Grade 8 Social Studies Schemes of Work Term 1 KLB Top Scholar2024 Teacher - Co - .Ke

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Week Less Strand Sub-strand Specific-Learning outcomes Learning Experience Key Inquiry Learning Assessment Methods Refllections
on Question(S) Resources

2 1 SOCIAL PERSONAL By the end of the lesson, the The learner is guided to: How can I Oral questions Oral
STUDIES AND GOAL SETTING learner should be able to: a) Use digital devices to search and improve  Pictures Report Observation
PERSONAL a) Describe personal life goals discuss the meaning of the term life myself to  Digital devices
MANAGEMENT in relation to choice of goals. achieve my  Charts
careers I social studies for b) Visualize and share a depiction of life goals?  Realia
self-motivation. themselves in 15 years’ time enjoying  Computing devices
b) Apply different ways of self- some of their life goals. Reference
improvement for the c) Discuss how he or she can improve KLB: Top Scholar; Social Studies
attainment of social studies themselves to attain life goals through Learner’s Book Grade 8 pg. 1
career life goals. social studies.
c) Display values for the d) Think pair share values needed for the
achievement of social studies achievement of personal life goals.
life goals.
2 SOCIAL Building self By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups or in pairs, learners What Oral questions Oral
STUDIES AND esteem learner should be able to: are guided to: influence  Photographs Report Observation
PERSONAL a) Explain factors that influence my self-  Pictures
MANAGEMENT self-esteem in day to day life. a. Use digital devices or print sources to esteem?  Video clips
b) Explore ways of building a search for factors that affect self-esteem  Maps
healthy self-esteem for and make a presentation.  Charts
promotion of social cohesion. b) Discuss how to deal with factors that  Realia
c) Exhibit healthy self-esteem negatively influence self-esteem and  Computing devices
in social interactions. present in class
d) Embrace values that enhance c) Watch relevant video clips on building
KLB: Top Scholar; Social Studies
healthy self-esteem in day to healthy esteem and share the
day life. experiences in class. Learner’s Book Grade 8 pg. 2
d) Reflect and journalize an action plan for  Digital devices
improving self-esteem.  Flashcards
 Draw charts
3 SOCIAL Emotional care By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups or in pairs, learners What Oral questions Oral
STUDIES AND learner should be able to: are guided to: emotions Pictures Report Observation
PERSONAL a) Describe ways of dealing a) Brainstorm the meaning of emotional do we Video clips
MANAGEMENT with difficult emotions in intelligence. struggle Realia
daily life. b) Discuss and share examples of difficult with? Computing devices
b) Explore real life situations emotions in life. Reference:
that require emotional c) Think pair share emotional experiences KLB: Top Scholar; Social Studies
intelligence in day to day from religious documents. Learner’s Book Grade 8 pg. 3
interactions. d) Role play ways of dealing with difficult  Digital devices
c) Exhibit emotional emotions.
 Flashcards
intelligence in real life e) Use digital devices or print sources to
scenarios. search for meaning of emotional Draw charts
d) Appreciate emotional intelligence and make a presentation.
intelligence in real life

4 SOCIAL Healthy coping By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups or in pairs, learners How can I  Photographs Oral questions Oral
STUDIES AND mechanisms learner should be able to: are guided to: manage my  Pictures Report Observation
PERSONAL stress?  Video clips
MANAGEMENT a) Describe social political a) Use digital devices to search for the  Charts
challenges associated with meaning of stress management and  Computing devices
stress management in life. related terms. References
b) Explain effects of unmanaged b) Share social political challenges KLB: Top Scholar; Social Studies
stress in life. associated with stress management. Learner’s Book Grade 8 pg. 4
c) Exhibit positive ways of c) Create and act skits on stress arising
managing stress in different from purchase process at shops/retail
situations. outlets, illustrating some good practices
d) Apply values necessary for of shopping.
managing stress positively in d) Role play the effects of unmanaged

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