2024 Glion Executive Masters Tuition Fees New Students Digital

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Valid for participants starting in Spring & Fall 2024

Distance learning
Executive Master’s in Luxury
Management and Guest Experience

Twelve-month distance Total Executive

Breakdown of fees in CHF
learning program Master’s

Compulsory expenses
STUDENTS Tuition fees 32,000
SPRING & FALL 2024 Two Residential Weeks 1 4,000

2,000 CHF per week
which includes: workshops,
business field visits and lunch.
Accommodation, breakfast, dinner
and travel expenses to and from
campus are excluded.
Glion reserves the right to review
and modify the fees and Terms
and Conditions of each semester
at any time and without prior
notice. To maintain the standards
expected from the institution, the
fees are reviewed annually.
Terms & conditions
Executive Master’s in Luxury Management and Guest Experience

Application fee Refund policy

A non-refundable application fee of CHF RESIDENTIAL WEEKS FEES DO NOT until the due amount has been received in Except as described hereinafter, all fees
275 is required with each application. COVER THE FOLLOWING OPTIONAL full. Academic documentation (transcript outlined and paid for are non-refundable.
OR ADDITIONAL EXPENSES of grades, degrees, attestations, etc.) As per the pre-payment section, if a new
Accommodation, breakfast, dinner, parking, are only delivered/awarded after all due student cancels before the official program
personal out-of-pocket expenses including fees and charges have been paid in full. start date, only the pre-payment of CHF
Log in to your applicant portal
to pay to the application fee travel to and from the campus, a laptop, re- Glion reserves the right to suspend from 5,000 will be retained. If a student is
online in CHF sit fees or online retake and submission fees. their studies, at any time, a student with dismissed or withdraws from the program
pending due amounts or non-respected after the first module started, all fees are
payment plan installments. non-refundable. If the student has to take
Tuition fees a break from their studies due to mitigating
Pre-payment circumstances approved by the Glion
New students will receive their acceptance Students Accounting committee, any unused
Tuition, learning resources, some events documents after receipt of the CHF 5,000 Log in to your applicant portal fees for tuition will be credited if the student
and facilities (i.e. conferences, Swiss VAT, prepayment. This pre-payment confirms to view payment details returns to Glion within two years. The unused
contribution to the Alumni Association of the place in the program and is non- tuition fees are proportional to the number of
Glion (AAG), tutoring (when necessary), refundable, except in case of mitigating modules remaining in the program that have
industry presentations, examiner fees, circumstances assessed by the Students Scholarships been invoiced for. In any case, if the due fees
Counselor, and career counseling. Accounting Committee. The pre-payment for the program have not been settled in full,
As a private institute, Glion provides a the outstanding amount will be (or become in
Various learning materials such as is deducted from the student’s invoice. limited number of scholarships for new case of payment plan) immediately due and
e-books, access to the library and online
Please note: If the student postpones his and returning students. Scholarships are
database, etc. Any unused services, Glion will ask for instant payment.
or her studies after the pre-payment has competitive and linked to Glion’s admissions
school supplies, benefits, etc., included
been made, the balance will be carried strategy, which aims to assist motivated
in the main fees are non-refundable.
forward to the next Intake (one year) only. young people to study at our institution.
Each scholarship has specific criteria, and Sponsorship
eligibility for a scholarship is examined on
Residential Weeks a case-by-case basis for those students
Sponsorship is a financial commitment by


Payment who have submitted a complete application.
a sponsor (parent, legal guardian or any
other person) where the sponsor undertakes
All payments must be made in full using Scholarships are granted at Glion’s sole to pay any fees and other charges on
Local business field visits organized during
Swiss Francs. The payer is responsible for discretion. Scholarships apply to tuition behalf of the student. Notwithstanding any
the two Residential Weeks: transportation,
any applicable bank charges and exchange only, are not cumulative and do not apply sponsorship commitment as part of the
logistics, activities, lunches, academic
rate impacts. to retake fees. The Scholarship Policy is application process, the student remains
delivery and assessments.
Payments are required no later than 15th reviewed each year and can be changed at liable for any outstanding debt. Any
December (for the Spring intake) or 15th any time and without prior notice. reference in these Terms and Conditions to
June (for the Fall intake), unless a payment liability of students shall also infer liability on
plan contract has been approved. Students the sponsor of the student as the case may
will not be permitted to begin the program be and such liability is joint and several.
Global Executive Master’s
in Hospitality Leadership
in partnership with
ESSEC Business School

12-month distance Total Global

Breakdown of fees in CHF
learning program Executive Master’s

Compulsory expenses
PARTICIPANTS Tuition fees & Residential Weeks fees 1 42,000
FALL 2024

Residential Week fees cover
workshops, business field visits,
and lunch. Accommodation,
breakfast, dinner, plus travel
expenses to and from each
campus are not included.
Glion reserves the right to review
and modify the fees and Terms
and Conditions of each semester
at any time and without prior
notice. To maintain the standards
expected from the institution, the
fees are reviewed annually.
Terms & conditions in partnership with
Global Executive Master’s in Hospitality Leadership ESSEC Business School

1.1 Application fee 2.1 Pre-payment 2.3 Scholarships 2.5 Sponsorship

A non-refundable application fee of CHF All Program Fees payments must be made Scholarships are granted at Glion and Sponsorship is a financial commitment by a
275 is required with each application. to Glion in full using Swiss Francs. The ESSEC’s sole discretion. sponsor (company, employer, parent or any
payer is responsible for any applicable bank other person) where the sponsor undertakes
charges and exchange rate impacts. to pay any fees and other charges on

Log in to your applicant portal

Participants will receive their acceptance 2.4 Refund Policy behalf of the participant. Notwithstanding
to pay to the application fee documents after receipt of the CHF 5,000 any sponsorship commitment as part of
Except as described hereinafter, all fees the application process, the participant
online in CHF pre-payment. This pre-payment confirms the
outlined and paid for are nonrefundable. As remains liable for any outstanding debt. Any
place in the program and is non-refundable,
per the pre-payment section, if a participant reference in these Terms and Conditions to
except in case of mitigating circumstances
cancels before the official start date of the
1.2 Program fees assessed by the Finance Committee. liability of participants shall also infer liability
Program, only the pre-payment of CHF on the sponsor of the participant as the case
The Program Fees include Tuition fees & Four The pre-payment is deducted from the
5,000 will be retained. If a participant is may be and such liability is joint and several.
Residential Weeks fees as follows: participant’s invoice.
dismissed or withdraws from the Program
Tuition fees include tuition, learning Please note: If the participant postpones his after the first module started, all fees are due
resources, Swiss VAT, contribution to the or her studies after the prepayment has been and non-refundable. If the participant has to
Alumni Association of Glion (AAG), tutoring made, the balance may be carried forward to take a break from studies due to mitigating
or talent counselling as planned as part of the next intake of the Program only. circumstances approved by the Finance
the Program as the case may be, examiner Committee, any unused fees for tuition
fees and various learning materials such will be credited if the participant returns to
as e-books, access to library and online 2.2 Payment plan the Program within two years. The unused
database. Any unused services, supplies, All payments must be made in full using Program and Residential week fees are
benefits, etc., are non-refundable. Swiss Francs. The payer is responsible for proportional to the number of modules and
Residential Weeks fees include workshops, any applicable bank charges and exchange residential weeks remaining in the program
business field visits, and lunch. Other rate impacts. that have been invoiced for. In any case, if
expenses such as accommodation, breakfast, the due fees for the program have not been
Payments are required no later than 15th
dinner and travel expenses to and from settled in full, the outstanding amount will
August (for the November intake), unless a
campuses location are excluded. Residential be (or become in case of payment plan)
payment plan contract has been approved.
Weeks are a compulsory part of the Program. immediately due and Glion will ask for
Participants will not be permitted to begin
Residential Weeks fees remain due in case instant payment.
the program until the due amount has been
the participant does not attend the residential received in full. Academic documentation
week. In case the participant does not attend (transcript of grades, degrees, attestations,
the residential week for any reasons, neither etc.) are only delivered/awarded after all
ESSEC or Glion will reimburse any travel or due fees and charges have been paid in
other related expenses, and no compensation full. Glion and ESSEC reserve the right to
will be paid by ESSEC or Glion. It is therefore suspend from their studies, at any time,
strongly advised to buy modifiable and/or participants with pending due amounts or
refundable travel tickets/accommodation. non-respected payment plan instalments.

Rue de l’Ondine 20
CH-1630 Bulle

+41 (0)26 919 78 78

[email protected]


GIHE Sàrl – CH-1630 Bulle

linktr.ee/glion.edu 08.23

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