Reviewer-PROFED PCK 5
Reviewer-PROFED PCK 5
Reviewer-PROFED PCK 5
⇨In the early years of 20th Century, the traditional ⇨Viewed curriculum as “all experiences children
concepts held of the”curriculum is that it is a body of have undergone under the guidance of teachers”.
subjects or subject matter prepared by the
teachers for students to learn.” It was synonymous C. Smith, Stanley and Shores
to the course of study and syllabus.
⇨Defined curriculum as a sequence of potential
A. Robert M. Hutchins experiences set up in the schools for the purpose
⇨Views curriculum as “permanent studies” of disciplining children and youth in group ways
where the rule of grammar, reading, rhetoric and of thinking and acting.”
logic and mathematics for basic education are
emphasized. D. Marsh and Willis
⇨Basic Education should emphasize the 3 RS ⇨Viewed curriculum as all the experiences in
and college education should be grounded on the classroom which are planned and enacted by
liberal education. the teacher, and also learned by the students.
D. Curricula as Documents
E. Curricula as Experiences
The Kto12 Pro’s: ⇨The Kto12 curriculum shall ⇨Education in the 20th century was dominated by
provide a twelve (12) year basic education; pursue behaviorism. The mastery of the subject matter is
protective employment, entrepreneurship and higher given more emphasis. So, learning is organized in a
educational studies; graduates is expected to be step-by-step process. The use of drills and
equipped with 21st century skills. repetition are common. For this reason, many
Kto12 Con’s: ⇨The Kto12 curriculum was seen as a educational psychologists viewed it mechanical and
burden for average Filipino family, it does not address routine. Though many are skeptical about this theory,
the basic problems of education (classrooms, chairs, we can’t deny the fact the influences it had in our
books etc.) educational system.
Bases of K to 12 Implementation:
⇨Mastery of basic competencies is insufficient due to Behaviorist Psychology
congested curriculum.
⇨Philippines is the only remaining country in Asia with Edward Thorndike ⇨ Connectionism
a ten (10) year basic education program. Ralph Tyler & Hilda Taba ⇨ Well-known Curricularists
⇨Use of spiral progression approach to ensure Ivan Pavlov ⇨ Classical Conditioning
mastery of knowledge and skills in every level. B.F. Skinner ⇨ Operant Conditioning
Curriculum Tracks: Albert Bandura ⇨ Modeling and Observation Theory
⇨The students who will enroll in Senior High School
can choose among four tracks: •Academic Robert Gagne (1987) five learning outcomes
•Technical-Vocational-Livelihood •Sports track •Arts which includes:
and Design track. 1) Intellectual skills or knowing how
⇨ Academic track includes the following strands: 2) Information or knowing what
Business, Accountancy, Management (ABM), 3) Cognitive strategies or learning skills
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Science, 4) Motor skills
technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) 5) Attitudes
General Academic Strand (GAS).
Cognitive Psychology
The four dimensions of the legal bases of The Educational Act of 1994
Philippine education are the following:
⇨The CHED is under the Office of the President. It
Philippine Constitution of 1987 Article XIV: covers both public and private higher educational
Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and institutions as well as the degree granting programs in
Sports states that: all postsecondary educational institutions. Pursuant to
Republic Act No. 7722, the CHED is mandated to:
⇨Quality education accessible to all.
⇨ Complete, adequate, and integrated relevant ⇨promote quality education
education. ⇨broaden access to higher education
⇨FREE public education in the elementary and high ⇨protect academic freedom for continuing intellectual
school levels. growth and ensure advancement of learning and
⇨Elementary education is COMPULSORY for all research.
children of school age.
⇨Scholarship programs to deserving students
especially to the underprivileged.
⇨Non-formal, informal and indigenous learning
⇨Training in civics, vocational efficiency, and other
skills to adults,
the disabled, and out-of-school youth.