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First published in 1951 by Moody Press, USA,

REAL under the title, On being a Real Christian

Subsequent editions by Good News Publishers

Biblical Exhortations and Back to the Bible Broadcast
for new Believers
and growing Christians
This Indian reprint for
non-profit distribution: April 2021

Copies available from

R. Stanley, 13 Church Colony, Vellore 632 006
G. Christian Weiss 00 91 98437 07600, 98430 11943

Voice of Missions,
Back to the Bible
The Tamil edition published by and available with
Evangelical Literature Service (ELS)
95A, Vepery High Road, Chennai 600 007
Tel: 00 91 44 25323231, 26420173

When a baby comes to bless a home, the parents take Contents
precautions to protect him from disease and accident. They Chapter
make every effort to give the child a properly balanced diet
so that he will have a good start in life and will thus have a 1. Salvation: God’s Side ... 5
healthy, strong body when he is grown.
2. Salvation: Your Side ... 12
In a truly Christian home the parents will be careful to
3. Your Assurance of Salvation ... 19
indoctrinate the child properly in spiritual matters and fortify
him for later years. 4. Your Fellowship with God ... 30
So often, however, a newborn babe in Christ is taken for 5. Your Fellowship with God’s People ... 37
granted. Older, more mature, Christians fail to see the need
of protecting him from danger. They do not recognize the 6. Your Spiritual Diet (I) ... 45
necessity of proper foundational training in important
7. Your Spiritual Diet (II) ... 52
Christian doctrines and practices.
8. Your Testimony to Others ... 57
Perhaps this is one reason why Christians of this
generation have been accused of lacking genuineness. 9. Your Responsibility ... 67
However, a close study and diligent practice of the principles
laid down in this book will help young Christians avoid 10. Your Relationship to the World ... 76
such a charge. It deals briefly yet adequately with many of
11. Your Inner Helper ... 86
the essential areas of Christian experience and conduct. It is
exceedingly practical. 12. Your Worship ... 93
Pastors, Christian Workers and Evangelists will find this 13. Your Moneypurse ... 103
book, On being a Real Christian, invaluable in working with
babes in Christ. Since the first edition was published in 14. Your Life Companion ... 111
1951, this book has been widely circulated in English and
15. Your Family and Home ... 117
has been translated into a number of foreign languages for
use on mission fields. 16. Pitfalls to Avoid ... 124
— Theodore H. Epp (1907-1985)
Founder, Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1939

3 4
was a picture of his life as it had been thus far lived, with its
godlessness and sin, and it made him feel that he was cut
off from God. He sensed that he had no way to touch Him
Chapter 1 and no claim upon Him.
As the boy struggled with this picture and these thoughts,
he earnestly groped for some means of contact with the God
Salvation: God’s Side he felt must be out there somewhere. How could he reach
the ear and the helping hand of God, if indeed He really did
exist? How could he obtain His help? As he struggled with
these thoughts, he continued his attempted prayer: “I’ll read
the Bible every day of my life from now on — if only You will
help me.”
That boy was the writer of this book. The experience of
“O God — if there is a God —” This was the way a boy of that black day has lived on vividly in my memory ever since.
nine or ten, many years ago, endeavored to direct a prayer Actually, it proved to be a red-letter day for me rather than
to God in a lonely spot in the woods adjacent to his home, in a black one. God heard my boyish prayer. He got me out of
a time of difficulty and desperate need. The lad was not my temporary difficulty. And I, in turn kept my promise.
even sure of the existence of God, for he had never been From that day forward I read daily from the Holy Bible. And
taught anything about Him. But, like nearly everyone else, as I read, I discovered that it was the Word of God. That
he had an inner consciousness of the existence, somewhere, Word convicted me deeply of my spiritually lost and needy
condition. Ultimately I came to understand the Gospel
of a God who could help people.
contained therein, and I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal
“If You can hear me, and if You will help me now, I — I —.” Saviour. Needless to say, the whole course of my life was
What made him hesitate? What made his words halt? What changed.
was the trouble? Why couldn’t he go on with his prayer?
I believe this experience which I faced in my boyhood is
Though the boy was in desperate need of outside help, and
identical to that of every person who ponders the matter of
though he tried to call on the God whom he thought could
his relationship with God and who seeks contact with God.
help him, in that moment he became strangely aware that
he had no access to God, no contact with the Almighty One. When a person wants to pray or turn to God in time of
In that moment a strange picture flashed before his mind. It need, almost immediately that innate consciousness of sin
5 6
and unworthiness looms up within him. How can one who Spirit tells you that you have sinned. Above all, the Bible
is so full of sin gain an audience with God? How can such a tells you that you have sinned: “All have sinned, and come
person experience fellowship with a Holy God? These are the short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). “There is none
first questions that invade the mind of the seeking soul. righteous, no, not one” (v10). “All we like sheep have gone
Every human being is conscious of sin, to some extent, astray; we have turned everyone to his own way” (Isa 53:6).
although some may not want to admit it openly. The Bible’s testimony against our sins is universal, indicting
The consciousness of sin is not merely the result of and indisputable. We have sinned; we are sinners. In this
childhood training, nor does it come only to those who read group you, along with all the rest of the human family,
and know the Bible. Even in heathen lands men and women must take your place.
have that same inner consciousness of sin when they desire Over against this consciousness of sin there also arises
to approach God. The religion of the heathen is characterized within the human heart a corresponding consciousness of
by its unceasing attempt to atone for sin and to appease the the holiness and justice of God. God is pure and holy, by
displeasure of God. Heathen altars often have been, and common consent. God is righteous. God must be just;
still are, frequently stained with the blood of animals or of therefore He cannot tolerate sin. If He could, He would not
humans. This is because mankind is universally conscious be God, for a God who winked at wickedness could never
of sin.
meet the necessary attributes of deity. This we all realize.
Concerning the heathen, who are in darkness regarding
A good judge in a legal court must punish all wrongdoing.
the Bible and spiritual truth, the Apostle Paul wrote: “They
If he does not do so, he will soon be removed from his
show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their
bench. A judge must judge; he cannot bypass judgment. He
conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves
dare not forgive and exonerate any guilty person. His position
their thoughts accusing or else excusing them” (Rom 2:15).
as a justice, in our highest conception of law, does not permit
You, too, may already have come face to face with this him to do so. He might cherish a deep, inner desire to
unalterable fact of sin. As you have pondered the matter of exonerate the guilty one at his bar, but he cannot, under
your salvation and reconciliation with God, you have likely any circumstances, do so. No matter how much compassion
become terribly conscious of that wall of sin that stands and pity he might feel for the culprit, he cannot exercise it,
between you and God as an insurmountable barrier. Your for justice must prevail. So it is with the great, just Judge
conscience tells you that you have sinned. Common honesty above and the sinful human race. Divine justice cannot ignore
tells you that you have sinned. The convicting voice of God’s the guilt of human sin.
7 8
That God loves men, though they are sinful, is also beyond 103:17). Mercy desires always to forgive and never to
dispute. The love of God is one of the main themes of the punish. Mercy ever pleads for leniency, for exoneration and
Bible. God loves the entire human race — every son of Adam. for pardon for the guilty soul.
God loves you by virtue of the fact that you are human. God is both a God of justice and a God of mercy. But
Nothing else is required to qualify you for a place in His how can He exercise both in dealing with sinners? Justice
love. When you count on nothing else in the whole world, requires that our sins be punished. Yet God’s own love pleads
you can count on the love of God. When all human loves for the sinner’s pardon. How can He do both? How could He
have become exhausted or have been withdrawn, you can both punish and pardon sin? How should He deal with us?
still rest on the fact that God loves you. How could He be both just and merciful to us who are so
full of sin? How could He solve the great problem of our
There is really no room to doubt this. The Bible says,
“God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten
Son” (Jn 3:16); “God demonstrates His love toward us, in Thank God, He has yet another divine attribute — wisdom.
that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom In His infinite wisdom, stimulated by His holy love, God
5:8). God says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love” solved this great problem and provided a way for our
(Jer 31:3). The Psalmist said, “When my father and my salvation. The divine answer to the problem of the salvation
mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me” of sinners was the Cross. On the Cross, His own divine,
(Psa 27:10). beloved Son died in the place of guilty sinners, paying in
full the penalty of their sins, thus providing a way of salvation
The love of God for sinning men is beautifully illustrated for all. At the Cross, justice is satisfied. On that Cross,
by Christ in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, found in the Christ, being infinite, paid the infinite penalty required by
15th chapter of the Gospel of Luke. Although this son had divine justice for our sins. Sin was not winked at — it was
wandered far away and had fallen deep into sin, the father punished. “The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all”
still loved him and received him with tears of joy and the (Isa 53:6). “Christ died for our sins” (1 Cor 15:3). “Christ ...
kiss of forgiveness. suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might
bring us to God” (1 Pet 3:18). “He Himself bore our sins in
God is, furthermore, most certainly a God of mercy. Mercy His own body on the tree” (1 Pet 2:24). When Jesus died,
and love always go together. There can never be one without some of His last words were, “It is finished” (Jn 19:30).
the other. As love dwells in God, likewise does mercy — What did He mean? He meant that atonement for men’s sins
boundless, endless mercy. The Psalmist exclaimed, “The was finished. Justice was satisfied. The price was paid. Mercy
mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting!” (Psa can now be extended to sinful beings!
9 10
Thus we see that at the Cross both God’s justice and His
mercy are operative — and both requited. His holiness, which
required the punishment of sin, was satisfied; and His mercy,
which cried for man’s pardon, was also satisfied. It is little Chapter 2
wonder that Paul said that the Cross is “the power of God,
and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor 1:24). Contemplating this,
William R. Newell (1868-1956) wrote: Salvation: Your Side
Oh, the love that drew salvation’s plan!
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span
At Calvary!

Only the Cross could be the answer for our salvation.

The cross alone is the answer to my need and yours. Only at
the Cross can you be pardoned. Only at the Cross can a If Christ died for us and paid for our sins, does it follow,
Holy God smile in forgiveness and love on guilty sinners then, that all men are automatically saved? Is there not
like us. Because of this, Paul exclaimed, “God forbid that something which we ourselves must do in order to be saved?
I should glory except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus If so, what is it? As the jailer in the town of Philippi asked
Christ!” (Gal 6:14). Paul and Silas, “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30),
every awakened soul raises this question, whether he knows
The Cross is God’s side of salvation. It was all God’s
the Gospel or not. When any person comes to the place of
doing. We had nothing whatsoever to do with it. It was the
longing for God’s salvation and fellowship, the first question
gracious act of a just and loving God to provide a righteous naturally is, “What must I do?” Many, unfortunately, are so
way of salvation for sinful and guilty humanity. Salvation obsessed with the idea that they are to “do” something that
is, first and foremost, the work of God — the operation of they become blinded to what God has already “done” for
His own wisdom, love and grace. their salvation. Yet this question is logical and natural. In
fact, it is inevitable. What must I do to become a child of
Men are not automatically saved on a wholesale basis,
simply by virtue of the fact that Christ died for them. The
11 12
individual must play a part. But let it be firmly fixed in your grasps the fact that Christ, once and for all, completely
mind that the part we have left to play in salvation is a very answered for all of his sins and there is nothing left to do
simple and minor one. All that remains for us to do is to but appropriate that atonement to his own account.
accept by simple faith what Christ did for us, personally, on
Any person who hears the Gospel — the good news that
the Cross. All we need to do is believe, accept, trust, and Christ died for his sins — and really grasps the glorious fact
receive what Christ has done in our behalf. that salvation is now a finished work, accomplished by Christ
Your part in salvation, then, is simple — faith. “By grace on our behalf, has a kernel of faith within him. Once that is
you have been saved,” says God’s Word, “through faith” comprehended, faith is well begun.
(Eph 2:8). When the Philippian jailer cried out, “Sirs, what I will never forget the night when faith became mine. A
must I do to be saved?”, Paul and Silas simply told that man of God had dealt with me long and faithfully, pointing
desperate, seeking soul, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, me to the Cross and Christ’s invitation to come and be
and you shall be saved” (Acts 16:31). Yes, your side of saved. But all I could see was my sin and unworthiness.
salvation is just faith — simple, childlike, trusting faith. He prayed, and I tried to, but I left the meeting that evening
Nothing more is needed, nothing less will suffice, nothing in spiritual darkness and misery.
else will do.
However, after reaching home, when I was on my knees
But another question will probably arise in your mind. beside my bed, the truth suddenly dawned on my soul that
Just what is faith? Faith seems to be hard for the human Jesus Christ had actually paid the penalty for all my sins!
mind to grasp and harder yet to exercise. Yet it ought to be They were answered for! Atonement had been made! He died
the simplest thing possible, and in a sense it is. for me — for my sin! I understood for the first time the
divine plan of salvation — faith was dawning. I knew now
Faith involves, first of all, knowledge, or understanding. what Christ had done on the Cross of Calvary. Such
This is true of any form of faith — even that exercised in a knowledge is the first element of faith.
thousand ways in everyday life. You cannot believe something
Faith also involves decision. Once the glorious fact of the
about which you know nothing. Faith comes in response to work on the Cross is grasped, a decision is necessary — to
what we hear or learn. Whenever you hear about something, repent of sin and accept Christ, or not to do so. This decision
you either believe it or you do not believe it — you either of faith must be made, once the knowledge of salvation is
exercise faith or you do not. Saving faith requires knowledge grasped. Many people have been brought up in Christian
and understanding of the Cross and of what Christ did homes and have been recipients of Gospel teaching all their
there. When a person hears the message that Christ died for lives; but, in spite of this knowledge, they have never made
his sins, saving faith is not exercised until that person really that personal decision of accepting Christ.
13 14
The decision to accept Christ, of course, involves the must take the remedy provided. If you refuse to do that,
decision to repent of sin, for everyone who understands a you will die. If you are willing to take the remedy, you will
degree of spiritual truth knows that following Christ means live. That’s the way it is with salvation. You must accept
forsaking sin. He who has not understood that is not yet what Christ has done for you in order to be benefited by it.
enlightened to the point of possessing faith. And it is this
Suppose that you want to make a trip to a foreign country
necessity of repentance from sin that keeps many from
by airplane. Your ticket is purchased and is in your hand.
accepting Christ. The decision must be made. Having under-
You look at the plane on the airport runway, declaring your
stood what Christ did for me on the Cross, and knowing
knowledge of the craft and your confidence in it. But will
that to accept and to follow Him means repentance and that get you across the ocean? Certainly not. You must step
turning away from my sins, I must decide which I will do. on board. When the faith which you said you had in the
What a pity it is that some, knowing fully what is involved craft goes into action and you actually board the plane, you
and understanding perfectly what salvation is and what will make the crossing — unless the plane fails. In the case
accepting Christ consists of, decide to reject His grace and of Christ, He, the Ship of Salvation, cannot fail. But have
go on in their sinful way! Such people have not exercised you exercised faith by stepping on board?
faith, for faith embraces decision. There must be not only
the enlightenment of the mind but also the exercising of the Have you made your decision? Have you accepted Christ,
will. Faith involves both the intellect and the will. Since Christ repenting of your sins and sincerely purposing in your heart
died for me, and I know that, the only thing that stands to follow Him? If not, then this decision now faces you.
between me and salvation is my own will. What will my What will you do with Jesus Christ? What will be your
choice be as I gaze at Christ on the Cross, paying for the reaction to the fact that He died for you and now pleads
guilt of my sin? with you to come to Him for full and free forgiveness? What
is the answer of your will to this knowledge of the Cross
Consider an illustration or two. Suppose that you are so which is now yours?
ill you are nearly at the point of death. Your relatives learn
of a famous doctor who can treat a disease such as you It is the decision of all decisions, for it determines your
eternal destiny. If you have made it — if you have accepted
have. He is called to your bedside. He diagnoses your case
Christ and repented of your sin — then your salvation is
and prescribes the remedy. The medicine he prescribes is
forever sealed.
quite expensive, but in spite of that fact, your relatives secure
it, paying the enormous price at great sacrifice. Are you To add another simple word, faith is just believing the
saved because the remedy has been prescribed and promises of God’s Word. The Word of God says, “As many
purchased and placed beside your bed? Of course not. You as received Jesus, to them He gave the right to become the
15 16
children of God, even to those who believe on His name” (Jn These for sin could not atone;
l:12); “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be Thou must save and Thou alone:
saved” (Acts 16:31); “He who comes to Me (Christ) I will by In my hand no price I bring,
no means cast out” (Jn 6:37); “Come to Me, all you who Simply to Thy cross I cling.
labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt
11:28); “Whoever believes in Christ shall not perish, but This last line well expresses what constitutes true, saving
have everlasting life” (Jn 3:16). faith — “Simply to Thy cross I cling!”

Will God keep His word? Will Christ fulfill His promises? A Christian who was having serious doubts concerning
On this depends our salvation, and on this alone hangs our his salvation once confided his difficulties to me. His soul
faith. Hence, faith is, in the final and simplest analysis, was in anguish. My counsel to him was that whenever those
believing the promises of God’s Word, the Bible. If we do not doubts recurred, he should simply say within himself, “My
cling to His promises, we can have no sure hope. But if His one hope of salvation is Christ and His work on the Cross.
Word is sure, our salvation is secure. To Him I will cling for salvation, come what may. And if I go
to hell, I will go there trusting Christ.” I knew that no
Faith is a matter of clinging to the one and only hope of enlightened person, as this man was, could think for one
salvation, the crucified Christ. You may not understand all minute that he could go to hell trusting Christ. Try this
the spiritual significances of the Cross or all the theological method for yourself when you are tempted to doubt God’s
explanations about the atonement, but you know that Christ glorious salvation.
did something there that answered for your sins, and you
know that this alone is your hope of salvation. And to that We close this chapter with the words of another hymn,
crucified Saviour you cling in earnest, simple faith. Augustus this one written by Charlotte Elliot (1789-1871):
M. Toplady (1740-1778) expressed it beautifully when he
Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
Rock of ages, cleft for me, And that Thou bid’st me come to Thee,
Let me hide myself in Thee; O Lamb of God! I come! I come!
Let the water and the blood,
From Thy wounded side which flowed, Just as I am — Thou wilt receive,
Be of sin the double cure, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Save from wrath and make me pure. Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God! I come! I come!
Could my tears forever flow,
Could my zeal no longer know, This is faith!

17 18
But is this the Bible’s concept? Does the New Testament
picture the followers of Christ as people who are groping
through life in darkness and uncertainty, never knowing
Chapter 3 until they die whether they are going to be saved or lost? Is
that the best God is offering us in Christ? Is that the best
the Bible promises to us? Is that the best the Christian life
can offer? Is that the best kind of a hope we can present to
Your Assurance of Salvation
other people whom we ask to follow the Lord Jesus Christ?
Is that the best message a preacher of the Gospel can bring
to hopeless men and women? Is that the best message the
missionary can offer the heathen as he goes out to present
Christ to them? Is the message of the Gospel one of doubt
and uncertainty?
Assurance of salvation is possible! It is the believer’s
Is assurance of salvation possible? Some religious
privilege to know that he has eternal life. The Apostle John
people say that it is impossible for a person to know whether
wrote to the early believers: “These things have I written to
or not he actually possesses eternal life until he dies and
you ... that you may know that you have eternal life, and
stands before the judgment seat of God. They are quite
that you may believe on the name of the Son of God” (1 Jn
surprised — sometimes even indignant — at the testimony
5:13). John wrote this entire epistle so that the believers
of those who say they have the assurance that they are
who read it might know that they had eternal life. Actually,
saved. Some Christians do not have the assurance of salvation
and think it is impossible to attain such assurance in to deny the possibility of the believer’s assurance of salvation
this life. would be to deny the message of the First Epistle of John —
to say that it was written in vain. And that would be an
If being a Christian meant doing my best to follow Christ insult to the Holy Spirit, who inspired John to write it. If
but never knowing at the end of each day whether I was any some say it is presumptuous for a Christian to say he knows
nearer to heaven or to hell than I was the day before, that he is saved, we should reply in this way: “Is it
Christianity would indeed be a rather lame affair. If Christ presumption to believe God? Is it not rather presumption to
asked me to follow Him and to trust Him but in return gave disbelieve God and to make Him a liar?"
me no assurance of my eternal destiny, then He would not
be much of a Saviour. However, many people have just such Christ promises eternal life as a present possession to
a concept of Christ and of Christianity. all those who will put their trust in Him, and to doubt that
19 20
you have eternal life after you have believed on Christ is desire to serve the Lord and to pray. I longed for fellowship
actually to consider Him untrue to His promises. with Him. I wanted to learn His Word. I enjoyed being with
Christian people. I loved the singing of Gospel songs. I
But how may an individual know that he has eternal life?
enjoyed going to meetings to hear the Word taught. All of
Three sources of this assurance are: (1) the change that has
this had been foreign to my nature before I became a believer.
taken place in one’s life; (2) the testimony of the Word of
Before, those things had little appeal for me, if any at all.
God; (3) the inward witness of the Holy Spirit.
Most remarkable of all was the change of vocabulary which
(1) The testimony of Apostle Paul was, “If anyone is in came to me automatically after my conversion. My language
Christ, he is a new creation: old things have passed away; had been both foul and ungodly. I hardly knew how to
behold, all things have become new” (2 Cor 5:17). In the express myself without using evil language. But after I let
first place, when a soul comes to know Jesus Christ in real the Lord Jesus come into my heart, to my own surprise that
salvation, a divine transformation takes place in that life. kind of language just faded away.
The new nature of Christ is imparted to the soul, so that we
Furthermore, although I was young, I had developed a
become “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pet 1:4). This
number of evil habits. Among them was the tobacco habit —
new nature naturally results in new affections, new likes,
chewing as well as smoking. There was a craving in my
new dislikes, new loves and new hatreds. The things which
system for it. But when I was converted, that craving
the person once loved, he now hates. The things which he
disappeared. Although the desire occasionally returned later,
once hated, he now loves. The whole inward disposition of
it was never strong enough to overcome me. I am not
his life has been changed.
necessarily saying that because a person may be tempted to
Not only is this change apparent to the inner consciousness use tobacco, he is not a believer; the point I am making is
of the individual himself, his outward life also will appear that when one does meet the Lord, there will be changes
different to those around him. The whole character of his within him, particularly in his desires.
life will be changed. Often there is a complete change of
If you can honestly say that a change has taken place in
disposition. There will even be a change in one’s vocabulary
your life, altering your desires, affections, and inward nature
and in the topics of his conversation.
from evil things to godliness, you may be rest assured that
After I was converted, there were times of doubt regarding such a change has been made by the Spirit of God, and it is
the genuineness of my salvation experience. But I was a sign that you have been born of God. When a person
positively certain of one thing — there was a change within becomes a believer, he is “born again.” Birth is the
me. My whole outlook on life was different. I had a real demonstration of physical life. The new birth is the
21 22
demonstration of new life — spiritual life — the Christ-life. God: In Acts 13:39 we read: “By Christ everyone who believes
The new birth and new life naturally mean a new inner is justified from all things.” To be justified means “to be
nature. If you are conscious of a new nature within, it is an declared just,” or to be declared free from the guilt of sin.
evidence that you are born of God. Of course, the old nature Everyone who believes in Jesus may know that he is justified
is also there, and sometimes there is conflict between the old from all things, because the Word of God plainly states this
and the new natures, but this very conflict is an evidence fact. What better assurance could one have than that?
that you are a child of God.
The Lord Jesus Christ promised in John 5:24, “He who
Paul says, “The flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the hears My word, and believes ... has everlasting life, and
Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary to one another: shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death
so that you do not do the things that you wish” (Gal 5:17). into life.” So if you have placed your faith on the Son of God
If such a conflict is going on in you, it is a clear sign that a as your Saviour, and if you are now trusting Him, then, on
new life has been imparted to you and a new nature the basis of His own promise, you have eternal life and, on
implanted within you. Your old nature, which is called the the basis of the same promise, you will never come into
“flesh,” fights against the nature of the “Spirit.” So if you judgment. Whether you “feel” saved or not does not really
have accepted Christ as your Saviour, to the best of your matter, but what God’s Word says does matter. You can
knowledge, and if, as a result, you are conscious that a always trust God’s Word, but you cannot always trust
change has taken place within you, this is an evidence that your feelings.
you are a real Christian — that you have been saved and
Many doubt their salvation and relationship to God merely
made a child of God forever.
on the ground of personal feeling, whereas they should accept
(2) Second, the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ may assurance of their salvation on the ground of God’s promises.
have assurance of his salvation because God’s Word asserts The only question to ask is, Have I met the condition of
that he is a child of God. The testimony of the Bible is the these promises? That condition is faith in the finished
testimony of God Himself; therefore, whatever the Scriptures work of Christ. If you are trusting in the finished work of
say is absolutely sure. Christ for your salvation, then God says that you are saved.
What better basis of assurance could you have than the
In John 1:12 we read: “As many as received Jesus, to
Word of God?
them He gave the right to become the children of God, even
to those who believe on His name.” Here is a clear statement When Jesus said to the sinful woman in the house of
in God’s own Word that everyone who receives Jesus and Simon the leper, “Your sins are forgiven” (Lk 7:48), was it
believes on Him for salvation positively becomes a child of presumptuous for her to go out and say, “I know that all of
23 24
my sins have been forgiven?” Would it not rather have been believe on Him here and now.” Then go on your way rejoicing,
presumptuous for her to say she doubted that her sins were knowing that your sins are forgiven and that you are a child
forgiven? Is it any more presumptuous for a believer today of God, on the basis of His own written promises.
to say, “My sins are forgiven, and I know that I am saved,”
Dr. R. A. Torrey (1856-1928) has illustrated this point
when God plainly states in His Word, “In Christ we have
quite well. Suppose, says Torrey, that you were sentenced
redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
to imprisonment and that your friends secured a pardon for
according to the riches of His grace” (Eph 1:7)? Of the
you. The legal document announcing your pardon is brought
Ephesian Christians the Apostle Paul said, “God for Christ’s to you. You read it and know that you are pardoned, because
sake has forgiven you” (4:32). Apostle John says to the the legal document says so, but the news is so good and so
people he addresses in his epistle, “I write to you, little sudden that you are dazed by it. You do not realize that
children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s you are pardoned.
sake” (1 Jn 2:12). God’s promise in the Gospel is, “Whoever
shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Rom Someone comes to you and asks, “Are you pardoned?”
10:13). If you have asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save you, You say, “Yes, I am pardoned.”
either He has saved you or God’s promise does not stand. Then he asks, “Do you feel pardoned?”
In 1 John 5:11,12 we read: “This is the testimony, that You reply, “No, I don’t feel pardoned. It’s so sudden and
God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He wonderful that I can’t realize it!”
who has the Son has life; and he who has not the Son of Then he says to you, “But how can you know that you
God does not have life.” Have you received the Lord Jesus are pardoned, if you can’t feel it?”
Christ, God’s Son, into your heart? Have you asked Him to You hold out the document and say, “This says so.”
come into your life and to become your Saviour? Are you
Eventually, after you had read the document again and again
clinging to Him in that simple faith now? If so, on the basis
and had believed it, you would not only know that you were
of God’s own Word you have eternal life.
pardoned because the document said so, you would also
If Satan should cause you to doubt that your sins are feel it. The Bible is God’s authoritative document declaring
forgiven, point to the Word of God and say, “God says that that everyone who believes in Jesus is justified, that everyone
my sins are forgiven because I have believed on the Lord who believes on God’s Son has everlasting life, and that
Jesus Christ, and I believe God.” Then if Satan should lead everyone who receives Jesus is a child of God. If anyone
you to think, “Well, perhaps I don’t believe on Him,” just asks if your sins are all forgiven, just reply, “Yes, I know
say, “If I never did believe on Him before, I accept Him and they are because God says so.” If someone asks if you know

25 26
that you are a child of God, reply, “Yes, I know that I’m a prayer. Prayer is not only petition but also communion.
child of God because He says so.” If they ask if you have Not only do we speak to God, but God, through His Holy
eternal life, reply, “Yes, I know that I have eternal life because Spirit, speaks to us. So if you are troubled with doubts
God says so.” You may not feel it yet, but if you keep about your salvation, you should not only search the Word
meditating on God’s statement and believing what God says, of God but also go to Him in prayer. As you pray to God,
you will feel it. the Holy Spirit will speak to your heart and bring you the
assurance that you are His child. A believer who doesn’t
(3) A third witness to the assurance of the believer’s
pray may lose the assurance of his salvation, because it is
salvation is the inward presence and voice of the Holy Spirit.
as we pray that the Holy Spirit communicates that
The Bible says, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our
assurance to us.
spirit, that we are the children of God” (Rom 8:16). Actually,
what some would call the “feeling” of salvation is not human When you become discouraged, go to the Lord in prayer
feeling at all. It is the inward voice of the Holy Spirit bearing and let the Holy Spirit comfort your heart with His voice of
witness to our spirits that we are children of God. It is assurance and hope. The very fact that you find comfort
not a human feeling but a divine knowledge. The Holy and assurance as you pray is, in itself, an evidence that you
Spirit brings to our inner consciousness the vivid are a child of God, because the Holy Spirit communicates
assurance that we are saved. this assurance only to believers.

Of course, the Holy Spirit brings that assurance to us Do not think that you have to go through life wondering
primarily through the Word of God itself. Yet often in whether you are saved or lost. The change in your own
countries where many are unable to read and write, the heart and life, the testimony of God's Word, and the inward
Holy Spirit, in remarkable ways, has brought the assurance witness of the Holy Spirit all unite to bring the believer a
of salvation even to illiterate people. He was sent into our definite assurance that he is saved for time and eternity.
hearts to be our Comforter, and one of His main messages When doubts persist, look back again to the Christ of the
of comfort is that of the assurance of our salvation. As a Cross and say, “He died for my sins. He paid my penalty.
believer reads the Word of God and meditates on it with an He promised that if I would trust Him as my Substitute, He
open heart, the Holy Spirit takes the truths of that Word would save me. I have trusted Him. Now I depend on Him to
and implants them firmly in the soul, bearing witness to the keep His promise.”
fact that he is Christ’s.
Some new believers make the mistake of becoming
This inward witness of the Holy Spirit is further despondent and feeling that they are lost when the fervency
strengthened and deepened as we commune with God in of their first love for Christ seems to wane. Remember that
27 28
our human feelings and affections may change with the state
of our health, the state of the weather, or the circumstances
in which we find ourselves; but Jesus Christ never changes!
He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8). Chapter 4
Robert Boyd has said, “We have known some who never
thought that they had any enjoyment of religion unless they
were in the midst of high excitement. The meeting that did Your Fellowship with God
not melt them into tears or lift them into the heights of
ecstatic rapture was not a good meeting. The calm statement
of divine truth, the earnest study of the Bible to know the
will of God, the prayerfulness and self-examination of the
closet, all appear to such persons as dull and uninteresting.
They are like a habitual reader of exciting and sensational
novels; they have no relish for what is solid and instructive.”
Now that you have become a child of God, the greatest
Avoid this at the very beginning of your Christian career,
privilege a human being can have is yours — fellowship with
and let Jesus, who alone is the Author, be also the Finisher
Almighty God. “Fellowship with God!” The very expression
of your faith.
almost overcomes one with awe and wonder. How is
fellowship with God possible for a sinful being? It is possible
only on the basis of the Cross. At the Cross a holy God and
a sinful man can meet on common ground, because it was
there that He dealt with our sin. There God can and will
meet us.
In the Old Testament, Moses was instructed to erect a
tabernacle in which God would dwell. In that tabernacle he
was to build a “holiest” place where he was to set what was
called the “mercy seat.” The mercy seat was made of pure
gold, and once each year the blood of atonement was
sprinkled on it. God told His people that He would meet
them at that blood-sprinkled Mercy Seat. He could meet the
29 30
nation of Israel in the person of their high priest there at the God. As far as God is concerned, the way is cleared on His
Mercy Seat, because the blood of atonement which He side for fellowship with all those who trust the finished work
promised to accept had been sprinkled on it in their behalf. of Christ on the Cross. We should be sure that nothing
The blood of atonement cleared the ground for a meeting within us keeps us from having fellowship with Him.
between a holy God and sinful man. So it is with the blood
of the Cross. At the Cross God will meet any soul who will This fellowship with God is also cultivated through the
place his trust in the blood that was shed there as an reading of His Word. When we pray, we are talking to God.
atonement for his sins. When we read the Bible, God is talking to us. Thus, our
fellowship with God is developed when we spend time praying
So fellowship with God is possible because of the Cross and searching His Word. We will say more about the
and because of our faith in the work of the Cross. In the Bible later.
New Testament we read, “Brothers, having therefore, boldness
to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and How is this fellowship with God maintained? Sometimes
living way, ... and having a High Priest over the house of sin on our part breaks that fellowship, and we do not enjoy
God; let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of the presence of God. Fellowship can be maintained when we
faith” (Heb 10:19-22). In another place in the same epistle purpose in our hearts to avoid sin and to confess and forsake
we read, “Seeing then that we have a great High Priest, who sin just as soon as we become conscious of it. Unconfessed
has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let sin always breaks our fellowship with God. But as soon as
us ... therefore come boldly to the Throne of Grace, that we confession is made and God sees in us a heart that is broken
may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” and contrite over the sin and failure, the fellowship is
(4:14-16). On the ground, then, of the Cross and our faith restored. David cried out, “A broken and a contrite heart, O
in the Cross, we are able to have fellowship with God. God, You will not despise” (Psa 51:17). Before writing this,
How is this fellowship with God cultivated? This fellowship David had been guilty of a very serious combination of sins,
is developed by the habitual practice of prayer and by and his fellowship with God had been so completely broken
continual living in an atmosphere of prayer. In other words, that he cried out to God, “Do not cast me away from Your
fellowship is cultivated by fellowship. As you visit with a presence; and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore
person and spend time with him, your fellowship with him to me the joy of Your salvation; and uphold me with Your
deepens, and your acquaintance becomes more fixed. The generous Spirit” (51:11,12). When God saw his contrition
more time you spend together, the richer the friendship of heart and heard his confession of sin, He immediately
becomes. The same thing happens in our fellowship with restored David to His fellowship.
31 32
When you realize that you have sinned against God, go  Fellowship with God is indispensable to a life of
to Him immediately, confess, and ask His forgiveness and victory over sin and Satan. Prayer, the reading of God’s
restoration. He will be true to His Word and restore you to Word, and vital fellowship with God are sources of spiritual
fellowship. strength. The Christian who backslides begins by neglecting
to cultivate fellowship with God. If you fail to live in fellowship
 This fellowship with God is indispensable in the with God — praying and reading God’s Word — you will
Christian life. Without it the Christian does not experience begin to drift away from the Lord. Soon you will fall into
the true joy of the Lord. The Lord intends His people to have sin, and Satan will have victory over you. Satan is too strong
joy. Christ said to His disciples, “These things I have spoken for us to defeat in our own strength. We have to derive
to you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy strength from the Lord, and that strength is appropriated as
might be full” (Jn 15:11). Peter says, “Whom having not we fellowship with Him daily. No Christian can be strong
seen, you love; in whom, though now you do not see Him, spiritually and triumph over sin and the world if he does not
yet believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of pray and fellowship with the Lord. Satan understands this
glory” (1 Pet 1:8). Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippian fact, and that is the reason he tries so hard to keep us from
Christians, “Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, praying. Satan would rather have us do anything in the
Rejoice” (Phil 4:4). In another place he stated, “The Kingdom world but pray.
of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace,  Fellowship with God is also indispensable to bearing
and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom 14:17). fruit for the Lord. In the 15th chapter of John’s Gospel,
Jesus used the union of the vine and the branch to illustrate
The fact that God wants His saved people to be happy
the relationship between Himself and the Christian. He pointed
and joyful is emphasized all through the Bible. But when
out that the branch can bear fruit only as it abides in the
one does not live in fellowship with God, he loses the joy of
vine and draws its life and fruit-bearing qualities from the
salvation. Happy Christians are those who live in close vine. Then the Saviour says, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As
fellowship with God — those who pray and read God’s Word. the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the
The joy of the marriage relationship consists in fellowship vine; neither can you, unless you abide in Me ... for without
between husband and wife. When that happy fellowship is Me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:4,5). A branch that is not
broken, the joy of marriage is gone. The joy of a home consists united with the vine and does not draw its sap from the vine
of happy fellowship between all the members of the family. will soon be dead and useless. Similarly, if we, as Christians,
When that fellowship is broken, the joy of the home is fail to live in constant, conscious fellowship with Christ, our
destroyed. lives will become dead and barren. Only as we live in fellowship
33 34
with our Saviour can we bring forth fruit. If you are teaching While we must avoid dead formalism in our prayer life, a
a Sunday School class, if you are the leader of a young few simple rules and purposes will be helpful —
people’s group, if you are trying to win souls by personal
(1) Begin the day with God in thanksgiving and prayer.
contact, remember that apart from fellowshipping with
As you think of the new blessings which God gives you each
Christ constantly, deriving inner strength from Him, you
day, thank Him for them. Then as you think of the
will accomplish little or nothing.
temptations you may meet during the day, ask God to give
A saintly Christian has said, “If you keep a constant you strength for victory over them. Anticipate your battles
nearness to Christ, taking Him as your only hope and His on your knees in the morning, and claim His overcoming
spotless life as your bright example, there will be seen in grace. Never let the rush of the day’s business cheat you out
your life a spiritual progress, brighter and brighter, to the of your morning quiet time with the Lord.
perfect day. With knowledge in your mind, grace in your (2) Stop during the day from time to time for thanksgiving
heart, and obedience in your life, there will be such a and prayer. A few moments alone with God off and on
symmetry of character as will lead men to glorify your Father throughout the day will keep you calm and triumphant in
in Heaven. In the hard conflict with your besetting sins the midst of life’s cares and turmoils.
Christ will be your strength; nor will He leave you till your
(3) Close the day with thanksgiving and prayer. When
last foe lies vanquished on the field. Rash and impetuous
you come to the end of the day, before you retire, review the
passions will be displaced by calm and holy repose in God.
blessings of the day and thank God for them in detail.
Unholy bursts of imperious temper will be subdued by the
meekness of Jesus. Peevish impatience will give way to holy (4) The last thing to do each day is to ask God to forgive
submission to God’s will. Worldly-mindedness will be all the things in your life that you know have been displeasing
overcome by communion with God and a clearer conception to Him that day. Confess your sins honestly before Him for
of the grandeur and glory of eternal things.” both forgiveness and cleansing. Pause for a moment during
your prayer and let the Holy Spirit point out any sins of
Someone else has said, “Instead of making your religion which you may be unaware.
bend to your worldly convenience, make your worldly
convenience bend to your religion. Pray earnestly and Remember the familiar and true motto: “Prayer changes
believingly for growth in grace and for strength to support things.” Prayer is your source of victory and fruitfulness.
you amid the trials and temptations of life; but do not Prayer is primarily communion with God. Fellowship with
put prayer in the place of duties which you yourself ought God is not only a privilege but also an indispensable factor
to do.” in a successful Christian life.
35 36
No matter who we are or how strong our character and
Christian life may be, we are all affected. And since we are
social beings, requiring fellowship and companionship, we
Chapter 5 should, as Christians, choose, cherish and cultivate real
Christian friends.
For your most intimate associates, select a few friends of
Your Fellowship about your own age who have an interest in Bible study, in
with God’s People prayer and in winning others to Christ. On the other hand,
avoid close companionship with those you know are
spiritually and morally harmful to you. A believer need not
completely withdraw himself from unsaved people, but he
should avoid making them his intimate friends. If you find
that, in spite of all your efforts, a friendship is hurting
The company a person keeps has a great deal to do with your spiritual life, then give it up.
the character he produces. One’s spiritual life, as well as his
intellectual and social life, is helped or hindered by the Now do not get the idea that the Christian life is a lonely
companionship he habitually chooses. It is important, one, without any good fellowship and social relationships.
therefore, for every Christian to choose spiritual friends for Not at all! The richest friendship in the world is found among
his intimate companions and to deliberately cultivate believers. The social oneness and harmony among the
Christian fellowship. Christians of the first centuries impressed the heathen rulers
with Christianity and caused the Roman Emperor Constantine
In the Book of Proverbs, one of the most practical books to endorse the Christian faith and proclaim it as the official
of the Old Testament, much is said about friends and religion of his empire. The heathen people among whom
companions. For example: “He who walks with wise men those early Christians lived could not comprehend their love
shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed” and devotion for one another and the pure fellowship that
(13:20); “A poor man is better than a liar” (19:22); “Make no existed among them.
friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man
you shall not go: lest you learn his ways, and get a snare In Christ, social and class hatreds and prejudices are
to your soul” (22:24,25); “Confidence in an unfaithful swept away, and men and women become conscious of their
man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot oneness in Him. On mission fields I have seen members of
out of joint” (25:19). tribes and races that had actually hated each other work,
37 38
live and pray together like brothers. I have seen embittered T. J. Bach (1881-1963), a well-known missionary and
Jews and arrogant Arabs in North Africa, made one in Christ, Christian leader for many years, very aptly defined
enjoying the holiest of fellowship around the Lord’s table as “fellowship” as “two fellows in the same ship!” Two fellows
well as in daily life. People in our own country who have on the same ship, out on the ocean, away from everything
hated each other for years have become intimate friends else, are going to have a lot in common. They must work
after salvation. together, they must weather the storm together, and they
Christian fellowship even transcends the barriers of human must share their provisions. A disagreement between them
language. An American Christian in London, England, once would be tragic, to say the very least.
met a European in one of the city parks. Both were feeling
Satan is very busy trying to disrupt the fellowship of
somewhat lonely. As one looked at the other in the park,
each somehow understood that the other was a Christian Christians. He tries to do this between Churches, deno-
believer, and this mutual understanding drew them together. minations and groups — even between those who are united
When they met, one of them exclaimed, “Hallelujah!” and in acceptance of the basic truths of the Christian faith. He
the other responded with a resounding “Amen!” With only tries it within the Churches, among the members. He tries it
these two words, both were uplifted and encouraged by their between Christian leaders and workers. He tries it between
contact and fellowship. There is a common tie that binds Christian neighbours. He tries it in the Christian family —
believers together and a common language that transcends in the home. He tries it between Christian friends. He tries
linguistic vocabularies. everywhere to mar the fellowship of Christians.
Blest be the tie that binds
Disrupted fellowship among God’s people is a tragedy.
Our hearts in Christian love:
Our Saviour is grieved by it, for He prayed that His followers
The fellowship of kindred minds
“may all be one; as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You,
Is like to that above.
Before our Father’s throne that they also may be one in Us: that the world may believe”
We pour our ardent prayers; (Jn 17:21). The Holy Spirit is grieved by it, for by Him we
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, have all been baptized into one body (1 Cor 12:13). In
Our comforts and our cares. Ephesians 4:30-32 we read: “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit
We share each other’s woes, of God, by whom you are sealed for the day of redemption.
Our mutual burdens bear, Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and
And often for each other flows evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: and be
The sympathizing tear. kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
— John Fawcett even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.” The Christian
39 40
himself loses the joy of the Lord when he breaks fellowship Remember that the responsibility of cultivating such
with other believers. Prayer is hindered. Testimony is fellowship is yours as much as the other person’s. “A man
weakened. Spiritual power is lost. Unsaved people are who wishes to have friends must show himself friendly” (Prov
perplexed. Our children are confused and sometimes led 18:24). And when you have made friends, prize and guard
astray. So Satan’s havoc takes a serious toll both on earth their friendships. Do not be selfish. Learn to overlook small
and in Heaven. faults — we all have them. Do not betray confidences. Do
Christian fellowship needs to be cultivated, and it must not repeat all that you hear about a person. Listen to
be guarded. As a believer, you should definitely cultivate Solomon’s counsel about friendship: “A friend loves at all
fellowship with other believers. Go regularly to a good Church, times” (Prov 17:17); “He who covers a transgression seeks
so that you can develop close fellowship with the people. If love; but he who repeats a matter separates the best of
you go constantly from one place to another, it is hard to friends” (v9); “The words of a talebearer are as wounds”
establish such fellowship. Invite Christians to your home for (18:8); “A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong
informal social companionship. Arrange picnics and other city” (v19); “A talebearer reveals secrets: but he who is of a
activities with other Christian families. Ask them to pray for faithful spirit conceals the matter” (11:13).
you and your problems; in turn, pray for theirs, and tell Solomon also warned against overdoing fellowship —
them so. Pray together with them in informal prayer get- against getting “too thick.” “Withdraw your foot from your
neighbour’s house; lest he becomes weary of you, and so
One excellent plan is to find a “prayer partner.” Select hates you” (25:17). This warning is particularly wise where
someone of approximately your own age, of the same sex, children are involved.
and then share your prayer burdens. Try to get together
When anything occurs to strain the fellowship between
once a week at a fixed time to pray about these problems —
you and your Christian friends, go to them quickly and
just the two of you. Of course, in developing friendships
frankly and get the matter settled. If you have been at
with other Christians, there must be both a spiritual and a
fault, confess. If they have been at fault, forgive. Above all,
social aspect to the fellowship. You will not necessarily always
be praying or talking about spiritual things. The “human” forget the matter completely, and let the fellowship continue.
side of your nature, as well as the spiritual side, must be Christian friends are too valuable to lose and too hard to
fed by fellowship with others. Christian fellowship should replace. They are, in fact, indispensable to your spiritual
be versatile and universal. It should include eating together, life.
playing together, helping one another in material things, If, to become a follower of Jesus Christ, it was necessary
travelling together and just visiting or chatting. for you to give up some, or perhaps the majority, of your
41 42
old friends, do not be alarmed; you will have better friends I was so encouraged that I almost felt like going out and
in Christ than you ever had in the world. This is Christ’s looking for some more trouble! A couple of weeks later we
promise in Matthew 19:29. You will find that your Christian met again. About the first thing my friend said to me was,
friends are your real friends, despite some exceptions, of “You know, I was so discouraged when we met that night
course, which we must be prepared to face, for there are that I almost felt like giving up. But after we spent that
always hypocrites as well as true men and women of God. evening together, my faith and courage were renewed and
revived. I was lifted up. I wanted to tell you about it.”
I have found Christian friends who have stood with me in
trouble, through thick and thin, when unsaved friends would This is a perfect example of the value of Christian
have left and forgotten me. The unbeliever is, after all, a fellowship. Two discouraged Christians spent a few hours
selfish person. The believer has the love of God and the of fellowship together, and both were lifted out of their
compassion of Christ in his heart. A self-centered man will discouragement! Cultivate a few, true, intimate Christian
think of himself, but a Christ-centered man will think of friends. When you are discouraged or in trouble, seek their
others. Actually, those people who stand between you and fellowship.
God and keep you away from the Lord Jesus Christ are not
Christian fellowship is one of the sweetest and most
really your friends, after all. They are your worst enemies.
uplifting benefits of the Christian life this side of Heaven.
Any man who will keep another man from serving God is
that man’s foe, not his friend.

So if you want true friends who will help you in every

way, seek Christian friends. If you want to succeed and
grow in your Christian life, seek Christian fellowship. If you
want your life to be a testimony for Christ, cultivate real
Christian companionship. You may fall if you walk alone.
But if you walk with other believers, there will always be
someone to support and strengthen you.

One Saturday evening a few years ago, I was very

discouraged. I met a close Christian friend, and we spent
the evening together, chatting, visiting and praying. I said
nothing to him about my discouragement. When we parted,
43 44
spiritual vitamin needed for health and growth. It provides
pure milk, sweet honey, living bread, water of life, strong
meat, and all kinds of rich fruits. All of these similes are
Chapter 6 used in the Bible itself concerning its own contents.
The Christian who feeds his soul daily several times with
the Word of God, as he does his body with physical food,
Your Spiritual Diet (I) will be a strong, healthy child of God. He can be spiritually
mature instead of weak. But without this daily diet, no
Christian can be strong.
(1) Read your Bible. Read it diligently, honestly trying
to grasp its truths and assimilate its blessings. Careless
reading will not help much. If the average person would
read his school textbooks as carelessly and indifferently as
Spiritual life is compared in the Word of God to our he does the Bible, he would not get far in his education. On
natural, physical life, and it must be similarly sustained by the other hand, if he would read the Bible with as much
correct and careful nourishment. The new life was imparted diligence as he does his textbooks, he would find the majority
to us at new birth when we accepted the Saviour. If a new- of it to be understandable. People often complain that they
born baby should be left without proper care and cannot understand the Bible, when perhaps they have not
nourishment, could he be expected to grow and develop? really tried. If any Christian will read carefully through the
Likewise, the spiritual life, or the Christian life, must be New Testament, beginning with the first chapter of Matthew,
properly nurtured and nourished if it is to prosper and grow. he will probably be amazed at how understandable the
Becoming a Christian is a matter of birth (the new birth); Bible really is to him. And as he reads and absorbs its
being a Christian is a matter of growth. “Grow in grace,” truths, his spiritual life will be fed and nurtured. Approach
Peter exhorts, “in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour the Bible with the purpose of understanding it, and you will
Jesus Christ” (2 Pet 3:18). understand it.
All life depends on food for growth. So God, in His wisdom One of the Bible versions written in up-to-date English
and grace, has provided richly for the feeding and care of will greatly aid in understanding the Bible. Several excellent
our spiritual life. That provision is His Word, the Holy Bible. translations are available, including the New American
It contains a balanced diet for the soul, providing every Standard Bible, the New International Version, the New
45 46
King James Version and the Amplified Bible. We recommend doubt frequently the cause of failure to understand it. The
that you secure at least one of these helpful editions and Lord Jesus said, “If any man is willing to do His will, he
become thoroughly familiar with it. shall know of the teaching” (Jn 7:17). It is amazing how
quickly one begins to lose his desire for Bible reading and
(2) Read your Bible regularly and systematically.
how soon the mind fails to understand its teachings when
Sporadic and haphazard reading will not be satisfactory. A
there has been open disobedience to any of its commands.
regular time should be set apart each day for Bible reading.
To obey its truths when they are seen prepares one to see
Reading in connection with your prayertime is best — possibly
other truths. To disobey a recognized truth is to darken
preceding your prayer. Not less than 15 minutes of Bible
your mind and heart to all of its truths. Many have sadly
reading daily can sustain any Christian’s spiritual life. Two
proved this by their experience. Cultivate prompt, complete,
15-minute periods each day should be our minimum goal.
happy, unquestioning obedience to every command in the
Many believers spend an hour a day studying the Bible.
Book that clearly applies to you, and you will find that
No matter how busy you think you are, do not become every command is a sign to mark the way to other truths.
too busy to feed your soul. It is a tragedy when a man
A friend of mine who has greatly influenced my life once
becomes so busy making a living that he cannot take time to
said, “Years ago I made up my mind that as I read the
eat. Of course, that does not often happen; but Christians
Bible, I would, by God’s grace, attempt to do everything it
frequently are so busy making a physical living that they
commanded me.” That remark at once explained to me his
starve their spiritual lives. Is that not a tragedy? If you
Christlikeness and spiritual power. He let the Word of God
want to be a real Christian, read God’s Word regularly.
accomplish its purpose in him.
In prayer we talk to God. In the Bible God talks to us.
(4) Read your Bible prayerfully, asking the Spirit of
The two go together. Dr. R. A. Torrey (1856-1928), a Revival
God to reveal its truths to you and to apply them to your
Preacher, said, “Any day that is allowed to pass without
life. The Bible is God’s inspired Word, and it cannot be
faithful Bible study is a day thrown open to the advent into
understood with just the natural mind. But those who pray,
our hearts and lives of error or sin.” At this very point many
like David, as they study it, “Open my eyes, that I may see
begin to fail and then later fall.
the wondrous things out of Your law” will find they can
(3) Read your Bible obediently. Nothing actually brings comprehend its truths as they read and meditate (Psa 119:18).
one nearer to an understanding of the Bible than the purpose First Corinthians 2:12-15 tells us: “Now we have received,
to obey it. No one can appreciably understand the Scriptures not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is of God; that
without a willingness to obey its injunctions. This is without we might know the things that are freely given to us by God.
47 48
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wasted. While riding on buses or trains, while waiting for
wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches ... But meals, while relaxing from work — anytime you find a few
the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of spare minutes, read the Word of God. Such little snatches
God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know of reading will be to your spiritual life what a snack is to
them, because they are to be spiritually discerned. But he your physical system during the day. Never be without at
who is spiritual discerns all things.” Only those who are least a portion of the Scriptures, and use every moment you
guided by the Holy Spirit can grasp spiritual truth. And the can find to feed on it. This will help you become a mature
Bible is, of course, primarily a book of spiritual truth. Christian and not remain a baby.

Every time you read the Bible, ask the Spirit of God to (6) Memorize your Bible. The Psalmist long ago declared,
give you the power to discern and grasp the meaning. And “I have hidden Your Word in my heart so I may not sin
whenever you encounter a difficulty in the Scriptures, ask against You” (Psa 119:11). There is great value in memorizing
the Lord to give you the explanation. Jesus promised, “When the Word of God. First of all, as the Psalmist states, the
He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all Word restrains us from sinning. During the moment of the
truth” (Jn 16:13). He is the real Author of the Bible and its temptation, a verse previously memorized will often flash
best Teacher and Interpreter. into the mind and keep us from committing the sinful act.
It serves as a powerful restraining force.
Commentaries on the Bible definitely have their value,
but one will learn more spiritual truths through the direction Scripture committed to memory also equips one to be a
of the Holy Spirit than from all the books ever written about soulwinner and a witness to others. God always honours
it. Even the most humble believer in Christ, who might not and uses His Word; on the other hand, our own words and
be able to use the scholarly commentaries, is given the privilege arguments are not always effective. When human urging
of having the Spirit’s assistance and, hence, an understanding and reasoning fail, the Word of God remains “living and
of the Scriptures. So read the Bible prayerfully and with a powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword ... and is
heart open to the Spirit of God. If the Bible is read with only a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb
4:12). Anyone who attempts witnessing and soulwinning
the natural understanding, its deepest truths will never be
without knowing God’s Word will be at a disadvantage. We
grasped, and the result may be only confusion and difficulty.
especially need to use Scriptures when we must exhort or
(5) Read your Bible incessantly. Carry a small New rebuke a fellow Christian. Your reasoning and persuading
Testament or a pocket edition of the whole Bible with you all may be empty and void, but statements from the divine
the time, and read it during brief periods which are usually Word will convince, convict and sanctify.
49 50
There are many practical methods of Scripture
memorization. A simple suggestion is to daily memorize one
verse selected from your regular Bible reading — perhaps
the verse that means the most to you that day. Underline it Chapter 7
in your Bible or Testament and review it at various times
during the day. Also keep reviewing those previously learned.
Constant repetition is the secret of memorization. If one verse Your Spiritual Diet (II)
per day seems beyond your time and ability, do not be
discouraged; start out with one a week instead. A good
method for reviewing the memorized verses is to write them
on little cards and carry them with you in a small packet, so
that you may review them repeatedly during spare minutes.

Study your Bible. In addition to the daily reading of the

Scriptures for personal devotional and inspirational purposes,
every person who wants to succeed in being a real Christian
must study the Bible. Finding time for this may be a real
problem, but every true Christian should set aside some
time at regular periods for this purpose. “There is nothing
more important for the development of the spiritual life of
the Christian than regular, systematic Bible study” (Torrey).
Our spiritual health, our growth, our strength, our victory
over sin, our soundness in doctrine, our joy and peace in
Christ, our cleansing from sin, our fitness for service — all
depend on the study of the Word of God. It has well been
said, “A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to a person
who isn’t.”
(1) One method of Bible study is the Chapter Method.
Select a certain book of the Bible and read it through, chapter
51 52
by chapter, spending as much time as necessary to master Take your topical textbook or concordance and study all
the contents of each chapter. Here again we wish to quote the Scripture passages you can find on such topics as the
from Dr. R. A. Torrey, who says, “Read each chapter through Holy Spirit, sin, grace, blood of Christ, justification, faith,
several times and then answer the following questions: repentance, new birth, resurrection (of Christ, of believers,
1. What is the principal subject of the chapter? of all), love of God, our love (to God, to Christians, to all
men), coming of Christ, heaven, hell, and other important
(State the principal contents in a single sentence.)
truths. With the aids you are using, go through the entire
2. What is the truth most clearly taught Bible on each of the topics you may be studying.
and most emphasized in the chapter?
3. What is the best lesson? A topical textbook, as well as the other helps mentioned,
will assist those who want to prepare Bible talks or lessons
4. What is the best verse?
for use in services and classes. It is also a good method for
5. Who are the principal people mentioned? preparing devotional talks. Using it, one can make an
6. What does the chapter teach about Jesus Christ? exhaustive study of virtually any Bible doctrine or theme.
7. What new truth have you learned from the chapter? (3) The Book Method is another good means of Bible
8. What definite thing have you resolved to do as a result study. This is sometimes called the Synthetic Method.
of studying this chapter?” Dr. James M. Gray, 1851-1935, long-time president of the
Moody Bible Institute; was the leading advocate of this plan.
You can master book after book of the Bible this way.
We recommend that you secure his little book called How to
(2) Another method of studying the Bible is the Topical Master the English Bible, which explains it. Pick out a certain
Method. This was the chief method the famous preacher book of the Bible, preferably one of the shorter New
D. L. Moody (1837-1899) used when he studied the Testament epistles, to begin with, and master its contents
Scriptures. It is a very simple and valuable method. It requires by reading the entire book through several times, each time
a few reference books, but they are easily obtainable. You at one sitting, or even several times at a sitting. After about
will need a Topical Textbook and/or a good Concordance. A the second reading, begin to look for the main teaching of
chain-reference Bible or an indexed Bible will also contain that book. At the next reading, note how the theme is
valuable helps. These books can be secured by contacting developed. Then in subsequent readings outline the book,
your nearest religious bookstore or by consulting your pastor. keeping in mind the main, central theme.
Even the marginal references of an ordinary Bible will be of Stay in one book until you feel that you have mastered it.
great assistance in this method of study. Then go on to another. Within the course of your Christian
53 54
life, you may master the entire Bible. It can be done — it is, find another passage similar to it, or at least one dealing
in fact, not as difficult as you may now think. with the same subject, and let that explain its meaning. The
best help for this method, in addition to the marginal
(4) The Character Method is also a helpful study
references found in many Bibles, is a book called The
method. Here again your topical textbook, or one of the
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, which lists several cross
special Bibles referred to above, will be invaluable. Simply
references to every verse of the Bible (1660 pages). A great
choose a Bible character and study exhaustively all that the
Bible teacher said, “One will get more light on passages of
Bible says about him. Study such characters as Noah,
Scripture by looking up the references given in The Treasury
Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon,
of Scripture Knowledge than in any other way I know.”
Samson, Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jonah, John
the Baptist, Peter, Thomas, Paul or Timothy. Compile a list
of facts about the character being studied, such as:
1. His meeting with God, or conversion
2. His call to service
3. His strong points (such as faith, prayer, and so on)
4. His weak points (sins, failures)
5. His accomplishments
6. His influence
7. His name (note changes in names and look up
the meaning of names)
8. Characteristics in his life you should follow
9. Characteristics in his life you should avoid
10. What God said about him
(5) Study the Bible by the Comparative Method. This
simply means comparing Scripture with Scripture. The best
commentary on the Bible is the Bible itself. When you are
studying a certain portion or chapter of the Bible and you
find a difficult passage which you do not understand, try to
55 56
In Romans 10:9,10, God’s Spirit says, “If you confess
with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart
that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for
Chapter 8 with the heart one believes, resulting in righteousness, and
with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” So
audible confession of the Saviour is very important. To fail
in this is to disobey the Lord and to miss the fullness of
Your Testimony to Others
(2) We should confess Christ openly because it is a source
of help and strength in our own Christian lives. Every time a
Christian confesses Christ, he is strengthened spiritually. A
witnessing Christian is not in much danger of habitually
sinning, but failure to witness is a very frequent cause of
It is impossible to live the Christian life in secret, backsliding. At this very point the backsliding of many
although some try to do so. The new life which is imparted begins. Public testimony makes one strong, and it is a source
to every believer at his acceptance of Christ as Saviour of genuine joy. Though it may seem rather difficult at first
must manifest itself outrightly. The only way to live a to give a testimony about your Christian faith, such testifying
successful Christian life is to live it openly, without shame will always result in joy. Many young believers who trembled
and without fear. If you want to live a real Christian life, with timidity and fear as they attempted their first testimonies
don’t hide your Christianity. Not only are you to show Christ for Christ overflowed with joy after their witness was given.
in your life before men, you are also to confess Him openly Witnessing is a real source of inner strength and satisfaction.
with your words. Why must Christ be audibly confessed, or
(3) A clear confession of one’s faith solves a lot of
spoken about? —
problems. When unsaved people know that a person is a
(1) Christ Himself commanded us to confess Him. He Christian, they will often stop trying to urge him to participate
said, “Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also in unchristian activities. Let people know right from the
confess before My Father who is in heaven” (Mt 10:32). He start where you stand, and you will be saved a lot of
demands a public confession from us. His confession of us embarrassment and grief. The world may not love a dedicated
before the Father depends on our confession of Him before Christian, but it will always respect him. On the other hand,
men. So it is actually for our own sakes that He requires wishy-washy Christians are never taken seriously and are
this confession. constantly being coaxed to go places and do things that
57 58
even the world recognizes as violating Christian principles. openly, the world is puzzled as to which pigeonhole is yours.
Thus, bold confession is a means of victory in Christian Why cause them this difficulty? Why cause such difficulty
living. for yourself and such grief to your Lord?

(4) Is it not really logical — in fact, inevitable — that you How should a person talk about Christ before other people?
should unashamedly confess before men a Saviour who has First of all, take a public stand in some Christian assembly,
done such great things for you? When a friend does us a such as a regular Church service or some other gathering at
favour or is especially kind, are we ashamed or reluctant to which the Word of God is honoured. If you accepted Christ
make it known? Don’t we instead find every possible when you were by yourself and did not take a public stand
opportunity to tell people about it? Rather than being ashamed at that time, you should make such a profession at the very
of such friends, we are proud of them. Should it not be the first opportunity. To walk forward in a public Christian
same with our Friend who gave His life to save us from our gathering and take an open stand for Christ is an essential
sins and from hell? If a child has a faithful, loving and part of your confession.
provident father, is it natural for the child to be ashamed of It is not enough to make such a confession only once.
him or reluctant to claim him as his father? Are not children You must confess Christ constantly. Never be ashamed to
usually proud to do so? Should a wife be ashamed to speak for Him and let people know to whom you belong,
introduce her husband? If he is a good husband, she is both in private life and in public testimony meetings. At
happy and proud to acknowledge him as her own and to Church, at home, at work, at school, at play — always let
talk to people about him. We, as Christians, are called the people know where you stand. Of course, your testimony
“bride” of Christ in the Bible. Are we ashamed of Him or must always be humble. Any degree of pride will make your
afraid to tell others about Him? witness ineffective. Plan to speak at least once in any
testimony meeting you attend.
(5) People who know that you are a Christian expect you
to have a testimony for Christ. If they detect that you are Baptism is primarily a public confession that we have
ashamed of your Christianity, they certainly will never respect experienced cleansing from our sins. The waters of baptism,
you as a real Christian. They will regard your Christian which touch only the outer surface of our physical being,
faith as weak and your Christian experience as unreal. They were never designed to wash away sin, which is within the
will not know how to catalog you. But they will know in heart and spirit, but the whole ceremony is a symbol of our
which category to put a bold, witnessing Christian. They death to the old life and our “resurrection” to a new life in
also know where to put the non-Christian. If you want to be Christ and a cleansing by His blood (Heb 9:14; Rev 1:5).
regarded as a Christian yet are afraid to confess your faith For a scriptural study of the true significance of baptism,
59 60
examine Romans 6. According to the Scriptures, people are of their friendship, then remember that such people are not
not baptized in order to be saved but because they are saved. true friends, after all. How could one who stands in the way
of your spiritual welfare be a real friend?
The Lord commanded His followers to “baptize” all of
those whom they made disciples (Mt 28:19). In the early Speak of Christ, clearly among all of your acquaintances
Church, from the very beginning at Pentecost, all of those and associates. Never be afraid or ashamed. Make Him known
who accepted Christ as Saviour were baptized. By baptism to all with whom you come in contact. Let them all know
they signified, or confessed, their identity with Jesus Christ that you love and serve Christ. Let it never be said by anyone
and His followers. with whom you were in contact either in this life or in eternity,
“He never told me about Jesus!” Don’t let such an indictment
Baptism, then, being the personal command of Christ come against you.
and the original practice of all His followers, as well as being
Jesus plainly told His disciples that they were to be His
an initial, public confession of Christ as Saviour to people
“witnesses” (Lk 24:48; Acts 1:8). They regarded themselves
around us, is not an insignificant or unimportant thing. It is
as such and faithfully filled that role (Acts 5:29-39; 10:39).
obligatory to every Christian. It is not a matter of personal
This title is actually a legal term, a court word. What does it
choice but of divine injunction. So every believer, including
mean? What is a witness?
the one who submitted meaninglessly to the ordinance before
he was converted, should be baptized. A witness is one who knows something. No one will ever
be called to the witness stand who does not know something
Church membership should logically go along with public about the case being tried. He must know something
baptism and confession. God’s children should not try to positively, definitely and certainly. His knowledge must be
play the role of the lone wolf or the wandering sheep. Church that of personal contact, through one of his five physical
membership will be discussed further in a later chapter. senses. He must have seen something, heard something, felt
Confess Christ faithfully, first, to your relatives and closest something, tasted something or smelled something. A witness
cannot give opinions or deductions. He must relate what he
friends. Begin in your Jerusalem — your own home circle.
knows to be the facts through his own senses, through
How can you expect to live a true Christian life if you do not
personal experience and contact. To be a witness for Christ,
let those who are closest to you know that you now belong
one must know something by personal contact.
to Christ? Let them hear of Christ in your conversation and
see Christ in your life. If you fail here, among those closest (1) You must know by personal experience that you are
to you, you will not be strong in the Lord elsewhere. If to saved before you can effectively witness to anyone else that
speak of Christ to your friends and relatives means the loss Jesus saves. Remember, the testimony of any witness may

61 62
be cross-examined by some point-blank questions. Can you Have you found victory over sin through Him, by prayer
testify that you know Jesus saves because you know that and faith? Has He given you some definite victories over
you are saved? Is your knowledge of His salvation personal, habitual sins, and are you enjoying such victory now?
positive and real? If your testimony is uncertain and When you try to lead a soul to Christ, you often hear some-
indefinite, it will not convince people. thing like this: “I’m afraid I couldn’t hold out.” Do you have
(2) You must know by personal experience that God a clear, bold, unfaltering testimony about the victory-giving
answers prayer if you want to convince others of that fact. power of Christ in your life? Such a testimony will be far
Has God answered definite and personal petitions for you? more effective than a sermon preached from the pulpit, no
Can you look back on experiences of answered prayer — matter how brilliant or eloquent.
experiences that no one can contradict? Unless you can, A witness is one who is willing to tell what he knows. One
how can you convince others? If you say that your teacher who is unwilling to testify, no matter how well he knows the
thinks so or that the church believes it, you will never subject matter or how important it is, is not a witness. A
convince your friends that God answers prayer. But if you witness must speak up. He must be willing to declare what
can relate personal experiences, they will constitute a positive he personally knows and also to answer any questions put
testimony — one that will carry weight and convince people.
to him. It is tragic to remain silent when it is imperative to
(3) You must know by your own experience that Christ speak. Imagine a man’s remaining silent while someone is
can satisfy all the inner longings of the human heart before being condemned in court when he knows facts that would
you can bear unfaltering testimony to that effect. Other people mean that person’s exoneration! Surely no decent person
may not believe the beautiful phrases in the hymnbook. would be guilty of such tragic silence.
They may not even accept the promises in the Bible, such as
In Ezekiel 33:8 we read: “When I say to the wicked, O
Matthew 11:28-30 and John 7:37-39. But they may believe
wicked man, you shall surely die and if you do not speak to
you if you testify from real experience. Has Christ satisfied
your longings? Can you testify out of your own experience? warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in
If so, your testimony will convince others; if not, it will bear his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.” This
little weight. If you learn to trust Christ and take all of your is a solemn warning. As witnesses of God’s saving grace to
problems to Him as they arise, you will learn that He can lost sinners, we cannot, we dare not, hold our peace. We
and does satisfy the longing soul with perfect peace and joy must tell that which we know. Every Christian should speak
and rest. boldly as a true witness for Jesus Christ and tell other people
what he has come to know in his own life! A witness must
(4) You must know personally that Christ gives victory speak. He must tell what he knows. Are you one of Christ’s
over sin, if you want to convince your friends of that fact. witnesses?
63 64
A witness must live so that his testimony cannot be Many Christians in the past have died because they
impeached. The personal character of any court witness largely witnessed about Christ — thousands and thousands of them.
determines the worth and weight of his testimony to the They were burned at the stake, they were put in boiling tar,
judge or jury. If the witness is known in the community as they were thrown to wild animals in public arenas, they
an unreliable person, little weight will be attached to his were crucified, they were pulled in two, they had their
testimony. But if he is a man whose uprightness and honesty tongues cut out, they had their eyes burned with hot irons,
are known throughout his community, his words will bear and they were broken on the “wheel;” but they would not
tremendous impact. In courtrooms, lawyers of the opposition retract their testimony, and they died singing God’s praises.
watch every opportunity to pick out flaws in the character of
Christian converts in Muslim lands still suffer and die
the witness, even by calling attention to any previous
instances of infidelity, thus undermining his testimony. So because of their witness for Christ. Many suffer and die in
it is with the Christian in the world. Our life must conform Communist countries and in many pagan lands. And here
to our words. We cannot profess one thing and live another. in our own country some are ready to “pull in their feathers”
Our lives must be true if people are to believe our words. when they meet with just a little ridicule. Shame on us! Let
us be faithful witnesses for Christ, just as He was once a
Strive to keep your life true and clean. When you sin, go faithful witness for us on earth and still is at the right hand
to Christ immediately for forgiveness and cleansing. If you of the throne of God (see Rev 1:5).
should offend another person, go to him, apologize, and
ask his pardon. If you practice this, people will respect your
life and believe your testimony. Read Acts 4:13; Titus 2:7,8;
1 Peter 2:11,12,15; 3:15,16. Ponder these verses and try
to carry them out in your life.
A witness never retracts his testimony. Once a testimony
is given, he stands by it. He will never alter his word or
compromise his own witness. To do so would be fatal to his
effectiveness and would make him the object of disregard
and disbelief. The Greek word translated “witness” in the
New Testament is the word from which we also get the word
“martyr.” A true witness is willing to die for his testimony.
He will never alter or retract it.
65 66
Every Christian must be an ambassador for Christ. An
ambassador for Christ is one who goes in His behalf and
urges men to be reconciled to God through Him. If you want
Chapter 9 to live a real Christian life, one that is pleasing to God, begin
fulfilling this responsibility.
A beautiful tribute is paid to Andrew in John 1:41. After
Your Responsibility he had found Jesus as his Messiah and Saviour, “he first
finds his own brother Simon, and says to him, We have
found the Messiah!” From the very hour when Andrew himself
became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, he had a desire
to go and bring others, and he began by winning his own
brother to the Lord. His brother, Peter, later became a more
influential disciple of the Lord than Andrew himself. This
can be an encouragement to you. You may think yourself a
2 Corinthians 5:15,18,20 says, “Christ died for all, that
very uninfluential and humble Christian, yet you might win
those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for
someone to Christ who will be the means of reaching
Him who died for them, and rose again. ... And all things
thousands for the Lord. For example, the person who led
are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ,
D. L. Moody (1837-1899) to Christ did not realize that Moody
and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation; ... Now
would in turn bring thousands to the Saviour.
then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were
pleading through us: we pray you in Christ’s behalf, be If you want to be a real Christian, follow Andrew’s example.
reconciled to God.” Try to win others to Christ, and begin with your own family.
Notice how simple Andrew’s testimony was. He simply said,
According to these verses, we who are believers are
“We have found the Messiah.” You could tell your friends
ambassadors for Christ, and the ministry of reconciling men
and relatives, “I have found the Saviour.” Is that difficult to
to God has been committed to us. We are the ones who, as
do? Is that beyond your ability? Your saying to someone, “I
Christ’s representatives, are now to go out and persuade
have found the Saviour,” may result in that one’s salvation,
people to be reconciled to God. Only as we do this by just as Andrew’s testimony resulted in Simon Peter’s salvation.
preaching to them the Gospel of the grace of the Lord Jesus
Christ will they ever be saved. This is our responsibility — The Apostle Paul, in Ephesians 4:11-13, said, “Christ
this is our task here on earth. gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as
67 68
evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the 5:15). And the life that is most pleasing to Christ is the life
equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building dedicated to winning lost souls to Him. When He told His
up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of disciples that they were to be His witnesses throughout the
the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a world (Acts 1:8), the main object of that witness was that
mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to they might win men and women to Jesus Christ from every
the fullness of Christ.” Notice that the Head of the Church, kindred and language and people and nation.
Jesus Christ, has given some gift or ability to every Christian.
There is a task for everyone of us to fulfill. He has given When you came to Christ as a lost sinner, no doubt the
various gifts to different Christians “for the equipping of the primary object of your coming was that your own soul might
saints for the work of service” (v12). be saved; but now that you are saved, the object of your life
should be the salvation of others. No other goal is suitable
You are equipped to serve in some part of Christ’s work, for you as a Christian or pleases your Lord. The reason why
the winning of souls. And notice that the ultimate aim of Christ is so eager to have us confess Him before men is that
this service is the building up of Christ’s Body. As Christians through our confession other men might come to know Him
all over the world engage in the task of winning men to as their Saviour.
Jesus Christ, the Body of Christ will ultimately be built up
or completed. At the proper point in God’s eternal timetable, If the Lord did not have such a purpose for our life here
Christ will return to take His own to be with Him (1 Thess on earth, it would be better for Him to take us on to Heaven
4:16,17). The joyous prospect that “we shall always be with as soon as we are saved. That would save us much heartache,
the Lord” (v17) is a powerful incentive to win men to Him. and it would also save Him much grief. But He has a purpose
for us here on earth. He wants our lights to shine before
In the previous chapter, the importance of giving audible
men so that others who are now in darkness may come to
testimony to your faith in Christ was emphasized. The
know Him as their God. If you are a young believer, God
primary object of your testimony should be to win others to
has great purposes for your life, and if He allows you to live
the Lord. Of course, we want to confess the Lord Jesus
a long time, it will be only for this purpose — that through
Christ here on earth so that He may confess us in heaven at
you many may come to know Him. If you are older and
His Father’s right hand. But the thing which pleases the
have known the Lord for a long time, the one object He has
Lord most and which should be our greatest desire is that
we might bring other souls to Him. had in sparing your life thus far is simply that others, through
your life, might have come to know Him. Has that purpose
We are not to live for ourselves, for our own personal been realized in your life? Or have you disappointed your
pleasures and pursuits, but rather for Christ (see 2 Cor Saviour?
69 70
John 15 records our Lord’s beautiful illustration of our them. Only as Christians pray, as Christians witness, as
relationship to Him — that of the vine and the branches. Christians preach, as Christians talk to people about the
John 15:5 says, “I am the Vine, you are the branches: He Saviour, can souls be saved. If every Christian in the world
who abides in Me, and I in him, the same brings forth much would stop functioning for God, the whole work of Christ’s
fruit: for without Me you can do nothing.” spiritual kingdom on earth would come to a standstill.
He is pointing out through this figure His indispensability We are indispensable to Him and to His work. The only
to us. As the vine is indispensable to the branch, so Christ way souls can be won to Christ now is through the witness
is indispensable to His people. He says, “Without Me you and instrumentality of Christians. If we do not win men to
can do nothing.” As the branch can do nothing without the Christ, they will not be won. If we do not testify of the
vine, so we can do nothing without Christ. He is indispensable saving grace of Christ, no testimony will be given. If we do
to our salvation. He is necessary to our spiritual fruitfulness not proclaim the gospel, it will not be proclaimed. If we do
and to our spiritual life and health. He is indispensable to not evangelize the world, it will not be evangelized. The only
our strength. It is easy to catch this truth in His illustration. feet that Christ has to carry His gospel in the world today
are our feet. The only tongue He has to proclaim His gospel
But another truth is also taught very subtly in this same
to lost men is our tongue. The only lips He has today to tell
illustration. It is that the branch is indispensable to the vine.
the story of His saving grace and His atoning death on
As the branch cannot bear fruit without the vine, neither
Calvary’s cross are our lips. The only minds and hands He
can the vine bear fruit without the branch. Fruit is always
has to translate the Scriptures into other languages are ours.
produced on the branches of the tree, never on the vine or
The only witness He has among men of His mercy and
trunk. This is God’s order both in nature and in the spiritual
grace is our witness. How dare we fail Him?
realm. Remember that Christ said, “You are the branches.”
That means that we are also indispensable to Him. He cannot It may seem difficult at first to begin this ministry of
bear fruit, or bring others to Himself, without us. Only soul-winning, but once you have won a soul to Christ, you
through us, as branches of the Vine, can other men and will never want to stop. Evangelist D. L. Moody (1837-1899)
women come to know the Saviour. We are His indispensable made it the rule of his life never to let one day pass without
instruments. speaking to someone about salvation and trying to win that
one to Christ. A person does not have to be either eloquent
All the work that Christ is doing in the world now and
or clever to win souls.
has been doing ever since Pentecost, He has been doing
through His people. The Holy Spirit dwells in the people of The greatest problem in witnessing often seems to be
God, in the Christians, and all of His work is done through opening the conversation. Carry some good gospel tracts
71 72
with you and pass them out whenever the opportunity arises. great deal of embrrassment and timidity, he asked the first
They will open the way for a conversation concerning salvation. young man he saw if he would like to come to Christ. To his
Then you can tell the person how you were saved and assure amazement, the fellow responded by immediately making
him that Christ will save him, too, if he will only accept his way to the altar. Torrey, Jr., then led that young man to
Him as you did. Christ, and he later testified that it was the greatest experience
in his spiritual life since his own salvation. It can be your
Another good way to start a conversation is to wear a
experience, too. Once the ministry of soulwinning is
small pin on your lapel or collar. This will attract the attention
begun, it will be the joy and desire of your life to win others
of people and cause them to ask questions. I once wore a to the Saviour.
gold question mark on the lapel of my coat. When people
questioned me about it, I would ask, “Well, what is the most The most convincing thing in your testimony will be a
important question in the world?” Then I would go on to say genuine love for other people. People almost always respond
that I consider “Have you accepted Christ as your Saviour?” to love, and when they see that you really have a love and
to be the biggest question in life. concern for their souls, they will not be bitter when you try
to lead them to Christ. By speaking to them in love, you
A friend of mine wore the number “3” on his lapel, and may win them to the Saviour. If you do not have such love
whenever people asked him what it stood for, he would tell for the souls of men, ask the Holy Spirit to fill your heart
them, “The Trinity — the Father, the Son, and the Holy with the love of God, for that is one of His ministries in the
Spirit.” Then he would go on to explain how God the Father life of every Christian (Rom 5:5). While we cannot make
loved men, how Christ, His Son, died for men, and how the ourselves love and cannot fill our own hearts with love for
Holy Spirit wants to come into the heart of anyone who will lost souls, the Holy Spirit is able, willing and glad to do it
accept the Saviour and transform his life. when we ask Him and as we allow Him. Any effort to win a
R. A. Torrey, Jr., once related the great joy which he soul to Christ which stems from genuine love for that soul,
experienced when he led his first soul to Christ. He was in though it may be a faulty effort, will not fail to make an
the choir loft during a meeting in which his father was impression on that one and will probably result in his
preaching, and while the invitation was being glven, the salvation.
preacher urged the people from the choir to go down into A real Christian is a soulwinning Christian. A soul-
the audience and try to lead others to Christ. Young Torrey winning Christian rarely becomes a backslider. No soul-
sat stupefied until the songleader pushed him down the winning Christian is overcome by discouragement. No soul-
steps of the platform and said, “Go and get a soul.” With a winning Christian is unhappy or defeated.
73 74
Of course, a life of prayer is the secret behind all soul-
winning. If we start the task of soulwinning without praying
that God may really use our efforts and enable us to win
men for Christ, our efforts will fail. But as we pray to Him Chapter 10
for real power, grace and love in our lives, so that we can
win souls, and then go out sincerely purposing to bring our
friends and acquaintances to the Saviour, our efforts will be Your Relationship to the World
abundantly rewarded.
If you would be a real Christian, be a soulwinner. Begin
by praying, and then speak to the first person you meet
who needs your Saviour.

Perhaps the greatest test in the Christian’s life comes

in his relationship to the world. It seems hard for some
believers to let go of certain worldly things that hinder their
spiritual progress. It seems too easy for them to hold on to
things that are barriers to spiritual growth.
I remember going into a restaurant one time where there
was a machine for testing how much electrical current one
could stand. The machine had a pair of “hot” grips, and the
closer you drew them together, the stronger the current
became. A dial indicated how much current you were getting.
The idea, of course, was to outdo the other fellow. After
several of my companions had taken hold of the grips, drawn
them slowly together and let go again, I stepped up to the
machine. I had decided that instead of drawing the handles
together slowly, I would just force them together with one
big push. I did this, but to my amazement, the current
75 76
became so strong that I was unable to let go! What an friend of the world is the enemy of God.” And in 1 John
experience it was! The electricity coursed through my body, 2:15, notice these words: “Love not the world, nor the things
hurting me, but I was unable to let go. which are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love
of the Father is not in him.” Finally, 2 Corinthians 6:17
That is exactly the way it is with many things of the
says: “Therefore come out from among them, and be separate,
world. While the person holding on knows that he is being
says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will
hurt, he seems unable to let go. The world burns spiritual
receive you.”
hands, but it also grips. No honest person can deny its grip.
A real Christian must hear and obey what the Word of
Various Bible passages speak of the believer’s relationship
God says regarding his relationship to this world of sin.
to the world. Jesus said, “You are not of the world” (Jn
When a person becomes a Christian and has experienced a
15:19). Paul says in Titus 2:12, “Teaching us that, denying
transformation in his life, he must necessarily give up many
ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly,
habits and pleasures of the world. 1 John 5:19 states the
righteously, and godly, in this present world.” In Ephesians
reason for this: “The whole world lies in wickedness.” Anyone
2:2, the same apostle refers to the time previous to the
who looks at this world objectively can see that, on the whole,
readers’ conversion: “Wherein in time past you walked
it has departed far from God, and it is full of all kinds of
according to the course of this world, according to the prince
evil. The people of the world loved wicked and impure things.
of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the
Most of the pleasures of the world are associated with that
children of disobedience.” In verses 12 and 13, he continues,
which is unclean and impure, many of them positively vile
“That at that time you were without Christ ... without God
and degrading.
in the world: but now in Christ Jesus you who sometimes
were far off are brought near by the blood of Christ.” A The whole spirit of the world is one of indifference to the
tremendous contrast is pointed out here. Before these people things of God, if not positive hatred of Christ. The world’s
were saved, they followed the course of this world and the spirit is largely centered around the love of that which is
desires of the Evil One, but since they have come to know unholy and evil. The vile conversation and the immoral conduct
Christ, this has been changed. of worldly people are certainly no prizes for the Christian to
covet. Few of the world’s popular pleasures are not associated
In 2 Timothy 4:10 the apostle writes: “Demas has forsaken
with that which is degrading. Almost everything purposely
me, having loved this present world, and has departed.” In
centers around crime, horror and sex.
James 4:4 we have this strong statement: “You adulterers
and adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship of Christians should realize that they cannot agree with the
the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore will be a standards of the world. Now that you believe on the Lord
77 78
Jesus Christ and want to follow Him, you immediately face Dancing is also based mainly on the sex appeal, and it
some pertinent questions: Shall I go to the movies? Shall I aggravates the sinful lusts of men. Though some may try to
play cards? Shall I dance? Shall I smoke cigarettes? These argue in favour of dancing, the case has long since been
and many other questions demand clearcut answers. How lost, and such arguments are futile. If anyone denies that
will you answer? Enough has been written and said regarding dancing is not based on sex and lust, let him try sponsoring
all of these things to make long discussions unnecessary. a dance where men dance with men and women dance with
The author’s own book, The Perfect Will of God, devotes one women and see how well it goes over!
chapter to the matter of the Christian’s relationship to the
Cards have long been associated with gambling, even in
world. Many other Christian authors have also written helpful the minds of little children. Probably the best rule for the
books and articles about these questions. Christian is “hands off.” Young people who have been brought
Any honest person must acknowledge that most movies up in a home where no card-playing was permitted are not
glorify crime, infidelity and lust. Few people can look at the likely to become gamblers when they grow up. However,
scenes constantly portrayed on the screen without being children who are taught to play cards at home could easily
affected by them in an unwholesome way. Many of the crimes turn to gambling later.
and sex sins committed by young people today are due to As for the use of tobacco, at its best it is only a waste of
the influence of movies. This is a fact that cannot be denied, money and a hindrance to the Christian testimony. At its
and it is one of the constant claims of the Federal Bureau of worst it is a detriment to the human body, a hindrance to
Investigation. one’s Christian testimony and a habit that can harm one’s
entire being. A habit that controls a man and that has evil
The men who control the motion picture industry are
effects on his physical organs and his nervous system certainly
interested in one primary thing — making money. So they
is not proper for a child of God. Our bodies are temples of
are anxious to produce films that will draw in the greatest
the Holy Spirit and we should keep them as clean as possible
number of people, without any regard for standards of
for Him. If we proclaim to the world a Christ who is able to
decency, righteousness or purity. So they keep portraying give men victory over their sins and evil habits and yet are
more and more lust, immorality and crime. It is a pity that ourselves enslaved to cigarettes our testimony will surely be
so many millions of people weekly feed their systems with weakened.
lustful and disgraceful motion picture films. Occasionally,
of course, some films are good in themselves, but the purpose One of the greatest dangers confronting young people
even in those is to reach that smaller group of people who today is the use of addictive drugs. The harm and danger of
do not attend the viler pictures, in an effort to get their using these drugs has been well established by the medical
money, too. profession and made known to the general public. Even the
79 80
use of so-called milder forms, such as marijuana, is definitely If we imitate the world and pattern our lives after its
dangerous since it often leads to the use of the more standards, how will people know that we are Christ’s disciples?
destructive “hard” drugs. The use of these drugs in any But when they see a difference between our lives and their
form or to any degree has harmful effects on both the mind own, they will know that we have a personal relationship
and the body. Drugs weaken the will, thus harming the with Christ. This is what we want.
user psychologically, and they also weaken and damage the
Is the price too great to pay? God is leaving us in this
physical body. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, “Don’t you know world to guide others to Him. So we should not seclude
that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God
ourselves or withdraw from the people of the world, but we
dwells in you?” Since the Holy Spirit indwells believers, they should live like children of God in a world filled with
should not experiment with these dangerous and destructive wickedness.
drugs. The only sure way to avoid being victimized by them
is to say No to the first offer or temptation. After all, the world is a very empty and unsatisfying place.
The Book of Ecclesiastes relates how Solomon tried everything
Do not get the impression that the Christian life is a dull the world could offer but found no satisfaction or peace in
one. Almost always when the Bible refers to separation, it is it. He came to the conclusion that it was all “vanity.” In
not only a separation “from” but also a separation “to.” We Ecclesiastes 1:13 he calls attention to the fact that he tried
are separated from the world to God. In place of everything education and wisdom, thinking that human knowledge
the Lord takes out of our lives, He gives us something much would satisfy the thirst of his inner being. But he concluded
better. The more we dedicate ourselves to Christ, the less that this was all “vexation of spirit” and “vanity.”
appeal the things of the world will have for us. We will
automatically separate ourselves from those things. The last He then turned to pleasure, indulging fully in all of the
night Jesus was with His disciples before the crucifixion, He amusements of the world (Eccl 2:1-11). But this he found
pointed out to them that though they were in the world, was also vanity, Ecclesiastes later explains how Solomon
also tried to satisfy his longings with the wealth of the world.
they were not of the world. This is exactly our position as
He secured everything that money could buy, thinking that
Christians in this world. He has chosen us from among the
this would surely bring him satisfaction, but his conclusion
people of the world and has separated us to Himself as His
was that all is “vanity and vexation of spirit.”
own peculiar people. The Church has been called out and
separated from the world. We should live so that others will If any man was ever in a position to completely test the
understand that we have been called out from the world and world, Solomon was. And if the world’s knowledge and
that we are a people separated to God. pleasures and wealth could not bring satisfaction to a great
81 82
man like Solomon, it surely cannot do so for any of us. relationship to Christ. If our relationship to Christ is right,
Those who have followed the ways of the world long enough our relationship to the world becomes automatic.
will have come to the same conclusion that Solomon came to
that it is all empty and void. “What shall it profit a man, if The following questions may help you in deciding whether
he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” asked you should or should not do a certain thing —
Jesus (Mk 8:36). 1. Is this pleasing to Christ?
2. Does it glorify God?
The world strongly allures and promises to bring
satisfaction to men, but it is disillusioning and deceitful. It 3. Would Jesus do it?
cannot keep its promises. It leaves people unsatisfied and 4. Will it strengthen my testimony to others as a Christian?
cold and hungry. Often those who have obtained the largest 5. Will it help me in my own Christian life?
amount of the world’s wealth and pleasure are the ones who
end their lives in suicide. Why, then, would the Christian If the answer to these questions is negative, avoid the thing
believer become attached to such an empty and false world? in question. If the answer is positive, then proceed.

Rather, as Paul says in Colossians 3:7,2, we should seek Remember that some Christians might go to certain places,
those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right do certain things, and win men to Christ by so doing, whereas
hand of God. We are to set our affection on things above, other Christians in the same situations would only be
not on things on the earth. “Where your treasure is, there stumbling blocks. So what is right for one Christian may be
your will heart be also,” said Jesus (Mt 6:21). If our treasure entirely wrong for another. For that reason, always apply
is in heaven, our affections will be set on heavenly things; these five test questions to anything about which you are in
but, of course, if our treasure is here on earth, our affections doubt. Almost every question or problem regarding your
will be directed to the things of earth. Where is your treasure? relationship to the world can then be settled.
Where should your affections be? Apostle John said, “Love
not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any God says to us, “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to
man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 the Lord, and not to men; knowing that from the Lord you
Jn 2:15). Here again the same thought is emphasized. If the shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for you serve the
love of God has entered our hearts, we will not love the Lord Christ” (Col 3:23,24). In Colossians 3:12 we read a
things of the world that reject and hate Christ. Instead, we stronger statement: “And whatsoever you do in word or deed,
will love the things of Christ. So the problem of our do all to the glory of God. Give no offence, neither to the
relationship to the world is, after all, a problem of our Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the Church of God.”
83 84
If you cannot go to the theater in the name of Christ, to
the glory of God, and without harming your testimony, do
not go. If you cannot dance in the name of Jesus, to the
glory of God, without offending anyone, do not dance. If Chapter 11
you cannot play cards or smoke in the name of Jesus, to
the glory of God, without hurting anyone, do not play cards
or smoke. Instead of asking, “Is it wrong to do this?”, why Your Inner Helper
not ask, “Is it to the glory of God? Can I do it as to the
Lord? Can I do it in the name of Jesus?”
As Christians, we should not be interested in seeing how
close we can get to the fire without being burned but in how
far we can keep from danger. The Bible says that we should
“abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thess 5:22). Why not
stay on the safe side of the fence and make a clean break
The chapters immediately preceding this one have
with everything that might hinder your spiritual life and
presented some of the great challenges of the Christian life.
your testimony for Christ?
Perhaps you have been tempted to think that all of this is
too difficult for you and that you can never live that kind of
a Christian life. Perhaps you feel that you never can be a
real Christian.
If it were up to us personally to attain these goals, it
would, naturally, be impossible. In our own human strength
we could never live such Christian lives. But we are not left
to our own strength and resources for living the Christian
life. We have a competent inner Helper, a personal Enabler,
the Person of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord Jesus, before His ascension, repeatedly promised
to His disciples the coming of the Holy Spirit to abide in
them and to strengthen them in their life on earth for God.
85 86
He said, “I will pray to the Father, and He shall give you night on earth, He promised them the coming of the Holy
another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever; Spirit to dwell in them and to strengthen them for their
even the Spirit” (Jn 14:16,17); “When the Comforter is come, Christian life and service.
whom I will send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of
Truth, who proceeds from the Father, He shall testify about The promise of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling is the heritage
Me: and you also shall bear witness” (Jn 15:26,27); “If I go of every believer. When one is born again, he is “born of the
not away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I depart, Spirit.” In other words, when he is born of God, the Holy
I will send Him to you” (Jn 16:7). Spirit comes into his soul and implants the life of God in
him. By the strength and power of that Holy Spirit we are
In 1 Corinthians 3:16 we are asked, “Do you not know not helpless to live in this world as God expects us to live.
that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God
dwells in you?” The same book also asks, “What? Do you Many things in the Bible, both in the words of Christ and
not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit in the words of His apostles, are promised to us through the
who is in you, whom you have of God, and you are not your presence and power of the Holy Spirit —
own?” (6:9). Apostle Paul confidently prayed that the
(1) The Holy Spirit helps our weaknesses (Rom 8:26).
Ephesian converts might be “strengthened with might by
We have many weaknesses, but He is always ready to meet
God’s Spirit in the inner man” so they would attain a
our deficits and supply the strength that we lack. So even
spiritual fullness in the Christian life (Eph 3:16).
the weakest Christian may have courage when he remembers
The Holy Spirit is our inner Helper, and by His power that the Holy Spirit has come to meet all human infirmities
and strength we are able to meet all the challenges that and to overcome them with His divine strength.
come to us as Christians and to succeed in living a real
(2) The Holy Spirit gives us understanding of the Bible’s
Christian life. What is to our natural strength completely
impossible is by His power definitely and easily possible. truths (Jn 16:12,13). Understanding of the Bible comes,
Christ’s words in John 14:18 about the coming of the Holy not through human intellect, but by divine enlightenment.
Spirit literally mean, “I will not leave you orphans.” Without It is the mission of the Holy Spirit to guide God’s people into
the inner strength of the Holy Spirit to help us live the divine truth. So when you read the Bible, read it in
Christian life and to enable us to face its challenges and communion with the Holy Spirit. Read it prayerfully. When
assume its responsibilities, we would be like helpless, you come to passages that you do not understand, pause
orphaned children. The Lord Jesus knew this very well. and ask Him to give you the interpretation. He is the Author
Therefore, as He said farewell to His disciples on His last of the Scriptures (2 Pet 1:20,21), and He is its Interpreter.

87 88
(3) The Holy Spirit gives us love (Rom 5:5). Love is our to gain victory over sin. He enables us to defeat Satan. When
most vital need — love to God, love to our fellow Christians, you feel yourself being overcome by sin or slipping into
and love to all men. The first and greatest commandment error, breathe a prayer to the indwelling Holy Spirit right
under the Dispensation of Law in the Old Testament was then and there, and He will not fail to give you victory.
that men should love the Lord their God with all their heart.
(5) He aids us in prayer (Rom 8:26,27). He is the One,
The greatest point of emphasis under the Dispensation of
first of all, who urges us to pray. Christ intercedes for us in
Grace in the New Testament is the same. After Peter had
Heaven before the Father on the throne, while the Holy Spirit
denied Jesus, the Lord’s question to him was simply, “Do
intercedes within our hearts on earth. The Spirit frequently
you love Me?” (Jn 21:15-17). He challenged His disciples, moves us to pray and burdens our hearts for certain things
“By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you or certain people. At such times you should cooperate
have love one to another” (13:35). One of the great lacks in carefully with the Spirit and yield yourself to His control, so
the Christian world today is the lack of love between that you may be led into a real life and ministry of prayer.
Christians. This is a serious lack, and it is one of the great The Holy Spirit also teaches us how to pray and reminds us
stumbling blocks to the world. Unless we demonstrate the of things for which we should pray. Many times we do not
love of Christ to sinful people around us, how can we ever know what we should pray for, but the Holy Spirit stirs up
win them to Christ? Love is unquestionably our greatest petitions in us with groanings too deep for words.
need and our greatest lack. For more instruction concerning
Christian love, study the First Epistle of John. We would of ourselves often ask for things which are
pleasant and which seem good in our judgment but which
We cannot make ourselves love, but the Holy Spirit will would be far from best for us. But the Holy Spirit knows
fill us with the love of God if we let Him do so. So when we what is good and right for us, and He lays on our hearts the
are conscious of a coldness and a lack of love in our hearts, very things for which we should pray. He comes to our aid.
we should seek the Holy Spirit’s love-shedding ministry. As He produces desires within us for the things of God and for
we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we will be filled with the the glory of God, which we would never have in ourselves.
love of God. We can be filled with the Holy Spirit by simply He helps us to pray. He prays in us and through us.
yielding ourselves to Him and emptying our lives of every
other thing. If we but yield ourselves to Him and sincerely Praying is not merely asking for natural desires which
arise in our own mind, nor is it merely beautiful words. Real
ask Him to fill us, He will not fail to do so.
prayer is the Holy Spirit’s producing holy desires within us
(4) He gives us strength against sin (Eph 3:16). This inner and then intensifying them to such an extent that we will
strength which He is always ready to supply will enable us not rest or stop praying until God has granted the petition.
89 90
Satan attacks us in our prayer life more than in anything the Christian life are imparted and ministered to us by the
else, so we need a helper. The Holy Spirit gives us the desire Holy Spirit. So learn to commune with the Holy Spirit, so
to pray and enables us to actually pray. When you find that He can give these things to you.
yourself unable to pray, depend on the Holy Spirit and ask
The presence of the Holy Spirit is not a reality to many
Him to come to your rescue. It is one of His ministries to
Christians. That is a tragedy. The Holy Spirit is a Person as
you, and He loves to perform it.
much as God the Father or Jesus Christ are Persons. And
(6) The Holy Spirit directs and leads in the lives of God’s He indwells every Christian. If you will yield to Him, giving
people (Rom 8:14). Often we do not know what decision to Him complete control of your life, He will lead you into the
make and cannot in ourselves determine the will of God. At abundant life.
such times the Holy Spirit comes to our aid, willing to lead
Learn to cultivate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Think
and guide in every detail of our lives, if we will only live close
of Him as an indwelling presence, a real Person. Contemplate
enough to Him so that He can do so. A Christian should
His desire for your growth and spiritual prosperity. Consider
cultivate the habit of asking the Holy Spirit to guide him
His goodness, His graciousness, and His willingness to help
every day of his life.
you at all times. Learn to rely on Him for all of your spiritual
In the morning, before you face your daily tasks, earnestly needs. Learn to talk to Him and to commune with Him.
ask the Holy Spirit to guide every thought, every decision, Learn to draw from Him all the spiritual qualities that you
every step, every move of yours during that day. And then, want to be manifested in your life, which God also desires.
throughout the day, as you go about your work, facing Think of Him as He really is — a heavenly guest, the lover of
problems, needs and dilemmas, lift your heart in prayer your soul. He is your Friend, your Companion, your
to the indwelling Holy Spirit for guidance. He has come to Comforter, your Guide, your Helper, your Teacher. Let
be your Guide, and He will not fail to give you direction Him be your all in all.
and light.

(7) The Holy Spirit produces spiritual fruit in the Christian’s

life (Gal 5:22,23). The Holy Spirit fills believers with love
and joy, gives them peace and makes them patient. He
imparts and increases their faith. The Holy Spirit also gives
believers the ability to be meek and self-controlled and helps
them restrain natural appetites and desires. All the merits of
91 92
(1) The Family Altar
Some readers may not quite understand the term “family
altar.” A family altar is a time set apart every day in the
Chapter 12 home when the whole family engages in the worship of the
Lord through reading the Bible and praying together. Almost
nothing can be of greater value in any home than family
Your Worship worship. Nothing will do more to instill the fear of God and
the love of God in the hearts of children, and nothing will so
completely eliminate family differences and troubles. When
the family gets together, at least once a day, for prayer and
worship, hard feelings and unkind thoughts disappear. No
husband and wife can pray together daily without being in
true harmony with each other. When differences do arise,
they will either stop praying or else be quickly reconciled.
Jesus said to the woman of Samaria, “God is a Spirit:
and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and The family altar is indispensable to the home. No greater
in truth” (John 4:24). The worship of God, to the Christian, heritage can be left to the children of a Christian family than
is primarily a spiritual exercise — that is, he worships God the recollection of their childhood days, when partners and
in his heart and should be constantly in the spirit of worship. children daily studied the Word of God and lifted their voices
But this does not eliminate the necessity of having special in united, audible prayer. In fact, a home cannot be a real
times set apart for the purpose of worship — times when all Christian home unless it does have a family altar. Many
other activity is put aside. We can and should be constantly homes of Christians are not essentially or truly Christian
worshiping God in our hearts. We ought to be in a spirit of homes. This is deplorable but nevertheless true.
prayer constantly, yet there must be times when everything
Now that you have become a believer, begin family worship
else is put aside for the sole purpose of worship and for
in your home at once. Set aside a time for it each day.
prayer. There must be regular exercises of worship and a
Perhaps right after breakfast is the best time (or after supper).
regular time for worship.
Begin by going through a certain book of the Bible, reading
The believer’s personal prayer life has already been a chapter or part of a chapter each time. Then pray together,
discussed, so this chapter will consider the worship of God with as many participating in prayer as possible. There may
in our homes and in the Church — be days when there will be time for only father or mother to
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pray, but there should also be times when the children can altar. It is an undisputed tragedy when the head of the
take part in prayer. Every Christian in the family should house is opposed to family worship and will not tolerate it.
participate. It is worthwhile to take enough time for family In such a case, the great challenge is to pray for his salvation.
worship so that problems in the Bible text can be discussed God works wonders in answer to earnest prayer.
as they are faced. At certain times children should be
given an opportunity to ask any questions they may have It takes some determination to begin and carry on family
on their hearts. worship faithfully, but the dividends are infinitely worthwhile.
Actually, family worship may be more important than public
Normally, the family altar should be conducted by the church worship. Often, more blessing and spiritual strength
father, as the head of the house. But circumstances may is imparted through family worship than through Church
make it necessary for others to lead at times. If the husband services.
is not a believer but is willing for the wife to conduct family
worship, then she should by all means do so. One of the No matter what the odds are or how hard it may be to
older children might even lead in family worship, if the maintain the family altar, carry it on at any cost. At the
parents are willing. family altar timid Christians in the family circle may first
learn to pray. Burdens may be freely poured out before the
Where there are small children in the home, it might be Lord, without fear or embarrassment. The family altar should
good to frequently read from a Bible story book and give a be the very centre of the Christian home, everything else
few simple explanations of the story. If it is possible to have
revolving around it and evolving from it.
family worship twice a day, it may be helpful to use a good
devotional book for one of the periods. Above all, the Bible Family life in a Christian home should primarily be family
should be read regularly. worship. The home that has regular family worship is a
home that will not be shaken or broken.
Although it is often difficult to find time for the family
altar, it is one of those indispensable things for the Christian, (2) The Church
and other duties must be sacrificed for it. You cannot have
Church membership is not essential to salvation, nor is it
a real Christian home without having family worship. To try
a part of salvation. But it is a definite part of the Christian
to do so will mean failure.
life, and every believer should normally unite with some
The problem, of course, is infinitely greater where there is local church. Primarily, the universal Church is a spiritual
a “divided family.” But even if the head of the house is not a body, the Body of Christ, and every Christian is a member
believer, if he is willing for another member of the family to of that great organism. But that “spiritual” Church is made
conduct family worship, by all means proceed with the family up of hundreds and thousands of local congregations and

95 96
assemblies all over the world. And for spiritual growth and “If you cannot find a Church that agrees with the patterns
help every Christian should unite and fellowship with one of set forth above, find the Church that comes nearest to it. Go
the local Churches. into that Church and by prayer and by work try to bring
Which Church should one join? Dr. Torrey answered this that Church as nearly as you can to the pattern of what a
question as follows: “Unite with a Church where they believe Church of Christ ought to be. But do not waste your strength
in the Bible and where they preach the Bible. Avoid the in criticism against either Church or minister. Seek that which
Churches where words are spoken, open or veiled, that have is good in the Church and in the minister and do your best
a tendency to undermine your faith in the Bible as a reliable to strengthen it. Hold aloof, firmly but unobtrusively, from
revelation from God Himself, the all-sufficient rule of faith what is wrong and seek to correct it. Do not be discouraged
and practice. Unite with a Church where there is a spirit of if you cannot correct it in a day or a week or a month or a
prayer, where the prayer meetings are well kept up. Unite year. Patient love and prayer and effort will tell in time.
with a Church that has a real, active interest in the salvation Drawing off by yourself and snarling and grumbling will do
of the lost, where young Christians are looked after and no good. That will simply make you and the truths for which
helped, where minister and people have a love for the poor you stand repulsive.”
and outcast, a Church that regards its mission in this
world to be the same as the mission of Christ, to seek Here are some simple questions which you should ask
and to save the lost. concerning any Church you may contemplate joining —

“As to denominational differences, other things being 1. Does this Church believe and proclaim the Bible to be
equal, unite with that denomination whose ideas of doctrines the true Word of God and uphold it as such in all of the
and government and of the ordinances are most closely akin services?
to your own. But it is better to unite with a live church of 2. Does the minister preach plainly concerning the atoning
some other denomination than to unite with a dead Church death of Christ on the cross and redemption through His
of your own. We live in a day when denominational
shed blood?
differences are becoming ever less and less, and oftentimes
they are of no practical consequence whatsoever; and one 3. Is the necessity for an experience of the new birth
will often feel more at home in a Church of some other through personal faith in Christ emphasized?
denomination than any accessible Church of his own 4. Does it have a vital interest in overseas missions and
denomination. The things that divide the denominations are an active missionary program? Are missionaries prayed for
insignificant compared to the great fundamental truths and and supported? Are Christian young people challenged for
purposes and faith that unite them. missionary service?
97 98
5. Are believers urged to win souls to Christ and taught in the Church, has urged us not to forsake “the assembling
how to do it? of ourselves together” (Heb 10:25). You need the inspiration
6. Is the literal personal return of Jesus Christ to earth that comes from fellowship with the other Christians in the
believed and proclaimed? Church, so be regular in your attendance.
7. Is it a praying Church? Are regular weekly prayer If you, as a Christian, are unfaithful in your Church
meetings held in which the people participate in praying? attendance, it is a very bad testimony for your unsaved
friends and neighbours. How can you expect them to go to
If all of these questions can be answered Yes regarding any
church to hear the gospel preached if you are careless about
church, that church would be an excellent one to join. In
your own attendance?
case they cannot all be answered in the affirmative, make
sure that at least the first six of them can be. Do not join a Not only should you join and regularly attend a church,
Church unless it holds to the inspiration of the Bible as you should participate in its activities and assume your share
God’s Word, the necessity of the shed blood of Christ, the of the Church’s responsibilities. If you are qualified to fill
new birth, and true prayer. any office in the church and are asked to do so, do it willingly,
as service to the Lord. If you are asked to teach a Sunday
Of course, it is not enough to merely join a Church. You School class, teach it conscientiously and diligently. If you
must attend regularly. Do not get into the habit of attending are requested to lead some group in the Church, do so in
church sporadically. Be regular in your attendance of worship the very best way you can, with the aid and help of the Holy
in the house of God. Make a real effort to be there at least Spirit, prayerfully depending on Him. If you are chosen to
for the Sunday morning and evening services and the midweek serve on a committee, even one that may deal with some of
prayer meeting. Attend other services of the church as time the more secular aspects of the church program, accept the
and circumstances permit. By all means, attend the Sunday responsibility honestly and do the best you can to carry out
School regularly. If you positively cannot attend more services, your duty. Decline only when you conscientiously feel that
let Sunday School, one Sunday Service, and midweek prayer you are unable to fill the position you are asked to take.
meeting be your absolute minimum. From that minimum Even then, pray about it before refusing to accept the
you can expand your attendance as time permits. responsibility.
If you begin to neglect Church attendance, you will Of course, financial responsibilities must accompany
probably drift in your own Christian life. If you habitually Church membership, and you should expect to assume your
stay away from the house of God, you may become a real part in those too. The expenses of operating a church can be
backslider. God, realizing the necessity of Christian fellowship met only as the members give. So give liberally and cheerfully
99 100
to your Church, as to the Lord. The matter of giving will be Word of God and the doctrines of the gospel of Jesus Christ,
discussed further in the following chapter. even though there may be some flaws in the conduct and
practice of its members, unite with them and do your part
The Church is the Christian’s spiritual home while he is
to contribute to the spiritual advancement of that Church,
on earth. There he is spiritually supported, comforted and
and your own spiritual life will also be advanced.
prepared for Heaven, where the entire family of God will at
last assemble. There he will cultivate fellowship with other However, it is better not to unite with a Church at all
believers and share his prayer burdens with them. He can than to unite with a modernistic church. By a “modernistic”
turn to his church for spiritual help in time of need and Church we mean a church that does not consider the Bible
perhaps also for material help at times. He will be instructed to be the Word of God and that does not believe that the
in the Word of God and built up in the faith. There he will death of Christ is essential to the salvation of sinners. Some
worship his God each Lord’s Day. Churches do not preach the new birth, and they make no
effort to win men and women to a personal acceptance of
Each individual Christian needs the fellowship of other
Jesus Christ. Most churches that are fundamental and
believers. The outward expression of this fellowship is in the
spiritual will have a midweek prayer service, and that is
membership of an organized body of believers. If you avoid
sometimes a way to distinguish between a sound church
all organized Churches, hoping thus to have a broader
and a modernistic church. In most communities, however,
fellowship with all believers belonging to all the Churches,
there will usually be some Church where you can have true
you will only deceive yourself. You will miss the helpfulness
Christian fellowship.
that comes from intimate union with a local congregation.
Sometimes well-meaning persons have avoided Church
membership, but they usually have suffered in their spiritual
life by doing so.
If you have really received the Lord Jesus Christ as your
Saviour, find, as soon as possible, some others who have
also received Him and unite yourself with them in the
Remember that you will not find a perfect Church. If you
wait until you find a perfect Church before joining, you
never will be able to join. But if a Church is true to the
101 102
Of course, people who do not love God will not be interested
in giving money to God’s cause, but one who loves the Lord
with all his heart surely will consider it a duty and a privilege
Chapter 13 to give of his money to the cause of Christ. So if we really
love God, we will want to give Him some of our means.
The Bible has much to say about giving. During the Old
Your Moneypurse Testament dispensation, the Dispensation of the Law, God’s
people were required to give one-tenth of all their income to
the Lord. This tithe was obligatory on all, and in addition to
the tithe, they were to add their “gifts.”
Christians often ask, Is tithing a binding law in the New
Testament? Although tithing is not a law of the New
Was your moneypurse converted when you were Testament, the grace of God operating in a Christian today
converted? It should have been. If you have come to know cannot expect less of us than the Law required in Old
and love the Lord, naturally it should be one of your desires Testament days. Since the Law demanded a tithe of
to do whatever you can to further His cause in this world everything, grace does not ask less. In fact, Grace should
not only by serving as you can but also by giving of your exceed the Law. Really, many Christians should be ashamed
means to help others serve. of themselves for giving merely a tenth of what they have to
the Lord. God has blessed them so abundantly that they
It is tragic that so many Christians have “unconverted”
should give far more, and yet they stick to the bare minimum
moneypurses. This is really difficult to understand, because
which the Old Testament Law required before the grace of
one of the most common demonstrations of love is giving.
God was fully revealed to men.
When you love a person, you instinctively give gifts to that
one. When a young fellow starts dating a girl, he begins to The rule of grace laid down in the New Testament is to
buy her candy and flowers and other gifts that he thinks give “as God has prospered” (1 Cor 16:2). That entire verse
will please her. At Christmastime we give gifts to the people reads, “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you
who are close to us; likewise, on their birthdays and other lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there
anniversaries. Love expresses itself through the giving of be no collections when I come.” Two general principles are
gifts. Because God loved us, He gave to us the unspeakable laid down in this verse. One is to give regularly: “on the first
gift, His only-begotten Son. day of the week;” the other is to give according to your
103 104
means: “as God has prospered.” No particular minimum is own money. He was a “pinch-penny preacher.” Many
required in the New Testament, nor is there a maximum Christians are like that minister, and the result is that they
limit. But every Christian should give according to the amount are spiritual paupers. Be a liberal Christian, and God will
of money God has entrusted to him. bless you liberally in return. He always does.
Another New Testament passage referring to giving is 2 As stated previously, tithing is not a law of the New
Corinthians 9:7, “Every man according as he purposes in Testament, but every Christian should have a regular plan
his heart, let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for for systematic giving. If you feel honestly before God that He
God loves a cheerful giver.” The preceding verse says, “But does not expect you to give more than one-tenth of your
this I say, He who sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; income, then be very careful to give at least the tithe to Him.
and he who sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully.” Do it systematically. Put God’s portion aside as soon as you
The Lord Jesus said in Luke 6:38, “Give, and it shall be receive your income. Regard that money as no longer yours,
given to you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken but His. If you follow that plan, you will always have money
together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. to give when needs arise in the work of the Lord.
For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be
Evidently the Apostle Paul saw the value of systematic
measured to you again.”
giving, and for that reason he pointed out that every man
Giving seems to result in a victorious circle. First, you should, on the first day of the week, put aside his offering
give as God has prospered you. Second, as you give, God for the Lord. If you will put aside the Lord’s portion weekly,
prospers you more, so that you can in turn give more, that you will find it much easier to give to God. It will become so
you might be blessed again, and so on! Will you put this habitual that you will never think of failing to give Him what
promise of God and rule of grace to a test? Will you “prove” you should.
God by it?
But beware of thinking that because you have given a
Some friends were discussing a mutual acquaintance — tenth, you have given all that God asks of you. Some
a minister of the gospel. He was a loyal preacher of the Christians could give half of their income to the Lord, and
Word of God, but for some reason he had a difficult time they should. Some persons can give even a larger proportion.
financially. His financial problems seemed to be contrary to Remember that God looks not only at what you have given
what one would naturally expect in the life of a man like to Him but also at what you have kept for yourself! God
him. As the reasons for this were discussed, one man knows how much money you need to care for your family
suggested that perhaps this minister had not been financially properly and to meet your obligations. He knows, too, when
prosperous because he had not been generous in giving his you are spending money selfishly and foolishly. Selfishness
105 106
is the very essence of sin, and if you have been saved from One needs to be very careful before giving money to these
your sins, you must avoid that sinful spirit. Your one desire programs outside the Church, of course, for some of them
in life, both in what you do and in what you earn, should be are unreliable and unworthy. Careful investigation should
to glorify the name of Christ and further His work. be made. First, make certain that the organization is
doctrinally sound. Second, make sure that it is financially
Some ministers strongly teach that all the money you give sound. Any honest religious organization should send
to God must be given to and through your local Church. numbered receipts for all gifts given. Their books should be
Nothing in Scripture supports this idea. This teaching arises audited at least once a year and the auditor’s report made
largely from a kind of denominational stinginess. It is usually available. If you desire to give money to a mission board or
a mistake to give all of one’s money in one place. You should to support a missionary under some board, find out if the
spread out your gifts, though not too thinly, so that you board is financially responsible, if they publish regular
may have a share in God’s work in various directions. reports of all monies received, and if they have their books
Ministers who sponsor the teaching just referred to base it audited by certified public auditors.
on Malachi 3:10, which says, “Bring all the tithes into the Do not give your money just because you are fascinated
storehouse,” making the Church the present “storehouse.” by some individual personality. Give your money to a person
But this is a very farfetched interpretation of Scripture. The only as one of God’s servants, because of what he is doing
church is not like the Old Testament temple. The Church with it for the spreading of the gospel. Never give to line the
has no storehouse and is not a storehouse. To include the pockets of a favourite preacher but always for the purpose
local church in this Old Testament verse seems to be of helping spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in a needy
inaccurate Bible interpretation. world.

One should, of course, give liberally and regularly to the Never give your money to modernistic organizations. If
Church to which he belongs. But Christians should also you belong to a church where the missionary program is not
give to other causes, particularly to some of the great based on the Word of God, do not give your money to that
interdenominational programs of God, such as gospel program. Give it to sound missionary organizations. Not all
broadcasts and faith missions. No Christian has a right to denominational mission boards are modernistic, by any
tell another Christian that he should not give money to these means, but a number of them are. It was because of
causes. The only time when one has a right to advise against modernism in the older boards, and their loss of the pioneer
spirit, that God raised up faith mission boards in our time.
giving money to any religious group is when that money will
not be used to preach the gospel or if the organization is in If you have the right attitude toward your own redemption,
some way not really true to Christ. you will have the right attitude toward Christian stewardship.
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If you have been redeemed, you belong completely to God. cents. If you are a Christian parent, teach your children to
In that case, all that you possess belongs to God too — your give to the Lord a portion of all the money that comes to
physical strength, your mind, you personality, your them. If they learn this habit in childhood, it will go with
possessions and your money. Your money is really God’s them through the years.
money. It is only entrusted to you as His steward. If you
Once you begin to give to God liberally, the blessings that
prove to be a poor steward, He may take it away from you
you experience as a result and the blessings that God will
and let it go into other hands.
deliberately bring into your life as a reward will be one of
You will have to give an account to God not only for the your greatest joys. Remember, you cannot outgive God! The
way you spent your time on earth as a Christian but also more you give to Him, the more He will give back to you.
for the way you spent your money. If you spent it purely for And the more He gives back to you, the more you can in
selfish purposes or for worldly enterprises, you will stand turn give to Him again. Join the triumphant Christians who
ashamed before your Saviour and be deprived of the reward have learned to be stewards of God’s blessings.
which you could have had. Those who give to God’s work
will share in the rewards just as much as those who actually
went to the mission field.
If your husband or wife is not a believer, it will be far
more difficult for you to give to God’s work. It is especially
difficult for a Christian wife to give money to the Lord if her
husband is unconverted and unwilling. But if you should
be in that circumstance, it may still be possible for you to
give out of the personal allowance that comes to you. Instead
of spending their money on unnecessary things, women of
God should give it to the Lord. If Christian women who
think they cannot give anything to the Lord’s work would
spend as much money to make Christ attractive to people as
they do in trying to make themselves attractive, they might
be surprised at how much they could do.
Even little children who love the Lord should give Him a
portion of the money they have, though it be but a few

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yourself also in the Lord; and He shall give you the desires
of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in
Him; and He shall bring it to pass.” This promise, of course,
Chapter 14 covers many problems in the Christian life, but it is an
especially good promise to claim in the matter of choosing
your helpmate. If you trust God about the matter of a
Your Life Companion husband or wife, He will provide the right one for you. If
your one desire and delight is to do the will of God, He will
reward you with a partner who will fulfill all the desires of your
heart, who will love you very much, and whom you, in turn,
will love also. If you will commit your way to the Lord and
trust Him regarding this matter, “He shall bring it to pass.”
Do not allow your natural affections to cause you to marry
One of the most serious questions in every Christian’s life
just any person without praying and waiting on God for
is that of choosing the right husband or wife. No step requires
guidance. Remember that martiage is a lifelong affair, not to
more guidance than this one. It is a tragedy for a Christian
be dissolved until God himself dissolves it by death. Divorce
young person to be united in marriage to one who will not
is not the will of God and should never be considered among
agree with him or her in the things of God. Cases of this
Christians. If you marry right in the first place, there will, of
kind are positively heartbreaking.
course, be no occasion for thinking about divorce. Obviously,
Particularly is it a tragedy when one who has been called when people are divorced, they are admitting that they made
into some kind of Christian service marries a partner who a mistake in marriage. But divorce is not the way out even
will not go along with him in that service. Sometimes a life for such a mistake. Divorce will only bring a new set of
has to be set aside completely from God’s will because of an problems rather than solve the old ones.
unwilling partner. In the Bible we read of Samson, a young
One of my seminary professors, commenting on the matter
man of God, who missed God’s richest blessings and spent
of courtship and marriage, said, “Brothers, there is where
the latter part of his life in misery and despair because of
you may make or break!” I have never forgotten it. When I
uncontrolled affection for the wrong woman.
remember the companions of my student days, I realize that
Wait on God regarding your life’s partner. Remember some were made by their marriage and others were broken
Psalm 37:3-5: “Tust in the Lord, and do good; ... Delight by their marriage.
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What kind of a person should you marry? Perhaps you a businessman, she will have a sorrowful life. If God has
are facing this question right now. As a believer, you can called you to a certain type of work or a definite place of
consider marrying only a person who meets certain service, remember that He cannot lead you to marry someone
qualifications — who is called to some other kind of work in another place.
God is never the author of confusion.
(1) The one you marry must be a believer. It cannot be
the will of God for you to unite in marriage with a person (3) There must be agreement regarding the ordinary things
who is not saved, no matter how much you might feel like of life. Do not marry one whose likes and dislikes are
doing so. The Bible says, “Be not unequally yoked together completely opposite from yours. Consider marriage only to
with unbelievers” (2 Cor 6:14). If you disregard this plain a person with whom you have a great many things in
injunction from God, you will later regret it. Do not allow common.
yourself to marry one who is not saved. This principle applies in a special way to spiritual matters.
Be firm about this matter. Make it clear to any person Have an understanding about which Church you are going
who is apparently in love with you that you would never to belong to after you are married. There is nothing wrong
consider marriage unless that person is first united in Christ. in marrying a person from a denomination other than your
You need to be cautious, though. Make sure that you do own, but decide before marriage which church you will join.
not cause that person to make a false profession of faith There must be agreement about that or there will be a divided
simply for the purpose of marrying you. You will no doubt family, and the children will suffer.
be able to determine whether he or she has genuinely come Ordinarily, in the case of believers marrying from one
to know Christ or not. There are inevitable proofs in the life denomination to another, the wife should join the Church to
of everyone who is a real Christian. Do not marry a person which her husband belongs. But if the young man should
with whom you cannot pray. If you follow that rule, you will belong to a Church which is modernistic or unspiritual, the
never regret it. couple should decide between themselves beforehand to join
either the wife’s Church or another evangelical church. Be
(2) The one you marry must be led into the same type of
reasonably sure that the two of you agree on major likes
Christian service as you are. It is tragic for a Christian to be
and dislikes and preferences before you join your lives in
married to someone who refuses to walk together in the
same chosen path. If a young man who is called to the
ministry marries a girl who refuses to be a preacher’s wife, If a young man does not maintain true morality during
he is in a sad predicament. If a girl who is called to the courtship, he will undoubtedly show even less after marriage.
mission field marries a young man who wants to become Christian girls should lot allow young men, although they

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may be professing Christians, to take improper liberties. In Nothing is sweeter or purer on this side of heaven than
fact, I believe it is a good idea to reserve even kissing and for two Christian young people, of like mind and like calling,
embracing until the time of engagement. And during the to come to the marriage night together to give themselves
engagement, all behaviour should be completely proper wholly and purely to each other. But nothing is so likely to
and decent. lead to distrust and bitterness in later life than for either of
them to have participated in improper relationships before
Young women should be careful about their clothing and
marriage. Of course, if a man and woman have fallen into
posture, so they will not make themselves a temptation to
fornication, there is nothing for them to do but be married
any young man. The way many women, even including
at once. Then they must be loyal to each other for the rest of
believers, dress, it is no wonder that men lose control of
their lives. But the fact remains that such a marriage will
their passions and that there is so much sex transgression.
never mean to either what it would have meant if they had
The craze for nudism that has swept our generation is of
pagan origin. Nudism was once associated only with the both remained chaste.
heathen; now it stalks the aisles of some Churches. Sometimes girls are overly anxious to be married and
Believers who are in love with each other should have allow themselves to be carried off by anyone who will give
prayer together every time they meet. This would do more to them consideration. But a spinster once said, “I would rather
keep them steady emotionally and morally than anything be an old maid than wish I were one!” There is perhaps a
else in their whole experience. touch of humor in this but also a great deal of wisdom. If
you cannot trust God to bring you a husband, you cannot
Sex relationships before marriage are sinful under every trust Him to help you live together with a man in a proper
circumstance. The Bible consistently terms this “fornication.” relationship after marriage. If God wants you to have a
Indulgence in such relations is not only contrary to the Word husband, He will bring you one. If it should be His will for
of God; it also destroys the proper affection and respect that you to remain single, it certainly would be a tragedy for you
should exist between man and woman after marriage. No to marry outside of His will. Most marriage mistakes have
man ever feels quite the same when he marries a girl whose been due to haste more than anything else. People are not
chastity he has already violated. No woman feels the same willing to wait on God for their life partner. “Wait, I say, on
thrill in marrying a man with whom she has already had the Lord” (Psa 27:14).
marriage relations. Their coming together following the
marriage ceremony will never mean the same to either of A happy marriage and home is a foretaste of Heaven. An
them. The deep joy of the marriage relationship has been unhappy marriage and home can be a miniature hell.
marred and broken.
115 116
to an only child or to one raised in a very small family. I in
no way regret my family circumstances, though there were
times during my early years when I did resent some of those
Chapter 15 circumstances. Although Christ did not have His rightful
place in the home, our family was a great unit and brought
certain rare rewards to each one of us children.
Your Family and Home
While I am not advocating that every couple should plan
to have seventeen children, Christian marriages should have
several children whenever possible. Christians are simply
being selfish and wrongly motivated in wanting no children.
No people in the world are better equipped to raise children
than are real Christians. Avoiding offspring is defended in
our day by the economic, social and moral conditions of our
Once a Christian is married, he must give primary times. But it is not a valid defense. If Christians fail to raise
consideration to his home and family. children, these same conditions will most certainly become
all the worse. In the Bible, children are regarded as blessings
The normal outcome of marriage is to produce children from the Lord. King Solomon wrote, “Lo, children are an
and raise a family. It is neither natural nor spiritual for a heritage of the Lord. ... As arrows are in the hand of a
married couple to deliberately avoid having children. No mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the
marriage or home is complete without children. Marriage man who has his quiver full of them: they shall not be
with the predetermined purpose not to have children amounts ashamed” (Psa 127:3-5).
to little more than legalized fornication.
Raising children is a solemn responsibility, particularly
As the seventh child in a family of seventeen children, I in this age of moral decline. It is the spiritual duty of Christian
can speak from a great deal of experience about family life. parents to bring up their children “in the nurture and
While it is true that ours was an uncommonly large family admonition of the Lord” (Eph 6:4). The Bible exhorts, “Train
and that its size demanded a very austere pattern of living, up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he
with a minimum of luxuries, it is also true that being raised will not depart from it” (Prov 22:6). Proverbs 23:13 says,
in such a family was not without its advantages. Some of “Withhold not correction from the child: for if you beat him
the lessons learned in my childhood could never have come with a cane he shall not die.” The Bible also says, “Chasten
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your son while there is hope, and let not your soul spare for Above everything else, children have a right to know that
his crying” (Prov 19:18). While people today consider their parents love them. Do not disillusion them about this.
instructions like this to be old-fashioned and outdated, these To cause a child to doubt his parents’ love and care for him
are commands included in the Word of God and these contain is to deal that child a psychological blow from which he
proved, sound principles. may never recover. Every Christian parent should avoid
doing this.
Above all, real Christian parents are to teach their children
the Scriptures and the knowledge of God. Through Moses Exercise patience in dealing with your children. They are
well worth the investment! Discipline them when they need
God commanded, “These words, which I command you ...
it, as all of them do at times, in patience and in love. Never
you shall teach diligently to your children, and shall talk of
punish them in anger or in a fit of temper. When children
them when you sit in your house” (Dt 6:6,7). Any parent is
are reproved and punished in a concerned and reasonable
too busy who cannot take the time to tell Bible stories and
way, they will not only receive it but love you for it. None are
read the Bible to the children and to teach them the story of
as forgiving as little children.
Jesus and the meaning of prayer. Faithfully carrying out
their duty to the children must be the highest priority in the When both parents are tempted to work, often because of
life of a father and a mother. To fail in this responsibility is a selfish desire to possess more luxuries and enjoy a higher
to fail dismally and irreparably. It is the supreme privilege standard of material living, children are habitually turned
and the solemn obligation for Christian parents to point over to baby-sitters and neglected. No one can take the place
their own children to the Saviour, Jesus Christ, and to the of a parent’s presence, love and discipline. If the vital
ingredient of parent companionship is omitted from a child’s
way of salvation through Him.
early life, that loss may take a bitter toll in later years. Many
As a parent you must take time to be a companion to parents might have avoided hours of grief if they had invested
your children. In no way can a father or a mother influence a little more time and love in the lives of their children in
their children as much as by just spending time with them. their early years. Christian parents especially must take time
Talk with them. Play with them. Take walks with them. to do this. It is a God-given duty and an indispensable part
Answer all of their childish questions as best you can. Never of wise and good parenthood.
ignore your child’s questions, no matter how simple or how Parental responsibility also demands taking the time to
profound. Never give the child a response of indifference or counsel children regarding moral and social integrity. Children
of avoidance. Small children idolize their parents; they believe must be warned of the problems they will face throughout
that they know and can do everything. life, and none can do this better than their Christian parents.
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Good parents must counsel their children about how to avoid shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? ...
the social and moral traps of life. They must teach their What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put
children both by word and by example how to live pure, asunder. They said to Him, Why did Moses then command
upright and faithful lives — before men and before God. to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He
said to them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts
The right conjugal relationship between husband and wife permitted you to put away your wives: but from the
is essential to a real Christian home. The Bible gives wise beginning it was not so. And I say to you, Whoever shall put
and practical counsel about this point: “Live joyfully with away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another,
the wife whom you love all the days of the life” (Eccl 9:9). commits adultery” (Mt 19:3-9).
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the
Church, and gave Himself for it” (Eph 5:25). “You husbands, Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto wrote: “To the married I command, ... Let not the wife depart
the wife, ... that your prayers be not hindered” (1 Pet 3:7). from her husband: but and if she departs, let her remain
unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the
To wives the Bible says, “All the wives shall give to their husband put away his wife. ... And the woman who has a
husbands honour, both to great and small” (Esth 1:20). husband who believes not, and if he be pleased to live with
“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as to the her, let her not leave him. For the unbelieving husband is
Lord” (Eph 5:22). “You wives, be in subjection to your own sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified
husbands; ... that ... they also may ... be won by the conduct by the husband” (1 Cor 7:10,11,13,14). In the same passage
of the wives” (1 Pet 3:1). he says, “But if the unbelieving departs, let him depart. A
brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases”
Marriage vows are intended to be for life — “until death
do us part.” Many forget this. Divorce has now become a
way of life, even in so-called Christian countries. But God The question is often asked, What about the person who
never sanctioned divorce. He only tolerates it because of has been divorced and remarried but now wants to live for
human perversity. The Pharisees once came to Jesus, God? Should he go on living with the one to whom he is
“tempting Him, and saying to Him, Is it lawful for a man to presently married, or be separated from that mate? The Bible
put away his wife for every cause? And He answered and makes it plain that divorce is basically wrong and displeasing
said to them, Have you not read, that He who made them at to God. But this wrong, like any other, will be forgiven the
the beginning made them male and female, and said, For person who has put his trust in Christ as Saviour. In dealing
this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and with the matter of separation and divorce, Paul makes the

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statement, “Let every man abide in the same calling wherein
he was called” (1 Cor 7:2O). He later repeats that statement,
undoubtedly for emphasis and clarity: “Brothers, let every
man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God” (v24). Chapter 16
Paul realized that two wrongs do not make a right, and that
anyone who surrenders himself or herself to Christ should
remain in the civil status he or she was in at the time of that Pitfalls to Avoid

The Bible is clear that no Christian has the right to divorce

his mate, except for adultery. In cases where there has been
divorce and remarriage, obviously the right thing to do is to
live in a proper relationship with the current partner in the
fear of the Lord and with a true desire to please Him.
In closing this book, we wish to point out some problems
to be avoided as you seek to walk with Christ. You may as
well face the fact that there will be some stumbling along the
way. No man has ever yet walked perfectly from the time of
his conversion until he went home to meet the Lord. So if
you do stumble, do not allow Satan to discourage you or to
keep you down. Get up, confess your sins, ask for new
grace, and go on! Like Paul, you should “press toward the
mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ
Jesus” (Phil 3:14).
(1) Do not keep your eyes on men. The Psalmist said, “It
is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man”
(Psa 118:8). Many young Christians have been discouraged
because they followed too closely some other Christian whom
they considered to be almost perfect. Then when that
Christian failed, they could not understand it. It is good to
123 124
look up to other Christians, particularly older and stronger possessions one accumulates, the more time he will want to
Christians, and to receive help from them, but always spend in acquiring still more.
remember that even the best Christian is only a human being,
Some Christians have been so preoccupied with the
and he may bitterly disappoint us. material side of life that they have neglected prayer, Bible-
It is a serious blow when someone you have looked up to reading, Church attendance, soulwinning, and every other
as being a real Christian, possibly a minister of the gospel, spiritual activity. They are busy “looking after their job.”
falls into sin. But if you have your eyes on Jesus instead of But behind what appears to be an innocent “looking after
on a mere man, even though you will be disappointed by the job,” there is an insatiable desire to accumulate the wealth
such experiences, you will not fall. The writer of the Epistle of this world at any cost. In another place the Lord Jesus
said, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,
to the Hebrews said, “Let us lay aside every weight, and the
where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves break
sin which so easily besets us, and let us run with patience
through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in
the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus” (Heb
Heaven” (Mt 6:19,20).
12:1,2). Some people are converted to a preacher instead of
to Christ. They are candidates for disappointment. As long Whenever you feel the desire for money getting too much
as you keep your eyes on Jesus Christ, you will never be of a hold on you, go to God in prayer and ask Him for
disappointed. victory over that desire. Have only one object in making
money — to use it primarily for Christ’s glory, utilizing only
(2) Do not place too much importance on material things. what you absolutely need for normal living expenses and
The Scriptures say, “The love of money is the root of all evil” the care of your family.
(1 Tim 6:10). Paul, writing these words to young Timothy,
also warned, “Those who will be rich fall into temptation (3) Do not become too friendly with unspiritual people.
and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts” (v9). It was emphasized in an earlier chapter that believers should
not encourage close relationships with unspiritual people.
All through the Scriptures the danger of wealth and material
An unspiritual person, even though he may be a professing
prosperity is emphasized, and Jesus frequently spoke of the
Christian, can drag you down spiritually and lead you away
difficulty a rich man would find in entering the kingdom of
from close fellowship with God. Whenever you feel a person’s
heaven. In explaining His parable about the seed and the
influence on you leading you away from Christ, make your
sower to His disciples, He said, “The cares of this world, and
association with that person less intimate.
the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things
entering in, choke the Word, and it becomes unfruitful” (Mk (4) Do not participate in gossip and criticism. Many
4:19). Material riches are indeed deceitful. The more material Christians have ruined their spiritual lives with bitterness. It

125 126
is easy to criticize and gossip, yet it is detrimental to your
own spiritual welfare. A minister of the gospel once said to
me, “When I feel myself becoming critical, I just take a good
square look at Jesus!”
(5) Beware of pride, conceit and self-confidence. Some
statements from the Bible amplify this warning: “I say,
through the grace given to me to every man who is among
you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to
think” (Rom 12:3); “Humble yourselves in the sight of the
It was while reading this book in the
Lord, and He shall lift you up” (Js 4:10); “Pride goes before
year 1962 that I received the assurance of
destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall” (Prov 16:18);
personal Salvation. This book laid the
“An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the
foundation for my life as a disciple of
wicked, is sin” (21:4); “Let him who thinks he stands take
Christ. The exhortations herein have
heed lest he fall” (1 Cor 10:12); “God resists the proud, but
helped me walk steady in Christian Life
gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to
till now (2021). I urge Pastors and Preachers
God” (Js 4:6,7).
to liberally distribute copies of this valuable
Here is a final word of exhortation and encouragement: book to their people especially to young-
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, unmoveable, sters. An ideal gift to candidates at Baptism,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as Confirmation and the like!
you know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor
— R. Stanley

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