Grade 8 Social Studies Schemes of Work Term 1 KLB Top Scholar2024 Teacher - Co - .Ke
Grade 8 Social Studies Schemes of Work Term 1 KLB Top Scholar2024 Teacher - Co - .Ke
Grade 8 Social Studies Schemes of Work Term 1 KLB Top Scholar2024 Teacher - Co - .Ke
Week Less Strand Sub-strand Specific-Learning outcomes Learning Experience Key Inquiry Learning Assessment Methods Refllections
on Question(S) Resources
2 1 SOCIAL PERSONAL By the end of the lesson, the The learner is guided to: How can I Oral questions Oral
STUDIES AND GOAL SETTING learner should be able to: a) Use digital devices to search and improve Pictures Report Observation
PERSONAL a) Describe personal life goals discuss the meaning of the term life myself to Digital devices
MANAGEMENT in relation to choice of goals. achieve my Charts
careers I social studies for b) Visualize and share a depiction of life goals? Realia
self-motivation. themselves in 15 years’ time enjoying Computing devices
b) Apply different ways of self- some of their life goals. Reference
improvement for the c) Discuss how he or she can improve KLB: Top Scholar; Social Studies
attainment of social studies themselves to attain life goals through Learner’s Book Grade 8 pg. 1
career life goals. social studies.
c) Display values for the d) Think pair share values needed for the
achievement of social studies achievement of personal life goals.
life goals.
2 SOCIAL Building self By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups or in pairs, learners What Oral questions Oral
STUDIES AND esteem learner should be able to: are guided to: influence Photographs Report Observation
PERSONAL a) Explain factors that influence my self- Pictures
MANAGEMENT self-esteem in day to day life. a. Use digital devices or print sources to esteem? Video clips
b) Explore ways of building a search for factors that affect self-esteem Maps
healthy self-esteem for and make a presentation. Charts
promotion of social cohesion. b) Discuss how to deal with factors that Realia
c) Exhibit healthy self-esteem negatively influence self-esteem and Computing devices
in social interactions. present in class
d) Embrace values that enhance c) Watch relevant video clips on building
KLB: Top Scholar; Social Studies
healthy self-esteem in day to healthy esteem and share the
day life. experiences in class. Learner’s Book Grade 8 pg. 2
d) Reflect and journalize an action plan for Digital devices
improving self-esteem. Flashcards
Draw charts
3 SOCIAL Emotional care By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups or in pairs, learners What Oral questions Oral
STUDIES AND learner should be able to: are guided to: emotions Pictures Report Observation
PERSONAL a) Describe ways of dealing a) Brainstorm the meaning of emotional do we Video clips
MANAGEMENT with difficult emotions in intelligence. struggle Realia
daily life. b) Discuss and share examples of difficult with? Computing devices
b) Explore real life situations emotions in life. Reference:
that require emotional c) Think pair share emotional experiences KLB: Top Scholar; Social Studies
intelligence in day to day from religious documents. Learner’s Book Grade 8 pg. 3
interactions. d) Role play ways of dealing with difficult Digital devices
c) Exhibit emotional emotions.
intelligence in real life e) Use digital devices or print sources to
scenarios. search for meaning of emotional Draw charts
d) Appreciate emotional intelligence and make a presentation.
intelligence in real life
4 SOCIAL Healthy coping By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups or in pairs, learners How can I Photographs Oral questions Oral
STUDIES AND mechanisms learner should be able to: are guided to: manage my Pictures Report Observation
PERSONAL stress? Video clips
MANAGEMENT a) Describe social political a) Use digital devices to search for the Charts
challenges associated with meaning of stress management and Computing devices
stress management in life. related terms. References
b) Explain effects of unmanaged b) Share social political challenges KLB: Top Scholar; Social Studies
stress in life. associated with stress management. Learner’s Book Grade 8 pg. 4
c) Exhibit positive ways of c) Create and act skits on stress arising
managing stress in different from purchase process at shops/retail
situations. outlets, illustrating some good practices
d) Apply values necessary for of shopping.
managing stress positively in d) Role play the effects of unmanaged