AA Textbook NM
AA Textbook NM
AA Textbook NM
126 15,365
2 authors, including:
Amir W. Al-Khafaji
Bradley University
All content following this page was uploaded by Amir W. Al-Khafaji on 18 January 2018.
~ Mechanical
John R. Tooley
Professor and Dean of Engineering
University o( Evansville
For My Sons.
Craig . Matthew. James. John W.. for Their Constant Inspiration and
John R. Tooley
Bibliol;rJphy: p.
Includes index.
l. En)!ineerinl; malhcmatic" L Tooley. John R.
II , Titl e.
Tt\J30.MS 1986 62Q' .OO·12 85-24751
ISBN 0-03-001757-2
Printed in the Un itc-d StJlCS of America
Publ ished si mullancously in Canalla
6 7 8 9 038 98765 4 J 2
Preface xiii
3.1 Introduction 54
3.2 Electrical Engineering Systems 55
3.2.1 Boundary-Value Problems 56
3.2.2 Initial-Value Problems 59
3.2.3 Eigenproblems 60
3.3 Mechanical Engineering Systems 61
3.3.1 Boundary-Value Problems 62
3.3.2 Initial-Value Problems 64
3.3.3 Eigenproblems 67
3.4 Civil Engineering Systems 68
3.4. 1 Boundary-Value Problems 69
3.4.2 Eigenproblems 71
3.5 Engineering System Response 72
3.6 Models Involving Partial Differential Equations 74
3.6.1 Boundary-Value Problems 74
3.6.2 Initial-Value Problems 77
3.7 Comparison of Engineering Models 78
Recommended Reading 79
Problems 80
4.1 Introduction 85
4.2 Cramer's Rule 86
4.3 Gauss's Elimination Method 90
4.4 Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method 94
4.5 Crout's Method 98
4.6 Square Root Method 103
4.7 Reducing Matrix Method 106
Contents vII
11 .1 Introduction 373
11 .2 Trapezoidal Rule of Integration 374
11.3 Simpson's '13 Rule of Integration Method 380
11.4 Development of Special Integration Formulas 382
11.5 Integration of Unevenly Spaced Base Points 385
11.6 Stencil Representation of Integration Formulas 388
11.7 Romberg 's Integration 390
11.8 Gauss Quadrature Formulas 393
l' Contents
Index 639
The attitude of engineers toward mathematics has always been different from that
of the mathematician . A mathematician may be interested in finding out whether a
solution 10 a differential equation exists and the propenics of such a solution . In contrast,
an engineer simply ass umes thai the existence of a physical system is proof enough of
the ex istence of a sol ution and foc uses instead o n finding it .
With the availabi lity of computers of all sizes (I t affordable costs for engineers has
also come a shirt in the rouline analysis and desig n methods used in e ngi neering. While
classical techniques based on closed-foml mathematical model ing conti nue to be useful
10 gain introduclOry intuit ive insight into the ex pecled performance of engineering
systems, these techniques tire being largely repltlced in the analysis and design of actual
systems by numericaltcchniques applied to more general models- models not restricted
to those wh ich have closed-fonn solution and , therefore, models which can more
accurately re present realist ically complex systems; e.g., nonlinear, time-dependent state
variable modeling techniques and finite element anal ysis techniques. The computer
revolut ion, in shon . has enabled engineers to successfull y solve problems that were
well beyond their retlch j ust a few years ago.
This shift to much gretlter emphasis on numerical techniques in engineering makes
it important to int roduce these te t hniques and the related topics in appl ied rnatheITltItits
e:trl y in the engi neer's undergrdduatc education. Funhermore. they need to be intro-
duced earl y enough to fully reveal the freedom the y provide in solvi ng e ngineering
problems as compared to the classical techniques. In the authors' opin ion. these tech-
niques and topi(s should be first t:tughl as soon as the student has completed a basic
calculus sequence incl ud ing differential equatio ns and is being introduced to Ihe various
areas of engineering science of his discipline. Because we have aimed th is text at
students at this earl y poi nt in their undergr.J.du:tte education. we have t:tken sped:tl
care to explicitl y derive the useful end resu lts from the elementary mathematical foun-
xiv Preface
dlltions known to these studems. In part icular. we have ;tvoided the all too fam iliar
pr.lctice of " leavi ng to the re:lder" the important intcrmediate steps of the development
of the methods. We have been similarly explici t in the numerous example!> ,
Numerical methods textbooks intended fo r undergradu:ltes in engineeri ng often fa il
to relate theory to application. Numerical MelhQ(I.~ ;11 Ellg;lIeerillg P((l('(;a bridges this
gap by preseming numerous pract ical examples dmwn from various engineering dis-
ciplines. Th is tex t presents the princi ples of applied mathematics and extends them in
a natural and systematic manner to numerical methods. It motivates the student and
illustmtcs the methods with solutio ns to numerous pmctical problems drawn from civi l.
electrical. and mechanical engineering, It is organized in a manner roughly analogous
to the familiar lexts on classical engi neering m:lthe m:ltics. The text deve lops the methods
and provides descriptions of thcm in tcnns that can easi ly be implemented on computers
of all sizes. including progr.lmmable calculators, and in any convenie nt high-order
source language. A comp:lnion text containing many useful stand-alone programs
incorporating the numerical methods of this text with two diskettes for an IBM PC is
available ,
This text should be suitable for a one-tenn course for eng ineering juniors and a
one· term course in more adv;mced topics for seniors or first-year gmd uate students,
At the University of Evansv ille. it serves as the text for a o ne-semester co urse for
undergmduate engineers and a required course for beginni ng gmduate students. If
stude nts have completed a sophomore course in di ffere nt ial eq uations and have a
work ing knowledge of computer progmrnrning. our experience shows th:ll the topics
of Chapters 1- 7 together with selected topics in Chapters 8- 13 c:ln be :ldequmely
covered in o ne course. A second gnldu:lte course can then emphasize the topics of
Chapters 7- 14. In addition . the text sho uld be of inteTCst to the pmcticing engineer.
The text is org:lnized so as to provide a natur.ll and sequential development of the
topics. wheTC e:lch chapter serves as :In appropri:lte fou nd:ltion for the ncxt chapter.
Chapters 2- 5 devclop elemcntary conccpts of nwtriccs. systcms of linear :llgebraic
equ:ltions. :lnd line:lT modeli ng. Chapters 6-9 extend these linear concepts to nonlinear
equations. e igenval ue problems. interpolation. and regression as important applic:ltions.
Chapters 10 and I I employ these concepts to develop techniques for the central tasks
of numerical diffe rentiation and integration. Chapters 12 :l nd 13 make application of
these techniques to develop methods of so lvi ng systems of ord inary diffe rential and
panial different i••1equations. Chapter 14 is a no nexhaustive and less th:ln comprehensive
treatme nt of the optimiz:ltion pro blem. It onl y incl udes selected cl:lssical an:llytieal
techn iques for line:lr :lnd no nlinear systems. The text develops an :lppropri:lte back-
ground for thc study of fi nite clement methods, which arc brie Oy introduced in Chap-
ter 13.
The :luthors arc 1110S1 grateful for their stude nts' assistance in debuggi ng thc nmn-
uscript. We :lTC forever indebted to the end less p:lt icnce :lnd suppon of Wil ma . Pam .
and Sus:ln for typing the nmnuscript :lnd to Mimi. whose ~'ou rage waS :ln inspi nlt ion.
A. W.A.
J.K .T.
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A photograph of the moon suriaC8. COUl1esy of N.A.S.A.
" Engineers are problem solvers regardless of the challenges."
Numerical Differentiation
"The ~ rs both
a science BOd an art.""'That are_
different ways of achieving are
- -
easier than others:'"'--
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Analytic Optimization
Alb"" rmll'lods. 429
COOlSm,'''' functions. 608
C.,.,.".",IU of 1*1i.al dirre",nlial equations. 5M
Cn.mc:r' J n.ale
Adams _ Moult"" ...... hod. 436 lintar alxebrllH: equations. 86
Addition and sublnoction mo!ria in~nion. IJII
oI~.16 Crank _ NichoISOfI mtIbod. SS4
of panilioned malrinJ. 27 Crou! 's 1IlIl'lhod. 98
AlarlKaic c:qUMionI; Cubk lfIlinn. 299
linear. as - 136 Curve finin,
nonliJl('lf. 161 - 202 coefflcicntli of mUltiple de.ermination. )27
ABalylK: optimization. 606 - 6)11 functional approaimalions. JOOdntSS of. 326
Application of matrio;cs '" the roution of I roonliNllc least 1oq\WU. method of. 310
~y~m. 31 lincanalion. liS
Are. calc\llation usin, delcnninants. 44 linear ",,,,,",,,",. JIZ
Ano,;ialive Low of mauh multiplication, 22 mul1iple "'gn:ssion. 320
AUlLmenled II\lIlri«I, I) nonlintar "'grt'5Sion. J IS
OI1ho&onaI polynomials. 322
B.:k-subsliIUI;on, 9 '
.undard (nor. 329
D.:kward IkriYal;vu. J46. 351
Backwml different'n. 234 D'Alembtn'l printiple. 221
B.:kward inlc"",].,'''''' 274 Data dirr.",nti.!;"n. lS7
O.ir5lOw's metbod, 182 _ 190 Deci.ion variables. 601
Billannonic panial diff=ntial f'quatioru. 577 Decoupli"l procedure. 467
Boundary conditions Donation or tnaU'icn., 2....
deIi."I;,.." 567 Derivative boundary conditionl. S67
;=,ular. 538 DtttrminlnlS
Boundary·value problems arel calculation usin" 44
civil engi"""ri", SyMcms, 69 Lapl..::. method of rofactors. 3S
el«tricll enginec:rinll 1)'SlC"", 56 pivt)lal cono:knsa!ion. 40
mtelwtiul en,i"""ri,,& !)'SIems, 62 propenits or, 34
ordinal')' different;.1 ~ions. 479 Upptf·\rianJle eliminalion method. 37
pani.l differential (QIWiorui, 74 V<.>lume calculation usin., 44
Buckling. column. 71. 2LS - 218 Diagonal matrix. 10
Dirr• ..,,,,,,, opcramrs II!Id tablcs
C t..ck""U\J dilf.... nus, 2&4
Calculus, method of opIimiaiion. 610 oxl\U1ll diff.",nce>. 286
Cenna] diffemota, 286 cubic splines, 299
Qwxlcri!itic cqualion. 206 dirr.",,,,,, operalon. relationl-hil" bet......:n, 287
Circuillf r<:gions. S24 forward dirr.... nus. 28 1
C ivil cn,ineeri,,& SY$ltnlS. 68 interpolating polynomials . 290
bound<\ry·yalue pro"ltm., 69 urICven in'(rvlls. 29-1
ci,.:nproblt ..... 71 irurpolation error!t, 297
c""rrlCKnl of multiple drtcnnirwion, )27 m'"nei~ation.29\I
CoflCtOrS. 3S Dirr.", ... ;.) equatiom (orditW')'), numerical 5Ol\IIion
Column buckJinli. lIS Adarns method. 429
Combined opcratiOlU Qt' mo.ricu. 30 Ad ami _ Moulton melhod. 4.lfi
Compariwn of melhods (1;near al,ebnic eqUltioos). 131 boundary,vII"" problems. 4711
Complu rodfociclllS dttoupli"l procedure, 461
lint. algcbrUc equations. 129 direct inuvatlon proad...... 476
mI!ria ;n",,"ion. lSI Eukr and modified Euk. method$. 419
540 Index
response. 12