Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
Web Security
Authentication (Unit-1)
Injection Flaws
Programming Bugs
Malicious Code
Flow of Authentication:
• The user submits the login credentials, i.e. Username and Password.
• This is verified by the server against the DataBase.
• The server then generates a temporary user session.
• The server issues a cookie with the session ID.
• User/ client can send the cookie with each request.
• The server validates it against the session store and grants access.
• When a user logs out, the server destroys the session and clears the cookie.
• Malicious code may also include time bombs, hardcoded cryptographic constants and credentials,
deliberate information and data leakage, rootkits and anti-debugging techniques. These targeted
malicious code threats are hidden in software and mask their presence to evade detection by
traditional security technologies.
• Once inside your environment, malicious code can enter network drives and propagate. Malicious
code can also cause network and mail server overload by sending email messages; stealing data and
passwords; deleting document files, email files or passwords; and even reformatting hard drives.