If pest pressure and density of foliage increases, repeat treatments
using higher rates may be needed to reach the desired control. Repeat treatments must not be made more often than once per 7 days.
Before application to entire planting, test treat a small number of plants and watch for signs of sensitivity. Some plant species may be
sensitive to the final spray solution.
To avoid or delay pest resistance, it is recommended to use an alternate class of pesticide in any application program.
Bifen I/T Ornamental Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Gallons Per Application Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished
Rate: Fl. Oz. per Spray
1,000 sq. ft. Acre 1,000 sq. ft. 1 gallons 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
2.3 100 0.125 - 0.27 0.54 5.4
2.3 100 0.25 0.11 0.54 1.08 10.8
2.3 100 0.5 0.22 1.09 2.17 21.7
2.3 100 1.0 0.44 2.17 4.35 43.5
4.6 200 0.125 - 0.14 0.27 2.7
4.6 200 0.25 - 0.27 0.54 5.4
4.6 200 0.5 0.11 0.54 1.09 10.9
4.6 200 1.0 0.22 1.09 2.17 21.7
6.9 300 0.125 - - 0.18 1.8
6.9 300 0.25 - 0.18 0.36 3.6
6.9 300 0.5 - 0.36 0.72 7.2
6.9 300 1.0 0.15 0.72 1.45 14.5
*To convert to millimeters, multiply by 29.57
300 gallons per acre is a typical application volume for landscape ornamental applications.
1 fluid ounce = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Calculating Dilution Rates using the Ornamental Application Rates Table and the Bifen I/T Ornamental Dilution Chart: To
determine the proper dilution of Bifen I/T that is required to control specific pests, follow the steps below:
1. Determine the target pest that is the least susceptible (i.e., the pest that requires the highest application rate for effective control).
2. Choose a treatment rate in terms of fl. oz. of Bifen I/T.
3. Determine the dilution volume necessary for the treatment.
4. Use the proper amount of Bifen I/T that must be mixed in your preferred volume of water as shown in the Ornamental Dilution Chart.
As an example, if you were treating for Cutworms, the Ornamental Application Rates table shows that 0.125 – 0.25 fluid ounces of Bifen
I/T should be applied per 1,000 square feet. Select the application rate of 0.25 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet due to evidence of high
pest pressure. The application volume is determined to be 300 gallons per acre, which is equivalent to 6.9 gallons per 1,000 square feet.
The corresponding value in the Ornamental Dilution Chart shows that 0.36 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T must be mixed with 10 gallons of water.
Ornamental Application Rates
Under typical conditions, the application rates in the table below will offer optimal control of the listed pests, but Bifen I/T can be used
at up to 1 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet (43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons) at the discretion of the applicator. When maximum residual control is
preferred, higher listed treatment rates are necessary.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per 1,000 square ft. Fluid Ounces per 100 gallons
Bagworms 1
0.125 - 0.25 5.4 - 10.8
Elm Leaf Beetles
Fall Webworms
Gypsy Moth Caterpillars
Lace Bugs
Leaf Feeding Caterpillars
Tent Caterpillars
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per 1,000 square ft. Fluid Ounces per 100 gallons
0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Beet Armyworm
Beetles 2,†
Black Vine Weevil (Adults)
Brown Soft Scales
Broad Mites
California Red Scale (Crawlers)13 Centipedes
Citrus Thrips
Clover Mites
Diaprepes (Adults)
European Red Mite
Flea Beetles
Fungus Gnats (Adults)
Japanese Beetle (Adult)†
Orchid Weevil
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per 1,000 square ft. Fluid Ounces per 100 gallons
Pillbugs 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Pine Needle Scales (Crawlers)2
Plant Bugs (Including Lygus spp.)
San Jose Scales (Crawlers)2
Spider Mites3
Spiders 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Tip Moths
Twig Borers2
Ants 0.5 - 1.0 21.7 - 43.5
Imported Fire Ants**
Pecan Leaf Scorch Mite
Pine Shoot Beetle (Adults)
Spider Mites3
Stink Bugs
Mosquitoes See directions for use in mosquito control in the section titled “Mosquito Control”
Bagworms: For optimum control treat when larvae have started to hatch and are young, directing spray to contact as many larvae as possible.
Beetles, Scale Crawlers, Twig Borers, and Weevils: Apply to plant foliage; also treat trunks, stems, and twigs.
Spider Mites: Apply during spring and mid-summer for most effective control of twospotted spider mites. During mid- to late-summer
it may be necessary to make more frequent treatments, possibly at higher rates suitable control. Control may be enhanced by adding
a surfactant or horticultural oil or by combining Bifen I/T with other products registered to control mites. Applications of Bifen I/T
may be alternated with chemicals offering other modes of action delay or prevent control resistance by twospotted spider mites. For
recommendations on resistance management in your region check with your local Cooperative Extension Service.
**For foraging ants.
Not for use in California.
Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings
Follow Additional Application Restrictions for Residential Outdoor Surface and Space Sprays under DIRECTIONS FOR USE.
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent upon rate and surface treated.
Applications to vertical exterior surfaces (e.g., foundations) are permitted to a maximum height of 3 feet from ground level. Sections
of vertical exterior surfaces that abut non-porous horizontal surfaces can only be treated if either 1) these sections are protected from
rainfall and spray from sprinklers or 2) they do not drain into a sewer, storm drain, or curbside gutter (e.g., not to sections that abut
driveways or sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T may be used to control Ants, including Carpenter Ants and Fire Ants, Armyworms, Lady Beetles, Bees, Beetles†, Biting Flies,
Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Cicadas, Clover Mites, Crickets, Cutworms, Dichondra Flea Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf
Beetles, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Gnats, Grasshoppers, Hornets, Japanese Beetles†, Midges, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Moths, Roaches (including
Cockroaches), Scorpions, Silverfish, Sod Webworms, Sowbugs (Pillbugs), Spider Mites, Spiders (including Black Widow, Brown Recluse and
Hobo Spiders), Springtails, Stink Bugs, Ticks (including Brown Dog Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies and Wasps.
†Not for use in California.
Use a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution to spray the outside surfaces of buildings such as private homes, duplexes, townhouses, condominiums, house
trailers, apartment complexes, carports, garages, fence lines, storage sheds, barns, and other residential and non-commercial structures.
Sites of treatment include, but are not limited to, exterior siding, foundations, porches, window frames, eaves, patios, garages, garbage areas,
lawn areas, trunks of trees and shrubs and other areas where pests my be found. Use a spray volume of up to 10 gallons of emulsion per
1,000 square feet. Use higher dilution volumes if vegetation or landscape materials are dense.
Mixing Directions
Suspension Bifen I/T per Remarks
gallon of water
0.02% 0.33 fl. oz. -Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
-Use higher treatment rates for quicker knockdown or longer residual control.
0.06% 1.0 fl. oz. -High pest pressure may require subsequent applications.
-Repeat application only if there is evidence of renewed insect activity and not more than once per 7 days.
Perimeter Treatment: Treat a band of soil and vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide around and next to the structure and the foundation of the
structure to a height of 2 to 3 feet. Use 0.33 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet in enough water to provide sufficient coverage
(refer to Perimeter Application Dilution Chart).
For sections of foundation that abut non-porous horizontal surfaces, the treated areas must be protected from rainfall and spray from sprinklers
or they do not drain into a sewer, storm drain, or curbside gutter (e.g. not to sections that abut driveways or sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T Perimeter Application Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished Spray
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces Per
1000 sq. ft. 1000 sq. ft. 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1 0.33 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
1 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1 0.67 0.67 3.33 6.67 66.7
1 0.75 0.75 3.75 7.5 75.0
1 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2 0.33 0.17 0.83 1.65 16.5
2 0.5 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
2 0.67 0.33 1.67 3.35 33.5
2 0.75 0.38 1.88 3.75 37.5
2 1.0 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
Application Volume: Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished Spray
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces Per
1000 sq. ft. 1000 sq. ft. 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
3 0.33 0.11 0.55 1.10 11.0
3 0.5 0.17 0.83 1.67 16.7
3 0.67 0.22 1.11 2.23 22.3
3 0.75 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
3 1.0 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
4 0.33 - 0.41 0.83 8.3
4 0.5 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
4 0.67 0.17 0.84 1.67 16.7
4 0.75 0.19 0.94 1.88 18.8
4 1.0 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
5 0.33 - 0.33 0.67 6.7
5 0.5 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
5 0.67 0.13 0.67 1.33 13.3
5 0.75 0.15 0.75 1.5 15.0
5 1.0 0.2 1.0 2.0 20.0
10 0.33 - 0.17 0.33 3.3
10 0.5 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
10 0.67 - 0.33 0.67 6.7
10 0.75 - 0.38 0.75 7.5
10 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
*To convert to milliliters, multiply by 29.57
1 fluid oz. = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Fire Ants and Fire Ant Mounds Outdoors: Control is optimized by combining broadcast applications that will control foraging workers
and newly mated fly-in queens with mound drenches that will control existing colonies. If the soil is dry, then it is important to irrigate before
application or use a high volume application. Apply broadcast treatments at 0.6 to 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet. Use enough finished volume to
penetrate thatch or sod. Treat mounds by applying 1 oz Bifen I/T per mound in 1 to 2 gallons water by sprinkling the mound until it is wet and treat
3 feet out around the mound. Use the higher volume for mounds larger than 12. Treat mounds with sufficient force to break their apex and allow
the insecticide solution to flow into the ant tunnels. For best results, apply in cool weather (65 - 80°F) or in early morning or late evening hours.
Mosquito Control
To control adult mosquitoes outdoors on residential, institutional, public, commercial and industrial buildings, and lawns, ornamentals, parks,
recreational areas and athletic fields.
Apply Bifen I/T for mosquito control at an application rate of 0.33 to 1.0 fluid oz. Bifen I/T per gallon of water (0.07 to 0.22 lbs Bifenthrin/acre),
and apply at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1,000 square feet as a general spray (refer to the Bifen I/T Dilution Chart). Use the high rate
for residual control of mosquitoes. Use this product for control of mosquitoes that may potentially transmit malaria, and arboviruses (West Nile
Fever, dengue fever, Eastern equine encephalitis, and St. Louis encephalitis.)
Apply as a residual spray to outside spray to outside surfaces of buildings including but not limited to, exterior siding, foundations, porches,
window frames, eaves, patios, garages, refuse dumps, lawns such as grass areas adjacent to or along private homes, duplexes, townhouses,
condominiums, house trailers, apartment complexes, carports, fence lines, storage sheds, barns, and other commercial, residential and non
commercial structures, soil, trunk of woody ornamentals, trees, shrubs, ground cover, bedding plants, foliage plants, flowers, non-bearing fruit
and nut trees, urban areas, parks, campsites, athletic fields, playgrounds, recreational and overgrown waste areas, roadsides and other areas
where mosquitoes are found. May also be applied to non-bearing crops or perennial crops that will not produce harvestable raw agricultural
commodities during the season of application.
Use the high rate for heavy pest infestation, quicker knockdown, or longer residual control. Retreatment may be necessary to achieve and/or maintain
control during periods of high pest pressure, or if there are signs of renewed insect activity. For the lower use rates, repeat application must be limited
to no more than once per seven days. For the high use rate of 1.0 fluid oz. Bifen I/T per gallon of water, do not apply more than once per four weeks.
Apply with hand-held and back pack sprayers or mist blowers, ground sprayers, power sprayers, truck mounted hydraulic sprayers or mist
blowers. Do not apply by air or with hand held or truck mounted cold aerosol ULV sprayers and thermal fogging devices. For best results apply
when the mosquitoes are most active. Application during the cooler hours of the night or early mornings ir recommended.
Do not apply more than 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (equivalent to 0.22 lbs. Bifenthrin/acre) per application.
Do not apply when wind speed exceeds 10 MPH.
Other Pest Control Applications
Controlling Ants Indoors and Outdoors
Pest Ants Indoors: Apply to ant nests for best results. Apply a dilution of 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water at the rate of one gallon
of dilution per 1000 square feet to places where ants have been seen or are believed to forage as a general surface, spot or crack and crevice
treatment. Some of these areas include baseboards, cracks and crevices, in and behind cabinets, under and behind dishwashers, furnaces,
refrigerators, sinks and stoves, around pipes, and in corners. Pay close attention when treating entry points into the home or around windows
and doors. When combining liquid Bifen I/T treatments with bait treatments, use Bifen I/T as instructed above and apply baits in those areas
where Bifen I/T has not been applied.
Pest Ants Outdoors: Apply to ant nests for best results. Treat ant trails, around windows and doors, and other places where ants have been
seen or are likely to forage. As stated in the “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings” section, treat using a low or high volume
perimeter treatment depending on density of vegetation and landscaping materials. When treating concrete surfaces, more frequent treatments,
higher dilutions and/or application volumes may be needed for ant control.
The following procedures must be followed to help achieve maximum control of the pest:
1. Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying at a rate of up to 10 gallons of dilution per 1,000 square feet for maximum
residual control.
2. Vegetation and porous surfaces should be treated with high volume applications using dilutions that are calculated to deliver 0.5 to 1.0 fluid
oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (refer to the Ornamental and Perimeter Application Dilution Charts).
3. Treat non-porous surfaces with low volume applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying this dilution at
the rate of one gallon per 1,000 square feet.
Carpenter Ants Indoors: Treat areas where carpenter ants are seen or are predicted to forage, such as, baseboards, in and behind cabinets,
under and behind dishwashers, furnaces, refrigerators, sinks, and stoves, around pipes, cracks and crevices, and in corners by diluting 0.5 to 1.0
fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1,000 square feet as a general surface, crack and
crevice, spot and/or foam application. Spray or foam into cracks and crevices or drill holes and spray, mist or foam into voids and galleries where
carpenter ants or their nests are present. When combining liquid Bifen I/T treatments with bait treatments, use Bifen I/T as instructed above and
apply baits in those areas where Bifen I/T has not been applied.
Carpenter Ants Outdoors: Treat carpenter ant nests for best results. Treat areas where carpenter ants are seen or are believed to forage,
such as ant trails, and around doors and windows. As stated in the “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings” section, treat
using a low or high volume perimeter treatment. When treating concrete surfaces, more frequent treatments, higher dilutions and/or application
volumes may be needed for carpenter ant control. The following procedures must be followed to help achieve maximum control of the pest:
1. Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and apply at a rate of up to 10 gallons of dilution per 1,000 square feet to obtain residual control.
2. Vegetation and porous surfaces should be treated with high volume applications using dilutions that are calculated to deliver 0.5 to 1.0 fluid
oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (refer to the Ornamental and Perimeter Application Dilution Charts).
3. Treat non-porous surfaces with low volume applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying this dilution at
the rate of one gallon per 1,000 square feet.
4. Use 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water on tree trunks with carpenter ant trails or evidence of foraging. Apply to the bark,
completely wetting it from the bottom of the tree to the highest possible point on the trunk.
To control carpenter ants inside deck materials, fencing, trees, utility poles or other structural elements, drill to find the inside infested cavity and
inject or foam a 0.06% dilution (1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water) into the cavity with adequate volume and a proper treatment tool with
a splash-back guard. Where there are ants tunneling below the surfaces, dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying as
a drench or foam at intervals of 8 to 12 inches. A uniform barrier should be established where there are ants tunneling below surfaces such as,
at the edges of walls, driveways or other hard surfaces.
Use a sprinkling can or a hose-end sprayer to distribute a coarse drenching spray, apply a 0.06% dilution to stored lumber and wood piles. This
wood may be used for lumber or may be burned after 30 days. Do not use this method of application in structures.
Diluting 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying to the soil below where the firewood will be stacked at the rate of one gallon of dilution
per 8 square feet will protect the wood from carpenter ants.
DO NOT treat firewood with this product.
Controlling Termites (Above Ground Only)
The treatment methods that are expressed below are intended to kill termite workers or winged reproductives present at the time of application.
These methods should supplement, not substitute for, mechanical alteration, soil treatment or foundation treatment.
Controlling winged reproductive termites and exposed workers in localized areas may be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per
gallon of water and applying the dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1000 square feet to crawl spaces, unfinished basements, attics, and other
crawl spaces as a course fan spray. Both swarming termites and the areas where they gather should be treated.
Controlling above-ground termites in localized areas of infested wood may be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water
and applying as a foam or a liquid to voids and galleries in wood that is damaged in addition to spaces between wooden structural members
and between the foundation and sill plate where the wood is at risk of to attack. Drilling and then injecting the foam or dilution into damaged
wood or wall voids with an appropriate directional injector will help reach those areas that are not easy to access. After treatment is completed,
securely plug the holes that are in regularly occupied areas in the construction elements.
Controlling termite carton nests in building voids can be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying as a
foam or a liquid using a pointed projection tool. To obtain control, various depths of injection and numerous injection points may be needed. After
treatment is complete and when feasible, remove the carton nest material from the building void.
Pests Under Slabs
To control infestations of Arthropods (e.g., ants, cockroaches, and scorpions) that live beneath the slab area, drill or horizontally rod and inject 1
gallon of a 0.06% to 0.12% dilution per 10 square feet or 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet.
Posts, Poles, and Other Constructions
Around wooden constructions (signs, fences, and landscape ornamentation) an insecticidal barrier can be established by treating with a 0.06%
dilution. Sub-surface injection and gravity-flow through holes in the bottom of the trench, are two treatment methods that can be used on poles
and posts that have already been installed. Establishing a complete chemical zone around the pole can be accomplished by treating on all sides.
For poles and posts that are fewer than 6 inches in diameter use 1 gallon of dilution per foot of depth and 1.5 gallons for larger poles, applying
under the wood to a depth of 6 inches. 4 gallons per 10 linear feet per foot of depth should be used for larger constructions.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects in Wood (Localized Areas in Structures)
Insects Application Rate Remarks
Termites Apply a 0.06% dilution -Can be applied as a paint or fan spray.
Ants to voids and galleries -Place plastic sheeting under overhead areas that are spot treated except for soil
Carpenter Ants in damaged wood and surfaces in crawl spaces.
Wood-infesting beetles in spaces between -Areas to which access is difficult can be treated by drilling, and then injecting
(including but not wooden members of a dilution with a crack and crevice injector into the damaged wood or void spaces.
limited to Old House structure and between (Not intended as a replacement for soil treatment, mechanical alteration or
Borer & Powder Post) wood and foundations fumigation to control widespread infestation of wood-infesting insects.
where wood is at risk.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects and Nuisance Pests (Outside of Structures)
In order to control wood-infesting insects active inside trees, utility poles and/or fences, a 0.06% dilution should be injected into the infested
cavity, which can be found by drilling into the wood. If treating nuisance pests on the exterior of the structure, use a fan spray at a maximum
pressure of 25 p.s.i. and apply up to the point of runoff. To control Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow-Jackets, direct the spray at nest openings
in the ground, bushes, and in cracks and crevices, where the insects may nest. Saturate the openings and contact as many insects as possible.
Underground Services (e.g. cables, conduits, pipes, utility lines, wires, etc.) may be in right-of-ways, inside of structures or to guard long range
(miles) of installations of services.
Treat the soil using a 0.06 to 0.12% Bifen I/T dilution to prevent and control termite and ant infestations.
Treat the bottom of the trench with 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet and let it soak into the soil. Place the services on the treated soil and cover
with about 2 inches of fill soil. Apply another 2 gallons per 10 linear feet over the fill soil to complete the chemical barrier. Only threat the soil in the
area near the services in wide trenches, but ensure a continuous barrier of treated soil surrounding the services.
In the event that the soil will not accept the volume stated above, 1 gallon of 0.12% Bifen I/T may be applied per 10 linear feet of trench over the
soil that covers the services and to the base of the trench.
Fill the remainder of the trench with the treated fill soil. Where each service sticks out of the ground, the soil may be treated by trenching/rodding
no more than 1 to 2 gallons of dilution into the soil.
RESTRICTIONS: Do not treat electrically active underground services.
Read the entire direction for use, conditions of warranties and limitations of liability before using this product. If terms are not acceptable, return the
unopened product container at once. By using this product, user or buyer accepts the following CONDITIONS, DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES, and
CONDITIONS: The directions for use of this product are believed to be adequate and must be followed carefully. However, it is impossible to eliminate
all risk associated with the use of this product. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as
weather conditions, presence of other materials, or the manner of use or application, all of which are beyond the control of Control Solutions, Inc. All
such risks shall be assumed by the user or buyer.
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: To the extent consistent with applicable law, Control Solutions, Inc. makes no other warranties, express or implied, of
merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, that extend beyond the statements made on this label. No agent of Control Solutions,
Inc. is authorized to make any warranties beyond those contained herein or to modify the warranties contained herein. To the extent consistent with
applicable law, Control Solutions, Inc. disclaims any liability whatsoever for special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use or
handling of this product.
LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: To the extent consistent with applicable law, the exclusive remedy of the user or buyer for any and all losses, injuries or
damages resulting from the use or handling of this product, whether in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed
the purchase price paid or at Control Solutions, Inc election, the replacement of product.
Micro-injector is a registered trademark of Whitmire Micro-Gen Research Laboratories
Actisol is a registered trademark of Roussel-Uclaf
Control Solutions, Inc. is a member of the ADAMA Group
Insecticide /Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and other pests of structures. To control pests in and around such areas as homes,
commercial and industrial buildings, recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals. Controls pests in livestock and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms licensed by the state to apply termiticide products. States may have more restrictive
requirements regarding qualifications of persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory agency of your state prior to use of this product.
Bifenthrin*................................................................ 7.9% KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
OTHER INGREDIENTS:................................................92.1%
TOTAL...................................................................100.0% CAUTION
See inside booklet for additional precautionary statements
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon.
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum. EPA Reg. No. 53883-118 EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
Manufactured by:
Insecticide / Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
ants and other pests of structures. To control pests
in and around such areas as homes, commercial and CAUTION
Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a
industrial buildings, recreational areas, athletic fields,
alguien para que se la explique a usted en
lawns and ornamentals. Controls pests in livestock detalle. (If you do not understand the label,
and poultry houses. find someone to explain it to you in detail.)
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by Read the entire label before using this product.
individuals/firms licensed by the state to apply Use only according to label instructions.
termiticide products. States may have more restrictive Read the “LIMIT OF WARRANTY AND LIABILITY”
requirements regarding qualifications of persons using statement at the end of the label before
this product. Consult the pest control regulatory agency buying or using. If terms are not acceptable,
of your state prior to use of this product. return at once unopened.
EPA 060717
If swallowed • C all a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice.
• H ave person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.
• D o not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor.
• D o not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
If inhaled • Move person to fresh air.
• If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably by mouth-to-mouth if possible.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice.
If on skin or • T ake off contaminated clothing.
clothing • R inse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
If in eyes • H old eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water 15-20 minutes.
• R emove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact SafetyCall® (866) 897-8050 for emergency medical treatment information.
Note to Physician - This product is a pyrethroid. If large amounts have been ingested, the stomach and intestine should be evacuated. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive.
Digestible fats, oils, or alcohol may increase absorption and so should be avoided.
Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals
CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing spray mist. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after
handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
All pesticide handlers (mixers, loaders, and applicators) must wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks, shoes, and chemical-resistant gloves. After the product is diluted in accordance
with label directions for use, and/or when mixing and loading using a closed spray tank transfer system, or an in-line injector system, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, and waterproof gloves are
sufficient. In addition, all pesticide handlers must wear a respiratory protection device¹ when working in a non-ventilated space. All pesticide handlers must wear protective eyewear when
working in non-ventilated space or when applying termiticide by rodding or sub-slab injection.
¹Use one of the following: NIOSH approved respirator with any R, P or HE filter
or a NIOSH approved respirator with an organic vapor (OV) cartridge
or canister with any R, P, or HE pre-filter.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables exist, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
Environmental Hazards
This pesticide is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface
waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment
area. Rinsing application equipment over the treated area will help avoid run off to water bodies or drainage systems. Care should be used when spraying to avoid fish and reptile pets
in/around ornamental ponds.
This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow to drift to blooming crops if bees are foraging the treatment area.
Do not discharge effluent containing this product into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans, or other public waters unless in accordance with the requirements of a National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and the permitting authority has been notified in writing prior to discharge. Do not discharge effluent containing this product to sewer systems
without previously notifying the local sewage plant authority. For guidance contact your State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA.
Physical and Chemical Hazards
Do not apply water-based dilutions of Bifen I/T to electrical conduits, motor housings, junction boxes, switch boxes or other electrical equipment because of possible shock hazard.
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
• Do not apply a broadcast application to interior surfaces of homes.
• Do not apply by air.
• Do not apply in greenhouses, nurseries.
• Do not apply this product through any kind of irrigation system.
• Not for use on sod farm turf, golf course turf, or grass grown for seed.
• Do not apply to pets, crops, or sources of electricity.
• Firewood is not to be treated.
• Use only in well-ventilated areas.
• During any application to overhead areas of structure, cover surface below with plastic sheeting or similar material except for soil surfaces in crawlspaces.
• Do not allow spray to contact food, foodstuffs, food-contacting surfaces or food utensils or water supplies.
• Thoroughly wash dishes and food handling utensils with soap and water if they become contaminated by application of this product.
• Do not treat areas where food is exposed.
• During indoor surface applications do not allow dripping or runoff to occur.
• Do not allow contact with treated surfaces by people or pets before spray has dried.
• Bifen I/T will not discolor or otherwise harm surfaces that water alone will not discolor or otherwise harm.
• Do not apply this product in patient rooms or in any rooms while occupied by the elderly or infirm.
• Do not apply Bifen I/T in classrooms, libraries, sports venues, or other institutional facilities when they are occupied.
• Bifen I/T may be applied with low-volume application equipment, including Actisol® and Micro-Injector®, for general surface, spot, crack and crevice, and deep harborage treatments.
• Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes. For use on plants intended only for aesthetic purposes
or climactic modifications and being grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or lawns and grounds.
Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the
product to enter any drain during or after application.
Additional Application Restrictions for Residential Outdoor Surface and Space Sprays:
All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or crack and crevice treatments only, except for the following permitted uses:
1. Applications to soil or vegetation around structure;
2. Applications to lawns, turf, and other vegetation;
3. Applications to building foundations, up to a maximum height of 3 feet above grade;
4. Applications to underside of eaves, soffits, doors, or windows permanently protected from rainfall by a covering, overhang, awning or other structure;
5. Applications around potential pest entry points into buildings, when limited to a surface band not to exceed one inch in width;
6. Applications made through the use of a coarse, low pressure spray to only those portions of surfaces that are directly above bare soil, lawn, turf, mulch or other vegetation, as listed on
this label, and not over an impervious surface, drainage or other condition that could result in runoff into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters, or surface waters, in order to control
occasional invaders or aggregating pests.
Other than applications to building foundations, all outdoor applications to impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches and structural surfaces (such as windows,
doors, and eaves) are limited to spot and crack and crevice applications, only.
When treating adjacent to an existing structure, the applicator must check the area to be treated, and immediately adjacent areas of the structure, for visible and accessible cracks and holes
to prevent any leaks or significant exposures to persons occupying the structure. People present or residing in the structure during application must be advised to remove their pets and
themselves from the structure if they see any signs of leakage. After application, the applicator is required to check for leaks. All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in locations
other than those prescribed on this label must be cleaned up prior to leaving the applications site. Do not allow people or pets to contact contaminated areas or to reoccupy contaminated
areas of the structure until the clean-up is completed.
Some insects are known to develop resistance to products used repeatedly for control. Because the development of resistance cannot be predicted, the use of this product should conform
to resistance management strategies established for the use area. Consult your local or state pest management authorities for details.
If resistance to this product develops in your area, this product, or other products with a similar mode of action, may not provide adequate control. If poor performance cannot be attributed
to improper application or extreme weather conditions, a resistant strain of insect may be present. If you experience difficulty with control and suspect that resistance is a reasonable cause,
immediately consult your local company representative or pest management advisor for the best alternative method of control for your area.
Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes. For use on plants intended only for aesthetic purposes
or climatic modifications and being grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or lawn and grounds. Only use this product on plants being grown for aesthetic or climatic
purposes and in interior and exterior sites, such as, gardens, parks, lawns, and grounds, and other ornamental sites. Do not use on vegetation intended for sale or other commercial uses.
Do not use on plants grown for seed production or research purposes.
Using this product in and around structures and building construction will prevent and control termite infestations.
To institute a barrier between the wood and the termites in the soil, the chemical emulsion must be effectively dispersed in the soil. It is important to remove unnecessary materials that contain
cellulose and wood from around foundation walls, crawl spaces (inside of structure), and porches, and fix damaged plumbing and construction grade in order to deny termite access to moisture.
To use this product effectively, it is important that the service technician be familiar with current control practices including trenching, rodding, subslab injection, low-pressure spray
applications, coarse fan spraying of soil surfaces, crack and crevice (void) injection, excavated soil treatment and brush and spray applications to infested or susceptible wood. Using
these techniques correctly is essential to prevent or control infestations by subterranean termite species of genera Reticulitermes, Zootermopsis, Coptotermes and Heterotermes. When
determining what procedures to follow, the service technician should consider certain variables. Some of the variables to consider are species biology and behavior, structure design,
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, water table, soil type and compaction, grade conditions, and the location and type of domestic water supplies and utilities.
For information concerning the most up to date control practices in a given region or locale, consult the local resources for structural pest control, state cooperative extensions or regulatory agencies.
Applications Instructions
Bifen I/T controls a wide range of listed pests on flowers, foliage plants, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, shrubs, and ornamental trees, in interior and exterior plantscapes, such as those in
hotels, office buildings, shopping malls, etc., and around athletic fields, homes, institutional buildings, parks, and recreational areas. Non-bearing fruit and nut trees are those that will not
produce a harvestable crop during the season of application.
Bifen I/T can be tank-mixed with insect growth regulators and other pesticides. Observe all precautions and Directions for Use for each product. Physical compatibility may vary with
different combinations of products, so prepare a small scale (pint or quart jar) test sample for any combination not tested previously. Use proper proportions in the small scale test to
achieve the correct result.
Unless otherwise noted in the label instructions, use the procedure below for preparation of a new tank mix:
1. Add wettable powders to tank water.
2. Mix well
3. Add liquids and flowables
4. Mix well
5. Add emulsifiable concentrates
6. Mix well
Try reversing the order of addition or increasing the amount of water if the combination is not compatible using the above order. NOTE: After increasing the amount of water, if the mixture
is found to be compatible, it is necessary to recalibrate the sprayer for a higher volume application. Do not allow mixture to stand overnight.
Formula for Determining the Active Ingredient Content of the Finished Emulsion
(7.9)(Fl. Oz. of Bifen I/T added to tank) = % Active Ingredient in emulsion
(Gallons of finished spray mix)(128)
Subterranean Termite Control – Use Directions
Important: Observe the following restrictions to avoid contamination of public and private water supplies:
• U se anti-backflow equipment and procedures to prevent insecticide from being siphoned into water supplies.
• D o not contaminate cisterns, wells, or other water tanks by treating the soil beneath these structures.
• Do not treat soil where runoff may occur.
• D o not treat soil water-saturated or frozen soil.
• C onsult local and state specifications for recommended treatment practices in your area.
• If local or state specifications do not exist, consult the Federal Housing Administration (H.U.D.) guidance documents.
Note: For the purposes of this label, crawl spaces are defined as being inside of the structure.
Critical Areas: Points at which the foundation is penetrated or abuts another structure are Critical Areas. These include bath traps, cracks and expansion joints, utility entry points, and
adjacent structures such as patios, slab additions, and stairs.
Structures with Wells/ Cisterns Inside Foundations
Structures that contain wells or cisterns within the foundation of a structure can only be treated using the following techniques:
1. Do not treat soil while it is beneath or within the foundation or along the exterior perimeter of a structure that contains a well or cistern. The treated backfill method must be used if soil
is removed and treated outside/away from the foundation. The treated backfill technique is described as follows:
a) Trench and remove soil to be treated onto heavy plastic sheeting or similar material or into a wheelbarrow.
b) Treat the soil at the rate of 4 gallons of dilute emulsion per 10 linear feet per foot of depth of the trench, or 1 gallon per 1.0 cubic feet of soil. See “Mixing Directions” section of this
label. Mix thoroughly into the soil taking care to contain the liquid and prevent runoff or spillage.
c) After the treated soil has absorbed the diluted emulsion, replace the soil into the trench.
2. Treat infested and/or damaged wood in place using an injection technique such as described in the “Control of Wood Infesting Insects in Wood” section of this label.
Structures with Adjacent Wells/ Cisterns and/or Other Water Bodies
Applicators must inspect all structures with nearby water sources such as wells, cisterns, surface ponds, streams, and other bodies of water and evaluate, at a minimum, the treatment
recommendations listed below prior to making an application.
1. Prior to treatment, if feasible, expose the water pipe(s) coming from the well to the structure, if the pipe(s) enter the structure within 3 feet of grade.
2. Prior to treatment, applicators are advised to take precautions to limit the risk of applying the termiticide into subsurface drains that could empty into any bodies of water. These
precautions include evaluating whether application of the termiticide to the top of the footer may result in contamination of the subsurface drain. Factors such as depth to the drain
system and soil type and degree of compaction should be taken into account in determining the depth of the treatment.
3. When appropriate (i.e., on the water side of the structure), the treated backfill technique (described above) can also be used to minimize off-site movement of termiticide.
Before these techniques are used close to cisterns, wells, or other bodies of water, seek advice from local, state, or federal agencies for information on treatment practices that are accepted
in your area.
Application Rate: Use a 0.06% emulsion for subterranean termites. For other pests on the label use specific listed rates.
Mixing Directions: Mix the termiticide use dilution in the following manner: Fill tank 1/4 to 1/3 full. Start pump to begin by-pass agitation and place end of treating tool in tank to allow
circulation through hose. Add appropriate amount of Bifen I/T. Add remaining amount of water. Let pump run and allow recirculation through the hose for 2 to 3 minutes.
Bifen I/T may also be combined into full tanks of water. If combined into full tanks of water, allow sufficient time for agitation and/or recirculation to ensure consistency of the dilution.
To prepare a 0.06% water emulsion, ready to use, dilute 3 quarts of Bifen I/T with 99.25 gallons of water.
Mixing: Using the chart below, determine the volume of Bifen I/T and water required to produce the desired volume of finished emulsion.
For applications made after the final grade is installed, the applicator must trench and rod into the trench or trench along the foundation walls and around pillars and other foundation
elements, at the rate prescribed from grade to the top of the footing. When the footing is more than four (4) feet below grade, the applicator must trench and rod into the trench or trench
along the foundation walls at the rate prescribed to a minimum depth of four feet. The actual depth of treatment will vary depending on soil type, degree of compaction, and location of
termite activity. When the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator must treat the soil adjacent to the footing to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the footing. However, in no case
should a structure be treated below the footing.
Masonry Voids
Drill and treat voids in multiple masonry elements of the structure extending from the structure to the soil in order to create a continuous treatment barrier in the area to be treated. Apply
at a rate of 2 gallons of emulsion per 10 linear feet of footing, using a nozzle pressure of less than 25 p.s.i. When using this treatment, access holes must be drilled below the sill plate and
should be as close as possible to the footing as is practical. Treatment of voids in block or rubble foundation walls must be closely examined: Applicators must inspect areas of possible
runoff as a precaution against application leakage in the treated areas. Some areas may not be treatable or may require mechanical alteration prior to treatment.
All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in locations other than those prescribed on this label must be cleaned up prior to leaving the application site. Do not allow people or pets
to contact contaminated areas or to reoccupy the contaminated areas of the structure until the clean-up is completed.
NOTE: When treating behind veneer structures (walls, etc.) take proper care to not drill beyond the veneer. If concrete blocks exist behind the veneer, both can be drilled and treated
Bifen I/T may not be used in voids insulated with rigid foam insulation.
Create vertical barriers by trenching and rodding into the trench or trenching outside at a rate of 4 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth and by sub-slab injection within
the structure. Ensure an even distribution of chemical. Applications must not be made below the bottom of the footing.
Apply beside the outside of the foundation and under the slab on the inside of foundation walls, where needed. Treatment of slabs may also be necessary under and beside both sides
of any interior footing-supported walls, in all cracks and expansion joints, and beside one side of interior partitions. By long-rodding or grid pattern injection vertically through the slab,
horizontal barriers may be created where necessary.
a. To permit the creation of an uninterrupted insecticidal barrier, drill holes in the foundation and/or slab.
b. For foundations that are less than or equal to 1 foot, dig a narrow trench about 6 inches wide beside the outside of the foundation walls. Do not dig beneath the bottom of the footing.
As the soil is placed back into the trench, apply 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth to the trench and soil.
c. Follow the rates stated above for basements for foundations that are deeper than 1 foot.
d. A 0.06% dilution may be used to treat soil that is exposed and wood in bath traps.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited unless there is clear evidence that reinfestation or barrier disruption has occurred.
Food Handling Establishments
If used as a general spot, surface, or crack and crevice treatment, Bifen I/T may be applied in both food/feed and nonfood areas of food/feed handling establishments.
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent upon rate and surface treated.
Food/feed handling establishments are any place other than private residences where exposed food/feed is held, processed, prepared or served, including areas for receiving, storing,
packing (bottling, boxing, canning, wrapping), preparing, enclosed processing systems (dairies, edible oils, mills, syrups) of food and edible waste storage. Serving areas where food is
exposed and the facility is in operation are also considered food areas.
Nonfood areas in which applications are allowed include entries and vestibules, floor drains (to sewers), garages, garbage rooms, lavatories, locker rooms, machine rooms, mop closets,
offices, and storage (after canning or bottling).
Permitted use sites include, but are not limited to: aircraft (do not use in aircraft cabins), apartment buildings, bakeries, bottling facilities, breweries, buses, cafeterias, candy plants,
canneries, dairy product processing plants, food manufacturing plants, food processing plants, food service establishments, granaries, grain mills, hospitals, hotels, industrial buildings,
laboratories, meat/poultry/egg processing plants, mobile/motor homes, nursing homes offices, railcars, restaurants, schools, ships, trailers, trucks, vessels, warehouses† and wineries.
WAREHOUSES and GROCERY/PET STORES: Bifen I/T dilution may be applied as a surface, spot or crack and crevice treatment in food and nonfood storage warehouses and stores. Apply
to all areas that may harbor pests, including under and between pallets, bins, and shelves. Do not apply directly to food, grain bins (interior), or animals.
General Surface Application: Do not use this application method in food/feed handling establishments when the facility is in operation or foods/feeds are exposed.
During treatment, remove or cover all food processing and/or handling equipment and do not apply directly to food products. All equipment, benches, shelving and other surfaces in food
processing plants, bakeries, cafeterias and other facilities, which food will contact must be washed after treatment. Clean food handling equipment or processing equipment and rinse
completely with fresh, clean water.
Spot, Crack and Crevice Application: These types of treatments can be done when the facility is operating, but food must be covered or removed from the treatment area. Do not apply
directly to food.
Foam Applications: Converting Bifen I/T to foam will allow it to be used to treat structural voids. To produce a 0.02% to 0.06% foam concentration, dilute 0.33 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per
gallon of water and add the manufacturer’s recommended amount of foaming agent. Before application, make sure that the foaming agent is compatible with Bifen I/T. Use of a foaming
agent increases a.i. surface contact time on challenging surfaces and provides visual marking of the application. Ensure that the foaming agent is approved for food surface/area contact use.
Indoor Uses
In the home, cover all food processing surfaces and utensils during treatment or thoroughly wash before reuse. Exposed food must be covered or removed. Do not permit humans or pets
to contact treated surfaces until the spray has dried.
During any overhead applications to overhead interior areas of structures, cover surfaces below with plastic sheeting or similar materials.
Wear protective clothing, unvented goggles, gloves and respirator, when applying to overhead areas or in poorly ventilated areas. Avoid touching sprayed surfaces until spray has completely dried.
Bifen I/T may be used to control ants, carpenter ants, bees, beetles, biting flies, boxelder bugs, , centipedes, cicadas, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, firebrats, fleas, flies, gnats, millipedes,
mosquitoes, moths, scorpions, silverfish, sowbugs (pillbugs), spiders (including Black Widow, Brown Recluse and Hobo Spiders), springtails, stink bugs, ticks (including Brown Dog Ticks),
Vinegar (Fruit) Flies, and wasps.
In structures and buildings and on modes of transportation, use a 0.02% to 0.06% suspension (0.33 to 1 fl. oz. per gallon of water) using a crack and crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse, low-
pressure spray (25 p.s.i. or less) or with a paint brush.
Indoor Treatments: Apply where pests hide. These areas include, but are not limited to, baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and
eaves, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, stoves, the underside of shelves, and drawers. Treat with a low pressure, coarse, crack and crevice or spot spray. Pay close
attention to cracks and crevices. See also “Foam Applications” in the Food Handling Establishments section. Not for use as a space spray.
Mixing Directions: See mixing directions in “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings” section.
To make a dilution for brush or spray treatments:
-Dilute Bifen I/T with water.
-Fill sprayer with the required amount of water.
-Add Bifen I/T.
-To ensure proper mixing, close sprayer and shake before use.
-Only mix the amount of solution that is necessary for treatment.
In order to achieve and/or maintain control in times of high pest pressure, retreatment may be needed.
Repeat application should only take place if there are signs of renewed insect activity and must not exceed one application per 7 days.
Ants: Apply to any ant trails, around doors and windows and other places that ants frequent.
Bedbugs: Thorough application should be made to crack and crevices where evidence of bed bugs occurs. Areas of application include bed frames, box springs, inside empty dressers
and clothes closets and carpet edges, high and low wall moldings and wallpaper edges. Do not use this product on bed linens, pillows, mattresses or clothes. Remove all clothes and other
articles from dressers or clothes closets before application. Allow all treated areas to thoroughly dry before use. Bifen I/T is not recommended for use as sole protection against bedbugs.
If evidence of bedbugs is found in or on mattresses, use products approved for this use.
Use a 0.03% or 0.06% dilution (0.5 to 1 fluid oz. per gallon of water) for residual pest control in buildings and structures and on modes of transport. Apply either as a crack and crevice,
pinstream, spot, coarse, low pressure spray (25 psi or less) or with a paint brush. Use the higher rate of application (0.06%) on painted and non-porous surfaces.
Bees and Wasps: Apply to nests in late evening when these pests are at rest. Spray nests, entrances to nests and surrounding areas thoroughly. Contact as many insects as possible.
Retreat if signs of renewed activity exist. Spray liberally into hiding and breeding places, especially under attic rafters, contacting as many insects as possible.
Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Cicadas, Earwigs, Beetles, Millipedes, Pillbugs, Sowbugs, Springtails, and Stink Bugs: Treat near doors and windows, storage areas, baseboards and
other sites where these pests may be found.
Cockroaches, Crickets, Firebrats, Flies, Gnats, Moths, Mosquitoes, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, and Ticks: Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies.
Length of residual control is dependent upon rate and surface treated. Use a coarse low- pressure, crack and crevice or spot spray, paying close attention to cracks and crevices. Treat where
pests hide. These areas include, attics and eaves, baseboards, closets, corners, storage areas, around water pipes, doors and windows, behind and under cabinets, furnaces, refrigerators,
sinks, stoves, and the underside of shelves and drawers.
Fleas: Bifen I/T will kill fleas for up to 3 months. Vacuum prior to treatment. Apply as a coarse, low pressure spot or crack and crevice treatment to areas frequented by pets, such as under
bedding, rugs, next to furniture. Do not apply Bifen I/T dilution directly to pets. Treatment must be dry before pet re-entry.
Spider Mites: Treat houseplants thoroughly but do not allow run off to occur. Ensure the underside of leaves is treated.
Stored Product Pests (Including Indian Meal Moths, Rice Moths, Tobacco Moths, Flour Beetles, Lesser Grain Borers, Merchant Grain Beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles,
Grain Weevils, Warehouse Beetles, Cigarette Beetles, and Dermestid Beetles, Psocids, and other similar pests: Inspect to locate and remove infested food sources, remove or
cover any food items or food serving dishes or utensils prior to treatment. Apply Bifen I/T using a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution as a coarse, low pressure spray to areas where these pests hide.
Treatment areas include baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and eaves, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces,
and stoves, the underside of shelves, drawers and similar areas. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices. Do not apply directly to food.
Livestock and Poultry Housing Structures
Controls pests of poultry and livestock facilities, including biting flies, filth-breeding flies, fleas, litter beetles, hide beetles, bed bugs, mites and ticks. Apply as a general surface (including
directed spray) and/or crack and crevice treatment. Control is enhanced when interior and exterior perimeter applications are made in and around the livestock or poultry housing
structures. Normal cleaning practices of the structure also must be followed along with applications of Bifen I/T to effectively control crawling and flying insect pests.
For occupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities, apply to indoor cracks and crevices only. Exterior applications to walls and foundation perimeters can help prevent interior infestations
of flying and crawling insect pests. Apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
For unoccupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities, apply to floors, vertical and overhead surfaces where crawling or flying insect pests may be present. Feeders, waterers and feed
carts must be covered before application to prevent contamination. Do not apply to milk rooms. Pay attention to animal areas including stanchions, pipes, windows, doors and areas where
insect pests hide or congregate. Exterior applications to walls and foundation perimeters can help prevent interior infestations of flying and crawling insect pests. Apply Bifen I/T at a rate
equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
To control bed bugs, mites and ticks in animal facilities, treat cracks/crevices, walls, posts, nest boxes and mobile side curtains. Do not apply Bifen I/T directly to animals.
For adult fly control in and around animal facilities, spray application should target areas where flies will rest, such as the ceiling, rafters and trusses. Also treat windows, interior and exterior
walls and supports, fences and vegetation. Bifen I/T suspension may be sprayed on manure in areas where fly larvae are abundant and the area cannot be cleaned.
For poultry houses, apply to floor area (birds grown on litter) or to walls, posts and cage framing (birds grown in cages). Application should also be made into cracks and crevices around
insulation. Reapply after each growout or de-caking and sanitization procedure, but not more frequently than every 8 weeks. Indoor control can be enhanced by making perimeter
treatments around the outside of building foundations to prevent immigrating adult beetles. Apply in a uniform band 2 to 3 feet up and 6 to 10 feet out from the structure. Maintaining a
year-round treatment program will prevent background populations from reaching problem levels.
To control beetles in houses containing birds grown on litter apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet to litter after birds are removed and during tilling. If litter
is removed and replaced with fresh litter, apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1, 000 sq. feet to bare soil or concrete, and treat new litter after it is spread. Apply spray
to inside walls, posts and exterior perimeter. Reapply between each flock.
To control beetles in broiler-breeder houses, apply as directed above for litter and soil/floor treatment.
To control beetles in caged-layer houses, do not treat accumulated manure as it will likely disrupt natural enemies that control fly breeding. Instead, treat the perimeter of the manure at a
rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz of Bifen I/T per 1,000 sq. feet. Pit walls, posts and exterior of structure should also be sprayed. Reapply between each flock.
Allow Bifen I/T treatment to dry before applying disinfectants.
Insecticide Class Rotations: In order to avoid problems with developed resistance to insecticides it is important to rotate to an insecticide of a different class each 2-3 flocks. It is best to
attempt to use 3 different classes of insecticides during a calendar year.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T as a general surface spray when animals are present in the facility. Allow applications to dry before restocking the facility. Treatment may be made to cracks and
crevices when animals are present.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T to any animal feed, water or watering equipment.
DO NOT contaminate any animal feed, food or water in and around livestock or poultry housing when making applications.
Use Bifen I/T as a broadcast treatment. To accomplish uniform control when applying to dense grass foliage, use volumes of up to 10 gallons per 1000 square feet.
To ensure control of sub-surface pests including Mole Crickets using low volume treatments, (i.e. less than 2 gallons per 1000 square feet), immediately follow the treatment with irrigation
of the treated area with at least 0.25 inches of water.
Lawn Application Rates
Under typical conditions, the application rates shown in the table below will provide control of the listed pests. Bifen I/T may, however, be applied at up to 1 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet at
the discretion of the applicator. Maximum residual control requires the higher treatment rates.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Armyworms¹ 0.18 - 0.25
Cutworms¹ fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Sod Webworm¹
Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes)(Adult)² 0.25 - 0.5
Banks Grass Mite6 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Billbugs (Adult)³
Black Turfgrass Ataenius Adult4
Fleas (Adult)
Crane Flies 12 0.5 fl oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Ants 0.5 - 1.0
Chinch Bugs5 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Fleas (Larvae)7
Imported Fire Ants8
Japanese Beetle (Adult)
Mole Cricket (Adult)9
Mole Cricket (Nymph)10
Stink Bugs
In New York State, this product may not be applied to any grass or turf area within 100 feet of a water body (lake, pond, river, stream, wetland, or drainage ditch).
In New York State, do make a single repeat application of Bifen I/T if there are signs of renewed insect activity, but not sooner than two weeks after the first application.
¹Armyworms, Cutworms, and Sod Webworms: Postpone irrigation or mowing for 24 hours after application to obtain the best possible control. Higher treatment rates (up to 1 fluid oz.
per 1000 square feet) may be necessary if high pest pressure exists and if the grass is maintained taller than 1 inch.
²Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes) adults: Treatment of this species should be timed as they travel into grass areas and away from their overwintering sites. Travel usually begins
when Forsythia is in full bloom and ends when Cornus florida (flowering dogwood) is in full bloom. For additional detailed information regarding treatment timing, check with your State
Cooperative Extension Service.
³Billbug adults: Treatment of adult billbugs should be made when they are first noticed in April and May. To optimize treatment timing, degree day models have been developed. For detailed
information particular to your region, check with your State Cooperative Extension Service. Spring treatments for billbug adults will also offer control of over-wintered chinch bugs in temperate climates.
Black Turfgrass Ataenius adults: In order to control the 1st and 2nd generation of black turfgrass ataenuis adults, respectively, treatments should take place in May and July. Time the
May treatment to match with the full bloom stage of Vanhoutte spiraea (Spiraea vanhoutte) and horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). Time the July treatment to match with the
blooming Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).
Chinch Bugs: Mostly found in the thatch layer, chinch bugs infest the base of grass plants. In order to optimize the penetration of the insecticide to location of the chinch bugs, irrigation
of the grass prior to treatment may be necessary. If grass is being kept at a long mowing height or if the thatch layer is excessive, use higher volume treatments. It may be necessary to
use higher application rates (up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) to control populations made up of both adults and nymphs in mid-summer.
Mites: Apply Bifen I/T in combination with a labeled rate of a surfactant to achieve optimal control of eriophyid mites. A second application may be needed 5 to 7 days after the first to
ensure optimal control.
Flea larvae: Immature fleas mature in shaded areas accessible to pets or other animals. When treating these areas use a higher volume treatment so that the insecticide penetrates into
the soil. NOTE: If adult fleas on lawn areas are being controlled by applying Bifen I/T at a rate of 0.25 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet, then the rate of larval application can be accomplished
by two- to four-fold increase in spray volume.
Imported Fire Ants: The best control will be achieved by using broadcast treatments in combination with mound drenches. This will control present colonies along with foraging workers and
newly mated fly-in queens. It is critical either to use high volume treatments or to irrigate prior to application if the soil is dry. Apply 1 fl. oz. per 1,000 square feet when using broadcast treatments.
For mound drenches, dilute 1 teaspoon of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and use 1 to 2 gallons of finished dilution using sufficient force to penetrate the top and allow dilution to flood ant channels.
Treat a four-foot diameter around each ant mound. Application should be made in late evening or early morning when it is cooler (65° - 80° when insects are most active. NOTE: A spray rig calibrated
to apply 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet of Bifen I/T in 5 gallons per 1,000 square feet contains the equivalent dilution (1 teaspoon per gallon) required for fire ant mound drenches in the spray tank.
Mole Cricket adults: Since the preferred grass areas are subject to constant invasion in early spring by the active adult stage, it is can be difficult maintain control of adult mole crickets.
It is ideal to treat the areas as late in the day as possible and water immediately after application with up to 0.5 inches of water. To ensure maximum contact when soil is dry, it is necessary
to irrigate prior to treatment to bring the adult mole crickets closer to the soil surface. To obtain optimal control of potential nymphal populations, the grass areas preferred by adult mole
crickets should be treated at immediately prior to peak hatch stage. (See note 10 below).
Mole Cricket nymphs: Treat grass areas that are preferred by adult mole crickets in the spring just before peak egg hatch. Young nymphs are more vulnerable to insecticidal treatment at
this stage because they are close to the soil surface where the insecticide is most concentrated and thereby providing the most efficient control. For larger more damaging nymphal stages
later in the year, it may be necessary to use higher application rates more frequent. It is ideal to treat the areas as late in the day as possible and water immediately after application with
up to 0.5 inches of water. To ensure maximum contact when soil is dry, it is necessary to irrigate prior to treatment to bring the adult mole crickets closer to the soil surface.
Ticks (including ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever): Make application to the entire area where contact with ticks may occur. Do not make
spot treatments. When applying to areas with heavy leaf litter or dense ground cover use higher spray volumes. To attain and/or sustain control in times of high pest pressure, retreatments
may be necessary; retreat only if signs of continued or renewed tick activity are present. Repeat treatments must not be made more often than once per 7 days. Deer ticks (ixodes sp.)
have a four-stage life cycle spanning 2 years. Treat in late fall and/or early spring to both larval and nymphal stages present in leaf litter and the soil, and adults living in the grass and
low-lying vegetation above ground. American dog ticks invade suburban settings in areas where residences and dwellings are constructed on former fields or wooded areas. These pests
normally gather by paths or roadways where they are likely to find a host. To control tick larvae, nymphs and adults, treatments should take place, as needed, from mid spring to early fall.
Crane Flies: Treatments can be made to control early to mid-season larvae (approximately August-February) as they feed on plant crowns. Treatments made to late-season larvae
(approximately March, April) may only provide suppression.
Bifen I/T Lawn Dilution Chart
Application Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished
Volume: Spray
Gallons Per 1,000 Fluid Ounces per 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
Sq. Ft. 1,000 Sq. Ft.
1.0 0.18 0.18 0.90 1.8 18.0
1.0 0.25 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
1.0 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2.0 0.18 - 0.45 0.90 9.0
2.0 0.25 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
2.0 0.5 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
2.0 1.0 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
3.0 0.18 - 0.30 0.60 6.0
3.0 0.25 - 0.42 0.83 8.3
3.0 0.5 0.17 0.83 1.67 16.7
3.0 1.0 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
4.0 0.18 - 0.23 0.45 4.5
4.0 0.25 - 0.31 0.63 6.3
4.0 0.5 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
4.0 1.0 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
5.0 0.18 - 0.18 0.36 3.6
5.0 0.25 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
5.0 0.5 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
5.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 2.0 20.0
10.0 0.18 - - 0.18 1.8
10.0 0.25 - 0.13 0.25 2.5
10.0 0.5 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
10.0 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
*To convert to millimeters, multiply by 29.57
1 fluid ounce = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Ornamentals and Trees
Treat with 0.125 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet or 5.4 to 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons for ornamental applications. As long as the highest label rate (1.0 fl. oz. per 1000 square
feet or 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons) is not exceeded, Bifen I/T can be diluted and used in different volumes of water. If diluted with water or other carriers, low volume equipment can be
used for application as long as the highest label rate (1.0 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet or 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons) is not exceeded.
Treat as a full coverage foliar spray using the stated application rate. If pest pressure and density of foliage increases, repeat treatments using higher rates may be needed to reach the
desired control. Repeat treatments must not be made more often than once per 7 days.
Before application to entire planting, test treat a small number of plants and watch for signs of sensitivity. Some plant species may be sensitive to the final spray solution.
To avoid or delay pest resistance, it is recommended to use an alternate class of pesticide in any application program.
Bifen I/T Ornamental Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Gallons Per Application Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these
Rate: Fl. Oz. Volumes of Finished Spray
1,000 sq. ft. Acre 1,000 sq. ft. 1 gallons 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
2.3 100 0.125 - 0.27 0.54 5.4
2.3 100 0.25 0.11 0.54 1.08 10.8
2.3 100 0.5 0.22 1.09 2.17 21.7
2.3 100 1.0 0.44 2.17 4.35 43.5
4.6 200 0.125 - 0.14 0.27 2.7
4.6 200 0.25 - 0.27 0.54 5.4
4.6 200 0.5 0.11 0.54 1.09 10.9
4.6 200 1.0 0.22 1.09 2.17 21.7
6.9 300 0.125 - - 0.18 1.8
6.9 300 0.25 - 0.18 0.36 3.6
6.9 300 0.5 - 0.36 0.72 7.2
6.9 300 1.0 0.15 0.72 1.45 14.5
*To convert to millimeters, multiply by 29.57
300 gallons per acre is a typical application volume for landscape ornamental applications.
1 fluid ounce = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Calculating Dilution Rates using the Ornamental Application Rates Table and the Bifen I/T Ornamental Dilution Chart: To determine the proper dilution of Bifen I/T that is
required to control specific pests, follow the steps below:
1. Determine the target pest that is the least susceptible (i.e., the pest that requires the highest application rate for effective control).
2. Choose a treatment rate in terms of fl. oz. of Bifen I/T.
3. Determine the dilution volume necessary for the treatment.
4. Use the proper amount of Bifen I/T that must be mixed in your preferred volume of water as shown in the Ornamental Dilution Chart.
As an example, if you were treating for Cutworms, the Ornamental Application Rates table shows that 0.125 – 0.25 fluid ounces of Bifen I/T should be applied per 1,000 square feet. Select
the application rate of 0.25 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet due to evidence of high pest pressure. The application volume is determined to be 300 gallons per acre, which is equivalent to 6.9
gallons per 1,000 square feet. The corresponding value in the Ornamental Dilution Chart shows that 0.36 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T must be mixed with 10 gallons of water.
Ornamental Application Rates
Under typical conditions, the application rates in the table below will offer optimal control of the listed pests, but Bifen I/T can be used at up to 1 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet (43.5 fl. oz. per
100 gallons) at the discretion of the applicator. When maximum residual control is preferred, higher listed treatment rates are necessary.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per 1,000 square ft. Fluid Ounces per 100 gallons
Bagworms1 0.125 - 0.25 5.4 - 10.8
Elm Leaf Beetles
Fall Webworms
Gypsy Moth Caterpillars
Lace Bugs
Leaf Feeding Caterpillars
Tent Caterpillars
Adelgids† 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Beet Armyworm
Beetles 2,†
Black Vine Weevil (Adults)
Brown Soft Scales
Broad Mites
California Red Scale (Crawlers)13 Centipedes
Citrus Thrips
Clover Mites
Diaprepes (Adults)
European Red Mite
Flea Beetles
Fungus Gnats (Adults)
Japanese Beetle (Adult)†
Orchid Weevil
Pine Needle Scales (Crawlers)2
Plant Bugs (Including Lygus spp.)
San Jose Scales (Crawlers)2
Spider Mites3
Spiders 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Tip Moths
Twig Borers2
Ants 0.5 - 1.0 21.7 - 43.5
Imported Fire Ants**
Pecan Leaf Scorch Mite
Pine Shoot Beetle (Adults)
Spider Mites3
Stink Bugs
Mosquitoes See directions for use in mosquito control in the section titled “Mosquito Control”
Bagworms: For optimum control treat when larvae have started to hatch and are young, directing spray to contact as many larvae as possible.
Beetles, Scale Crawlers, Twig Borers, and Weevils: Apply to plant foliage; also treat trunks, stems, and twigs.
Spider Mites: Apply during spring and mid-summer for most effective control of twospotted spider mites. During mid- to late-summer it may be necessary to make more frequent
treatments, possibly at higher rates suitable control. Control may be enhanced by adding a surfactant or horticultural oil or by combining Bifen I/T with other products registered to control
mites. Applications of Bifen I/T may be alternated with chemicals offering other modes of action delay or prevent control resistance by twospotted spider mites. For recommendations on
resistance management in your region check with your local Cooperative Extension Service.
**For foraging ants.
Not for use in California.
Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings
Follow Additional Application Restrictions for Residential Outdoor Surface and Space Sprays under DIRECTIONS FOR USE.
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent upon rate and surface treated.
Applications to vertical exterior surfaces (e.g., foundations) are permitted to a maximum height of 3 feet from ground level. Sections of vertical exterior surfaces that abut non-porous
horizontal surfaces can only be treated if either 1) these sections are protected from rainfall and spray from sprinklers or 2) they do not drain into a sewer, storm drain, or curbside gutter
(e.g., not to sections that abut driveways or sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T may be used to control Ants, including Carpenter Ants and Fire Ants, Armyworms, Lady Beetles, Bees, Beetles†, Biting Flies, Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Cicadas,
Clover Mites, Crickets, Cutworms, Dichondra Flea Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Gnats, Grasshoppers, Hornets, Japanese Beetles†, Midges, Millipedes, Mosquitoes,
Moths, Roaches (including Cockroaches), Scorpions, Silverfish, Sod Webworms, Sowbugs (Pillbugs), Spider Mites, Spiders (including Black Widow, Brown Recluse and Hobo Spiders), Springtails,
Stink Bugs, Ticks (including Brown Dog Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies and Wasps.
†Not for use in California.
Use a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution to spray the outside surfaces of buildings such as private homes, duplexes, townhouses, condominiums, house trailers, apartment complexes, carports, garages,
fence lines, storage sheds, barns, and other residential and non-commercial structures. Sites of treatment include, but are not limited to, exterior siding, foundations, porches, window frames,
eaves, patios, garages, garbage areas, lawn areas, trunks of trees and shrubs and other areas where pests my be found. Use a spray volume of up to 10 gallons of emulsion per 1,000 square
feet. Use higher dilution volumes if vegetation or landscape materials are dense.
Mixing Directions
Suspension Bifen I/T per gallon of water Remarks
0.02% 0.33 fl. oz. -Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
-Use higher treatment rates for quicker knockdown or longer residual control.
0.06% 1.0 fl. oz. -High pest pressure may require subsequent applications.
-Repeat application only if there is evidence of renewed insect activity and not more than once per 7 days.
Perimeter Treatment: Treat a band of soil and vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide around and next to the structure and the foundation of the structure to a height of 2 to 3 feet. Use 0.33 to 1.0 fluid
oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet in enough water to provide sufficient coverage (refer to Perimeter Application Dilution Chart).
For sections of foundation that abut non-porous horizontal surfaces, the treated areas must be protected from rainfall and spray from sprinklers or they do not drain into a sewer, storm drain, or
curbside gutter (e.g. not to sections that abut driveways or sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T Perimeter Application Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished Spray
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces Per
1000 sq. ft. 1000 sq. ft. 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1 0.33 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
1 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1 0.67 0.67 3.33 6.67 66.7
1 0.75 0.75 3.75 7.5 75.0
1 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2 0.33 0.17 0.83 1.65 16.5
2 0.5 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
2 0.67 0.33 1.67 3.35 33.5
2 0.75 0.38 1.88 3.75 37.5
2 1.0 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
3 0.33 0.11 0.55 1.10 11.0
3 0.5 0.17 0.83 1.67 16.7
3 0.67 0.22 1.11 2.23 22.3
3 0.75 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
3 1.0 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
4 0.33 - 0.41 0.83 8.3
4 0.5 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
4 0.67 0.17 0.84 1.67 16.7
4 0.75 0.19 0.94 1.88 18.8
4 1.0 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
5 0.33 - 0.33 0.67 6.7
5 0.5 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
5 0.67 0.13 0.67 1.33 13.3
5 0.75 0.15 0.75 1.5 15.0
5 1.0 0.2 1.0 2.0 20.0
10 0.33 - 0.17 0.33 3.3
10 0.5 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
10 0.67 - 0.33 0.67 6.7
10 0.75 - 0.38 0.75 7.5
10 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
*To convert to milliliters, multiply by 29.57
1 fluid oz. = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Fire Ants and Fire Ant Mounds Outdoors: Control is optimized by combining broadcast applications that will control foraging workers and newly mated fly-in queens with mound drenches that
will control existing colonies. If the soil is dry, then it is important to irrigate before application or use a high volume application. Apply broadcast treatments at 0.6 to 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet.
Use enough finished volume to penetrate thatch or sod. Treat mounds by applying 1 oz Bifen I/T per mound in 1 to 2 gallons water by sprinkling the mound until it is wet and treat 3 feet out around
the mound. Use the higher volume for mounds larger than 12. Treat mounds with sufficient force to break their apex and allow the insecticide solution to flow into the ant tunnels. For best results,
apply in cool weather (65 - 80°F) or in early morning or late evening hours.
Mosquito Control
To control adult mosquitoes outdoors on residential, institutional, public, commercial and industrial buildings, and lawns, ornamentals, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields.
Apply Bifen I/T for mosquito control at an application rate of 0.33 to 1.0 fluid oz. Bifen I/T per gallon of water (0.07 to 0.22 lbs Bifenthrin/acre), and apply at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1,000
square feet as a general spray (refer to the Bifen I/T Dilution Chart). Use the high rate for residual control of mosquitoes. Use this product for control of mosquitoes that may potentially transmit
malaria, and arboviruses (West Nile Fever, dengue fever, Eastern equine encephalitis, and St. Louis encephalitis.)
Apply as a residual spray to outside spray to outside surfaces of buildings including but not limited to, exterior siding, foundations, porches, window frames, eaves, patios, garages, refuse dumps,
lawns such as grass areas adjacent to or along private homes, duplexes, townhouses, condominiums, house trailers, apartment complexes, carports, fence lines, storage sheds, barns, and other
commercial, residential and non commercial structures, soil, trunk of woody ornamentals, trees, shrubs, ground cover, bedding plants, foliage plants, flowers, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, urban
areas, parks, campsites, athletic fields, playgrounds, recreational and overgrown waste areas, roadsides and other areas where mosquitoes are found. May also be applied to non-bearing crops or
perennial crops that will not produce harvestable raw agricultural commodities during the season of application.
Use the high rate for heavy pest infestation, quicker knockdown, or longer residual control. Retreatment may be necessary to achieve and/or maintain control during periods of high pest pressure,
or if there are signs of renewed insect activity. For the lower use rates, repeat application must be limited to no more than once per seven days. For the high use rate of 1.0 fluid oz. Bifen I/T per
gallon of water, do not apply more than once per four weeks.
Apply with hand-held and back pack sprayers or mist blowers, ground sprayers, power sprayers, truck mounted hydraulic sprayers or mist blowers. Do not apply by air or with hand held or truck
mounted cold aerosol ULV sprayers and thermal fogging devices. For best results apply when the mosquitoes are most active. Application during the cooler hours of the night or early mornings ir
Do not apply more than 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (equivalent to 0.22 lbs. Bifenthrin/acre) per application.
Do not apply when wind speed exceeds 10 MPH.
Other Pest Control Applications
Controlling Ants Indoors and Outdoors
Pest Ants Indoors: Apply to ant nests for best results. Apply a dilution of 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1000 square feet to places where
ants have been seen or are believed to forage as a general surface, spot or crack and crevice treatment. Some of these areas include baseboards, cracks and crevices, in and behind cabinets, under
and behind dishwashers, furnaces, refrigerators, sinks and stoves, around pipes, and in corners. Pay close attention when treating entry points into the home or around windows and doors. When
combining liquid Bifen I/T treatments with bait treatments, use Bifen I/T as instructed above and apply baits in those areas where Bifen I/T has not been applied.
Pest Ants Outdoors: Apply to ant nests for best results. Treat ant trails, around windows and doors, and other places where ants have been seen or are likely to forage. As stated in the “Pest
Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings” section, treat using a low or high volume perimeter treatment depending on density of vegetation and landscaping materials. When treating
concrete surfaces, more frequent treatments, higher dilutions and/or application volumes may be needed for ant control.
The following procedures must be followed to help achieve maximum control of the pest:
1. Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying at a rate of up to 10 gallons of dilution per 1,000 square feet for maximum residual control.
2. Vegetation and porous surfaces should be treated with high volume applications using dilutions that are calculated to deliver 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (refer to the
Ornamental and Perimeter Application Dilution Charts).
3. Treat non-porous surfaces with low volume applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying this dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1,000 square feet.
Carpenter Ants Indoors: Treat areas where carpenter ants are seen or are predicted to forage, such as, baseboards, in and behind cabinets, under and behind dishwashers, furnaces, refrigerators,
sinks, and stoves, around pipes, cracks and crevices, and in corners by diluting 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1,000 square
feet as a general surface, crack and crevice, spot and/or foam application. Spray or foam into cracks and crevices or drill holes and spray, mist or foam into voids and galleries where carpenter ants
or their nests are present. When combining liquid Bifen I/T treatments with bait treatments, use Bifen I/T as instructed above and apply baits in those areas where Bifen I/T has not been applied.
Carpenter Ants Outdoors: Treat carpenter ant nests for best results. Treat areas where carpenter ants are seen or are believed to forage, such as ant trails, and around doors and windows. As
stated in the “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings” section, treat using a low or high volume perimeter treatment. When treating concrete surfaces, more frequent treatments,
higher dilutions and/or application volumes may be needed for carpenter ant control. The following procedures must be followed to help achieve maximum control of the pest:
1. Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and apply at a rate of up to 10 gallons of dilution per 1,000 square feet to obtain residual control.
2. Vegetation and porous surfaces should be treated with high volume applications using dilutions that are calculated to deliver 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (refer to the
Ornamental and Perimeter Application Dilution Charts).
3. Treat non-porous surfaces with low volume applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying this dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1,000 square feet.
4. Use 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water on tree trunks with carpenter ant trails or evidence of foraging. Apply to the bark, completely wetting it from the bottom of the tree to the
highest possible point on the trunk.
To control carpenter ants inside deck materials, fencing, trees, utility poles or other structural elements, drill to find the inside infested cavity and inject or foam a 0.06% dilution (1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T
per gallon of water) into the cavity with adequate volume and a proper treatment tool with a splash-back guard. Where there are ants tunneling below the surfaces, dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen
I/T per gallon of water and applying as a drench or foam at intervals of 8 to 12 inches. A uniform barrier should be established where there are ants tunneling below surfaces such as, at the edges
of walls, driveways or other hard surfaces.
Use a sprinkling can or a hose-end sprayer to distribute a coarse drenching spray, apply a 0.06% dilution to stored lumber and wood piles. This wood may be used for lumber or may be burned after
30 days. Do not use this method of application in structures.
Diluting 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying to the soil below where the firewood will be stacked at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 8 square feet will protect the wood from carpenter ants.
DO NOT treat firewood with this product.
Controlling Termites (Above Ground Only)
The treatment methods that are expressed below are intended to kill termite workers or winged reproductives present at the time of application. These methods should supplement, not substitute
for, mechanical alteration, soil treatment or foundation treatment.
Controlling winged reproductive termites and exposed workers in localized areas may be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying the dilution at the rate of one
gallon per 1000 square feet to crawl spaces, unfinished basements, attics, and other crawl spaces as a course fan spray. Both swarming termites and the areas where they gather should be treated.
Controlling above-ground termites in localized areas of infested wood may be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying as a foam or a liquid to voids and galleries
in wood that is damaged in addition to spaces between wooden structural members and between the foundation and sill plate where the wood is at risk of to attack. Drilling and then injecting the
foam or dilution into damaged wood or wall voids with an appropriate directional injector will help reach those areas that are not easy to access. After treatment is completed, securely plug the holes
that are in regularly occupied areas in the construction elements.
Controlling termite carton nests in building voids can be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying as a foam or a liquid using a pointed projection tool. To
obtain control, various depths of injection and numerous injection points may be needed. After treatment is complete and when feasible, remove the carton nest material from the building void.
Pests Under Slabs
To control infestations of Arthropods (e.g., ants, cockroaches, and scorpions) that live beneath the slab area, drill or horizontally rod and inject 1 gallon of a 0.06% to 0.12% dilution per 10 square
feet or 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet.
Posts, Poles, and Other Constructions
Around wooden constructions (signs, fences, and landscape ornamentation) an insecticidal barrier can be established by treating with a 0.06% dilution. Sub-surface injection and gravity-flow
through holes in the bottom of the trench, are two treatment methods that can be used on poles and posts that have already been installed. Establishing a complete chemical zone around the pole
can be accomplished by treating on all sides. For poles and posts that are fewer than 6 inches in diameter use 1 gallon of dilution per foot of depth and 1.5 gallons for larger poles, applying under
the wood to a depth of 6 inches. 4 gallons per 10 linear feet per foot of depth should be used for larger constructions.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects in Wood (Localized Areas in Structures)
Insects Application Rate Remarks
Termites Apply a 0.06% dilution to voids and -Can be applied as a paint or fan spray.
Ants galleries in damaged wood and in -Place plastic sheeting under overhead areas that are spot treated except for soil surfaces in crawl spaces.
Carpenter Ants spaces between wooden members of -Areas to which access is difficult can be treated by drilling, and then injecting dilution with a crack and crevice
Wood-infesting beetles a structure and between wood and injector into the damaged wood or void spaces. (Not intended as a replacement for soil treatment, mechanical
(including but not limited to Old foundations where wood is at risk. alteration or fumigation to control widespread infestation of wood-infesting insects.
House Borer & Powder Post)
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects and Nuisance Pests (Outside of Structures)
In order to control wood-infesting insects active inside trees, utility poles and/or fences, a 0.06% dilution should be injected into the infested cavity, which can be found by drilling into the wood. If
treating nuisance pests on the exterior of the structure, use a fan spray at a maximum pressure of 25 p.s.i. and apply up to the point of runoff. To control Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow-Jackets,
direct the spray at nest openings in the ground, bushes, and in cracks and crevices, where the insects may nest. Saturate the openings and contact as many insects as possible.
Underground Services (e.g. cables, conduits, pipes, utility lines, wires, etc.) may be in right-of-ways, inside of structures or to guard long range (miles) of installations of services.
Treat the soil using a 0.06 to 0.12% Bifen I/T dilution to prevent and control termite and ant infestations.
Treat the bottom of the trench with 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet and let it soak into the soil. Place the services on the treated soil and cover with about 2 inches of fill soil. Apply another 2 gallons
per 10 linear feet over the fill soil to complete the chemical barrier. Only threat the soil in the area near the services in wide trenches, but ensure a continuous barrier of treated soil surrounding the services.
In the event that the soil will not accept the volume stated above, 1 gallon of 0.12% Bifen I/T may be applied per 10 linear feet of trench over the soil that covers the services and to the base of the trench.
Fill the remainder of the trench with the treated fill soil. Where each service sticks out of the ground, the soil may be treated by trenching/rodding no more than 1 to 2 gallons of dilution into the soil.
RESTRICTIONS: Do not treat electrically active underground services.
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.
STORAGE AND SPILL PROCEDURES: Store upright at room temperature. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures. In case of spillage or leakages, soak up with an absorbent material
such as sand, sawdust, earth, Fuller’s earth, etc. Dispose of with chemical waste.
PESTICIDE DISPOSAl: Pesticide, spray mixture or rinse water that cannot be used according to label instructions must be disposed of at or by an approved waste disposal facility.
For Containers greater than 5 Gallons: Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. Clean container promptly after emptying. Triple rinse as follows: Empty the
remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank. Fill the container 1/4 full with water. Replace and tighten closures. Tip container on its side and roll it back and forth, ensuring
at least one complete revolution, for 30 seconds. Stand the container on its end and tip it back and forth several times. Turn the container over onto its other end and tip it back and forth
several times. Empty the rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Repeat this procedure two more times. Offer for recycling if available.
If recycling is not available, puncture or dispose of in a sanitary landfill.
For Bulk containers: (Refillable Container) Refill this container with pesticides only. Do not reuse this container for any other purpose. Cleaning the container before final disposal is
the responsibility of the person disposing of the container. Cleaning before refilling is the responsibility of the re-filler. To clean the container before final disposal, empty the remaining
contents from this container into application equipment or mix tank. Fill the container about 10 percent full with water. Agitate vigorously or re-circulate water with the pump for 2 minutes.
Pour or pump rinsate into application equipment or rinsate collection system. Repeat this procedure two more times.
this product. Consult the pest control regulatory agency buying or using. If terms are not acceptable,
OTHER INGREDIENTS:...................................... 92.1% of your state prior to use of this product. return at once unopened.
TOTAL......................................................... 100.0% See inside booklet for additional See attached label booklet and hanging
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon. precautionary statements Bifenthrin*............................................. 7.9% booklet for additional Precautionary language
OTHER INGREDIENTS:.............................92.1% and complete Directions for Use.
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum.
EPA Reg. No. 53883-118 TOTAL................................................100.0%
EPA Reg. No. 53883-118
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active ingredient per gallon.
EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002 *Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans isomers 3% maximum. EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
Manufactured by: Manufactured by:
Insecticide /Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter
ants and other pests of structures. To control pests
in and around such areas as homes, commercial and
industrial buildings, recreational areas, athletic fields,
Manufactured by:
Solutions Inc.
5903 Genoa-Red Bluff, Pasadena, TX 77507
A member of Adama
Consumer and Professional Solutions EPA 060717
Insecticide / Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and other pests of structures. To control
pests in and around such areas as homes, commercial and industrial buildings, recreational
areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals. Controls pests in livestock and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms licensed by the state to apply
termiticide products. States may have more restrictive requirements regarding qualifications of
persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory agency of your state prior to use of
this product.
Bifenthrin*....................................7.9% KEEP OUT OF
TOTAL...................................... 100.0%
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active
ingredient per gallon. See inside booklet for additional
precautionary statements
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans iso-
mers 3% maximum. EPA Reg. No. 53883-118
EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
Manufactured by:
EPA 060717
If • C all a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice.
swallowed • H ave person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.
• D o not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor.
• D o not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
If inhaled • Move person to fresh air.
• If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration,
preferably by mouth-to-mouth if possible.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice.
If on skin • T ake off contaminated clothing.
or clothing • R inse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
If in eyes • H old eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water 15-20 minutes.
• R emove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.
• C all a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You
may also contact SafetyCall® (866) 897-8050 for emergency medical treatment information.
Note to Physician - This product is a pyrethroid. If large amounts have been ingested, the stomach and intestine should be evacuated.
Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Digestible fats, oils, or alcohol may increase absorption and so should be avoided.
Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals
CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or
clothing. Avoid breathing spray mist. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before
eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Remove contaminated clothing and wash
before reuse.
All pesticide handlers (mixers, loaders, and applicators) must wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, socks,
shoes, and chemical-resistant gloves. After the product is diluted in accordance with label directions for
use, and/or when mixing and loading using a closed spray tank transfer system, or an in-line injector system,
shirt, pants, socks, shoes, and waterproof gloves are sufficient. In addition, all pesticide handlers must
wear a respiratory protection device¹ when working in a non-ventilated space. All pesticide handlers must
wear protective eyewear when working in non-ventilated space or when applying termiticide by rodding or
sub-slab injection.
¹Use one of the following: NIOSH approved respirator with any R, P or HE filter
or a NIOSH approved respirator with an organic vapor (OV) cartridge
or canister with any R, P, or HE pre-filter.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables exist,
use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
Environmental Hazards
This pesticide is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not allow
pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this
product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain
does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. Rinsing application equipment over the treated area
will help avoid run off to water bodies or drainage systems. Care should be used when spraying to avoid fish
and reptile pets in/around ornamental ponds.
This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply
this product or allow to drift to blooming crops if bees are foraging the treatment area.
Do not discharge effluent containing this product into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans, or other
public waters unless in accordance with the requirements of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) permit and the permitting authority has been notified in writing prior to discharge. Do not
discharge effluent containing this product to sewer systems without previously notifying the local sewage
plant authority. For guidance contact your State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA.
Physical and Chemical Hazards
Do not apply water-based dilutions of Bifen I/T to electrical conduits, motor housings, junction boxes, switch
boxes or other electrical equipment because of possible shock hazard.
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
• Do not apply a broadcast application to interior surfaces of homes.
• Do not apply by air.
• Do not apply in greenhouses, nurseries.
• Do not apply this product through any kind of irrigation system.
• Not for use on sod farm turf, golf course turf, or grass grown for seed.
• Do not apply to pets, crops, or sources of electricity.
• Firewood is not to be treated.
• Use only in well-ventilated areas.
• During any application to overhead areas of structure, cover surface below with plastic sheeting or similar
material except for soil surfaces in crawlspaces.
• Do not allow spray to contact food, foodstuffs, food-contacting surfaces or food utensils or water supplies.
• Thoroughly wash dishes and food handling utensils with soap and water if they become contaminated by
application of this product.
• Do not treat areas where food is exposed.
• During indoor surface applications do not allow dripping or runoff to occur.
• Do not allow contact with treated surfaces by people or pets before spray has dried.
• Bifen I/T will not discolor or otherwise harm surfaces that water alone will not discolor or otherwise harm.
• Do not apply this product in patient rooms or in any rooms while occupied by the elderly or infirm.
• Do not apply Bifen I/T in classrooms, libraries, sports venues, or other institutional facilities when they
are occupied.
• Bifen I/T may be applied with low-volume application equipment, including Actisol® and Micro-Injector®,
for general surface, spot, crack and crevice, and deep harborage treatments.
• Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production, or
for research purposes. For use on plants intended only for aesthetic purposes or climactic modifications
and being grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or lawns and grounds.
Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers,
storm drains, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or
after application.
Additional Application Restrictions for Residential Outdoor Surface and Space Sprays:
All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or crack and crevice treatments only, except for the following
permitted uses:
1. Applications to soil or vegetation around structure;
2. Applications to lawns, turf, and other vegetation;
3. Applications to building foundations, up to a maximum height of 3 feet above grade;
4. Applications to underside of eaves, soffits, doors, or windows permanently protected from rainfall by a
covering, overhang, awning or other structure;
5. Applications around potential pest entry points into buildings, when limited to a surface band not to
exceed one inch in width;
6. Applications made through the use of a coarse, low pressure spray to only those portions of surfaces
that are directly above bare soil, lawn, turf, mulch or other vegetation, as listed on this label, and not over
an impervious surface, drainage or other condition that could result in runoff into storm drains, drainage
ditches, gutters, or surface waters, in order to control occasional invaders or aggregating pests.
Other than applications to building foundations, all outdoor applications to impervious surfaces such as
sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches and structural surfaces (such as windows, doors, and eaves) are
limited to spot and crack and crevice applications, only.
When treating adjacent to an existing structure, the applicator must check the area to be treated, and
immediately adjacent areas of the structure, for visible and accessible cracks and holes to prevent any leaks
or significant exposures to persons occupying the structure. People present or residing in the structure
during application must be advised to remove their pets and themselves from the structure if they see any
signs of leakage. After application, the applicator is required to check for leaks. All leaks resulting in the
deposition of termiticide in locations other than those prescribed on this label must be cleaned up prior to
leaving the applications site. Do not allow people or pets to contact contaminated areas or to reoccupy
contaminated areas of the structure until the clean-up is completed.
Some insects are known to develop resistance to products used repeatedly for control. Because the
development of resistance cannot be predicted, the use of this product should conform to resistance
management strategies established for the use area. Consult your local or state pest management authorities
for details.
If resistance to this product develops in your area, this product, or other products with a similar mode of
action, may not provide adequate control. If poor performance cannot be attributed to improper application
or extreme weather conditions, a resistant strain of insect may be present. If you experience difficulty
with control and suspect that resistance is a reasonable cause, immediately consult your local company
representative or pest management advisor for the best alternative method of control for your area.
Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production,
or for research purposes. For use on plants intended only for aesthetic purposes or climatic modifications
and being grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or lawn and grounds. Only use this
product on plants being grown for aesthetic or climatic purposes and in interior and exterior sites, such as,
gardens, parks, lawns, and grounds, and other ornamental sites. Do not use on vegetation intended for sale
or other commercial uses. Do not use on plants grown for seed production or research purposes.
Using this product in and around structures and building construction will prevent and control termite
To institute a barrier between the wood and the termites in the soil, the chemical emulsion must be effectively
dispersed in the soil. It is important to remove unnecessary materials that contain cellulose and wood from
around foundation walls, crawl spaces (inside of structure), and porches, and fix damaged plumbing and
construction grade in order to deny termite access to moisture.
To use this product effectively, it is important that the service technician be familiar with current control
practices including trenching, rodding, subslab injection, low-pressure spray applications, coarse fan
spraying of soil surfaces, crack and crevice (void) injection, excavated soil treatment and brush and spray
applications to infested or susceptible wood. Using these techniques correctly is essential to prevent or
control infestations by subterranean termite species of genera Reticulitermes, Zootermopsis, Coptotermes
and Heterotermes. When determining what procedures to follow, the service technician should consider
certain variables. Some of the variables to consider are species biology and behavior, structure design,
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, water table, soil type and compaction, grade
conditions, and the location and type of domestic water supplies and utilities.
For information concerning the most up to date control practices in a given region or locale, consult the local
resources for structural pest control, state cooperative extensions or regulatory agencies.
Applications Instructions
Bifen I/T controls a wide range of listed pests on flowers, foliage plants, non-bearing fruit and nut trees,
shrubs, and ornamental trees, in interior and exterior plantscapes, such as those in hotels, office buildings,
shopping malls, etc., and around athletic fields, homes, institutional buildings, parks, and recreational areas.
Non-bearing fruit and nut trees are those that will not produce a harvestable crop during the season of
Bifen I/T can be tank-mixed with insect growth regulators and other pesticides. Observe all precautions and
Directions for Use for each product. Physical compatibility may vary with different combinations of products,
so prepare a small scale (pint or quart jar) test sample for any combination not tested previously. Use proper
proportions in the small scale test to achieve the correct result.
Unless otherwise noted in the label instructions, use the procedure below for preparation of a new tank mix:
1. Add wettable powders to tank water.
2. Mix well
3. Add liquids and flowables
4. Mix well
5. Add emulsifiable concentrates
6. Mix well
Try reversing the order of addition or increasing the amount of water if the combination is not compatible using
the above order. NOTE: After increasing the amount of water, if the mixture is found to be compatible, it is
necessary to recalibrate the sprayer for a higher volume application. Do not allow mixture to stand overnight.
Formula for Determining the Active Ingredient Content of the Finished Emulsion
(7.9)(Fl. Oz. of Bifen I/T added to tank) = % Active Ingredient in emulsion
(Gallons of finished spray mix)(128)
Subterranean Termite Control – Use Directions
Important: Observe the following restrictions to avoid contamination of public and private water supplies:
• U se anti-backflow equipment and procedures to prevent insecticide from being siphoned into water supplies.
• D o not contaminate cisterns, wells, or other water tanks by treating the soil beneath these structures.
• Do not treat soil where runoff may occur.
• D o not treat soil water-saturated or frozen soil.
• C onsult local and state specifications for recommended treatment practices in your area.
• If local or state specifications do not exist, consult the Federal Housing Administration (H.U.D.) guidance documents.
Note: For the purposes of this label, crawl spaces are defined as being inside of the structure.
Critical Areas: Points at which the foundation is penetrated or abuts another structure are Critical Areas.
These include bath traps, cracks and expansion joints, utility entry points, and adjacent structures such as
patios, slab additions, and stairs.
Structures with Wells/ Cisterns Inside Foundations
Structures that contain wells or cisterns within the foundation of a structure can only be treated using the
following techniques:
1. Do not treat soil while it is beneath or within the foundation or along the exterior perimeter of a structure
that contains a well or cistern. The treated backfill method must be used if soil is removed and treated
outside/away from the foundation. The treated backfill technique is described as follows:
a) Trench and remove soil to be treated onto heavy plastic sheeting or similar material or into a wheelbarrow.
b) Treat the soil at the rate of 4 gallons of dilute emulsion per 10 linear feet per foot of depth of the trench,
or 1 gallon per 1.0 cubic feet of soil. See “Mixing Directions” section of this label. Mix thoroughly into
the soil taking care to contain the liquid and prevent runoff or spillage.
c) After the treated soil has absorbed the diluted emulsion, replace the soil into the trench.
2. Treat infested and/or damaged wood in place using an injection technique such as described in the
“Control of Wood Infesting Insects in Wood” section of this label.
Structures with Adjacent Wells/ Cisterns and/or Other Water Bodies
Applicators must inspect all structures with nearby water sources such as wells, cisterns, surface ponds,
streams, and other bodies of water and evaluate, at a minimum, the treatment recommendations listed below
prior to making an application.
1. Prior to treatment, if feasible, expose the water pipe(s) coming from the well to the structure, if the pipe(s)
enter the structure within 3 feet of grade.
2. Prior to treatment, applicators are advised to take precautions to limit the risk of applying the termiticide
into subsurface drains that could empty into any bodies of water. These precautions include evaluating
whether application of the termiticide to the top of the footer may result in contamination of the
subsurface drain. Factors such as depth to the drain system and soil type and degree of compaction
should be taken into account in determining the depth of the treatment.
3. When appropriate (i.e., on the water side of the structure), the treated backfill technique (described above)
can also be used to minimize off-site movement of termiticide.
Before these techniques are used close to cisterns, wells, or other bodies of water, seek advice from local,
state, or federal agencies for information on treatment practices that are accepted in your area.
Application Rate: Use a 0.06% emulsion for subterranean termites. For other pests on the label use specific
listed rates.
Mixing Directions: Mix the termiticide use dilution in the following manner: Fill tank 1/4 to 1/3 full. Start
pump to begin by-pass agitation and place end of treating tool in tank to allow circulation through hose.
Add appropriate amount of Bifen I/T. Add remaining amount of water. Let pump run and allow recirculation
through the hose for 2 to 3 minutes.
Bifen I/T may also be combined into full tanks of water. If combined into full tanks of water, allow sufficient
time for agitation and/or recirculation to ensure consistency of the dilution.
To prepare a 0.06% water emulsion, ready to use, dilute 3 quarts of Bifen I/T with 99.25 gallons of water.
Mixing: Using the chart below, determine the volume of Bifen I/T and water required to produce the desired
volume of finished emulsion.
Retreatment for subterranean termites can only be performed if there is clear evidence of reinfestation or
disruption of the barrier due to construction, excavation, or landscaping and/or evidence of the breakdown
of the termiticide barrier in the soil. These vulnerable or reinfested areas may be retreated in accordance
with application techniques described in this product’s labeling. The timing and type of these retreatments
will vary depending on factors such as termite pressure, soil types, soil conditions and other factors which
may reduce the effectiveness of the barrier.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited unless there is clear evidence that reinfestation or barrier
disruption has occurred.
Pre-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment
Do not apply at a lower dosage and/or concentration than specified on this label for applications
prior to the installation of the finished grade. When treating foundations deeper than 4 feet, apply the
termiticide as the backfill is being replaced, or if the construction contractor fails to notify the applicator
to permit this, treat the foundation to a minimum depth of 4 feet after the backfill has been installed. The
applicator must trench and rod into the trench or trench along the foundation walls and around pillars and
other foundation elements, at the rate prescribed from grade to a minimum depth of 4 feet. When the top of
the footing is exposed, the applicator must treat the soil adjacent to the footing to a depth not to exceed the
bottom of the footing. However, in no case should a structure be treated below the footing.
To produce effective pre-construction subterranean termite control, create vertical and/or horizontal chemically
treated zones of protection using 0.06% emulsion of Bifen I/T. Follow the current edition of the Housing and
Urban Development Minimum Property Standards to assure that F.H.A. termite-proofing requirements are met.
Horizontal Barriers
Establish a horizontal chemical barrier wherever treated soil will be covered by a slab, such as basement
floors, carports, entrance platforms, footing trenches, and slab floors.
Apply 1 gallon of 0.06% dilution per 10 square feet, or use 1 fluid ounce of Bifen I/T per 10 square feet in
sufficient water (no less than ½ gallon or more than 2 gallons) to provide a uniform treated barrier for the
area being treated.
If the fill is coarse aggregate, such as washed gravel, a sufficient volume of dilution must be applied to allow
it to reach the soil beneath the coarse fill.
Make applications with a low-pressure spray (less than 50 p.s.i.), using a coarse spray nozzle. If foundation
walls have not been installed around the treated soil and the slab will not be poured the same day as
treatment, the treated soil must be covered with a water-proof barrier. Polyethylene sheeting may be used
for this purpose.
Vertical Barriers
Establish vertical barriers in Critical Areas, such as along the inside of foundation walls, plumbing, bath traps,
utility services and other features that will penetrate the slab.
Using a 0.06% dilution, apply 4 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth or 4 fluid ounces of Bifen
I/T per 10 linear feet per foot of depth from grade level to the top of the footing in sufficient water to provide
a uniform treated barrier. Use not less than 2 gallons to not more than 8 gallons of water per 10 linear feet.
When trenching and rodding into the trench, or trenching, take care to ensure that the dilution reaches the
top of the footing. Space the rod holes so that a continuous treated barrier is created, but not exceeding 12
inches apart. Avoid washing-out the soil around the footing. Trenches should be about 6 inches wide and
6 inches deep. Mix the chemical dilution with the soil as it is being replaced in the trench. Inside vertical
barriers may not be required for monolithic slabs.
When treating hollow block voids, use 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet to assure that the dilution
reaches the top of the footing.
Prior to each application, applicators must notify the general contractor, construction superintendent, or
similar responsible party, of the intended termiticide application and intended sites of application and
instruct the responsible person to notify construction workers and other individuals to leave the area to be
treated during application and until the termiticide is absorbed into the soil.
Post-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment
For post-construction treatment, use a 0.06% dilution. Post-construction treatments shall be made by
subslab injection, trenching and rodding into the trench or trenching using low-pressure spray not exceeding
25 p.s.i. at the nozzle. Proper precautions should be taken to avoid soil wash-out around the footing.
Locate, identify, and mark wells, electrical conduits, water and sewer lines, and radiant heat pipes prior to
application of Bifen I/T. Do not puncture or inject Bifen I/T into such structures.
Treatment must be made by trenching and rodding into the trench, or trenching at the rate of 4 gallons of
dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth wherever the footing, from grade to the bottom of the foundation, is
greater than 1 foot of depth. When the footer is greater than four feet below grade, the applicator may trench
and rod into the trench, or trench beside foundation walls at the rate designated for four feet of depth. Space
rod holes to create a continuous insecticidal barrier, but in no case more than 12 inches apart. Depending on
the type of soil, degree of compaction, and location of termite activity, the actual depth of treatment will differ.
However, a structure should never be treated below the footer. Sub-slab injection may be needed beside the
inside of foundation walls, around conduits, piers, and pipes, beside both sides of interior footing-supported
walls, and beside cracks and partition walls.
Crawl Spaces - Accessible
For crawl spaces, apply vertical termiticide barriers at the rate of 4 gallons of emulsion per 10 linear feet
per foot of depth from grade to the top of the footing, or if the footing is more than 4 feet below grade, to a
minimum depth of 4 feet. Apply by trenching and rodding into the trench, or trenching. Treat both sides of
foundation and around all piers and pipes. Where physical obstructions such as concrete walkways adjacent
to foundation elements prevent trenching, treatment may be made by rodding alone. When soil type and/
or conditions make trenching prohibitive, rodding may be used. When the top of the footing is exposed, the
applicator must treat the soil adjacent to the footing to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the footing. Read
and follow the mixing and use direction section of the label if situations are encountered where the soil will
not accept the full application volume.
1. Rod holes and trenches must not extend below the bottom of the footing.
2. Rod holes must be spaced so as to achieve a continuous termiticide barrier but in no case more than 12
inches apart.
3. Trenches must be a minimum of 6 inches deep or to the bottom of the footing, whichever is less, and
need not to be wider than 6 inches. When trenching in sloping (tiered) soil, the trench must be stepped
to ensure adequate distribution and prevent termiticide from running off. The emulsion must be mixed
with the soil as it is replaced in the trench.
4. When treating plenums or crawl spaces, turn off the air circulation system of the structure until application
has been completed and all termiticide has been absorbed by the soil.
Crawl Spaces - Inaccessible
For inaccessible interior areas, such as areas where there is insufficient clearance between floor joists and
ground surfaces to allow operator access, excavate if possible, and treat according to the instruction for
accessible crawl spaces. Otherwise, apply one or a combination of the following two methods.
1. To establish a horizontal barrier, apply to the soil surface, 1 gallon of emulsion per 10 square feet overall
using a nozzle pressure of less than 25 p.s.i. and a coarse application nozzle (e.g., Delavan Type RD
Raindrop, RD-7 or larger, or Spraying Systems Co. 8010LP TeeJet® or comparable nozzle). For an area that
cannot be reached with the application wand, use one or more extension rods to make the application to
the soil. Do not broadcast or powerspray with higher pressures.
2. To establish a horizontal barrier, drill through the foundation wall or through the floor above and treat the
soil perimeter at a rate of 1 gallon of emulsion per 10 square feet. Drill spacing must be at intervals not
to exceed 16 inches. Many states have smaller intervals, so check State regulations which may apply.
When treating plenums and crawl spaces, turn off the air circulation systems of the structure until application
has been completed and all termiticide has been absorbed by the soil.
Excavation Technique: When treating in troublesome areas (e.g., beside fieldstone or rubble walls, beside
faulty foundation walls, and around pipes and utility lines leading downward from the structure to a well or
pond) apply using the following technique:
a. Prepare a trench, placing the removed soil onto heavy-weight plastic sheeting or similar, water-impermeable
b. Treat the soil with 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth of the trench. Completely
mix the dilution into the soil, exercising care to avoid liquid running off the sheeting.
c. Place the treated soil back into the trench after it has absorbed the dilution.
Attention: Wear NIOSH approved unvented goggles and a respirator when applying Bifen I/T in a confined area.
For applications made after the final grade is installed, the applicator must trench and rod into the trench or
trench along the foundation walls and around pillars and other foundation elements, at the rate prescribed
from grade to the top of the footing. When the footing is more than four (4) feet below grade, the applicator
must trench and rod into the trench or trench along the foundation walls at the rate prescribed to a minimum
depth of four feet. The actual depth of treatment will vary depending on soil type, degree of compaction, and
location of termite activity. When the top of the footing is exposed, the applicator must treat the soil adjacent
to the footing to a depth not to exceed the bottom of the footing. However, in no case should a structure be
treated below the footing.
Masonry Voids
Drill and treat voids in multiple masonry elements of the structure extending from the structure to the soil
in order to create a continuous treatment barrier in the area to be treated. Apply at a rate of 2 gallons of
emulsion per 10 linear feet of footing, using a nozzle pressure of less than 25 p.s.i. When using this treatment,
access holes must be drilled below the sill plate and should be as close as possible to the footing as is
practical. Treatment of voids in block or rubble foundation walls must be closely examined: Applicators must
inspect areas of possible runoff as a precaution against application leakage in the treated areas. Some areas
may not be treatable or may require mechanical alteration prior to treatment.
All leaks resulting in the deposition of termiticide in locations other than those prescribed on this label must
be cleaned up prior to leaving the application site. Do not allow people or pets to contact contaminated
areas or to reoccupy the contaminated areas of the structure until the clean-up is completed.
NOTE: When treating behind veneer structures (walls, etc.) take proper care to not drill beyond the veneer.
If concrete blocks exist behind the veneer, both can be drilled and treated simultaneously.
Bifen I/T may not be used in voids insulated with rigid foam insulation.
Create vertical barriers by trenching and rodding into the trench or trenching outside at a rate of 4 gallons
of dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth and by sub-slab injection within the structure. Ensure an even
distribution of chemical. Applications must not be made below the bottom of the footing.
Apply beside the outside of the foundation and under the slab on the inside of foundation walls, where
needed. Treatment of slabs may also be necessary under and beside both sides of any interior footing-
supported walls, in all cracks and expansion joints, and beside one side of interior partitions. By long-rodding
or grid pattern injection vertically through the slab, horizontal barriers may be created where necessary.
a. To permit the creation of an uninterrupted insecticidal barrier, drill holes in the foundation and/or slab.
b. For foundations that are less than or equal to 1 foot, dig a narrow trench about 6 inches wide beside
the outside of the foundation walls. Do not dig beneath the bottom of the footing. As the soil is placed
back into the trench, apply 4 gallons of 0.06% dilution per 10 linear feet per foot of depth to the trench
and soil.
c. Follow the rates stated above for basements for foundations that are deeper than 1 foot.
d. A 0.06% dilution may be used to treat soil that is exposed and wood in bath traps.
Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited unless there is clear evidence that reinfestation
or barrier disruption has occurred.
Food Handling Establishments
If used as a general spot, surface, or crack and crevice treatment, Bifen I/T may be applied in both food/feed
and nonfood areas of food/feed handling establishments.
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent
upon rate and surface treated.
Food/feed handling establishments are any place other than private residences where exposed food/feed
is held, processed, prepared or served, including areas for receiving, storing, packing (bottling, boxing,
canning, wrapping), preparing, enclosed processing systems (dairies, edible oils, mills, syrups) of food and
edible waste storage. Serving areas where food is exposed and the facility is in operation are also considered
food areas.
Nonfood areas in which applications are allowed include entries and vestibules, floor drains (to sewers),
garages, garbage rooms, lavatories, locker rooms, machine rooms, mop closets, offices, and storage (after
canning or bottling).
Permitted use sites include, but are not limited to: aircraft (do not use in aircraft cabins), apartment buildings,
bakeries, bottling facilities, breweries, buses, cafeterias, candy plants, canneries, dairy product processing
plants, food manufacturing plants, food processing plants, food service establishments, granaries, grain
mills, hospitals, hotels, industrial buildings, laboratories, meat/poultry/egg processing plants, mobile/motor
homes, nursing homes offices, railcars, restaurants, schools, ships, trailers, trucks, vessels, warehouses†
and wineries.
WAREHOUSES and GROCERY/PET STORES: Bifen I/T dilution may be applied as a surface, spot or crack
and crevice treatment in food and nonfood storage warehouses and stores. Apply to all areas that may
harbor pests, including under and between pallets, bins, and shelves. Do not apply directly to food, grain
bins (interior), or animals.
General Surface Application: Do not use this application method in food/feed handling
establishments when the facility is in operation or foods/feeds are exposed. During treatment,
remove or cover all food processing and/or handling equipment and do not apply directly to food products.
All equipment, benches, shelving and other surfaces in food processing plants, bakeries, cafeterias and
other facilities, which food will contact must be washed after treatment. Clean food handling equipment or
processing equipment and rinse completely with fresh, clean water.
Spot, Crack and Crevice Application: These types of treatments can be done when the facility is
operating, but food must be covered or removed from the treatment area. Do not apply directly to food.
Foam Applications: Converting Bifen I/T to foam will allow it to be used to treat structural voids. To produce a 0.02%
to 0.06% foam concentration, dilute 0.33 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and add the manufacturer’s
recommended amount of foaming agent. Before application, make sure that the foaming agent is compatible with
Bifen I/T. Use of a foaming agent increases a.i. surface contact time on challenging surfaces and provides visual
marking of the application. Ensure that the foaming agent is approved for food surface/area contact use.
Indoor Uses
In the home, cover all food processing surfaces and utensils during treatment or thoroughly wash before
reuse. Exposed food must be covered or removed. Do not permit humans or pets to contact treated surfaces
until the spray has dried.
During any overhead applications to overhead interior areas of structures, cover surfaces below with plastic
sheeting or similar materials.
Wear protective clothing, unvented goggles, gloves and respirator, when applying to overhead areas or in poorly
ventilated areas. Avoid touching sprayed surfaces until spray has completely dried.
Bifen I/T may be used to control ants, carpenter ants, bees, beetles, biting flies, boxelder bugs, , centipedes,
cicadas, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, firebrats, fleas, flies, gnats, millipedes, mosquitoes, moths,
scorpions, silverfish, sowbugs (pillbugs), spiders (including Black Widow, Brown Recluse and Hobo Spiders),
springtails, stink bugs, ticks (including Brown Dog Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies, and wasps.
In structures and buildings and on modes of transportation, use a 0.02% to 0.06% suspension (0.33 to 1 fl.
oz. per gallon of water) using a crack and crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse, low-pressure spray (25 p.s.i. or
less) or with a paint brush.
Indoor Treatments: Apply where pests hide. These areas include, but are not limited to, baseboards,
corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, attics and eaves, behind and under
refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, stoves, the underside of shelves, and drawers. Treat with a low
pressure, coarse, crack and crevice or spot spray. Pay close attention to cracks and crevices. See also “Foam
Applications” in the Food Handling Establishments section. Not for use as a space spray.
Mixing Directions: See mixing directions in “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings” section.
To make a dilution for brush or spray treatments:
-Dilute Bifen I/T with water.
-Fill sprayer with the required amount of water.
-Add Bifen I/T.
-To ensure proper mixing, close sprayer and shake before use.
-Only mix the amount of solution that is necessary for treatment.
In order to achieve and/or maintain control in times of high pest pressure, retreatment may be needed.
Repeat application should only take place if there are signs of renewed insect activity and must not exceed
one application per 7 days.
Ants: Apply to any ant trails, around doors and windows and other places that ants frequent.
Bedbugs: Thorough application should be made to crack and crevices where evidence of bed bugs occurs.
Areas of application include bed frames, box springs, inside empty dressers and clothes closets and carpet
edges, high and low wall moldings and wallpaper edges. Do not use this product on bed linens, pillows,
mattresses or clothes. Remove all clothes and other articles from dressers or clothes closets before application.
Allow all treated areas to thoroughly dry before use. Bifen I/T is not recommended for use as sole protection
against bedbugs. If evidence of bedbugs is found in or on mattresses, use products approved for this use.
Use a 0.03% or 0.06% dilution (0.5 to 1 fluid oz. per gallon of water) for residual pest control in buildings
and structures and on modes of transport. Apply either as a crack and crevice, pinstream, spot, coarse, low
pressure spray (25 psi or less) or with a paint brush. Use the higher rate of application (0.06%) on painted and
non-porous surfaces.
Bees and Wasps: Apply to nests in late evening when these pests are at rest. Spray nests, entrances to
nests and surrounding areas thoroughly. Contact as many insects as possible. Retreat if signs of renewed
activity exist. Spray liberally into hiding and breeding places, especially under attic rafters, contacting as
many insects as possible.
Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Cicadas, Earwigs, Beetles, Millipedes, Pillbugs, Sowbugs, Springtails,
and Stink Bugs: Treat near doors and windows, storage areas, baseboards and other sites where these pests
may be found.
Cockroaches, Crickets, Firebrats, Flies, Gnats, Moths, Mosquitoes, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders,
and Ticks: Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control
is dependent upon rate and surface treated. Use a coarse low- pressure, crack and crevice or spot spray,
paying close attention to cracks and crevices. Treat where pests hide. These areas include, attics and
eaves, baseboards, closets, corners, storage areas, around water pipes, doors and windows, behind and
under cabinets, furnaces, refrigerators, sinks, stoves, and the underside of shelves and drawers.
Fleas: Bifen I/T will kill fleas for up to 3 months. Vacuum prior to treatment. Apply as a coarse, low pressure
spot or crack and crevice treatment to areas frequented by pets, such as under bedding, rugs, next to
furniture. Do not apply Bifen I/T dilution directly to pets. Treatment must be dry before pet re-entry.
Spider Mites: Treat houseplants thoroughly but do not allow run off to occur. Ensure the underside of leaves
is treated.
Stored Product Pests (Including Indian Meal Moths, Rice Moths, Tobacco Moths, Flour Beetles, Lesser
Grain Borers, Merchant Grain Beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Grain Weevils, Warehouse Beetles,
Cigarette Beetles, and Dermestid Beetles, Psocids, and other similar pests: Inspect to locate and remove
infested food sources, remove or cover any food items or food serving dishes or utensils prior to treatment.
Apply Bifen I/T using a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution as a coarse, low pressure spray to areas where these pests hide.
Treatment areas include baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows,
attics and eaves, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, and stoves, the underside of shelves,
drawers and similar areas. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices. Do not apply directly to food.
Livestock and Poultry Housing Structures
Controls pests of poultry and livestock facilities, including biting flies, filth-breeding flies, fleas, litter beetles,
hide beetles, bed bugs, mites and ticks. Apply as a general surface (including directed spray) and/or crack
and crevice treatment. Control is enhanced when interior and exterior perimeter applications are made in
and around the livestock or poultry housing structures. Normal cleaning practices of the structure also
must be followed along with applications of Bifen I/T to effectively control crawling and flying insect pests.
For occupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities, apply to indoor cracks and crevices only. Exterior
applications to walls and foundation perimeters can help prevent interior infestations of flying and crawling
insect pests. Apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
For unoccupied areas of poultry and livestock facilities, apply to floors, vertical and overhead surfaces where
crawling or flying insect pests may be present. Feeders, waterers and feed carts must be covered before
application to prevent contamination. Do not apply to milk rooms. Pay attention to animal areas including
stanchions, pipes, windows, doors and areas where insect pests hide or congregate. Exterior applications
to walls and foundation perimeters can help prevent interior infestations of flying and crawling insect pests.
Apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1,000 sq. feet.
To control bed bugs, mites and ticks in animal facilities, treat cracks/crevices, walls, posts, nest boxes and
mobile side curtains. Do not apply Bifen I/T directly to animals.
For adult fly control in and around animal facilities, spray application should target areas where flies will rest,
such as the ceiling, rafters and trusses. Also treat windows, interior and exterior walls and supports, fences
and vegetation. Bifen I/T suspension may be sprayed on manure in areas where fly larvae are abundant and
the area cannot be cleaned.
For poultry houses, apply to floor area (birds grown on litter) or to walls, posts and cage framing (birds
grown in cages). Application should also be made into cracks and crevices around insulation. Reapply
after each growout or de-caking and sanitization procedure, but not more frequently than every 8 weeks.
Indoor control can be enhanced by making perimeter treatments around the outside of building foundations
to prevent immigrating adult beetles. Apply in a uniform band 2 to 3 feet up and 6 to 10 feet out from the
structure. Maintaining a year-round treatment program will prevent background populations from reaching
problem levels.
To control beetles in houses containing birds grown on litter apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl.
oz per 1,000 sq. feet to litter after birds are removed and during tilling. If litter is removed and replaced with
fresh litter, apply Bifen I/T at a rate equivalent to 0.33 to 1 fl. oz per 1, 000 sq. feet to bare soil or concrete,
and treat new litter after it is spread. Apply spray to inside walls, posts and exterior perimeter. Reapply
between each flock.
To control beetles in broiler-breeder houses, apply as directed above for litter and soil/floor treatment.
To control beetles in caged-layer houses, do not treat accumulated manure as it will likely disrupt natural
enemies that control fly breeding. Instead, treat the perimeter of the manure at a rate equivalent to 0.33
to 1 fl. oz of Bifen I/T per 1,000 sq. feet. Pit walls, posts and exterior of structure should also be sprayed.
Reapply between each flock.
Allow Bifen I/T treatment to dry before applying disinfectants.
Insecticide Class Rotations: In order to avoid problems with developed resistance to insecticides it is
important to rotate to an insecticide of a different class each 2-3 flocks. It is best to attempt to use 3 different
classes of insecticides during a calendar year.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T as a general surface spray when animals are present in the facility. Allow
applications to dry before restocking the facility. Treatment may be made to cracks and crevices when
animals are present.
DO NOT apply Bifen I/T to any animal feed, water or watering equipment.
DO NOT contaminate any animal feed, food or water in and around livestock or poultry housing when
making applications.
Use Bifen I/T as a broadcast treatment. To accomplish uniform control when applying to dense grass foliage,
use volumes of up to 10 gallons per 1000 square feet.
To ensure control of sub-surface pests including Mole Crickets using low volume treatments, (i.e. less than
2 gallons per 1000 square feet), immediately follow the treatment with irrigation of the treated area with at
least 0.25 inches of water.
Lawn Application Rates
Under typical conditions, the application rates shown in the table below will provide control of the listed
pests. Bifen I/T may, however, be applied at up to 1 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet at the discretion of the
applicator. Maximum residual control requires the higher treatment rates.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Armyworms¹ 0.18 - 0.25
Cutworms¹ fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Sod Webworm¹
Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes)(Adult)² 0.25 - 0.5
Banks Grass Mite6 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Billbugs (Adult)³
Black Turfgrass Ataenius Adult4
Fleas (Adult)
Crane Flies 12 0.5 fl oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Ants 0.5 - 1.0
Chinch Bugs5 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Fleas (Larvae)7
Imported Fire Ants8
Japanese Beetle (Adult)
Mole Cricket (Adult)9
Mole Cricket (Nymph)10
Stink Bugs
In New York State, this product may not be applied to any grass or turf area within 100 feet of a
water body (lake, pond, river, stream, wetland, or drainage ditch).
In New York State, do make a single repeat application of Bifen I/T if there are signs of renewed
insect activity, but not sooner than two weeks after the first application.
¹Armyworms, Cutworms, and Sod Webworms: Postpone irrigation or mowing for 24 hours after
application to obtain the best possible control. Higher treatment rates (up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet)
may be necessary if high pest pressure exists and if the grass is maintained taller than 1 inch.
²Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes) adults: Treatment of this species should be timed as they travel
into grass areas and away from their overwintering sites. Travel usually begins when Forsythia is in full bloom
and ends when Cornus florida (flowering dogwood) is in full bloom. For additional detailed information
regarding treatment timing, check with your State Cooperative Extension Service.
³Billbug adults: Treatment of adult billbugs should be made when they are first noticed in April and May. To
optimize treatment timing, degree day models have been developed. For detailed information particular to your
region, check with your State Cooperative Extension Service. Spring treatments for billbug adults will also offer
control of over-wintered chinch bugs in temperate climates.
Black Turfgrass Ataenius adults: In order to control the 1st and 2nd generation of black turfgrass ataenuis
adults, respectively, treatments should take place in May and July. Time the May treatment to match with the
full bloom stage of Vanhoutte spiraea (Spiraea vanhoutte) and horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum).
Time the July treatment to match with the blooming Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).
Chinch Bugs: Mostly found in the thatch layer, chinch bugs infest the base of grass plants. In order to
optimize the penetration of the insecticide to location of the chinch bugs, irrigation of the grass prior to
treatment may be necessary. If grass is being kept at a long mowing height or if the thatch layer is excessive,
use higher volume treatments. It may be necessary to use higher application rates (up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000
square feet) to control populations made up of both adults and nymphs in mid-summer.
Mites: Apply Bifen I/T in combination with a labeled rate of a surfactant to achieve optimal control of
eriophyid mites. A second application may be needed 5 to 7 days after the first to ensure optimal control.
Flea larvae: Immature fleas mature in shaded areas accessible to pets or other animals. When treating
these areas use a higher volume treatment so that the insecticide penetrates into the soil. NOTE: If adult
fleas on lawn areas are being controlled by applying Bifen I/T at a rate of 0.25 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet, then
the rate of larval application can be accomplished by two- to four-fold increase in spray volume.
Imported Fire Ants: The best control will be achieved by using broadcast treatments in combination with
mound drenches. This will control present colonies along with foraging workers and newly mated fly-in queens. It
is critical either to use high volume treatments or to irrigate prior to application if the soil is dry. Apply 1 fl. oz. per
1,000 square feet when using broadcast treatments. For mound drenches, dilute 1 teaspoon of Bifen I/T per gallon
of water and use 1 to 2 gallons of finished dilution using sufficient force to penetrate the top and allow dilution
to flood ant channels. Treat a four-foot diameter around each ant mound. Application should be made in late
evening or early morning when it is cooler (65° - 80° when insects are most active. NOTE: A spray rig calibrated
to apply 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet of Bifen I/T in 5 gallons per 1,000 square feet contains the equivalent
dilution (1 teaspoon per gallon) required for fire ant mound drenches in the spray tank.
Mole Cricket adults: Since the preferred grass areas are subject to constant invasion in early spring by
the active adult stage, it is can be difficult maintain control of adult mole crickets. It is ideal to treat the
areas as late in the day as possible and water immediately after application with up to 0.5 inches of water.
To ensure maximum contact when soil is dry, it is necessary to irrigate prior to treatment to bring the adult
mole crickets closer to the soil surface. To obtain optimal control of potential nymphal populations, the
grass areas preferred by adult mole crickets should be treated at immediately prior to peak hatch stage.
(See note 10 below).
Mole Cricket nymphs: Treat grass areas that are preferred by adult mole crickets in the spring just
before peak egg hatch. Young nymphs are more vulnerable to insecticidal treatment at this stage because
they are close to the soil surface where the insecticide is most concentrated and thereby providing the most
efficient control. For larger more damaging nymphal stages later in the year, it may be necessary to use
higher application rates more frequent. It is ideal to treat the areas as late in the day as possible and water
immediately after application with up to 0.5 inches of water. To ensure maximum contact when soil is dry, it
is necessary to irrigate prior to treatment to bring the adult mole crickets closer to the soil surface.
Ticks (including ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever): Make
application to the entire area where contact with ticks may occur. Do not make spot treatments. When
applying to areas with heavy leaf litter or dense ground cover use higher spray volumes. To attain and/
or sustain control in times of high pest pressure, retreatments may be necessary; retreat only if signs of
continued or renewed tick activity are present. Repeat treatments must not be made more often than once
per 7 days. Deer ticks (ixodes sp.) have a four-stage life cycle spanning 2 years. Treat in late fall and/or
early spring to both larval and nymphal stages present in leaf litter and the soil, and adults living in the grass
and low-lying vegetation above ground. American dog ticks invade suburban settings in areas where
residences and dwellings are constructed on former fields or wooded areas. These pests normally gather by
paths or roadways where they are likely to find a host. To control tick larvae, nymphs and adults, treatments
should take place, as needed, from mid spring to early fall.
Crane Flies: Treatments can be made to control early to mid-season larvae (approximately August-
February) as they feed on plant crowns. Treatments made to late-season larvae (approximately March, April)
may only provide suppression.
Bifen I/T Lawn Dilution Chart
Application Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of
Volume: Finished Spray
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces per 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1,000 Sq. Ft. 1,000 Sq. Ft.
1.0 0.18 0.18 0.90 1.8 18.0
1.0 0.25 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
1.0 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2.0 0.18 - 0.45 0.90 9.0
2.0 0.25 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
2.0 0.5 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
2.0 1.0 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
3.0 0.18 - 0.30 0.60 6.0
3.0 0.25 - 0.42 0.83 8.3
3.0 0.5 0.17 0.83 1.67 16.7
3.0 1.0 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
4.0 0.18 - 0.23 0.45 4.5
4.0 0.25 - 0.31 0.63 6.3
4.0 0.5 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
4.0 1.0 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
5.0 0.18 - 0.18 0.36 3.6
5.0 0.25 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
5.0 0.5 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
5.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 2.0 20.0
10.0 0.18 - - 0.18 1.8
10.0 0.25 - 0.13 0.25 2.5
10.0 0.5 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
10.0 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
*To convert to millimeters, multiply by 29.57
1 fluid ounce = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Ornamentals and Trees
Treat with 0.125 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet or 5.4 to 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons for
ornamental applications. As long as the highest label rate (1.0 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet or 43.5 fl. oz. per
100 gallons) is not exceeded, Bifen I/T can be diluted and used in different volumes of water. If diluted with
water or other carriers, low volume equipment can be used for application as long as the highest label rate
(1.0 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet or 43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons) is not exceeded.
Treat as a full coverage foliar spray using the stated application rate. If pest pressure and density of foliage
increases, repeat treatments using higher rates may be needed to reach the desired control. Repeat
treatments must not be made more often than once per 7 days.
Before application to entire planting, test treat a small number of plants and watch for signs of sensitivity.
Some plant species may be sensitive to the final spray solution.
To avoid or delay pest resistance, it is recommended to use an alternate class of pesticide in any application program.
Bifen I/T Ornamental Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Application Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these
Gallons Per Rate: Volumes of Finished Spray
Fl. Oz. per
1,000 sq. ft. Acre 1,000 sq. ft. 1 gallons 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
2.3 100 0.125 - 0.27 0.54 5.4
2.3 100 0.25 0.11 0.54 1.08 10.8
2.3 100 0.5 0.22 1.09 2.17 21.7
2.3 100 1.0 0.44 2.17 4.35 43.5
4.6 200 0.125 - 0.14 0.27 2.7
4.6 200 0.25 - 0.27 0.54 5.4
4.6 200 0.5 0.11 0.54 1.09 10.9
4.6 200 1.0 0.22 1.09 2.17 21.7
6.9 300 0.125 - - 0.18 1.8
6.9 300 0.25 - 0.18 0.36 3.6
6.9 300 0.5 - 0.36 0.72 7.2
6.9 300 1.0 0.15 0.72 1.45 14.5
*To convert to millimeters, multiply by 29.57
300 gallons per acre is a typical application volume for landscape ornamental applications.
1 fluid ounce = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Calculating Dilution Rates using the Ornamental Application Rates Table and the Bifen I/T
Ornamental Dilution Chart: To determine the proper dilution of Bifen I/T that is required to control specific
pests, follow the steps below:
1. Determine the target pest that is the least susceptible (i.e., the pest that requires the highest application
rate for effective control).
2. Choose a treatment rate in terms of fl. oz. of Bifen I/T.
3. Determine the dilution volume necessary for the treatment.
4. Use the proper amount of Bifen I/T that must be mixed in your preferred volume of water as shown in
the Ornamental Dilution Chart.
As an example, if you were treating for Cutworms, the Ornamental Application Rates table shows that 0.125
– 0.25 fluid ounces of Bifen I/T should be applied per 1,000 square feet. Select the application rate of 0.25
fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet due to evidence of high pest pressure. The application volume is determined
to be 300 gallons per acre, which is equivalent to 6.9 gallons per 1,000 square feet. The corresponding value
in the Ornamental Dilution Chart shows that 0.36 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T must be mixed with 10 gallons of water.
Ornamental Application Rates
Under typical conditions, the application rates in the table below will offer optimal control of the listed pests,
but Bifen I/T can be used at up to 1 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet (43.5 fl. oz. per 100 gallons) at the discretion
of the applicator. When maximum residual control is preferred, higher listed treatment rates are necessary.
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per 1,000 square ft. Fluid Ounces per 100 gallons
Bagworms 1
0.125 - 0.25 5.4 - 10.8
Elm Leaf Beetles
Fall Webworms
Gypsy Moth Caterpillars
Lace Bugs
Leaf Feeding Caterpillars
Tent Caterpillars
Adelgids† 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Beet Armyworm
Beetles 2,†
Black Vine Weevil (Adults)
Brown Soft Scales
Broad Mites
California Red Scale (Crawlers)13 Centipedes
Citrus Thrips
Clover Mites
Diaprepes (Adults)
European Red Mite
Flea Beetles
Fungus Gnats (Adults)
Japanese Beetle (Adult)†
Orchid Weevil
Pine Needle Scales (Crawlers)2
Plant Bugs (Including Lygus spp.)
San Jose Scales (Crawlers)2
Spider Mites3
Spiders 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7
Tip Moths
Twig Borers2
Pest Application Rate Bifen I/T
Fluid Ounces per 1,000 square ft. Fluid Ounces per 100 gallons
Ants 0.5 - 1.0 21.7 - 43.5
Imported Fire Ants**
Pecan Leaf Scorch Mite
Pine Shoot Beetle (Adults)
Spider Mites3
Stink Bugs
Mosquitoes See directions for use in mosquito control in the section titled “Mosquito Control”
Bagworms: For optimum control treat when larvae have started to hatch and are young, directing spray to
contact as many larvae as possible.
Beetles, Scale Crawlers, Twig Borers, and Weevils: Apply to plant foliage; also treat trunks, stems,
and twigs.
Spider Mites: Apply during spring and mid-summer for most effective control of twospotted spider mites.
During mid- to late-summer it may be necessary to make more frequent treatments, possibly at higher
rates suitable control. Control may be enhanced by adding a surfactant or horticultural oil or by combining
Bifen I/T with other products registered to control mites. Applications of Bifen I/T may be alternated with
chemicals offering other modes of action delay or prevent control resistance by twospotted spider mites. For
recommendations on resistance management in your region check with your local Cooperative Extension Service.
**For foraging ants.
Not for use in California.
Pest Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings
Follow Additional Application Restrictions for Residential Outdoor Surface and Space Sprays under
Bifen I/T will provide up to 1 month residual control of house flies. Length of residual control is dependent
upon rate and surface treated.
Applications to vertical exterior surfaces (e.g., foundations) are permitted to a maximum height of 3 feet
from ground level. Sections of vertical exterior surfaces that abut non-porous horizontal surfaces can only
be treated if either 1) these sections are protected from rainfall and spray from sprinklers or 2) they do not
drain into a sewer, storm drain, or curbside gutter (e.g., not to sections that abut driveways or sidewalks that
drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T may be used to control Ants, including Carpenter Ants and Fire Ants, Armyworms, Lady Beetles, Bees,
Beetles†, Biting Flies, Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Cicadas, Clover Mites, Crickets,
Cutworms, Dichondra Flea Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Gnats, Grasshoppers, Hornets,
Japanese Beetles†, Midges, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Moths, Roaches (including Cockroaches), Scorpions,
Silverfish, Sod Webworms, Sowbugs (Pillbugs), Spider Mites, Spiders (including Black Widow, Brown Recluse
and Hobo Spiders), Springtails, Stink Bugs, Ticks (including Brown Dog Ticks), Vinegar (Fruit) Flies and Wasps.
†Not for use in California.
Use a 0.02 to 0.06% dilution to spray the outside surfaces of buildings such as private homes, duplexes,
townhouses, condominiums, house trailers, apartment complexes, carports, garages, fence lines, storage sheds,
barns, and other residential and non-commercial structures. Sites of treatment include, but are not limited
to, exterior siding, foundations, porches, window frames, eaves, patios, garages, garbage areas, lawn areas,
trunks of trees and shrubs and other areas where pests my be found. Use a spray volume of up to 10 gallons
of emulsion per 1,000 square feet. Use higher dilution volumes if vegetation or landscape materials are dense.
Mixing Directions
Suspension Bifen I/T per Remarks
gallon of water
0.02% 0.33 fl. oz. -Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
-Use higher treatment rates for quicker knockdown or longer residual control.
0.06% 1.0 fl. oz. -High pest pressure may require subsequent applications.
-Repeat application only if there is evidence of renewed insect activity
and not more than once per 7 days.
Perimeter Treatment: Treat a band of soil and vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide around and next to the structure
and the foundation of the structure to a height of 2 to 3 feet. Use 0.33 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square
feet in enough water to provide sufficient coverage (refer to Perimeter Application Dilution Chart).
For sections of foundation that abut non-porous horizontal surfaces, the treated areas must be protected from
rainfall and spray from sprinklers or they do not drain into a sewer, storm drain, or curbside gutter (e.g. not to
sections that abut driveways or sidewalks that drain into streets.)
Bifen I/T Perimeter Application Dilution Chart
Application Volume: Application Rate: Fluid Ounces* of Bifen I/T Diluted to these Volumes of Finished Spray
Gallons Per Fluid Ounces Per
1000 sq. ft. 1000 sq. ft. 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 100 gallons
1 0.33 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
1 0.5 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
1 0.67 0.67 3.33 6.67 66.7
1 0.75 0.75 3.75 7.5 75.0
1 1.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 100.0
2 0.33 0.17 0.83 1.65 16.5
2 0.5 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
2 0.67 0.33 1.67 3.35 33.5
2 0.75 0.38 1.88 3.75 37.5
2 1.0 0.5 2.5 5.0 50.0
3 0.33 0.11 0.55 1.10 11.0
3 0.5 0.17 0.83 1.67 16.7
3 0.67 0.22 1.11 2.23 22.3
3 0.75 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
3 1.0 0.33 1.67 3.33 33.3
4 0.33 - 0.41 0.83 8.3
4 0.5 0.13 0.63 1.25 12.5
4 0.67 0.17 0.84 1.67 16.7
4 0.75 0.19 0.94 1.88 18.8
4 1.0 0.25 1.25 2.5 25.0
5 0.33 - 0.33 0.67 6.7
5 0.5 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
5 0.67 0.13 0.67 1.33 13.3
5 0.75 0.15 0.75 1.5 15.0
5 1.0 0.2 1.0 2.0 20.0
10 0.33 - 0.17 0.33 3.3
10 0.5 - 0.25 0.5 5.0
10 0.67 - 0.33 0.67 6.7
10 0.75 - 0.38 0.75 7.5
10 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0
*To convert to milliliters, multiply by 29.57
1 fluid oz. = 29.57 ml = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons
Do not use household utensils to measure Bifen I/T.
Fire Ants and Fire Ant Mounds Outdoors: Control is optimized by combining broadcast applications that will
control foraging workers and newly mated fly-in queens with mound drenches that will control existing colonies. If
the soil is dry, then it is important to irrigate before application or use a high volume application. Apply broadcast
treatments at 0.6 to 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet. Use enough finished volume to penetrate thatch or sod. Treat
mounds by applying 1 oz Bifen I/T per mound in 1 to 2 gallons water by sprinkling the mound until it is wet and
treat 3 feet out around the mound. Use the higher volume for mounds larger than 12. Treat mounds with sufficient
force to break their apex and allow the insecticide solution to flow into the ant tunnels. For best results, apply in
cool weather (65 - 80°F) or in early morning or late evening hours.
Mosquito Control
To control adult mosquitoes outdoors on residential, institutional, public, commercial and industrial buildings, and
lawns, ornamentals, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields.
Apply Bifen I/T for mosquito control at an application rate of 0.33 to 1.0 fluid oz. Bifen I/T per gallon of water (0.07
to 0.22 lbs Bifenthrin/acre), and apply at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1,000 square feet as a general spray
(refer to the Bifen I/T Dilution Chart). Use the high rate for residual control of mosquitoes. Use this product
for control of mosquitoes that may potentially transmit malaria, and arboviruses (West Nile Fever, dengue fever,
Eastern equine encephalitis, and St. Louis encephalitis.)
Apply as a residual spray to outside spray to outside surfaces of buildings including but not limited to, exterior
siding, foundations, porches, window frames, eaves, patios, garages, refuse dumps, lawns such as grass areas
adjacent to or along private homes, duplexes, townhouses, condominiums, house trailers, apartment complexes,
carports, fence lines, storage sheds, barns, and other commercial, residential and non commercial structures, soil,
trunk of woody ornamentals, trees, shrubs, ground cover, bedding plants, foliage plants, flowers, non-bearing fruit
and nut trees, urban areas, parks, campsites, athletic fields, playgrounds, recreational and overgrown waste areas,
roadsides and other areas where mosquitoes are found. May also be applied to non-bearing crops or perennial
crops that will not produce harvestable raw agricultural commodities during the season of application.
Use the high rate for heavy pest infestation, quicker knockdown, or longer residual control. Retreatment may be
necessary to achieve and/or maintain control during periods of high pest pressure, or if there are signs of renewed
insect activity. For the lower use rates, repeat application must be limited to no more than once per seven days.
For the high use rate of 1.0 fluid oz. Bifen I/T per gallon of water, do not apply more than once per four weeks.
Apply with hand-held and back pack sprayers or mist blowers, ground sprayers, power sprayers, truck mounted
hydraulic sprayers or mist blowers. Do not apply by air or with hand held or truck mounted cold aerosol ULV
sprayers and thermal fogging devices. For best results apply when the mosquitoes are most active. Application
during the cooler hours of the night or early mornings ir recommended.
Do not apply more than 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (equivalent to 0.22 lbs. Bifenthrin/acre)
per application.
Do not apply when wind speed exceeds 10 MPH.
Other Pest Control Applications
Controlling Ants Indoors and Outdoors
Pest Ants Indoors: Apply to ant nests for best results. Apply a dilution of 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of
water at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1000 square feet to places where ants have been seen or are believed
to forage as a general surface, spot or crack and crevice treatment. Some of these areas include baseboards,
cracks and crevices, in and behind cabinets, under and behind dishwashers, furnaces, refrigerators, sinks and
stoves, around pipes, and in corners. Pay close attention when treating entry points into the home or around
windows and doors. When combining liquid Bifen I/T treatments with bait treatments, use Bifen I/T as instructed
above and apply baits in those areas where Bifen I/T has not been applied.
Pest Ants Outdoors: Apply to ant nests for best results. Treat ant trails, around windows and doors, and other
places where ants have been seen or are likely to forage. As stated in the “Pest Control on Outside Surfaces
and Around Buildings” section, treat using a low or high volume perimeter treatment depending on density
of vegetation and landscaping materials. When treating concrete surfaces, more frequent treatments, higher
dilutions and/or application volumes may be needed for ant control.
The following procedures must be followed to help achieve maximum control of the pest:
1. Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying at a rate of up to 10 gallons of dilution per
1,000 square feet for maximum residual control.
2. Vegetation and porous surfaces should be treated with high volume applications using dilutions that are
calculated to deliver 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (refer to the Ornamental and Perimeter
Application Dilution Charts).
3. Treat non-porous surfaces with low volume applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water
and applying this dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1,000 square feet.
Carpenter Ants Indoors: Treat areas where carpenter ants are seen or are predicted to forage, such as,
baseboards, in and behind cabinets, under and behind dishwashers, furnaces, refrigerators, sinks, and stoves,
around pipes, cracks and crevices, and in corners by diluting 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water
and applying at the rate of one gallon of dilution per 1,000 square feet as a general surface, crack and crevice,
spot and/or foam application. Spray or foam into cracks and crevices or drill holes and spray, mist or foam into
voids and galleries where carpenter ants or their nests are present. When combining liquid Bifen I/T treatments
with bait treatments, use Bifen I/T as instructed above and apply baits in those areas where Bifen I/T has not
been applied.
Carpenter Ants Outdoors: Treat carpenter ant nests for best results. Treat areas where carpenter ants are
seen or are believed to forage, such as ant trails, and around doors and windows. As stated in the “Pest Control
on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings” section, treat using a low or high volume perimeter treatment. When
treating concrete surfaces, more frequent treatments, higher dilutions and/or application volumes may be needed
for carpenter ant control. The following procedures must be followed to help achieve maximum control of the pest:
1. Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and apply at a rate of up to 10 gallons of dilution per 1,000
square feet to obtain residual control.
2. Vegetation and porous surfaces should be treated with high volume applications using dilutions that are
calculated to deliver 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per 1,000 square feet (refer to the Ornamental and Perimeter
Application Dilution Charts).
3. Treat non-porous surfaces with low volume applications using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water
and applying this dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1,000 square feet.
4. Use 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water on tree trunks with carpenter ant trails or evidence of
foraging. Apply to the bark, completely wetting it from the bottom of the tree to the highest possible point on
the trunk.
To control carpenter ants inside deck materials, fencing, trees, utility poles or other structural elements, drill to
find the inside infested cavity and inject or foam a 0.06% dilution (1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water) into
the cavity with adequate volume and a proper treatment tool with a splash-back guard. Where there are ants
tunneling below the surfaces, dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying as a drench or
foam at intervals of 8 to 12 inches. A uniform barrier should be established where there are ants tunneling below
surfaces such as, at the edges of walls, driveways or other hard surfaces.
Use a sprinkling can or a hose-end sprayer to distribute a coarse drenching spray, apply a 0.06% dilution to stored
lumber and wood piles. This wood may be used for lumber or may be burned after 30 days. Do not use this
method of application in structures.
Diluting 1.0 fluid oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying to the soil below where the firewood will be stacked at
the rate of one gallon of dilution per 8 square feet will protect the wood from carpenter ants.
DO NOT treat firewood with this product.
Controlling Termites (Above Ground Only)
The treatment methods that are expressed below are intended to kill termite workers or winged reproductives
present at the time of application. These methods should supplement, not substitute for, mechanical alteration,
soil treatment or foundation treatment.
Controlling winged reproductive termites and exposed workers in localized areas may be accomplished by diluting
1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying the dilution at the rate of one gallon per 1000 square feet to
crawl spaces, unfinished basements, attics, and other crawl spaces as a course fan spray. Both swarming termites
and the areas where they gather should be treated.
Controlling above-ground termites in localized areas of infested wood may be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz.
of Bifen I/T per gallon of water and applying as a foam or a liquid to voids and galleries in wood that is damaged
in addition to spaces between wooden structural members and between the foundation and sill plate where the
wood is at risk of to attack. Drilling and then injecting the foam or dilution into damaged wood or wall voids
with an appropriate directional injector will help reach those areas that are not easy to access. After treatment is
completed, securely plug the holes that are in regularly occupied areas in the construction elements.
Controlling termite carton nests in building voids can be accomplished by diluting 1.0 fl. oz. of Bifen I/T per gallon
of water and applying as a foam or a liquid using a pointed projection tool. To obtain control, various depths of
injection and numerous injection points may be needed. After treatment is complete and when feasible, remove
the carton nest material from the building void.
Pests Under Slabs
To control infestations of Arthropods (e.g., ants, cockroaches, and scorpions) that live beneath the slab area, drill
or horizontally rod and inject 1 gallon of a 0.06% to 0.12% dilution per 10 square feet or 2 gallons of dilution per
10 linear feet.
Posts, Poles, and Other Constructions
Around wooden constructions (signs, fences, and landscape ornamentation) an insecticidal barrier can be
established by treating with a 0.06% dilution. Sub-surface injection and gravity-flow through holes in the bottom
of the trench, are two treatment methods that can be used on poles and posts that have already been installed.
Establishing a complete chemical zone around the pole can be accomplished by treating on all sides. For poles
and posts that are fewer than 6 inches in diameter use 1 gallon of dilution per foot of depth and 1.5 gallons for
larger poles, applying under the wood to a depth of 6 inches. 4 gallons per 10 linear feet per foot of depth should
be used for larger constructions.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects in Wood (Localized Areas in Structures)
Insects Application Rate Remarks
Termites Apply a 0.06% dilution -Can be applied as a paint or fan spray.
Ants to voids and galleries -Place plastic sheeting under overhead areas that are
Carpenter Ants in damaged wood and spot treated except for soil surfaces in crawl spaces.
Wood-infesting beetles in spaces between -Areas to which access is difficult can be treated by
(including but not wooden members of a drilling, and then injecting dilution with a crack and
limited to Old House structure and between crevice injector into the damaged wood or void spaces.
Borer & Powder Post) wood and foundations (Not intended as a replacement for soil treatment,
where wood is at risk. mechanical alteration or fumigation to control
widespread infestation of wood-infesting insects.
Control of Wood-Infesting Insects and Nuisance Pests (Outside of Structures)
In order to control wood-infesting insects active inside trees, utility poles and/or fences, a 0.06% dilution should
be injected into the infested cavity, which can be found by drilling into the wood. If treating nuisance pests on the
exterior of the structure, use a fan spray at a maximum pressure of 25 p.s.i. and apply up to the point of runoff. To
control Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow-Jackets, direct the spray at nest openings in the ground, bushes, and in
cracks and crevices, where the insects may nest. Saturate the openings and contact as many insects as possible.
Underground Services (e.g. cables, conduits, pipes, utility lines, wires, etc.) may be in right-of-ways, inside of
structures or to guard long range (miles) of installations of services.
Treat the soil using a 0.06 to 0.12% Bifen I/T dilution to prevent and control termite and ant infestations.
Treat the bottom of the trench with 2 gallons of dilution per 10 linear feet and let it soak into the soil. Place the services
on the treated soil and cover with about 2 inches of fill soil. Apply another 2 gallons per 10 linear feet over the fill
soil to complete the chemical barrier. Only threat the soil in the area near the services in wide trenches, but ensure a
continuous barrier of treated soil surrounding the services.
In the event that the soil will not accept the volume stated above, 1 gallon of 0.12% Bifen I/T may be applied per 10
linear feet of trench over the soil that covers the services and to the base of the trench.
Fill the remainder of the trench with the treated fill soil. Where each service sticks out of the ground, the soil may
be treated by trenching/rodding no more than 1 to 2 gallons of dilution into the soil.
RESTRICTIONS: Do not treat electrically active underground services.
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.
STORAGE AND SPILL PROCEDURES: Store upright at room temperature. Avoid exposure to extreme
temperatures. In case of spillage or leakages, soak up with an absorbent material such as sand, sawdust,
earth, Fuller’s earth, etc. Dispose of with chemical waste.
PESTICIDE DISPOSAl: Pesticide, spray mixture or rinse water that cannot be used according to label
instructions must be disposed of at or by an approved waste disposal facility.
For Containers equal to or less than 5 Gallons: Nonrefillable container. Do Not reuse or refill this
container. Clean container promptly after emptying. Triple rinse as follows: Empty the remaining contents
into application equipment or a mix tank and drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Fill the
container ¼ full with water and recap. Shake for 10 seconds. Pour rinsate into application equipment or a
mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Repeat
this procedure two more times. Offer for recycling if available. If recycling is not available, puncture or
dispose of in a sanitary landfill.
Insecticide / Termiticide
For prevention and control of termites, carpenter ants and other pests of structures. To control
pests in and around such areas as homes, commercial and industrial buildings, recreational
areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals. Controls pests in livestock and poultry houses.
For use as a Termiticide: May only be used by individuals/firms licensed by the state to apply
termiticide products. States may have more restrictive requirements regarding qualifications of
persons using this product. Consult the pest control regulatory agency of your state prior to use of
this product.
Bifenthrin*....................................7.9% KEEP OUT OF
TOTAL...................................... 100.0%
Bifen I/T contains 2/3 pound active
ingredient per gallon. See inside booklet for additional
precautionary statements
*Cis isomers 97% minimum, trans iso-
mers 3% maximum. EPA Reg. No. 53883-118
EPA Est. No. 53883-TX-002
Manufactured by:
EPA 060717