Calculus I Syllabus

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Syllabus of Calculus I

Lecture Chapter/Topics no. Topic CO Activities

1-2 1.1 Four Ways to Represent a Examples 1 Lecture
Functions and Function, Which Rules 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11 Daily Quiz
Models Define Functions, Exercises Group
Piecewise Defined 4, 7, 9, 13, 15- Activities
Functions, Even and Odd 18, 42, 51, 56,
Functions, Increasing and 78, 80, 81, 83,
Decreasing Functions. 85
3-4 1.2 Linear Models, Examples 1 Lecture
Mathematical Models Polynomials (Graphs), 1, 6 Daily Quiz
Power Functions (Graphs), Group
Rational Functions, Table 3 Activities
Algebraic Functions,
Trigonometric Functions. Exercises
2, 3, 4, 14, 17
Assignment -1 will be posted on ELMS

5-6 1.3 Transformations of Examples 2 Lecture

New Functions from Functions, Combinations of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 Daily Quiz
Old Functions Functions, composition of Exercises Group
Functions 1, 4, 5, 7, 13, Activities
14, 17, 18, 20,
22, 36, 55, 57
Assignment-1 submission in class

7 1.4 Exponential Functions and 1.4: 1 Lecture

Exponential Their Graphs. Examples Daily Quiz
Functions 1, 5 Group
Exercises Activities
7, 9, 13, 15, 16

Review of Assignment-1 and Class Test-1

8 1.5 Inverse Functions, 1.5:
Inverse Functions and Logarithmic Functions Examples
Logarithms (Graphs). 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12
3-8, 11, 13, 20,
21, 23, 28, 31,
33, 54, 55
Assignment -2 will be posted on ELMS
9 2.1-2.2 The Tangent Problem, 2.1: 3 Lecture
Tangent and Velocity Finding Limits Numerically Examples Daily Quiz
Problems, The Limit and Graphically, One-Sided 1 Group
of a Function Limits, How Can a Limit Exercises Activities
Fail to Exist, Infinite 1, 3
Syllabus of Calculus I

Limits; Vertical 2.2:

Asymptotes (Graphs). Examples
2, 4, 6
4, 7, 8, 12, 32,

10 2.3 Properties of Limits, Using Examples 3 Lecture

Calculating Using One-Sided Limits. 1, 2(b), 5, 8 Daily Quiz
Limit Laws Exercises Group
2, 6, 8, 9, 27, Activities
28, 29, 37

Assignment-2 submission in class

11 2.5 Continuity of a Function, 2.5: 3 Lecture

Continuity Properties of Continuous Examples Daily Quiz
Functions (Theorem 4, 5, 7) 2 Group
Exercises Activities
4, 5, 6, 7-10,
19, 21, 43
Review of Assignment-2 and Class Test-2
12 2.6 Limits at Infinity and Examples 3 Lecture
Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes 1,3 Daily Quiz
Horizontal (Graphs), Infinite Limits at Exercises Group
Asymptotes Infinity. 3, 7, 9, 19, 21, Activities
Mid Exam will be based on Lecture 1-12
13 2.7 Tangents, Velocities, Examples 4 Lecture
Derivatives and Rates Derivatives, Rates of 1, 2, 3 Daily Quiz
of Change Change. Exercises Group
15, 17, 29 Activities
14 2.8 The Derivative Function Examples 4 Lecture
The Derivative as a (Theorem 4), How Can a 2, 5, 6 (Fig 6- Daily Quiz
Function Function Fail To Be 8) Group
Differentiable (Graphs), Exercises Activities
Higher Derivatives. 3, 10, 11, 27
15 3.1-3.3 Derivative of the Natural 3.1: 4 Lecture
Derivatives of Exponential Function, The Examples Daily Quiz
Polynomials and Product Rule, The Quotient 8, 9 Group
Exponential Rule, Derivatives of the Exercises Activities
Functions, The Trigonometric Functions 39, 75
Product and Quotient (Graphs), 3.2:
Rules, Derivatives of Examples
Syllabus of Calculus I

Trigonometric 3, 5
Functions Exercises
37, 39, 51
2, 3
27, 41, 45, 47,
16 3.4-3.5 The Chain Rule, Implicitly 3.4: 4 Lecture
The Chain Rule, Defined Functions Examples Daily Quiz
Implicit (Graphs), Implicit 1, 2, 6 Group
Differentiation Differentiation. Exercises Activities
28, 43, 47, 48,
1, 2
33, 35, 37
Assignment -3 will be posted on ELMS
17 3.6-3.7 Derivatives of Logarithmic 3.6: 4 Lecture
Derivatives of Functions, Derivatives of Examples Daily Quiz
Logarithmic and Inverse Trigonometric 4, 5, 8 Group
Inverse Functions (Formula), Rates Exercises Activities
Trigonometric of Change in Physics 33, 47, 53, 77
Functions, Rates of 3.7:
Change in the Natural Examples
and Social Sciences 1
5, 7, 9
18 3.9 and 4.9 Related Rates, The Anti- 3.9: 4 Lecture
Related Rates, Anti- derivative of a Function,Examples Daily Quiz
derivatives Anti-differentiation 1, 2 Group
Formulas, Graphing Anti- Exercises Activities
derivatives 3, 4, 5
15, 20, 24, 37,
43, 61
Assignment-3 submission in class
19 5.1 Area Problem. 5.1: 5 Lecture
Examples Daily Quiz
2 Group
Syllabus of Calculus I

Exercises Activities
3, 11
Review of Assignment-3 and Class Test-3
20 5.2 The Definite Integral, Examples 5 Lecture
The Definite Integral Evaluating Definite 5, 7, 8 Daily Quiz
Integrals, Properties of the Exercises Group
Definite Integral. 35, 36, 41, 43, Activities
45, 63
Assignment -4 will be posted on ELMS
21 5.3 The Fundamental Theorem Examples 5 Lecture
Fundamental of Calculus, Part 1 & Part 2 1, 4, 5, 7 Daily Quiz
Theorem of Calculus Exercises Group
3, 5, 6, 7, 15, Activities
17, 37, 49
22-23 5.4-5.5 The Substitution Rule, The 5.4: 5 Lecture
Indefinite Integrals, Substitution Rule. Examples Daily Quiz
The Substitution Rule 2,4,5,6 Group
Exercises Activities
17, 18, 22, 42,
52, 54
1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10
35, 37, 41, 49,
51, 63, 64, 71
Assignment-4 submission in 22nd class
Review of Assignment-4 and Class Test-4
24 6.1 Integrating With Respect to Examples 5 Lecture
Areas Between x, Integrating with Respect 2, 4, 5, 6 Daily Quiz
Curves to y. Exercises Group
2, 3, 11, 19, Activities
22, 25
Final Exam will be based on Lecture 13-24

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