Ge 554

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Roll No. …………………..

Urban Geography
Second Year, Examination, 2017
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Note : This paper is of sixty (60) marks containing three
(3) sections A, B and C. Learners are required to
attempt the questions contained in these sections
according to the detailed instructions given therein.

uksV % ;g iz’u i= lkB ¼60½ vadksa dk gS tks rhu ¼03½ [k.Mksa

^d*] ^[k* rFkk ^x* esa foHkkftr gSA f’k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks bu
[k.Mksa esa fn, x, foLr`r funsZ’kksa ds vuqlkj gh iz’uksa dk
p;u djuk gSA
Section–A / [k.M&d
(Long Answer Type Questions) / ¼nh?kZ mŸkjh; iz’u½
Note : Section ‗A‘ contains four (04) long answer type
questions of fifteen (15) marks each. Learners are
required to answer two (02) questions only.

uksV % [k.M ^d* esa pkj ¼04½ nh?kZ mŸkjh; iz’u fn;s x;s gSaA
izR;sd iz’u ds fy, iUnzg ¼15½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSaA
f’k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks buesa ls dsoy nks ¼02½ iz’uksa ds mŸkj nsus
A-92 P. T. O.
[2] GE–554

1. Describe a comparative description of contribution

made by American and European scholars in the
development of Urban Geography.
uxjh; Hkwxksy ds fodkl esa ;wjksih; ,oa vessfjdh fo}kuksa ds
;ksxnku dk rqyukRed o.kZu dhft,A
2. Provide a critical review of Christaller‘s Central Place
fØLVkWyj ds dsUnzh; LFky fl)kUr dh vkykspukRed leh{kk
3. Classify the statement that ―City and its region are
complementary to each other‖ with reference to
National Capital Region (NCR).
ßuxj ,oa mlds izns’k ,d&nwljs ds iwjd gSaAÞ jk‛Vªh;
jkt/kkuh izns’k ds lanHkZ esa bl dFku dks Li‛V dhft,A
4. ―The problem of traffic and transportation is a rising
common urban problem.‖ Provide the reasons and
remedies for the same.
ß;krk;kr ,oa ifjogu dh leL;k uxjksa dh c<+rh gqbZ vke
leL;k gSAÞ blds dkj.k ,oa fuokj.k ds mik; crkb,A
Section–B / [k.M&[k

(Short Answer Type Questions) / ¼y?kq mŸkjh; iz’u½

Note : Section ‗B‘ contains eight (08) short answer type
questions of five (05) marks each. Learners are
required to answer four (04) questions only.

[3] GE–554

uksV % [k.M ^[k* esa vkB ¼08½ y?kq mŸkjh; iz’u fn;s x;s gaSA
izR;sd iz’u ds fy, ik¡p ¼05½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSaA
f’k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks buesa ls dsoy pkj ¼04½ iz’uksa ds mŸkj nsus
1. Describe the necessary features for a good settlement
,d vPNs clko&LFkku ds fy, vko’;d fo’ks‛krk,¡ crkb,A
2. Write a note on city of Chandigarh as the most
beautiful planned city in India.
lcls lqUnj fu;ksftr uxj p.Mhx<+ ij ,d
3. Write a note on cyber crime.
lkbcj vijk/k ij ,d fyf[k,A
4. Briefly discuss the reasons behind the rise of slums in
cities and remedies for removal.
uxjksa dh efyu cfLr;ksa dh mRifŸk ds dkj.k ,oa mUgsa nwj
djus ds mik;ksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft,A
5. Briefly describe the methods of functional
classification of towns.
uxjksa ds dk;kZRed oxhZdj.k dhs fof/k;ksa dh la{ksi esa O;k[;k
6. Write a note on ‗Umland‘.
uxj izHkko {ks= ¼veyS.M½ ij ,d fyf[k,A
A-92 P. T. O.
[4] GE–554

7. Clarify the differences between inductive and

deductive approaches of study.
v/;;u ds vkxeukRed ¼vkxeuewyd½ ,oa fuxeukRed
¼fuxeuewyd½ mikxe eas vUrj Li‛V dhft,A
8. Write a note on Central Business District (CBD) and
its characteristics.
dsUnzh; O;kolkf;d {ks= ¼lh- ch- Mh-½ rFkk bldh fo’ks‛krkvksa
ij ,d fyf[k,A
Section–C / [k.M&x

(Objective Type Questions) / ¼oLrqfu‛B iz’u½

Note : Section ‗C‘ contains ten (10) objective type
questions of one (01) mark each. All the questions
of this section are compulsory.

uksV % [k.M ^x* esa nl ¼10½ oLrqfu‛B iz’u fn;s x;s gSaA izR;sd
iz’u ds fy, ,d ¼01½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSA bl [k.M ds
lHkh iz’u vfuok;Z gSaA
Indicate whether the following are True or False.

bafxr dhft, fd fuEufyf[kr lR; gSa ;k vlR;A

1. P. P. M. is the measurement of noise pollution.
/ofu iznw‛k.k dks ih- ih- ,e- esa ekik tkrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½

[5] GE–554

2. Kandhla is not a port-city. (True/False)

dk¡/kyk ,d cUnjxkg uxj ughas gSSA ¼lR;@vlR;½
3. Kerala is the most urbanised State of India as per
census 2011. (True/False)
tux.kuk 2011 dss vuqlkj Hkkjr esa dsjy jkT; lcls vf/kd
tula[;k okyk jkT; gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½
4. Harappa was situated on the bank of the river Ravi.
gM+IIkk jkoh unh ds rV ij fLFkr FkkA ¼lR;@vlR;½
5. At present, World‘s largest city is Tokyo. (True/False)
orZeku esa Vksfd;ks fo’o dk lcls cM+k ‘kgj gSA
6. Lucknow is situated on the bank of Rive Saryu.
y[kuÅ lj;w unh ds fdukjs ij clk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½
7. The text ―The American City‖ was authored by Petrick
Geddis. (True/False)
ßfn vesfjdu flVhÞ xzaFk isfVªd xSfMl ds }kjk fy[kk x;k
FkkA ¼lR;@vlR;½
8. The concept of ‗Prime city‘ was given by Mark
Jaiferson in 1939. (True/False)
^izkFkfed uxj* dk fopkj ekdZ tSQjlu us 1939 esa fn;kA
A-92 P. T. O.
[6] GE–554

9. Urban Geography is a branch of Human Geography.

uxjh; Hkwxksy ekuo Hkwxksy dh ,d ’kk[kk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½
10. P. Pandey considered ‗telephone‘ a basis to measure
centrality of a place. (True/False)
ih- ik.Ms us VssyhQksu dks fdlh LFkku dh dsUnzh;rk dks ekius
dk vk/kkj ekukA ¼lR;@vlR;½

GE–554 20


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