Hormones 10th
Hormones 10th
Hormones 10th
Learning Objectives
The parathyroid glands are four small oval bodies that are situated
on the posterior surface of the thyroid lobes. The chief cells of the
gland are mainly concerned with secretion of parathormone.
Functions of Parathormone
The parathormone regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism in
the body.They act on bone, kidney and intestine to maintain blood
calcium levels.
Parthyroid Dysfunction
The secretion of parathyroid hormone can be altered due to the
following conditions.
Removal of parathyroid
glands during thyroidectomy
(removal of thyroid) causes
decreased secretion of
The conditions are
Muscle spasm known as Tetany
(sustained contraction of muscles in
face, larynx, hands and feet).
Painful cramps of the limb muscles.
Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans)
Pancreas is an elongated, yellowish gland situated in the loop of stomach
and duodenum. It is exocrine and endocrine in nature. The exocrine pancreas secretes
pancreatic juice which plays a role in digestion while, the endocrine portion is made up of
Islets of Langerhans.The Islets of Langerhans consists of two types of cells namely alpha
cells and beta cells. The alpha cells secrete glucagon and beta cells secrete insulin.
Functions of Thymosin
✓ It has a stimulatory effect on
the immune function.
✓ It stimulates the production and
differentiation of lymphocytes.