Main Lit Review
Main Lit Review
Main Lit Review
Department of Vascular Surgery, Medisch Spectrum Twente Hospital, PO Box 50.000, 7500 KA Enschede, The Netherlands
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Medisch Spectrum Twente Hospital, Enschede, The Netherlands
1078-5884/$34 ª 2009 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
458 R.J. van Det et al.
Femoro-popliteal bypass grafting has been shown to be an Recruitment for this multicentre randomised trial was
effective treatment for arterial occlusive disease in carried out from July 1992 until August 1996. The follow-up
patients with severe claudication or critical ischaemia. was extended until June 2007. The protocol followed the
Autogenous venous conduits are associated with improved rules of the Helsinki declaration and the Consolidated
patency for both above- and below-knee femoro-popliteal Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) reporting stan-
bypass.1,2 Prosthetic graft material is still a frequently used dards have been used. Patient consent was obtained in all
alternative to venous conduits due to the absence of cases. Patients were eligible for inclusion if they presented
a good-quality long saphenous vein in many patients.3 The with symptoms of disabling claudication, rest pain or tissue
choice of prosthetic graft material, such as expanded pol- loss and suprageniculate femoro-popliteal bypass was
ytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) or Dacron, for femoro-popli- feasible. Exclusion criteria were previous ipsilateral fem-
teal bypass grafts has been controversial over the past oro-popliteal procedures, contraindication to long-term
decade.4 Seven randomised clinical trials have been con- anticoagulant therapy, life expectancy less than 1 year and
ducted to compare the outcome of ePTFE or Dacron for current treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
femoro-popliteal bypass.5e13 However, interpretation of The preoperative assessment followed The Society for
these studies is difficult due to a number of problems in the Vascular Surgery/International Society for Cardiovascular
design of the investigations, including short follow-up time, Surgery (SVSeISCVS) risk score,16 including detailed
the inclusion of both supra- and infrageniculate bypasses evaluation of patient history, cardiovascular risk factors,
and the inclusion of different graft diameters. Conse- physical examinations, ankleebrachial index (ABI) and
quently, no firm conclusions have been reached on whether intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA).
ePTFE or Dacron is preferable.14,15 Randomisation was stratified for each centre using
The present study was conducted to answer the ques- sealed envelopes. The physician treating the patient could
tion whether an ePTFE or a Dacron prosthesis should be not be blinded to the treatment allocation.
used for suprageniculate femoro-popliteal allograft bypass The operation was performed with general or regional
grafting. anaesthesia. All patients received antibiotic prophylaxis
consisting of Cefazoline according to local guidelines. a physical examination, ABI and a duplex scan. After
Before arterial clamping, 5000 units of heparin were given surgery and at 1 year a DSA was performed.
intravenously. Anastomoses were performed end-to-side, The main end-points of this study were primary patency
with 6/0 Prolene (Johnson & Johnson; Ethicon, St Stevens- rates of the bypass 2, 5 and 10 years after implantation.
Woluwe, Belgium), proximal to the common femoral artery Secondary end-points were mortality, primary assisted
and distal to the above-knee popliteal artery. Post- patency and secondary patency.
operatively, all patients were given Warfarin. In accordance with the SVSeISCVS16 guidelines, primary
The grafts used were either 6-mm expanded, stretched, patency was defined as uninterrupted patency without any
thin-walled PTFE (Goretex, W.L. Gore & Ass., Flagstaff, manipulation of the graft. Primary assisted patency was
AZ, USA) or a 6-mm collagen-impregnated Dacron (Hema- defined as uninterrupted graft patency, but maintained by
shield, Meadox, Oakland, NJ, USA) (Boston Scientific, prophylactic intervention like angioplasty, patch angio-
Maquet). The patients were scheduled for follow-up after 3 plasty or small graft interpositions. Secondary patency was
and 6 weeks, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 months, and yearly up to defined as restored patency after occlusion with or without
10 years. Review consisted of clinical consultation, revision of the graft.
Dacron 80 Dacron
Cumulative Primary Patency
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
Figure 2 KaplaneMeier analysis of primary patency rates for Figure 3 KaplaneMeier analysis of primary assisted patency
PTFE and Dacron. rates for PTFE and Dacron.
Above-knee Fem-pop Bypass Dacron or ePTFE 461
Table 3 Patency results from existing RCT on femoro-popliteal bypass comparing PTFE versus Dacron
Patients Above-knee Follow-up time Primary patency p-value Secondary patency p-value
(no) n (%) (years) PTFE (%) Dacron (%) PTFE (%) Dacron (%)
Erasmi, 1996 103 103 (100) 1.5 e e 79.6 87.1 NS
Green, 2000 240 240 (100) 5 43 45 NS 68 68 NS
Robinson, 1999 108 75 (69) 1 72 70 NS 74 78 NS
2 52 56 NS 54 70 NS
3 52 47 NS 54 53 NS
Devine, 2004a 209 179 (86) 1 66 76 NS 63 73 NS
3 49 59 NS 48 55 NS
5 41 50 NS 36 47 NS
Post, 2001 194 141 (73) 3 70 62 NS 75 81 NS
Robinson, 2003 129 76 (59) 0.5 71 50 NS 77 66 NS
1 56 36 NS 60 49 NS
2 47 36 P Z 0.00 48 46 NS
Jensen, 2007 427 427 (100) 2 57 70 P Z 0.02 65 76 P Z 0.04
Van Det, 2008 228 228 (100) 2 64 70 NS 78 84 NS
5 36 52 P Z 0.04 51 70 P Z 0.01
10 28 28 NS 35 49 P Z 0.01
Com, compared heparin-bonded Dacron with PTFE.
462 R.J. van Det et al.
test, p Z 0.01) for Dacron, respectively (Table 2 and Figs. patency rates for the above-knee bypasses in that study
2e4). were 71%, 54% and 45% at 1, 3 and 5 years, respectively.
After 10 years, seven above-knee amputations had been Their 5-year result resembles our overall patency of 40% at 5
performed: three (2.6%) in the ePTFE group and four (3.5%) years.8,12 It is possible that this difference in patency ach-
in the Dacron group. Below-knee amputations had been ieved between heparin-bonded Dacron and PTFE may be due
performed 4 (3.5%) times in the group with ePTFE and 5 to the influence of heparin bonding.
(4.4%) times in the Dacron group. In the most recent randomised controlled trial, Jensen
et al. found better primary and secondary graft patency
rates for Dacron as compared to PTFE. The primary and
Discussion secondary patency rates were 70% and 76% for Dacron and
57% (p Z 0.02) and 65% (p Z 0.04) for PTFE at 2 years,
This study showed that Dacron provided significantly respectively.13
improved long-term graft patency compared to ePTFE when Evidence from the present study has shown that for
used for suprageniculate femoro-popliteal bypass. a suprageniculate femoro-popliteal bypass, Dacron has
In the last decade, it has become clear that the patency significant superior primary, primary assisted and secondary
rates for venous grafts are superior to that of ePTFE for patency rates at 5 years of follow-up. After 10 years, the
femoro-popliteal bypass.1,4,8,17e19 primary patency rates approach each other; however, the
In the last three decades, nearly exclusively based on primary assisted and secondary patency rates still signifi-
personal preference and experience, opinion leaders have cantly favour the use of Dacron prosthesis.
suggested that if autologous graft material was not avail- Based on these results, we propose that Dacron should
able, PTFE was the preferred prosthetic material for fem- be preferentially used for prosthetic femoro-popliteal
oro-distal bypass surgery.19e28 However, until the present above-knee reconstructions. This graft choice is also sup-
study, there has been no conclusive evidence on which to ported by the fact that a Dacron graft is less expensive than
base the choice of prosthetic graft material for a supra- a PTFE prosthesis.
geniculate femoro-popliteal bypass. Retrospective studies Developments in graft technology continue and varia-
comparing PTFE with knitted Dacron at 5 years had tions of ePTFE and Dacron grafts with different coatings
produced varied results.23,29 Several randomised controlled have been introduced into the market. These new grafts
trials have been published comparing PTFE and Dacron, have currently not been shown to be superior to older grafts
again with varied results (Table 3).6,7,9e12 in well-conducted randomised trials.
One of the first published trials comparing PTFE and The results from our study would justify the preferential
knitted Dacron polyester suprageniculate grafts rando- use of Dacron in patients with intermittent claudication or
mised 244 patients. After 3 years, there was no statistically CLI selected to undergo femoro-popliteal bypass, where
significant difference in primary or secondary patency rates a suitable saphenous vein is absent and a distal above-knee
between the two grafts.6 In a further trial, the 5-year anastomosis is possible.
primary patency rates of PTFE and Dacron were similar;
however, different graft diameters were used in this trial, Conflicts of Interest
making interpretation of results difficult.9
Post et al. compared PTFE with Dacron prosthesis in 203
For this study we received an unrestricted grant from
patients. They included both supra- and infrageniculate
W.L. Gore & Ass., Flagstaff, AZ, and from Meadox, Oakland,
femoro-popliteal bypasses, but primary patency rates of
NJ (Boston Scientific).
both groups were analysed separately. Patency rates for
suprageniculate grafts were similar at 3 years.10
The trial of Robinson and co-workers also included both Role of Funding Source
supra- and infrageniculate femoro-popliteal bypasses. They
found no significant difference in primary and secondary None.
patency rates at 1, 2 and 3 years. The patency rates
reported in that study were considerably lower than found Acknowledgements
in the current trial.7 The same Australian group compared
fluoropolymer-coated Dacron to PTFE in 129 patients We thank J. Hermans and W. Zuijderduijn of the Depart-
receiving both above- and below-knee reconstructions and ment of Medical Statistics, University of Leiden and B.P
used grafts of different sizes. A significant difference was Bertelink of the Department of Surgery, Medisch Spectrum
reported in primary patency after 2 years in favour of PTFE Twente, Enschede, for their contribution to this trial.
(47%) over Dacron (36%), whereas the difference in
secondary patency was not significant.11
Devine et al. reported that heparin-bonded Dacron grafts Appendix
had improved patency compared to PTFE at the 3-year
follow-up (p Z 0.04). Again, this study included both supra-
and infrageniculate bypasses. When they analysed the group Other trial participants:
of the above-knee bypasses separately, the 3-year primary
patency results were 46% for PTFE and 61% for Dacron, which 1. S.G. van Baal, MD. Department of Vascular Surgery,
was significantly different (p Z 0.04). The overall primary Twenteborg Hospital, Almelo, The Netherlands.
Above-knee Fem-pop Bypass Dacron or ePTFE 463
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